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Crewmen were going to come under clear him of the new one from New York we need your new reading or not who doesn't come or for Noah or who I knew from the mountain crew who knew but her much more than anything I do from the ground an unequivocal window would cover a new car bigger and would prefer not to go up into the hood toward her and led the way and very much committed to not be grooming grooming left on their own legs were not one who grew and grew from Greenwich. I grew and I were not renewed. It would need to go going or grooming them on. Are
grown and gone or God whether or not I can. I'm going to let you know God toward being none. Or money not God. And though I'm going going going going to New York or wherever I moved from where I looked and I hope and I want the group and I'm only a name I wonder and Bill Clinton warning group in door and running of God and the God behind you the rock the big do you know
going through I don't want to go I don't need a book on the one thing I would add 30 more more of that to them I'd not agreeing on what would diadema ing and the hood that are the heart toward being a new name for her through a tornado. Got caught down in your debris down there when there are calm in the group do you need that organ when none other than another group in the hall. Weak weak
unique who needing anything new and had begged to room there will be gonna kind of call that the new We've got to go left and undone and they'll continue that in the night and in the next couple Munden. My woman now going to go out and I will pump a lot. The lid to my ear and her nothing like good luck or good or I'm on a hill cleared up would you. Good being good to him toward a being that do what they will but the one who can read home the woman who had enough or too good to do good them all good nothing like a good daughter and a little
not enough to win a good guy a good beat and an old good and good at the wheel working that day. The door you were kind of knew but what you need the money and all of that together for nothing. Not through another ghoul Biden said that would be for them or they had to import her from what MacArthur You are my nephew and I don't mind him. But the minute grandma good markets coupled with her name reading or any other non
Greek cross on and on the ground and the crematoria door when her mother could record how when to get in my going and who didn't know anything. We are who didn't correct her well who to go. I brood. Then big old wrong through her and done to her in that group. Who would bet on that. Though I
will work that way. We are good enough that you are and will know that I probably go wrong or to do walk through and approach. I better not do good there I cannot being Me Grimlock who we were programmed who stuck you know in our big story out you're going to get that mug you for motivating Norco back to the dung Harker good good good good better than what can you get pregnant being no go for them.
We are going to get back on back oh good me I have to go in. Would strew. Oh god no not high school cannot guard joy Rooney did me down when I heard that there are going to be a night that I heard that the ACC were going to get him into a new war he had with the new world talk to the one who was good you know I'm kind of no one cram a day job I walk up and put it and man or woman and all that.
A good bargain on my bill I will now try. Hidebound can you go through and that my going to shoot up on them. Can you do it in that none of them know me. The. Martin through one go go go through on the evening news
about where to go so soon in one of the new John nodded and added to the editing room. Then again see if you could pull the Bradley gun even doubted it down what of that. Invite that thing that new not the job to give to the odds again proving that I need one governor. You want of one who can buy you
can you grow. Why you walk you look by you will be in New Guinea. I'm quite well with you guy but you know I do nothing with W.. Dignify luck good guy friend of the one who knocked up the euro would do and knew not. Broken down under a problem can last one that worse that last one. Well with a clue about buying a home and whatnot do not drive home that prove that they are removed from the current job or attend while the war something like that.
What do Skype what Doc who took Natalie who will move our group to go from New York and we will talk. Sadly for you they will only come partly due to being whom we are group who from who we think of what do you want to go with me. Thank goodness we're not going to be
that of being you know in the door and looked down into it. We know we got to suffer. I look to show can't I won big to cook you that that someone can come now you know there might be a goal that if you go there right. Your guy value if we do we need what we need assay.
That guy who that bathroom because we don't know that we met you. It's biting me because your left honey. If we die our look at the eye thing can be beat that quit and manage that. My boo boo hoo let her go out. And I like that the truth you claim going parent that I that you think could not be included in the planning than my Q and
Apple absolutely had that hey that be you can be you hated that and I thank him. Why not me. Don't look down at him one more with him than I am. Nor did he know to be wheeling down like you only have to than feel none. No you can't own a car. I think this afternoon we have we that's gotten a clue than than you left home. You are you are I get nothing. The nanny B.Tech you good me and I don't need to flap your kind will knock you down than I used to like you know to take care. We can live only 5 years than I ave me weenie I think their life you never will that it
never will. Not good to groom the one who can do it. Knew it. I'm coming and I think that I'm not saying they're thinking you're going to Nam. Damn I think don't know Mike don't you know my Nicky me. After looking up one minute. Danny I need you there than bad luck with the check and I think that that guy you know I think you know him and and I can back you can do and can do it I've got to get my group of
critique going. If Jack oh my if Jacko we can pretty crew now. I see you see who was good at him go to walk. Quite good we can say that you are. I think at you at you you Connie and I I mean needs no human needs and I think for me at uni when you and I and I have I mean if you have that right and I don't like that I don't go with that thinking. In Denmark and being naked you never dare I say you look at them and think that because my
friend Mark My York note book there Mike then me. We thing quite you know to me again quite acronym way. We Dhaka community that not from the sound of it. Q I sat down in a quiet and be left when I need to get her white wing wing wing can we put up we put their quest to see the light. I feel you are not that guy. Cover Shot with nothing like the new book there. Kill I do not have a human who can we can do to clear your moving you are you with GQ there not the key not to come. He now can be forgotten. Are you not seek you that market here who can you with your day
in our army. After a week I'll go get well he'd need that new Coke and I'm not the one weeks you go kill hill go down will now look to get to know you my you will think we Nick Sargen like that like you and me out when I'm done with the hype and don't read it. Thanks Michael I know you need to learn. Not you. Either that the mood in the kooky develop a model of Clippy be less kooky.
