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For the teacher Channel 2 will provide five day coverage of this event beginning Friday at 1:00. The remaining four sessions from Saturday through Tuesday will run from 9:00 a.m. till 5 p.m.. Join us and hear the views of these leading scientists of today when we present the 130 fifth annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Daily on channel 2 from December twenty seventh through thirty first. WGBH TV Channel 2 Boston. This week same Brother program was first presented Thursday December 19th in color. In 1798 the free black Africans of Boston determined to provide an adequate education for their children came together to form a black school. Supported by such prominent Bostonians as Rev. Dr. Morse of Charleston and William Ellery Channing. Their choir building and began classes the Smith School on beacon to Hill's Joy Street remained in
operation until roughly 1855. Now if parents individuals I think something happens to an individual when that individual becomes a member of an organization. I would like to have seen more parents assert themselves individually. Against some of the. More extreme elements in the Roxbury Community and outside the Roxbury Community. I can't explain elements. I think they were without any question there were some individuals. Who seemed. Determined to see chaos prevail at that school. I happen to feel that in order for any kind of real and lasting progress and this is all we're concerned about we're not concerned about making progress just so that they can hit the headlines and then die. We want to see progress. It's going to be significant enough and meaningful enough to last in order for this kind of progress to be made. The children are going to have to be in school and we're going to have to be
working within some existing structure. I don't know what happened. School does so many different stories what happened at school stops leaves children some say is a teacher is you know something is just a building and I really don't know what it is but what it what it will we have now that a lot of people really see in you know this morning school was not doing anything for the kids. And I feel as though this is the school committee who is not doing anything for the kids at the King school at least we have a loony set here when the kids can come in. They do have classes here in the DU Lune here at the King's School Are you had a bike to children come in and you know nothing with Gagne and he was fading the teachers was bad and the children were fighting was absolutely nothing being this way the kids are up the street here in a building where they are learning the major areas area of disagreement would be whether or not the community is wanting to accept me as a white person as principal of a man move again join a middle school. Off the smallest closes you know every because of the status which occurred
here. Last week. There seems to be a definite emphasis placed on discipline and I don't think that's the real problem we have to go back and find the cause of the disruption from school when I talk about discipline as a whole. Louise day Hicks boycotts de facto. Words and people from the past which conjure up memories of hostile confrontations confused children boarding buses and memories of a divided city. The various educational crises which have disrupted Boston's school system during recent years seem at the same time both childishly simple and hopelessly complex. The issue has been clearly since those black parents formed their own school on Beacon Hill a century ago. One of quality education. But when one goes to focus to the focus of Boston's current educational crisis the Martin Luther King Middle School. The issue becomes muddied in a deluge of textbook jargon
parental hopes and fearful rationalization by focusing in on the crisis at the King's School. Say brother has attempted to discover just what has caused the school crisis and what should be done to correct it. We have tried to locate the context for such issues as community control and parent participation. The resistance of the. There was pretty direct talk to recruit bats in the Metro about the history of the current crisis as Babson. Rather of these 14 points presented to the Boston School Committee. And there'd been a long history of negotiations and complaints to the Boston School Committee about conditions in Boston schools and finally the NAACP committee reached the point where we put these complaints into this form 14 points and on June 11 1963 we held an open meeting the first meeting of its kind in the city of Boston. And along with many of our viewers ations I think you were very
remember presenting these 14 complaints and 14 demands to the Boston School Committee. What were some of the points. Well it's interesting too when I think over some of the 14 points Incidentally this history is being written up because it is so interesting. But it's interesting I think over some of the push because some of the same things that people are talking about today. For one we asked for the recognition of de facto segregation in Boston public schools really asked that a black principal be appointed. It was a public school because at that time Boston was the only large city in America that did not have a black principal one of its public schools. We asked about the upgrading and promoting of black teachers. We talked about the recognition of the accomplishment of black people with textbooks. We talked about the in-service training for teachers to do peculiar problems from the black children and so forth. And then we wanted to talk about overcrowded
classrooms and other educational problems that would have just sure were just educational problems that dealt with any child black or why. Things haven't changed very much. What was the response of the community and the school committee at that point. Well of course the response of the school community was very same response and I think that people are getting today. One of resistance. And it was a kind of confrontation that lasted. It is still in this to last up to the day I have been looking over some old clippings and so forth member. The picket line is seeing people like you and your little girl and some of us who heads the picket lines and sleep in stay ins and all kinds of things out there. So the response was the same. The community was a little slow I think to respond to this point. But the biggest change that I see from that time today is that the community awareness has grown to such a point.
