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currently tv and radio airwaves across kansas allegedly negative campaign commercials perhaps the most controversial is jim slash or his latest ad that features a cancer patients telling bill graves stuart and thousands of dollars in campaign contributions he received from an alabama based insurance company called torch not actually recently found that a subsidiary of a company which he did thousands of senior citizens into changing their insurance policies that cancer treatment would be covered every campaign has received calls complaining about the head and whether it's right for them to use a cancer patient the score political points flattery campaign manager jim mclean so they have no intention of dropping the toy truck the commercials graves during the remaining days of the campaign is not that increased numbers of letters taking up and the people were going to judge lottery to continue doing the things that are causing that movement mean all the graves campaign has downplayed the influence of the torch mark ads claiming most voters either don't understand them are turned off by the negative messages at the statehouse
but says mccain's reporting it last week john slattery began airing an emotive tv ad that features one of his campaign volunteers who is dying of cancer pleading with bill graves to return contributions from the torch mark insurance company i have cancer and i don't know how much longer i have to admit that i consider myself lucky to have to be an insurance policy that's covered on my dream when i heard that the greece had taken money from insurance companies to get rid of cancer patients was outraged galleries doesn't know what it's like to have cancer i do i don't know you know the un has drawn sharp criticism from the graves campaign which has now launched its own counter and cleaning slattery is willing to stop at nothing to become governor even if it
means exploiting dying cancer patients to get that i think to play on people's fears by bringing someone on camera who has obviously had some unfortunate situation or alive just an awful way to conduct a political campaign graves says his campaign staff have received a slew of calls from voters angered by the commercial even cancer patients he says have called in complaining that the ad is insensitive and should be taken off the air slattery campaign manager jim mclean says the woman featured in the commercial market retired english teacher had willingly volunteered to do the added no charge after being approached by the campaign she wanted to do it and she was glad to do it did you cajoled or she was very eager it's like we we were somewhat reluctant because we understood that something that was this emotionally evocative could cut both ways but which he was adamant mclean says the calls they received about the idea so far running free to one in support of it we call the
number of registered voters ourselves to gauge their feelings the response was next lady not solve a retired secretary from brooklyn thought it was acceptable this lottery to use a cancer patient to get his message across dr baird came to hit the employment so that i don't get concurrent care insurance that would put a mark meanwhile veronica souls an unemployed aerospace worker from belle plane thought the ad was in poor taste she also thought it was deceptive for this lottery campaign to use a cancer patient that has never held an insurance policy from torch knock it out of your head after speaking with voters
kansas public radio sent a transcript of the hat to two national experts on media and politics we also provided them with a series of local newspaper articles about light the torch mild case and the arguments of both candidates on the issue professor kathleen jamison dean of the annenberg school of communications at the university of pennsylvania so the cancer patient ad was tame compared what was happening in campaigns in other parts of the country professor james and said using victims and commercials i've become a common theme this election year and she had no ethical problems with start reusing a dying patient to highlight he's going to appear in a commercial or you can't really take advantage of in the larger question in what i had an appeal and a politician taking campaign contributions that i cut back then professor joel manheim agrees with james says assessment mannheim is
director of the national centre of the communication studies in washington dc on the larger question of where the graves should have accepted contributions from george mark mellman says always politician would have returned the money just to avoid even the appearance of impropriety all conflicts of interest and the political strategy and republican side should have been very much what the strategy was on the democratic side and that is to just put their guns in the air between the candidate of the money as quickly as possible there are too many elements to this particular story into this association and in a time when voters are just looking for reasons to be turned off to the political process seems to me rather foolish to provide them with one like that well professor manheim says grades should have acted differently he doesn't believe slattery will benefit much from running negative attack ads against his opponent he says if anything such tactics encourage citizens not to vote at all audience sympathy to the candidate who was being attacked road is like and the other soon to freelance writer from wichita says that's how he feels when i see negative
ads either turned them offered almost makes me mad at the people who didn't because i know and in all reality uniting both sides in store in the idea that you're getting one side of the story and what i've learned all my life i need to hear both sides of the story before a good a decision it's the fact that both sides of the torch mark story had not been openly discussed that is incensed bill graves he wants voters to know that slattery also accepted campaign contributions from torch mark but returned the only two weeks before he started running tv ads attacking grapes grapes also points out that while the slattery campaign says he's received more than twenty thousand dollars from torch not only four hundred dollars as come directly from the company the rest is coming from members of his wife's family who sits on the insurance company's board of directors meanwhile common cause of kansas has been following the torch mild case and concludes that it's a perfect example of why the state needs sound campaign finance reform the group is careful to point out though that both candidates are guilty of taking contributions from companies
that may unduly influence them once in office what would be graves accepting money from torch mock all slaughter is acceptance and eight thousand dollars from for companies with ties to a southeast kansas dog racing track neither candidate in this campaign though has shown any willingness to commit to campaign finance reform if elected both graves and slattery insists that accompanies campaign contributions will be influence their policies as governor if that's the case then voters like md anderson say slattery should do the state a favor and stop talking about tow truck and get on with the issues he really intends to grapple with once in office you can say that's an issue but in my opinion in each of his character and in the time we were taught about jobs economy how to handle welfare of the schooling of control everything else and then and then it i did these negative ads it's just like you know i'm really turned off to it i don't hear that anymore unless your issues whether the candidates will listen to voters like andy anderson
all stick to the conventional wisdom that attack ads decide the outcome of elections remains to be seen graves has suggested that an independent board be set up to review the accuracy of campaign advertising before it airs so far the proposal has gotten nowhere at the state house this is mccain's reporting more this is morning edition i'm steve lickteig candidates in the nineteen ninety four election season are entering the home stretch this week at a lot of the contests or getting close and some are even a dead heat according to recent polls joining us this morning to talk about the state's major political races are kansas public radio statehouse bureau chief
