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I'm Cally Crossley This is the Cali Crossley Show when it comes to politics it's never a monotonous moment in Massachusetts. Our leaders are doing right by Bay Staters providing theater worthy of Broadway in Lawrence Massachusetts Mayor William Lente those fundraisers are raising eyebrows with his finance reports failing to name. Who's footing the bills for the pricey events. It could be a wrap for Sal the Macy's with federal prosecutors aiming to rest their case this week on Capitol Hill. The opposition against Scott Brown grows as more Democrats lined up to take a shot at his Senate seat. And in the department of presidential politics Mitt Romney could be turning his cold shoulder into a big bear hug by fully embracing Romney care. We'll also look at Sarah Palin's bus tour. Is it a boon for the GOP or a big bust of a roadside distraction from the statehouse to the White House we'll talk it all through with our political roundtable up next. All politics is MoCo. First the news. From NPR News in Washington I'm Lakshmi Singh. New worries
over economic recovery today the pace of manufacturing growth appears to be slowing more than expected. NPR's John it's TI says the sector hasn't decelerated this much since September of 2009. The snapshot of manufacturing in May comes from the Institute for Supply Management. Its index of national factory activity fell from sixty point four in April to fifty three point five in May. That's more than twice the drop economists had expected. Any reading above 50 means manufacturing continued to expand. So the output of U.S. factories did grow last month. Employment gains in manufacturing also slowed according to the report. A separate closely watched report on job growth from ADP employment services was also disappointing it showed only thirty eight thousand private sector jobs added to payrolls in May. Far below expectations the government issues its monthly employment report on Friday. John is NPR
News Washington. As heard on KTLA TV The Army Corps of Engineers is still releasing water through Missouri River dams to protect areas such as Dakota Dunes. About twenty five hundred people are evacuating at the strong advice of the governor who says the river will continue to rise as a result of heavy rains and snow melt. Dozens of prison inmates are helping hundreds of National Guardsmen to fill sandbags. Authorities hope to have the levee work done by Saturday for higher discharges from the Gavins Point dam upstream. The New Atlanta hurricane season is predicted to be busier than normal NPR's Greg Allen reports it begins today and last six months. The National Weather Service is predicting 12 to 18 named storms with three to six becoming major hurricanes category 3 or higher. That's above the seasonal average of 11 named storms with two major hurricanes. Among the factors contributing to the active season are Atlantic ocean water temperatures two degrees warmer than average and a decline in La
Nina conditions in the Pacific. Last year a la niña contributed to strong wind shear that helped hold all five of the season's major hurricanes off shore. None made landfall. Forecasters say that wind shear may dissipate by August when hurricane season typically heats up. The season's peak comes in mid September. Greg Allen NPR News Miami. German health officials are reporting a sharp increase in the number of people infected with a rare e-coli strain that is already claimed at least 16 lives. Today they announce hundreds of new cases a quarter of which involve a particular strain linked to the E. coli deaths. In all more than 15 hundred people in eight European countries have become sick as a result of the outbreak in the Hamburg region. The source of the outbreak is still unknown. The Dow is down more than one hundred eighty points. This is NPR. Goes before a judge on Friday at the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague having evaded justice for 16 years as a fugitive.
We have this update from Teri Schultz chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz says the significance of having run it's finally in the Hague court is enormous. MICHAEL KNIGHT It was the highest ranking Bosnian Serb military figure during the wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina. His crimes. Left communities broken. And the nation torn apart. Mata will be asked to enter a plea Friday on 11 counts of war crimes. He's charged with orchestrating the 1095 massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims in Strabane ether as well as the four year long siege of Sarajevo in which an estimated 10000 people died or disappeared. Roberts wants judges to allow him to try moderates together with former Bosnian Serb President Radovan courage it whose trial is already under way. For NPR News I'm Teri Shultz. Egypt's state news agency is reporting that former President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons will stand trial August 3rd. Mubarak is charged with corruption and the murder of anti-government protesters who were part of the 18 day uprising that toppled him in February. Toyota is issuing a worldwide recall for
more than 100000 Prius hybrid vehicles. The automaker is concerned about faulty steering after at least one minor accident reported in the United States. Roughly half of the recall first generation Prius cars were sold in the U.S. stocks are way down as Treasury yields fall to long term lows at last check the Dow had fallen nearly one and a half percent to 12000 387 Nasdaq down more than 1 percent at 2:40. This is NPR News. Support for NPR comes from IBM working to help midsize businesses become the engines of a Smarter Planet. Learn more at IBM dot com slash engines. Good afternoon I'm Kelly Crossley This is the Calla Crossley Show. We're talking politics this hour. So much is going on. We got to talk about Sarah Palin and Donald Trump eating pizza together. We have to talk about the goings on in New
Hampshire there's a well-worn path with so many people going up there now. And we also want to look locally at what's happening here with the Scott Brown. Well it's so far ahead but we have many candidates lining up to oppose him. Marvin Benet predict predicted this some months ago saying there will be people and they'll come forward and now they're out there. But I want to start this morning with some local kinds of goings on with the trial of Selda Macy and also what's happening with Mayor William Latigo. But anyway before we start there I want to let our guests know who's joining me to suss out all these movings and shakings from the statehouse to the White House. Kelly Bates Robert Fortes and Marvin Benet. Kelly Bates is the executive director of the access strategies fund. Robert Fortes is a political strategist and Marvin Benet is the executive director of the Massachusetts black and Latino Democratic Legislative Caucus Welcome back everybody. Good to be here. So now Lister since you know what's on our very full plate this hour we're taking your calls where at 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 seventy 8 7 7 3 0 1. Eighty nine seventy is Scott
