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I will come to study 80-year-old co-op. Elizabeth already touched on the importance of knowing what the subsistence catch is so that we can show the economic value. It's also important in negotiations from everywhere from falls past to Japan because it lets us go. The first white man came to Bethel, they were daily with all estimates here, the first
white man who came to Bethel was afraid to relate with him if my grandchild, a big or no other white person in the name. And he married, he married a girl from North China. That's all the people here. But I like to why I'm here today, you know, I like to talk about the city of Bethel. The city of Bethel is trying to run all these people and kick their land away from them which I didn't like.
We're here today to kick the city council out of the management and the mayor, kick them out and let the people run the city. He's going to take us a little time, but he got me done, he kissed like I had a piece of land over there, the fish camp right in the corner across my place, the city came in and just pulled over the river, never asked me one question or not, but not even a question. When I came back from up river, the smoke out was gone, so I wrote the letter to the city that I was going to assume, well, he said, he can't take you to there. We cannot, you cannot sue us because the state owes that property, as is how come the state owes that property when all these lands belong to the native people. That's why I would like to see as soon as possible, we, his outfit here, take over the city in management.
If we have to take over the building, we take them over to, and then go on a sidewalk and walk around the city of heaven. He got talks about it a little bit after a while, but let's start with that. I would look, I would, I would take over the name of the heavens, the native people, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money. Yes. When we have to place Catholicism in this station, then we need to look at the public property. I asked this Gus up going to come here, but he said he couldn't, so he could tell you
that the old fuel that we're going to put on the streets of Beffa, that oil is filled with PCV, and that the whole Beffa hospital, the building material is made of asbestos which is harmful to humans, but they're taking old things like that for houses out in the new houses out in the village, and that the insulation in the houses here made out of substances that are toxic to humans, and the way that the water is here, or that blackfish are coming back, is filled with sewer, sewage, and our children are playing, and it goes right
by my house, we took pictures of it. The water is so brown, and there's this foamy stuff on top, and that book right there is that United Nations Charter of Human Rights, when there's spun up in a water, it's a violation of our human right, and it becomes a crime, and if they put oil on the roads here, filled with those PCVs, it's toxic to humans, so when you hear about how the elders here and other people are talking about that we're genocide to eliminate or to murder or kill a group of people to make them disappear, that's one of the many ways that it's happening to us is through those noisy chemicals that are being put in our streets and inner wounds and in water. It becomes the plan to see how it works.
It is the path of course. to a part of it, and also,
to an issue of it, I was a federal architect. To the line, to the other, to the other, to the other, to the other, to the other. Many people will never be believed to me than if I don't lead the problem, that there's no fear in God's way for him, not so many people, and I, know a spirit, I want that…
Tell me. Hang on Sato. Naito! He's all right. He's already peas! mrs. I heard him talk about him with Jacob. Let's let's I think we're going to leave you to think about it any while because he's working for the city. He's ready to retire for a quick.
And if we join him up today, he might not have a job. If they didn't want to go on the radio. Then after which wait and after which it's going to won't be a few days. And then we could be wanting to show him back in the crowd and really do. Ready to join me. Yes. Good man. Yeah. I would not be there. I'd take a fucker. You know, what's happening now? Ah. I would have thought that was true that I'm not moving. She'd be with my television. We're coming out of here. We're coming out of here. I'm going to tell you what's up underneath. Thank you so much.
Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . city, OK? Well, actually,
Raw Footage
Yupiit Nation
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KYUK (Bethel, Alaska)
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Raw Footage Description
Field recording of community meeting regarding waste treatment and water pollution problems in Bethel neighborhoods; features Bethel resident and community activist Deesa Jacobson, the late Eddie Hoffman, Willie Kasayulie among others; c. late 1980's or early 1990's.
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Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Copyright Holder: KYUK-TV, Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., 640 Radio Street, Pouch 468, Bethel, AK 99559 ; (907) 543-3131 ;
Producing Organization: KYUK
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-38ebb6949bb (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Yupiit Nation,” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Yupiit Nation.” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Yupiit Nation. Boston, MA: KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from