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You don't. The Boeing program is from any need to be the National Educational Television Network. Africans want to share in the whole of South Africa. Above all we want political rights because without them the abilities will be coming. I know this sounds Evolutionary to the whites in this country because the majority of voters will be Africans. I guess you know likely would. Although I do and it being prepared
voluntarily to do and other people. To obtain the government and to deny them their right off political style that of the nation. Another list as far as I can see the whites will oppose any measure that may eventually lead to their political subservience at a time when white rule has ended on most of the African continent and African nationalism has emerged as the dominant force in a bloc of independent African states. The Republic of South Africa has become an isolated bastion of white nationalism. Within South Africa today the whites have a firm hold on the government. The country's enormous wealth and its armed might but the opposing force is a black nationalist while temporarily suppressed. Our favorite for ultimate success by their overwhelming strength of numbers with in South Africa
reinforced by the sympathy of the Afro-Asian world was was was. It is changing rules to raise the National Educational Television network presents the second of two hour long essays on South Africa one nation two nationally. Here and it will be a small town near Johannesburg. Members of the Nationalist Party have gathered to celebrate its 50th anniversary and to listen to an address from their
party leader and Prime Minister Dr. Henry Cavill. Arriving with his wife. Oh no. In addition to his position as the principal political leader of his country Dr Fay voted the spokesman of the Afrikaner descendants of the early Dutch settlers who have preserved their special culture and their language. South Africa's 17 million population almost 20 percent are white. This is by far the biggest white minority in Africa in the past there have been bitter rivalries particularly between the Afrikaners and the English speaking group that is traditional cleavages now and nearly feel the desperate challenge of
African nationalism within the country and pressures from the rest of the continent and the world community have produced a new white solidarity. I brought in by an exclusively white electorate the Nationalist Party has been in power continuously since 1948. Since then its basic policy has been to advocate the complete separation of the races that is the policy apart eight apart it is an Afrikaner word which literally means apart ness. The party is in opposition to the government have been steadily losing ground. Today the morale of the Nationalist Party stronger than ever. Our.
Nation we know. Anderson from the.
Because we know the peace. Dr. Fairfax principal of white rule faces the resolute opposition of the indigenous black African majority African nationalism has been organized and active on a countrywide basis for over 15 years until recently. Get out here do a course of nonviolent resistance. But it forces have been ruthlessly suppressed by the government. The two major African parties the African National Congress and the Pan-Africanist Congress have been banned. The principle leaders of these parties driven underground into exile or jail.
The conflict of nationalism has brought into focus by the end of the parody on South Africa Dr. Gwendolyn Carter director of the African Studies program at Northwestern University former president of the African Studies Association and advisor to the United States State Department. Well one thing we have in South Africa is two nationalisms confronting each out there Afrikaner nationalism the dominant group among so wide and African nationalism by far the dominant group among knowing the whites and the largest numerical group within the country. Afrikaner nationalism is politically in control. It has many powers many sources of our. It has built up to 300 years. Existence in the southern part of the continent it
has all that time being concerned to preserve its own indented to its being fearful of the majority group which it confronted. It has built itself a position of power in the economy and certainly in politics. I would be fearful of losing this. The big stream they difficult for it to yield even with adequate guarantees ever. The individual positions of its members but certainly with out one finds it very difficult to and believe that it would erode its privileged position. But on the other hand is the majority position of the African. They do not have political power. They do not have any administrative opportunities. They have however had a nationalist movement of their own. It has operated on the edge of illegality ever since it was formed in 1912. Not a fan of our government has today successfully suppressed black nationalism.
