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The government has been anxious to avoid any outcropping of reverse racialism which might be expected particularly among an ambitious younger generation of people going to college in di salamis an adult education institution most of those students are young people in public service without much training or education. Many of them have been catapulted into responsible jobs formerly held by europeans or asian yes. Yet in this seminar they are discussing the future of the country right now in africa. Because they see it doesn't work. I think i think they look at indonesia has no reason to feel safer to hear that it really doesn't mean that or you can be kind to your the people can you see to it that you're not reading because of it and then you know needs yet while you're good at objectives. I believe that most people in this country really see the point of view that means nothing to them. But what. What is more important to this country i just said just a day. And a person can offer. I think a time of thinking that e.m.i. you know the any of the staff again i think. If you had to come flying in the time when we don't have to live here. You don't have anything else and.
Most of the issue in that process. Of bit of it. That a great will. In this country where you're going to find a tailless building a new industry. You see what the nation is acquired them to do in this country. In tanzania. Based in credit to them so that they invest money that you noted in not to scare them away to india out of pakistani city. We should encourage them to make tanzania. Is their home. This. They can play. Constantly preached and practiced nonracial and fully accept non african minority have about one percent. This policy has never been very popular. The biggest problem comes from the nearly one hundred thousand. Asians. Traditionally they have been the dominant merchant class living in self-centered separate communities. Trying to africanized. The government would like the asians or at least the rich ones to remain
in tanzania. And invest their money in new industries. But the fact that only the asian community has elected to become company in citizens indicates a state of indecision. And insecurity. The european community less than twenty thousand. Much smaller than the asian community. And has in general found it easier to adjust to post independent conditions. We asked mr lund for his appraisal of the situation. But the sale which made some people say. I think that is. Some of the
district. Or rather not confiscate the farms and leases and due to certain misunderstandings some. Also have their lease rescinded. This intense a lot of those have been developed. I think if the present government has any kind of success with its development program. Certainly a future. But deprived and less technical expert. I think the sort of. Couple thought your appeal without any specific knowledge is limited limited but otherwise. I hope the phrase. Ok here. Tanzania. Many of the new african states has a single political party which stands for tanganyika african national union these party stalwarts
are forming ranks in front of. Headquarters and marking off to an election rally. And i don't think the five election for the national assembly are going to important and unique demonstration of democracy. One party system. The degree of democracy may seem limited to those who think in terms of the established multi party western tradition. In the african context. This election has great significance because it gave the voters a genuine choice of candidate. Ask a combo and. Kind of the secretary general is also a minister for regional administration. Former minister for external affairs. And one of the most powerful men in the country. The finest underneath. It is the part it was won the independence. And therefore the plan to use it in the parliament. We inherited it from from the beginning. And the present we are trying to change it so that it can be understood by own people so that they can accept the instruments. While the government does not extend up to the village level.
Extend almost ten houses in the country. So that the party is looked upon as a source of pride of. Achievement around something which we. We ourselves. And i read tanos founder and head is a political innovator and improvisers has taken bold steps to support his concept of one party democracy look at what is happening. What will be the what democratic. I hope you will find out that we had not got the idea of one man one bible. We have only won by do we believe that you can bet on a democratic system. We won by doing this is what we are trying to do. Now that i sometimes turned up as an observer at election rallies lending excitement and prestige to the occasion. With
all these gavel not to show they are it is them for either of the two opposing candidate. To be nominated a candidate had to have solid grassroots support. Thursday had to get twenty five endorsements from neighbors in his local district. All candidates were then ranked by the kind of district leaders with the top two being recommended to the national executive committee. It is most significant that the national executive abided by the choices set up by the district leaders. In all but ten percent of the constituency. The sound of the ram's horn some of the top five. Live on the slopes of mount kilimanjaro to an election rally. Most families here on small coffee farms their prosperous. Independent and politically alert. Here as in all constituencies rival candidates always appear at public meetings together.