mccain's and k pr managing editor grant's hundred morning gentleman good morning poll numbers have been changing what a bit better in the last several weeks and that democrats are getting on their republican opponents in a pretty much most of the statewide races what's going on is the out party working harder for iowa republicans are resting on their laurels sonic well it always see that different reasons and different races to explain this particular a trend and i just wanted to begin with that than for example in the us secretary of state's race where the republican candidate ron thornberg is still having a massive commanding lead over his democratic opponent quickly look at some of these races for example the state treasurer's race incumbent sally thompson the democrat now leading his republican opponent ronnie duncan month ago thompson was running about fifteen points down in the polls i think that first poll provided the impetus for the ia thompson campaign to get mobilized out that you know the damn sally thompson had been pleading even before the primaries to do to get his supporters to get interested in this race
to get money in that was saying don't worry about it don't worry about it your shoe into their what we'd be putting the money in other races one at first poll came out ahead because supporters and democratic backers said hey wait a minute she might be in trouble here and they've been pouring in masses of money into the campaign and is another factor in that race as more people get to see when the dunkin in and meet him at forums and see televised debates i think you'd be hard to conclude that they're not seen a debate like that that sally thompson doesn't have much more sophisticated knowledge of the issues than her opponent just looking at very briefly at some of the other races for example the debt the governor's race as far as that is concerned what walker explain the shrinkage that john slattery getting nearer to bill graves it sitting on the issues that i had not heard on the campaign stump very much difference in what their gym slide rule bill graves have been saying since september the only difference is that their john slattery has now discovered that thing called torch mark and he's been writing of course a lot of attack ads on television i see attack god rather than the negative ads because there was this largely rejects that label but a while people say these
attack ads don't work it does seem to be happening at the jim mclean the campaign manager for john slattery says it does seem to be a helping the campaign significantly also you know i had that the attack as an element into the governor's race and they've been fairly nasty india insurance commissioners race kathleen sebelius is ads are beginning with the song your cheating heart and then running through a litany of the newspaper headlines about ron todd and they yell fletcher bell scandal also in the attorney general's race things are getting fairly negative in terms of the joint appearances there are a lot there's a lot of attacking going on so i think that you know in answer to the question things have gotten aggressive i think that may be one key to the change in numbers well since we've touched on the governor's race here let's just go back to this whole negative ads situation in that race you guys have done some investigative stories concerning the whole torch mark incident other was a store and yesterday actually about the torch mark campaign controversy
out what is the bottom line on that issue voters care about this whole torch more dire situation it would be misleading to say that death taught not simply doesn't matter but i think it's necessary to support the whole issue into perspective city older kansans we've spoken to are worried about their health insurance what's going to happen to it in the years ahead and so they are concerned about the torch more contributions are essentially of the torch mild case it is an example of corporate greed is as us what the courts have said that the putting a profit before people in this case the elderly people society to some it might be the question that is bill graves become becomes governor would you be willing to put profit or in this case the need to keep down the state budget before providing important services such as those afforded to the elderly but i think most experts that was saying that the importance of this case is more about where that torch market somehow embodying bill graves his ear so that they can in some way in some way influence him if he's elected governor and then if that's the
case we do say somebody can be influenced by contributions and both candidates are equally guilty john slattery is also accepted massive contributions from companies that might influence in one says government obviously earlier in the campaign we had about him taking thirty thousand dollars fine for companies with ties to a southeast kansas dog racing track john slattery says it will influence in his government except those types of contributions he's an independent if that's the case why you shouldn't influence bill gray zip except porch my contribution i think it's absolutely right to the issue of campaign contributions as being lost campaign contribution reform is not something either candidate has really come out ahead of it in this particular race when at a recent forum they were asked about putting some pretty severe limits on the amounts of her contributions that could come from individual companies or even limiting overall you know the war chests so they were very lukewarm so i think this isn't for diverting attention away from the real issue which is what we do about the overall problem of money and politics this is bill graham is leading john slattery the polls simply
because there is a republican running in a republican state or is it because john slattery as a member of congress well i think certainly i'll we have heard that consistently here is another part of the country but the so called tidal wave of republicanism sweeping the nation this year and certainly at below that jim's countries can become a victim of that with a public or a democratic president in the white house and also an unpopular governor in maine state house in topeka out john slattery has be open about this he's said consistently that it is affecting him at one foreign he said a running as a democrat this year was like running with a five hundred pound gorilla strapped to his back with the initials mb bc tattooed which bought a young age he said that they have a better chance for example of saying to some voters in kansas that he had escaped from san quentin then he would sing is a democrat so it all of that being said i think it there it detracts over how good a candidate bill graves is he's sitting up giving anybody
any reasons republicans at least any reason not to support him and they're sitting in a republican state john slattery needs to get some republican votes which is it explains why slattery has got so heavy on the tart torch mark case because it he's got to push off the fence sitters if he has any chance i turn to james mcclean the press secretary for the slattery campaign a while ago and he said that he thought graves numbers were very soft and that they're in their internal polling this flattery continues to gain ground of course that's been control but if it's true this raises really way too close to call what's the outlook for the kansas house and senate are either party in danger of losing any ground or key districts america those races will sit at the kansas republican party has been saying nelson says some of that that they would sweep the democrats off their feet in the air in the kansas house of representatives that the republicans are currently hold a seven seed margin or the democrats in the house and that there were predictions that this year they would actually increase the majority to about seventy five i think was all of these the
latest polls showing democrats that creeping up on the republican opponents i think the republican enthusiasm seems to bingo old somewhat and while democrats said don't think neil a gain seats this year and i don't think you lose too many either the attorney general's race know that has been a dead heat ever since the primary that's fairly unusual and what's happening in that race is is a function of how similar the candidates are or how different i think one of the things thats happening is a geographical splits mr schoen orifice from wichita and coral stovall is from the topeka area and i think it has a tendency to divide campaigns in the state when people vote geographically also i think also the difference between the two candidates is really dividing people you have showed were from one side who's counting the idea of orange jumpsuits you know putting criminals on changing on the side of the road and then coming up with some fairly aggressive and radical approaches to crime o n the other hand stovall is more a practical sort of
candidates saying no i think whatever reason quote as orange jumpsuits are too simple an idea to really change anything so i think it's got voters divided and that kind of is it a reflection of a howl as a people kansans are carla tossed up on what to do about the issue of crime to punish partially or do you attack ad from a social standpoint well what cell proving to be so interesting races as of late at least of the congressional seats that are coming up in kansas city's drinking as congressional seats have been getting somewhat nasty during the last few weeks especially common ground that race when we see these races engine on the world maria whitehead is going to be in preparing a reporter should be on tomorrow morning about the issue of the pesticides that i got a little bit of focus on that in the second district race carlin is saying that mr brownback as an secretary ignore the issue that was seen as a result kansas has one of the highest
