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From Boston here is news and comment with Steve Wirth associate professor of political science at Northeastern University. Good evening. I'm peace ruled in the fire scarred Los Angeles negro section today after six days of riots. Governor Edmund G Brown lifted a curfew which had blacked out forty six square miles for three nights. The National Guard relieved twenty five hundred troops from riot duty by twelve thousand five hundred combat troops remain and police will continue on 12 hour shifts. There is a teenage dirge with a rock n roll beat which tells of fruit in the Watusi said that we are on the road to destruction. The tragic days of violence and vengeance with a grim harvest now counting 33 dead 1000 injured and 3000 arrests make Barry McGuire's ballot plausible if not we hope prophetic. Amateur theologians and now part time sociologist Billy Graham said following a well timed helicopter trip over the damaged
area that the writing was as he called it a dress rehearsal for revolution. While the editorial opinion from communist and some African nations characterized the primitive action of the rioters as quote a part of the struggle for human rights the simplicity of violent solutions to complex problems has a profound attraction to simple people. Negro hoodlums struck out blindly and brutally against whites and business and property owned by them. Some police seem to have done the same thing. Now people with an inclination towards racial hatred of both races will have a peg on which to hang their bigotry. Most Negro people will not admit that for every brutal police officer hundreds were trying to perform a dangerous duty in a professional manner. And many whites will forget that for every negro hood. Thousands of law abiding negroes stayed in their homes. The New York Times editorial this morning puts the riot in the best balance of any comment heard thus far is worth quoting. The
lunatic fury that spread death and pillage through Los Angeles is being put down in the only way it can be. Through the swift and inexorable application of police power. Whenever a mob rises to terrorize a community the response must be both immediate and uncompromising. The certainty that the resources of the city law enforcement agencies will be supplemented to the maximum necessary extent by the arm might of the state and federal governments is essential if Hooton is and is not to extend into anarchy and the mass victimization of the law abiding. The second and the vastly more complicated part of the task of riot control now confronts Los Angeles and every other large city in which racial ghettos breed the frustration that erupts in violence and bloodshed and looting. This is Simon involves the eradication of the poverty the under education the ruthlessness and the despair that grips those whom life has defeated or who never even sought to break out of the bleakness
into which they were born. President Johnson has once again some of the nation to war against these ingrained evils. Their conquest will be slow but the national commitment to victory is as absolute as its resolve not to temporize with mob excesses. The ultimate disarmament of the slums will come with a triumph of hope and opportunity for all Americans. And it may be that this refusal by local communities to recognize the scope of the problems of the ghetto or to overestimate the ability of local government to deal with it underlay the explosion of the weekend for only war torn Los Angeles and Chicago refused to join in the summer long federal program designed to prevent racial strife. Government sources said Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorkey and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley or the only two of 11 city leaders who refused to join the then secret program from Los Angeles mayor you already said
today it was absolutely untrue that the federal agency had picked Los Angeles as a potential trouble spot this summer. And you already said he doesn't recall ever being contacted by the federal agency. A full time official has been assigned to each of the other nine cities since the beginning of the summer. The project was launched by President Johnson's Council on equal opportunity. The federal amended sign to carry it out came from the Community Relations Service an agency which seeks to mediate racial problems. These men are now on duty in the other cities involved. Boston New York Newark New Jersey Rochester New York Detroit Cleveland Philadelphia Oakland California and Gary Indiana. Originally Los Angeles and Chicago were to have participated officials say the 11 cities were chosen as potential trouble spots this summer. The Federal man has sought to expedite government programs designed to combat poverty. At the same time they have tried to serve as channels of communication and information among officials and minority groups in the cities.
