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How the smell of breakfast cookie can wake you up 24 hours a day. A lot of things taste better when they're served at a counter with stools. We've gone all over Pennsylvania to capture some of the magic of the most charming and idiosyncratic restaurants around. So sit at the counter order some pie get ready for Pennsylvania diners and other roadside restaurants. Tonight at 10:00 here on WQED 30 what is hip hop hip hop is hip hop hip hop it was that scary street thing that no one hated wanted to have anything to do with what you said. Right. Tree used to love the culture of it. What's best for Black Friday and special Sunday. Do you ever get this month in Pittsburgh magazine. Find out why W DVDs morning men Jim Prince smokes the competition and leads our
annual Best of the burgh issue. Plus Pittsburgh Crime Stoppers Mother's Day Ideas doing the bossa nova and more. All this in the May issue of Pittsburgh magazine on sale now. Next on Q and evening a talk with the bride a forum along with Baker and Alan Cox and guest Billy Jackson. Also tonight where to find the best cappuccino made in Pittsburgh right now. Q Good evening and welcome to you Magazine. I'm Steve Smith always ends the week with the Friday
forum and tonight our panel is standing by to talk about the news of the week. But first here's a look at some of those headlines. A five week standoff has ended in Bethlehem. Today the world got its first look inside the Church of the Nativity after Israeli troops allowed one hundred twenty four Palestinians to leave. Priests and witnesses said the Palestinians did no serious damage to the church. Former FBI agent Robert Hanssen was sentenced to life in prison today and some pleaded guilty to 15 counts of espionage and conspiracy for passing classified information to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia during a 20 year period. Lucas Helder the man accused of planting mailbox pipe bombs was scheduled to be moved from Reno Nevada to Cedar Rapids Iowa today is the first state to charge Helder who allegedly told investigators that he planted 18 bombs in five states in locations that might look like a happy face when plotted on a map. And for the time being there will be no same sex benefits for employees at the University of Pittsburgh. After 10 months of study a campus
Advisory Group recommended that Pitt offer the benefits some day but not in the immediate future. The panel suggested that Pitt consider same sex benefits after a new governor is inaugurated a new legislative session begins and the university's current health contract expires which is in 2003. Well as we mentioned the Friday for me is standing by ready to take a look at the back at the News of the week. It's always a lively discussion and it is coming up next. You're watching on these magazines because these foundations they're not they're not local programming to help to bring the Holocaust down and the Everly foundation to return the next day. The Pittsburgh foundation the Jewish Health Care Foundation and we couldn't do it. Hello I'm Chris Moore and it is time now for the Friday form will get started by
introducing our regular panelist started with starting with Ruth Ann Baker was a columnist for the Post-Gazette North Ed. welcome. And here he is that left leaning deejay who isn't going to free speech everywhere. Alan Cox who can be heard afternoons on the 105 and the X great press. Yeah well you know I'm I am a crusader of diversity. And I've read Hahn's burger that a right leaning talk show and all that. Well actually from Cain a radio I'm not right. Well but. And I will talk about that like OK and I asked about your guest and I had a smack dab in the middle of everything as local media producer and filmmaker Billie Jackson welcome to the program believe that they have yours. Thanks man. OK let's start with this young student from the University of Wisconsin Mike you talked about that today on your show this morning what are people feeling about this kid who's been going around the nation planting pipe bombs in post offices and reportedly he said he was trying to make a smiley face across the
United States. They don't much care because he you know he didn't think big enough and make a smiley face big enough to reach Pennsylvania supposed people and didn't really comment on. But you know what was interesting is the profilers really blew it on this one as they were looking for those middle aged white guy who looks like the Unabomber residence 20 more years and he would all that's true but he's not deterred now. I just thought that was rather funny that they based upon the the letters that he sent that his modus operandi they said are looking for a middle aged white guy who's got some issues with the government. Well they really blew it this though obviously he has some issues but all of his friends seem is a whack job that's you know that's the guy here because that's the bottom line. OK. You agree with that Drew that yeah we will go in and not very interesting variety of nuts here and he's just another one apparently just a garden variety nut. But all of his friends say he's such a nice kid These were not her damning that I can't see that what they always say but it's there and they can be nice but they can also be completely desensitized to the I just saw thing that said that nationwide history scores among high school and