Brown unbeatable. Who among his opposition would you likely vote for. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 0 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 0. And you can send us a tweet or write to our Facebook page. So let's start real local and I don't need to spend a lot of time on a couple of these things but I think we should address them or I'd like to hear you will address them rather. Governor Deval Patrick had to testify in the trial of former House speaker seldom AC. And on the stand said hey ask him to say some things and he refused to do that. The of course the case is about to Macy and his co-defendants getting kickbacks for getting various contracts approved and apparently he approached the governor in this way and the governor refused to do so. Kelly ladies first what do you think. I do. I don't think it necessarily hurts the governor. I think he has to be very careful about what he says and doesn't say. Obviously the
bigger issue is the fact that his secretary administration finance at the time Lesley Curwen didn't do a stronger sniff test so when these contracts came past her she should have done more due diligence to figure out whether or not there was any you know. Promise of favors it cetera and this day and age you have to be very very careful and all money goes through that agency. She's no longer there. But I think for her for people who are after her they need to be much more careful and really examine these proposals that come forward. You know when when they when they're high money in the millions and someone's pushing them a little too hard and you have to really look into it a lot further. Well interesting thing is that Kerwin actually made the quote and I believe she said Had I known. When you say had you known I mean let's just look at it from that perspective. Why didn't you think about it. Why is it based upon the present and looking back in. Had I known I would thought about it a little differently.
You know as Kelly's already indicated in a leadership capacity you have to be the eyes and ears and see everything. Because if you don't look at it from a much macro view you're liable to sit in a situation where she is right now being part of the reason why this contract was passed because she did not filter through with the way that she should have. I think that the governor went on the stand and he made the correct comments he did not challenge his credibility in any capacity at all I thought that he was very thorough in his delivery and poise and I think more importantly as he spoke the truth. And nine times out of 10 that is what is going to get you in the right direction. And I think it was a wise choice to go and take the stand and not that he had really much of a show is right. Yeah but then he actually went and he gave a delivery of the account of what actually took place and was able to recall it. And in that he also was Firman himself to know that he needed to cover himself back then so that he didn't sit in a hot seat right now not by not releasing a statement that would
resign re dissolve former speaker of any of his involvements in these contracts being passed. All right. That was my guess Marvin. Now you heard from Kelli Bates and now Robert Ford It's not often you see a governor being called to testify against a former House speaker. Not often though within the speaker's in Massachusetts. Yeah. Certainly there are speakers you know in a row to being indicted. I actually feel a little sorry for the governor because I do believe the governor is a man of high integrity and he keeps getting caught up in this culture of corruption that I think exist on Beacon Hill and in the Democratic Party whether it's making robo calls robo calls for Dianne Wilkerson or are now dealing with yet another speaker that is been indicted. I think he has to be very careful you know to piggyback on something that Marvin said. I think he has his staff lezzie Corps and they need to absolutely be very vigilant in dealing with these things because I think we've seen time and time
again in recent history in Massachusetts that these are the type of things that will come up when you have such you know one party rule so that such dominance that you have there on Beacon Hill by one party I think it leads to that cultural corruption. One thing I want to ask all of you to weigh in on just briefly and that is many have said that lots of folks will be what happens to seldom a see these of the what happened to Dianne Welker's and Chuck Turner. But many other people said that's not to have any impact at all. KELLY Well I think this case has been very different I think. The whole issue with Dianne Wilkerson and Chuck Turner I think the media covered it in a very different way it was I think very inflammatory as opposed to this is what's happening this is how this trial is going to roll out describing the facts as you know. I think yeah I think it's been Must much more respectful journalism in the case of Chuck turn Diane Wilkerson I mean it was just blown up and they were made into parodies. But all three very serious issues to address. So I think
you know given that there are multimillion dollar contracts at stake here and this was a House speaker. You have seen none of the you know cartoons and you know those kind of media images that you saw in other cases and you know I think it's a good example of how I believe black elected officials and people of color elected officials are treated in this town versus white elected officials particularly those who have power like speakers Tom Finneran and me see we're treated very very differently through their corruption through the you know the experiences on the Hill. And I think as you know both in Chuck's case and in Diane's case and certainly now what we're seeing with the current mayor of Lawrence it's just covered differently. It's much more. It's not his objective it's much more inflammatory. You see a lot more press and a lot less objective reporting. I think there's fear. That exist out there when dealing with
