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From the Pentagon on the Potomac that draws from the Washington Monument. The Department of Defense directs the worldwide activities of our armed forces. So I put the area of Defense Robert McNamara head of the civilian military high command for the commander in chief the president. And this is his report to you. And now Secretary McNamara in the past year after three years of intensity build up our armed forces have shown that we now have the capability to meet any communist challenge and meet on any level whether that be nuclear or conventional our local economies have demonstrated time and time again that they will push against weakness and that they will retreat in the face of superior strength. This is very clearly the foundation of their strategy. And therefore the foundation of our military strategy must be to stay stronger than the communists. Today we have a flexible fighting team ready to deal with any threat whether it be large or small. We are superior to the communists in nuclear power and we intend to stay that way.
Freedom is indivisible and we can best protect ours as partners in freedom for all. In 1963 are nuclear weapons or strategic forces show an increase of 100 percent as the result of the three year buildup. The number of Army combat ready divisions has increased by Bresenham's. The number of tactical fighters. Foreground for support has increased by one
third. Our airlift capability has increased by 75 percent. General Shepperd instruction and conversion has increased 100 percent. There has been a six fold increase in counterinsurgency forces the men who train our partners in freedom to fight communist guerrillas. Today we have nuclear superiority as a result of the years increased the number of hapless Minuteman and boleros missiles about equal the number of manned bombers available boys but Egypt but Riccio damns seventeen hundred missiles by 1966. Another demonstration of America's strength and flexibility in 1963 was exercised big left. By flying the man of an entire Armored Division the 2nd Armored Division to Europe where their heavy equipment was waiting to roll into action. We dramatically proved our ability
to rapidly reinforce our NATO allies and fight. Already on the ground with the tanks personnel carriers all the 6000 they had both an armored division at band parties readied the stockpiled it but their bodies were crossing on an aerial bridge between the United States and Germany. At the air strike for staging bases. Tactical Air Command fighter reconnaissance aircraft and the 45 Air Command KC 135 tankers. The flight schedule the full filmmaker led air strike force require. Three basic routes and some dirty air bases were used in getting our probes and tactical aircraft to their immediate European destination. All the C-130 five northern road five thousand six hundred miles and a half hours on nonstop flights. Other mattes aircraft using the
same stop at which Meldon Valenka varied from 20 to 30 hours. Ninety five hundred troops along the northern road in one hundred forty one mission the southern road was a 6000 mile hop refueling stop and the time span was twenty to thirty two hours of prep and fifty eight hundred were carried in 95 missions. The mid-Atlantic with the aerial highway for attacks 71 fighters and reconnaissance aircraft. Distance covered was thirty five hundred miles. Six to seven hours. Despite their shorter road and greater speed the tank pilot faces several in-flight refueling and at least one of them had to be made at night. Last night than what. Down with Channel 5 p.m. October 24 the symbiote joining the biggest military air land in his brain had been accomplished eight hours and 40 minutes ahead
of the scheduled deadline. In addition to the time taken during the air land the Second Armored Division saved considerably more time by their rapid marrying up with it but back the division was operational just eighty six hours and 30 minutes after the first Their lead aircraft. Thanks Mike the necessary peacetime coordination with German and French road and highway traffic authority. The army forces began moving into their general forward exempli areas as soon as the fan inside units completed marry up operation U.S. Core was Operation field headquarters for all forces that would take part in the simulated battle they had located at east and west of the center of the combat area and would actually referee the battle action. French General de Gaulle was in charge of the overs. The Second Armored Division now moved down rolled the aggressor paratroopers from the rear side of the river and began an assault. River crossing.
What is crossing the hell on wheels of a new branding assault both blow bridges and slam armored personnel. Successful right here in the light of the cold front will. Fall they're little they're rather ready for any other theater airlift requirement. Early morning about a third the second armored attack the main aggressor board going to break. The law. The German Forty-Second plans are going to be able to join the exercises the 2nd Armored monster forcing France are back across from.
The commander in chief of U.S. Army Europe General Paul L. Freeman John your sums up the entire exercise exercise big laugh test of the concept of rapidly moving an entire division from its base in the US to link up with its combat materiel pre-positioned overseas some fourteen thousand five hundred combat ready troops of the 2nd Armored Division from Fort Hood Texas together with reigning forcing elements from other stations were moved to the heart of your within sixty four hours after the first element had left Texas. The entire division had been landed here in Germany and within another 24 hours the division had completed the pick up and sharpest thing fish tanks artillery personnel of carriers and other equipment and was ready to participate in a
realistic maneuver. Actually shot it big left projected a new dimension and you ash Army and Air Force responsiveness. This is the year for completion of the reorganization of the 16 regular army divisions increasing their non-nuclear firepower and mobility. The Army has a vast array of battlefield weapons some of which can also carry nuclear warheads. Ere are you fired in space. During the last year the Marines afloat and ashore continued to develop their amphibious warfare affected. US bases as well as with the plates the Marines displayed their readiness for combat.
