thumbnail of Appalachian Artists: The Younger Generation; An Interview with Jack Wright of June Appal Records (Part 1)
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Well hello again everybody, uh. Uh, welcome to another program in our series, um called, um, Appalachian Artists: the Younger Generation. Uh, my name is Gurney Norman, and I'm, uh, playing host to this series, uh, for awhile, uh, as we, uh, try to actually define it and create it, um, Perhaps, uh, some of you were listening when, uh, we talked to Bob Henry Baber And I had a good conversation with, uh, with him and heard him read, uh, some poetry. Bob Henry's from West Virginia, the young poet, and um one of, um, literally hundreds of young people all over the uh, the mountain region um. Uh, including um, thi- West Virginia, North Carolina, and Virginia, and Kentucky and uh, East Tennessee. Um, I, wh- what my perception has been is that, um, the hills are, um, uh, just alive with um, with artists who are working in, uh, media of all kinds. filmmakers, uh actors, photographers, writers, singers, poets, and
I'm interested in these people, and um, um, uh, it's been my privilege to uh, to meet many of them and work with them in the last several years. Uh, I'm a writer myself and, uh, am originally from Hazard, Kentucky, and I don't remember if I, when I was talking to Bob Henry, if I said so or not but, um, uh, after living for most of my life in Hazard, Kentucky I've, uh, moved to California for a few years. And I recently returned to my old home country and, uh, uh, in Kentucky. And, uh, it's been a great pleasure for me to be, uh, meeting up with, uh, some uh my old friends, (uh) artists, uh, and ah to meet some of the newer ones and to make new friends. Uh, today, uh, my guest on the program is, uh, Jack Wright, who is a native of, uh, Laz, Virginia and, um, is a singer and a songwriter and for the past several years
has, um, worked. Uh, in fact he's the founding director of, uh, June Appal Recordings, uh, over in Whitesburg, Kentucky, which is, um, also the home of, uh, Appalshop Films. And um, so Jack is, uh, joining me today and I'm gonna be talking with him and getting him to, uh, tell about, um, June Appal, um, Recordings and uh, uh, to, uh, talk about um, uh, some of, uh, his work, uh there. I hope you will tell us something of the history of June Appal, and how it came into being, and what its purpose is, and what its function is and um. I know that, uh, June Appal has produced, um, a series of, uh, excellent um albums, uh, by musicians from all over the mountain, uh, area. And I hope we get to hear some, uh, excerpts from uh, from uh, uh from those records. So Jack, uh, greetings brother. Welcome and uh, uh, why don't you tell us a little bit about, uh, that June Appal.
Well, it's really good to be here with you Gurney, uh, in the studio. We don't get much of a chance to come into the radio studio. We have our own studio, June Appal but it's, uh, strictly a recording studio. We have done some radio production there, but it's really nice to be here, um. And it's really a pleasure to be on this program and to be reaching out and maybe, quite a few good people will be able to hear this program, and I hope they will. I guess, uh, in- in order to talk about June Appal maybe we might go ahead and play a cut, uh, off one of our records that, uh, that we brought with us. It's um, a group call- a North Carolina group based near Asheville in Canton, North Carolina - a group called Luke Smathers String Band, and they, uh, have done one record with us, and it's, uh, it's called Mountain Swing. They play a strange combination, a beautiful combination, of old time music and Western swing, and it's called Mountain Swing. And uh, I guess that's
we'll do here first. Good. Want to hear it. Well, um, tha- for those of you might join late that was Luke
Smathers String Band, and that's uh an album off the June Appal recording label called Brown Skin Girl. And uh, Luke and his brother and 3 other people are in that band. And uh, the banjo player's the youngest member of the band. He's about, David Holt, he's about 33, 34, 35 years old and the rest of the band is in their late 60s and early 70s. So, uh, you can see that they um, they're sort of what we might call up in age, but they're really, uh, still very proficient and good musicians and they've got a real feel for what they do. They've been playing music since early 30s. And, uh, it- so it's really great to finally get their music out over the airwaves and get it out in vinyl so that people can carry on the tradition. I think, uh, that's what June Appal Recordings is really about is um, is. We started in a time and place where there was a lot of activity and a lot of rebirth