sound MACV dealing with Venner and dealing with clarity. You know three speakers who were indicted and I think because there is a fear the media is going to be very careful in how they're going to deliver based upon their review because they're not sure of what the repercussions might be for some of their careers. When you look at a Dianne Wilkerson and Chuck Turner you're clear that their power lies more in their community more than it extends beyond that sound to make his his power and influence goes across the country. He was scheduled to be than the the president of the mayors of federation. I'm not sure the proper term apologize but he was next in line to hold that position. Not of Mayors I'm sorry of speaker's policies but nonetheless that showed his influence. That sort of power is much
different. That sort of power is treated with much more of a careful touch because you want to be mindful of the future of that individual because if you destroy them your career could eventually end up in the mud and you never recover because they bounce back from the out the situation at hand. Yes we're looking at the Macy's case and we're questioning the outcome because we're concerned about how there is a mistreatment of black elected officials versus white elected officials. But let's be honest with where history has been and the very fact of the matter is why don't let the fiddles have been treated much differently have gotten off on their cases much differently and have not had to deal with the humiliation is as Kelli can indicate is the inflammatory statements that others have had to. And so because of that we're sitting in a case right now where we're going to look at this case with what the time what the what the combe but I would say that I would caution everybody to look at the case of what it is and say to yourselves Is there a reality in this right now that lies behind the
fact that power was always over top. Anything related to strength. OK. Robert force I want to add to that. I would just say that I think that it's right that people take a look at the case and see what happens to the Macy and compare that to what happened with Dianne Wilkerson and Chuck Turner. However I think that the more important people for things for people to look at is to really take a look at who they are electing to these positions and are these people of high integrity and not to get caught up during the campaign if somebody gives a great speech. But follow that person's career and stay involved and make sure that these folks are doing right by them. OK and why you're talking then let's just for a second deal with Mayor Willie Lanty and this new report that comes out that says that he did all of this entertaining while he was running but there is no record of any never filed any financial reports and so people try to figure out where did these thousands of dollars go. So as an
example there was thirteen thousand two hundred fifty dollars that he. Collection got donated from from guess who Dana paid to come to an event was it as much as $500 this was an April 2010 fund raiser. And if you compared what should have been the cost there if you were renting it for a wedding or so with at least 50 guests according to the newspaper you could easily have exceeded $2000. So none of this however was reported by him and there's more and more than one instance does this finally take him down. You know Robert Ford you know I wonder Bob if you wait before you are going to say Robert you know Marvin always weighed in. I want to agree with him on but I will say not yet. I don't think this will take him down. But if things keep happening like this the Swazis market. No I would not be surprised if you know
Cally the dirty secret is and it's a problem. A most elected officials do do this. They get donated space they get lots of quote donated things which we all love you know charity but it ain't charity you know what I'm saying and so I think I what I question at this point is what kind of training and retraining are these state officeholders and these elected officials and their staff getting about ethics and about what's legal and what's legal I would say no and what kind of enforcement. Yeah it happens where that report was what two thousand and nine yeah. And we're talking about it now in 2011. So this points to something some real problem systemically about what people do and do do not know about what they're supposed to do and who is supposed to be enforcing that and should be doing their job accordingly but actually what this mayor has done many many many other people have done. So the reason I say not yet and I agree with Robert and Marvin is because frankly this is this is this is very commonplace and I think they. You know people know and there are other elected officials who are like oh if this gets
out there my cover is going to be blown too. Also just expensive to do a lot of these events so you know it's like you know you think well let me try to do it on the cheap but you don't realize that that can you know influence people in different ways and you're in a different position than just the average citizens trying to raise money. In his case the market a lot. This is like the something that's added on to a long list of stuff. No absolutely but will we want to see if he doesn't have anything you has the heart of the people next to him the some of the people listen to people who look sad now there are people who are going to be frustrated but let's look at the bottom line if you have the heart of the fabric. Most likely there will be willing to forgive you particularly if they have a history themselves of some sort where they meet with law. That always works. OK I want to talk about. We're talking about Lawrence Massachusetts. We're talking my Lord's ministry I'm sure here and I think everybody in Lawrence is on the take no. OK what you're saying is that Lawrence has had many challenges many challenges some that have unearthed and some that are still yet to come. Willie when Siegel sits in a position where he
has been able to overcome some of those and he's also been able to to make his mistakes. I just believe that this community is more forgiving than it is not and I think there will be LINDSEY Well I'm hoping he doesn't make any more of these mistakes. But the unfortunate part is is that people are not we're not looking at the systematic issues as it relates to who we're hiring. All right that's a whole nother issue. Well we're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 8 9 7 8 maybe take a page out of Robert Ford's book my guest he says Get some integrity back to self before you go. I'm Kelly Crossley everybody with political strategist Robert Ford Kelly Bates of the access strategies fun and Marvin Vinay of the Massachusetts black and Latino Democratic Legislative Caucus. We're taking your calls 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Coming up we're going to talk about a veteran union leader retiring and take a look at that Scott Brown race it's hot and getting hotter. 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70.