And its arsenal only Navy Marine Corps team includes surface to air missiles. Hair. And air to air capacity to store. Or lay eggs from the sky. In 1963 the carrier Enterprise operated as a key unit in our service power the enterprise now as part of a Navy maintaining 15 carriers and thirty two hundred active naval aircraft in 1964 the Navy will have eight hundred thirty seven active ship under the sea as well as on the surface the Navy spank them to power this launching of
four submarines on the same day in 1963 emphasized our growing strength both in ballistic missile subs and attack nuclear submarine visible in the upper and lower portions of the film slide down the ways in Connecticut. In addition to Polaris subs already on station last year's budget including funds were six more submarines raising the forty one. Is this an unusual deal inside a submarine shows. There is capacity for 16 missiles. The shore of the Air Force partner of this pretty chick retaliatory team doubled its
Minuteman strength in the last year as two wings of 150 such missiles were activated. The Minuteman known as the duty to hear commands instant ever gotten out of elastic muscle as a speed of 15000 miles an hour and the Minuteman to a range in excess of 50 500 nautical miles. It's been designed for high reliability survival from nuclear surprise attack and instant reaction time for long. Command. Bombers are the man flying fighters inside a small number on constant air alert and over $500. But. More than anything the Communists that completed our advanced ballistic missile warning station was placed in operation after six years work
15 minutes. In Colorado waters North American Air Defense Command a Canadian U.S.. Fighter interceptors. Also at home during the past few years the band continued as an active partner in providing better protection for the public against the nationwide effort by individual communities to stock public shelters with food water containers medical and sanitation supplies and radiation detection equipment. The federal government continued to buy and distribute emergency supplies sufficient to sustain 50 million people in shelters for up to two weeks following an attack in 1963. Connell rant was replaced by the Emergency Broadcast System. There are no
special frequencies. The public can now get some of the bands inspections from the local radio station with more than 30 hundred dissipating nationwide tests on armies Nike's continued. Then there is a major program for developing the next step in working out an anti-missile defense system. Initiated this past year was the Manned Orbiting Laboratory all else shown in this artist's conception. The Air Force has been assigned to manage this project which will permit man to function better as a test pilot and as a scientific experimenter in space it will have two astronauts in a Gemini capsule atop a Titan launching vehicle. Just below the capsule as they pressurized under the laboratory into which they understand once the vehicle is in orbit. The Navy run and a submarine that was already operational.
Another step in keeping America first in the development of modern weapons to meet all threat which may appear on the horizon. On the international horizon the danger signal is still red with communist China taking the spotlight in 1963 or creating crises and chaos wherever possible under the Vietcong flag communist guerrillas continue to make South Vietnam a trouble spot where shooting is the order of the day. On Presidential orders. Secretary McNamara and General Taylor have visited the embattled land on fact finding missions. But Ambassador Lodge and General Harkins the secretary and General Taylor are briefed on the situation for reports to the president. On this trip Secretary McNamara inspected some of the captured communist Viet Cong weapons. We saw examples of the various types of arms which the Vietcong were using. South Vietnamese troops trained by US military advisors go into action
constantly against Condit and run the role of boys. Republic of Viet Nam with certain support. And finally in isolated areas. Feel gorillas from their hiding place. US training specialists in counterinsurgency stay on the job to help South Vietnamese fight to maintain freedom in the past year counterinsurgency training increase so that we'll have more specialists in 1964 and Albany for a world ally or partner facing internal communist attack. And constant patrolling of the demilitarized zone is required because of communist inspired and so dense and ambush. Is the watchword of these patrols. There is
an actual incident filmed in 1963 on the spot by Army combat cameraman. Discovery of a marker uploaded by communists because a so-called border violation. Is typical confrontation in the field between North Korea and Iran and Americans representing the UN command as a result of the discovery and historic variadic meetings at a higher level between communist North Korean and UN command Representatives are now filmed in 1963 This is typical of all such conferences. The Korean armistice. Inside it a table set exactly on the truce line. A U.N. spokesman outlines a U.N. protest. This is a behind the scenes study in contrasts during what participants call an eyeball to eyeball confrontation with it. Across the world in 1963 from the president
assurances of firm support Secretary McNamara was Secretary of State Rice attended this meeting in Paris as we maintained the closest cooperation with our pre-world partners. For the United States Great Britain and France free access to West Berlin freedom in a communist sea. As a matter of continuing concern Rand created crises between pause in the cold war require close watchfulness. Deputy Secretary of Defense Vance who visited burger land as secretary of the army in the last year saw firsthand the conditions created by the end but most war. In 1963 Secretary McNamara also visited our troops in the field in Germany. With assistant secretary either Sylvester The Secretary Kerry and the river crossing.
Later Secretary McNamara as aghast of the German defense minister told visited a German navy training ship and watched the naval cadets learning the fundamentals of life which have not changed since the age of sail.
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
At the Brink
Episode Number
Partners in Freedom (Part 1 of 2)
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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The original release sheet reads: The 1964 Defense Film Report -"Partners in Freedom"- presents the outstanding achievements of the Armed Forces and our Allies in facing up to Communist aggression in 1963 and maintaining our military superiority in 1964 to meet global and local challenges by foes of liberty. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara introduces his report and is shown on historic missions in Europe and Asia. President Johnson, as Commander-in-Chief, outlines America's military policy and goals in his first Message to Congress. The 30-minute color motion picture documentary, filmed worldwide by service cameramen, is narrated by commentator Richard Bate. Part 1 of 2.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
Communism; United States; Armed Forces
Rights Note:,Rights:Public Domain,Rights Credit:NAFB,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:In perpetuity,Rights Holder:NAFB
Media type
Moving Image
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Speaker2: McNamara, Robert S., 1916-2009
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: dffae1452352e9957a69cd4306bab3f2a405fd26 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; 105; Partners in Freedom (Part 1 of 2),” 1964-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; 105; Partners in Freedom (Part 1 of 2).” 1964-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; 105; Partners in Freedom (Part 1 of 2). Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from