It has gone on to ensure the favored position of the white minority with increasingly severe measures under the policy of apartheid strict segregation and white domination are enshrined in law. Recently the government has preferred to refer to its racial policy as a separate development. Its about purpose is to group of people according to their racial and tribal origins so that each can develop to the maximum potential. Separate development would ultimately reverse the magnetic attraction of the cities to which an ever increasing number of black Africans migrate. As a temporary solution in urban centers like Johannesburg. The government counters the force of economic integration by locating Africans in black ghettos on the fringes of the cities. Down here Africans commute to jobs in the mines industrial plants and other employment created by the white
man's prosperity. By classifying all urban Africans as temporary migrants The government claims it is justified in depriving them of social and political rights in the urban areas. The final solution under seperate development is the relocation of all these black Africans in self-governing homelands. If successful separate development would achieve the greatest involuntary transfer of peoples in modern times. The government tries to justify its plans for the Bantu people to the outside world. Bantu is the official term for black Africans. Minister of Information Frank Waring relates racial problems in his country to those in the United States. And I submit to you an interesting point. You take the position in the United States should there be 600
million as against the hundred and eighty million white people. I would say then you may have had a different approach to your problem than you have today. Well now that is a proportion really where South Africa has the black people as against the right people. We looked at you in the United States and thinking in terms of one nation. Actually we have at least eight different and the bentonite have got the concept of civilization tradition and even different languages so that it's quite impossible to think in terms of one single nationalism that we endeavor to separate the various nations and give them the opportunities in that place. The creation of Black African national homelands called Bantustans is the
key to Prime Minister favors plan for the survival of South Africa to control. What the government intends is to take the so-called native reserves and consolidate them into eight Bantustans with a measure of self rule. If all the Africans were relocated on these Bantustans almost 70 percent of the country's total population would be living on 13 percent of the land. It should be noted that the bantustans are gerrymandered to exclude all of South Africa's known mineral deposits. Big cities and develops people. So far only one Bantustan has been established. The trans guy
the trans guy is about one third the size of the state of Louisiana and has a population of about two million people. Because a tribe is essential to take a hard and detailed look at the trans guy because the government uses it as its most important showcase for its policy of separate development. This is a trans guy even kind of tribal town meeting. Following tribal tradition this man is employed to greet the assembly crowd and whip up enthusiasm for the. Speaker Jay Mills wields a great deal of power in the administration of the trans
guy government as its principal white civil servant. People. Eat eat. Eat eat. You have a
plan. I must have an outside. Line
that we should try. It is a young South African journalist who has visited the trans guy frequently and studied its problems as a voluntary exile in the United States. He is now free to voice criticism. The people of the Thais guy did not ask for self-rule that he has been given to them by the government. They say Lou is an indication that this is is in fact any imposition to be a rare that people should resist their own determination. If it is offered to them. The chief minister of the trans guy Chief Kaiser my tuns a man that was interviewed in his office in the capital city one feels that it is not all part of the outside world to see that the public in government
has polls. These can be seen on their terms and people enjoy the making of the plants die and tell it to a lot of polity. And. It has been. Approved just as it was. In the confusion. We have been given six departments we asked for them. The Republican government is ready to give us more departments. That the bells and tire on the plans kind people. And we feel that we. Must at present prove ourselves in the easiest part. I'm thrilled to inform you that the ministers will been elected. To take charge of the department. I've done very good work but the jurisdiction which.
So the government of the tenth guy has over the chance guy is limited to the rural areas it is a rural jurisdiction they're very capital contactor. They speak of the supposed chance GUYON government headed by Chief Minister K. the Montandon is a white town for practical purposes you can go into the hotels in the town itself why they're there is there for white people. 10 and I'm still in space after the government I think he's intelligent I think he's ambitious. He believes he's playing a shrewd game I think he hates white people enough never to want to sell out to them. The people of the trans guy expressed their true feelings in their first election by roundly defeating the party which supports hate and done a lot. But only
45 of the 109 members of the assembly are elected by the people. A majority are chiefs appointed and paid by the South African government. Indeed it was this rigged majority which selected guided Matanzima as their chief minister. In the Transkei Legislative Assembly white civil servants assist African ministers. You know all this that the government of South Africa and this is the only government there really is in South Africa to retain the power they were authority to reject or nullify any legislation which this supposed government of trance guy produces none of the legislation that the government produces from its powers
of assembly can become law without the approval of the government. The plants died today in a peaceful country. And to inform you a lot of times people have accepted the policy of separate development. Knowledge was elected to the Legislative Assembly as a member of the party in opposition to Matanzima. Zeina disagrees with the fundamentals of the trans guy plan. To my mind it can not be economical as a state with feel that it is inextricably bound up with the economy of the rest of the Republic and its development depends wholly on its close association with the rest of it in public as part of the Republic of South Africa. They use very little wealth in their plans. Guy the Transco ions will. Probably develop
agriculture only produce small food than they are producing at the present moment and the irrigation scheme which has been started in their prime out there may well assist them in that direction but it will not be sufficient to support their people out of the trance guys sufficiently to make the country economically viable. Considering the unique importance the government attaches to the trans guy it is doing very little to assist in its development. They come out of the irrigation scheme with its impressive little damage has been internationally advertised. This scheme will assist in agricultural development but it will not supply power for industry. Industry is limited to a furniture factory and a few other small plants. Cheap labor is still the main export.