So far the nine cities served by the project have not had major racial disturbances this year. When the program was set up during April and May the government consulted the mayor of each city involved in Los Angeles and Chicago one official said. The mayor's replied. They felt any racial tensions could be handled on the local level. As federal officials surveyed the causes of the Los Angeles rioting the White House reports that Johnson has anticipated everything that can be done to overcome the social and economic ills he blames for the violence there. Officials in charge of the federal program do not claim it could have prevented these outbreaks. But at the same time the official said that at least two cities the government men have helped local officials pull back from the brink of violence. There have been situations which have been pretty tense and pretty close they said. And I think our people were helpful he did not name the cities. Under Secretary of Commerce Leroy
Collins is chairman of the task force and setting up the program last spring. Collins or other officials met with the mares or his representative for each city involved and all but your DS and Daley's Representatives indicated that they were eager to take part in the program. One of the ironies of American politics has been that politics and thus political leadership in America's large cities has not in the past been issue oriented. Large urban complexes breed the most difficult and explosive social problems. But the leadership tends still as did in the time of the big city bosses to react to pressures rather than to anticipate problems to isolate problem areas and to come up with long range solutions. The politics of the national government Washington DC and not the politics of City Hall attracts the issue oriented man of American politics. And in Washington President Johnson observing the fourth anniversary of the Alliance for Progress today urged an economic
community for Latin America much like that in Europe. And he said that the United States hopes that the future government to be chosen by the Dominican Republic as he put it will be rooted to the principles of liberal democracy and social justice and that Latin American countries will share with the United States the rebuilding of that strike scarred land where the audience of ambassadors and representatives from 20 Latin American nations. The president marked the anniversary with a White House ceremony in the East Room in which he called the Alliance for Progress a great adventure aimed at transforming the life of an entire continent. He traced the achievements of the alliance so far but emphasized future needs. And from Geneva the United States proposed today a world treaty to stop additional nations from becoming nuclear powers. The Soviet Union brushed the proposal aside as a joke and said it was not worthy of discussion and a message to the 17 nation disarmament conference which received the American proposal.
Johnson said the peace of the world requires such a treaty. Johnson said the fate of generations yet unborn is in the hands of this Geneva disarmament conference. The American draft was formally approved by three other Western nations in the 17 nation disarmament conference. Canada Italy and Britain. But the British support was lukewarm and failed to conceal sharp backstage differences between the Western powers. The draft was submitted to the conference by chief American negotiator William S. Foster. Its key article called for each nuclear power to undertake and I'll read the whole thing not to transfer any nuclear weapons into the national control of any non-nuclear state either directly or indirectly through a military alliance. And each nation undertakes not to take any other action which would cause an increase in the total number of states and other organizations. Having independent power to use nuclear weapons. Now this wording sought to allow
the west to go ahead with its projected North Atlantic nuclear force. Two finally to an astronaut's one a veteran of 34 hours in space and the other a fledgling underwent final physical examinations today for the eight day orbital flight of the Gemini five spacecraft. Four four and one half hours L. Gordon Cooper Jr. one of the original team of seven space men and rookie Charles Conrad Jr. wonder the close scrutiny of flight surgeons and other specialists. Data assembled on their physical condition was to be used as a yardstick in judging their reaction during the flight. If all goes well they will be in space longer than any other astronaut long enough to go to the moon explore its surface and return to Earth. During the first day of the Gemini five pilots are to make man's first attempt to rendezvous with another satellite. This is a technique which must be developed before astronauts can venture to the moon.