in- in, uh, the Appalachian region. Uh, that's why the name June Appal, June Appal Recordings, Of course Appal standing for Appalachian. But June Apple was an old time fiddle tune and, uh, so we just took the name from that and called the company June Apple. So. When was that, Jack? Yeah that was about, that happened about 1974. Of course we didn't have an album out until 1975. And, uh, June Appal started with the idea that we would try to promote and try to, um, not necessarily preserve that which was going on, uh, but try to make the link - the ongoing process, the artistic process - of ongoing things like father to son or old timer to the younger people. And, uh, so our first record was Nimrod Workman who is an 83 year old retired miner, uh, from Chattaroy, West Virginia
just right over the Tug River from Martin County, Kentucky real near Williamson. He's, uh, an inspiration to us all. And, uh, He's, uh, really been a- a driving force for June Appal in that he was the first record we recorded. An incredible old timer full of vim and vigor. Pure mountaineer. And vitality and with, with a whole range of old time songs. And he also writes songs today, you know, he- he can be in a situation and he'll write a song about today. And, uh, so he represents what we're about. He's not a folklorist dream because he does the old traditional ballads, but he also makes up songs from anyth- any kind of situation he'll pull out a verse and make his songs right on the spot. It's - it's an ongoing tradition, and that's what we want June Appal to be is something that's not just preserving the past but is an ongoing reality. Yeah, participating with the
musicians of, uh, our time and, uh, being of help to them to get their work, uh, to people. And I know it must be great um, uh, must have been great for, uh, musicians from around the region to suddenly realize that they had access, a, a resource, that these young people over in Whitesburg, uh, had a studio, uh, that was actually dedicated to them musicians here. Well that's what we're trying to do is um. W- of course, we, we can't put every record out that we want to. We can't record everybody that we want to. But we got our foot in the door sort And, uh, what we're doing is just trying to record people that are trying to make a living in music who are finding it hard, it's, uh, a real rough road either way you go, real commercial or grass roots or whatever. Uh, it's a real predicament. It's hard work to make a living as a musician or any k- almost any kind of artist in, in the mountains. You
almost have to leave, like you have and like I have for the stimulation but also just because of the economic, uh, factor. And that Well, one of the things that I've been encouraged by Jack is that, um uh, to a small degree, uh, that's, uh, changing a little bit for us. Yeah. You know there's no great revolution that's taken place but the fact is um, Through your work and the work of a lot of people in the collective around, uh, starting from Appal Shop but then um, uh, when June Appal started in '75, uh. I guess by now uh working with June Appal there must be 3 or 4 people in, who're making at least subsistence salaries. Right. We, We have four people that work full time, and we have two pe- two other staffers that are on that are working part time, so we employ 4 people directly and 2, 2 other people that are devoted to the record company. And that's something that didn't exist before. Right. I mean um, And that's a- that's an achievement. Well listen, I was, I was interested, uh ub, in you're talking