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WGBH. The first. I'm Cally Crossley This is the Kelly Crossley Show we're talking politics national and local with Kelly Bates Robert forts and Marvin Benet. Kelly Bates is the executive director of the access strategies fund. Robert force is a political strategist and Marvin Benet is the executive director of the Massachusetts black and Latino Democratic Legislative Caucus. We're taking your calls this hour 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. We want your take on the political scene. Do you think seldom AC will get a free pass compared to the census Diane Wilkerson and Chuck Turner received. But do you also think that well it will be lent to you is getting too much of a heart. Well people beat on him too much and maybe you have something to say about our next topic which really is about Robert Haines the long time president of the Massachusetts they have Bill CIO who announced that he is retiring he's 61. He hopes that he's able to. Hand it over some water point to the direction of
his 31 year old successor whom he would like to be as is his successor I should say Timothy Sullivan who is a spokesman and a statehouse lobbyist at this point and Haynes has said in doing this it is time for a new generation blah blah blah. Some of the critics are saying yeah well but he also is going out on the hot seat with regard to taking the the director's pay for one of the insurance companies and that became a very big issue that he sat on that board that which awarded all of the board directors a lots of money to be directors. And since he represented labor that seemed to be a conflict of interest. So it also happens at a time when union membership is falling and also when their labor is in the midst of reshaping its message about how it exists in this new world post Wisconsin post actually what's happening here in Massachusetts it's well you know this is a big development.
You know Robert Haynes has been around for a while kind of bigger than life personality. And up until recently has been one of those leaders that the Democratic Party and the establishment really listen to. And as of late even the legislature and Democrats not just Republicans anymore are not as much pro union as they were before and are much more. I would say careful about how they want to approach their relationships with unions and what they want to do around this economy. I think the larger question is what is the future role of unions and leadership is a very important question because I don't think I'll speak for my generation I'm in my you know early 40s. People don't really understand what the role of unions are I mean a lot of the people in my generation never were able to get the benefit of pensions you know always have had the five day work week you know and that was not something that we already had always had in this country before unions. We don't understand what the role of unions are and how they can benefit them. And so I think they need to really unions need to take on a whole new strategy of educating the public about what does it mean to be a part of a
union and why does one do it and what is the history and why is it relevant now. And I think some new leadership. I would go so far as to perhaps even say some younger leadership leadership that's in touch with this community that doesn't really understand well what how does this benefit me or we don't even have a union in my job and I don't even know why I'd want one. So I think that's very important is what is the future of that labor movement and in some ways he's smart to step down now because this is this is a time where you need to reshape and rethink. And I think they need someone who can bring in that energy and really work with the membership and the grassroots base and figure out a strategy for moving forward I think he probably says you know what. Let me move out of the way and see if someone else can do this better because it's going to be tough times ahead. But again that education has to be done and it needs to not just be done in Massachusetts but all over the country. I echo all the sentiments of Kelly and I just would add that I think it was not just a wise choice but the fact that he was able to do it and has a successor in mind speaks to his leadership as well on what he and trust who we
entrust to take the organization to a new level. I think to touch base a little bit on what Kelly said I think not just are you going to teach those who are looking to be union members about what a union does but you need to teach the community as to what the union does as well. Robert Haynes is not going to walk away from this. You know just easily I mean he's walking away with power influence and a voice that will be received in many circles across the country and believe me he will be well taken care of and he will still have influence on the way the union is going to move in its next steps. You know Robert what Kelly said about so many people and younger generations not understanding the purpose of a union but also now I guess I'm going to have to redefine what bargaining rights mean because right here in Massachusetts we've just seen legislation go through which would diminish some bargaining rights but maintain some others so I think a lot of people are wondering well what does that mean exactly.