While the official awareness has remained the pope was saying. That a curtain you were intimately involved in the issuance of the Kenya report several years ago that reports point stressed the need for integration and racially balanced schools in the state of Massachusetts. Now black parents seem to be saying that they would prefer community control of their own schools. The State Department of Education have a position on the issue of community control. I think everything would hand be particularly related to how one defines community control. And you know there are several definitions that have been offered. If one essentially believes that constitutional United do believe this to be a parent has a prime concern for the education of us of his child it is obvious that he or she has a stake immediately on what the educational program happens to be you know beyond that
rather basic constitutional position. We've developed a system over many many years since 18 and 26 in this commonwealth of elected school committees to to speak for or act in behalf of. Parents with reference to the welfare of their children and also as it helps the largest society so that I would feel and to the degree that parents can cooperate with share with and be deeply involved with those whom they elect. This is a very healthy desirable thing to do. I think the $64 question is just a stew of many in the Boston setting and some other communities because the degree to which an elected school committee which is supposed to reflect community concern a parental concern. Truly communicates with and is representative of what parents feel and what they want. So I think with with a degree of cooperation with reference to those who are
elected to do this job and those who have the greatest stake. That many of the vexing questions with regard to the feeling that some parents and others in a community should take over things not carried out by a school committee gets us into this type of situation. If I may summarize then I. I do feel that we should respect the do the procedural roles that we've built built up legally fiscally and otherwise and try to utilize utilize these to the greatest degree we can and I would encourage this kind of involvement all the way. Our Father Breeden as cochairman of the mass Freedom Movement back in the early 1960s we were partially responsible for the school stay out when were these stay outs and what actually caused them. Well the first one was in June of 1963 the second one was in February of 1964 the stay outs were essentially one
day demonstrations to indicate that there was widespread community concern for quality education and at that point one of the primary purposes was integrated education that was a missed necessary part of quality education. What kind of change do you see now. Father Creedon 968 against 963 in terms of the educational picture. Well I think that the change in terms of the actual education going on in the public schools. Is minimal. The change in the consciousness of the community of what kind of a struggle we're engaged in I think has increased and I think part of what we were trying to do in the stay outs was to involve the entire community in active concern and education and make that point I think the the change now is that a great number
more people understand that there is a very important struggle going on in the schools to get control of the educational process. You know that's kind of interesting we seem to have done a complete switch from a de facto segregation issue and 1063 to community to control of schools and 968 What do you think accounts for this. Well I think that. If there's a greater clarity in the part of the community that until we control the decision making process the educational process isn't going to change very much. In 63 as I recall we had 14 points that we were bringing before the school committee. Some of those points are still being brought before the school committee for changes but as I recall one of the most significant points was a setting up of an advisory group in the community to relate to the school committee and to be able to feed in
the ideas for necessary changes we thought that the main problem at that point was that the school committee was ignorant. It was ignore it. But the real issue. And when they rejected this kind of an idea of it active community involvement was the issue of who makes the final decisions and I think that now the focus is really centered on the question of who makes the decisions about the educational process. Black children the king Timothy advisory committee is in the experimental approach to parent involvement in the public schools. And my eyes are burning Bruce talks about the nature of the coalition taking Tumulty by three counts. Well it is a show on. The premise of the king tem advisory council was to increase. Community parental participation in the education process at two schools initially the king school the Martin Luther King. Jr. middle school
