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My name is Dean linger of the firm of Bart Nash mean first of all I'd like to give a general description of the routes that have been considered as to possible or feasible on its to the Brooklyn Elm route using the criteria which has been set up by the consul and by our contract. A few of the details about the requirements of the inner belt. First of all from the standpoint of traffic service in Cambridge some thirty eight to forty thousand trips per day will desire to get into or out of Cambridge by use of the inner belt. This will be done or will be accomplished by six ramps. It will be possible to get on at two locations on and off from the south and one possible on an off route or set of ramps to the north just south of Cambridge Street. The inner belt in this section through Cambridge is to be a further eight lane freeway. We expect that this freeway will be running at close to capacity shortly after it's open or by 975.
Our analysis of the tragic desires from this area which were assisted by the departments of public works using their data indicate that the traffic desires to use the inner belt from east or west of Brookline can be equally served by either the Brooklyn l route or any alignment in the vicinity of the rebel tracks or to the east of the Brooklyn Elm. The vehicle miles of travel from the origin points to get on to the inner belt which is a good theoretical analysis but it gives us an indication of the adequacy of the route. Also indicates that easterly route already on line can serve as well as a Brooklyn Elm route. In general the Brookline l route would serve the trips from the south somewhat better. Conversely the Eastern airline or the railroad line or Albany line along Albany would serve the troops in the north somewhat better. Overall there is nothing to distinguish between the two.
The typical sections which we have assume for this 8 lane freeway will be if it is to be elevated the width that's required just for the structure to be roughly one hundred thirty five feet. Similarly if it were to be a depressed section it was assumed to be a wooden section as opposed to using excess land for slopes. In this case the distance between the face of the walls would be roughly a hundred thirty eight feet so that for all practical purposes but they were using an elevated or depressed section the total width required for the structure or for the roadways is approximately equal to the dimensions which are set up by the Bureau of Public roads as well as the Department of Public Works are based on studies to maximize safety provide for convenient flow of traffic and so on. In extremely critical areas and for short distances we could recommend that the cross-section be reduced by 13 to 16 feet. However in order to save additional properties or a small amount of right away it's not
recommended that we go for a complete elimination of the shoulders and thereby build a substandard and hazardous section. The development of the overhead lines which were tried by bar Nashton some ideas were submitted by the City Council and also by the Cambridge Committee. The recommended line as Mr poet has indicated is general generally along the alignment of the Boston Albany tracks. The department public road works has already made some studies on a railroad alignment. This is referred to as skinny or M which you may have seen in the papers. The difference between our recommended alignment and that by DP W is that we would propose a single rather than a stack structure. We find that the by narrowing the right of way and going to a stack structure we can not miss any significant number of industries nor do we have a significantly less effect on either the numbers of dwelling units that are required or its effect on MIT.
We also as I indicated introduce reversed curves or some weaving of the alignment to try to avoid particular buildings and thereby reduce the right away costs. Mr pauses indicated that the terminals of the project at the South End near the Charles River we must have the flexibility to meet either a bridge crossing the river or a tunnel section. Similarly at the north end of the project a center line alignment has been tended to be set by some of the DPW and the Bureau of Public roads. We also must retain the flexibility so we can meet this alignment or this crossing point on McGrath Highway in Somerville. In addition to that we've submitted some alternate ideas on how the alignment of this section might be changed assuming that we must hit the line which has already been approved by Somerville. These are some of the comparisons in our analysis with the help of the city planning commission in Cambridge on the number of homes jobs and the rough cost
comparisons between the Brookline elm the Albany Raj and the recommended line. The number of homes that were required by the Brooklyn Elm varies from fourteen seventy to sixteen hundred thirty dependent on whether we have elevation or depression of this total. This includes both Cambridge and Somerville one thousand forty to twelve hundred one units in Cambridge would be acquired if an all or Albany line were to be used. This number can be reduced to less than 200 approximate 175 the recommended line because it follows a railroad track age would permit us to get through Cambridge and acquire something less than $150 units at roughly one hundred thirty. The bulk of these ball units this is the section only north of Hamilton Street No. The bulk of these dwelling units in fact practically all of them are on the north side of Cambridge Street which is affected by this fixed point in
