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pj vogt is owed is owed is is is anyway i'm speaking the peak our next problem is how does a people get from a still rather vague state of pre revolutionary discontent even though it is what the party intellectuals to actual revolution let the unashamedly you still another figure speech the revolution when it does come as an explosion or an explosion that comes of course in material suitable for export won the mock the actual big giving of revolution seventeenth
century england was the attempt made by king charles the first person with a few hundred soldiers whether the house of commons on january fourth sixteen forty two and seize the person's and five liters an album as a raise olives and struck whom he accused of trees now soldiers in the sacred precinct the house of commons was probably not quite as shocking and sixteen forty two was it would be the day but it was still a most violent affront to pass the accused members fled from arroyo westminster where parliament sat to the nearby old city of london where charles did not their fault jaws and sell shortly after we withdrew to your in the north of england and after the royalists and rallied to in the field in the civil war for france the great date is july fourteen seventeen eighty nine for all the best to you all is a national holiday in france that is whenever france is under a republican form of government
the best deal was an old castle on the eastern side of the city of paris which have long been used as a president but asians don't look upon it as a kind of symbol of tyranny the actual attack which you see here in a contemporary drawing came during a few tense days after the king had dismissed from office by popular minister met chaos whom i once controlled the classroom by carelessly referred to as the great connector the state's general apartment had met quietly to a few months before and they've got work peacefully trying to solve the financial crisis may cost to push the leaders of the popular side let's say quite frankly now the revolutionary years took a lot of business with
decca at the obvious concentration of royal troops around paris suspected the king of being about to dissolve your state's general for exceeding their legal powers when they began calling themselves the national assembly and indeed begin to govern france this incidentally was this that some of the one chelsea a first inning that had actually try with temporary success back and sixteen twenty not the revolutionary leaders of the national assembly and seventeen eighty nine therefore looked around for how they found nearby and that's where the population already devouring newspaper as pamphlets such for instance as this collection meeting in hundreds of sidewalk cafes was formerly on the side of the national assembly this for instance is one of the panelists a catholic in which small tent which
you probably can't read there is a quotation from that famous director of the cairo which you heard it here sure those were the great days days when all this list of the discussion happens to be three thirty five and forty when all normal activities sees hearts knew about the streets listening to revolutionary archives such for instances and incidentally you're looking to for guns which some of them finally got from an ill guided royal castle in avonlea melted wall world those guys
with the people or as conservatives like don't walk and finally converged on the nasty i really don't wish to try it oh this great event even though they could have a few pieces of artillery even though some of the crowd were professional soldiers before the great fortress to amir mob was indeed a shattering family heard round the world foreign minister the french quarter that once roamed along official letter to john jay this and a few ladies later a less formal one with old friends james mattis yours of maine night's game to hand in the rest of europe nothing remarkable has happened but in france such
events as well before ever memorable in history even thomas jefferson who didn't just heard sympathetic though it was to the french revolution this was shocked by this passed the welfare here he is writing to a blue stocking friend of his mariah cause their hair cut or we speak sounds that without a formal an unpopular official supposed to profiteers in the grain trade we have been here in the midst of tumult and the violence that cutting off heads has become so much a monologue that one is up to feel the morning whether their owners on the shoulders whether this work is yet over depends on that country more of the fugitives i've known you got to really excites the spirit of engines we may hope that will soon be addressed and that order and
safety will be re established except for a few of the most obnoxious characters my fortune has been singular to see in the course of fourteen years to such revolutions as were never before seen we're making here a clinical study of revolutions not an inspirational one nora allows even a dramatic before the bus do you seen in these terms of analysis shows government and that this weakness of the top at least is clearly as it does revolutionary fervor and burned and spilled from below that is over royal come undone in charge of the soldiers in the paris region showed credible carelessness and letting the market at the gun store invites me the monet governor of the best you could surely have held for quite a lot but he lost his nerve quite quickly surrender to some informal negotiation quality quite