All expenses are paid by the party by the regional commissioner act as a master of ceremony. Isn't referee. Is a kind of provincial governor appointed by the central government. As many of the voters are illiterate. Each of the opposing candidates is identified with one of two symbols. The house or a hole. The regional commissioner explains voting procedure and displays over sized sample ballots with the house and whole symbols. Solomon are used for the incumbent is the minister of education. His opponent mr m.a.o.i. caio is a local businessman who owns restaurants and bars. Eliyahu stresses that experience in government is superior education. And implies that his opponent has been involved in corrupt practices in its work of its veteran barely you know and below to know who was his rival on the other hand claims that he is closer to his constituents. And will be a
more ardent representative of local interest he was part godfather. I mean why you need to get the game. You know deal and then under twenty. Yeah. The regional commissioner also explains that there will be a separate ballot for the presidency. But that's not. Julius nyerere way is the only presidential candidate. So the ballot has to be by either. Deal. Meaning yes. Or how panna. No. I like them. Yeah. You know why don't you know the new one you know. Well you know. On election day the turnout was overwhelming. Everyone over twenty one can vote. More women than men did. Here and. The la mole families waited in line from four a.m. until the polls opened at
eight thirty. Election was carried off with scrupulous attention but honestly. There were no serious incidents to mind the orderly procedure. The young gibble servant who was responsible for seeing that everything ran a smooth leader in the weeks of electioneering and on voting day. Is the twenty nine year old supervisor of elections. Say quote a regular job of the chief clerk of the national assembly. Now when a person. Comes to use that vote that is if you would like me. Which we call it rotten cod is the plain of god the faith of it is on the go to the national court of i'm still a capable coffeeshop and it will tide. It is very little information. Death contains the name of the vote that. The constituency and we cute. Entitled to vote end up falling we stick with you this not at all and you need. Every
person who would want to get in we have satisfied we need to be that god like me. That on polling day. Either all of that either. But new is the present at least god at that point. And he would be given about a day back. On voting day a person presents a vote of god we found that were not enough we shall have to show that. That god is being used. But that doesn't prevent a person. Going out to get a second car and then claim that what the second time. We go to his them preventing that. We knew was. Indelible ink. With a week. We mapped. Back on that what that that was which again can be anything before the three days. We have to let god. About fifteen any that i devote to cast their vote. The first method is the use of symbols.
The week after the election with all the constituencies heard from there was celebrating capped by the inauguration of the second a five year term as president. But it was the result of the national assembly. With the most significant and full of surprises. Two cabinet ministers and six union ministers were number of other. Lost their seats on them closely contested. But
this seems to indicate is that on the local level. Voters took full advantage of the opportunity to support candidates who represented their special interests. And a voice opposition to men who symbolized unpopular government. The minister of finance. Two weeks after his inauguration mary addressed the newly elected national assembly at the opening session. Other things the election was a victory for marriage equality of nonracial two cabinet members. Asian. And the english born derek bryson. Most defeated african opponent. Setting a precedent for all independent african country. The present governmental structure has its shortcomings implicit in the fact that the present constitution is a provisional constitution. A great deal of authority is invested in the press. And including the right to appoint some members of the national assembly. But far more important than
the limitations of the amount of democratic progress in a country where voting. And mass political participation. Is a new experience. Indeed the meticulous attention to honesty. And the peaceful conduct of the one hundred sixty five elections. Stand in contrast to recent elections in many other parts of africa where the trend has been away from democracy. But while tanzania celebrates political and nation building advances. She remains at the mercy of forces outside her borders. How does a young and weak nation deal with the great economic and political powers of the world. The developing countries of the world they have been as a group or been been talking to the developed countries to try and pick the conscience of the developed country. Dilemma of the developing countries producers of primary products.
Sometimes we have a single dominating like. We plan on the basis that. And then within a few. Few months. There's nothing we can do. And that is true about. It's not needed and then a problem. It's a problem facing. All the problem of producing countries of the world. We are talking to the developed countries. Sense and here is primarily dependent on the west about trade and western countries are helping with industrial development which is still in its infancy. The netherlands open a new plan for sizeable manufactor and german.
