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Well, you know, some weeks, ladies and gentlemen, some weeks you eat the bear, some weeks the bear eats you. I guess John Tower feels like that right about now. Now, right about now, I don't think he's feeling much. I feel like that right about now. Normally, of course, I'm on top of such a wide, such an astonishingly wide range of developments. I feel like a liberal Rush Limbaugh or something. But this week, I'm just so preoccupied, my third time through reading a story in the Wall Street Journal about how they got a bottle full of anti-matter and it's just tied my brain in such knots that all I can do is take a very deep breath, which I've taken already. You don't have to listen to that part and say, hello, welcome
to the show. If you go down to heaven, you'll never come back. In my opinion, you're on the wrong
way. oooh oooh oooh You go with that fella and bow to God
as far as I am concerned and be concerned through yourself away not even trying come out of your home I am to be well I went down to heaven
I feel as I feel I hate the only one God, God, only one God, only one, why don't you face the fact you're old of a star You bought me back now You'll be okay if you don't just stay in school Oh, the hour.
Oh, your eyes have an answer to this song of mine. They say we meet again, caught down the line. Where is on down the line? How far away? Tell me how long if you go down a hill,
if you go down a hill, you'll never come back. I sing you a true song of Billy the Kid. I sing you the record of days that he did, where out in New Mexico,
a long time ago, when a man's only friend was it on 44. I went Billy the Kid, was a very young lad in all servicity. He went to the bed, where I'll rest where the knife in his hand, I'll deal with 12 years, he killed his first man. Fair Mexican mains, play guitar and sing, song about Billy, their boy bandit king, before his young man hood and reached its center,
he did not join his pistol for 21 men. I sing you a true song of Billy the Kid. It was all one black night that poor Billy died.
He said to his friends, I'm not satisfied just 21 men that I've put the list through and share a pack of cigarettes going on May 22. Well, this is how Billy the Kid had his fame, a big moon was shining and the hour was late, shot down by Pat Garrett silver seas best friend the horror laws life had reached its center. Well, of course, a lot of you know
that I like Michael Jackson. Michael has always been an inspiration and I mean, Michael's one of my biggest inspirations because he's a great person. Yeah. Me and Michael have been friends for about five years now. Really? I didn't know that. But he to me is the best performer and probably the most important entertainer alive right now. Yeah. Present company, etc. He's a great guy. So I look up to John Lennon a lot. Really? John Lennon was such a genius. He just did so much for peace and for the world and for mankind and everything. Everything Michael does too and I think that's why I respect them both. And Michael does more for change. There's such songwriting geniuses. Yeah. And they both put so much into what they're doing now. So both have a lot to say about going on.
Oh, I see. What's happening and they both did what they could for their time. Mm-hmm. Thanks, Cory. Yeah. I've got for you today a top five list of favorite movies that I like. It's great. Number one. I love to hear it. Oh, actually I should start five, four, three, two, one. Yeah. Number five. Uh-huh. I would say it's probably a movie called Brazil. Really? It was really, really good Robert De Niro was in it. It was a funny, funny movie. Really weird. Yeah. Yeah. Very weird. There was a lot of fun now. Okay. That was probably number five. Probably. Four with a fish called Wanda. Mm-hmm. I don't know if you guys saw that. But that was really good. With Jamie Lee Curtis. Me guys didn't know. Um. Somebody else has forgot it. Jamie Lee, the one who sells the renter cars, right? Yeah. Right. Yeah. Okay. Um. Number three is, uh. Let's see. Number three would be.
