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it misses the noise and nora air and gnaw on her ah and when long gone
mad or were or moved her her the moon the air our first century others are becoming familiar landmarks around the world the right owns on the july surprise a dome in honolulu hawaii the american society of metals building in cleveland union tank all round house in baton rouge louisiana united states information agency exhibition in tokyo these geodesic domes are some of the tangible signs of a way of life and a living formulated by the comprehensive anticipatory design scientist r buckminster fuller
he anticipates both materials which improving technology will develop and leads which will require new solutions he thinks in the future tense and so for the future comes fast as dai maxine houses were labeled fantastic in nineteen twenty seven today is don't stretch around the world they are found as vast auditorium banks restaurants and private homes his basic concern has always been to make available the total resources of the world to mankind to understand the needs of world man he has devoted much study to the animal mind and his ecology science which deals with the relationship of any given species to his environment or why and then i cut ecological patton
predicated by much as with a wolf on his ability to move about with his legs a recognizably human being is right of an ecological pattern from out of a tree the tree has roots in cannot move around the tree regenerate is by dropping its flowers fruit the seed and then the seed is designed as a whole are not otherwise to go to be getting into the wind and to be distributed on by the wind and that's the prevailing winds around the earth that doesn't we have pine key ballads and palm tree bows and all right around there so the just true then to be that kind of life as tree does travel the shallows only from generation to run generation by blowing around the earth man along with the birds and the fish and other animals as ability to move within his own generation which have a different kind of a broth and it has and the beloved to
advance and retreat and really try and understand about men and how to serve man we have to really understand that in this this basic fact that he does have the fact though that you know very often man have felt themselves to be such a small paris are great enough they've felt that they did not move around by myself or beverly tended to liken themselves in more to a tree limb to the within the wealth and they thought about putting down roots says scientists found a safe pretty much in the same place but the fact is that there are rows of iwo jima the olives was built into their ability to move through that summer treat you to run away and finally they discover then that man on his feet inaudible or our very short distance even though it fell a long legs the army's a prominent countries around the earth swiss psalm a village on the jungle when there's a
solid front of it and measured the distances that people walk they put the dominoes on sodas with the test cases the founders put on clay nurses on how streisand and the butter churn and the postman and trainer as himself up and found that your medicaid walks him an average of thirteen under mao tse and causes some people it was not move around the other people that had unbecoming seventy nine a month the average of thirteen hundred robert there has been that far all ages of man up to the time of world war one man was moving around primarily on its feet a good mile they buy horses not too many men have lost isn't so that they could be ruined houses covered a little more listeners but not prominently grade and my jaw didn't change the average a man and the world
began to mobilize so that by nineteen nineteen in america we were riding in some miracle or another and again around from it or that other than by athlete and this is a sixteen undermines the year we were still walking over the numbers on the car seat instead of in that many foreign policy and so what many of walking into the kitchen and i walk in the botched rollout of the automobile the lobby really became a little more real section about i thought what's that blaze them and what we was on a roll down the street and then went on the rise so we were then walking thirteen hundred writing sixteen hundred total twenty nine hundred miles a year since that time this mobilization total man has been increasingly iraq and not just in america but all around the world as we went into a lot to america we were moving in essence of forty five hundred miles a year the average
sales when writing thirty thousand be an average housewife ten thousand damage their houses one hundred thousand leads to say up to a row one of the people who one out of time with their response was they would they would gypsies suddenly we our whole world of change in point it stars ryan stone and changes beginning to be no motion was on the motion universe begins to be no mortal man's way of thinking of the lee the sky was a stomach that you're not only his legs but it is in black you perceive are the principles of locomotion and be able to externalize of motion in the ecological to buy which in which math and he had already stolen from the present moment average man and america's going ten thousand miles a year a man of my age when i have free i have gotten by on land their codes a million and a half miles of my lifetime and i've flown a million record amounts of phallic typical of a
new sleep out of his post world war one man so for the first time in the history of any living species living space he began always relationship with environment that are rapidly the butt and change it they didn't have the tools or i didn't changes ecological patent the mountains of first ever changes ecological pattern where the point now where we're covering so much distance a physician denies allies they says isn't really there are now outside of the monasteries more citizens all the time traveling around the world and there were citizens and analysis of the time but we became the united states economy is draws becoming a total world man and we see them be a mobilization bring about a rice traded here was art of thousands the new factory can be a great distance away