and the James P. Timothy junior high school. When did this all come about. Well it's it's rather a long story. I'll try to be brief about the initial concept of a coalition. A couple years ago. There was there were problems at the. Patrick Campbell school which is now on the Martin Luther King Jr. middle school. A lot of people a teacher assaults whatnot. And Exodus noting the confusion and the lack of. Good religious creation taking place decided to. Become involved. And in its attempt to deal with these problems Exodus initiated a proposal. That was called the camel school coalition which brought together parents teachers school administrators university people to stablish a vehicle for dialogue. So that the school
department the school committee could act with good advice from the community. Could that on behalf of the black community and the students in that school. To develop a viable educational program this was actually the beginning of the king Timothy advisory council. Right and after that well members of the group dealt with the school the full committee. We had. Many days of dialogue to show them that. In no way were we attempted to abridge the authority of the school school to bomb the school committee exactly what was the council empowered to do and what has it actually been able to do today. Well the council was empowered to. At our. School the barber school committee. As to programs and innovative things that would improve the educational atmosphere of these two schools and consequently the feeder schools and the elementary schools that feed into
the king in the temple to school. So far the council has been. Ensnarled in various Well growing pains. The new wave of black awareness and I guess see one of the major or more significant things the council was able to do was to get black administrators for those two schools. This is all what is your position with the King's cabinet. I'm the chairman of the Cain campaign. When did the cabinet. Get. Falling and farming. We had a conference next to the school committee last. Have CONFIDENCE. In our. Response. To the current coalition. Now displayed a card with a King cam that was found. Was made up of 21 members. Which is six parents. Fact students. Faculty members. And of. The station members. Or was it formed for. I was for the C of E can be soft on the problems that was around the king school. Who were kind of things did
you hope to do well we hope to have a better educational things in the school we'll have better teachers. You'll have a better principal. Things like that there's a whole lot of trouble that was going on in school. The school committee really cannot touch the trouble. So I was the King Cam to start the poly we would be the ones that would be able to solve the problem since we were so close to community and so close to the children in the community. Do you work with the king to multi councils. Yeah we can think can be counted on to be on the books together here what is it you know I write. It With You. Running the Russian Mrs. Hall are intimately involved in one experiment the frightening time of the coalition since 1963 the black community of Boston has attempted several methods of improving their educational law school boycotts Freedom Schools the Medco program where all alternatives approach is aimed at providing quality education. Some of these programs fail to be much. Some succeeded
but none offered the large scale implementation necessary to reach the majority of the black school population. But ideas and theories were tested. Black history was included in the revamped curriculum. Students were damaged by years of mass production and sensitive educational techniques were given individual attention and showed results. And through these experiments it became clear to black leadership that the methods were viable and would succeed at the Boston school system would cooperate. One such proving ground for parent teacher participation was in rock's Perry's new school a private one established by parents. You know first of all. That's really not just coming from Asia. That's not really so much of it that makes me weak. And you see it isn't dented enough to speak frankly. OK once you go ahead and read the past we've got to tell.
You. This book on educational alternatives do you think it's cool like new school would like to. Think they provide. Presently the only alternative I think that until the public system is willing to admit that we need community involvement in community participation in the decision making level through the Community School is probably only our. Community participation What role do parents. Parents who work in the school teachers they make a decision should they raise the money and I do all of the nitty gritty work as you say the work is teaching credit. Teachers are the teachers or teacher in the new sense of the word. Now we're using teacher perhaps as a new sense of the word because. The usual term is a teacher aide. We're talking about a parent.
Certain contributions the ordinary white college getting the patient and the. Family. You have. In this program are formed in what we call an internship program. Attending a university teaching classroom also being liaison officers or parents. The parent council themselves. How many children you have 100. Hundred need. To feel. We are desperately in need of larger facilities but because of our limited funding as you know our parents raised the money we now need and there's a building next door to purchase. Because you don't have. Control. People give lip service. But when you come. To. School. Doesn't seem like.
