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The wrath of Achilles. An introduction to the early wellness Food Program A Richards University professor Lowell television lecturer at Harvard University who deal with the death of the Prophet this. Last time with Agamemnon's huge peace offering to Achilles and Achilles contemptuous refusal. We came to a turning point in the plot of The Iliad. This time we're going to look at two pretty important turning points too. The first is Achilles. Yeah and I think that's the right description of it. As he lends Patroclus his own in the emergency to go out and check the Trojans. This is how it ends. Oh father's an Athenian Apollo. We're not one of the Trojans not one of them all nor
one of the Greeks. Might this skate death you've only we two together might throw down the sacred walls of Troy. You see he is quite ready to do the entire Greek army be wiped out if that will increase his own power and glory. Well let's ask him by just that and he gets it. The second turning point is Achilles repentance. When the news of the death of the US through a killing its own house comes fully hope here and this is what he has now because I was not there to say it. Patroclus or any of my brothers in arms that it has killed but us here by the ships I
use less weight on the earth by that time in wall and as now I thought of the Greeks. Now was that wot it self. Night and among gods and man and God but sweeter than drops of honey. Whales like oak in men's breasts. We've heard nothing from Achilles in the Iliad about these rather in his Greek columns. No nothing at all. Note however that his and doesn't he know it increases it but it's 10 away from Agamemnon its first object on to turn the Trojans. Now there is one new Kadek this time. And to look us and here is
rather a attractive figure. He's just with he's ness and it his duty to bring the news of the death of what class to Achilles. We've been meeting him a little later. In this reading we get another of the seeds of the knife in the Greek. Can you remember the last time we saw a kid needs to do to his guests. Like many modern hostess preparing the meal herself himself for their pleasure. He goes so far as just talk to have with the book and book in the lie to the chopping block and cut up the meat and then he and Patroclus together. PAD and
cook the Szish to Babs. Over the CO's and septum. Now this time. NESTORE again this day has every town from battle drink prepared for himself and his guests his wounded guest. And it's set up to pad no less than here's how it's a beautiful community house. OK on by the way is the surgeon general of the Greek army a very great guy in many ways very important and it's perhaps because when so many people are being wounded that the surgeon is so important perhaps because of that that Achilles notices him as he's being driven in from the battle into security. After his mood it's the first time that the Killie is to show any interest in anyone or anything except
himself and the great wrongs that he's suffered since his initial quarrel with Agamemnon. Well now you are reading my passages are taken from books 11 to 18 of the Iliad books 11 to 18. Now there's a new attack on the Greek camp. McCann has been wounded. Nash just taking him into security and on the battlefield they walked on like blazing Achilles was standing by his great ship watching the fighting when Nesta drove by and he cried out to the truck just who heard him and pay him and trust. This was the beginning of evil. Before long now said Achilles I think the Greeks will be standing about my knees in prayer. But go first but took us to see who is the wounded man the master is taking in and his chariot out of the fighting. He looks
to me like a arm but I didn't see his eyes. The horses went past so quickly and the truck less ran by the line of ships along the shore too and asked us when Nesta came to us with my ok on. They got down anon did their mans horses and stored in the sea. When drying their bus went to Nashville. Then they went inside and took their seat and had a heck of a day. Who was given the surprise to nest when Achilles took the city of Canada us. Make them a drink first she bought a table before them and on it she bought a bronze a vessel with an onion to give a taste to their drink and with it honey and Olive meal
there was a great go to a cup that with four handles and birds on each handle feeding and the woman grew to fullest the God issue was what Romney and wine in the cup and grains of goat's milk cheese and white barley overall. And when it was ready she told him to bring it to a stand that joke class came to the door when the old man saw him he went and took him by the hand and told him to be seated about the press. Jordan said I have no times Achille you sent me to see who it was you were bringing home wounded and now I must go back and tell him that it is not you know what a hot man Achilles is already is to blame even when there is no cause.
And the US thought arms. Why does the kiddies care which of the Greeks did it is nothing to him but all our best men are in the ships now down with at own spare wombs die on me. I know dis yours and Agamemnon himself and the last two with an arrow through his thigh is a kid he's going to wait till the ship so they kill us one on top of another. I'm not to decide he's young and strong as I used to be and you know day size preying on them like a black's all and 50 chant it so I took him by every chariot to man the with that teeth randomize and I killed the very last man of them and all gave praise to Zeus among Gods nest sort of man.
Man that's the sort of man I was in those days. If ever there was one I could go on about those great times but Allah is not made. Well I was on a diet. Back to you. Troke Tough talk to Achilles the Shaw father. I know Dish what you told you when POS was sending your brother to Agamemnon to this wall. We two went inside I you know this just me had it all even if he said it we had come to a PTO swell built house getting the army together all through Greece and we found a new show us your father and you in the House and the killer lives with with you the old man. Pierce was outside in the car before the House. And he had a gold cup in his hand and was pouring wine to go
with the burnt offering. You two were working on the boat and then we OK stood in the doorway and Achilles surprised got up and took us by the hand and told us to be sick kid and gave us a very good welcome. Everything it is right to give just to injure us. Oh dear Luce toad the killer used to be always the bravest and best fighters. But while many shows told you it was this he said My child Achilles is right about the new. But you are out. Though he is much the stronger we all pop just to talk to him wise they make him see what's the right thing to do and he'll profit by those very often those Altos. But you've not kept them in mind. Even now why don't you make another attempt.