You want to take a minute and think about that, Cory. We're talking on the phone with, uh, Cory. Was it Cory Hame or Cory Feldman? We're such good friends. You know, I never even asked his last name. Hello, everyone. Welcome to Lesho. And, uh. Okay. I am in receipt of still another bountiful truckload of fabulous listener mail. And, uh. All I can say is more please to Lesho 1900 Pico, PICO Boulevard, Santa Monica 90405, California. This week's winner, if we were having a contest for the letter from the farthest distance away would be, uh, from West Virginia. I don't have it with me here. I read them and throw them out. No, not true. Not true. They pile up in this merciless pile just to remind me. Huntington, West Virginia. Thank you very much. Huntington, West Virginia. And, uh, it is incumbent upon me also, as far as, uh, the business,
the business of the show, which is not show business. Take it from me. To welcome our brand new Eugene Oregon affiliate, K-R-V-M. Rhythm, K-Rhythm. It's a station with Rhythm, K-R-V-M, in Eugene, Oregon. You guys aren't spraying your apples up there with A-lar, are you? Boy, I sure hope not, because, uh, today's Los Angeles Times tells us that the, because of that whole A-lar scare. You know about that? It's, uh, what's, what's amazing about living in these times is that the, uh, little mini-graphed bulletins that appear on the bulletin boards of health food stores, one by one, just on some sort of a random time scale, show up on the front page of the newspaper at odd moments in time. And, today's is A-lar. The LA City Schools have taken apples, apple sauce, apple juice, and apple pies off the menu, because of a,
um, fear that, uh, school district might be giving the kids cancer. You know, and there's a big legal liability deal there, if they do. Boy, if I was a parent in my, and the school district gave my kid cancer, I'd sue, wouldn't you? The good news, of course, is that, um, instead of apples, oranges, pears, and bananas will be served. Where do they find out what's sprayed on bananas? I really find out the legal liability of giving the kids bananas, not to mention what they're doing to the kids, you know. I would not give kids more bananas, you know, because A, it's going to bind them, and B, it's going to give them ideas. Um, I'm in receipt from, um, a listener of an article from an English magazine, Q, very hip magazine. Apropos of last week's broadcast. Jenny Merrick wonders what became of cat Stevens. Now, 41 married with four daughters in the son,
Stevens writes poems, and songs from Oslem Causes, and is hoping to release an LP of children's songs, in 1989. Songs like, let's kill the author. It might be one. Let's kill the guy with the book, the thing, would be one of his children's songs now, wouldn't it? I guess so. Now, one of the reasons that, uh, aside from the fact that nobody ever asked me, one of the reasons why I never went into the, uh, the field of serious political analysis is because, uh, once you hang out that particular shingle, uh, you've got to overblow stuff like crazy, just to fill space and time. And, uh, this week is a marvelous, marvelous example of that in action, because, uh, we are now being treated to all the analyses of the dire consequences of the rejection of the John Tower nomination, and people are drawing the most amazing lessons, like, you know, new,
high standards being set for public officials. Uh, a new puritanism, that one's being brooted about, a new puritanism is a foot, or a broad, or a jar, in the land. Um, but not having hung out that shingle, it's, uh, easy for me to draw what I think is the real lesson of the Tower debacle, which is that, um, yes, you can drink and womanize and have serious conflicts of interest and still be confirmed for a major cabinet post in this country. But you cannot drink and womanize and have serious conflicts of interest and be regarded by all your former colleagues as a putts. That's the lesson. That's the lesson.
That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson.
That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson.
That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson.
That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson. That's the lesson.
A sure is the grapefruit league is heating up. The wearing of the green can't be far behind. That's right. This week brings a great day for the Irish and come St. Patrick's Day, of course, everyone's Irish, including the famous McFarmer, who not so incidentally has a timely suggestion. This year, why not celebrate your wearing of the green with corn, beef and sausage? But not with any ground and spice pork drumming, so no. Make sure the prices peg inside the casing and your skillet bears the smiling face of the famous O'Farmer. And that's not just a bit of the old Barney for you see. You've observed so often we get green. Other porkers bring their packers out west frozen or in cold storage. But not our friend, the Farmer, far from it. He brings his pigs and bigines out here live.
Then gives him a taste of the old Chilei right here in Southern California. And speaking of taste, their age like the finest sip of air in herself over native western wood. So this week have a happy St. Patrick's Day. Or if you choose St. Link's Day, both the waiting for you in the refrigerated processed meat food product section of your food store. Brimming with good taste and hopefully wearing not a speck of green. Compliments of the famous farmer. I love you. I love you. I love you. I need you so baby. You don't need me. You don't need me. Baby, I don't want you. I can let you go. I need you so baby. You don't need me. You don't need me.
Baby, baby. You should first be mad. I need you in this hall of mine. I want to tell you the love we had. Could not be bad. I've done it right. And by my time. Spent all my time looking for somebody to give me love like you. Now you told me that you want to leave me. Darling, I just can't thank you. Baby, I don't want you. I can let you go. I need you so baby. You don't need me. You don't need me. Baby, I don't want you. I can let you go. I need you so baby. You don't need me. You don't need me.