You know I'm one of them wondering what it was and what exactly it means I think the whole the whole union movement you know again I echo my counterparts here definitely needs to be redefined in some manner. I remember that you know Robert sort of lost touch with his rank and file during the Scott Brown race. He could not get down he had to pay them to hold signs. And he couldn't fill his phone banks because his his own rank and file felt differently than he did. And I thought that's a Roy. Yeah that'll election. I think you know the way our economy is now. What the collective bargaining you know states are growing broke and that puts a lot of pressure on the union has to realize in a lot of places like Massachusetts they have had such sweetheart deals. They've basically elected the people that are setting up their bargaining with them. And you know the economy has really changed that atmosphere for them so they're there so they're sort of kind of struggling to find work where they
go from here and people are looking you know like why do I need a union unions did great things in this country years ago. But you know where do they go from here. Well I think now now is the time actually that ironically that unions are needed the most when people are really struggling. I mean you know the fact that we're all paying so much in terms of our health care in terms of deductibles and just you know trying to get our visits in and the insurance companies and their CEOs are doing great. And I think that's a problem and we need people we need institutions and leaders to help us get in there and bargain for us so we're not these lone voices. But I just don't think people see the full picture of that and they don't know the reality. And so what we're going to have if unions continue to diminish like this is just individuals out there on their own really struggling trying to just figure out how they deal with their economic situations by themselves alone with their families and people are going to run right over them. And that's actually what's happening right now. But unions still have to do a much better job of getting those people on board and helping them understand why they're about to return to the grass right I think that's true.
I am reminded right now of the of the controllers the air traffic controllers and how those ranks were diminished under President Reagan I mean he went after them. And we've seen so many issues prop up and some of that has to do with some of the restrictions and some of the rules and all that going away and how they changed it because they lost control over how they how they directed themselves anyway. It'll be interesting to see how it's reframe because I think all of you're right it has to be reframe now for these days and times. All right Robert forced to the subject that I know is dear to your heart. The last go round when Scott Brown rode into town. Where Bob Haines was not understanding what the rank and file was trying to tell him. Robert of course was on that Robert Ford was on the Scott Brown tape right into victory. And so now you're Scott Brown lots of folks have said that it's going to be very tough to beat him on the other hand a number of folks have stepped up we've now seen most recently said he Warren who the very recent mayor of Newton we have Alan Casey who ran the
last time we have Robert Massey and Maria Franco. So those are the people that we know about. Others seem to be more about it. And folks are saying he's a little bit more vulnerable Nate thought he might have been I'll let Robert take the first crack on this what do you say. Begin with this and say that I stand firmly hand-in-hand with Mayor Menino. OK and that this current crop has no chance whatsoever to crown song with the mayor on that 100 percent. I will say that it's going to be very very tough to take him on in this go around and you know and I am so shocked by that considering whose seat he holds considering that this is Massachusetts. The senator has done such a tremendous job of connecting with the voters in Massachusetts and being true to himself and being a true independent voice. And I think he's being rewarded by the people and voters in Massachusetts for that. However
you know he needs to be mindful that this is Massachusetts and as you mentioned last time on that campaign you know it felt like a landslide victory. And you know for us Republicans in Massachusetts it was but that landslide is like four percentage points. Yeah. So you know that margin of error for any Republican officeholder in Massachusetts is so small that he has to make sure that he comes out strong with his message. What a great organization. And going forward and give us just a little bit of inside baseball from from my party's perspective he does have a little vulnerability with the conservatives in the party. He lost a lot of conservatives and when you're talking about four percentage points you know if those folks they're not going to vote for the Democrat obviously but if they just stay home. I could be a major problem. Well let me ask this question before Marvin and Kelly weigh in. All right I take your point that he and it's clear that he lost some ground with the conservatives. But if you are not. He is from Massachusetts. OK. So let's begin there. And if he does not
even appear to be reaching out to some folks he can win and if the if you say to those people well if he doesn't have the seat he's not you know is there. If they come close to you it's such a balancing act. Getting that message through to the folks but see when I talk about these conservatives these are the folks who will hold your signs. Man the phone banks knock on the door so many of the foot soldiers in our party come from those ranks that even though if you do you may lose their vote. That's one thing but losing that manpower for your organization is also tough. I mean hopefully enough of them will understand that this is Massachusetts and not you know Georgia or Mississippi that you know he when he says he's an independent voice and he's going to do what's right for the people of Massachusetts that's what he means and that's what he's going to do. Well food I can respect that and we can you know shore up that vulnerability a little bit there. I think he will. And I think will go forward like I said and be victorious.
