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the governor was a woman first elected november nineteen ninety she is a democrat the former state treasurer she's a substantial deficit and a half the legislature she tenderly to legislation that displeased her and the final outcome for in doubt after the announcement of the legislative session in late may she fought hard on behalf the average citizen and she energetically and vociferously sought to protect their interests against corporate powers and oppressive governments sounds familiar right well what's not familiar is that this governor was a series of decrees any merger tussles with a legislature as a strength and presence in the state someone to be reckoned with their main goal of the four year term yes governor ann richards came out of the rough and tumble of texas politics with a fistful of environmental and ethics laws that would change the nature of lone star policymaking so how they're going to
use and when to look one lobbyist comment that was amazing performance for a freshman governor which he reported this recession without any scars or showing some real muscle at one point the lobby has reported that he was on the losing end of one deal and he stood up and said i'll be good go ahead and call my beloved boys again he sounds familiar but what isn't a comic incident is at the governor's veto threat worked mostly because an acute had become personally involved with her legislative program from the get go last when it came time to compromise at the end of the session there was a governor when it may want to make a deal but i'm a good i mean to the threat as the new york times reported lawmakers of both parties found her a peripatetic presence in the capital tehran after the legislative
session sometimes offering specific language to break a logjam centers all conflicts one representative who oppose government and it affected you conclude with admiration that you know hands on to get her hands dirty no government and then a long time and that's what he was able to set the agenda in the good work of the complete that as much with a massive school finance problem in the drive a reflection of the legislature which it will surely get roughed up a bit of the state struggles to respond to court order requiring changes in school funding corruption with his debts of over good but demonstrated a legislator it's his book about that inflexible hard nosed but ultimately reasonable she has proven herself indeed a tough woman in the tough times that reputation has killed a bill that would make her for a force within the state for years to come whether lessons here for
kansas are gentle listeners i mean that your own individual judgment last month the supreme court kind of poor women's most important source of abortion information and i am outraged the court's ruling upheld federal regulations prohibiting health clinics receiving title ten funds from responding to any woman's request for abortion information should a woman requested information clinic workers are now required to apply quote the project does not consider abortion an appropriate method of family planning and quote should a woman as for the name of a physician who performs abortions the clinic cannot give it by their action five privileged men have denied poor women access to information that affluent women readily happened let's be clear this decision is not about using public money to fund abortion for the past decade federal money has been used only for abortions needed to protect women's lawn
it's who is affected in kansas this ruling affects women who use county health departments and planned parenthood's planned parenthood may give up the federal funds and cut back their services but they will continue to be ethical professionals providing clients with all the information they need to make informed health decisions county health departments do not have that option instead they will be forced to abide by the new federal restrictions i had been here before i began my social worker we're before roe v wade my first job was in a family planning clinic in an inner city hospital i saw hundreds of poor women pregnant with her fifth or sixth child my job was to help them obtain a safe abortion they wanted to do that i had to bend the law in collusion with physicians i would certify that they would die without an abortion i knew they wouldn't really die but i also knew that i was preventing another back alley abortion i also knew that i was providing poor women access to resources that my sister and my friends and i could and did
easily obtain the social work code of ethics is clear social workers must act to ensure that all persons have access to the resources they need must i know i teach my students to bend the law as i did twenty years ago chief justice rehnquist in writing for the five man majority said that to nine poor women information about abortion does not violate their constitutional right to an abortion he said poverty denies them that right does their poverty also deny them the right information have we reached the point where we as a society believe it is just to deny poor people the right information available to the rich i think now we must act now we must demand our prisoners in congress support pending legislation to overturn the supreme court's gaggle we must demand president bush signed the legislation we must fight let our bodies be
i like to dress in subjects that nothing in all to do with madonna but first a few words about madonna madonna documentary truth or dare she reveal everything where she really high everything when kevin costner torture show was neat was a daily adding square using a fifties teeny bopper cliche that has long since been replaced by groovy hip wet and cool was a desperately seeking a euphemism for stupid what the madonna mean when she stood there for dennis rosen said that anyone because my show meet moscow was madonna's existential rejection of our puritanical in order worship and culture which she sang to tell them and by extension to all of us that we must declare war on neatness that mean this is a sign of repression that and disorder lies piece synthesis and the path to higher knowledge another question before i address the subject of my address is triggered air of voyeuristic exploitation and madonna secret life
or is it possible the madonna does not actually exist of cameron offstage and treated him and it has a bottle of evian mineral water to simulate oral sex act perry another water bottlers compete for the rights to be featured in an obscene same just as an ems competed reese's pieces to be used in the movie et what about free trade fluoride in the water and the cancerous growth of the bureaucracy speak of medina casa marina does can dance on the head of a pin that sings in the forest and no one is there to hear edition make any sound nest eggs and security bills of the fed equivalents of interest madonna or should we invest in glamorous but risky by our genetic an artificial intelligence stocks what about this bubble helmet on the exxon valdez he's why on earth are we order leaders and then top them off the chopper chicks fledge was in thirty four years power as an aphrodisiac and i'm a very powerful person segment on those the words of a shrewd healthy manipulate person was mentally