Spent all my time looking for somebody to give me love like you. Now you told me that you want to leave me. Darling, I just can't let you. Baby, I don't want you. I can let you go. I need you so baby. You don't need me. You don't need me. Baby, I don't want you. I can let you go. Now it's for presidential memoirs. There's a tent. Maybe sitting in his right. Maybe we just shouldn't have let the Senate hold both the committee and the full vote on the tower thing on Thursdays.
He's just too distracted with thoughts of leaving town. Call John Tower Thursday afternoon to express regrets, but he was out drinking. So left a message with his masseuse. Spaces in New York, most of the day, I got a gig and deficit stuff and United Negro College fund dinner with Paul Simon, not the senator. And then into Roger Ailes' little studio in Queens for run through on a possible TV speech. Can we hold the word, fellas? Please. Thanks, Tony. All right, Mr. President. Let's just try to run through. If you're ready, make sure the prompter and everything's working. Yeah. Without the glasses. Yeah, let's practice it like we're going to do it. Show me those bush peepers. Move me. No, no, Roger. You're fine right where you are. I am. Good. I was worried about that. Roger? Yeah, Danny.
Mr. President, you've made our stage manager, Danny Montavecchio. Hello, Danny. I need little facility. Yeah, yeah, it's a good kind of little special projects place. It isn't too over-unionized, if you know what I mean. Lean and man. Yes, sir. Roger, what's supposed to go on the prompter? Yeah, isn't loaded yet. It's the copy. Sinuno's people or Fitzwater's, somebody's people were supposed to have given it the Eddie half an hour ago. I got nothing. Mr. President, sir. Yeah. Did Sinuno's people fax the copy down here or messenger it or what? No. Got it right here in my pocket. I'm sorry. It's my Eddie. Double quick. Yeah. These entities held up back at the hotel trying to get some FBI stuff on the same none. Wild goose chase, if you ask me. Yes, sir. What do you do here, Roger? A lot of corporate stuff. Teleconferences, motivational tapes, you know, businesses sending out messages to the troops. Yeah. Everybody's a great communicator these days.
Yeah, I wish. Some of these guys, you know, get to be chairman of the board of some huge company. They can barely read their name on camera. Guys wouldn't last two weeks in politics. Now, we're not going to use the tape we do here on the air. No, no, no, no. We go live from your house. Sure. So, uh, tell you again what we're doing this for. Kind of. Yeah. One second. Danny. Very close. Okay. Roger. Waiting on the prompt. Okay. Look, during the campaign, we flew a lot of, uh, see the pants, but, you know, better than I do, Mr. President, governing is different. Tell me about it. I only had do caucus against me, not the whole Senate. Yeah. Boy, you know, I shouldn't nominate kitty do caucus for defense. She's an AA now. And we hear an end to all these do-do heads running around peddling drinking stories. Yeah, we can go, Roger. Uh, Sir, shall we try one time as money? You own this place, right?
Well, I'm thinking of your time and hear people want you back at 715 shop. Okay. Without the glasses. Without. All right. Now, go ahead. Please, everyone. We are rolling. Anytime. Now, there are people inside Washington who say our administration is bogged down. Hasn't hit the ground running. Is in disarray. Isn't there a good evening or my fellow Americans or something there? It feels a little naked, doesn't it, right? Danny. Eddie. Start at the top. Lower it straight in. Just be wearing a hold. Yeah. Hello, Johnson in this room, please. I don't know what room number. Please put this through. It's Roger Ails. Anyway, seated pants. Uh, right. Yeah. Now, we have to test speeches before you give them. This tape will be shown to focus groups. We'll, uh, we'll hone the message.
Yeah. Hopefully after that process, uh, in about the 20 minutes time, the American people will be convinced that yours is a smoothly functioning it. Okay. Thank you. Mr. President, I, I think you got to explain to John that the president's chief of staff doesn't put a do not disturb light on his hotel room phone. I'll tell him. But now this test thing with tapes that this worked for Reagan. Yeah. I'll say it word for him. It's to this day, even focus groups as airport appearances before he makes. Brother. He worked harder than I thought. Let's, let's just read through the rest of it. We'll get the opening before we roll tape. Okay. All right. Everybody, we're back. Here we go. Any time. Yeah. Well tonight, I, I just like to talk to you about everything we've accomplished so far in our first 50 days. From our successful Asian summit meetings to our ability to influence our allies on important matters of trade and international debt.