as a people mover the great distances for the jobs the census of nineteen fifty showed that every year twenty percent of america move out of town vice is going to fall in on me balance of the land and i well we're in the park was a view of movement that had more money move into better causes of musical chairs all about something we discover the people moving out of town if he were going out of town twenty percent every year meant that every five years america move out of town and that if you don't allow dallas i don't think that's really the problem the eichmann for now that the other nine the difficult balance to them are nikkei the average man who out of town every week and so the man israelis mobilizing out why the last census nineteen sixty four then i think as communes show that matters moving out of that is well beyond town every three years and it has to be facing opinions must now says national
elections every four years our move around town at five years you've not had time to get in place and it's good job before the next pope came along with the row but even the last election or ten million of the it's potentially voting elector cannot walk in the dust and the midtown long enough to qualify for the next election they're much less noble well it would evolve and where they were last in which without going out of town become a woman by a tsunami which i am a national election on the geographical basically laughter they act out some new kind of a fundamental base plus will be an occupational based on inside than that mann is with the industrial equation vastly altering is ecological paddling so so rapidly that the earth is as we all know shrunk the picture of that if we had to advise syria which is twenty feet in diameter i would use as my
basic model and i don't represent the way which man could get around the world if he had to walk around the world i had a pathway for him to walk the twenty five thousand miles around the world we give him a hawes and the streets were plenty of football bound to have a ball about six feet in diameter we give him the plot by ship and the lead this began to shrink some are the railway and the steamship shrug and that's down to about the size of a baseball then we give him the outline and the and it shrinks down to a golf ball with the latest that's down to about the size of a pea easily the actual raid shows on our show a good and at that point maker during my living time at this event the first time a history of any known living space you wrap a living speech he has also this relationship with us humans idea of being an advice from a new kind of an acceleration
with a new and ship's about to come up these supersonic as warships have to have within another five years we'll be able to get up after breakfast rejected one on the un days would be wrong with that that's a movie realistically in a one pound well i see them about extraordinary challenge to humanity to an end of ramadan the capability to the really write comprehensive and dealing with when his total potential as i find that these trams and of the industrial tools out towards making the problems it would seem a very important and get local no longer the important this biographical video i find that leaves the people at the local level a sudden i was a strawberry interesting kinds of buildings that had the votes of a different from ones we had enough i mean they begin to use the same
episode beyond simon in fires and unemployed and those is a new kind of relationship a man coming to the whole earth i'm quite confident that it's not going to limit it interesting this obvious example show the man has gone out more more realization of this week on a new more mark dopp is airing the big as the the very interesting typical kinds of ornithology and human and come thousands of years ago yet i got it because he knows them all these services say that malice oh five an inhabited only one quarter this service which is a dry lab and habits about a one quarter of one corner so you write about one sixteenth a publicist that area is as ecological swing out m is not going to you know skin diving and other skating so for an atomic submarine in and that's a lot of water so he's gone again the occupy that ocean bottom pull up the ocean she has the most and they brought up history meant
that is going to get more more interesting rather than less interesting but definitely we're in a new kind of a challenger we dealing with the success of total man run success of the local man it's interesting challenging new world of the welfare of total man requires a new kind of understanding approach to its problems it comes from recognizing the unique qualities of the new iraq i hear and many people say the scientists seem to be the only ones to optimistic about our future i don't think it's because the scientists haven't and realistic but because the people are sighing a sign of this it under half are a conditioned reflex used to certain kinds of patterns scientists scientists because a
making measurements discovering patents which aren't not controlled necessarily back to this or effects may decide to civility studying commission reflexes but i allowed scientists to begin a stellar said in fact of providing universal and five of indicting him out then that indicates freshness of the city potential a man on earth is really very high and we recognize that most human beings are beyond libya and dr friedman it over a hilly that things are not quite so soft as i've been in the home and factor they don't be pretty tough and they get out in the world that they don't have to earn a living and they don't have been living with guns and they don't have to hustle to get that job because his job as a food the vibe is their right right now forty percent forty four percent of humanity i using