ill that dotty megalomaniac is madonna half empty or half full pepsi is pepsi and i am eastern in the words of the skull but it is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere but our praise with a mouthful of peanuts and pecans to masturbate on stage artistic integrity is at stake tomorrow manana has to know ourselves we watch are therefore we are it's not easy to not talk about madonna unlike the baseball player who's having trouble hitting the ball the more i try not to think about madonna the more i think about madonna the older i get the more medina centered i become a woman died in next to shock us out of our victorians jackets addition to go a normal girl madonna will transform herself into a suburban mother and a housewife happily married to an insurance salesman if you enjoy a tupperware parties were the road again middle class neighbors in her next music video should be needing go and
darting sachs was she sings co op twiddly dee done it gives me a thrill to wake up in the morning on mockingbird hill bring us back home medina back to america give us back our lost values and our hopes and dreams corrado elite he'd met it gives me as the rebel to lake up in the morning on a mockingbird hill is a george correct i'm outraged without carolina confederate larry brown of the possibility for its basketball coaching vacancy and steve hadley indeed only allowed south carolina to court brown it wasn't right as walter catlett remains on nc double a probation to jail three year sentence doesn't expire until october thirty first four violations committed during his tenure brown should be declared unhealthy double a untouchable off limits to any
and cw affiliated school interested in him now indigo larry brown escaped of san antonio and the nba before the axe fell on kansas that brown had the chutzpah to announce he'd never a lot of love that he had known and the double they would march kansas to the brink of the gallos yeah sure before brown was interviewed by south carolina officials shame on them he announced he wanted the game got brass to talk to me and you know it because he said it's important to be clear about what wasn't clear but obviously double infractions report was pretty darn clear except for naming names and everybody knows that vincent asked to a member state guard who said the plan to transfer to carry you was the focal point one years kansas
couldn't defend its national title or paper or recruiting visit brown spoke at a function in kansas city i am not ashamed of anything we did he told and still a gathering there recently and the double i didn't come out and explain what actually happened finally cold and suitable a ridiculous who ridiculous dnc double explained everything be unsuitable a detail each and every violation brown claims there are extenuating circumstances i n rollers still rules too often one and see double it penalizes a school the individual offenders negating circumstances or not are long gone and nobody knows but it was possible for south carolina to move around even though kansas school he'll put on probation is still officially in anc double a slammer as they say everyday down at the alligator farm no it's
not interpreting the year even a gubernatorial veto it are owned us supreme court this last session they were very busy rewriting the bill of rights the conservative pan for the new majority in the supreme court is clear reasoned decisions broad insurgencies you can restrict free speech right to privacy ability to appeal to name that if you smell like chicken little but the road our country is on is a repressive one and i'm afraid we say may not be allowed to take the road less traveled on capital punishment the court said it's ok to execute mentally ill and sane person's they restrict federal appeals in death penalty cases the descendants aggies pointed out in vain the federal courts or act as guardians of people's federal constitutional rights isn't that silly or majority thought so in another case the state was allowed to banned nudity the court said the steak and protective order and morality even though it was never clear where governmental interests are protected scalia thinks need is inherently evil thrives when you think your brother worker wearing the shower when the state starts
deciding what is proper and moral for me to see or do even in the privacy of my heart club and we're in trouble books like fahrenheit four fifty one in nineteen eighty four keep coming to mind will that or i dream i had the other night get me arrested although in all fairness i do have a problem with frontal nudity in my bathroom mirror but it isn't anything a low fat diet and exercise will fix repression in the name of the public good is the worst kind of in another case the court decided the police may board buses and use sweeps of the passengers asking over it where they're traveling and why and if they can search their luggage the idea that a person must prove who he or she is and to show why they are traveling is repugnant to american institutions and ideals as the dissents that in that case this is not hitler's berlin stalin's moscow nor south africa we find a talent hearing states are becoming freer all we're more suppressed another decision restricted freedom of speech and the right to privacy as well as infringing on the doctor patient relationship
five male justices led by rehnquist was souter following tail wagging anxious to show is one of the boys is should the abominable decision prohibits organizations that receive title ten federal money from mentioning abortion which is legal as an option of pregnancy the legal community talks of the theoretical shift in the court of the counterrevolution of the conservatives to get people except retraction of their rights as theoretical it's not theoretical when all the sudden i can be as secure in my home it's not theoretical when i can get complete information from my doctor it's a tenuous thread that holds our society of lies together a belief that we all benefit from following the rules a belief that there is justice and fairness in those roles person said recourse in the courts to protect their individual rights now must act as a lobbyist to the congress and state legislatures for those rights fundamental problems in a political body such as congress protecting minority rights we live in a constitutional democracy
where is not simply rule by majority certain constitutional rights of all persons including a minority or to be protected it's the role of the court to protect those rights or used to be i'm not willing to go back and i'm not willing for my daughter to not have the writes i believe are inherently constitution i cannot stand by while the bastions i did say bastions of power on the court and mangle the bill of rights it's time to give a clear message to political action maybe a buck naked march on washington what does all that flag waving mean if it doesn't mean protecting individual rights and freedoms we also hear kinder in it my membership to they feel you want it happening
Various news opinion segments
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Segment Description
News covering TX governor, Healthcare, and abortion politics.
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Kansas News
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Producing Organization: KPR
Publisher: KPR
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Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a4500421dd8 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “Various news opinion segments,” 1991-04-01, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 20, 2024,
MLA: “Various news opinion segments.” 1991-04-01. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Various news opinion segments. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from