With Heaven's help you might move his heart he may be keeping back something that his god this mother has owed him from. If so why don't you at least let him send you out with the madams and put his arm around the Trojans might take him. Feel for him. Back out to the battle that gives us the breathing space we need real time and they have tad outwits fighting. It wouldn't be hard for you to drive them back to this city away from the huts ships. With these wedge in his heart. Patroclus ran back by the line of ships do it. Hailey's they were fighting round protests the last ship at the time. Patroclus got back to Achilles and he came up to him in tears
as Doc walked down over the face of a cliff. So his and Achilles saw his nose and said Why. But no Plus what's this why you are led to like a little a baby running by how mad US pulling out her dress and praying to be lifted up. What is it. Bad you your father or mine. Are they dead. We would would Salto to eat play if they where all can you be a sot owing for the Greeks who are being killed now the ships with their own injustice. Then pressed on and said Oh what kidneys. Strongest of the Greeks do not be angry. So many of the best of them are down wounded by
spit on and oh Diomede another distortion Agamemnon among them. And your little list with an arrow through his thigh and we are doing what we can for them. Not to talk about you. I kill IIS never made such anger as this guy we need. No you only go to for the wounding of others. Your father it seems was not paedos. North Face your mouth. But the greater you see in the black cliff gave you but so cruel and heartless your heart if it to some word from Zeus that hold you back send me outwith the mounted on us. Let me put on your armor and go out to your place. But Trojans maybe will take me for you. Come back out to battle. Now i give us the breathing space we need it what men like us to drive the Trojans back to that city and save the ships and boats.
So he said I'm knowing but it has its own death and faith. He was praying for Dan his heart deeply moved with the kidneys are said. Oh the truck for us. What is this you have said no one from Zeus keeps me back. Only I am cut to the heart that a man like Agamemnon could take my prized problemi as they have an outlaw who had no right about. Let these things be as pos than Don. I did not think I would make an end of my anger before the walk the battle came to my own ships. Put on my arm and go take the walloping momentums out to the fight and fall upon the Trojans and drive them from the ships. The dark cloud of the
Trojans is all about us and these other Greeks these great acts happen. Nothing about the scene now to support them and little enough space of land. The whole city of Troy is coming down without fear of against them. But they did not see the front of my helmet before them. They would quickly fill up the river beds with their dad. In that light if King Agamemnon had been kind to me. But now they have walking all around us. I mean it is no longer fighting. And so five not Agamemnon's voice shouting out of his hated head. No it is the voice of men killing Hector that rings in my yeah as he gives his orders and they overthrow the Greeks in battle. But take this to heart. Come back again when you have the ships
do not go up against Troy or you will make my all not less. And one of the gobs that often if I may come down from a limb thus a gauge to godat it does Phoebus Apollo Live. So come back when you've saved the ships and let the rest fight down across the plain. 0 0 0 7 Athenian Apollo 0 world that now one of the Trojans not one of them all nor one of the Greeks might escape death if only we two together might throw down this they create or solve try. So but trust books are an Achilles arm
and goes after the mammoth guns against the Trojans and drives them back wards. Try but he doesn't heed Achille's warning and aflame with triumphant Lawdy he does go on. The games try to take it single handed defeat. And about Apollo night and day and it tears as a kid leaves has fog and yeah it's the power of the trackless death. Then Patroclus sprang upon the Trojans crying a terrible cry three times he killed nine men. And this coming on the fourth time like a god. But Dan but Dr cus came there and life valuable thought Paloma killed in the battle. He was covered in thick mist and
Patroclus did not see him. He hit us in the back with a lot of his hand so that a truck less eyes were blinded and his helmet rode under the feet of the horses and it was hacked. There was that kid with blood and his strong suit was broken in his hands and his shield fell to the ground and follow the printer's son of Zeus. Did Is there not try to drown the guy you both go to shop throwing spit out into a truck because back then hectic came at him from between the Trojans and his spear right through him he passed and great sorrow carried upon the Greeks. Then checked our pride. But to our class you were going to waste. Troy you weigh you
and take cobweb in the way I was slaves in your ships. No but top class. I was between them and you. And now it is the birds who will get you. Little good to Kili is who I think gave you this order. Do not come back to the hollow ships to you best man killing Hector to the hot and neighed fish are red with blood. But show us signs to you. Zeus and Apollo gave the oath for they took my arm up from me themselves. But if twenty like you had faced big my spear I would have killed them. No it was fate. I look follow and manual for all of us who killed me. You came. Truly you yourself will not live long. Death stands near you at the