COOPER And Conrad will launch the satellite from their spacecraft. They'll back away from at about 52 miles and then using radar and other electronic devices will try to close within a few feet of it. The Titan 2 launching rocket. The spacecraft and the worldwide tracking station all checked out ok today. If Conrad passes all tests and there's no likelihood that will not they will take off Thursday at 9 o'clock. Only the weather and a new power system in the spacecraft left some lingering doubts if anything is to delay the flight rocketeers feel it will be the power system. United States decision to drop its fight to force Russia France and 11 other nations to pay the United Nations peacekeeping assessments has stirred some criticism on Capitol Hill. Several senators have said in effect that the session was the only realistic one we could have taken. Others indicated however that future appropriations for the United Nations may have tougher going in Congress in coming years. Senate
Republican leader Everett Dirksen said he's going to see how it works before taking a position. Democratic Senate Leader Mike Mansfield said he thinks Ambassador Arthur Goldberg's announcement yesterday that this country will not force a showdown faced up to the realities of the situation. And Senator Jay William Fulbright Democrat and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said he saw no alternative that would permit the 114 nation assembly paralyzed now for almost a year to resume operations. Senator Burr Kika Luper of Iowa chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee said the United Nations has as he put it given in completely and he added that will have some Reka percussions in Congress in respect to the United Nations future. This last seems an obvious reference to the fact that Congress has control of the purse strings and must approve any American contribution towards financing the international organizations operation. The Senate turned down today a Republican effort to cut five hundred fifty two million
dollars from the one billion six hundred fifty billion dollar bill authorizing funds for the second year of the war on poverty. The vote was 51 to 40 and the House took up the administration's farm bill today and heard a California Democrat demand an investigation of the milling and baking industries. It also heard the agriculture committee's ranking Republican Representative Paul de Gaulle of Pennsylvania urged outright rejection of the measure because he said quote It is not in the interests of farmers consumers or the taxpayers. The Democrats are confident passage however convinced that changes they will seek to make in that wheat and cotton sections will neutralize the quote bread tax complaint and remove most other major objections to the bill. The congressional investigation of the milling and bakers industry was demanded by Representative Sisk. He said The Millers an bakers have flooded Congress with the most vicious and least factual information I have ever seen. And finally the age of
specialization in confluence with the American Mania for beauty contests seem now have to produce the apotheosis in the judgment of female anatomy. We've got this throw out from an advertising agency in Boston today. The girl with the most beautiful spine that's the criteria for judging the title of Miss World posture recently awarded two lovely spined Miss Brenda and Mitchum rather for North Carolina looks accounted for only 20 percent of the overall judging. Strange as it may seem. Your daughter may not be fair of face and figure and still aspire to fame of this trend continues as Mr. second vertebrae or even this Achilles tendon of 1970. Thank you. This is the eastern educational radio network. WGBH programs are aimed at alert intelligent discriminating people. These programs can continue only a few of the listeners will do your part to keep them on the
air. We are still some seventy thousand dollars short of this year's goal. The address is WGBH Boston 0 0 21 34. This is WGBH FM eighty nine point seven mega cycles Boston this week at the United Nations. An account of major developments within the world organization prepared by United Nations radio Canton re reporting the Security Council this week renewed its call for restraint from all sides in the situation in Cyprus. The Council unanimously approved a resolution which called upon all parties to avoid any action likely to Wesson the situation. The resolution followed a series of meetings in which Turkey and Cyprus accused each other of creating new tension on the island. During the week the representatives of Turkey and Cyprus gave widely differing views of the meaning of the resolution and data are in and out of Turkey said that the resolution on Cyprus was a clear condemnation of the actions of the Greek Cypriot government in changing the electoral law in
Cyprus. Ambassadors in and around cities of Cyprus on the other hand said that the resolution in essence reaffirmed the sovereign rights of Cyprus and was a new call to Turkey not to repeat threats of invasion or any use of force against Cyprus. These comments on the resolution were made by the representatives of Turkey and Cyprus at press conferences which they called at UN headquarters. And as of the air out of Turkey reminded the press that the council had met as a result of his government's complaint that the Greek members of the Cypriot government had taken provocative action in changing the electoral law and overriding the constitutional guarantees in Cyprus. This action had extended the term of office of President Mikheil us and had eliminated constitutional provisions for separate voting majorities for the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities. The Turkish delegates have practically all the council members had recognized the dangers arising from the Cypriot action. The secretary general's report which is spoken of increased tension in Cyprus was specifically referred to in the resolution.
As you would notice the first preamble of paragraph of the resolution which was adopted yesterday is noting the report of the secretary general of 29 July the recent developments in Cyprus have increased tension in the island. There were three subsequent reports of the secretary general in this paragraph mention is only made of the first reports where reference has been made by the secretary general to certain electorates in other words meaning despite clear tension in the island was increased by certain acts of the Greek Cypriot government. The second paragraph of course refers to the other reports which were subsequently submitted by the secretary general which have had to be taken and the parties have been had and then the reaffirmation of the resolution and a call upon the parties to avoid any action which is likely to worsen the situation. In fact when you take this with the preamble or paragraph. And with the statements which were made in the council not by the parties alone but by the four permanent members. There should be a little doubt in anybody's mind that this is a clear condemnation of the actions of Greek Cypriot government.