Interest. And we must be. And then. That is trying to develop new market. Some consumer goods from communist china. Appearing in the shops made possible through chinese credit. But so far they haven't made much of a dent in a market dominated by european and japanese goods. Altogether foreign loans and grants accounted for at least half of the financing of tanzania and
development plan. University college. Imposing evidence of foreign capital contribution. United states funds came through the ford and rockefeller foundation. The british government also made a sizable contribution. Some of the most effective and welcome help. Comes from the smaller countries not directly involved in the cold war and feel that this kind of aid has fewer strings attached to it. And it's less of a threat to the country's integrity. A good example is a national service training. That is being supervised by an israeli. The army team. The the and. These young people will be trained of the military reserves. But will final tiny asli be given the discipline and technical skills needed for nation building development
project. At the national youth service camp at ruble. The israeli army officers in charge of had first hand experience in coping with both military and agricultural problems. Under hardship conditions. Bar machines are strangely the most young company ends up not looking forward to the promised agricultural transformation of the nation when tractors will be standard equipment. They become enthusiastic pupils in learning from their israeli instructors. The camp commander major have been to stand on the an assistant and understudy mr markham beaky compare notes. Experts from abroad have some sort of experience which we haven't. And we take it from them. And it's time to tell something. That we're fighting for and bush. We have the symbol of lymphoma. And we already
had four of them. So we know. The fall of the name here in tanzania. It has the city. But under the command given by canadian military strength. Two thousand will be supplemented by national service reserves.
Which are very independent. Indeed a separation of. The military. Points to the basic problems in the overall relationship of the state. Every opportunity to strengthen the mainland. Is
a little symbol of unity. Between what prevents there were two sovereign states. We are working very closely with our colleagues in east africa and. Very closely with our colleagues in the organization of african unity. The tanzanian union dating from april one nine hundred sixty four. Is still young and fragile. Three months earlier. An african revolutionary council had seized control in zanzibar. And installed her own as president. Unlike tanganyika. They transferred the government to the african majority in zanzibar followed a brief. But bloody the people. The sultan. And ruling arab minority were deposed. Uncounted numbers of arabs were killed. While others fled the violence reflected long suppressed racial fear and hatred for centuries the port of dams about now a city of sixty thousand. Have been the central market for the arab slave. And ivory trade. More recently zanzibar became known as the closed
island. It's called trees healed eighty percent of the world's supply. Again in contrast to tanganyika zanzibar has traded primarily with indonesia india and other asian countries. Today zanzibar is aligned with the stand communist bloc countries for both trade and aid. Since the union communist fans. Still go directly to zanzibar bypassing the central government in dar es salaam. The east germans have spent almost a million the half dollars on this housing project. The army is trained and equipped by the us. And by the people's republic of china. Strength of about a thousand roughly half that of the tanzanian forces on the mainland. As we have noted there is officially only one force.
But in reality this command of an independent. Young pioneers both boys and girls and well disciplined. Finds himself in the delicate position of trying to sustain and strengthen the union. Without military power. Or economic leverage. Characteristically he is relying on patient persuasion backed up with generous concessions. Filled about a quarter of the seats in the national assembly or cabinet ministers in the central government. Campaigned in zanzibar prior to the presidential election. And got a relatively greater vote later than on the mainland. There are indications like this that his tactics are paying off. But it's too soon to be sure. If the union does hold together. Once again. They will have succeeded where other african states.
