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From deep inside your radio. Ladies, gentlemen, there's nothing worse than a bad idea unless it's a good idea gone wrong. I don't know about where you live, but in Southern California and in New Orleans, Louisiana, among other places, the old-style parking meters have been replaced by new-fangled parking meters. The basic difference being that you can use your credit card to pay to park. The other difference is that when you leave your space, there's a little detector embedded into the pavement beneath your car that says, there's no car here anymore, and the meter immediately re-adjusts itself to zero. So the person after you can't benefit from your left over time. But forget that. We know that. We've absorbed that. We've assimilated that nasty little piece of...
We want more money! But it seems so convenient. You don't have to carry a bunch of quarters anymore. You can just slide in your credit card and pay to park. What could be better? What a good idea. Until a couple days ago, I was availing myself of just such a convenience. Didn't have a quarter on me or near me. No quarter given or whatever. Slid in my credit card, preparing to tell the meter how much time I wanted. But you know, you slide in your credit card and it's supposed to hit this spot and stop. And then the hard to read little screen says, immediately pull out your card, you pull out your card, and then you select your time, your duration. The credit card didn't stop. It went completely in. It was as if the parking meter was from some kind of really cheese ball or a movie.
See me credit cards! Apparently I did. Never came back out. It didn't look like it had a stomach or enough room for a stomach. But somewhere in the entrance of that parking meter is my credit card. Yes! It's a good idea gone wrong. Hello, welcome to the show. Thank you very much. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk. I don't want to hurt you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to get there. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
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Before they're lifted, let us try. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
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I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. Boom, now follow the dollar. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
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I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you.
I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. I'm going to sit in the middle and talk to you. The uptake of the pesticide residue in the soil moves it through the plant's entire respiratory system.
That's this infographic. That's why even if it's at very low dose, lower than our government says it can possibly hurt us. It can hurt us. They are just timelines for organic food distribution by U.S. County over the last 25 years, color coded by state. That's a quick five minutes and you've got that now. Cool. Mom, can I ask you something? Sure, honey. I always take questions at the end of this presentation. I know, but my question is, can you help me with my homework now? Sorry, honey. Sometimes I just get a little carried away with honing my campaigning skills. Just in case I decide in a couple of years to become Hillary 2.0.
Yeah, that would be great. Bringing dates home to the White House. It didn't hurt Chelsea Clinton. But maybe I don't want to end up with pity jobs, doing puff pieces with stone fillets. Wow, you're upset about something, aren't you, honey? Kind of. Something to do with daddy? Kind of. Something your friends at school were saying about daddy? Really, kind of. Okay, look, let's make a little deal. We'll do your homework, and then we'll... I really need to talk about it now. Okay. Want a smoothie first? No. No. You remember Kwame Gold? That's your half-like half-Jourish friend? You're thinking of the Mumbush Swords. Kwame is the kid with the very lefty, rich, Swedish parents.
Got it. What about him? Is he cute? He was trauma-ing me the other day, because daddy said we were cutting back on secret surveillance, and now the New York Times says he's got a new secret program to do even more surveillance. Kwame is part of the post-9-11 generation that's concerned about privacy. At least that's what it says on his Facebook profile. Okay, honey. First of all, if it isn't secret, it can't be surveillance. It's just looking. I know, that's just my lawyer head talking, but... Hey, kid. Hi, daddy. Dude, kiddin' has a... I know what my kiddin' has. I heard her. You were listening outside the door? Oh, no, sweetie. I was in my office monitoring the NSA tap. When I heard your concern, I sweared it up here. Oh, well, I hope you weren't still wearing your golf shoes.
It leads tear up the carpeting something fierce. Nope, as you can see, rocking my kairies. So, cupcake. Mm-hmm. I hear you think I'm not being as transparent as I should be about our non-transparent activities? Kind of. Wasn't this Kwame kid the same one who spilled the instant musely on your iPad? I think he was just trying to get my attention. And it was just my immunei iPad, my regular one's fine. Well, that's great. But listen here, sugar beet. Let's just imagine for a moment that somebody had spilled virtual musely in your regular iPad. Virtual musely? I'm waxing metaphorical. What I mean is, your iPad was hacked. Wouldn't you like to know if it was Kwame or not? Well, sure. And how could you know for sure? Well, I guess by asking him. And what if he didn't feel like telling the truth? Well, I guess I could just ask to look at the school server log for that day
and then parse all the handshakes to my iPad dressed looking for spoofing. Yeah, she could do that. But what if the school didn't want to grant you that kind of access? Well, I mean, I am the president's daughter. Oh, you mean you'd use your proximity to the leader of the free world to bend the rules for the sake of your own privacy and security? Is that what the president's daughter is telling me? Kind of. And if you did that, would you want the whole school to know about it? Not really. But daddy, in your example, I never said I wasn't going to go look at the school server but isn't that what you did tell everybody that you were cutting back on secret, on surveillance? And then authorizing lots more? Kind of. But Kitten, you know who values his privacy just as much as your friend Kwame does? Maybe even a little bit more?