without any conditions the quality probably guilty of cut off its head put it on a poem correctly that it was sixty confirmed so many have a formal treaty the lane an organized crimes unit put downey he's not organized movie group even tried to put them now nor crowds in paris to be fired at by such professional soldiers in the streets during the whole course of the revolution when seventeen ninety five a twenty six year old artillery officer actually did order his troops to shoot straight and we're proud of that scene no one of those narrow streets he stop them in their tracks a young general bonaparte was not available in seventy nine dollars anyone to command in the fire there it owned factory can't fight and seventeen seventy five was the first explosion out of
this both sides we're surely committed violence and violence went on in various forms here in new york you see a typical revolutionary act revolutions loved the poor those factions there goes towards the third in new york but that's a negotiation we made after this bunker hill a successful driving out of the british in boston in march seventeen seventy six led the way to the actual declaration of independence next to mark this is the thing that has become the major symbol of our own revolution a peaceful and non violent events drew still one could hardly come when it did without the previous explosions of facts the great russian revolution of nineteen seventeen began in a society in which there had been a kind of preview of revolution in nineteen forty and
why especially on january twenty seven it looked for a while as though this were rather more than the previous pixar its troops finally suppressed until the nineteen seventy two hours you see that's our troops could no longer be relied on the explosion of march eighth nineteen seventy when bread riots broke out on the day of the revolution with there was a dramatic storm size winter palace an act of symbolic in its way is the fall of the past the winter palace was the home of behaviors bravado that's incidentally here i have to remind you the all russian calendar being thirteen days the idaho is what they call a february revolution was in our march at their october revolution their sacred revolution in our november this is
inconvenient that will happen without the russian revolution and game in the midst of the hardships and tensions yet it was not going well for the russians not world war was hired in all its participants and a good occasion for the crucial event last another and most interesting revolution the irish i need to remind you that the irish problems have existed for generations the irish people have this century's most grievous offense the great explosion in ireland came in the rebellion of easter week nineteen sixteen when shin taylor's champagne means have also seized the four courts and british troops i really tried but i never quiet again until the revolution was over in the nineteen twenties you can see from this picture that easter week was no being played in dublin a lot of
damage in the storm and incidentally there's a picture of nuns distributing bread though none seem odd in a revolution it's a reminder that even in revolution life goes on for days before the attack on the courts in dublin and irish leader he was there the way you know our stock average but impulse to protestant family came from the island to roger casement was landed on the irish post from a german submarine the irish revolution was additionally an underground movement spearheaded by well organize secret society a conspiracy should say we go now to one of the most complicated in disputed problems of the anatomy of revolution how far are revolutions the product of organized conspiracy part of the answer as we can anticipate they vary and this is another respect some are more some less the result of conspiracy skullduggery going at the problem can be put into poland do is like that
of north pole south of a dualism of spontaneous vs plant one poll the north pole is a moment of complete spontaneity in which people so to speak rise up and make a revolution rebel leaders without preparation of any kind the other pole we call the south pole is a revolution planted see racine every detail by a small group of conspiracies carried out with no participation of the people not just as the polls of this birth the barren so are these conceptual poll is the pall of absolute spontaneity is quite real someone always does something planned to stop that going the pole upright tule a conspiratorial revolution makes no sense when the tide revolution we're dealing with here so i suppose what i call palace revolutions arab revolutions
candy desk dozens taking place among the ruling clique with the people holy passive candidate almost polar conspiratorial no but i think we can all admit that it has to be obviously just political and educational leaders of a society based on a successful revolution to emphasize the spontaneity and they are now past revolution soft pedaled the plan even conspiratorial elements in their evolution i know that as a schoolboy i thought of our american revolution as the spontaneous resistance of all americans save for a few will get parties to the outrage is tyranny of that monster comes from george that sir i saw him in my mind's eye is almost literally a monster and rightly shock when i discovered that in spite of his post as he was as a loving husband and a kindly father on the golan but there were actually spoil has