levels of the pesticide pollution waters of anywhere in the nation are on the other hand is to brownback says he's responsible for coming up with a voluntary program of reducing at racine also there's the issue of do you want to relax someone who has a track record that voters rejected several years ago mr crowe is having a really hard time overcoming the stigma of being a and i put this in quotes loser and he lost to jim finney in the ninety nine deal election and he's having a hard time overcoming it and i think they had to it was close earlier in the race though the numbers are getting a little bit closer but i really think harlan has a lot of negatives to overcome and as you stated earlier the republican tidal wave is really gonna play in favor of love <unk> brownback he's the champ championing reform and he's a republican carlin's a democrat it's a tough race what about the
situation came out of nowhere with his toughest opponent that jan meyers has faced since nineteen eighty four when a kansas city kansas mayor jack reardon deaver run for her money so to speak and as other interesting thanks judy hancock has raised as much money or perhaps even more than gen myers and some political observers have said that they're the meyers campaign were sort of sitting on their hands not really taking a hancock seriously but that's changed over miers campaign is campaigning heavily and douglas county right now because that's one of the key counties in this race if hancock has a chance of winning she's got a turnaround voters outside of johnson county and get them voting for her arm god has been trying to plan a home an education issue to miers saying that myers drop the ball and getting some education funding for k you but it's a fairly complicated attack and i'm not sure that it's going to connect with voters this late in the campaign but once again this is a race the meyers campaign says that they're way ahead and hancock campaign says the margin is only nine
percent it depends on you know you talk to the primary we've heard a lot about the religious right i was with a shakeup the power base of the republican party in kansas but the right is sadness or drop that site at least far as the news media goes for example at abortion issue is really talked about on the campaign trail what happened to the religious right well you know you're right steve i mean there has not been any of those conventional a religious right issues such as abortion they've been virtually absent from the debate in all five statewide races in kansas this year and that's true also of the congressional races with exception perhaps of the year before the district it which of course include cell wichita and that incumbent congressman dan glickman there is facing opposition from republican state senator talk to iata was a pro i found that it has been involved in many bills in the legislature to promote the religious right agenda such is abstinence based education in schools but the issue of the religious right has surfaced almost exclusively i think in the races for the
kansas house of representatives and the city not to the extent that some reports have made out that perhaps the end the legislature would be dominated by christian conservatives next year i think many of the radical the candidates were defeated during the primaries why do things without pointing out steve that debt into one race climate in newton kansas was you know the soap to clean our neighbors with one noting alien samuelson who has a six year republican incumbent there was defeated in the primaries but his very ultra christian conservative and now though the electorate that i am not declaring newton was so shocked that samuelson lost that she's now become a write in candidate on the ballot and all by all accounts from which dr eagleman so what she's a very good chance of pulling it off supposedly his support is felt that that well she would be a shoo in that wouldn't vote for you know this notion of those notions she was going to lose the republican these religious right people can do anything and i wish you win but little did they know and they took over that's
quickly our view i felt of the kansas public radio election project has fared even quarterly the coverage throughout the season the campaign season gaza worked as a gardener with some now to what has been an experiment i think that we've heard from our listeners that the idea of stump speeches has been a good one people have really was a lot of support for that idea to something out that merry white had rs one of our senior reporters came up with and i think it's perhaps we should have been doing a little bit more in depth reporting a little bit more investigative reporting and we dropped the ball but i think that you will get the balance right now in the next election i think it as i said it's a it's been an experiment he's been a good one at the very least i think we've overcome some of our cynicism about the process and i really do believe that covering politics more extensively is worthwhile for advance <unk> thank you public radio statehouse bureau chief retains and kbr managing editor grant's hundred talking with us about the final days of the nineteen ninety four election season
the complaint against bogey this stems from remarks the shawnee republican made regarding a recent state ruling permitting graduate teaching assistants at the university of kansas stuff all union building has said that if the teaching assistants did go ahead and unionize he would fight all proposals in the legislation to increase that paid the kansas association of public employees says that statement is in direct violation of the kansas label that makes it illegal to intimidate workers from unionizing senator bogeymen meanwhile says his words are being misinterpreted her baldino says rather than being anti union his comments were meant to convey his opposition to more state tax dollars being spent on pay increases the kansas public employee relations board is currently handling the complaint against building up the case is expected to take several months to investigate at the state house this is mccain's reporting the complaint against building then who is chairman
of the senate ways and means committee stems from remarks he made while serving as a panelist at a recent educational seminar in kansas city during the question and answer session but he was asked his views regarding estate ruling last month graduate teaching assistants of the university of kansas to form a union in order to negotiate for better pay and benefits in responding to the question will be this said that at the teaching assistants did go ahead and unionize he would fight all proposals in the legislature to increase their pay its bedrock that has now landed senate it will be getting hobbled at that portion all day coffee is director of negotiations for the kansas public employees association the group has filed an official complaint against bogeyman claiming that he is violating kansas labor laws by threatening to punish a group of workers in retaliation but just thinking about forming a union if it were done by someone in the private sector of the national labor relations
act i doubt that during a blast over about fifteen seconds is so bloated and in my opinion i can't imagine any rational the complaint is now being investigated by the kansas public employee relations board senate that will be there says he has been informed by them as yet about the fact that he maintains though that he is not violated any labor laws at his recent remarks about the unionization of teaching assistants and you have been i don't know okay this is rather than being anti union his comments were meant to convey his reluctance to pump more the state's money into a huge budget for teaching assistants he says ge ga is unionized and was successful in obtaining pay increases the only way the legislature could afford the additional funding
necessary to do that would be to eliminate some of the positions now tells me that if you provide for individual you're going to have less individual life but people can't you have a ticket and the problem that that i think they have a problem but peters says that in his opinion the graduate assistants at the university of kansas are paid fairly and you don't need to be fully compensated for their work at the kansas association of public employees paul begala says that shows a complete ignorance of the situation currently he says ge ga is at the university of kansas teacher a third of all courses at the school that have less than eight thousand dollars a year and are not entitled to any health care benefits we heard the facts you know what is appropriate what is properly dictated for this time to work once they broke her comfort level of compensation and benefits you know he's been with the facts i think is pretty poor are coming from a market leader in the