hands of Achilles. Saying this is I especially in death and his SO went down to Hades in his hollow. Oh but took us back to the Greeks and Trojans were fighting like flaming fast when Until of course the good drama Nash toss brought the new of his death to a kiddies. He found him waiting but all his ships and now ferrying the west and to look us came up. And his heart falling as he said the news is that you have matched a kiddie's that trope. Plus it's hail and they are fighting over his body for him to have his own happy back out of Sato came upon the killer who says he had with both hands he took up
dark dust and poured it over his head and face and he threw himself down in but dust pulling at his. Yeah with his hand. That would mean he and Patroclus had taken. Crying aloud ran around him and began to look us in. Tess took Achille's hands in his. Yeah he would cut his throat with his knife. And the killing is moe than his father so that his mouth there to see him as she sat deep under the sea by the side of her father she cried out and all the goddess daughters of Ned use the word in the sea and the deed for the sea came about her. She cried to them. Alas sister Nettie is my
match less than brave fast to fight us. I brought him up like a young tree in a ritual child. Never again may I welcome him back to his home. The House of paedos. And now while he still lives in the light of the sun he sought us. And so I go to him. I may not help him and she went up to the waves and stepped upon the sand where the ships of the Maddens where pulled up in limes and she took his head in her hand. Mice. What Salvo has come upon your heart has not Zeus done what you prayed did you not stretch out your hands to pray. But all the Greeks have been driven in upon their better ships and undergo these cruel things.
Then spit footed Achilles and said my mouth. Zeus just done us I prayed but what pleasure is that to me. But right up close is there to my on the heap on this my head ace and Hector who killed him has taken his off. But God gave to Peter Lewis on the day that you madded him. Oh I bet you had stayed where you wed among the immortal daughters of the sea. And Peter used to take on some mortal woman for his right that now measure less would be of the odd dads you would never welcome him again. Oh my own hot twin not me live on a mountain man. But picked up first killed by my spin my ass.
Hey Patroclus day. Then tactician said to him you were Bashaw live. Then I was so far off to hector us there will come quickly. Then great Achilles. Let it come. But I was not there to help but close. From his own land he was killed and Iris not with him in his need. Now because I too will never see my own country again. And because I was not there to save but took us all and my brothers in arms that he has killed that was he had by the ships I use less weight on the earth. I wore them such as no other of the Greeks.
Now what that war itself might end in the bang gods and men and that we then drops of honey. We have likes in man's grass. If I'm so did Agamemnon anger me. But now I will go to look into who killed the man I loved and asked my fate. Let it come when the Zeus wills on the other immortal gods I will make man they have deep breasted Trojan Women in White that tell us when they are faced with both eyes both hands endlessly moaning and no way all the time have come back into the wall. I do not hope to hope to be back from the battle if you love me
or you will not me. Then I got this silver footed there. Yes it is well to save your friends from destruction. Better off Tom out is Hector us now wait till I come again in the morning I would have a new OM I thought you made by and asked us. The wrath of Achilles is an introduction to the Iliad. Well this program Richards University professor Lowell television lecturer at Harvard University has dealt with the death of Patroclus the series is presented by the Lowell Institute co-operative broadcasting Council in the studios of WGBH TV Boston produced and
directed by Louis Barlow laws used in the series Up from the fog aka museum Harvard University and the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. To Look At This is from the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The version of The Iliad used in this series is the wrath of Achilles by a Richard was published by WW Norton. Achilles goes into battle will be discussed next on the wrath of Achilles. This is National Educational Television.
The Wrath Of Achilles: An Introduction To The Illiad
Episode Number
The Death Of Patroclus
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
In this fifth episode, "Professor and Lowell Television Lecturer at Harvard University" I. A. Richards reads from books eleven through eighteen of his abridged translation of the Iliad, The Wrath of Achilles. The action concentrates on the battlefield, running roughly from Achilles's prayer as he lends his armor to Patroclus, to Hector's killing of Patroclus with Achilles's repentance as its the aftermath. Summary and select metadata for this record was submitted by John Marx & Mark Cooper.
Series Description
Based on the 1958 book The Wrath of Achilles, The Illiad of Homer by I.A. Richards.
Asset type
Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong), 1893-1979; Homer; Troy; Trojan War; Sculpture, Greek; Iliad; Boston, Massachusetts
Media type
Moving Image
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Host: Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong), 1893-1979
Producer: Barlow, Lewis
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: b758d0ec77696799e41d0f1797001fa7cb941f63 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: B&W
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “The Wrath Of Achilles: An Introduction To The Illiad; 5; The Death Of Patroclus,” 1958-03-06, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 23, 2024,
MLA: “The Wrath Of Achilles: An Introduction To The Illiad; 5; The Death Of Patroclus.” 1958-03-06. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The Wrath Of Achilles: An Introduction To The Illiad; 5; The Death Of Patroclus. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from