Many workers commute to New factories cropping up in the white areas immediately outside the trans guy border. These factories are given many special advantages by the South African government. Among white South Africans there are many shades of opposition to the government's separate development policy. Author Alan Payton is head of the Liberal Party. More than half of whose members are black Africans and tell me that any future for the African people want to lead a separate development and maybe future for a few Chief Ministers and cabinet ministers and African appreciate those people I meant. That a country like the plant I can see no point in it and then become a viable proposition that life on the ground inseparably bound up with riches at the time and the happiness of the people in the inseparably bound up with. The taking of poor agricultural sections in the United
States and giving it complete autonomy. The bitterness of African. Policy with African African countries.
There are some people who believe the government's plan for separate development doesn't go far enough. They advocate partitioning the country into two separate states. Scott being our assistant editor of the newspaper de Bourgogne reminds us that partitioning has frequently taken place elsewhere in the world. And that some of the problems in modern times are that. The atoms of the Jews in Palestine. And of the unit in 100 and in the year. That was stolen by I think the country. So there you have it out and the Arab countries and in you you have been year and focused on. Something similar to what it had to be a genius I think and. We've started out of that by the creation of the time sky which is
not yet a solemn country but he's on his way to freedom. And that 5:00 a.m. be followed throughout South Africa until we have achieved separate freedom between black and white. Neither one subservient to the other. Handful of white South Africans is actually preparing to accept the sacrifices which back Titian would demand of. Any body. You know how to ask the bum to skilled labor and the INS. But that be done by a lot.
And this will most definitely Dr. Gwendolyn Carter sees strong reason why partition should not take place in South Africa. I think that policy in regard to trans guy and edited data leads to thoughts of partition. The whole policy of separate development suggests that and I believe it is very important to recognize that now that the Africans on one side and or the northern white really want this are taken very seriously at this point. The Africans don't want to Prag Mantid country I believe they belong to all of South Africa and would like to share in it. And certainly the whites have this extremely integrated economic structure. So I feel that only some desperate emergency internal or
external would create that climate of opinion in which it would be at all possible and if it did take place it would have to be a division not only of land area but also there which was Doris's industrial potential of the camp. A very sobering thought. Having considered the various possibilities for separate development ranging from the trans guy as a model to stand of the radical surgery of partition it is apparent that the government is not investing nearly enough money or effort to achieve success. In all honesty one is forced to question the sincerity of its motives. Does the government want to viable independent trans guy or is it merely a useful propaganda device. Beyond the question of separate development of the black African majority the Nationalist government has further complicated the country's racial problems by creating two other classifications
of so-called non-whites collards and Asians. There are over one and a half million colors people of mixed ancestry. And a half million Asians who are mostly Indian. The majority of the Indians live in that our province especially in its principle born there but lived. The first were brought in as laborers later Indian shopkeepers and business men came on their own. Indians have been highly successful in running businesses but racial restrictions severely limit the expansion of their enterprises. Right. As with other non-whites the government has been operating Indians from their homes and places of business. About 90 percent of the Indian population live in the city in Devon. The
government plans to relocate the entire Indian community about a third of the city's total population. In new segregated Township. The majority of the colored live in the Southern Cape province when they are the dominant group include people of mixed European African and Malay descent. In some cases stemming from the earliest white settlements in the 1850s under British rule always had the right to vote in the Cape Province. But gradually since the 1930s most of these rights have been whittled away. Now I'm officially it is still possible for a few colored and whites to meet socially especially after dark. Over the years many educated and wealthy colored and Asians were inclined to identify with the whites and their advanced standard of living
but by depriving the colored of most political and social rights the government has been giving them common cause with the Africans. That's one find a growing sense of unity among all the non-whites. South Africa. It is in the urban areas centered around mining and industrial enterprise that the whole elaborate structure of apartheid and separate development breaks down. About one fourth of the country's total population now lives in the urban cluster which constitutes a kind of Johannesburg megalopolis.
Changing World
South African Essay: One Nation, Two Nationalisms (Reel 2)
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WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
In this second program Channel 2 producer Henry Morgenthau shows how whites in South Africa hide behind their unique culture and the separation of the races, a separation that inflames the blacks to violence. Author Alan Paton sums up: "I don't believe that there's any such thing as a absolute sovereignty, and I'm sure that there'll be no peace for the human race either if nationalism goes mad."
Global Affairs
Segregation; Black nationalism; Violence and society; apartheid
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Identifier: f4df466f81314451cf0b365bbe90162b28bed49c (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
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Duration: 00:32:48;00
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Chicago: “Changing World; South African Essay: One Nation, Two Nationalisms (Reel 2); 8,” 1965-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “Changing World; South African Essay: One Nation, Two Nationalisms (Reel 2); 8.” 1965-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Changing World; South African Essay: One Nation, Two Nationalisms (Reel 2); 8. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from