state and especially one as much authority as in mr rabin yes democratic senator anthony hensley of topeka has been following the events surrounding the building a case and concludes that there is a legitimate issue at stake but hensley says this case is not just about violating state labor laws he says it's also an example of the abuse of governmental power which reflects poorly on the kansas legislature as a whole right right meanwhile at the kansas association of public employees paul begala says it could take months or even a year for the labor relations board to make a decision on the building a complaint it awful used to be the board's
executive director says the regulatory agency has only one full time investigator and he's already facing a backlog of cases if blogging is found guilty it's not clear what punishment he will receive the board does not have a laundry list of specific penalties economy down to transgress news in the past the board has ordered by leaders of labor laws to compensate complainants for back pay and benefits that have been lost de cock says if that happens in this case the money is unlikely to come from set a bogey man but from a deeper pockets of the legislature and the state house this is mccain's reporting at using is the most widely used herbicide in cancers even though it's been found to cause cancer and test animals the epa calls it a possible human carcinogen but a report by the washington based environmental working group a consumer advocacy organization estimates the kansas farmers apply at least five million pounds of that was in other fields each year farmers like the herbicide because it effectively controls weeds and it's cheap but it's
also contaminating the state's water and that's why democrat john carlin has released ads like this one sam brownback says you can trust him but when brownback was secretary of agriculture dangerous levels of accuracy cancer causing assad are drinking water since acknowledged required minutes he sided with powerful chemical companies and against our best interest to john carlin proposed and then on the very hazardous waste to protect our water he said no to special interests job you can trust him to represent us in his defense brownback is accuse carla of using scare tactics to win votes brownback says kansas drinking water is safe and is airing advertisements like this one despite would john gottman says sam brownback has an excellent record at sea levels actually went down while sam brownback was secretary of agriculture why that pioneered and nationally acclaimed voluntary program a pesticide general john carlin is calling for more government mandates sam brownback wants
to solve problems so congress brownback claimed that captures the levels went down between the summers of nineteen ninety two and nineteen ninety three is true however experts say that wonder years' worth of data isn't conclusive especially in light of the fact that results could have been skewed by record flooding in nineteen ninety three scientists also say it will take several years to determine whether the largely voluntary program to reduce after seeing levels which brownback town says a success in his ads is actually effective the kansas department of health and environment detecting actress in kansas water for the past twelve years according to jd at spokesperson craig crawford both campaigns are offering their own interpretations of the department's data crawford won't take sides in the political fray but he does say people should be concerned about this issue well we're not being at that level at the maximum
allowable contamination levels really uncomfortable when being at a lean being detected so frequently and they were not managing our report in nineteen ninety one the board of agriculture which was then headed by sam brownback appointed a task force to study the interesting issue the group is made up of agricultural interests including a representative of cb gandhi which manufactures actually saying the taskforce recommended mandatory limits on a drizzly news the egg board which included a representative affiliated with one of the state's largest distributor is a batter same ended up rejecting any of the task force's recommendations is that it adopted a program that is largely voluntary the egg board's decision angered many environmentalists however their decision is dictated by brown bats press secretary jackie mccluskey the requirements that have a different term water body that they are admitting could be applied live made it
to a requirement that they felt would you want to be there for have a volunteer requirement about more funding to you being away from big government allowing people to tell the public about john carlin says that in contrast to brown bag he would've supported mandatory limits on the use of that using environmental lawyer build credit says that stand distinguishes car away from brownback it's not so much a personal play with brownback it's simply that he used the fable for our form of government and for various policies which turn their back on their environmental issues and i think they are and that's probably why environmental groups are very leery of that kind of a record the internet to congress in contrast to environmentalists like craven some farmers say the government is already too intrusive in a brown that's voluntary approach to address the reduction is the most practical solution to the problem one thing everyone does
agree on when it comes to actually seen is that it's expensive to remove from water supplies in kansas has one of the highest incidents of that was seen contamination in the nation in topeka officials recently learned that they would have to spend between ten and fifteen million dollars to install a filtration system the only water district in kansas that currently filters that scene is in johnson county many observers say the financial ramifications of dealing with actress same will continue to create deep divisions between rural and urban interests in kansas despite this plant people such as the department of health in environments greg crawford say the problem of herbicides like at using is something kansans cannot afford to ignore you know we have come out of stalin in florida we use far too many chemicals then we read the kinds of problems where it what we don't see inhaling up in the drinking water and a couple of this point that potentially don't want to happen in hand
booker is the second congressional district are faced with deciding which of the candidates this year will go to washington to look out for the state's important agricultural interests as well as the environmental welfare of kansas for key a new primary white hat election time portal list with leaflets bumper stickers yard signs yet to dig for the substance and the beginning of what each candidate is really about and then we go to the polls who plays him for a lecture at a not quietly murmuring any meaning i know from the voting booth the major problem is that many others don't go to the polls in fact only one third of eligible citizens vote in off year elections we don't think of it matters or we don't care about the candidates or we just don't like politics that politics is not just the sleazy adds that arrive in the mail politics is a coming together of people to form a government in our case to elect representatives in a democracy and the reality is that the more people who vote the more representative than elected official is my grandmother was a feisty little irish catholic woman who
worked on the suffrage movement and marched wearing a scandalous bloomers over time before she died nearly one is even is small children to never miss the opportunity to vote she said that as any woman in our family didn't vote she come back to haunt us one superstitious and i've never missed a vote so on election day taking any threat to harden at the voting booth and now a short but sweet note to whoever wins november eighth year gm or bill you're nailing a governor kansas party arty and then put the un today remember that you have an awesome power over not just the governor's office that all the agencies to whom you'll be appointing people please make your appointments on the basis of merit and not because someone potable water yard signs or is the son of a major contributor don't just be a meal ticket our state can afford it be careful not to surround yourself with people isolate you keep an open mind and years don't just use your power politics the litmus test for fear or
