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You You Social studies is an area that you need three and a half units You need three and a half units in social studies to graduate from high school The principles right now who have reductions at site light new not be check I was talking to the new not be check principal this morning They're thinking of ways of rearranging the schedule so that the children have all the classes that they need We've been very very fortunate in this district and in the other rural school districts because we have had a great deal of money to work with So have the cities so as so as everything in the state and
What we're actually looking at with ten teaching positions less is still more teaching positions than we had two or three years ago It's a it's a reduction from where we would have been had we continued to grow so no the children will not Not not have subjects that they need the subjects will be there and they will be taught They will be taught whether the principal himself teaches that and if the principal needs to pick up a class or two in order for the children to have those subjects Then that's what the principals will do. That's their responsibility. We'll tell this guy finds out you know if he didn't know before You know what have been interesting. You know what might be an interesting question is the principal down there's name is Gary Baldwin You might ask him is there going to be social studies at Naposqueac Because he could certainly give and if he says no, let me know because we need to do so. Oh, I will know
No, I have I have a real feeling that mr. Baldwin has already made the adjustments that are necessary You know, I should call him anyway and find out what what's going on out there you could call him and ask him Also when I was talking to Kern he said something like well that teacher had a lot of value not only was she a social studies teacher She taught Can you see courses? You know for adult education out there. She was in charge of running the school store running students student council The set and the other do a lot of teachers like that. You know like this guy says are they all like that? No teach it varies from teacher to teacher depending on some teachers have families and have a lot of home responsibilities And you know don't have time but the after school activities are number one on a voluntary basis In terms of teachers, but number two if a teacher volunteers for these activities they are
Compensated they are paid on a scale that's called the extra pay extra duty scale so When a teacher volunteers for these duties, they know that there's extra compensation that comes with them when it's a repeated duty I see Okay, that clears up a lot of what was unanswered? That takes care of this guy I don't have any other questions Unless there's something you want to add about the in service No, I think we pretty well covered the thing in there is in service and going on at all the sites And teachers are naturally going to be concerned when teaching positions are not filled That have been potentials for being filled as of the last of the school year But we have to look at the overall operation of the district And what the board tried to do was to make sure that no one portion of the district
Was disproportionately affected And the aides who work in our classrooms and the maintenance men They have valid functions in our schools It's not only the certificated teachers although they certainly are probably the most important element in delivery of instruction, while the teachers are very important Central element in the delivery of instruction The aides, the associate teachers, the maintenance men, they also have valid functions at the sites That makes a lot of sense, must be quite a big responsibility handling all this stuff And more, it is, but the important thing is to have good information And to be able to present options to the district board So that they can consider different ways of dealing with the situation And that's basically what we've done and that's what we'll do the next
If there's another round of budget cuts, we'll do the same thing again And our board understands very well the way our budget works It, they spend literally tens and tens of hours in the spring Going through budgets Now that they've made the revisions, you know, now that the board has made the decision in terms of the reductions What will happen is, budgeting will become a lesser item And we'll start looking at programs and things we want to do in the schools And things we want children to know And that's what will take up a lot of our time now until about, oh, November And then the board will go and spend a meeting on budget assumptions Then we need to go back to programs again until March when budgets are turned in It's not create a lot of tension, a lot of headaches For who? Anybody involved with the budget? Do the teachers themselves get headaches over this matter in the villages?
Well, I don't know, the budgets are created, the budgets are created Money is allocated to the sites on a formula, which is complicated And doesn't really matter except that the board and the administration tries to make sure the formula is as fair as possible And it's based on a formula that the state gives us So money goes out to the sites based on a formula And it's up to the principal and to the advisory school board where they spend their money So one site may see travel as very important for their children's learning experience Another site may want to keep their children except maybe for their 11th and 12th graders Very close to home And so may spend proportionally much less on travel One site may identify a program at once delivered to its students And may spend its money purchasing equipment and materials for that program
So after you pull off the certificate salaries and the insurance cost that's a given You got to pay your insurance, everybody does Then the rest of that money goes out to the sites and the advisory school boards and principals work up a budget So we're not like any other school district that I'm familiar with because generally in school districts Budgets are very centralized things made up totally at the district office And that's not the way it is here. It's a combination Part is done at the district level, but parts done out at the site level with the site making those decisions So what complicated process? I guess Been this gracious, enough is enough is enough Let's leave the budget alone Yes, I'm through talking about budgets until October Until October or no part we're talking about now is the fact that we've got counselors that we're getting our counselors together
And getting started on trying to develop some programs that will help deal with some of the Some of the suicide and alcohol and drug abuses and we're also looking at beginning the small school accreditation process So that's all now. Thank you.
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Bingo at VFW
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KYUK (Bethel, Alaska)
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Footage of bingo and rippies at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) building. Footage cuts to interview on high school graduation requirements.
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Copyright Holder: KYUK-TV, Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., 640 Radio Street, Pouch 468, Bethel, AK 99559 ; (907) 543-3131 ;
Producing Organization: KYUK
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-8cc96777b32 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
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Chicago: “Bingo at VFW,” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 19, 2024,
MLA: “Bingo at VFW.” KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Bingo at VFW. Boston, MA: KYUK, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from