To our triumph in the Senate over the partisan attack on the John tower. Now, this was, I, this was rewritten yesterday. I know that for a fact. Hold it, people. Lighting. Okay. Yeah. Fine. It's our delay. Okay. That one's here, slip by somebody. Yeah. Except I don't think we appointed this somebody. It would have slipped by it. Mr. President, just a very, very private thought. Yeah, Roger. Your people haven't scheduled this speech with the networks yet, have you? You know, that's a good question. I don't think so. I got to check with Marlon on that. I should have asked him at the Negro College Fund dinner, but he was at another table with a lot of the Negro gentlemen. Yes, sir. Roger. Just man to man. I know I didn't ask your opinion on this before the thing, but just. You know, from what you know now on the tower thing, would you?
Would you have seen the do-do storm coming? I sent you a memo on it, sir. Unsolicited. It looked like Anita, a great TV speech. If it was going to turn around, memo. But what I'm saying about this is, yeah. You know, let's let your people solidify this whole thing over the next week or so. We'll be here. I'm in no hurry to spend 20 minutes reading on TV without my glasses. There you go. Thanks for your help, Roger. Listen, you got a quiet little room. Use my office. Okay. Might as well get a few calls in. I think I've got Rumsfeld's number on me here. Still thinking about this. The go-crofted defense and tower-to-national security advisor thing. It just seems a little clever to me. I kind of go with Sininu's idea of just getting somebody like Dick Cheney quick, show the Senate who's running the country he says.
Yeah, I think so too, I guess. Back to the hotel and a nightcap with the Grey Fox. More later. Speaker... ... ... ... ... When you can cast aside your new mind, be free With the symptoms run with blood And you take our hands and blood All fresh, we've gone Save your dry and dry and shut For the day, for scared it turns into a world For scared it turns into a cloud
For his life's just a dust inside his soul No soul, no soul, no soul For scared it turns into a cloud Proving to dry first and start us Use all the queens, your brain Task, when technic, the cheek is rust And you write your own goodness All fresh, we've gone Can't buy tickets from a town For the day, for scared it turns into a cloud For scared it turns into a cloud For scared it turns into a cloud Leave a ridiculous atmosphere And we don't lack white skin
For scared it turns into a cloud Don't you think that we might like to have been asked to join in For the scared it turns into a world And we die it to be free All fresh, we've gone I will scream a song, get out For scared it turns into a world For scared it turns into a cloud For scared it turns into a cloud For scared it turns into a cloud For scared it turns into a cloud
Special kind of guest time here on the show And it's a gentleman who is making quite a name for himself As the curator and archivist and producer of a series based on What have come to be known as the Lost Chick-Hern tapes Chronicling many of the lesser-known events in the life of the voice of the Los Angeles Lakers And one of the nation's best known sportscasters Mr. John Chadel, John, welcome to the show at Torium today Thank you very much, Harry, it's a pleasure to be here Pleasure to have you You've brought an example of one of the Lost Chick-Hern tapes With you for us to sample and enjoy today Set it up, tell us how and why And win This was after a game in Atlanta And they were just doing the final stats on that game Then the score came in on a fairly crucial game
That the Phoenix Suns were playing in New York's Madison Square Garden And remember the crew was taping it and got into the archives And that's the story behind it Okay, John, thank you, here's an example One of the Lost Chick-Hern tapes We have just had a report, no score, but a report I don't know if it's factual, but I think it is They're saying that UPI is announcing that Phoenix beat New York at New York tonight We'll try to get something definite on that for you They did, they beat New York 124 to 119 What a great victory only the second loss of the year at Madison Square Garden And of course, the next is going to lose some games now without Mark Jackson That's right, you don't lose a player of Mark Jackson's abilities And not have it affect your basketball team But they had a great home streak going and I'm sure they'll still be tough At Madison Square Garden Go under the Miami on the World Champion Lakers Basketball Network Susan, what was the score of that new year?