about Nimrod Workman, and uh, as you say, he was- his album was the first one you produced. It was and just recently, uh, it came out in '75, but just recently it won an ALBUM OF THE YEAR AWARD through High Fidelity magazine, which we're real proud of. We knew it was a good album, but it's good to get recognition from people um, as uh, such as a magazine like High Fidelity Magazine. Not that they uh swing a lot of weight but it's- it's really important to be recognized in the, in the bigger bubble. Yeah. [laughing exhales] Than the smaller bubble we've been working in. Right. So at this time I guess - I'd like to hear some Nimrod - I'd like, I'd like For Nimrod to sing a- a song that he wrote, uh, about his experience, uh, living and working in the coal mines. Uh, He worked there 42 two years and that's the title of this song, which by the way was in the award of the Academy Award winning movie Harlan County, USA. He was, he was,
he sung this song in that movie. So, this is Nimrod Workman, 42 Years. For 42 years I worked in a coal mine. And I've got, uh, had 13 children, 49 grandchildren. I composed this song and made it, uh, ?what? I'd worked and bruised my knees down in the coal mine - knee pads. This song is 42 Years. Fer 42 years is a mighty long time To labor and toil down in a coal mine. But But down in that deep hole bright light did glow, back in a dark room, I worked ?pailin'? up coal. My bones, they did ache me. My knee
got bad. Down on that hard rock instead of kneepads. The motors were shifting, I got sand in my hair. Both lungs were down, from breathun' bad air. Send me to the city, to find a new job. I went to a doctor, and I hear'd say, "Both lungs is broke down; you've seen your best days. broke down; you've seen your best days. Go back to that coal mine, where they
got you this way." Went back to that and my bossman did say. say, "The company don't want you; Compensation won't pay. The That doctor has told dust didn't get you this way." Well, that's Nimrod Workman. That's a powerful song man, that's really something. So, so he is a real inspiration to us and, uh, maybe some people can't understand why he sings that way, but, uh, it's really incredible, especially when you get to know him. So, uh, from that point we had no idea what to do with that record, uh, because we had no distribution system. We had no- we didn't know how to get these records into the stores. We didn't know how that worked at all. We were just young, crazy
hillbillies trying to, um, to do something, and we didn't know how the system worked. We didn't know how to get that record out to the public. You literally started from scratch with your record ?content?. And so what happened was, um, just a process of trial and error and experimentation and communication with other small record companies to see how it worked, and and what made it work. And after about a year or two we got a- a fairly small but efficient distribution system going. And since then we've grown to have about 18 or 20 distributors and a few stores outside of those distributors that that handle our records. We send our record- records to a distributor and he in turn puts them in stores so that's. We still don't have the distribution of some, like, the large record companies, because our records aren't that commercial. And, uh, but anyway, they're getting out to the public. And that's, that's - well - what really excites us
Well The distribution, uh, the distributors, uh, would be interested in, uh, June Appal Records because they're good and because they're original and um, uh. So many of the musicians, um, let's say, uh, like Nimrod there's no, uh, no Nashville recording studio who's gonna find a place for Nimrod, I wou- I would- wouldn't think. Exactly. It's not a commercial music that he makes, And yet it's, uh, it's vastly important, uh, to Nimrod and to all the rest of us. You know I was interested in what you were saying earlier Jack, that, about how part of the, maybe the main, um, purpose and service that, um, June Appal Records is serving is that it's, uh, serving as a- a connecting link between, uh, Nimrod's generation and Luke Smathers' generation. Uh, these are our seniors, you know, who preceded us, um, as uh artists here in the mountains. And, um, that uh that you're and June Appal are, um, uh