But you know there's a difference here though. He got elected during a special election. 2012 is a presidential election year with Mr Barack Obama on the ticket. There will be a whole different set of voters coming out for this election than it was for the election of Scott Brown. The voters that are going to come out that didn't come out as much in 2010 or in that special election will be women. People of color younger voters unmarried women by the way a big segment of women that are very important voters. You also have just more voters because people like to come out during this time and there's a lot at stake and there's going to be a lot of hoopla about this election. So his base is not that base. So I think it's going to be very interesting to watch I still think he's a very strong candidate. But we are seeing more and more very credible candidates now coming out of the Democratic Party. The question is are they going to be as charismatic as Scott Brown. Can they really distinguish him. You know he does have a sort of independent voice personality
but can people point out look at his actual issues and the way he stands on issues is very different than the way Massachusetts voters would like someone to vote. I think we need a very. Smart person to come and present themselves in front of Scott Brown I think the debates will be very very critical. How he holds himself up in that debate versus another candidate. I think the candidates to watch are city worn and possibly worn toman if he enters the race Setti Warren. I've met him. He's a very he's a very charismatic guy very smart. He's a veteran. He's run very well although Newton is not happy about it I was going to say that then I think him. But you know to be truthful he doesn't need all of New You know and even though if I were in their shoes I'd be very upset. Let me make it very clear. He is out there. He is raising a ton of money and the person running his campaign is the best. And she's gotten Deval Patrick elected she's worked on Barack Obama's campaign I mean she knows how to work these campaigns. I also think of Warren Tallman jumps in the race will be very interesting he's a
former state legislator ran for governor and lieutenant governor has a lot of experience running statewide knows a lot of. People across the state and has a similar base to Scott Brown he can not only relate to women and young people and people of color but he also relates very well to white working class men which is a big part of Scott Brown's base so he's still waiting and deciding if he wants to jump in there so many people in this race on the Democratic side. I actually think it's a little bit troublesome because as it gets closer to the election voters are going to like really confuses me a lot of names flying out there. And I personally I mean I think if you're going to try to be to Scott Brown I think you need one or two or three names and you keep it small but that's just my humble opinion about that I think it's going to be tough as just you know everybody wants to enter this race I think it's just going to be very complicated for voters but I guess this is a very different election season. That was Kelly Bates Marvin the night just to put it. Add something to what Kelly has said. The National Democratic Party has come in and saying we're
kind of a little a little concerned about the folks who have said that they're going to run against Scott Brown we see them as what's been perceived as their weak compared to Brown. And maybe it's part of that is because too many of them as Kelly said and there needs to be some would lean down to have some shot at beating him. How do you take all of this. I mean I actually think it's interesting that they're coming in looking at Massachusetts and trying to find a candidate when there is a sea of candidates already instead of cultivating one of the candidates or two of the candidates and finding a strong candidate if you remember Scott Brown was just like the rest of our candidates right now who was you know a. I know in his area his community but beyond that was unknown and was you know put together smart machine that actually put his name out there and made him a recognizable individual. And I think that the Democratic Senatorial Committee needs to begin to cultivate a candidate who has already come out or candidate potentially who will come out
and make that decision to push them forward and stead of looking at this from a side view with the expectation they need this rock star. You don't need a rock star to beat Scott Brown. You need someone who is willing to stand up to Scott Brown to address the issues and to talk about why it is that they're the best candidate flat out one of the things that I disagree with with Setti Warren initial launch and his video on his website was that he mentioned at one point he said was if you look at me I'm just like Scott Brown was when he ran for his re-election. I would have never said that I would have never advised him to say that because you never will give fair play to your opponent number one and number two I would not if this is that point that is already evident. There is something about speaking about who you are as a as a candidate and just talking about who you are and I think when you get caught up in the clouds of who your opponent is you start to take away from the integrity and the deaf to who you are as a candidate while you are the most valuable player.
Well that's going to be it's going to be very interesting to see. There's one more point that I think we should have though. Scott Brown will become the next he will become the senior citizen senior senator. Good point. And he'll have six years in it whoever it is. OK. We're talking politics from Beacon Hill to Capitol Hill with Kelly Bates of the excess strategies fund Marvin Benet you just heard him speaking of the Massachusetts black and Latino Democratic Legislative Caucus and political strategist Robert fortes. We would love to hear from you listeners but maybe you find our conversation so scintillating. You can get to the ready 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 I-70 way and if you please. Scott Brown or somebody else for you or you know maybe you wait on Warren tell me. We'll be back after this break. Stay tuned to eighty nine point seven. Support for WGBH comes from you and from the Babson College part time
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access strategies fund. Political Strategist Robert forts and Marvin Benet executive director of the Massachusetts black and Latino Democratic Legislative Caucus. We're taking your calls listeners if you want to call 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 8 9 7 8 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. OK so from one at the moment favorite son Scott Brown to another who used to be Mitt Romney. Tomorrow Mitt Romney makes it official that he is in the campaign the national campaign for president you know he announced not too long ago that he had formed exploratory committee and he enters a field with a whole bunch of folks you want to talk about Kelly. A lot of names there's more coming and there more coming. So how do you see him in the field I mean he tops out at most of the polls let me put that out on the table. However it's not that Giuliani has beat him out on one poll and Giuliani has not indicated that he's going to step in but. I just think that's a
little. I mean the interesting thing is we can't get caught up in the polls because you know polls will tell you that he's a favorite and then he ends up in third. Well I agree and that's happened on a number of occasions. Mitt Romney is going to appear is the most polished but I think that you might want to consider temple NC. I would not loose sight of Tim I think Tim is going to provide a different view that is out of the box and is innovative and is going to appeal to a broader audience. Mitt is very conservative and Mitt Mitt has his has pulled it he has stayed on. And what he's trying to do is reinvent himself in New Hampshire right now because he was successful in his own backyard in 2008. And that's something you have to be mindful of. Well one of my political contributors for this show Fergus Cullen who is the former chair of the New Hampshire Republican committee says. Iowa over no longer is should be a testing ground it should really be New Hampshire and to the extent that Iowa is now only
reflecting people who are truly evangelical and conservative in that way and not open to a more general population. So I don't know if you all agree with that or not and he's his concern is that if you take winners from Iowa and allow that they are supposed to be you know champions or rock stars or whatever as Marvin would say. And in fact that's just not not true. That you really have to make it in New Hampshire is that it explains why Mitt Romney is sensible and I would think so as well I mean New Hampshire definitely has has proven itself to to be a voice in most elections if not all elections across the board nationally. But I but I just think that Mitt Romney has figured out that if he can garnish enough votes and support in his backyard of where he made his you know his mark then how successful can he really be nationally. You know it's one thing to receive all these accolades was another thing for your backyard to actually trust in you enough to lead the country.
