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Her. For. You. At the end of January 1968 Biden was alive with a festive spirit. Everyone prepared for the new year for the people of the earth that is both a joyous and sacred. I am of the year. It will be the first great Second Republic of Vietnam Era by the communist North Vietnamese seemed to promise the people a safe holiday free from the ever present anxiety of war of an anvil. People gathered to pay respect to their ancestors on the eve of the new year on family grateful for the authors of their ancestors they prayed that he
might be restored to their homeland. This year however the traditional firecrackers of celebration became the word of war. The Viet Cong taking advantage of the noisy celebration launched a savage attack on bygone. Areas of the city became a blazing inferno. Columns of smoke rose skyward. The block after block in the capital city burned with the fires the Viet Cong treachery. And people fled. Many fell victim to the enemy gunfire. Government soldiers reacted quickly to counter the communist offensive and to protect civilian life and property.
Seventh. District of the capital. At the time on radio and the intersection in the city. The enemy appeared before me. He went into action. Many of the terrorists attempted to hide. Soldiers found in.
Some. Areas by the enemy. The upper floors tall buildings were immediately deployed to these areas to help dislodge the Viet Cong. His elite group to attempt to capture the Saigon radio station. Unable to be objective the enemy prior to the building. The Vietnamese airborne troops were quickly on the scene along with fire fighting put out the blaze. And. The bodies are evidence of a miscalculation of the enemy. Four star general when.
General job is credited with having planned the communist offensive is the same officer with Victoria that began in 1954. However the loss of thousands of men and weapon has become in general a grim and. It carefully planned attack by the North Vietnamese has been described as their all or nothing. Go for broke. However it ended in a dismal failure and communism dead before he died. So your loss is proof of the tremendous price they paid for their desperate attempt. By side with the combat soldier. It. Is a dangerous area.
They called on the people to remain calm. Fearful civilian government soldiers were protect soldiers lead them out of the combat area. They feel temporary refugee. Doctors. And nurses and the medical for him to the aid of the wounded in the. Military and civilian ambulance to the evacuation of the area. The real heroes of the day was a firefighter. Throughout the city at
the time to heavily populated areas to cover their retreat. Each time that was had to be on hand immediately to put out the fires and to keep them from reading the firemen brave both the plane and the enemy gun to perform their vital role in saving Saigon. Rather than fighting with the heaviest psychological warfare and civic action devic were on hand. Here. There are loud speakers to tell the people the truth about the attack and how they could best escape to safer areas. With their loud speakers annually to appeal to the enemy to lay down his. The RENNEBERG. May. Be strong responded to the call to render
them areas and are surrendered as a unit. These prisoners prove an excellent source of information. They told of the lack of morale and fighting spirit in their ranks. Some told how they had been forced to fight when their leaders had been killed. They willingly surrendered to the government soldiers. As the battle progressed. The body of the Viet Cong littered the street piles of Red Chinese then Russian weapons were taken from the dead and defeated communist group. This elderly man a lifelong resident of Saigon told the soldiers the best way to get around the area the Communists had infiltrated. Communists violently quickly turned large sections of the capital city into an inferno filled with Cradock residents trying to save themselves what few possessions they could carry with them.
In a matter of hours. The home was numbered and now. The first. Day of the battle for the section of health and health. Fighting like that one day. One of the bloodiest fire fight occurred to me that has been. I got. Here. The Army succeeded in denying the communists to the women and children of the area and all the civilians were evacuated. The Army decorated the area with a leaflet lay. Out the entire North Vietnamese regulars and to be
the crew no matter. The third day of battle. They quickly circled the enemy and annihilated him. Many of the dead beat the North Vietnamese were forced from their farms and villages and into Saigon to face what they are superior. You can bet. Hundreds are wounded and bleeding were abandoned on the street gone by the Viet Cong. They were provided medical care by both civilian and military medical.
Many of the victims were sick and undernourished even before the seven day battle in Saigon. They were given medical care and food. Here are some of the VC prisoners being interviewed by military correspondent.
All. The weapon captured here are from Russia. And Red China. Thousands of families were burned out of their homes. The. The government immediately launched a program to set up refugee camps in the stricken areas of the city. When the fire subsided the residents returned into the ashes of their homes badly shuffled through the ruins to salvage what they could. Many of the people who
had been born in these houses reared their children in them. Now there was nothing left but ashes. And memories. The homeless stand around dazed. And helpless. While the paratroopers and marines were flushing out the last of the communists from the other army units were busy relocating a home look at the refugees or where they could receive food and medical attention.
Their father. And husband. And. Here they are helpless with their homes destroyed possessions. The government now has the responsibility of caring for the Orphans. While trying to prevent the Communists from launching another devastating attack. Did action being also began a disease prevention campaign especially the refugees.
Religious and civic action organizations from all over the world funded the government request for a food medical supplies and clothing all poured into the refugee camp and were distributed to the victims. Truck after truck carrying water in from outlying areas to the stricken. Help it get back on its feet. The mood in the camp was simple. But. For. Children are children even in refugee camps. The lack of supervise their play and recreation. As a health measure. The Army and in the Air Force began to collect the mounds of
garbage and debris piled up on the street during the fighting and at that. The rescue were loaded into army trucks and hauled away in an effort to help the residents get their neighborhood back to normal. The people of Saigon cleaned up the city and begun to rebuild. Barbed wire and barricades giving way to the traffic and activity typical of the big city. Life is returning to normal. Yet the dog will never forget. How come you have not
heard the truth. With the devastation. And. Violence
Vietnam: A Television History
Raw Footage
Saigon, Target Zero (Psychological Warfare Film)
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-610vq2s913).
The scenes in the film were taken by RVNAF cameramen during the Vietcong TET New Year Offensive. Saigon street scenes with people shopping; praying in temples. Night, city under attack. Burning buildings. Refugees fleeing area under attack. ARVN soldiers on the attack; street fighting. Fire fighters fighting blaze in radio station. Dead Vietcong; captured weapons. More street fighting and refugees on the move. Fire fighters fighting fire in houses. ARVN psychological warfare soldiers speak over loudspeakers. Prisoners being brought in. Dead Vietcong and captured weapons. Refugees on the move. House- to-house fighting by ARVNs. Dead Vietcong. Wounded Vietcong are given medical treatment by ARVNs. Prisoners are interviewed. Wrecked buildings and houses. Refugees search through ruins. Refugees in camps are given food, clothing and medical treatment. ARVNs clearing debris. Saigon streets returning to normal. AV, Saigon. NOTE: Film is grainy and scratched. Keeping for the record. (No Captions)
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Refugees Vietnam; Tet Offensive, 1968; bombings; Psychological warfare; Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam); War Casualities; Military police; Urban warfare; United States?Military History?20th century; National liberation movements; Nationalism and communism; Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Vietnam (Democratic Republic); Vietnam?History?1945-1975
Rights Note:,Rights:Public Domain,Rights Credit:NARA,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:NARA
Media type
Moving Image
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Distributor: NARA
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Identifier: 672a5a5980886e20403d7a906ffbc4bfa7d5b57b (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: B&W
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Vietnam: A Television History; Saigon, Target Zero (Psychological Warfare Film),” 1968-06-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 6, 2024,
MLA: “Vietnam: A Television History; Saigon, Target Zero (Psychological Warfare Film).” 1968-06-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Vietnam: A Television History; Saigon, Target Zero (Psychological Warfare Film). Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from