Charlie to me I cannot believe who you who are going to veto gassing at half time couldn't be that the need Crocker Levy. I thought I didn't go down not to the door and the risk of Jeem to the study. They've left their monogrammed and putting enough cannot the last clue. Good topic so we could move to new talent. Sadly the novel who you whom you could not see unless they're not there in the. Will let them go so early. We keep the garden gate and then the question of us having one with me and
what I knew were to my left whole jolly too good to go. The last cannot love put up with a bird in one. Being VIKKY concrete you cannot be telling more moves on man. We are on a good team I love whom he can make a living on.
Now who said that much I could hope to find a lot of that it's early. I'm not a kook. I clip the clip I'm thinking or less than I think. I'm thinking less and I think you saw film cooped up in a gun would lock up with a new and only my last and not be jocular group last hop of kind of a new theory. Iraq
Cong won't talk. One knew who we were. Try it. Ical doggle kind of got you to agree. She will knock will come out or no one to come to her or her gold medal. I've got to go. What God got called to go to cloak or I could talk local. A good clue. What's wrong with the
world near the end of a dog trying to get can to die. A new drug called knuckle good in Iraq. It's as if I'm utterly good team I left home on a club could not make it in this case to make the move. What not who I will kill in Hawk down a crowded us
cannot go what he very I can I you. Jen last night. Sally your granny. You know why. If you when I live. You will not go click with the one. You know you luck go go it. Oh god no I don't want to go on a chick. Charlie got a granny and will hope for less than a B and you know all of what I've done cause the rough stuff and they're savvy enough to drop another girl who looked at by the hippy door who said the doctor looking at the
door. Me good mood Michael you are not conventional and you look be been a king you do. I took gardening or who you are now you can do that too. Could it be good God you know God at all.
I didn't but two of you who don't but they will call it a dollar. Hold on what did talk of do we go to her credit go. You know it all good we darted or draw the curtain. He gave you what do Crew me almost all of the world will do you have to go to Dr. Newman wouldn't cool Well ya the cardio wouldn't of my doctor drawled the woman. We took when we have got a group that were new. Quitting
a chronic got game I love. I am going to throw up. I saw the Mt. Hood. My mom my mom too damn much to Undercliff. I don't know what the women of birth come Saturday to you. The A C knuckle under to the heart who under a glass could not cool started to. Sadly I punk thing I can tell it and will be a new leaf for one a picture Tim Underwood one of our Hoover the school
cannot be ignorant of God damned good looking up. I mean what if we judged him. Do I pluck out gum up the last cannot will not be saved. Goma I had none for I found in fever last knuckle that man the big one the one the one who needed a title to Wicca has a novel who will love and lust and a wonderful team I left her died. Charlie Underwood the CLA siding it's on to what I think I'm a hardened unless the need be the law. Let them go when we it's still there. My but what I'm what you might have home started to feel to become a goal will be less
going on in my life. The dude but I'm gone Mach 2. The word community garden or dog being in our one room a computer going on new new hood new Kraven of our new CO we will draw none of our knowledge. Doug you know you don't know the bridge now would you click on me.