although metals and then have a mind and the faces are not filing more manifest more people that are being born deaf are seemingly there's not enough to go around and the fact is it last forty four percent of humanity now enjoying the industrial equation and it shows such a less than one percent of the mandarin joined the alamo on for obscenity matter of being enjoy like hot broth highest admitting as a candidate will want to twenty percent so now up to forty four percent and this is despite the fact that the people are increasing more rapidly than a funny moment also holly having is high less than a little more more people consume the new doom all with less as god knows he doesn't realize at that job and everyday man is conditioned to look at the fact that he's supposed to earn a living in the same ways guesswork of the saddest look to that the fact that the numbers are being sold by the desecration is increasing very
rapidly as we do more or less and we all the us has examined the total overall efficiency is operative overall efficiency the machinery up in the industry today is only about four percent efficient as amanda workers relies rather she now the images wouldn't talk about four percent as the rhino percent an automobile it's a radical a piece of design that guy is fifteen percent efficient theoretically so it is it is more than three times more efficient than the overall machinery be used by men and fought to take care of all manner so forty four percent of men would simply mean safely falling the overall efficiency an hour and that is coming in we know it's kind of this i give you the gas turbine which is is twenty five percent of fish i give you some of the latest because of the fuel cell that's up to around eighty percent of patients at new kinds of technologies coming in i'm going to slow the efficiencies so high that the scientists knows it wouldn't be able to make the toll
resources more than adequate allman i find that there's a great that they are of man that as the rock and the condition reflexively present condition reflexes man yeah they like to put up a strong fight dr abbott you and you are made to show that found eventually got a bit of a fund that read just the font along as a tool it brought a lot to them but i don't know any human being who can stand up before since i tell us really very much about himself as a normal human being you can just that site i unconsciously push each of the millionaire's absolute top my head of cyber crime rates and shapes and colors and i don't know any mammals wise guy has an alarm debi at tommy's going i got a you know he knows is hot beaches in recently knows that they were they are some confidence that he doesn't have and they knew the frequency and the coordination is not meeting and has really it does favor some of the things
here in his head a fourteen fourteen crime ridden about the klan ridden times a quite brilliant if you multiply that out when you hear about the number of atoms a very beautiful any interaction assad regime we don't need to do that would allow that would set almost a story the computer then don't know why they're successful talk black men are so lane and so local are so ignorant that they are the greatest obstacle to man's success i have one side this happens to be a little edgy better educator little afraid of the commission effects of on the surprise that he sees and that's why now if i say that it's quite clear that out of investing in manhattan's and that that been very great advantage and find this is mr elias way way back long ago men used to drive on large making rats when the ties with the wins after while they learn that they do so based on that that they found that the raft in
the rav to be made out of two lives he would not enroll to weigh one life we're also connecting to life she would roll and i'm sure that two to live power over one another you'll find that the the father larry other to launch as you look at them from the hands and very little resistance but look outside was great resistance or four when the wind blew it gets around the raft and added that lived in the direction of the larger body robin directed and then leningrad city then there were the wind blowing out of the rafters not going downwind going sideways that it had in a moment so therefore they can stick it another and flattened lisa wood down in between the two locks and i can steer it and they could make it literally go up into the wind whistled restaurant icon a realization and with it came the beloved about that in the when sailing swimming and make sales of fish caught more women going up faster and is this is the way this is
a i spoke today which sits along the ice write beautifully been an absolute moves as those large but to be in the water the ice to stitch as nice a ceramic shop with ice for an ad in the thirty mile an hour when we got up to sixty mile an hour speed hours i knew our relationship of dr now and then landed i could literally sail into when they're far the aggressively which of the women sing be blind awesome tend to be a bit if you can use your hair learn how to use it wasn't so called you could literally beat to win that nasa learned to do long ago fisherman lead to do that in the south cities in if i'm a jackhammer great island pete rose see people as a as a children's diet and i and jill rose age up man cat rise by not there for decoration on all of the houses of the great long session dreamers their fish crates the economic hit when to get into the non mouth of the fish and phil of elements of the beautiful fishes
dreamy often have them and these fishes up for each of the boys in the family the reason is a fish's symbolizes simon and it symbolizes sam into the salmon streams up the river and then up the waterfall glows on matters he goes against the stream the prophet and regenerate so the religious symbol the hope on the japanese isn't that boys will turn and listening to advantage turning invested and that isn't an event to reside in the tools i like to think a little more about to lose themselves i found that very interesting to realize we have no tools them are not some of them are not fixed that extra versions are intent on adding functions of the human being as a human being you know so really want to be is a discovery says that the gas a talent to be thirsty this is goes is this the end of it and it really lives up to be around honestly don't know
