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like the moon and new man and moon and where ever sang and move who we are these other
designs and inventions of one man a man concerned with the overall design of human activity is using the world the us hopes it rule our dreams in practicalities all for over a third of a century this man r buckminster fuller has been challenging dismaying and the lighting the designers and architects of the world the public has come to know him through his now familiar geodesic domes himself as a prototype the first of a group of men for buffalo world a comprehensive anticipatory design scientist they would design is a very
powerful word and the popular use word but i think that in recent decades and so even us with for centuries the word design has been used and it's less a meeting rather than the smart how far meaning don't need visas will want to upset the idea of the jet and then the rocket the sunday the all times runs the save one that's me in the following the financial news it's a different position for one datsun me or one as us foreign service and so forth there's one that it's merely following the financial news right in the financial pages
usually quite alive box as much saved you find it not just most common with powerful corporations advertising for something called it designer and design engineer it was interesting that that bobby's as of late they've tried to sell the company to this proposed design scientist who they would like to hire right all about destroyed it scientific challenges with sec corporation is undertaking to accept and they tell about the thoughtfulness of the corporation toys that design scientist if you join up with and they will take care of him for life these
are really quite extravagant arabs and patients and rose and a conversation too customary law that's what was interesting about all that to me is that there is no category with an idiot with envy technically as two semesters isn't technology are than any of the other technical instance on all there is no category in the end the curriculum and the listed on the design science or design engineering would design has been added by these companies to the wood engineering aren't scientists but they want quite clearly is a man who has extraordinarily reliable kind of disciplining them to scientists is that iranian engineers that plus a great deal of ingenuity something
something innate that cannot be taught at the universe in as a reason that there are no such intimacy are technical institute course it because you you cannot teach invention you can teach people to help you know to help them to discipline them solve that at this point in the end is is aig it's also an issue that we're going to be is initiating is the self styled function which is unique to individuals and cannot be given to the individual by name and educational system and that's what they did what they're looking for the man who has is this individual quality plus the great revival of it so i'm asking for a man who is it design scientist you're asking for a man who has a great game a belly and who is able to break through the disciplining of the average says do not they do not a
praise ceasing of lives matter race around the surprises it never have some years to see the interrelated significance of a probably a specialization and then they enter and then begins to integrate those capabilities integrate those potential for growing the new font affirmation and not only integrate see the information and the times isn't that the significance of you might be able to now shoot rye much further much faster much higher that is able to go from that and is able to actually but we've caught reduced a practice that's the technical term abuse due to practice a concept potential use it requires a real invention we have been doing he works one of the results of the way or
another but it involved the maximum from the minimum amount of material this second concept that were dime axiom and buckminster fuller came into public view with the imax ian house in nineteen twenties when the name came from a combination of the words dynamism maximum and iowans and it means maximum game of advantage for minimal energy input the single family house built on the wire will tension principal was a shock to the public the upper deck was an open air relaxation area the deck below contained all living quarters two bedrooms two bathrooms a living room study and service room while the single family house was spectacular the tent decked i'm actually an apartment building was revolutionary youth demonstrated completely before the concept of self sustaining shelter and the sketches for made to illustrate its flexibility attend that building was deliverable by zeppelin
on approaching the site but there are double would drop a bomb blasting a greater for the building the structure was lowered into the hall as it was said by planting a tree supported by temporary stays until the cement poured around the base the central mast like tower contain the mechanics for services like elevate his act and issuing and waste disposal and edgy outlets for cooking and laundry intimate things and bathroom units which to be separately manufactured and flexibly and still not only was full of designing an extraordinary structure he was proposing a new industry where the houses would be mass produced and cost figured by the pound nineteen twenty seven prices the tenth floor apartment house would have cost under twenty five thousand dollars a single family house fifteen hundred
dollars translate into nineteen sixties that fifteen hundred would be forty eight hundred in a nineteen twenty seven drawing former saddam axiom housing offering the possibility for true world citizenry the self sustaining houses would be provided and delivered anywhere on the road by a service industry just as telephone so there were other direction inventions but imax in car a nineteen thirty three eleven passenger vehicle was capable of one hundred mile an hour speeds crowds gathered to watch the test runs celebrities gain among them amelia earhart they're not actually streamlined with a single rear wheels steering the car was extremely maneuverable although it was four feet longer than the conventional nineteen thirty three called the good part of a shorter term space by hitting indirectly been tailing sideways it determined its own wine labeled too extreme for mass production thirty years ago many of the speeches have been
incorporated into contemporary automobile is behind the dome's the call and the house is rightfully the ability to see connections between happenings sciences leads and resource all of them events that fall into the fall the definition of universe of the aggregate of goldman's experience when a love interest lois ph is available for further development and we use would design them in that sense we're talking about a restaurant i kind of an undertaking than it is something i'm sure that isn't a costly and they all human beings children show an almost an inventive capability that marston got frustrated ministry that bad and vanity really quite quite early history is still very