Working s- closely with such people and um it must be it must be a- a great feeling and an- an inspiration. Yeah, it- it um gives you a sense of of an ongoing time. Continuity. Uh, it really makes you feel good that you see a- a man, say like a Nimrod Workman, who at the tender age of 78 [laughs] comes into a whole new situation in life. Where most people are winding down and, and preparing to die. Uh, Nimrod is winding up an- and getting out of his coal mining business, or his coal mining career and his business of raising 13 children into a public performance, uh, on the road. Findin' a whole new audience, a whole new generation. A whole new audience and just coming alive, coming out of there, uh, with the disease black lung. Uh, his health supposedly bad, but now he comes out of there and, and surprises everybody and here he's still kickin' much harder than I am at 83. [laughter]
You know, that's a really beautiful thing to see happen, uh, that that towards the end of life he's uh, got a whole new program going on and delighting thousands and thousands of people. Well, you see, uh in- in- in the larger context, talking not only about the musicians but the writers, uh, you know the poets, uh. Uh, I'm uh, I think as a writer myself, um, give a good deal of thought to the fact of how fortunate I am and uh my generation of writers are, uh, simply to uh be living as neighbors to, uh, to the writers who have senior generation, you know, uh. Um, I'm um, a friend of uh Mr. James Still, uh one of Kentucky's great writers, and uh he's been a great inspiration to me ?as? image for it, my word for it, is the whole idea of the handing down of, uh, the passing from one generation to another. And that I'm kind of in the middle generation, you know, and I that's why I'm um, uh, am, am am
moved to try this sort of um radio experiment uh this uh whole idea of having a series of interview type programs with uh people who are at work, um, young people who are at work around the mountains and as artists in the various media. Uh, if you tuned into this program late um, and wonder what we're doing and who we are, I'll say again, that a- my name is Gurney Norman, and I'm playing host to this, uh uh, new series of radio programs, uh, that's called uh Appalachian Artists: The Younger Generation, and my guest today is uh Jack Wright who is um, um, a singer and a musician in his own right and in fact I'm gonna talk him into singing to us here after a while, but his work of the last uh 5 years has been to direct and coordinate uh June Appal Records, uh, in Whitesburg, Kentucky. So we've- we've talked about this older generation of musicians and, uh, I know that uh that the young folks are coming, uh, with their music uh to uh record um uh at
June Appal, and I wondered uh who you had um. Uh, you know who, what you might have to say about some of those folks. Well, um, we've recorded at June Appal several records but uh, but not only old people but younger people like we were saying uh. One such person is Sparky Rucker who's from, uh, Knoxville, Tennessee, and,uh, he's been seriously playing music and on the road for several years now. But he's, uh, become quite a proficient writer and singer and, uh uh, and like a lot of people, he's sort of gotten back into his roots, and he started playing, uh blues which, uh, the primitive style blues or- or uh some of the just acoustic Delta kind of blues. And the old time blues is sort of dying out. You don't see too many, uh, or hear too many black people, uh, in this day and age who aren't say into uh jazz or
more progressive rhythm and blues or. Yeah. Or something like that. So Sparky is in the old tradition of Johnny Shines, and even Robert Johnson. And uh, so we're gonna play a cut here for you called Cold and Lonesome on a Train which is a, a song that Sparky wrote, and it's also one that um, is the title song of the album, that's Sparky's album called Cold and Lonesome on the Train. So we'll listen to that now. [guitar strumming] Traveling across the country, just as dark as it could be. The light reflected on the windows, Lord I just can't hardly see. Gotta That hurtin' down inside me Lord, I cannot stand the pain It's awfully cold and lonesome ?at night? on the train. [end of last line]
I sometimes feel forsaken when I'm traveling alone. Like being in Alberta, Canada when Tennessee's your home, and the day you got on board thought it was ?suddenly? drizzling rain. It did It's awfully cold and lonesome at night on a train. With memories of sunsets and loves I've left behind, all these times that I've traveled just to find. That the fading dreams and visions of the friends I've lost and gained make me awfully cold and lonesome at night, on a train. Been weeks since I slept right; Lord I cannot find my rest.