The Mumbai Swords? Nope. Uncle Sam. I mean, the mythical anthropomorphicists of the initials of the United States. Yes, him. He's got secrets just like you do. And if he's afraid that someone's going to put virtual musely in his iPad, he's got some folks working for him almost as close to the president as you are. I guess I know what Kwame's problem is now. His parents aren't really Swedish. No, he doesn't realize just how progressive my dad really is. Oh, sweetheart. You're progressive, too. Now, news of our friend, the Adam. Clean, safe, too cheap to meet.
Safe, cheap, too cheap to meet. Safe, safe, too cheap to meet. Safe, safe, too cheap to meet. Japan did not do enough to protect the fuk nuclear plant. Despite authorities being aware of threats to the facility from earthquakes and tsunamis, this, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, that's all. The UN Nuclear Watchdog also criticized Tokyo Electric Power, TEPCO, the plant's operator for night acting on the warnings. The IAEA said in its final report on the disaster that a new method applied between 2007 and 2009 had predicted a big quake off the coast of fuk that could lead to its tsunami hitting the facility. The plant heads and weaknesses were not fully evaluated by a probabilistic safety assessment as recommended by the safety standards. So the report, TEPCO did not take the necessary precautions despite the analysis. Said the IAEA.
TEPCO did not take interim compensatory measures in response to these increased estimates of tsunami height, nor did the Japanese regulator require TEPCO to act promptly on these results. According to a version of the report in the Japan Times, prior to the accident, there was not sufficient consideration of low probability high-consequence external events, which remained undetected. This was because the basic assumption in Japan reinforced over many decades that the robustness of the technical design of the nuclear plants would provide sufficient protection against postulated risks. TEPCO also failed to implement sufficient safety assessment measures and lacked protection against tsunami caused flooding. According to the IAEA. By the way, adding the atom is often rehabbed this week. Japan's nuclear watchdog itself had harsh words for TEPCO. Over its failure to implement a comprehensive strategy to plug leaks of contaminated water at fuk.
TEPCO was failed to manage contaminated water properly, said the chairman of the nuclear regulation authority. It lacks a strategic approach to addressing the contaminated water issue, he said. This followed the recent revelation that an estimated seven to fifteen tons of highly radioactive water leaked from a hose that was used to transfer contaminated water from storage tanks to a treatment facility. leak was discovered at the end of last month, the incident was just the latest in the spade of similar mishaps that have plagued the plant. TEPCO announced at the beginning of this month that the escape water contained 1.1 million beck rules of beta-ray emitting radioactive materials per liter. The water made its way to the sea through a ditch. The leak, speaking of high tech, listened to this. The leak likely occurred because of the condition of the hose between the tank and the treatment facility. The hose had deteriorated in the part where the water escaped.
The hose was bent at a far sharper angle than is supposed to be allowed under regulations. TEPCO said it didn't replace the hose with a more durable one even though it was aware of the potential danger that could result from the aging of the hose. It had not checked the hose since installing it two and a half years ago. Said the regulator, TEPCO should be held deeply responsible. And cold. TEPCO had failed to notify the authorities before the leak that the tank's holding water that was scheduled for treatment, including highly contaminated water. That heavy contamination resulting from tons of groundwater making contact with melted nuclear fuel in the reactor buildings. That was TEPCO's little secret too. The year ago, Santa Nofrae's operators, this is a nuclear plant south of Los Angeles, between Los Angeles and San Diego. Santa Nofrae's operators argued that with the nuclear plant now shut down because of premature wear in some new parts and with nuclear fuel no longer in the reactors, its emergency plan should be less stringent.
This week, the nuclear regulatory commission agreed. Spent nuclear fuel remains on site at Santa Nofrae. Just 2668 assemblies and spent fuel poles and 1200 in dry storage, according to Southern California Edison, which is the majority owner. Edison, though, has plans to bury the fuel in underground concrete until the federal government figures out what to do with it. Back to Japan and TEPCO, they're using 1,300 containers to store radioactive water at the plant site in a meeting with a study group from the regulator. TEPCO said out of the 278 containers examined so far, 26 had some sort of leaks. Company said none of the contaminated water had escaped. It noted that the leaks were likely caused by hydrogen and other gases accumulating in sediment at the bottom of the containers.
A regulatory official in Japan told a Japanese newspaper the accumulating hydrogen is potentially dangerous. Clean, cheap, safe, too potentially dangerous to meet our friend, the atom, and quickly now some apologies of the week. Quickly now, Paul. Internet giant Google has apologized after the Indian Prime Minister, now rendering Modi's photos started appearing in the image search results for, quote, top 10 criminals. We apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding this has caused. A Google statement, Modi figures prominently in the search alongside images of terrorists, murderers, and dictators. Other world leaders on the list include former U.S. President George Bush and Moe Markadoffi. Actor Drake Bell, one half of Drake and Josh, a tweener comedy, got some negative attention this week for a tweet. He sent out about Caitlyn Jenner.