vigorously operative and children was on that during the first drawings and making up first sometime structure the time of the drawings making just trying to see them the man maj asian were complying with a construct of situations they build houses that they will do build a battleship out of a soapbox and they can they feel all the different parts of that ship they've seen pictures of the different parts of the ability of them go realize that they are caught up in the brains out of them asked them down in the bowels of a show in that very vigorously the imagination so that children are still inventiveness even be a very common problem but by the time was human beings get to the graduating agent from high school and then right way to discourage them and their attempts to invent and therefore would begin to lose at designing products when does it violate
has attended such frustrations in the rain a word that usually indicates a relatively superficial activity rights activists celebrated times the designer next year of a package the design of a son some decorations for building and designing in the sense of the industrial design we hear that when they give an industrial wouldn't customers on does represent a phrase about a vibe those represent a category in the institute disciplines but it relates to human beings who have trained and methods are presenting making psychologically you accepted at several presentations and so they do the ambassadors on the avenue with electronics assembly into the electronics at telephone
<unk> the electrical circuitry and then fired on libya is asked finally got five i am a little more attractive to the right to appeal as supervision on the occupation and i'm not even mildly interested in that phase of design and tremendous excited by the larry lives aspects of design and that not only the kind of design which the these advertisers spoke about our concern with that is trying to find a man who is capable and discipline in sufficient depth and the number of side giving directions to be able to interview specialists who going by great depth he's able to understand one specialist
great that is sighing and understand a significant level of it italy is all manner of a man doesn't buy great depth of specialization and yet still to save them south of the capital tech time investment than company investment to be able to understand the number of theo's and alleys a world and in the greatness of significance and then convert this potential into tools i'm interested gone beyond that as designed i'm interested in the design of the not only the corporations which i have these designers but i'm interested in talking about in the larger world systems today their own weaponry systems weapons systems alerted weeks at the round air missiles systems oregon and much like two hundred million to talk about
the ad the air the whole the whole system of element of projectiles don't mean big wave about the defense system a lot of the growth of the country this would involve all of medina holocaust russians on the design of it that way we can do that we educate human beings as it's always done it in theory of a living facility designed to meet almost every one of the most efficient use of all invested and again as the big challenges in nineteen fifty five he produced the radioman set to air for specifications they use on the frozen tundra of that you live in a three thousand mile strip of radar installations on the northern rim of alaska jones was set up initially omar when to leave it the installation was required to withstand two hundred and ten mph wind and had to be
fabricated for materials that would be invisible or the radars microwave be flintstones or fiberglass plastic fifty five feet and i am instead of the required twenty hours recently they were constructed important in nineteen sixty one during a flood emergency in puerto rico one hundred units serve as temporary housing made of like strength compression cardboard and with the instructions for assembly printed on the material the dwellings were put up in a matter of hours for feels the same method of instant housing could be used to alleviate many of the world's housing shortages the first industrial breakthrough and your basic structuring came in nineteen fifty three when the ford motor company commissioned a dome to cover the rotunda a conventional steel dome would have weighed a hundred and sixty tons much more than the building principle for the structure and ninety three feet in diameter weighed only nafta is
made of aluminum dresses with a final plastic skin coverings it carried out that i'm actually in principle of doing more with less why weight was the challenge of the ford rotunda size with the opponent with union tank are douma baton rouge louisiana this deal does a roundhouse as a total span of three hundred and eighty four feet and rises to one of may twenty eight feet of the center twenty three times the value metrics size of st peter's in rome was the largest clear spam enclosure in the world the relation of dimensions to wait and to cost shows the great economy of the by maxine principles and simple units there are two ounces of structural wait for every cubic foot and the total cost of the round house was less than ten dollars per square foot about half the cost of conventional building the same size the united states information agency don't use at the nineteen fifty six international trade fair a double afghanistan set a record for engineering planning manufacturing and construction seven days
after the contract was signed all those arms were completed within a month the entire dome was manufactured and ready for as schip is directed only by one's you're lessig engineer local pub labor is fastened the red and blue color coded stops together forty eight hours after the arrival of the ship and the dome was completed these structures answered seemingly impossible the marines and the ice is came from for his conviction that beneath apparently diverse natural phenomenon lies a basic coordinate system that by applying that system to design problems strikingly simple solutions can be fun to describe that coordinates system theobald his energetic energetic geometry a mathematics which accommodates the requirements of many physical laws the system gave him the mathematical bases the geodesic construction i'm just exploring other fields and found similar pattern dr donald kessler at the children's cancer
research foundation in boston has constructed a model of the protein molecules and unlike us at bryn virus a microscopic photograph of tissue from human eyeball produces again the familiar pattern lg photographed at the max planck institute in berlin repeats in an organic science mathematical crystallographer author alone has constructed models of the crystal structure of grand the basic component of sapphire and ruby and have to bribe a copper mineral these examples of sewage attic energetic tightening appearing very different kinds of natural phenomena they are consciously articulated by fuller and a few dozen more important in that sense practical application the underlying process of design