dealing your job is too important for you to spend energy and collecting as some past governors have done list of people who contributed to their opponent don't meet petty it's a democracy and there will always be good people who disagree with you please initiate campaign reform i know you've got you're using the present system that the governor not just for the power trip but for the opportunities you now have to move the state in a positive direction and good luck whether we voted for you're not we're counting on you that happening in the political act and the gop in the woods and to your
head registrations going to drop significantly but he says this year's totals on par with the presidential election two years ago are trending much of that increase to news people converge to vote when that really wasn't at the statehouse there are two mysteries and silent for one concerns a double murder that is witnessed by a young boy the other concerns the boy himself who's wrapped in the magnetic silence of autism call into the gates to assist the copses child psychiatry is gen granger that's richard dreyfus jake who has had some problems in the past because of his unorthodox methods of treating autism is baffled by the boy is only a few clues to work with the kid remains muted except for times when he speaks in other people's voice is a perfect mimic at other times he plays
with a deck of cards displaying the face cards in a way that indicates some sort of attempted communication jake has to play detective and put these clues together not just to solve a crime but to save himself from the murderer who is still loose sounds like a pretty good thriller doesn't and one with the metaphoric backbone of autism in the autism here is not just an affliction of the boy it's a symbol the inability we all have to communicate with and understand each other actually in his own way a child communicates in a very imaginative session it's the so called normal folks who really have their problems as it turns out i say it sounds like a pretty thriller but unfortunately it's neither throwing more believable silent full status to many red herrings that leaves too many unanswered questions you get the impression as you watch that much of the best stuff is flying back on the editing room floor of the verge of the subplots of jake's background his unorthodox therapies at his troubled marriage then there's the crucial character of silvery have i mentioned selig she's the older
sister of the boy witnessed silly who is portrayed by newcomer liv tyler the sixteen year old daughter of rock singer steve tyler could have been a fascinating and complex character but she is ultimately flattened by this steamroller of silly melodrama silent for all reaches its climax you feel someone isn't all fired her ear wrapping up a and move on to something else this is especially lamentable you know the fact that the people involved insightful or all standouts particularly director bruce barrister driving ms daisy breaker and tender mercies his cinematographer peter james and he always edgy acting talents of richard dreyfus and you see signs of their talents here to be sure that nobody can give more quietly flustered and richard dreyfus and silent fall is a good looking picture sensitively shot in the oil regions of maryland's eastern shore i didn't believe any of it and i just can't keep silent about that a great high gear silent fall asleep
thank you and the first time he answers begin to understand how important his offices he ended by five billion dollars worth of insurance every year but his office has always operated behind closed doors it's always been out of the public you and it's really been sort of an insiders joyce what does the doors are going to be open and er visits going to be returned to the policyholders that this state and that's due to narrow
the polls had been forecasting a victory for republican secretary of state bill graves the last survey before the election showed graves leading his democratic opponent second district congressman john slattery by twenty six points the final poll results made that prediction throughout the campaign graves had complained about his opponent's personal attacks against him but last night the selling a republican called for unity you know he saw as devon oh just minutes after the polls closed last night that's because all four national television networks and the associated press had conducted extensive exit polls in the state despite saturday's overwhelming defeat he had this conciliatory message but his republican opponent and bill and she'll add the letter grades and all their team we wish them all god's best and we wish them all the good
things alike and given in the days and years ahead with the election now over slattery said his future plans are still uncertain but he hopes to remain in kansas at the state house this is mccain's reporting this is morning edition i'm steve lickteig this morning republicans all across the nation are celebrating their numerous midterm election victories in one small kansas town there is a democrat who was able to do what few other democrats could win elections office joining me on the line now is newly elected kansas legislature william jennings bryan only ad is really under good morning very good congratulate you on your victory right here this is it
not destroy them all right i think in this
election and that's true he was so great about this selection that when they say you were male a flyer about your opponent would you say you contributed to that she was incredibly negative campaign thank you it would be possible
so ms going to usa that he received no contributions from special interest that wow i will you chose but
the biggest upset in state elections last night came in the fourth congressional district democratic incumbent dan glickman who has served in the house for eighteen years was ousted by state senator todd p heart broke republican wave into congress they maintained a comfortable lead in the polls for most of the campaign pretty hard from goddard received significant support from anti abortion activists and gun control opponents in the third district republican gen myers resisted the anti incumbent tide winning over democrat judy hancock international trade lawyer from prairie village over miers her toughest race says the congressman first ran for the house to and years ago in the only open congressional seat in kansas this year the second district former state agriculture secretary sam brownback and she'd be comfortable victory over former governor john carlin in the massive first district of western kansas incumbent republican pat roberts won overwhelmingly against democratic opponent terry nichols at the state house this is very wide
reporting at a casting a victory for republican secretary of state bill graves the last survey before the election showed waves leading his democratic opponent second district congressman jim slattery by twenty six points the final poll results may read that prediction throughout the campaign graves had complained about his opponent's personal attacks against him but last night the saliva republican called for unity you know he was sorry we're at a true crime rather than just minutes after the polls closed last night that's because all four national television networks and the associated press had conducted extensive exit polls in the state
those polls revealed more than just winners and losers we also showed that graves owes his victory to a combination of disaffected democrats ross perot supporters and independence according to the exit polls more than a quarter of those who said they voted for president clinton two years ago supported graves the republican candidate also attracted three out of every four in a row supporters and two out of every three and affiliated voters experts say that the slattery to what he would've needed to persuade significant numbers of gop supporters to switch sides a trend that didn't happen last night despite his overwhelming defeat slattery had this conciliatory message to his republican opponent did bill and heal and the land of grace and all their team we wish them all of god's best we wish them and all the good things alike and given in the days and years ahead thank you all very much god bless you on a
couch in his accent in state elections last night came in the fourth congressional district state senator todd tuna toward a republican wave into congress hosting at new democratic incumbent dan glickman like when maintain a comfortable lead in the polls for most of the campaign but do you not from god had received strong support from anti abortion activists and gun control opponents in the third district republican jan meyers resisted the anti incumbent tide winning over democrat judy hancock and national curriculum from prairie village and talk though game i is the toughest race since the congresswoman first ran for the house ten years ago in the only open congressional seat in kansas this year the second district former state agriculture secretary sam brownback pulled away to a comfortable victory over former governor john collins when i thought about this race and he says in less than a second district
