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That is Texas you were not you could croak. How could you have been you young dog when you call. We were no good to go. But do you or don't grow good. No I don't know who knows who you know some dung will go door who don't quite know who the who who who who who no one knew would do nothing to begin with. Marley who do don't look good on your coat nor do most who know you know you. Door if you will. Who do you
beat you if you were there in the book I don't know who knows who you do or who to walk down the road you could do to get to know of Kongo know you would just do. Door. Who will be good to Will. Golden Dawn can you can you leave the killer to give no clue what you were no call go walk down the hall. Go on the Google door. I'm no good coder. WHO YOU ARE WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN do you good to damage
the war if you will please. Who who. Huge of the dumbest who'd be you. Who who told me your clique you to do it do it on the wall you do. What do we need to do. Kong was a live look carton of you who we ought to those who hear you do or you do. Who could do for you. The nationalist coup. But bits of that I'll shut up it's a fair fight that I see nothing that you like. Yeah yeah I said you'd be good you know who I want to go. I said New York who knew that but we're measuring good TV to know who
won. If Cook huge and you know who could go on to do me who do you who would cook or you know a good guy but you corny as a lamb I just it's just that that's that. I see it as a big asset. My good what good do you really be just you know who I see what number you need me you alone do not going to be pissed because the few who look over know what go just to see in your you don't store near her love for
me. Only the two boys who knew Guy would you deem called the legal lease of you. We knew he knew who we had. You don't know why you. We got the door when you guys leave me. K Mart through the window no one knows what those pretty or don't know who you are dumb who you know I'm nice to you we just heard of a no move on my particular local door here and if you need me I think I have that right. What Young day you desert region. I see the Who who who
do give to you could fully do Dounia who you believe in your readers who are struggling through Mom Need You To Know Who To which do not mean do do do do will do not enter your home if you value if you use them. Good to watch our gawked all important. Who'd been doing who could you do what doctors don't go. Who would go on with more. Believe me to be a goal dooby doo doo doo doo doo doo league. I think they do a thumb on the docket idjit. Are you or don't you. Good who can do it. Be you know can you tell me the day of my life not the way I see
my dick. You be just who you grew to know but you missed the door now you know who prong there you've been nice and no from me you know. Hard too good a mood where you really could use your ears are you little girl. Google doesn't clue Goo Goo Dum Dum who clearly knew that Mohill does to you. You learned dumb or do you. Mark you would do or who you are too big too big to Kenya. Who doesn't know that jam might do nothing or will do. If you are the big gun group and the door who who who do your Who do you need regardless of the dire learning
budding or. I learned the gold hoop when you could hear mine no no no we're not being people who are done your gold of course because you haven't done your due TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE Dawn knew who you are do you know the money or not enough. Yeah and you know my mind. If you would muddy the code couldn't I paint the picture. I don't want to go to Google and you need your code to pick you breed of dog. You do with true to who you be your new family that knew no one who you wouldn't do or do you have a big boy you know in the
world who knew who. My arm some me and I really laughed at the knock that might give me that Mark only me and then order to get the lead it that they took their guns that way but do not really know you who are going to die or if you are you just to you know to be wrong. Do you know who you got to be to win over the WHO ARE YOU. Quite a good preschool there didn't work with no doubt because it can hurt you when you go compete. Yeah how
do you do you. I'm gon lie I tell it to clinically load. I look at that that they were wrong or you really DID YOU KNOW WHO THE GIRL WHO ARE YOU GO TO. Didn't course rock on need you know who to root for who will die sad or not it is a man but good try legally are you here to replace Tucker you evade the place. Tell you what you are to your core and you can make sure you good clean good place to go
you know. Don't worry if you do good buddies to ignore when young. You really ARE YOU are just too good to be up to the store. By he do for you I you were just talking to people who could be using it to make Young says you are you go to the home of a dung lets go make sure you go home immediately that you do no good in the British to dig through the night you would just talk would you talk with us and hear me. CARNEY I would still act the lookee. It took a question up down and down marked them naturally.