School. Probably because the school is run by parents and by the community. And so we don't have to deal with it as much as they talk about it on TV. We don't have the problem because if you look around the playground the children of the community. And the parents. Workers or whatever it might be so. Talking about here is a reality. What do you think are some of the differences between a public school education your. School here. Well if you've been able to see some of the books. Published by classrooms youngsters also felt. That. The fact that
parents allowed to come in and out of classrooms during the day and all the time. Do you have any corporation relationship or number of public schools. Change has no official jurisdiction as a body. If you run into any other particular problem. Particularly the structure of.
State. Funding. Typical you wouldn't see. How many years we have really I think many independent schools that are very interested in having a lunch program and. Getting the subs in a hallway in the public schools. You taught him to have to have a different night and day difference with the new school.
Yes I don't think there is a difference. And I say that because I can't make a comparison the difference is so great I don't want to continue a concern for the young. I make the point. That the primary focus is to children. And that doesn't happen in the Tappan Unfortunately that system has become the size that it does not look at children. To fit into the structure and not the structure did to be an excellent example of the kind. Looking for insurance to educate black. Children. Into a new school of Roxbury is working. Offering enrich the educational horizons to the few students lucky enough to attend. The question is one of just how to offer the successful techniques to all black children. Indeed to all the children in the Boston
system now in one hundred sixty eight It is clear that for whatever reasons the resistance of those people who control Boston's educational system has inhibited the implementation of pottage positive radical change. Again looking specifically at the King's School three concerns become evident. Teacher attitudes are a problem. A recent survey at the King's School showed that an overwhelming majority of the teachers there were transferred to another part of the city. If they could. Many teachers have said and more seem to believe that black children cannot learn. It is obvious that if a black child learns from his teacher that almost nothing is expected and almost certainly nothing will be produced. Second curriculum experimentation must be continual public relations releases from officials about the inclusion of black history courses etc. does not replace the child's need for a carefully integrated awareness of black accomplishments throughout all the disciplines. Obviously black teachers and principals as
models do much to implement student motivation. Another discovery is that there are in fact some few people in the black community who are attempting to use the educational crisis for selfish motives. But it is irrational and unreasonable for school officials to blame the current problems on those few individuals. And finally there is the question of decentralization. The present Boston School Committee makes decisions for a student population at least ten times greater than most of the suburbs. Each of which has its own school committee. Imagine if you will a single school committee making decisions for such diverse communities as Brookline Watertown Newton Waltham and surrounding cities and towns. This present structure almost forces a school committee to place teacher morale over student advancement and administrative concerns before an education and
educational experimentation. The centralized boards of education based in the community boards which would have some real authority and decision making power seem a very reasonable way of correcting the present flaws. The photos was this was. About the up and coming presidential candidate which is often the case you know this from your books. I mean we have all the basic ideas. Of the of the Senate and you would get it maybe read this song wanted to see it wanted to give us five years on the right. Image It says decreases in the last election in 1916
the talk of this station Bed-Stuy in increases in white to station have been recorded in Arkansas Arkansas. Yes I know it sounds Chalo right for you. Melvin Kang director of Boston's aggressive new Urban League and three times an unsuccessful candidate for the Boston School Committee offered these observations. You got a man to you when you have five which was. Run three times unsuccessfully for the Boston School Committee. I mean he's been concerned about the education of black children for many years now. Do you think the black people have exhausted the political alternatives and their attempt to change the Boston school system. And I think it's a question of exhausting the political cartoonists the activities that people are involved in at the moment are very political. In nature and design. And these activities will in fact
be instrumental in changing the system they've already. Made the system undergo. Change. Now in those campaigns in the days of Louise day Hicks and neighborhood schools and racial imbalance issues seem to be a desire for integration. But now most black people are committed to the issue of community control. Just reflect a basic philosophical change are so tactical so ya think that there is any. Change in the objectives of people in the black community regarding education. They have always been after putting their kids in the best possible educational environment where they could see the results. And there was a belief that because. The best that was supposedly happening for kids in education was happening in white schools that that's where you wanted to have you youngsters going to nothing to do with integration per se. The issue is one of
trying to find out where youngsters could have the best education I think what has happened. Is. That. They really have begun to recognize. That even in those situations the kind of education is not top shelf in Boston. And therefore that process. Is not one that makes the best sense. And also the. Issues of developing the kinds of curriculum and programs that are needed. For youngsters are very much related to who controls the school. I don't think we can get away from that. And therefore people are becoming more aware that the questions of accountability. At stake here. There isn't any accountability in situations where you're not in control of the. Ways in which you can maintain accountability if you are in control.
