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Now, you don't want to talk to you in the last car now, it's not like what you need to do in the outside school. What time? It will be on. When I was a son, I would like to talk to my friends and you know. Are we ready? Yeah. Okay. You were talking about the prom and the graduation experience. What power was going to happen on your after school before you know? Where the plans were. Okay. So, this coming Friday. But it's the high school. So, where is the prom? I think it yum. So, I guess there's no fire firing equipment here in my office. They use fire extinguishers.
What do you think you should need to get fire firing? Okay, we feel a big tank for fire firing. Do you want to see what's happening? Wow. Do you want to see what's happening? I do pretty fast for us. Oh, I do pretty fast for us. I do pretty fast for us. Come on. LAUGHING
LAUGHING LAUGHING Thanks for watching Ciao Next two Yours are perfect oh I had perhaps you can turn your name spelling over your last name and then
now in a position that's Larry Stiebore, C-T-I-B-O-R, and I'm the sight administrator. We got a pretty good idea of what's kind of happened here at the school, but have you gotten a feeling of how the people feel, maybe even the students, have you talked to any of the high school students, especially what if you were about their school burning down? I think everybody's in pretty much the state of shock right now at this point, and maybe a lot of feeling about it hasn't really said anything else.
What's what's going to happen here, so we've been working for you, know in this building, basically all the students are at that time. Now this building
that we're in, I guess it's just to be the old B.I.A. building, is that time? Am I correct? You say, I think we heard rumors that possibly they will try to hold classes in the church and in the community hall? Is that who are they going to try to? We've decided against that and our superintendent Sue here without here yesterday and met with us, and we've decided that we're going to, we can best do what we need to do in the school with the equipment and supplies that we have readily available here. The other buildings in town are just, aren't it suitable? They might provide us with a little, with some more space to put people in, but it's the effective use of the space that we're that we're concerned about and because of which we decided
to keep everybody in the regular classrooms here that we still have, and we're going to be split-shifting students having elementary in the morning and high school in the afternoon. You sort of, well, I'll go with that people here in, in sort of a state of shock. What is there feeling about the person that set the fire? Shock again, there is a, there's a real mixture of feelings. I've heard the number of people expressed to me that they're both angry, considerably angry at this person, but also have expressed a sense of compassion for a feel sorry for and so forth. And a couple with that, of course, there's this, a tremendous sense of loss on the part of many people that
someone who's important in their lives is now going to be gone probably for a good long time. So it's a real, a real, you know, a kind of a complex of emotions about them. There was a big, I guess there was going to be a big weekend for the, especially for the graduating students. What's happening now? How did the students feel for? Our problem was scheduled for this Saturday. And graduation or Friday, rather, and graduation is a week from Friday. And we are going to have our prom. It's going to be in this classroom. We have a DJ coming. We just relate a message to him today by radio through Tooksoop to that prom is on and come on out here.
And we'll do the same for graduation. For information sake, how many of the employees in the school are affected to have people after their job is because the school burnt down? Some people are going to have their hours reduced, obviously. And and probably some people, a few individuals maybe may have to be laid off until we have sufficient buildings again to get them back to work. It's just hard to say at this point, except that having had two different sites, a quarter a mile apart, you need a lot more people than when you're operating in a modified facility, or a single facility. So there are going
to have to be some cutbacks in personnel. Could you stop there for a second? Yeah. Okay. Could you kind of, I don't know if you'd be able to answer this or not, but what sort of could be done to prevent tragedies like this in the future? Well, if someone could wave a magic wand and eliminate alcohol from the region, from rural, maybe I'm sure a lot of things like this wouldn't happen. But that's also not really getting to the root of the problems, which are originally social and cultural and so forth, but I don't know. I don't know any way that how this could have been
driven. Quite about the community. I know they're in the state of shock, but it has a profit closer together. I think that was evident from the red at the outset at two o'clock the other morning when fire started a tremendous collective effort on the part of many, many people in town to work together, to try to do their best to save the school. And people were there all night and all morning. And at one point after several hours, it would obvious for the reference of the futile, but many, many people pitched in and helped in one way or another at both building.
And even to the point of injury, we had quite a long list. I actually just saw the list today from our own school coordinator, got a list of from the clinic of people who had been treated for smoking relation. And I with the maids there were over 20 of them. And we are just now this afternoon, sending about a half a dozen of them into the hospital and definitely. They charge the fire up with portable fire extinguishers. There's no fire, equipment, volunteering, turn, I mean, there's no voluntary fire department. Not that I'm aware of, no equipment, other than what was on hand in the school in the form of extinguishers, which were all spent very quickly. And then it was a bucket brigade from there. So there was just no other kind of
resource to help with that. I understand there was a teacher and his wife living in the school. Similarly, they didn't. In this building, there is an apartment in one corner of the building. And the fire was guarded in the opposite corner of the building in a classroom. But there were two people here in the building, sweeping at the time the fire was in. I understand the phone system also has been damaged. Was this close together with the school burning down? Yes, it happened as the reports that I've heard that that was done immediately before the fires were set. And what do you think that happened? I'm not sure. You know, one thought is that
it was an attempt to cut off any calls for assistance from the outside to fight the fires. But everybody knows that there's radio contact that can be made with nearby villages and phone calls relate. So I'm not really sure about the motive. Any closer village volunteers come to help try to put the fire up? No, the closest village is several hours by snow machine. And this was two o'clock in the morning. We're going to take some pictures of some of the salvage stuff back in here. They said there was room. The man needs to pull out a very small amount of equipment out of one room, TV, VCR, our satellite electronic equipment. That's basically a value. There's a few desks and
chairs, but a very paltry amount of what was in the building. It was virtually, it was about a 99% loss of everything that was in the building and the entire building. This building, there was most of the losses due to smoke damage. Sue, here was your natural language. Did you say anything about when work would begin to try to get a musical for you? They're working on it. They were working on it yesterday. The fire marsh on was here yesterday. The insurance adjuster was out here today along with an engineer and Jim Cole, our plant facilities capital projects director. The impression I got is that they would like to move very quickly on this
and try to get materials in so that construction on a new building or replacement building could even start in the fall to fast track. Whether that can actually be done, I don't really know. They want to move ahead real quickly with it. At the same time, we were scheduled to plan for an elementary addition to the high school, which has now kind of been put on home. I was just told today that the engineer and architect for that project planned to come out this Friday and Saturday to hold meetings and now we're looking at instead of an addition to combine the replacement of the high school with the new construction. A problem, one unresolved problem right
now since there is a rather severe erosion problem on the side of the village where the high school sits is to whether or not to relocate the site and if so, where? That's something that may hold the project. Do you think that school will start on schedule next fall? Yes, we'll be here and we'll start and we're spending some time this afternoon talking with the corporation here about possible use of the building that they've been putting up and we're going to explore other other spaces in here. There's my tripod case.
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Newtok Burn School tape 2
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KYUK (Bethel, Alaska)
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Raw Footage Description
This is a field recording of scenes in the village of Newtok followed by an interview with the site administrator on the aftermath of the school fire. 1994
Raw Footage Description
Newtok School fire Reel 2 kids playing b-ball, principal/ interview on fire.
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Raw Footage
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Copyright Holder: KYUK-TV, Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., 640 Radio Street, Pouch 468, Bethel, AK 99559 ; (907) 543-3131 ;
Producing Organization: KYUK
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0a99525ebcc (Filename)
Format: MII
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Newtok Burn School tape 2,” 1994, KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 27, 2024,
MLA: “Newtok Burn School tape 2.” 1994. KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 27, 2024. <>.
APA: Newtok Burn School tape 2. Boston, MA: KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from