Speaking for Cyprus Ambassador Ross it is said that in his view the essence of the resolution was its reaffirmation of the Council's resolution of March 1964. That resolution provided certain important matters among which roles the sovereignty of Cyprus which is that's reaffirmed in this preamble it first calls upon all members in conformity with that of delegations under the charter. To the frame from any action or threat of action likely to worsen the situation the sovereign Republic of Cyprus or to endanger International Peace. Now this first operative panic. Read in conjunction with the immediately preceding preamble a paragraph gives exactly the meaning of it all remember the phrase that international relations from this year to the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or in any other men consistent with the purpose of the United
Nations. Immediately after that follows the call upon all member states to do anything to worsen the situation. The council also had Mr. Rossi it is recognizing the sovereignty of Cyprus could only concern itself with threats from outside and not with electoral a just nation which was clearly a domestic affair of Cyprus here at U.N. headquarters. Preparations are going forward for next Monday's meeting of the 33 nation Committee which has been examining all aspects of UN peacekeeping operations and their financing past present and future United States Ambassador Arthur Goldberg who is scheduled to be the first speaker on Monday. So far the secretary general this week and told him that he wished to have further exchange of views with him because he had not yet completed his consultations. Mr Goldberg later held talks with the delegates of a number of countries including Ambassador plant on matters off of the Soviet Union. The U.S. ambassador subsequently said that his government was still considering the position it would finally take and cautioned against speculation pending his forthcoming statement in the committee of thirty three. Proposals for a
voluntary fund to aid victims of South Africa's racial policies and the renewed call for total economic sanctions against South Africa were contained in a report issued this week by the special UN committee on apartheid. The report will go both to the Security Council and the General Assembly. A request for an urgent meeting of the Security Council was received this week from the Commando authorities in the Dominican Republic. The letter was signed by Mr Howard Dean curé as foreign minister of the constitutionalist government. He complained of aggressive actions by the entire American peace force and of their intention to maintain in power. Such persons as General Wesley Wesson with whom he said his government could not deal. The secretary general this week expressed grave concern at a report of new clashes along the ceasefire line in Kashmir who urged the utmost restraint on the part of India and Pakistan who have been in dispute over Kashmir for some 18 years. Ambassador Ramani Malaysia notified the secretary general this week that Singapore
had withdrawn from the Federation of Malaysia to become a separate independent state. It will be remembered that Singapore joined three other former British dependency is Malaya and sidebar in September 1963 to form the Federation of Malaysia. Speaking at a press conference here at headquarters on Monday the Malaysian ambassador said that the new development came as a surprise and a shock to him personally. The break up of any federation Mr. Rahmani said either as a result of external force or internal tension was a matter of grave concern to other parts of the world and it opened the door for troublemakers. They say the board has been given a useful and helpful. Complementary element for the development of Malaysia and one cannot. I think in the U.S. times of the development of the peninsular parts of Malaysia except with Singapore as one of his problems. But I don't suppose it's essential for us to take a tragic view of the situation.