That's what the issue is about in Boston and New York City. Following Thomas Eisenstadt order to close the king's Co. Community groups from related the new alternative. Still another alternative the Learning Center children from the school were now to go into the informal atmosphere of classes run by volunteers parents and some few teachers from the King's School. But while the learning centers were again proving the viability of the person personal concerned approach in flexibility of the school committee was equally evident. You're right you're right. Yes yes I. Think so yes. Today we're. Going. To.
Hit. One of. Them. We're. Not going. To get. Him. Here. To give you. A Gemini and you can schools closed again. On that day a press release was issued from the office you know. Explaining some of the details why the school is closed. Have there been any meetings since the 5th with community groups such as the king cabin and the advisory council they have been the. Faculty. To most of the king school. Put together a supposedly representative group of 10. And it was their task to meet and develop curriculum with consultation. With the relevant community organizations and groups such as the King family advisory council. The
king cabinet and people in the community in general not to mention the school administration. You're not that important position of the school committee. Healthy learning centers have you. Are you cooperating with them in any way if you can. Condone them. Not only do we condone them making every effort to cooperate with them but when I directed that schools be that the King's School be closed indefinitely on the 5th of December. I made that decision contingent on the King to multi advisory councils indication that they would conduct such a learning center has. It been made perfectly clear by me and my colleagues that we did not want this closing period to be a period of vacation for either of the students or the teachers and that we should try to make the very most of a very bad situation by conducting this positive kind of learning experience outside of the King's School.
What kinds of things is the cabinet been doing. Well the cabinet along with this. Is. Spotless and it's really thin so we have it with the children. We have a group of parents that comes in. And says the children make lunches for the children. We have payments and conversationally that comes around and help teach the children I ask you. The committee didn't get we have teachers from the king school there was also to ensure that the school committee hearing was that they would send us hot lunches for the kids. They have neglected we haven't had any hot lunches or anything standing by the kids from the school committee so you need cooperation from the school can't it. No cooperation. Often the school committee. None of our. Have for you been in contact with them every day. Yes we are. I sense a school committee a letter. It was they wanted 10 teachers to come in here. This letter these 10 teachers to look at with the children to school or the school committee to look at the census. It 10 teachers for the kids school. We send them a letter saying that we would like to have their increase to 21 people if the people and payments on these
10000 operation. We receive a letter back stating that at this time they could not include any more people into and in I don't know why the little they send back to us. I mean the teachers aren't working right now no teachers that will think that they decide. Include any more. People into it. But these 10 people 10 teachers. So therefore they said they would be glad to get any you know we see any recommendations which we ham in the future so let me decent because we figure if they're not going to work with that. We will have to go get it. It's on all the tragedies of these pumping children hamming while the king cabinet seems to be working in the learning centers is the king cabinet recognised by the school committee at this point as a legitimate vehicle. I think there's no question but that we have to recognise the existence of the king cabinet and usually the school committee didn't go after the committee. Cabinet was originally formed the day initially became cabinet. Was purportedly formed for the stance of bullying at
least the sole purpose of. Taking literal control of the King's School. This can't be countenanced. Justified under existing. Laws and as a as the chairman of the school committee an elected public official I'm duty bound and sworn to uphold the laws of the Commonwealth and the Constitution of the Commonwealth which mandates that the school committee and its ministration conduct the affairs of a school building and for that reason we made it perfectly clear that the king cabinet could not control the school so to this extent we did not. Sanction it. Its goal. Well there seems to been some breakdown in communication in terms of a definition of community control of schools what would be your definition of community control the school reveal munity involvement real active energetic positive and constructive