college kids were abysmally low and apparently this kid's geography scores are probably similarly abysmal I think his kids try to make a smiley face and pipe bombs which way it goes. Just to show you what a scourge the Eden Park cookies have become. And me that was funny but you know pipe bombs don't exactly leave craters in the ground pipe bombs are there for kind of you know they harm the people who find them but you're never going to make a smiley face nationwide with pipe bombs. Not what Like you said not when the lease craters and that was more of an abstract you have to think through is what we know very well what I was like I wanted was when the police made the the maps of where they were where the attack occurred. He had hoped that it would be a smiley face kind of picture. But evidently someone said what he did know his history and he didn't know his geography because he was called out in Nevada. And if you were going to swing back through Texas and up through arc and so to put the smile on the smiley face he got distracted somewhere and just let if that's really the
system coming too. But just the tone that's the bottom line we were growing. Let's see I was being facetious. I'm serious sequence here has I'm going to say. Yes that is exactly why I think that's a way to take it because the aftermath is what we're going to have to deal with is more so than what he's already done. We made more regulations or regulation are you an email box will have to be taped open if you live in a room area they have a right exactly the less freedoms more government intervention. But well that which brings up the interesting question which I think is where you're going is what's going to happen to America's civil liberties. You're saying they're going to be more restricted every time some person does something crazy like this exactly as it already has had since 9 1 1 0 9 11. Does anybody feel as though it's OK to give up a few civil liberties in order to be more protected. I do. You do. Yeah I mean I for I firmly agree with people who are very very staunchly you know. At
no at no time whatsoever should we divulge you know give up any civil liberties. But the concept of it I think remains pretty sound. That the the the difficulty is in the execution of it. Who determines which of these we give up for our own good I mean but it just depends on how big these problems will get to what magnitude will problems that affect the culture and society have to become before we as a people say you know what. OK let's. Nobody thought that they were going to be planes going into the World Trade Center. But after something of that magnitude more people are kind of thinking Well something's got to get done without him. Nobody thought in the days when people were hijacking planes and taking them to Cuba that there would be this many restrictions on airline travel. With each one of these events. More civil liberties have been restricted and I'm looking about me but we're not we're not some people paint it like we're already a police state. That's of slavery.
There's armed guards at every corner have to know that their homes are being imprisoned right now without habeas corpus it's absurd we haven't we haven't lost any civil liberties. We are in a state of war and if we were asked to give some up it would be appropriate for the duration of the war which we have not given what we have not had our liberties restricted we've had our travel in convenience. That's the number of people who are being James restricted. I'm sorry go ahead. No I mean the movie line but how can you say that Levys weren't restricted given what Ashcroft just put through you know. The subjugation of Fourth Amendment rights they have. I'm glad that they have that tract from the tribe you know direction that they were going in. The vast majority of Americans have not had any thing but minor inconveniences because of the fact that we're at war. We are at war. Most people would agree that during a time of war some restrictions on our liberties might be appropriate and in fact we we accept restrictions
on our liberties on a daily basis without calling it the loss of civil liberties all it is is it's a continuum we go back and forth on. We have curfews for minors there. There are all kinds of areas of life where we where we reach an agreement as a society about what we will and won't allow. Usually that happens when people are not doing their job. You have curfews when parents are not restricting their childrens activities. You have police review boards when some police overstepped their bounds but those malls Orian acted whenever somebody is not doing what they're supposed to do and they are really not doing their job right. We couldn't keep out crazies who would kill many innocents in our country and so we said these are the measures that we're going to take. Because they have declared war on us which which I just I know that is a bad joke just because we're not finding anthrax in the mail every day doesn't mean that we should be on any less heightened sense of breaches of security. Which brings up the whole question of Is there ever going to be an investigation as to
why the U.S. intelligence community failed us on September 11. Now there's an ongoing investigation right now I mean we're told there's an ongoing investigation but I mean I think invest the FBI and it would drop the ball in the you know whether this was going on CBS the other night about how there was a lack of communication between the French intelligence and the FBI they could've could've stopped the whole thing because they arrested Massai and they couldn't they couldn't. You know there's a debate made a good point though about civil liberties had we just ramrodded a search warrant through and searched his belongings. This whole thing would have been prevented. Was on CBS the other night. OK we're going to change the subject here to same sex benefits at the University of Pittsburgh. You're going to see a chance that I don't have to. Due to me because he was just finishing we were if we realize you have a sexual and you don't have worry about thought I've got to know I bet I don't have anything wrong I don't have any problem with my sexual identity.
