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That everything's alright he told me to tell you that he would consider this a great favor. Being able to do a favor for special assistant Rinaldo was like winning six lotteries rolled up into one. My blood my turn into high octane rocket fuel if I wasn't careful enough for the first time I wondered if I would ever get out from under my iniquities pass Linnet Sam S.. Strange said. What am I supposed to find this young woman. Now tonight and you don't have to find her I can tell you exactly where she is if you know where she is Why don't you just tell him and you can go talk to him self. This is the way he wants it. Why don't you go. I asked. He wants you Lin and I heard twill say something in the dining room but couldn't make out the words. His mother and Shelly laughed. Leonid strange said again. Right now immediately you know I'm trying to be above board now adays san. He's just asking you to go speak to this Lear woman to make sure that she's all right there's nothing illegal about that. And I'm supposed to tell her that Mr. Rinaldo is concerned
about her but can't come himself to not mention his name or refer to him in any way. The meeting should be casual she shouldn't have any idea that you're a detective or that you're working for someone looking out for her welfare. Why not. You know the drill. Strange said trying to enforce his personal sense of hierarchy army orders come down and we do as we're told. No I said. That's you. You do what your told me. I got ground rules. And what are they. First I said I will not put this Taurus physical or mental well-being at the Jeopardy. Second I will only report on her state of mind and security I will not convey information that might make her vulnerable to you or your boss and finally I will not be party to making her do anything against her will or whim. That's not how it works and you know it. Sam said. Then go on down to the next name on the list and don't ever call this number again. There is no
other name. If you want me you got to pay by my rules I said I have to report this conversation.
Harvard Book Store
WGBH Forum Network
Walter Mosley Reads Known to Evil
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Walter Mosley reads from his new installment about private investigator Leonid McGill, Known to Evil.Leonid McGill--the protagonist introduced in The Long Fall--is still fighting to stick to his reformed ways while the world around him pulls him in every other direction. He has split up with his girlfriend, Aura, because his new self won't let him leave his wife--but then Aura's new boyfriend starts angling to get Leonid kicked out of his prime, top-of-the -skyscraper office space. Meanwhile, one of his sons seems to have found true love--but the girl has a shady past that is all of a sudden threatening the whole McGill family--and his other son, the charming rogue Twilliam, is doing nothing but enabling the crisis.Most ominously of all, Alfonse Rinaldo, the mysterious power-behind-the-throne at City Hall, the fixer who seems to control everything that happens in New York City, has a problem that even he can't fix--and he's come to Leonid for help. It seems a young woman has disappeared, leaving murder in her wake, and it means everything to Rinaldo to track her down. But he won't tell McGill his motives, which doesn't quite square with the new company policy--but turning down Rinaldo is almost impossible to contemplate.
People & Places; Literature & Philosophy
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Moving Image
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Distributor: WGBH
Speaker2: Mosley, Walter
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cded92b300744bb7fae7e49ea2e7be6c757f9def (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Duration: 00:01:38
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Chicago: “Harvard Book Store; WGBH Forum Network; Walter Mosley Reads Known to Evil,” 2010-03-24, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 4, 2024,
MLA: “Harvard Book Store; WGBH Forum Network; Walter Mosley Reads Known to Evil.” 2010-03-24. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Harvard Book Store; WGBH Forum Network; Walter Mosley Reads Known to Evil. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from