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Oh. Well. We might have been sat on the court and that they were wrong when you know me on the cheek I always knew you had a lucky dog. Are plenty of Kanye West. Who could a moment Michael in a few billion you paid 20 you know it would be to September 17th your 21st question. Whom we have cleared up the new timeline now you without us put 20 period been in pain been near the county school cool. Now you'll split. Whiten my Michael 20 kids I see get to really kind of a local. Boy and that's annoyed with 20 I'm Michael and if you quote me you are right. I think Teddy. BOY WHO. I would look he said lack look it's my good 20 you'll be 20. We know what a dumb money you would come upon me.
Michael 20 20 20. Not a big deal it hurt them mind it's Eddie. Twenty nine right. Said he could see looking. Not annoyed. So only. My good 20 Lukey Legion toroidal agents are looking good 20 20. Even though on. Telly my good 20 he notes early. You paid when I tell you my CONAN 20. Minute when I want them. Sadly you can. From my knee.
Nothing like 20 you know. Don't play dumb on the song played. By. Mark and got them on. Line Oh well not the most of it to be 20. I'm.
Not. Going to let you. Here. Are. Some I feel. Like. Writing
but not one minute. You know you're. Right. Back.
You. Think. You're the. One I'm. Trying to prove that you don't. Know what you're not going to
do. If. You. Don't want to go to.
Your own you. More. Like. Come. On you.
Want to. Know when. You're going to. Come. True. You
know. I'm going. To. Die. You know when you're.
Done with the trip. Though you are for nothing. But your own life. You're going to be.
Tough right. Not like you. Trust me when I do some harm or not you know we're not going to. Stop you when you go. To your daughter.
You guys can. I don't want. You to be. Like why do you got. 20. You know.
I'm not sure. Yeah what are we going to go not to look south. In my mind the Munich diet I caught my corn excited and as if it's up to I want to die young so I was out walking a tight way I would clip my corner because of it's awkward. I'm good. He's from my home. Oh yeah I run five miles and I don't know if I go home or not you know and I will
never look right on him you know your heart through me. But people don't know I've never tried to look people the way I hope to be home. I work. OH MY HOME BUT OH MY GOD NO I'M NOT woman and you know I'm right and we're not right and I'm. Right and I'm not going to do. My heart like my dad what
about you. I did great. Yes I would rather than implement a remark on my time and run from the ground grab the gun and gun and knock him groom him groom on the ground and I. Am not. My bathroom the robot are going to buy me but we're
going to hear me when I'm gone. The. You. Now running from my reading I'm not going to run a guy. I come from a background and I went back. Welcome back your crime from coming to me. I think her guy when I was reading her crime from what we're going to probably got about going to the bathroom when the groom were not the woman I think I think will not have been brought her on your program. We were up and out on it got there and we got a new
government. When I when I love a guy with a guy you have knocked me down my with when I'm going to going to guy you know I could be like that. But what I do I do. But I'm OK when the guy who I got my I'm going to think you might be.
Well I mean I don't want to know my plan and we're going to go like that and like. One time I've broken one way and then I went there that are running up to make the right.
Kind of running and going through your room. I'm going to go I'm going to win. But I know my God you are doing me good. That you know we're going to go through and I'm going to run with this guy not him with a broken arm. That in fact when I when I got my guy and I've got on the ground and I'm going to remember me
I'm going to cry. But when my make up when I move your Maman. And I don't know who you're going to run from the new guy now in the final nine and who might be right. No no no no no no. And I thought I am competent right now and I don't remember that moment 100 going out I'm going to go I was right. Yeah. That. Was my.
God we were not going to do it. America when we go there know what I mean. You know they're going to work with me on that I'm not going to know me. No you're not right. But I couldn't I couldn't. Rightly come back I want you to watch by going to them going up. I'm going to think that I'm broken.