But none of us we wouldn't have this problem Chris if they just allowed these guys to get married to these women who bottle carefully get married at all and you wouldn't have this problem. It would be as simple as that and simple I know how to answer it if I want to Chancellor Nordberg at the University of Pittsburgh form this big committee to look at this. They came back with a recommendation saying it would be prudent to that's exactly what they're saying yeah that's a quote I would be willing to do this and will and to pick here's where were expressed. One was what will the state legislature do to a publicly funded partially publicly funded institution and what is going to be the cost of our health insurance and how will it grow they say in five years if they want to do this it could go from a current 30 million dollars all the way up to 50 million dollars that's a big chunk of money. Oh you're looking at it from an economical right that's the way the committee is looking at it. I think that's actually a slight misunderstanding of the growth and they were expecting that larger growth in insurance costs regardless of what choice three debates did and that it would be even bigger but they're expecting that bigger growth just because of rising health insurance costs
across the board I think. Well I think that my question is are these legitimate fears. We understand the cost is legitimate but what the state might do in terms of the legislature getting mad at them already CMU and other universities do this but they're private. You know that's going to be a concern. If you think an absolute no no no course they're worried about that but I'm very serious about it. If you if you allowed homosexuals to get married which does bother me in the least I couldn't care less just don't you don't leave me out of it but if you did that then they could have the same wouldn't be invited to the wedding or what they want to be the best man as the case may be in front of the ground. Room. We may come in with a whole new nominee that you haven't seriously read if they want to have a committed relationship with a heterosexual marriage then they would have the same benefits or it would be it was hard to swallow whole argument they were pretty forthcoming about why they were doing this are like look we basically don't want to leave the pack on this and we male kind of able to toss it around as
a problem of the culture why can't we be a little bit more high minded about the city but that's not the question the question is is it economically feasible for the university and if you're running the university that's what you have to look at you have to look at the cost of it because that's what you deal in numbers and you know and if you rely for a large partial portion of your budget on the state legislature then you have to look to the politics and I do wish you the next year like they haven't already voted for it surge sure because it could but yeah you never know. Why don't we just demolish the whole medical insurance program as it exist which would be the same thing we could possibly do and make the whole argument moot and make national drug. No matter all that I see none of that none of the single player stuff. On another issue there is a set of juvenile delinquents which have been convicted of some smaller crimes who've been asked to help do some clean up work some of them have been working on something some crews that are responsible
for picking up trash and are public workers union Billy said. We don't want those folks doing that that will take jobs from us. You think that that's a fair union grievance. These kids shouldn't be shown that they have to be punished. Look at they just go to some other event and show their punishment that way. I think there's a parallel between that in the University of Pittsburgh dealing with same sex benefits. They want to maintain the status quo to a great extent and it's the same way the union they the Union want to maintain the status quo I think Murphy said that this cost also said that this is an opportunity to teach those. Law breakers a lesson is well get them into public service and I think that if you kick it back to the union and maintain the status quo give them the jobs. Then you're increasing the cost of that service to the commute with it. There are two things that there was one where they were actually working with city crews and throwing trash on trucks. There were other places that they were going to churches and helped mow grass it and cut up they could they just modify it that way and it would offend the Union.