16 Had what wrong? God, how the hell can you make mistakes like that? I was just going to ask you how they outscored them Because I look at this, the New York was up once What's the score of the New York game? God's sakes make us look like fools Don't we have anything on New York final? Nope I want to tell this guy too that gave us that, you know? Kevin gave me the wrong winner, I think We call him Phoenix, watch the talk to you behind Seven, four, five, three, two, one Ladies and gentlemen, I worked for NBC Television for a long time
And I had the greatest sports director that ever lived, Tom Gallery As my boss And he broke me in by telling me If you're not sure, keep your mouth shut And that's what I should have done about the Phoenix score Phoenix got beat, Phoenix lost tonight And it came from our truck affirmatively that Phoenix had won And it came from UPI on the headset out here to one of our statisticians But the final score was, correctly, New York, 124 And the Phoenix son's 119 So that means the Lakers pick up a full game on Phoenix and lead them by three Stu And that's a big win for the Lakers and a big loss for the sons They're on a long road trip I should have broke in because that's fine But I just get scored to do it I'm screwed I'm gonna do this on a truck It's a big win for the son of the Apple Group They have information for us Now they excuse it, couldn't hear very well in the line
It's just like Tom Gallery going to keep him out of show So it was the kind of the fault of the truck and UPI and Tom Gallery, I guess Well, pretty amazing John, is there a lot more of this material? There is Harry, but most of it is lost And it's the name Thank you John Chadel, archivist of the lost chicken types for being with us Let's show continues When ever skies look great to me And trouble begins to prove Whenever the wind or winds they get too strong I concentrate on you When fortune cries nay nay nay nay to me And people declare that's your truth
Whenever the blues become the only song I concentrate on you On your smile that's sweet and it's so tender When at first my kiss you do decline On life in your eyes when you surrender Once again our arms in a twilight So when wise men say to me That love, young dream, never comes true To prove that even the wise men can be wrong I concentrate on you And so when wise men say to me
That love, young dream, doesn't come true To prove that the wise men can be wrong I concentrate on you I infiltrate I concentrate on you The neat thing is though that they had an analysis ready in either case And when you lose a player like Mark Jackson You are going to get the score wrong on occasion Anyway, speaking of basketball People who watched today's NBA game on CBS may have noticed a public service announcement For American comic relief This is no relation to the British comic relief Which raises like 30 million dollars in a day
This is the American comic relief Much bigger country which raises like two or three million dollars Public service announcement featuring Larry Bird And Billy Crystal Yeah And that was just a way of telling us that big sort of benefit comedy extravaganza to benefit the homeless is coming up again And the two other co-hosts Rob and Williams and Woopy Goldberg of course don't have a musical way of expressing themselves But everyone does what they can Hello my friends, and you know who you are You're the Skid Row alcoholic Good to see you again You're the unemployed gentleman And you're the only one who's the best And you know who you are
You're the Skid Row alcoholic Good to see you again You're the unemployed gentleman next door How are you? Now I know for you darling You'll never have a nice day But I just had to have my limo driver Grab me here at the shelter for a few moments Because I just have to say Don't stand in out of darling because I am on a roll And you can feel it too You're the only one who's the best Absolutely homeless Come with Fernando Madal Into your pathetic nook Better eating You can dance to my hook Because it's not how you feel it's how you look You're the only one who's the best Absolutely homeless You know I've always said it's better to look homeless
And to feel homeless But this is the ridiculous madaling Come on let's mingle Isn't that the guy who got kicked out of the mental hospital? I tell you something darling He looks homeless Get down Put your stuff into the street Party like you just can't eat You know madaling Can Kreg and became a celebrity manager doing benefits Maybe it can happen though He looks homeless Of course he isn't homeless He lives in home, they heal But he's...fitting in Fernando understands the civilisation money But let's get back to you madaling Let me whisper in Bittersweet nothings in your Third cake but shellac here Because you know And I must say this to you one more time You know I'm homeless Absolutely homeless And I mean that in the very best sense of the world
Because as I've said to you so often It seems like my trademark now It's better to look homeless than to be homeless You know what I mean I brought you some candy You want to drink it now or should I stop it And you're not madaling The wonderful thing is You know homelessness What's going on? Oh you've seen Robin in the movie man there Oh yeah, Robin back in time for ET You know the amazing thing is in this life There you go homies I think it's going to be big As I look You know you could come home with me You could look homeless In my home madaling Don't think about me And call that phone free number Oh baby's together
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah A nation planted So concerned with game As the seasons come and go Greater grows the pain And fall too many Feeling the strain Oh when will there be a harvest
For the world? Yeah, yeah, yeah Gather every man Gather every woman Celebrate your life Give thanks for your children Gather every woman Gather everyone Gather all together Gather all together Gather all together Hope in life is better for the world Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Trust me up for battle
When all I want is peace Those of us who pay the price Come home with the lease And nation after nation Turn it into peace Oh when will there be a harvest For the world? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah When will there be I wanna know now When will there be a harvest When will there be a harvest When will there be a harvest When will there be a harvest When will there be a harvest When will there be a harvest We're in a bad way.