crowd so design them seems to me to be highly objective captures reconsider it at him and imagination that it uses a great number of expenses adam and integrates the effect of those expenses but got discovered principles are operating in the special cases and use of generalized this was a man is not a subjective about them not as a philosopher about them that begins actually by them and that those roads too many specialized jesus i found the design also then goes into a number of moves all these designs and i realize an accidental actions beyond outside man and they relate to now reorganizing his environment
and reorganizing rama so his environment begins to work for him so the spider can can go to sleep and then that keeps on working catching the flies not only richer than support her but for her regenerative function producing more spiders and so the these two o's then get to be an extension of the internal functions of the living spaces in which their function goes on you write that president what arnott this as a as an extra motion internal functions of the individual seems to me that the be right by powerful kind of a capability buckminster fuller as himself externalize the internal functions of the individual each of those designs as a result of years of conscious research and application of the research years of teaching young designers to examine and perfect geodesic structures
were conscious efforts to expand their knowledge of the design scientist or follow a natural function of mine is to think and to use the results of that fault accumulatively in the classroom in laboratories and construction sites buckminster fuller has extended the view of the designer and of the future of design science simmons i am function can go in so and one directions i can go in defensive directions to build a wire wall around us to protect us where we do not do too much thinking that recently their life spans as a mom about some amount of physical matter though frustrated at it but it kind of poachers that we got then defensive designed this test to be can track it to contract with the dimensions of of our lives and there are expensive ones
designed to increase our freedoms as i just give his lover's virus which use that word in a multiple the morality of all members of house photos to make a series of poems and that would be fine to become so we were this many spokes and that we'll land using increase the areas which we can can visit solar the serbian plans on an affirmative designed as an expensive designer many use to increase the totality of the total the area rich experiences in an e increases amount of time of his expenses by accelerating expenses even how the requirement of the expenses of a mandate many live all in one live by the acceleration and the reorganization of expenses so he can about the lies face of the man and then all that is by conscious
design we can see then our man could be robbed designs for keeping other man from bothering him by building a prison this would be a construct a design and then they can design ways of helping human beings as for instance you know this is an agreement on a real accidents and the other day as normal relax as we used to put up more more signs warning people of those invaders every reason that more words like a policeman had more traffic policeman i saw that instead of dr ruth we fall may fall the environment we could go in for divided highways rated going to split level highways record going for openly bank terms of the people would not be any they could they could get from here to that with great ease they could be themselves that and that would be logical things in room question that natural physical
senses and really gets me and they're much more rapidly that review an outdoor events as highway design would be what i would call out some of them and the reason freedom increasing designed in conversation to leave the eu they really that the stoplight the eu simon says slow down dont get this fast don't know how as much life and then the writers' strike to design other presidents say curio dangerous driving even seventy thousand long i'm going to restrict you but leahy way a car that whale most rwandans restrict the mall but so you don't move around with and when i got inside the president you see the design firm consciously understood be used to write greatly enhance sea ice pieces and
it can be it can be very fearful used to and district our freedoms and it's not used the tall can render us less effective than other species say that what was really distinguishes man of all the other living spaces the magnitude in which he has employed the design capability against for national educational television or wgbh tv ad age acts
as a nation hours earlier area urban area at macy's m e t national educational television
The Fuller World
Episode Number
Design Scientist
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
In this opening episode Mr. Fuller offers his definition of the design scientist and explains how his desire to improve living conditions in the world motivated his revolutionary structures. Efficiency, and an understanding of working relationships between the scientific specialties (biology, mathematics, physics, geology, chemistry, astronautics, etc.) and a willingness to take an iconoclastic approach to conventional architectural ideas - these, he points out, have been the guidelines to his work. The viewer sees a dymaxion three-wheeled car that Mr. Fuller invented in the early thirties; his DEW Line buildings; and the Fuller prefabricated houses in Puerto Rico. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
R. Buckminster Fuller a man who has been called the first poet of technology and the greatest living genius of industrial technical realization in building talks of himself and his ideas on this richly illustrated three-episode series. The Fuller World presents the revolutionary architectural contributions of this scientist-philosopher in terms of his own concept of the world and the needs of mankind. The Fuller World is a 1963 production of WGBH-TV, Boston for NET. Original music composed and conducted by Daniel Pinkham. The 3 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
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Moving Image
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Composer: Pinkham, Daniel
Composer: Pinkham, Daniel
Director: Hallock, Donald J.
Director: Hallock, Donald J.
Host: Fuller, R. Buckminster
Producer: Kassel, Virginia
Producer: Kassel, Virginia
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Designer: Bravar, James
Production Designer: Bravar, James
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 331390 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833515-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833515-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833515-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833515-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1833515-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The Fuller World; 1; Design Scientist,” 1964-07-26, WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “The Fuller World; 1; Design Scientist.” 1964-07-26. WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: The Fuller World; 1; Design Scientist. Boston, MA: WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from