Somerville. If this line can be shifted down this number can be reduced further. So in that respect either the Albany or the recommended line can substantially reduce the number of voting units that's required. In terms of jobs that would be displaced by the various alignments with the Brookline Elm some twelve hundred thirty jobs in Cambridge and a total of fifteen hundred eighty jobs in Cambridge and Somerville would be displaced and Albany 9 would require something like 5000 jobs in Cambridge. However this number bear some explanation with an alternate alignment in the vicinity of the Necco property some eight hundred fifty employees are these jobs do not have to be taken if we can avoid that plant. In addition to it we might reduce this number by another twelve hundred. If Polaroid would choose to stay within the city limits. However with the Albany
line the total number of jobs that would be required or would be acquired through the city of Cambridge is somewhere between twenty nine hundred and 4000. The recommended line would require some eight hundred eight jobs in Cambridge and a total of fourteen hundred ten jobs in Cambridge and Somerville. To this however we must add at least 900 jobs from MIT when we replaced the instrument lab and so on. This is in terms not only of employment and does not estimate the damages to the remaining properties. That is if part of a plant is taken. We assume that the right away costs are only for the piece of property that's actually acquired and not for damages to the entire parcel or the entire operation. The rough costs which include both right away and construction for the three lines are as follows. Again we need a lot of qualification these are on the basis of very preliminary layouts or preliminary plans.
These cost will be verified. The Brookline l route for this 11000 feet or roughly two miles of freeway this is between Hamilton Street and to Cambridge Street. And in addition includes the cost of the interchange at the junction of I-93 Route 2 and the inner belt. The Brookline costs vary from 53 to 74 million dependent on the treatment of the subway at Main and also dependent on whether we go to full elevation or depression of the mainline roadways. The Albany route. It would require an expenditure of somewhere between 78 and 80 million dollars. The recommended line is not as cheap or Nor can it be made as economical as the Brooklyn Elm. The minimum cost if we were to go to full elevation that is have a stacked row or a single level roadway roughly 20 feet off the ground throughout Cambridge.
The cost of such an alignment or such construction would be roughly 61 million. A lot of this additional cost however between the 53 which is for Brooklyn Elm and the 61 for the recommended line is in the cost of the interchange at the north end of Cambridge or in the south edge of Somerville. By putting this additional length in here and pushing the interchange or lengthening the ramps and so on. We add roughly 6 million dollars to the costs. Some of the problems which must be reviewed and were not a part of the study is first of all the effect of this alignment on MIT. A second thing to point out is that these cost estimates are relatively rough and that's a form of damages to an entire parcel or an entire industrial operation are not included in the right away estimates. We can conclude from these estimates however that we can recommend an alternate line using the criteria set down by the City Council and also some that we impose on
ourselves and all in an easterly line can be built at reasonable cost. It cannot be billed as at low cost as the Brookline element over such alignments although they have some decent other disadvantages. Jan significantly reduce the number of jobs and homes that are required in Cambridge thank you so much. Mr. Chairman members of the city council ladies and gentlemen I should identify myself my name is Edward B Hanafi. And I address you as counsel for the Massachusetts institution Institute of Technology. At the outset May I express mits genuine appreciation for this opportunity to present to the elected representatives of the city of Cambridge and the people of Cambridge
the position which it is required to take with respect to the so-called recommended all railroad route which has been outlined here tonight. MIT realizes as you all Bill and as it has been most evident tonight that the Cambridge community faces a problem in connection with the location of this in about. Which it minutes of no happy solution. Moreover nothing in community life. Tends to create mob bitterness on misunderstanding among neighbors. Then the cruel choice of who shall suffer from the erection of a superhighway MIT. Would not thrust the dislocation hardship loss suffering. Attendant upon the choice of one wrote for the end a belt over another upon any
single citizen or group of citizens. MIT is faced with a disaster whose impact it has not been possible to measure in the short time which it has loomed before us. So our obligation is to try to set forth. The peculiar and the irreparable injury with which MIT is confronted. And in so doing believe me. We I'm not trying to minimize. The hardships and the difficulties and the problems with which our neighbors in this community are confronted some of which have been alluded to tonight. Now the report which has been prepared by Bob Nash min associates. And their testimony here tonight recommends the railroad line for the end about one feature of their right of their report I think needs to be underscored.