It has happened in the recent past. For the last 20 years the postwar history of the world that nations which were daggers drawn with each other colonies with their colonial masters other states with other people on whom they were dependent. The moment they became independent and equal to each other were able to cultivate their friendship on equal terms which has tended to endure. Therefore I should hope that Singapore and an independent state would feel that she is just as equally as malicious in the pursuit of her own ideals and therefore feel that the complementary nature of the existence of the peninsula and the hinterland and itself as one of the ghetto symbols of the world would mutually assist each other from the joint. So I don't look forward to the day that Singapore would feel that far from being as he apparently now feels
being told by the central government what it should do. She would now feel in her own right. That would have to do with the vicious of its own people. The design is something Saudi government and undoubtedly they despise at least the Malaysian ambassador announced that Singapore would apply for separate UN membership. Malaysia he said and placed heavy reliance on Singapore's military resources and he was happy to report that agreement had been reached on a joint defense council. He also anticipated that joint economic policies would continue. The United Nations Congress on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders is holding its third meeting in Stockholm litle dos of UN radio reports from Stockholm. The crime rates run higher if only August could be abolished the expert declared some years ago the crimes of passion against the person could be reduced to almost
nothing. The favorite month of criminals has become the gathering time in their life. On the other side of the fence the criminology. Earlier this month listen try with some thinking developing countries concluded a seminar in Denmark at the end of August. The International Society of Criminology will meet in Montreal and last Monday the 3rd United Nations Congress on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders opened yet in Stockholm. Unlike many other UN meetings this one is not confined to government representatives. Registered participants will number nearly fifteen hundred from some 85 countries including ministers of justice presiding judges of Supreme Court international criminologist and when individual experts suggest psychologists prison inspectors and social workers not to mention those who represent international and private organizations interested in the problem
and who range from the Boy Scouts to the International Association of Penal Law. To what extent is crime a product of changes in society rather than of changes in the individual should not I think after they are cured of it going to work in their own communities. One can make a new start elsewhere. How can I not a group such as tribes or special religious communities who have their own laws be made to conform to majority standards. And what about the international aspect of organized crime such as gun running or the theft and sale of works of art. I wondered again cautioning against the dangers of gold acoustics pointed out that what may seem like a sudden rise in crime may be due to a simple effect and the increase in the number of cars in the country and consequently of traffic violations. Another recalled that ideas of what constitute criminal behavior change constantly
in certain societies. It was a criminal offense for one person to write a poem about another or to keep gold coins in his house while in another culture the vulgarism certain gods were encouraged to murder and pillage in the name of the be it is a great deal of attention has been focused on the universal problem of juvenile delinquency. Africans Asians and Latin Americans spokesman of rich and poor countries alike have agreed to throw out the world's most crimes are committed by young people under 20 years of age. But there is less agreement and where the major responsibility for solving this problem lies in the family. The school or the community that must bear the blame. Then they say the grass is like rain is no respecter of persons. But that is not true. The experts declare that the some people can afford umbrellas while others get soaked to the skin. Some are more equal than others
under the law. It has been observed in both developed and developing countries and police roundups of suspects are more frequently made in poorer districts. It is the rich who can pay Beynon are released while the poor are detained and with an arrest record it is far harder for the under-privileged man to find a job than for his welfare. Tell me these are only a few of the problems and weak many of the world lawmakers and law enforcers are trying to reach a clearer and more humane understanding during these Chris sweetest summer days. And though in getting this month of August there should be an even greater rise in the world's crime rate. Perhaps you could describe it to the fact that so many and crime experts are being kept so busy at so many international conferences trying to find the reason why. United Nations Radio this is
reporting this week at the United Nations prepared by the international staff of United Nations Radio in New York. We invite you to join us Saturday night at 8:30 for a concert from the 1065 Berkshire Music Festival on Saturdays programs on march to your own as guest conductor with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He conducts Weber's overture to freshets Symphony Number one in B flood Opus 38 the spring symphony by Schumann rather Elza Tombo to coop around and there by Claude Debussy a concert from the 1965 Berkshire music festival Saturday August 21st at 8:30 p.m.. Over most of these each are and stations on Sunday night August 22nd at seven o'clock the Lexington choral society under the direction of Alan Leatham perform the Bach Mass in B minor in a concert recorded recently at Symphony Hall Boston Bach's Mass in B minor at 7 p.m. Sunday August 22nd over most of these E.R. and stations.
This is the eastern educational radio network. In the hunting of the Snark. Lewis Carroll proclaimed what I tell you three times is true. WGBH needs money from you every year. WGBH needs money from you every year. WGBH needs money from you every year. The address WGBH Boston. Oh twenty one thirty four and this is WGBH FM eighty nine point seven mega cycles in Boston.
Public Affairs
News and Comment: This Week at the United Nations
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APA: Public Affairs; News and Comment: This Week at the United Nations. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from