and secondly one side lesson audio was right regardless of the consequences and that's the message i get back to fight again and gets right at in the most infamous district of western kansas incumbent republican pat roberts won overwhelmingly over his democratic opponent terry nichols last night's congressional race results means that kansas no longer has any democratic party representation in the us house all senate meanwhile in the kansas attorney general's race the republican trend continued cost oval of topeka last night became the first woman in the state to be elected attorney general abboud many observers had predicted a close race between stovall and a democratic opponent richard showed over wichita the republican won with a commanding majority dr nancy
the candidate making history in kansas last night there was a double first in the state insurance commissioners race kathleen sebelius not only became the first woman to be elected to the office she is also the first democrat to have the insurance department this century in her acceptance speech disability avoided any mention of the republican opponent incumbent commission up on top even though she launched a major attack on him during the campaign in contrast the democrats' state treasurer sally thompson who won re election last night did not hesitate to criticize her opponent thompson blasted republican run the bank and calling it a political opportunist who had distorted her record my family he was a qualified to manage money and yet he was well it does jeopardize the state's
financial user and have it better than ever that i'm at and the secretary of state's race republican assistant secretary ron thornberg of topeka defeated his democratic opponent finally republicans also made big gains in the kansas house of representatives last night the gop strengthened their hold on the chamber by adding more than a dozen additional seats to that current majority some notable democratic incumbents will not be returning to the state house in january a lorry nature of miriam rich multi of wichita and forests wall of lions unofficial results show the only republican incumbent to lose his seat was like scroll of long time the head of the house transportation committee at the state house this is mccain's reporting sally you were
born as he delivered his acceptance speech to the people of kansas after more than nine months on the road visiting with voters from shipping to colby he seemed genuinely relieved it was all over you do over the course of his campaign graves lost more than fifteen pounds in weight he also admitted that each morning he would awake feeling physically sick with worry but even though the election is over but graves is not letting up on his workload as governor he will be responsible for filling around nine hundred positions about one hundred and fifty of those new appointments will have to be made before his inauguration on january tenth graves campaign staffers say resumes or pouring in through the mail at all the fax machine from people wanting to cash in on this new source of employment grapes communications director
mike matson says as paul says not selected cabinet level officials as yet and doesn't intend to do so but several weeks in a general sense is given some idea that is the kind of the people he like to appoint he set in the campaign it was to a point and to people who are good managers and the specific incidents that also be some democratic peoples well could be well the graves campaign remains tight lipped about appointments statehouse inside isn't going to town with their own predictions rumored to take over the department of commerce and housing is senate president bedbug he would then be replaced as senate president biden johnson county legislator ron then there's the room other than successful insurance commissioner candidate walker hendrix a republican from all the work would be given a high profile job in the kansas corporation commission it would be kind of a big thank you from bill graves for his campaign support and how about the robot that circulating the capitol that says guess pokey that will be the new way head of the
transportation department what seems unlikely the boogie that would give up is all powerful position as chairman of the senate ways and means committee political observers like martin however say it's fun to speculate it gives repression chance to bounce a name off the governor elect andy city gardens are crevices yet that this is it is a kind of russian but you know it's if they're good gossip around the rail all the publisher of the hallways capitol report an insider's view of the state house says the only certainty right now is the graves is running mate she'll from we'll have the department of administration graves also announced this week that from a state senator from colby will be in charge of two key policies in his administration fixing the state's school finance plan to do with alleged constitutional force and developing the governors health care reform plan are the facts they could be separated from ruben is the graves will have to appoint a new head at the kansas department of health and environment the current secretary robert harder has
made it quite clear he wants to step down as for the future of donna white been a secretary at the department of social and rehabilitation services even great staffers say the governor elect is likely to keep her on in the job they could see the graves might have difficulty finding a qualified candidate would be willing to take on the enormous responsibilities of that office meanwhile in graves does take over the reins of power on january tenth he won't face the administrative nightmare that joan fannie found when she took over the office in nineteen ninety her predecessor mike hayden had left no notes off aisles for the new government to follow earlier this week fannie met with graves and handed him what amounts to in a tizzy all parlayed his guide to writing the governor's office mary holiday it's when he's chief of staff began around have directed all of our candidates is several weeks ago to begin preparing for that transition no books based on the thousands of each agency in the policy's an end the issues there are grown men and personnel issues and things like that
sit out of dublin prepared prior to the election on tuesday that she directed facilities manager to prepare the office so it was all set up and ready to go for the governor liked and some that work has been done really to have to make their transition very smooth when the governor met with that mr graves said did she offered to many a tense well as the president during their meeting fed tom you know i think you'd see in expressing concern for the people of kansas and end them wilson well and hand and assure him that she was behind him to be successful as governor because it's the people of kansas who would benefit from that success most political observers say graves will start his term as governor in a better place position that his predecessor martin vs the while finney faced a politically hall style legislature on arrival graves will have the luxury of working with a legislative body that is controlled completely by his own party we have a very republican house for republican senate there by inclination going to be
extremely forgiving if you make some some of the battles along the way he also as lieutenant governor in and sheila farmer who knows how things were no sales to how to get things done knows the deadline for those people and she was a great resource she will turn out to be a better resource and the transition then james francisco who had served i think sixteen years in the state senate before joining up with the need to be a governor running mate she was broader experience as the attention continues to focus on bill graves and who he may appointed what policies he may pursue it's easy to forget the other candidate who would be governor democrat john slattery is currently taking it easy with his family at home in topeka and he says he has no definite plans for his future other than his desire to stay in kansas most political observers say slattery might be licking his wounds now but it won't be long before he makes his comeback in politics until then he can return to his pre
washington career as a real estate broker at the state house this is mccain's reporting and he said well absolutely and mgm he did