Further expression of his hopes for african unity. Has given shelter to many. Exile groups. Fostering african majority rule and territories remaining under white domination. This includes rhodesia. The portuguese colony. South africa has been the host country to the organization of african unity is liberation. Serving as its first chapter on the part of africa. Freedom fighters or the leaders of the movement. And this thing. And and then. It is also for the mission committee to get in touch really. For the fine leaders. Because then. There are around us here. There is insistence on majority self rule in rhodesia. Expresses his belief that
africans must a collective responsibility for african problems. At the same time he realizes that his country is entirely at the mercy of the great powers. In relation to the cold war. In the power politics so you find that. The power blocs. Would prefer that we choose one side and we cling to that one. The idea that we should look at them and. We don't understand that we don't want to reward many of. This they find a good plan if they would rather that we think china and we say we want to china. Only because united did it deliberately and i don't know that was fairly actually. I think. Non-alignment. In tanzania and elsewhere in the world. Generally arouses. Unpleasant suspicion. In the united states. Our ties with iran which commenced with great cordiality
and sympathy. Began to deteriorate. By nine hundred sixty four during the congo airlift. And later with joy and lies visited tanzania. Relations reached a low point of mutual mistrust and hostility. Banned by inflammatory press reports on both sides. That's what it's about people kani students express their views on non-alignment in the united states currently shared by most of tanzania's better informed citizens. What america needs to. That. We are an independent nation. And as such. We have committed ourselves to the police man element. Really and interested in what. Ideological differences between america and china. We are able to make our own minds. And this aggression needs to be independent. If we see that it is good for this country and it comes from america. If this thing is going to come from china. Ok. Now we know that is a miracle that it
is dana. There are some differences between those two countries. We are not chinese. But yet as any of them would have to think like. We think great doesn't mean. And we don't think if i'd like an onion. Like dany is going to look like america. What will you think people are that you want us that americans went in the day just to be hit. Not to think like americans. We're going to systematic and so that we neglect a denny's. And then it isn't exactly to the tenets of that and it may be that by blocking that used we try to answer to this like the america. We have no reason to dislike them. In addition to football. Interest income that it might bring some differences between tanzanians and. Americans. Well this is a situation which we have to meet as it is. If you like it's such a break up one morning and say not to help them in a way that. Another finding that is unethical and anything to do with the aid. They
give to and then they could say anything to send them to me and then not to want to do because of what. Big time stamp in your town. They should and. Attended that. One ten that they give they give the town their own reason. And the rianna to perform the work of a new class because they have been taken down to twenty. We have to want to see. They've also made economic development. Think of. Plan ahead of it. And then we see pray. If possible. You if you you the us and them detain you to hear that. We are not clinging to one. When it doesn't matter i mean you and us can be home in the meantime you can see if they can hear but. We choose to be here. That we can make. Views open to the world. By the number of students who are schooling abroad.
We have. I think my students calling in the west country in any country. These alone proves that. We are not heading west. Because we need. It is a good question and answer to myself. Is what doesn't change or become what it seems we have got so many. Because here. I think we'll know. Jamie because. One of us. Is not to want to be told why it's a make up. So what if we added a symbol of of diana. This this is something we don't understand and value. This is an extremely serious thing. Because because because my people at my more intelligent people ask what is it than our interest in me in our country's friendship. Beyond what is it. When men abandon it we have thousands of americans working in my company. In this school in
business is everywhere. How do we prove. Our friendship. Perhaps the best way we in the united states can replied an irish question is to make it unnecessary to show that we value tanzania's independence and survival more than our commitment to our struggles and accept without rancor her pastor of non-alignment in the cold war. Julius nyerere is a quiet revolutionary. Advocating the growth of democracy. A mixture of socialism and private enterprise. Non-racial of them. And of africa. United under african rule. The nation dunsany is still young and very poor. To grow strong he will need the continued commitment of our people and our friends among the great and rich nations. Pilots of fragile ship of state. It in our best interest. That it does not
sound. That way. The the the new the next.