numerous children now similarly french children are brought up to believe that the best deal day represents the spontaneous rising of the good people of paris against a government that was about the book down by force of arms all attempts to peru whetted and human condition many historians on the other hand love to show how wrong such thing as such sentiments that are really our beloved short the book indeed some american historians have gone so far distances but in terms of political philosophy and morality the british in seventeen seventy five at least boxer right of this these is doris emphasize the active role of organizations mikey mark and sons of liberty the selfish interests are at least two inches merchants like john hancock in the illegal trade actually smoke
and the brilliant massive action the professional educators like sam adams who hear it looks the agitator huts i should work often this big problem of how much organization is in revolutions stocked fridge for the moment let me say in great revolutions there is widespread popular feeling based on real grievances raised to a high degree of moral text a caucus requires important and that's real there is also a relatively small number of organize politically conscious views and their close followers plan carry on propaganda and finally set off the explosion you have both planning and spontaneity law to approve of a given revolution anew tend to emphasize its bottom you if you disapprove to emphasize its planned even its
constant are you care for a seventeenth century england the spearhead a good word here was provided to the more radical of puritan party anger built along at the puritan reins of james and jobs they couldn't get work through and in the house of commons but they also carefully cultivated the city of london and with the favorable to the city and much of the people of london that enabled them to make use of the king's attempt to arrest the five members in january sixteen forty two for an archival maps already said enough about the spearhead or spearheading his sons of liberty committees of correspondents the earlier work of various groups against the stamp act for instance here is a town meeting with the pulpit in the meeting house this is knowing in which the excitement is so great to see some of the participants have drawn
their sole says most unusual thing in me all this violence and agitation culminates in that remarkable achievement the continental congress which met first in philadelphia in september seventeen seven before before the explosion here in massachusetts which was actually an illegal legislature in fact our revolution was remarkably well engineered as you would expect from americans in view of the huge size of this country its relatively sparse population the existence of at least a third of the population rich tarrant is roughly another thing when the control or just too busy clearing the land of make a living to take any real active part in the work but without excessive debunking i think i can show you how far from being totally undamaged totally spontaneous our revolution was for many of you
have seen this video paul revere print of the boston massacre so i'm afraid i should say the so called last massacre doesn't common me that there was no more than a street brawl or rather series of roles in which the bostonians yell that threw things that and otherwise so they can get angered the british redcoats whom they call last attacks so the soldiers finally fired at civilians killed and wounded a few preston the british commander lucy here was later tried offended by modern revolutionary very high minded john adams always says it and acquitted why an american your butt look here at what the propagandist for fear is the precedent is formally ordering the redcoats who are in the bottom formation to fire the americans are crowded improbably gather and look harmless and
helpless revere has even added a nod existed inscription building in the right for ground what's now state street that reads books use whole there was no such built it made many americans blood boil or is a physiologist would say stirred up in that dream clients which is what propaganda is meant to doubt in furs we have a particularly clear example of the way in which organized groups make it possible to move from vegas contents on people to conservative political action gradually thought the seventeen seventies eighties there appear in most of the important pounds of france wants a distinguished conservative historian oh gosh call
so sick they deploy a city literally thinking cops a rather silly phrase in english actually these were variously named seen at first sight nonpolitical literary club social clubs sometimes smoky clubs but in most places you investigated later political clubs at seventy nine the jack of clubs which are due to the work of revolution you find that the personnel for the most part been earlier and one or another of these sosuke diplomacy or in the local watch a free masons for in the eighteenth century france the masons were actively on the side of political reform caution out and this book did a very thorough study of the elections to the state's general assembly eighty nine for bread and important province of old
friends remember the estates had not met since sixteen fourteen hundred and fifty years back and there was nothing remotely like what we know from experience is essential to popular culture that is organized political party has yet these radical brechtel like our american sons of liberty are committees of correspondence and unlike rapidly extent rise such a political organization which i do not hesitate to call a machine not as efficient as the best or the worst of our own machines a good job on the less politically speaking with us in fairness i must confess however that many perhaps most able french historians of their own revolution do not accept cautious work and would disagree with my present patient here from my point of view this refusal to see the