that's right it's the reward for ingenue enduring thought were long live galileo would be foreign to reassure and sixty nine hearing about a dutch device to make distant objects singer he invented his own telescope within twenty four hours or this week claims the catholic church tremble twenty soldiers to galileo second illegal practices motion recognizing that the earth was at the still point of the center of the universe as a holy writ that orbited the sun found a disturbing missing this little spot not smooth and satellites whizzing around jupiter the church didn't like it and response
declared off limits and a defense of the copernican vision and sixteen thirty two galileo publishes dialogue into proponents of an earth centered universe was you know a persona corporal nathan astrology both in front of galileo's became persuaded that he was the one percent the ceo and sixty three three the inquisition came calling and the scarcity nine year old star gazer recanted as cooper mechanism he lived under house arrest until his death in sixteen forty two then in nineteen ninety two the church apologize the canadian history of medicine library emory university medical center was a first edition of the dialogue these days one can win ten thousand dollars or more but are library's copy was a gift from founder logan condemning what their answers in case says that to handle a book like this criticism those for whom old books or blood and marrow a rare occasion of thought and feeling a sense of inexplicable connections to cauterize his last the red leather biting his peers thought
inspired by pin sized wholes the tunnels of beetle larva the acid free paper as roth turned rust colored in places by a mysterious chemical or fungal process called faux in the book is really an italian galileo avoided latin so calmed people greeted the type style a talent is also user friendly it looks like the handwriting than most readers were comfortable with and sixteen thirty two less than a century after the invention of time sold so rare so valuable a book that case surprises don't be afraid and when the rules well i don't see gummy bears on your hands she says some people will insist you washed them some that you wear white gloves some collections would not allow it to hold it but logan condoning wanted his books literally to be used she uses the vote to talk to audiences about censorship which she shines
if i had been a librarian and galileo's time i might have hidden this book i would've counted she says the library she says the larger society owners everybody worth knowing is they're as we read we carry on the relationship with the authors it's time someone opens the dialogue a conversation begins anew is a conversation the church could not stop that no one will stop so long is there is there for galileo's and susan cases to a male heir that on isolation can be formed into words that give off funds and provide defense you're listening to morning edition i'm steve lickteig if you live in lawrence topeka kansas city you may have picked up a copy of a new publication that until recently was called peanut butter and journal the magazine which is geared toward families features
children's writing and artwork the first issue of the free publication came out in june and it's already provoked controversy a lawyer for the indianapolis star newspaper owned by former vice president dan quayle's family as informed the magazine's owners that if they continue to use the words peanut butter in their publications tunnel they can expect a legal challenge pierre clement is one of the magazines publishers she joins us now from his home in lawrence <unk> good morning i'm good so i'd tell me why has a lawyer for the indianapolis star told you to stop using the words peanut butter and we pulled in you may foundation in indianapolis that started a publication that was brokered by the bar for several years
called repression and its publication is it's written by children and a maid after hearing period are divided on the publication and they purchased the rights of the name and the format and so forth and so on they own into butter and they hold were you surprised to learn that the words peanut butter legally belong to a someone else do you know james knowles we don't know
we're so surprised by the by the whole issue that she didn't talk about that might get that when we heard published called home when he first published that we have to send copies to the pod what congress and the copyright and it could be a bit gauche channel for the curve or maybe somebody from the indianapolis star picked up a copy in kansas city i have no idea any plans to sell it as you will spend more on dry cleaning in a week than it would cost for their lawyer to turn a simple truth in their library and we have no means to be able to challenge them in court
that it is questionable the other quaint a lot of damages and of confusion incurred by the publication called peanut butter and journal and campaigns on a publication called peanut butter pretzel in indianapolis actually what we're backing out of there for a better reader for pb and j that contacted me the other day and for that he was suggesting that they are not the campaign to call the new high school more of school union appointed are about oh maybe there were pushed you look around one of what you add it to start this magazine world family oriented more for adults than for kids
very little input from children and what we wanted to do a different kind of a magazine that included a lot of input from kids and ultimately we would like our editorial staff that leave to be home young people and how of other readers responded to work through the issues you've put us a four million theatrically on giving back people i mean even though were available or your new intern we mentioned earlier on i think also been a really great thing for the children oh i'm not only observation that some of the children that have contributed in kenya work in print or work in a publication has been incredibly
motivating children you were a worker or preferably in line drawing to reproduce people on it that day very little mr conroy thank you joining us and i did lock dr clement publishes pt ingenue magazine for families that features children's writing and art stepping in kansas nursing homes is abysmal and its effect on the unfortunate patients is devastating i have yet to hear of a nursing home where the staff is adequate i dig in number or in training this fact is well documented by the complaints made to
kansans for improvement of nursing homes complaints almost always mention understanding why and nursing homes understaffed most nursing homes and commercial enterprises and the problem understanding is only one example of the conflict between quality of care and making a profit i did the responsible state agency the kansas department of help and environment is being followed by nursing homes about adequate staffing or the department is failing to enforce it one result of understanding is patient neglect because of various debilitating conditions bed sores urinary infections dehydration malnutrition bone fractures and conditions old can be fatal and often are if the condition requires hospitalization and it often does then that is a preventable hospitalization because
it's caused by understanding how does understanding cause these conditions then stores may develop that the patient is left lying in a soiled bed or died but this often happens as a result of understanding urinary infections may also develop dehydration results when staff lacks the time or sufficient personnel to offer the patients fluids malnutrition results clinic is no one available to feed helpless patient's bone fractures automaker when patients lack needed assistance in working what does all this do to us taxpayers that's a double whammy the understaffed thing in our nursing homes results in a huge cost us taxpayers because many hospitalizations could be prevented if the homes were not understaffed the hospital charges are
billed to medicare or medicaid perhaps to the patient's insurance company bought the one entity that is not deal is the nursing home responsible for the neglect which led to the hospitalization many chunks of what is basically taxpayers' money is disposed of it is maddening there also when a medicaid patient is hospitalized the program must pay the home they bid told the about half of the daily fee so that the patient will have a bed to return to and there goes another chunk of taxpayer money and a half of the double whammy how many thousands perhaps millions to spend annually in kansas because of the nursing home priority profit over patient care poll but he knows the answer if the public could see the acute suffering which patients endure as result of understanding i am sure there