They may end up doing exactly what they have been doing up to the point that the public became aware that the union's problem was that they hadn't been notified beforehand and there was something like 98 percent of all cases where say the city says can we give nonunion workers this work. The unions agreed to it. So I think that they have to happen. For themselves to pick up cups by the side of the road. That's true for for less $16 an hour Tina 10 or something so good it may be that the outcome of this is that these kids that you know often are still doing this work. THE UNION just said we want to be notified first. One more thing on the phone. Wait what. Yeah no we're going to hear I'm sorry. Billy what about the whole concept does this throw you back to chain gang for teenagers kind of stuff you know or do you think it's a justified punishment. I know it's a bit of a stretch but they're out on public works. Maybe they should be ashamed and publicly embarrassed. Not No really I would have not seen it either.
I'm going to feud Reuben Greenberg who was the police chief in Charlotte I believe and he said that that's one of the things that they did they really embarrassed people by putting those uniforms on and make them go out there and do it so I don't want to do that. If it if it becomes a deterrent then so much the better. And if there are big rocks as you had said I don't have a problem with that. I mean you know I think that we've got work that's got to be done that's not getting done if that's a way to get it done find we've got more criminals than we need to have if we can reduce that number. Fine but you know let the work I still gotta criticize the unions which I am a member of a very proud member of sarcasm. Fred again this is about the cover you know that they didn't need to do this. You know like the world doesn't have enough problems they could have contacted the mayor's office or whoever it said and you for that is yeah right right. Ten eighty two. Why you know get over it. OK. On Division Street in the Hill District House was accidentally demolished you left and I would like to have your little funny story of what it was
for me then you know this woman did live it took rancheros and she's watching her husband is videotaping the bulldozer all doubled over runs. Well what I hope happens is you know circle the house twice as big as you have you seen rather. Yeah yeah. Well today I mean you know I'm a night like last Sunday right. We were wondering you don't really mean business. Did that worry you when you read that that the You Are A had been trying to buy this woman's house for a long time. She's like I'm not selling. All I could settle surprises are you sure. We're sorry you were created they are paying all of their bills and they put them up in a building to put Kim. They say the market value of a house somewhere around thirty seven thousand dollars. Can they find her a comparable home now they see anywhere to live or you know now there's a sense of no no you know this is what it is so yeah I was 37. Yeah sure. Good time to kick that into play there was one.
I mean it's sad I'm laughing because it's I mean if anything can go wrong it will be his there are more mind blowing example than I have if you're sitting in your house or you're standing out on the ice was our house you know this is a wrecking ball is going to be on one of America's Funniest Videos one of these obscure chill with $10000 laugh and you cry but it will be on the raviolis home again a sad point was that the gentleman of the home is actually quite elderly in it and they want to live on their street this is spend their street and if anybody tried to rebuild it. His comment was I just hope I'm around by the time it's by the time it's done put some of the language kids together. Though it may fall down because they don't have the experience. OK one more issue let's take a look at what the federal government has done in really two Pittsburgh schools rise and stand school and Ford as a sub standard without having even come in and look at according to board member Darlene Harris Pittsburgh city school board. They didn't even come in and look at it. They just looked at the test
scores said they were deficient and say that these were candidates to be taken over by the federal government. Good idea Ruth that only as a measure of last resort but it was the Pittsburgh School District that said that and then today the state said no we didn't put them on the list. So I felt good fill out the right form again another case of it well I'm not sure what it is or the law change so they're not sure if the situation is going to apply that hot thought would before where the parents can send their kids to any school now that they want and the district has to pay transportation I found it rather confusing it seems to be a case of whose law is going to apply here who they've already got the dozer line of discontent. Well you are right. I think it's a blessing in disguise in the sense that I think it's going to draw attention to an issue that needs to be resolved. This as expeditiously as possible certainly going to some reporter come back and that is that this you know the friction within this the inactivity the inertia within the school board and the superintendent in and the fact that the bottom line here is that it is a good education.
But the superintendent says that we are going to meaning the school board and the teachers and faculty and staff are going to address those issues and already the latest test scores show that their math scores have improved somewhat it rises. OK well that's good too. I mean you know that they're saying this went by now and I don't know I mean he has recourse but I mean nevertheless the issue stands is that before the next school year starts they need to get their act together. Don't you think it was interesting that the same week other studies will be published that reveal that that more money spent on problem schools alone will not solve the problems of substandard education. So I was I'll be waiting to see if by Tuesday the teachers union is asking for more money for more money. Well one of the things that this does if they invoke this is it gives them more money to hire more tutors to supposedly raise children's reading and math scores. But then the board will say that well there's 12 math tutor's right there they don't want to.