participation in the development of educational programmes and the like which which programs are truly relevant to the particular needs of. The individual children involved. I think it would be a tragic mistake. For. Individual parents or organisations in any community white or black in the city. To actually attempt to. Run administratively a school building. Cause I feel. Some. People. Just simply failing to pass this morning and is if you have a choice. To bring me you know you'll be alright an hour to do is look forward to Sunday school. Now. You know. Why because I think in most I think a small school with me because tonight helping out young are to turn his back on those now like yes
because. If you know you put 300 kids up the street maybe morning there and they've lost some of the school told me you know I sold some wasted back here because I think I'm nuts. For July. Just so you know you go to school the track got to go back to the beginning she has yet. To have their vacation. Yeah. Right. I am. I was. Coming. Here. You. Say yes. Yes. That's all right. You may not even have to read your own name.
No one none of us do but we want to find out about. Now the thing is just a moment people. The committee doesn't expect the committee doesn't expect that you know or you will know the name of the person. However. The committee doesn't expect that you will know the name of the person that you picked from the hat Jackie. Instead the person whose name you pick will be the person that you are to get to know as well as you know yourself. That means that you should know who the person is with. If I speak to. You. That means that you should get to know who the person is when the person was born where the person lives what the person is what kinds of things the person does in their spare time it means you should get to know them as well as you know yourself.
The question becomes I suppose how will you get to know them. Well they're all people in the community so I suppose you'd want to begin by finding out where this person works or where this person lives it might be that a simple telephone call may get you in touch with the person. It may be that the person will ask you to come into their office wherever they are and visit with them. This would be a good way of getting to know that you may use any method at all that you'd like to in getting to know them now the names that you get out of that will probably be people who. Aren't listed in encyclopedias or whose name you won't be able to find in a library. It's going to mean that you're going to have to do some scouting in your own community. We want to know our caucus here Lady pretty good teacher but otherwise in the educational environment students need guys who happens well as good mentors to teachers. Jean McGuire is one of the
few black guidance counselors in Boston. Restlessness and kids walking out. It's horrible. Would you rather have the kind of class where maybe the teacher make sure Colonel rule it out because if you like it in the day feel minimal or in this manner in this but otherwise I could stay groups specifically what kinds of crisis situations to black children face schools. I think that the crisis that black children face is one that's ongoing all through their lives and that's the crisis that color creates in this country. It's a kind of thing you perhaps learn to live with but in times you know breaks right into the open and either a kind of a fearful feeling or a kind of resentful thing. And it's given all kinds of others other names and certainly many of the children have other problems but if they're black children be Goddess of the background color is going to be a very real problem for them in this country from here to the end of the week. Have you made any play Learning Centers from home for two weeks two more weeks of
experimentation and other alternatives of seeking some. The duration of their existence the teachers parents and students may establish workable solutions to the problems of the King's School Yet the question arises how would the school system accept these new ideas and these new experiences report back to be possible to open the school at all made additional plans. Yes we all help you out and pick up you know stuff like that. It will all come back together. You know all of us to report what we have now. Ok find. The Black History Committee met this morning. And. They've planned an activity for this afternoon. Arthur is going to report for us. I think it is our hope that the man with the cane. Will be open. But at this time I am in no position to. Actually give you a specific date. I wish I could say that I was optimistic. I am still. Disappointed with the
Boston School Committee and that they have neglected the demands and recommendations of the king Timothy advisory council. They have neglected the demand recommendations of the community and of the cabinet and of the students. I feel they can open the school in January and the same type of disruption and disturbances. If they don't meet certainly why I feel it's. A sign of people maybe in the community who are not interested in having the king school reopen until it is resolved as to how much generally involved it is to be in this particular school. I don't think that we should restrict matters by putting a target date on the reopening. It's my feeling that the school should not reopen until we're convinced that we're going in there would something totally different. Much different than what has been going on in the past we've been trying to make progress in the past but