We're in a bad way. We're in a bad way. We're in a bad way. Everybody, I'm talking about the children. We're in a bad way. The hardest, we're in a bad way. We're in a bad way. We're in a bad way. We're in a bad way. We're in a bad way.
We're in a bad way. We've been waiting a while, then. Hmm. Yeah. Well, maybe number two is screwed. Good choice. And the number three is, like, a comedy is some kind. I don't know. Either the naked gun or hair. Comedy is some kind. Okay. Number one is the color purple. Okay. You can feel it. Wonderful. I cry every time I see that one. Cory, your co-stars on the other line. Cory, hand. I think Cory, you know, four years later, three years later. And we're still best friends. We're holding on tight to the relationship. But we're best friends. That's me. This Cory's home and have a girlfriend. I don't know. And I don't think I'm at liberty to say. Do I have a girlfriend? I'm not at liberty to say that either. Okay.
Fair enough. I got my Cory's confused, I think. But you got that number two nail down, finally. That is a relief. Well, it's my own way of marking the defeat of the John Tower nomination. I'm going to go get thinking drunk. Ladies and gentlemen, you live your own lives, of course. But don't go driving and do that now, kids, don't try this at home. I'll be back next week, one way or another. Maybe I'll eat the bear next week. Same time, and on many of these very same stations. Please join me, and in the meantime, have whatever kind of week you want, you know. All bets are off. The show comes to you from century progress, productions, and originates through the facilities of SAS, the satellite service of KCRW Santa Monica. And now, ladies and gentlemen, please stay tuned for Tim Houser.
But Tim's not here. And here this week is Rick Lamb, ladies and gentlemen. Rick Lamb will be Tim Houser for your listening pleasure for the next two hours. And the show will be repeated tonight at 11 p.m. It'll sound almost like the BBC News, but it will really be the show tonight at 11 p.m. And every Sunday at 11 a.m. and p.m. Here on KCRW Santa Monica, a community service of Santa Monica College at 89.9 p.m. National Public Radio for most of Southern California. Monday, March 13th, KCRW presents the Mark Taper Forum Literary Cabaret Production of Darling Isema. I send you over the ocean like a cloud moving from this continent to you. On whatever pavement you are standing, or in whatever address with its particular chair where you are sitting. I send you my heartbeat, my heartbeat, my beating of my soul against time. Darling Isema, 7 p.m. Monday on KCRW, 89.9 p.m. Douglass MacArthur said,
I shall return. And he did. On March 17th, the swallows will return to Capastrano. The Cacaca 7 returned, as did the Jedi, and a man called Horse. Now it's your turn. You made our 1989 fun drive the most successful ever. Your contribution is an investment with significant returns of programming you return to again and again. And to deduct your pledge means a nice tax return, so be like the Magnificent 7 or Martin Gare and return KCRW service. Return your pledge slip with your pledge today and make it many happy returns for KCRW. It's 12 noon. We don't want to think we're listening to lazy.
It's got to be Prince Bird cheering all the basic. The doll is all set right close to any other role. Thank you. Thank you.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Lost Chick Hearn tapes | Presidential Memoirs - Bush rehearses post Tower loss speech
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-46e249a3ec2 (Filename)
Format: Audio cassette
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Le Show; 1989-03-12,” 1989-03-12, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 5, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 1989-03-12.” 1989-03-12. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 1989-03-12. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from