I sincerely apologize for my thoughtless and sensitive remarks, I am no way meant to hurt or demean those going through a similar journey, although my comments were made in innocence, I deeply regret the negative effect they've had on many. Major League Baseball apologized to the Kansas City Royals this week for a breakdown in its replay process during a crucial moment. In a two-to-one loss of the Glee Linettians. Netco apologized this week for the death of a dog who was left in a dryer too long during a grooming appointment, company fired the workers involved in the incident, and has removed the type of dryer used in the case. Colby was a two-year-old golden retriever and died a possible heatstroke after being left in a drying unit for too long. At a petco store. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblad of New York City asserted his innocence in his first public comment since the publication of a New York Times article about his habit of inviting young males to join him for naked heart to heart talks in the sauna. In a letter sent to congregants of his orthodox synagogue.
Rosenblad said he never did anything lawful, doesn't agree with the accusations and attacks against them, and regrets of his conduct inadvertently offended anyone. He didn't acknowledge any inappropriate behavior. If any of you feel that my behavior, even if innocent, was inappropriate, I apologize to those affected. A rabbinical ifpology. In a televised address entitled, the gloves are off former FIFA Vice President Jack Warner, not the one with the brothers, said he told his lawyers to contact law enforcement. He has proof that FIFA and its leader set bladder influenced Trinidad's election in 2010. Warner posted bail after being arrested over US bribery charges last week, says he has deep knowledge about financial practices of soccer's world body, which faces this widening corruption scandal. Well, no longer keep secrets for them who now seek to actively destroy the country in which I live. Warner said, adding the international image of his native Trinidad is under attack. I apologize, he said to the people of Trinidad in Tobago for not disclosing my knowledge of these matters before.
The flight attendant who allegedly denied an unopened can of diet coke to the Northwestern University Muslim chaplain Tahira Ahmad, because, quote, she may use it as a weapon. Will no longer serve United Airlines customers United reported spokesperson for the airline apologized for the incident in a statement, writing the United does not tolerate behavior that is scrimmagedory or that appears to be discriminatory against our customers or employees. We're in the process of reaching out to Miss Ahmad to provide a formal apology, said a representative for Republic Airways or partner of United that ran the shuttle flight. When Ahmad protested that she wasn't given an unopened can of diet coke when her seatmate was given an unopened can of beer and she looked to the other passengers for sport. One man yelled, you Muslim, you need to shut the F up, according to her posting it Facebook and Senator Ted Cruz apologized Wednesday after making a joke at the expensive vice president Biden, whose son died over the weekend. Last weekend Cruz speaking Michigan, tried it out an old line of his Joe Biden you know what the nice thing is you don't even need a punchline I promise you would work to the next party you're at just walk up to someone and say vice president Joe Biden and just close your mouth they will crack up laughing.
Cruz subsequently issued an apology. It was a mistake to use an old joke about Joe Biden during his time of grief and I sincerely apologize. The Michigan head of the Cruz campaign said timing could have been better. And quote also probably delivery the apologies of the week last John lot of copyrighted feature this broadcast. Ladies and gentlemen that's going to conclude this week's edition of the show the program returns next week at the same time. Over these same stations over NPR worldwide throughout Europe you send 440 cable system in Japan around the world through the facilities of the American forces never cupping down the East Coast and North America by the shortwave giant WBCQ the planet.
On the mighty one of foreign Berlin around the world by the internet at two different locations live in our country whenever you want to carry sure calm and KCSN dot org available for your smartphone through stitcher dot com and available as a free podcast through sound clouds high show network iTunes and tune in dot com. A typical a show shop out of the San Diego Pittsburgh Chicago in Exxon Hawaii desks thanks to Pam Holstead as always and to Jenny Lawson the WWNO New Orleans for help with today's broadcast the email address for this program and the playlist of the music heard here on and cars I talked to shirts all available at harry share dot com and me I'm on the Twitter at the harry share. The show comes to you from century of progress productions and originates through the facilities of WWNO New Orleans flagship station of the change is easy radio network.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | Open/ The parking meter ate my credit card! | 02:51 | 'Incendiano' by Eliane Elias | 07:40 | News of Bad Banks : 'Fleecing' down under | 13:19 | Let Us Try : armor the levee, then lift it? | 17:11 | News of the Olympic Movement : evictions in Rio | 21:30 | Follow the Dollar : how much pension $ did NJ pay to private equity? | 27:49 | 'Walk on Water' by Jon Regen | 31:10 | News from Outside the Bubble : did Germany send weapons to Saudi Arabia for a FIFA vote? | 37:18 | The Revolving Door Waltz : SEC picks a guy from...Goldman Sachs! | 40:32 | Father Knows Best : cutting back on surveillance or more surveillance? | 47:01 | News of the Atom : TEPCO gets its comeuppance | 52:44 | The Apologies of the Week : rabbinical if-pology, Petco | 57:12 | 'Summertime' by Dick Hyman /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-1e36a6dd497 (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
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Chicago: “Le Show; 2015-06-07,” 2015-06-07, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 5, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2015-06-07.” 2015-06-07. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2015-06-07. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from