All right I say watch the women. I think I think Sarah Palin's going to come out soon. Michele Bachmann is going to come out soon. I think both parties have underestimated the power of the women's vote for a long time and the power of men voters by the way who are actually looking for something different. Mitt Romney looks like every other candidate you've ever seen. I would venture to say I'm sure Robert agrees with me there are some conservatives out there who are like Who is this guy. You know he's he's all over the place on health care. He keeps Oh man he just needs to move on from that. I think Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are much more conservative than some of the other people that we're talking about in the race. Sarah has a huge base of support. Granted she is a lightning rod in many ways. But I wouldn't I wouldn't underestimate her and I think I also have to say too that you know I still think unfortunately in this country there is a bias toward people who are not Christian who are in the race and it's never it's always below the radar and
people don't talk about it. But I wonder I wonder about Republican voters and any voter frankly about how they feel about that. And unfortunately there's a lot of myths and stereotypes about the Mormon religion. And it's he's been able to kind of not have that be at the table because he's never really gotten too far. But this time it could it's just going to be in the back of the mind of people I do believe that unfortunately hold that thought Margaret I want to let Marie who is listening get in on this conversation Marie from East Sandwich here on the callee Crossley Show. Go ahead please. I would. Intel to call and because I cannot bear to hear about how strong and how well-regarded Scott Brown is my feeling is Scott Brown's strengths are that he appears to be a nice fellow that he is a very attractive man and that he's tall. I think he is a surfeit of. I don't think he's independent at all. I think moved
towards the center and sounds independent when he checks which way the wind is blowing. I think he's been on the wrong side of issues for Massachusetts and I am just the finals of how everyone is sort of taken in by this image. Well really it's working for him. Would you agree. Well it's working for it because we always talk about it I mean we're not talking about really his vote and it's really I mean given the given given the important issues that we're facing that we have someone from. Massachusetts I mean anyone can run. But really let's look at his record for the last year and a half. And let's really start thinking is what is really the candidate that we want for the next six years taking care of us and representing who knows what but not certainly not representing even the middle road Massachusetts voter. Well I have a feeling that city were in an Alan case. You were speaking music to their ears right
now because they're looking for you the voter to vote against Scott Brown. Well I'm I really I call several times when the issues are hot. I call Scott Brown's office and I tell him OK I leave a message that I am really unhappy with his vote. And I know that other people are doing it. And so I have to assume that we we are being taken. For where we're really paying attention to people who were calling the office. But really I want to hear more about the issues that these candidates. All right and I'm not so much about how they're running. Well let me well let me two things First of all I can say that Scott Brown's latest vote with the Ryan plan than against the Medicare plan Bob got him got a lot of attention so your wish realize because he's definitely in the spotlight for that so that's one thing the second thing is just veering a little bit to our conversation about looking at the national presidential candidates for the
Republican Party. We see where you're going so you I'm sure you're not voting this way but still if you were Sarah Palin are Michele Bachmann which one might more interesting be homelike couldn't there would be no vote. The two which will be more interesting to you. Well really I can't even imagine. I really think Sarah Palin has. I really is. It's embarrassing that she's running. Well she has a sense she's running yet I prime Well I personally think she's over. I think Michele Bachmann is going to run and you know that's that's that but that's just not being you know where do these people get their money Michele Bachmann I mean really you know it really is the concern I have and how how easily the way people are and you know people who are hurting and warry about their brand about gasoline about where their kids are going to go or where the kids are not going to go because they can't afford it to Bank them or get you mad.