plan work of organized revolutionists as making the explosion possible springs as i said just a few moments ago from the fact that successful revolutions of course like to emphasize the spontaneous unplanned and accumulate virtuous nature of the revolution which they see as the inevitable rise in the price of human dignity today's inhuman oppression in which tyrants french republicans in particular have always wanted to be able to feel with their evolution was so to speak a case of spontaneous generation or partisan agendas i myself can't see it that way not even for the taking the bus depot where the anti government party clearly had active and effective agents among the crowd is in fact i wouldn't be sure that the railways claim prejudice though it is to the effect that revolutions have hired prostitutes to do a little
extra revolutionary work on the soldiers it's wholly and fabric don't know about this too is an example of that horrible indispensable thing propaganda the russian is of course from the point of view of the technique of revolution making among the latest and most sophisticated for though it may be true as far as miles that what we learn from history we learned nothing from history in terms of conscious revolutionary techniques revolution makers i've learned a lot in the last three hundred years of the russian revolution february was brought on the work of a great many groups from the relatively moderate the bolsheviks most of them anonymous and it has most certainly a clearer element of true spontaneity but the october was the work of a small bought a big group up in the actual street fighting days and was indeed a remarkably good technical achievement marks and lending again both studied
history with great care note carefully i am now speaking as a reporter not as a marxist finally the decisive advance of the first stages of all these revolutions represent the work not merely of a small spearhead but about when they called the united front that often goes in the relatively conservative to the very radical that again russia will do was a single including example the explosion of riots in that your dad in february remember our march seems to have been largely the work of radical groups and as i noted was successful it was because the tsar us troops would not for the most part and sent the fire on the rise once it was clear that sars government lost control the migrants came in and
using the name of the legislation body created a few years before as a concession side dug over became an illegal gun and chosen for administrative got this government is headed by high no woman in the average georgian of off including threats to the bolsheviks accepted while bought a few concert is though committed to the old regime were willing to come and i'll consolidate reforms cure the evils that made the revolution for possible for a while then everything looks rosy this i call the honeymoon period of revolutions in his brief by no means without well there's trouble not altogether like our own on egypt's i shall talk my next time about the sequel to this honeymoon period from mexico nino
i'm speaking the pain this week this is an eighty national educational television
Anatomy of a Revolution
Episode Number
The Beginnings of Actual Revolution
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
When does a revolution begin? The moment of crisis is often recognizable; for instance, crises were apparent when Charles I of England invaded the House of Commons to arrest some of its members, and when a mob stormed the Bastille. But do these explosions occur spontaneously? Or are they planned? The greater part of this program is devoted to analyzing the relation between conspirators - who may direct the course of action - and the masses of people who have a real grievance but may not be aware of a remedy. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
An apt description was prepared by the man who wrote this series Crane Brinton, professor of history at Harvard University. Said Professor Brinton: I am anxious not only to present the drama and human interest of revolutions, which I think the visual materials will make fairly easy, but I also want to have the audience think about these problems: how revolutions come about, what they really achieve, in what ways revolutions are in terms of social psychology pathological or at least abnormal, how it may be possible to achieve necessary social, political, economic changes without the worst phases of revolution. Professor Brinton deals with his topics analytically, dissecting revolutions not by period but by theme, aim, method, success, weakness, or failure. Each episode is enhanced and vividly illustrated by visuals film clips, photographs, cartoons and portraits. The 15 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Media type
Moving Image
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Host: Brinton, Crane
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: 01661A (WGBH Item ID)
Format: 16mm film
Generation: Print
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2079263-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2079263-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2079263-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
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Chicago: “Anatomy of a Revolution; 4; The Beginnings of Actual Revolution,” 1961-00-00, WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Anatomy of a Revolution; 4; The Beginnings of Actual Revolution.” 1961-00-00. WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Anatomy of a Revolution; 4; The Beginnings of Actual Revolution. Boston, MA: WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from