Weary of this traveling, but this way seems the best. Been a lot of places for my livin' and I pick and sing. It did get awfully cold and lonesome at night on a train. train. With memories of sunsets and loves I've left behind, all these times that I've I've traveled just to find that the fading dream and visions of the friends I've lost and gained make me awfully cold and lonesome at night, on a train. On a train. Well that's really fine, Jack. I was really glad to get to hear Sparky uh, crank down on that one again. Uh,
I think, uh, we ought to say uh that uh Sparky's album, uh, Cold and Lonesome on a Train and all the albums on the June Appal label are uh, Are available, uh, through mail order or, uh, through, uh, record stores in your community if you could um, um, find them. And if the record stores in your community, uh, don't have the June Appal Records, uh uh, it might be a- a good service to all of us to, uh, encourage them to um So I'll just make a little announcement of the June Appal's address and, um uh, so that some communication can go on if you're interested. It's uh, June Appal Recordings Box 743 Whitesburg, Kentucky 41858. 8. And I know that, um uh, you know, it- it's too bad we don't have time just to, just to play all these albums and uh, uh, and all the musicians uh, um, uh that have uh recorded with you, you know, and so
on uh. Uh we're, we're going to have to leap over - we're just doing a little representative sampling here uh, um. Uh to, to to get the full range of, uh, the June Appal, uh, recording list, uh, you'd have to have to have the, um, the catalog, um, which is available at that same address. Um I tell you who I'd like to hear a littl- hear from is um, Malcolm Dalglish and Grey Larsen and uh from uh Banish Misfortune, uh. You wanna say just a few words about that, and then can you give us a little little bit of music. Well, um, these 2 young guys from Cincinnati just uh, put this record together, and they hadn't toured much, they hadn't uh. They had just gotten to know one another and just started to play music together, and now they have a whole career that's going really well for 'em. And people really enjoy hearing them wherever they play. And it's uh, ?kindly? an unusual kind of record. Uh,It really catches the ear of almost everyone and it
bridges a lot of gaps, uh. This, no matter what kind of music fan you might be, uh, this kind of music sort of bridges the gap. And what we're going to hear here is uh, Growling Old Man and Cackling Old Woman and then Nine Points to Roguery. [music] [music] [music] [fast strumming continues, fading down then up] [music]
[fast hammer dulcimer strumming continues, fading down then up] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] Ok that was Malcolm Dalglish and Grey Larson from their album Banish Misfortune. Uh,
That instrument was a hammered dulcimer which is gaining popularity; a lot of people are starting to learn to play that instrument again. It used to be offered in 1900 in the Sears and Roebuck Catalog and it died out shortly thereafter in most parts of the country, but it's, um, enjoying a curious rebirth right now. And it's a, it's a trapezoid shaped instrument called a hammered dulcimer with about 78 strings, and it, uh, is a forerunner to the piano and the harpsichord, that kind of thing. And it's quite common in some other Mid Eastern countries. Name that tune was Growing Old Man and Cackling Old Woman and the 9 Points of Roguery. Well, um, you know I was um, as I said I've been living out in California, uh, for the past several years and I've uh, I recently moved back to the mountains and, um, uh... it was my
great pleasure back in the winter to uh, play host to Malcolm and Grey when they came out to Palo Alto, California. Um... uh, they're - they just, just um, lifted our spirit for about a week after they came and played. Had 200 people come out of this kind of community center we've got there. And um, so uh, that was a great experience for us, and, uh what I can say is uh, that the um, th- the June Appal label and th-, and the music um, is coming uh through, through the record company is uh, is just enormously popular in California. And uh, I th- my way of looking at that is uh, I enjoy- I take a great deal of pride in the fact that, uh, there's music coming from the mountains, uh, that's fresh and uh, contemporary but very much uh, uh growing out of our regional tradition here, uh is, uh, is kind of going out sort of like um, seeds of re- re- refreshment uh
You might say, uh, all over the country. It's a way I enjoy looking at um, at the whole, um, um, uh, explosion really, of artistic expression among the younger people, uh that's uh happened uh th-, uh, in, in the past several years in all media. And, um, uh so uh, Malcolm and Grey and Banish Misfortune uh, has a strong audience and especially in the San Francisco area. I guess um, their new album uh, is uh, already out isn't it, um? First of Autumn. Yeah. It was released about 2 weeks ago, and it's doing quite well too. Yeah. What, what, what are some of the other uh, artists? Uh, who are some of the other artists and some of the other um albums that uh, that are available? I wish we had time to play them all, but perhaps we can at least make mention o-. Some of the other artists are a man who lives in North Carolina named Si Kahn, who put out an album with us called New Wood. And we also did an album for the Carolina Brown Lung Association, um, called Brown Lung Cotton Mill Blues which is a, a series of songs