Maybe even are due to Forgotten of Carnarvon are all going to give who do hope a woman will get will do that and go on but only when the gush from Gania literally part not clean up on her he knew or who want to be judged by all. The mud would crush my wardrobe the truck would be good and the dollar's going to be
judged to be not going HORTON OK no we don't want a credible young we've got we don't trust love like number or doctor which we're not a local grocer to create new or developing or doing my oak or indeed any wind or could be doing. You
know you had to go through gardening or who you didn't know but that do so when a them might go on with GM might have a carnival GM model of you know being being taught not to leave any ducks across the cup come and hold a gun in front of a loss and I think that muck with them when I can show it to you in the pool and they're doing it. Being hocked lost when you look at those who
are not who are living it and then coming from looking at the matter when a Dorton hadn't a hooker we'd been on the plane need no waiting on the need to her so we would need a cotton make we going to move that June home in. Come on. Yeah and I've been to the two he knew that there were ducks whiten for proof cannot be cheap but there would be you would go through the whole thing and leave though if you know one night you're going to go
in the garden it hard one Kanaka harmed who owned the mine. A man who will not be in God with God or Scooby Doo. We don't know who you are because couldn't it. OH MY GOD I'M NOT THAT would be you have a
clue. You can go home one with a home or help couldn't cope or nodes could be done. If you don't want to do it with one. If you know who it will treat you. You may feel quite know what I need my family that I've got now because I know
now I got me me that that now I'm joined now in my you name it we got me only from the fact that what we got to have no home to be I'm not I'm not clipping I want to be good enough. If I could die a little mom did you feel the need. I think that make up a quote and I'm not quite done up a book by Michael Jackson helping a convent kids I found fill in now time of the year but when I die I'm gonna have the guy time to time him up. Damn coward Nietzsche you'll not going but I'm not sure you will. You mean though I mean you think when I'm not there you walk through the floor where there are still that need think that they are going to die even though you
may have it now. I found my go to going to a good foundry little to go get got fed. Not that would you call you. Well there you are going to we're going to have to have my company done good thank you. I really think I'm ugly mug me with that company. Kind of odd. Output file that I could not get with the blue dot most critically Perhaps you felt you could go. Could he have not come up with. Don't you beam me in with God when there is a cup. You believe in
God. You can you can unlock it. Whip it out for a cough you will do it when I'm with you and a retard to whom he will. If you thought that much then are done. Ruth and family knew what we had written. Well you haven't lived up to Google. M. You know the crew felt that way and you cannot give him. I want a virgin with my life surprisingly I would communicate with me. And I can't comment. I demand
that he needed to to do jihad. She made me but tonight he ne. Good day you who needed you can come in and deny but good to talk not to that who might google my knee and it would do him good. Good livery to my number. New people new to me you just put up out my app when I leave you my goon I don't or not you. I unite to have a nap. Can you build a good guy. Nuke my hope would to come who did were not content with my dough I would give them one
I agree on you no clue what League school my you are a prick who as you won't believe that can I do not to need one minute to do good gung kook in my gulag guy. We do it because one good guy call him her. My good guy there I live a regular guy like me why I need my my need explain my look in my good day. Can you. One quick look at the good. Chris Christie and I are going to go back
to Kate. She had it going wrong going to tell you who are going to vote in the standard but it's going to be back with you know who they are going from so comforting in America I think they're going to come to NorCal records are really cool. You are going to the moon and I'm going to show you can they have any kind of garden suit and money enough to cover and go to Iraq. Pete bring it
to her. There is sure to be said yeah and I was sure going to go not going up or has been very wary of going to the Bahamas. Sure there's a difference. So you know and. What are you do or don't know. And you can go to. Will hold on to stuff them could go you could get them could be Dirk. Oh I knew that cunt are you through. G good doc G Gudrid could you go to Google we hunted down
my green goo goo goo goo back I could go down monocle boy. I did not get hooked on it just and when you do get can you not. I did and didn't I nick didn't and would like to. And you got to get your program moving nick your mind and get better. Whole mission Howard just gave in to her really quite good you could get that care got properly my order the program will not be good and they were quite graphic to read to you. I looked at it and we will then come
Monday 1930's our Nic to what good Cardinal Law you need a lot of that golden heart and an unequivocal Mohawk to for me and my girl ruining my reading I don't normally get them because you want to give them one no not one connecting only by Louis the moment linger on me. Don't keep going on one card to govern my home probably a government mark on a young young kid. No one will go on my garden but good going to come from the long run a good one. Then you go on the old bugger and know who you will when the government
deal with you. Thank you and I think that my new class called to open the Common Core APR alarm you didn't let her good I didn't need luck and are going to come and go but God include your doctor would agree and I could get you to read a cure on you had to get your third eye googly. I grew to think you were good to go and get a not too good. You're going through
a pretty dopamine not good. Don't look down one good guy was working to get your gun you're not come through and can dress or tonight in a. The word novel Doctor called the crew of a British white convict who was one who would restore home undone troop
reduction but did not really gotten 13 or so I went down to 20 and then run to Hong Kong. Margaret you are quoting a con dunk. Do you know what Dr. Cooper Cooper door can Dick went wrong when I come on the bridge. Robert crew can be doctored or could you leave your car in the world.
Waves Of Wisdom
Contributing Organization
KYUK (Bethel, Alaska)
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Series Description
'Waves of Wisdom' is a video series featuring interviews with Alaska Native Elders discussing topics ranging from historic events, traditional Yup'ik practices, subsistenceand spirituality.
Cued to Nick Charles very bad wrinkle in tape about 41/2 minutes prior to this might not rewind Fannit Nicori Mom's raising kids Nick Charles Frostbite Nick Charles Sun Rings Nick Chalres forecasting Nick Charles animal forecasting ECT.
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Copyright Holder: KYUK-TV, Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., 640 Radio Street, Pouch 468, Bethel, AK 99559 ; (907) 543-3131 ;
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Identifier: 3 videocassette of 6 (Tape Series)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00?
Identifier: unknown (unknown)
Duration: 00:50:28
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Chicago: “Waves Of Wisdom,” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “Waves Of Wisdom.” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Waves Of Wisdom. Boston, MA: KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from