They're not going to want any more tutors right now until the ratio of teachers to pupils just like 1 to 4 and we haven't hired enough students and all the money out to be going to personnel not to increasing the salaries of bureaucrats increasing bureaucracy or increasing the salaries of the teachers here already they're just getting more because it really is as close to one and one of instruction as you can get. That's going to turn around kids lives you talk about the tutoring tutoring teachers tiny classrooms right. OK well I guess we'll have to leave it there. We want to thank each and every one of you for being here with us. Billy thanks for joining us we appreciate your quiet demeanor you brought something I didn't want to hear. And Mike it's always good to have you here too. And Alan we appreciate you being a defender of the left rather than on the right but we've got it covered here. Thanks all for being here. Coming up some of the best cappuccino in Pittsburgh. We'll tell you where you can find it. And what makes it great. Next. Want to know more about on cue magazine's
recent stories upcoming guests now on q community calendar and of course viewer feedback. It's all on our website. WQED or just follow the links to on cue. Well this month Pittsburgh magazine presents its annual Best of the burgh issue. It's your place to find local picks for everything from the best place to buy baking supplies to the best places to hear music and more on cue teamed up with the magazine to find out more about the bests of the bird and tonight's pick comes to us from on q contributor and magazine Pittsburgh magazine writer Phil Harris. Phil writes a column called Coffee Talk and he drinks a lot of coffee. So he seemed like the perfect person to name the best cappuccino made in Pittsburgh. Got you guys.
Got you so deep in my heart that I'm here in love cream espresso but I think they make the best cappuccino in town. And I'm here with Sam Pattie the owner of the LA Prima special sandwich the what's the secret. Well I think the secret is that our old world recipe which means that we just try to make up you know in the traditional manner if they make it neatly instead of filling up with with milk and maybe coffee that's not appropriately roasted. So he's too much milk kills the espresso Sesame would probably have the sass and I think that would be my work right. Sacrifice anything. What. For the same I don't think there are too many places that you can go to in Pittsburgh today where you can get an 8 ounce kept you know and for us that's what kept you know
it gets bigger than 8 ounces because that there is that proportion of a third coffee approximately a third milk third foam. When you break that proportion you're breaking the recipe. I think that's what certainly defines our cappuccino in in relationship to other coffee drinks that we're seeing today. So people want something sweet with a lot of milk in it. They should just go to Eaton park and get a milkshake. That would be a good idea maybe get past the coffee pot over the top. And how many cappuccinos a day do you recommend for Optimum Health. Not more than six. About that. I'm on my way here. You're well on your way. But it's good stuff to keep going I mean it's good for your your mind your creative thinking your sex drive on the product. And for more a best of the bird pics pick up a copy of the May issue of Pittsburgh magazine which is on
newsstands now or you can log on to our website at WQED dot org. Now here's a look at what's happening on Monday. Our cover story Monday is on the ivory ball this formal gathering is about more than design serves to improve community relations and celebrate diversity. Also on Monday the city is on a roll with this year's Volkswagen pedal. Pittsburgh is one of our region's premier cycling events a great way to see the city and a chance to raise money for good call. And as summer approaches where wild wild flowers money on cue we travel to Raccoon Creek State Park in Beaver County to check out some beautiful bloom. It all happens Monday. We hope to see you back here live at 7:30 Monday night. Have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day. With
with with with with with with with with with with with
with with with watching on Q magazine because these foundations local programming to help pay for it. The Howard hunting down at the Everly Today Show.
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Forum Guest: Billy Jackson (Nath) Mike Pintek for Fred (DS) MI: Best Burgh Cappuccino (Eliz & Phil) Notes: Speed CGs
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Duration: 27:30:00
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Chicago: “OnQ; 3085,” 2002-05-10, WQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “OnQ; 3085.” 2002-05-10. WQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: OnQ; 3085. Boston, MA: WQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from