Mr Wenger in his testimony frankly brought it out. It's the frank statement. And I quote. The effects of the alternate alignments on the present and projected needs of MIT. We're not a part of this study. However these effects must be weighed prior to a commitment. Being made on the line to be constructed. Now that's a candid statement and its meaning is clear. The recommended route which is before you tonight was suggested on the basis of studies which did not include a consideration of its effect on the present and project it needs of MIT. Now we submit to you by all criteria of fairness and good judgment. The projected
and the present needs of MIT need to be considered. And why. MIT is today the second largest sauce of revenue for the city government. The revenue yield in 1965 from MIT was nine hundred and twenty two thousand dollars. And that sum includes. Two hundred twenty five thousand dollars approximately which MIT has paid voluntarily in lieu of taxes and it has had that practice of making payments in lieu of taxes since 1928. And in that way has paid over two million dollars to the city of Cambridge. So on that basis the president projected needs of MIT ought at least to be considerate. The MIT budget for this year 1966 will total approximately one hundred and eighty two million
dollars. Now that money is derived in greatest measure from outside. Massachusetts and Cambridge. And its expenditure within Massachusetts and this Cambridge area is vital to this economy. There are 7000 full time students at MIT who will spend about 15 million dollars annually. The greater portion of it in this city. In addition reference has been made tonight. To various companies status as employers. And the importance thereof. MIT is the second largest employer in Cambridge. Its faculty and personnel number of over 7000 people. Not including eighteen hundred people at its Lincoln Laboratory in Cambridge. Its annual payroll. Reflecting its Cambridge payroll is sixty two million five hundred thousand dollars. Now under
those circumstances is it fair to make progress on the basis of a report which admits that it does not consider the present and projected needs of MIT. Moreover MIT has been a very dynamic factor in the rebirth of this entire New England industrial region. The February 14th issue of the United States News and World Report describes MIT as a major factor in knowing one's big comeback. There are quotations from the press in all parts of the United States. The substance of which is that they wish they had an MIT in their midst. In Philadelphia the evening bulletin says the Massachusetts Institute of tech technology is the key to the Boston electronics boom. The Philadelphia Inquirer he says. But man says from the laboratories of Massachusetts Institute of Technology building
new industries creating thousands of jobs. Cambridge home of MIT and Harvard has been called the spawning ground of a new generation of research based industries. The Denver Research Institute reports. A standard answer to what Colorado could do. To accelerate the development of its scientific complexes. I was moved MIT to Colorado. The mayor of Dallas ass right now we could use a little MIT at Dallas. It would cost about 60 million dollars to stop and other millions to operate. When Texas envies Massachusetts and aspires only to create a little MIT ladies and gentlemen there must be an extremely compelling reason so I could go on quoting responsible sauces in government industry in the press throughout the United States who frankly admit that they wish they had what this community has
the dynamic impact of MIT and its research facilities on the economic welfare of all our people. So under these circumstances can progress be made on the basis of a study that frankly admits it pre sends and ignores the present and projected needs of MIT and let us keep one factor steadily in mind. The states and cities throughout the country which wish they had an MIT as a research center. To the dynamism which MIT pours into this region. Will be very very quick. To take advantage of any disruption. Of its facilities to try to acquire for themselves. The community asset the research programs which MIT now has. Now. Let us not proceed on the basis that
taking mits property. Somehow avoids the taking of homes or that an institution like MIT is indifferent to the Cambridge or the American home. In the first place. The so-called recommended railroad route in addition to taking mits property involves the taking of five hundred and fifty two homes. Now not all of those homes are in Cambridge. Some of them are in some of them but I do not believe that any family I did citizen of Cambridge looking at this whole problem will get any comfort out of disrupting homes across the line. Furthermore the so-called recommended route. Which involves the taking of MIT's property displaces two thousand and twenty six employees. I appreciate very much your thoughtful attention