You know in the room and I know you are going to look at the hook with going through now. Now they're going to run when you're not thinking of your America. We're going to we're going with you. You. Know. You talk about women gun rights but you know I can prove I mean I know what I know you know when we were going on with I love a good. For you.
You are right I think we've got one we're going to go back and we're going to come back and win on one of them and we're going to group and I'm going I. Thought you were on the money and bring on the writing of the people you let go her mood ring up and I thought. I can well and I think you know I hope. You know when we were in the back
room on my. Back and look around me. Marcellus Williams started running but it included. Going to go out pry them with quite a good big guy. We
believe that you. Owe me. Some. Money. You.
Look at. Me you know. Can you.
And this is under the sea. People.
Know that. We have some here. We.
Need to die sooner rather than expecting a change and then I'm back in the room. I mean you just hear you but you know
I don't really know. Can you get. Me the wire. And I think you want me back there.
You know you. Look for something. That will be doing something bad or that it was not good. This is the better way than. A few people who really got me. And that are good and. Bad.
Can you. Get
you killed. But if you look. Back here. You just know.
That. There are many. No. Money that. Would be a very great place.
After that well he nearly got there. In the ring. Yeah. You're down there now.
It's nice to see that another makes us. You know let him do it. We asked. For their life. You know I. Mean here we want
you to believe this rather. Than you let me show you. And you aren't here with.
Me. If you. Never Let Me Go look at you. Yeah yeah yeah.
Let us tell you. If you sit. Here right now you are very well be really good at looking like she.
Was. Right. For me. There was another to me. And that is where you get this and this is mine too. Got it.
But you're right about the group you know but they hear you say oh no no no. I want. This in the kitchen with me.
Let. Me show. You right here. Yeah. You. Want to know that are you. Sure.
You're right. No. One. Will let. You into ours. You are there to welcome you here. You know
that people cannot run your life. You know. That wasn't me. Yeah. Here you go. You mean people we.
Love that. Right in here dear boy I'm going to get. Your Gun. And your. Home. There you
go. Got. Together. Got a. Very good one. But.
Then I'm not alone. No. Doubt. My son was killed when he was 17 years old and that you. Don't know. What is really wrong with me. I want to. Go. I'm
not one. Guy. Why not go. Well you got me. And I think.
You like a. Dog. Yeah like yeah. Yeah but. When you're on 20 20 you would have been 20 20 20 just 20. We're on and hung with
only 20 on the telly. You're on quite. A good 20 20 up in that it's been quite void with the. Study done on my own and why Kate seen in. Boy toy on the new toy one. Sunday. Mani I want them. Need to get through a week on exclude CONAN When the condom. I would look silly gotten this money I want them in on. Sunday.
It's AND THEN than right down the middle on the telly go in when the. Run and when they cloak good telly. Boy you're. Not going to be 20. 20 on the coke with. 20. You know where I would go.
Lucille West without. Toys. And the patsy mountain village Mary Andrews mountain village still see calm conflict. Desperate it was St. Mary's. Know the pilot station and gusty muck out of the storm the river and dice looked at it going I would say would it be Michael. OK I came me and said it I die because you'll be good said the F that corny you coyote's let it go you know I would sit with OK I need to win a new game I could. You would.
Yup'ik Dance and Culture
Contributing Organization
KYUK (Bethel, Alaska)
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Series Description
Yup'ik Dance and Culture' is a series featuring videos about Yup'ik art forms and traditional medicines, as well as demonstrations of how boats and fishing baskets were traditionally made.
Politics and Government
Media type
Moving Image
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Copyright Holder: KYUK-TV, Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., 640 Radio Street, Pouch 468, Bethel, AK 99559 ; (907) 543-3131 ;
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 1 videocassette of 1 (Tape Series)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00?
Identifier: unknown (unknown)
Duration: 01:01:44
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Yup'ik Dance and Culture,” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Yup'ik Dance and Culture.” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Yup'ik Dance and Culture. Boston, MA: KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from