about the uh, mill industry, uh, in the south, And a lot of the songs deal with the health problems and organizing problems of workers that work in the cotton mills. Uh, also we have a record by Jon Sundell. One by a fiddler from North Carolina uh, an old time fiddler named Tommy Hunter wh-. Oh yeah. Who is quite a, a good fiddler and judges a fiddling contest down at uh Fiddler's Grove every year. Also we have recorded uh, 2 albums by John McCutcheon, who is a, a young performer who uh lives over in Dungannon, Virginia, and he's uh, he's worked real hard with us. He's uh, he's works with June Appal, uh, as well as being an artist on the label he also does production work for June Appal, uh, on the Appal Seed project which, which is a project that. Within June Appal we try to record the old timers,
and we do that through the Appal Seed project within June Apple. Uh huh. Which uh, I hope doesn't confuse people; it's all the same label but, uh the Appal Seed puts out nothing but older musicians who are doing music more in the traditional vein. Would that, would Luke Smathers' Band be an example? Including Luke Smathers' Band, their first album was, was an Appal Seed project, and also Earl Gilmore, Addie Graham, Buell Kazee, uh, as well as, uh, I.D. Stamper. And we've got 23 out now. We've got Guy Carawan who also is a fine performer, and, and he also plays the hammered dulcimer, as well as being a great, uh, balladeer and singer of, uh, some really fine, uh, protest songs. And uh, we also have put out a record um, of uh, ?Sheen.? [Laughter]
[Laughter continues] I know what's comin'. [laughter] Tell it. [laughter] Uh, of a, a group called Wry Straw, which, which hasn't been released lately. Uh, It'll be out in about 2 or 3 weeks we hope. And you can take it from there, Gurney. Well I, I thought Jack's about to tell uh, tell my one ?remaining? secrets um. Uh, I, I had a great time working with Jack and uh, uh, the June Appal crew um, in uh, 3 years ago uh when we, uh, made a, um, a double album that, uh, is actually contains a novel that I wrote. It's called Ancient Creek. I consider Ancient Creek uh, to be uh, Well it's political satire it's an allegory, uh, it's it was my attempt, uh, at the time, um, to find, um, um... a story, uh, in which I could uh, uh, combine my politics, religion, psychology, and mythology. And that this all happened in the ?loft? in Whitesburg
Kentucky was perfect for me. [laughs] And, uh, it's, it's um, a story that you hear rather than read. I read it aloud and, um, um... uh, ehh, it's still in print, I gather. Right, right still-. A few copies sell now and then. It's still on the label. Ok. When I listen Jack, we don't have all day. I wish we had just hours and hours to actually play every album that's ever come out at June Appal, and we don't, um. While we've got you here, uh, don't get to see that often, and um, but when I do get, get close to you, one of the, the main things is to, um, to get you to sing and, uh, I'm really interested in your music and I always enjoy it and um, it's one of my main pleasures in uh getting up to Whitesburg is to, is to get you cranked up. And, uh, so what I, what I wanted to ask, uh, was, um, uh, when is your album coming out and, uh, could you, um, uh, say a little bit about that and um, then I would like to hear some, some of it. Well um, -- and also just say something about
yourself as a, as a singer. I know you sing a lot at festivals and, uh, in clubs and, um, in a variety of places, and have been for years and um, and your work as a singer fo- and writer for the past several years is now coming to a kind of fruition through this album that's due out this year. So, elaborate. Well, I'm putting out an album that I've been working on for several years, just part time, never sitting down and doing it all at once, and just do it when I had the chance. So I've not quite finished it, so, uh, we will play a few cuts on it later on. Um, but I guess right now I'd like to talk a little bit about, uh Sonya Yancey. Oh yes, yes. Which uh, is, uh, uh, a young songwriter and singer from Hazard, Kentucky, who we are going to be doing a record of real soon. We hope that it all works out that way. She, uh, at the age of 11, became a
songwriter and had her first song recorded and made into a hit for Jerry Reed in 1968 or '69, something like that. And after that, she sort of dropped out of, um, of the music business, and just recently has she gotten interested in her performing career. She's a mother, now, and so that takes a little bit of her time ,but she's starting to get back into performing. And she's writing some incredible songs, so at this time I'd like for Sonya Yancey to sing a, a song that uh, she's unaccompanied on - just she and her guitar - and it's called Home, Sweet Home. [soft guitar strumming begins] There's a place I know of, I'll always love. where dreams can be thought of and always come true. [guitar strumming] And when my friends come to see me I can always be me. It's easy to be free when you're sitting at home. [guitar strumming] And home,
sweet home, how could I ??? I'm returning, my eyes are burning, with the joy it is to be back home.