geology you find water they can't resist it and is that was presumably will find water every time you wanted and really does find water he finds out he can in hilla that water buys us a cat and a dog and a laugh about nine i was shot at your final lap up water that fight is easier to cut the hands and get out to one of the memoir and that was so they would tend to do that and they discovered that they don't have water when they wanted and they can cover their hands when they do find it and i say when they do find quite a lot of i don't want him i said why don't i some more in my cupped hands until i won't be thirsty again will discover that don't have their hands available to do other it's thought i'd cast of them it adopted to do to give them exemptions that so that there is to invent a game imitation cup imitation caught and that is the beginning about poverty vessel via basketry would say use first anti that and so forth that they made a vessel the vessel the
concave container is really one of the most fundamental nicholas on missions and that would really see that what happened was he left his hands behind by the welcome to have extra has raped that the main hazard to handle hot liquids of his bare hands could handle a legacy that tooling standard that we discovered all that too have been about from our recognition of repeated functions of retro font giovanni says it why do i stand on when they're so now when i can get the same which i'm good when i'm away from so that the whole development of automation is the direct consequence of complex perception of the repeated pat and realization that they can externalize of that man didn't know they would stabilize of them was to organize the and ryman the faraway the environment was essentially energy as the eyes to those i well sean it's an energy as matter and
just matter represents all the patterns of energy and dynamic in the end has an affair with a cell where retirement isn't so much as it is about like that and dusty on the rise and so again and that's bound browns ran into knots untie rises elegant designate track more more is local or a janitor at a recall and this matter what didn't discover is that the energy as mater cannot wear out because the physicians common that they could have saved a sigh experimentally that it could not be created the last and maybe this means that your local machine and probably as he would have been on tv this one by by what showed joining up with another system that does not bother us energy cannot be created know lawson for the what we call wealth which is organized capability to deal with the physical environment is essentially made out of that and by energy which cannot wear out and
had an advantage is radiation and that does not wear out we have one other factor how wealthy it is and like i'm retired and let makes an experiment association he added the edges matter and rescue patton's about leverage and makes an experiment of shouting and edges and in the hands of the letters to make it to work we learned lot of like another lesson always learns law is the quality of experience that far learning are we all the nausea and ages more effectively the official says go up and the wealth is increasingly really improved that for the wealthy man is is they're reversible or cannot get to be less you can only get to the mall chris barrett he's a national educational television wgbh tv
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an et national educational television
The Fuller World
Episode Number
Future Tense
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Mr. Fuller describes the philosophical tenets that underlie his approach to architectural design. The world, he says, must be concerned with the welfare of "total man." Only by recognizing and maintaining the upper hand in the unconscious struggle between man and the machine, between a society that uses technology and a society that is controlled by technology, can man shape his own destiny. As a "comprehensive design scientist," R. Buckminster Fuller has set out to alert people and nations to that struggle.
Series Description
R. Buckminster Fuller a man who has been called the first poet of technology and the greatest living genius of industrial technical realization in building talks of himself and his ideas on this richly illustrated three-episode series. The Fuller World presents the revolutionary architectural contributions of this scientist-philosopher in terms of his own concept of the world and the needs of mankind. The Fuller World is a 1963 production of WGBH-TV, Boston for NET. Original music composed and conducted by Daniel Pinkham. The 3 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
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Composer: Pinkham, Daniel
Composer: Pinkham, Daniel
Director: Hallock, Donald J.
Director: Hallock, Donald J.
Host: Fuller, Buckminster R.
Producer: Kassel, Virginia
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Designer: Bravar, James
Production Designer: Bravar, James
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 331392 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833518-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833518-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833518-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833518-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833518-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The Fuller World; 3; Future Tense,” 1964-00-00, WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 23, 2024,
MLA: “The Fuller World; 3; Future Tense.” 1964-00-00. WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The Fuller World; 3; Future Tense. Boston, MA: WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from