Changing World
Episode Number
Tanzania: The Quiet Revolution. Reel 2
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
As nations go, Tanzania is in its infancy. It was born in April 1964 of a union of Tanganyika, a former British colony, and Zanzibar, tiny islands off the East Coast of Africa which were formerly Arab dominated. This program explores many of the problems facing this struggling nation - poverty, sickness, education, and lack of trained manpower. Beyond this, the program focuses on Tanzania's policy of non-alignment in the Cold War and its willing acceptance of foreign aid from both Free World and Communist Bloc countries. A program portrait of Tanzania reveals that it is the biggest East African nation with a population of about 10 million. Its poverty is visible in the savannahs, arid dry plains that account for about a third of the country's land area. It is on these plains where famine and pestilence strike about every four to six years, where wealth is measured in cattle, and where the people continue to barter, subsisting virtually without money. Tanzania is principally an agricultural nation with the bulk of its produce in coffee, cotton, cloves, and sisal, a plant used for hard fiber cordage. The head of Tanzania's government is President Julius K. Nyerere, an imaginative innovator and champion of his country's non-alignment policy. He envisions his country as a young nation with big problems. He favors an African socialism that allows for private enterprise, democracy, non-racism, and free elections. Mr. Nyerere calls the lack of trained manpower among his people the most pressing national problem and pictures education as the answer to the crisis. To this end, the government has given priority to education, with scholarships to all students attending institutions on the secondary level or above. The program reports on many of the programs underway in Tanzania to raise the standard of living. One of these is the establishment of settlements, a bold and expensive government on land reform and housing a major test for Mr. Nyerere's government. But despite the government's ambitions, Tanzania is both young and poor. It must depend on foreign countries - both East and West - to support its economy and development, at least half of which is financed by foreign loans and aids. The program notes that the one percent, non-African minority population controls most of the industry and commerce of Tanzania, and that President Nyerere, therefore, has called for non-racism to insure continued non-African investments in his country. Mr. Nyerere is seen at democratic political rallies and the program reports on the 1965 national elections in Tanzania which amounted to a vote of confidence in the President's Administration. An undercurrent of caution is reported in the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, noticeable in the many concessions, which observers feel, Mr. Nyerere has made to maintain the alliance. While the Tanganyika mainland holds 97 percent of the population, half of Tanzania's military strength is on Zanzibar which also controls one-fourth the seats in the National Assembly. The Tanganyika state on the mainland, the program points out, is Western oriented from its British inheritance while Zanzibar is Eastern oriented from its Arab ancestry and its history of trading with the Far East. Much of Zanzibar's foreign aid comes directly from communist countries; East Germany, for instance, has poured nearly a million dollars into a housing project on the island and the army on Zanzibar is trained and equipped by Russians and Red Chinese. In contrast, the mainland forces are trained by Israeli and Canadian advisers and many schools are taught by Americans. President Nyerere's dream that one day all African nations will be united is seen as a reflection at the attempts to reconcile the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Moreover, Tanzania is the host nation for member countries of the Organization of African Unity and a haven for exiles and expatriates of other African nations. In addition to comments by President Nyerere, there are program interviews with leaders in Tanzania's government, foreign investors, an American teacher, a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer, and a local doctor and students. Changing World: Tanzania: The Quiet Revolution is a 1965 National Educational Television production produced for NET by WGBH, Boston's educational station. This program was originally shot on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
To give American television viewers a clearer understanding of how the rapid and radical changes now underway in other lands will influence their own lives, National Educational Television launched an incisive bi-monthly series of one-hour documentaries filmed around the globe. Entitled "Changing World," the series premiered in October 1964 on NET's nationwide network of 82 affiliated non-commercial stations. "We believe the scope and design of this series should place it among the season's most important ventures in public affairs television," said William Kobin, director of public affairs programs at NET. "Changing World" will look at the peaceful and not so peaceful revolutions of the mid-twentieth century from the vantage point of the people most deeply and painfully involved in transition. In a systematic way, it will attempt to relate the problems of the various nations and continents to one another, and to the lives of all of us in the United States. "In 'Changing World,'"says Mr. Kobin, "NET has deliberately turned away form a shotgun approach where we would examine only headline-making events. Instead, our producers and their units will be developing, in each instance an organized approach which will afford not only a solid introduction to other peoples and their problems, but a reliable basis on which viewers can judge United States policy, involvement and goals on other continents." (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Global Affairs
Public Affairs
Politics and Government
Media type
Moving Image
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Assistant Camera Operator: Kaunga, Cyril
Associate Producer: Bywaters, Thomas
Camera Operator: Poste, Ken
Editor: Bywaters, Tom
Interviewee: Nyerere, Julius K.
Narrator: Cavness, William
Producer: Morgenthau, Henry, 1917-
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Assistant: Womack, Jennifer
Writer: Morgenthau, Henry, 1917-
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 0000059793 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:33:02
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2416814-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 16mm film
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Changing World; 11; Tanzania: The Quiet Revolution. Reel 2,” 1966-01-19, WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “Changing World; 11; Tanzania: The Quiet Revolution. Reel 2.” 1966-01-19. WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Changing World; 11; Tanzania: The Quiet Revolution. Reel 2. Boston, MA: WGBH, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from