Who knew whom we do bust me or you will just talk with you I see you my good one in my family that do a very good to let you do. Why do you give do you do to get a peach. Do you know who will do the group. We know you could go Miley to knock the door. No you are so you know the word toward the court took the. Oh he don't go you know core you could look if course would cause the group to do could do it. Are you are you can you do. No one knew nor do the question of can do with
Google. Bigger question than you can know. Do we need to get to know you. You didn't go to the doctor will door no one will do know you. Don't be cruel. Who cares if we need to know you. You don't want a mere girl who we're all who we were who do clean the world where no one in the war you don't go in the door Whirlpool was full on. You won't. Paul was one who their world view on this and you do too but we already think who are Muslim who told us you know he needs a clue. Who needs in that closet door. YOU GO BIG OR GO HOME. I
love how poor the only good it took to go were gone. I've got the money as it doesn't really even allow Don't do it now if you don't my money dimness they need a little now and then. Now list in would be to say our little group of low credit card will jolly mark the DVLA Now Kelly personally. Yeah sure you don't do nothing you would be choosing what to do or not you clearly of course would do. Who we we all do the community. D be done with the
group who were good and are you would just do what we need done or who do the world we are in the world to reveal who can do who you who view all you need to do to get done more good done by there must be used to move so much to beat you and you. You and many sadly do that for now I will look for Gary. He do not. You dumb are not hiding so I didn't came out of the door for you. Film by results are
no good. Underwood You know you know you want to do it by bringing that one you're doing. Do you hear any door. Not but we know what we wanted no one knew who do coke you know what we know. I knew who who made you that you will not occur by being argue with those who know you you do look you move. Q Can it be nice for you to meet him there when you go. Huge yes and there are no good you guys don't know what he did in that one little girl known only because what you do. You moved why you. Who doesn't know
they need help and most who are low to know you we're near to where you will door no you will or the not cool new warden who go under community who are who are not going to go. Who knew what. Who knew who was who do who knew who was whose meaning got to do when you go far so good do you live in home in New Orleans where have been equally and what quality there will be to coupon book. Would you be kind of the common man. Dr. Ralph go to that hospital back in Eden. Finally I'll go to that I hope.
What do you need. Q You courted to where you could go you what you are you who just the way you were the world no queen you need. KING You would just do overkill to get people to really you know you would just do it you don't want to know you could probably go to where youre going to do good and good who is in you and me do are you sure who give who won with like who. Who was tell me you read you were just talking and he had been a hawk down minor toward noone we all know you yes she is who she is who
did not me. He told me there were no you kids who couldn't even find the courage. You just took a guy even who you could talk to Wal-Mart the dome who quote you if you do we'll whoosh hoo hoo huge screw the world. Do do do do do or die by putting to work. You know who you are you are you don't call me Are you kidding. Who do you need Jill Underwood killers who he knew who we are you know we were good to youthful You know your question. There were multiple stories are true. You know who you we're in fifth grade who don't know
your tongue almost you were just the wooden doors you need money for Doesn't done wash who out here. Or a new turn to you are you just the WOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO Good night you who knew who you do if you got the little bit does Google to do on New Who could be tired kooky door non-New door if you couldn't yell Big going to call. If he knew we were growing us two computable bar though there were no you
couldn't you dumbass corner guard know who guy you were just to woo hoo towards down earth you could almost call this going on in good time the guy on the list after the man and the now and you just do too. Dahmer knew what and who to buy brand new only good when they're just Door court who will do them when you would be too difficult to reach through if your can be beautiful. You are the good good cool you're going to give the world huge a coke to do we need you.
Waves Of Wisdom
Contributing Organization
KYUK (Bethel, Alaska)
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Series Description
'Waves of Wisdom' is a video series featuring interviews with Alaska Native Elders discussing topics ranging from historic events, traditional Yup'ik practices, subsistenceand spirituality.
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Moving Image
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Identifier: unknown (unknown)
Duration: 00:21:34
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Chicago: “Waves Of Wisdom,” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “Waves Of Wisdom.” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Waves Of Wisdom. Boston, MA: KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from