and I don't. I do not want to talk to you too long but I do feel compelled to give you in quick and brief outline my description. Of some of the key MIT building structures and facilities which would be taken. So that you'll understand this problem. The instrument tech instrumentation laboratory that will go. Demolish that facility off lost its relocation and you risk a grave setback to the space and missile program of the United States in a critical hour. Next to go is a facility called the High Voltage research laboratory. It was constructed a year ago. It's a center for the treatment of cancer by electron and X-ray radiation. Treatment that is provided in collaboration with the Lahey Clinic and other medical institutions. If it had a sign over its portals that sign
would read to people who are thus afflicted have hope. You who enter here. That laboratory pioneered in and uses electron radiation to sterilize bone Ottery and nerve graft tissues for surgeons throughout the country. That would be lost. The next to be lost is the cyclotron. Because that facility contains a 30 million electron volt atom smasher. It is used 16 hours a day by scientists who are studying the nucleus of the atom. With a program of research supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. You can understand the importance of that structure. Next to be lost as this is the so-called Rockefeller accelerator. That houses another three million volt fan digraph electronic celebrate our Atom Smasher which is used by students
and research scientists all over the world and throughout the institution and the potential loss of that building illustrates a problem which MIT has with this whole proposed take. You can't take one facility and isolate the effect of its loss upon the whole institution. Because its program is all into welding and it is not geographically isolated so it is like cutting off a nom via cut off and on. You can't say that the damage is exclusively the last on the whole body is affected. Another fact another facility to be lost. Is the hydro Dynamics Laboratory. A lodge would what does it mean. There are 100 specialists used lodging expensive machines to study things such as constructing appropriate hurricane barriers for ACOs trying to do something about water pollution with rivers like the chiles the senior offices of the Navy have come there for
years to lend the techniques the scientific techniques of building ships. That is another facility which would be lost. Nearby the line of this proposed route. Is located at the National magnet laboratory. The only laboratory of its kind in the won't. Completed two and a half years ago at a construction cost of six million dollars and sponsored by the United States Air Force Office of aeronautics research. While this building might not be directly taken. There are. Pipes. Which bring water from the childs river to cool a magnets going fourteen hundred feet. Across from the building down to the child's another pipe of the same length coming back again. And they proposed taking would disrupt that water supply thereby throwing the whole facility out of Gateway. You should know also that this route is in very close
proximity to the MIT nuclear reactor which is the first privately owned reactor in the world which operates 24 hours a day. Physicists chemists engineers doctors is all studying the ultimate constitution of matter they are trying to solve the problems of our age. Now I could go on and I'm not going to try your patience any more but as you can see we feel this is a very genuine problem that you the good citizens of Cambridge ought to know ought to understand. MIT is the front rank of the forces of science which are dedicated to the essential research which the government of the United States considers indispensable to the national defense. It's a scientific Gosnell of our democracy. We're not
here on mindful tonight of the consequences to others. The institute is deeply concerned with the problem of relocating homes involved in any route location including this so-called recommended route which takes over 500 homes. It stands ready to join with us in sponsoring nonprofit. Low cost housing and sharing in the financing if necessary. And this would seem to be a much more constructive step for Cambridge. Than the further loss of taxable property consequent upon mits being forced. To acquire an additional 28 acres of land in lieu of the 28 acres taken from it. Which would then go off the tax rolls of the city. Believe me gentlemen of the council and ladies and gentlemen we do not put
scientific laboratories in one scale. And human beings in another. Four dollars in one scale and people in another. All research in one scale homes in another. That is not opposition. We ask only that you see in our teaching and research facilities and defense dedicated laboratories there meaning to humanity their essential role in protecting our homes and our people. From the awful consequences of the scientifics appearing in play couples fall. Thank you very much. I think I'm going to have to
because. At.
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Radio
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Identifier: 66-0043-02-23-001 (WGBH Item ID)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:28:45
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Chicago: “Byline; Innerbelt,” 1966-02-23, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “Byline; Innerbelt.” 1966-02-23. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: Byline; Innerbelt. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from