And home, sweet home, how could I ??? always be me. It's easy to be free, when you're sitting back home. Yes, it's easy to be free, when you're sitting at home. [Song Ends] Yeah that's uh, Sonya Yancey from Hazard, Kentucky and she'll be putting a
record out real soon on June Appal. Hopefully it will be available within the next year. Which. Sure seem-. Isn't too soon to some people but in our calendar that's pretty soon. [laughter] Who else he working with these days? Well, we're also, we're working with several, uh, new, uh, entries into the label or- or people that we've never recorded before and have just sorta shown up and wanted to be on the label. And who represent some real progressive and ongoing, uh, new blood, you know what I mean? Right, sure. Some people that are really working hard, uh, making, uh, music and maki- trying to hone out their own style, and, and that's what we feel is really important to record at this time in June Appal's history. And uh, such a group that we've started record and will have an album out with us within, also within the next year, is Robin and Linda Williams, uh who originally are from North Carolina, and they're living in Virginia now;
and they're working out of Virginia. They spend quite a few months out of the year on the roads, so they're real hard working musicians, and, uh, Robin and Linda are accompanied on the record and also on the road by th-, by a young, uh, man named Peter Ostroushko from Minneapolis, Minnesota, who is a fine, fine songwriter, a wonderful performer, uh, plays fiddle, and guitar, and mandolin. He- he plays mostly fiddle and mandolin and sings, uh, part of their harmonies on these songs so, uh, so they're quite an exciting group. We at June Appal are real excited about doing this record, so we- we're going to share one of those songs with you. It's an original song written by Robin Williams, uh, And, uh, the name of it is Step it Out Nancy, so we'll listen to that this time.
Appalachian Artists: The Younger Generation
An Interview with Jack Wright of June Appal Records (Part 1)
Contributing Organization
Appalshop, Inc. (Whitesburg, Kentucky)
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Segment Description
In this segment, radio host Gurney Norman interview Jack Wright, the director of June Appal records, an Appalachian-focused recording studio. The men discuss the creation of the studio and the variety of sounds and musicians that record at the studio. During the interview, they play several clips of songs from popular and new bands that have recorded with June Appal records.
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Guest: Wright, Jack
Host: Norman, Gurney
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Appalshop, Inc. (WMMT and Appalshop Films)
Identifier: 12977.0 (Appalshop Barcode)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “Appalachian Artists: The Younger Generation; An Interview with Jack Wright of June Appal Records (Part 1),” Appalshop, Inc., American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Appalachian Artists: The Younger Generation; An Interview with Jack Wright of June Appal Records (Part 1).” Appalshop, Inc., American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Appalachian Artists: The Younger Generation; An Interview with Jack Wright of June Appal Records (Part 1). Boston, MA: Appalshop, Inc., American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from