I mean every day I get home and I hear the news and I think thank god Barack Obama was elected. That's what I say. Well what I say Marie is thank you for the call and I'm going to go with it that you will not have to be paid to hold a sign got around the problem. Thank you for coming by. And now Marie raised many points but one that's I think it's very important is about the money. One of the reasons that Mitt Romney is stays atop of this totem pole at this moment is that he's he raised in Maine dollars a day people. And to your point about his being a Mormon Jon Huntsman may or may not get in the race is the former ambassador to China for Obama. But everybody is very interested in these hands. He's tall. He seems to have a moderate position. What do you think Robert. I think he's he's definitely would be a strong candidate. I think you know Mitt distaff some some great things going for him one that he's been running for president for years
now. Yeah well he's got the organization he's been out there. And if you look at the Republican Party when it comes to nominating President over the years it's been very orderly. It's always the guy who came in second last time. So it always comes by turns. You know it was John McCain's turn. It was George Bush senior's turn it's always been or Ronald Reagan ran for president three times before he was the nominee. And then eventually elected so you know Mitt has some very. It could have bandages in his organization has been out there working meeting with activists across the country for four years now so that he's going to have you know a lot of tools to work with. But what about Michele Bachmann I mean I think Kelly's point about you Don't underestimate the women I really do think Sarah Palin's over I'm not I'm not even sure Sarah Palin is planning our way and
I don't know. I'm going to show that she you know I don't think her the less ship she has with the national media I think is one that is very negative and I don't know if she wants to put her family through that. She's a power broker in the party as it is she's making a great deal of money right now and so are some of her family members so I'm not sure if she's thinking about it in that in those terms. Michele Bachmann may be jumping in the race but again she does not have that national organization up and running now. You think whoever's going to be serious really better have an organization then I would not rob it was not a fire I would say if Sarah didn't run do you think she would lend support to Michele or no what do you think Sarah Palin would support if she didn't run. I would take you know a close look at Herman Cain Herman Cain is winning the hearts and minds of conservatives across the country. Very powerful candidate. You know I'm torn because as you folks know here. Mitt Romney was my boss
and I have a great respect for all but I also have been very inspired by Herman Cain his life story and what he's been doing on the campaign. For those who don't know Herman Cain is African-American he rose from poverty to really change several large corporations including Godfather's Pizza he's a self-made multi millionaire apparently a very charismatic speaker he keeps anywhere he speaks he just outshine everybody else did well on some of these early Republican candidate debates. So he's he's you know I think he's going to be a very strong candidate I would not be surprised that if he does well I could see sort of Sarah Palin waiting to see how the primaries go before she she tips her head a little bit. But if he does well in some of those primaries those caucuses I could see her going his way. You know one thing we haven't talked about is the fact that under
Barack Obama's presidency Osama bin Laden was caught right. And I know a lot can happen between now and you know November of 2012. But I think that's pretty significant and I think. I just think whoever is you know going to be the candidate that goes up against him. They have a much harder task. And you know if the economy really goes back and forth it's bouncing around. If it's you know it's not horrible but it's still you know people see slight improvements in the news they keep hearing things and if they feel like you know they don't want a lot of change you know in terms of their politics you know he may just walk with this you know Obama may just walk you know into the into the office for I think that's what the Republican candidates are doing they're turning the conversation to the economy. They're trying to say I love you you know that's the bottom line is I'm going to go that'll be able to have the conversation. So you know that's that you know is sort of the problem from the Democratic side because the more Republicans you who are battling it out the
more they're talking the more they're going to suck up that media attention is that it would become you know unfortunately just for strictly you know political strategist standpoint I you know I absolutely think it was fantastic that you know Osama bin Laden was it was taken down and on President Obama's watch. However you know there is nobody asked fickle as the American voter. Yeah that's true. It's it's happened. You know he's done it it's over and now they want to know what have you done for me lately. Right. That's right. That's right. Well I think one of the things that we didn't raise and you know as you talk about Scott Brown and his relationship with Mitt Romney in the fact that they I've been you know he's kind of like Mitt's prodigy if you say. But what you're noticing and what I've noticed you know we talk about him being independent but I really believe that he has it is independent is it comes across specifically around his votes. But he has he has flipped on many occasions. You know one position he's shifting gears here and then at the end he's turning
he's turning his roll over and I think the concern of people will begin to have an if they're not paying attention now is that he's not sure where he wants to go and he doesn't have a definitive plan in which direction he wants to lead the people of Massachusetts and that is something that I think has been has not been necessarily addressed completely and will leave the residents of Massachusetts in a bad position come down the pipe and the point I was raising earlier if when Obama if he when Obama wins re-election you're going to go when when Obama wins re-election and Hillary Clinton side step down John Kerry goes in we have another signal be able we need to deal with. I will we get way more to talk about and next time we'll have talk about this redistricting which also will affect that map there as well. We're talking politics both local and national we've been talking about it with Kelly Bates executive director of the access strategies. Political Strategist Robert Ford and Marvin Benet executive director of the Massachusetts black and Latino Democratic Legislative Caucus. Thank you all. Thank you thank you. You can keep
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