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9 graphic recording has been among the two objectives. The United States recorded the progress in World War 2 from the jungle beat you to me. How many Hitler's Germany occupied right
hand man with a knockout punch. When the peace time operated the Air Force are as important as the assignment to draw in the global warfare of the past. We talk at all the air force has given another top drawer assignment participate in a nation of three. You went and tested atomic bomb physics and highly secret project known as Operation early in the planning phase. Lieutenant General Johnny Howe Joint Task Force 7 commander confers with Major General William a deputy task force commander and commander of Air Force operations Brigadier General David Ogden commanding general of the engineers assigned to the project points out the geographic relationship of a past island surrounding the lagoon the main base of operation in the out all we talk Islands are the side of
the firing and timing station where the blast will be detonated by blast and MJB the first of this be free on a cold shoulder. Walker has a photographic power to construct from this show tower control cameras record x ray flash and you'll get an idea of the explosion of zebra onrush. Following the planning phase construction on the show tower is complete. An Army engineers together with civilian construction continue with work on of their own towers the record on man. This activity was carried out under the cover of Time of aircraft aircraft these planes rendered invaluable service and the entire island
transborder personnel. And when you are in line with the completion of the initial construction phase the airfield and Aaron carrier and military personnel regular passengers of these aircraft. Among the first arrivals was Brigadier General Paul Johnson with an air force on every night air time. What made my final you with him make a time as an aircraft mechanic of right
life. These are long range aircraft based here at nearby Catalina Island because of a longer runway and superior operational facility photographic aircraft runs an atomic reconnaissance operation crossroad arrive on in general how to return the of team that has been
burned. General Rajaram really interesting here as a steady stream of transport aircraft into gradually under we are in with the arrival of the top echelon of the mountainside in these parts that we can operate on them around and get on a cloud
without a single man I fought alongside botulin the runways and everything inside. General Colin Kaepernick became the commander of various air units. And decisions were coordinated at the command level for presentation to the operational units in the form of constant informational briefing briefings covering every phase of the Air Force missions briefing operations all aircraft will be close to what we just heard. Colonel Cotey briefing radiologic aboard each aircraft this operation a qualified radiological defense or it will be a buffer that is capable of detecting and measuring radiation. His primary duty is to act as a technical crewmember advising the aircraft commander on matters of radiological defense and secondarily
in obtaining scientific data and evaluation of this data for use in future for suffering. At the time of death making a brilliant flash will occur this flash been estimated by some to be from 10 to 30 times in the sun. The first will be instantaneous. The brilliance does not persist. Following the first fireball of the cloud it will then dissipated for the winter at the very highest level at that time. Frank think. Your country is divided. Earth to the extreme right. Notice there the call sign for the various units as for the individuals concerned on the mission there is a call for general Raymie of our coastline like. Big Bear. However if you wish to get the likes of Commander better air
forces General Custer you would call Big Ben himself all different units have their own calls for the drums etc. and then we have for the radiological expert. Dangerous. There are outstanding calls I might say for the time. The time to broadcast from Terry Island broadcast under the name of taking one course in regard to the time they are broadcast continuously as a consequence I picked up the Washington station. They are actual broadcast which time the fraternity called for all aircraft to a Joint Task Force 7 fraternity that past. Stand by for 10 minutes until a job at which time you will cut off and take all the actual time. Then there will be silence until the next time they go. According to the
schedule made you get a good reason for what the situation you're mad about the state for human development and scattered rain showers here ever indicate a competition. So go the briefing. Each one is ended by an important warning. Many of us will have access in varying amounts to information that may be useful to unfriendly powers if made available to them. The price is to say that we're confident the authority has determined that information should be classified. It is our individual responsibility. Such information from falling into enemy hands. Meanwhile weather reconnaissance aircraft continue that constant search for meteorological data. These crews range over hundreds of thousands of miles of track so a
never ending quest for information on the restless movements of the air mass. This important information vital to the entire operation is made available to all. I need to take the air force communication as an unmanned drone plane takes off in the Dulles Airport. A mother plane takes over control. My mother is always available to do my operation on patrol in the event of any
control on a mission. These drone aircraft will be to obtain samples from the Hocken deadly radioactive cloud rising after that I don't think I can the aircraft represented in a successful electronic operation of this great engine airplane. The pilot of the drone right now is controlled by means of a Gemini system. He checked the drawn instrument and maintains control of a highly complex electronic gear on an
amount. I think the drone operation is the right thing of these 30 flying laboratory where the most precise careful coordination to prevent damage of an aircraft and to brown person following a plane break to a smooth sample recovery crews still in control. In practice the same precautions as will be exercised after radiological contamination. Engines are cut by means of an external tank. The plane towed the runway to make room for other test to mate on the effectiveness of a new emergency arresting system. The plane comes
in at approximately 100 miles per hour and touches down at cross-breeding without the application of the far end of the runway in on the run away from a truck with a smooth stop light especially woven elastic nylon. Meanwhile photo planes continue that practice the aerial camera. I take your camera and the practice of going around. When I get on with flight operations the Air Force ground plane was programmed to make
and repair the success of the Air Force mission was dependent on the traditional skill and the ability of these men to malfunction with the final phases of preparation for next day. Again the weather forecasts two major important
issues have just come from weather where our channel has decided that we will go ahead and that means that somehow is Friday. We're about to implement a plan that you've been working on for months. I expect success. However I want each and every one of you to be vigilant on the alert for emergencies. Stop them before they start passing. I want you to keep me informed of anything that's not going according to Rails is everything. All right gentlemen heads up. See that everything is going smoothly. Final checks are made on all installations and cameras are given a few dry runs to ensure proper functioning scientific aspects of this explosion will be recorded in every complete photographic manner from a high speed motion
picture cameras capable of exposing film at the rate of 10000 frames per second from normal 35 and 16 millimeter camera using black and white color and infrared film specially designed to prior a camera telephoto still camera remotely triggered the complex electronic circuits relaying impulses from the control station installations on all camera towers are complete and we can manually controlled photographic equipment to focus on zero point sensitive sound equipment is being set up to record with special directional microphones. The actual auditory impressions from the BY photo equipment check delivered for installation and the photo plate
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
The Weapon of Choice
Episode Number
Operation Sandstone, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Atomic Bomb Tests (1 of 2)
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Operation Sandstone. Shows the sixth, seventh and eighth atomic bomb tests at Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, emphasizing part played by USAF.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
United States; nuclear weapons; United States. Air Force
Rights Note:,Rights:Public Domain,Rights Credit:NAFB,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:In perpetuity,Rights Holder:NAFB
Media type
Moving Image
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Identifier: 68148e2bc0661979dbb1d7f36dc236b84350ff0e (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: B&W
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; The Weapon of Choice; 102; Operation Sandstone, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Atomic Bomb Tests (1 of 2),” 1947-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 12, 2025,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; The Weapon of Choice; 102; Operation Sandstone, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Atomic Bomb Tests (1 of 2).” 1947-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 12, 2025. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; The Weapon of Choice; 102; Operation Sandstone, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Atomic Bomb Tests (1 of 2). Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from