apparently it's been too slow. First of all we don't want to open that school unless we know we've got the proper kind of person in every classroom who is not only properly qualified in terms of background experience and motivation but attitude. How we're going to determine proper attitude is a very difficult thing. But if it's going to take until next May then so be it. However I would hope that we could open early January for political and I think the king's glue should be open up to the problems the farmer doesn't make any sense of what might happen. He seemed like he was in it for. Some of the problems we really needed. Better teachers better teachers. What I mean by better to teach is one to understand. The problems of black children. You need teachers that. Is willing to listen learn. Black history. This is very very important in a black person's eyes is their own history. A lot of teachers aren't able to teach because they don't know what to do so therefore maybe you need a educational
system for these teachers to go back and. Beat. Your ass to meet a strong hand of disobedience you have to have discipline. With these three things the school will be a success again thin your blood. Principal of the candy store. I have. I don't think a blacklist. You do want to bet the community wants a black person I think they should get one. Personally myself I think you need a strong animal really understands black problems. And this Casper black was born this is what you need. I don't see any. Resolution of the educational problem under the system which now exists in other words I think that any educational progress of black children in the city will have to be done by circumventing the present official school board and the presence of official school system. I don't see any way a working with this present structure. Well I think good.
The first point is that the community broadly has to be quite clear that that it does want and intend to take control of the educational process. That understanding is that he is the first point. And then I think secondly just to continue to insist on that kind of control until it happens and I see is the developments around the king school the the creation of the cabinet the insistence on the cabinet having power to make decisions about the process in that school is something that's going to have to go on school by school or area by area until it happens. Well there's an attempt to resolve them. I think the community sees very clearly what it. Needs to be. I think the youth who said very clearly what they feel. The situation ought to be with me. The hold up at the moment has to do with the.
Inability of the administration and the school committee to recognize the trends of the times and the realities of the situation in the schools. It's unfortunate this point because of things around educational problems like this are going to increase going to get worse before they get better and it seems to me that the committee ought to recognize very quickly the importance of the transfer of the control of the schools into the communities hands. There are some very founders in black youngsters in schools in Boston that's more than every other community in the state with one possible exception that's more black youngsters in Boston schools in the total number of youngsters in other schools. And if those communities have and have control of the schools with smaller numbers it seems only
natural that this situation happened in Boston or to King's School. At the Tumulty others as we shall soon see with the opening of the Monroe tried a school. It seems very clear that. The issue of control should be resolved. The community. Exercising its rights. To run those schools. We talk about. Government. One of the things that dense Kratos use has has been this notion of consent of the governed. There's no way in the world for people. To believe that parents in Roxbury have consented to be governed to have their schools run in the way that they're being run by the current pastor and school committee. One thing that I think. Needs to happen is for the current king cabinet. To
continue to run that school from now until the end of the year. I don't believe. The you. Going to allow that school to be run under the direction of the Boston school community ministration so that to avoid this in an out operation the cabinet should be given control of the school. They should move. From the learning centers at some point back into the building. If they think that this is where they want to operate the program. And then to. Use imaginative from creative programming that they have developed which the kids in question of we seem to be relating themselves to. But we have enough hell in the school committee could never never have closed the king school. And any other district white district they could would never be allowed to close the school down my building 306 and the kids which it was long distance and I didn't do it.
We should have enough pills to go down there right away and demand a school committee to be the place our children's schools are open at school backed up and let the cabinet manage anybody in the community one who could do a better job than the school committee and then. I feel as though they don't get anything at all about our black children. You need parents to come out. We need more pillows we need as much experience as we can get. We need donations. We need peers participation which is the main thing that we have enough people behind us we feel that we can go now to School Committee and you know and force them to do what the US funds be doing because the and the only fallen back on the job and not even the work they're not worrying about our children are. They having found a place to put our children at. And out of Beaconsfield not even knowing about the black community and I find this is happening not only for the king school. But from any other school in his in walks Billy. Mrs. Hall has issued the challenge both to black parents and to the school committee.
Parents must become involved both individually and collectively for the process simply will not work. The school committee must become flexible enough to forgo the bureaucratic red tape for the time for community control is here. The school committee must begin to implement the successful experience experiments of the past. Messrs Eisenstadt Tierney Levy Kerry going to McDevitt would do well to remember John F. Kennedy's warning those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. This is Henry Hampton for say brother. Good evening. This weeks a Brother program was first presented Thursday December 19th 1968. Faster faster Yeah.
Why would we need or want one. But I'm not ok. Now that I feel wonderful Hold on one moment. Everybody stretches by accident. But have you ever tried stretching on purpose. Try it if he feels great stretch out everybody can do it. Stretch your way out as far as you can and really stretch your legs out and your arms out and feel how nice it feels. And sit up. I've got another one for it some might stretch most people to try but it's a very good one down right under your chair. Homes up and stretch down with our chicken legs apart obviously. Bounce them. And come up way back as far as you can and down under and then they went slowly if you're not sure of yourself and way up and back them under.
And way up the back does not feel great That's another good one. And I got a third one still. Arms out the sway and swing around. Let your head fall your shoulders and swing around as far as you can. These are all great people who can feel steady on their feet. I have some for the rest of you to come up on your feet. Try this. They're good for everybody all of them. This one. First you come up on tiptoe as high as she can and really stretch. Oops. And down. Try this. Arms up overhead and make small circles and stretches she do it stretch as far as you can. Forward to the side and back and get a little bit larger and larger larger all the way down
to the floor. OK now the opposite direction. Around pull hard around a little bit bigger and bigger all the way down to the floor. Stretch all the way down. Stretch hard. Relax. Between your legs. Up down up down up keep it up. And now try this for me. I'm sad and just going around. Let your body twist all the way down here and. Let your head fall with your shoulders.
OK now another one for everyone. Everybody can try this from the chairs to come down on the floor and join us. OK stretch out hard first sparge arms and legs out try to pull your upper away from your lowers as far as you can stretch hard. OK now come up onto the back of your head arch your back way up and stretch hard and down. And again up and stretch. And down. And once more. Stretch hard damn. Now roll over on the one side and stretch out as far as you can really stretch hard really hard. Pull hard and over to the other side and stretch
and over react over the Rach and relax. Doesn't that feel beautiful. Pull up a blanket and taken that. Faster faster Yeah. Why would need a. Problem. But OK now doesn't that feel wonderful home. Well I'm called on this group here some pleasures of the television networks were out to show the Democrats in the worst possible light during the convention in Chicago. FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson charges that that works are prisoners of the industrialists not the. Roof side. The face of the company which owns a television network. And which gets paid 15 percent of its income family situation of the space program of the will.
Don't most people eye opening investigate bias on network television. Watching the whole world is watching on PBS tonight at 8:00. And in color. This is WGBH TV Channel 2 Boston time in 5 seconds 6 p.m.. The following program is presented in color every Enderle how horticulturist.
Say Brother
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Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Martin Luther King School - Ruth Batson, Mel King, Thomas Eisenstadt (Done after King School was closed in 12/19/68).
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Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
African Americans Education; African Americans Education History; School integration
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: a6ec45294d970b6df44a89a54fd8960ff8ec9a7d (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Duration: 00:59:21
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Chicago: “Say Brother; 22,” 1968-12-19, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Say Brother; 22.” 1968-12-19. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Say Brother; 22. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from