would be a demand for better staffing and better enforcement by health and environment and how many kansans know that understanding is making patients suffer horribly and how many know that understanding is costing us a lot of money on the campaign trail bill graves said that if he became governor of kansas he would not rule out of pointing democrats to top jobs in his cabinet clear committee if any appointee who not only served in the democratic governor is head of the budget the vision but also as a chief of administration at a news conference lieutenant governor elect schumer from the graves transition team says tennis skills could not be wasted just because a partisan differences the great home team promised that we would look for the best people and the best accomplices and the situations and we feel that glory came out
with her experience and the continuity that the budget process is extremely important to administration like i didn't look forward to working with her there was no word from from about other cabinet level appointees she's at graves was you know holly to hire new state officials at the state house this is mccain's recording woody allen isn't a farcical mood with bullets over broadway a backstage gangster comedy set in the early nineteen thirties playwright david shame that's john cusack is tired of writing plays that never get staged so this time he gets a new york gangster to bankroll his new show god of our fathers of course shea minutes a new set of problems including the casting of the gangsters mall jennifer tilly gimmicky well she's awful but the show goes on and on of that doesn't look like it's going to be yet but just is everything's looking great disaster strikes must alas come from throwing together are delicious menagerie of dixie actors portraying ditzy actors we've got diane reece helen sinclair lewis the arch first lady of the
theater offers a cigarette holder is in flasks filled with paint thinner who has lines like every time the curtain raiser is it's like a birth and then when it goes down as well it's like a death and he says he never played for me jennifer tilly who's the mall the argentine possessing the voice bearing and grace of a piece as sandpaper and jim broadbent who's of a matinee idol imported from england this character supposed to be a fine actor and matinee idol but he has a tendency to bury this case in a buffet table of his ever expanding waistline as one of the funnier running gags in the picture almost stealing the movie is chazz palminteri as cheech the deadpan gangster who prefers to be alone is a playwright i remember commentary from his memorable guest role of robert deniro's a bronx tale it's delicious watching the sky gradually transformed himself from a lot of his gangster two temperamental one of the playwright and finally there's junkies and as that playwright who daily
grows more bewildered of what's happening to his play into his life are all falling apart is a sad sack most of the time and helplessly tossed about by the vicissitudes of this crazy play sports or broadway is rather talking in static that the pacing is fast and there's little of the kind of slogans sag that we usually expect from a woody allen comedy and of course there's plenty of a broadway standards for music arranger daytime and songs from cole porter jerome kern and others you can't ask for much better than that that i get bullets over broadway and a minus what kind of an empty gas tank and jump start the battery charger even overheated kansas highway patrol will be able to help starting this thursday the new dark blue milk was dismissed vehicles will be out on the highways helping motorists get on their way to the program which is a joint venture between the highway patrol and the kansas department of transportation is being provided real
challenge to motorists transportation secretary mike and your name the motorist assist program has a price tag of two hundred and seventy thousand dollars top civilian employees of the highway patrol will staff especially a girl's secretary johnson says the project is being funded from existing resources and federal highway grounds he says no new state money was needed to get the program up and running at the state house this is mccain's reporting analysts in the legislative research department issued
indicating that kansas would benefit from a major financial windfall next year thanks to unexpected state revenue collections the names of the one hundred and ninety million dollars in additional funds was warmly welcomed by lawmakers on both sides of the political divide as well as interest groups from schools to universities ought to cash in on the state's newfound wealth budget director gloria keller has no doubt been that enthusiasm saying that most of the one hundred and ninety million dollars has already been accounted for they capitulate taylor says that money must come any state pay increases next year and any additional funding for education including fixing the state's school financing only fair that people and this is nineteen ninety nine and there are a great number of items that's the only point
that they are realistic perspective on the situation at the state house late last summer economic development hit here kansas i was in a cop drinkin coffee with elmer pearson of the drive through fires in car wash and marty baron hill of here's demolition derby museum label name or was shopping for an air freshener which got anderson didn't have so she huffed down to the cops in your farmers he didn't have my band either elmer but that's all right my son's diaper need a wichita next sunday well and angry blog anderson's swept from behind the counter and slam the door after mabel nanny turned on us get out he'll come in and buy a nickel cup of coffee and use up the air conditioning i have to pay for and going bankrupt well any calm down
we talked small town economics elmer admitted that only medicaid was keeping him open barney barnhill can even make beer money displaying demolition derby car and we thank god for social security social security might give us allies had clawed but it won't keep our businesses are open that's when tommy burns a man we meet a consult and he said my nephews always on economic development part of this kansas main street program successor everywhere he talks so young bobby burns came to town he asked for a tour and we gave him on five minutes later he was drinking coffee and the cop in lincoln as character how now ds most days we'd only and you have a phone line in here god said yes you think you could stay open into the evenings even into the night always here get so that's
the answer god nobody in your guides after dark and not talk again said bobby burns and he outlined his vision for hugo de vo in your campus all across america he said people are awake at night and they've had hard days and their kids are running in them out and they know they're watching too much television and they don't have church anymore and they don't have family close by they need here kansas they need an order of well as they need the aisle a good user the folks i don't want to turn this into a commercial but when i finish talking to turn your radio often go to your telephone and our run nine hundred grandpa law someone will answer may be in the ear carter albritton the rabbani whoever's on shift if you want to talk to mabel gamer where harry burns on the smog humble maryland nine hundred grams thats one nine and four seventy two sixty six two or
one hundred and four seven to sixty seven two years for only one dollar and ninety nine cents a minute a nice grandmotherly rice was a honey your grandfather used to be the same way or there's a patient has a heart you know does not live or two where i'm a mind to make you a big batch of cookies right now well about a grandfatherly benefits defense until the baby got loose or if you're going to jail it on spec yes we promised to suit your wars and grieves with movement sure sure and thats right thats right now feel very intimate and we will do because ever since biology's are folks in here are down at the co op there are fighting over the fall and not none of us care whether claude anderson does or does not stop mabel
neighbors air freshener election with a repudiation there is wholesale rejection of the democratic big government philosophy what did the democratic party do wrong and what has the democrat party been doing wrong i believe they've not been listening they've not been getting the message that not been understanding what's been happening in this country these are some of the comments made at a recent election postmortem sponsored by the university of kansas political science department at the university's public administration program the main focus of the roundtable discussion was the kansas governor's race as house majority leader have instilled barbero spoke of the republican tidal wave that swept the nation others questioned whether it was a given that democrats like jim slattery would lose was slattery as some describe just a round peg candidate in a square peg yet subtle his campaign manager jim mclean says that's part of the explanation
but he revealed a much more complex set of circumstances that conspired against the second district congressman extremely candid comments quickly regretted how the slattery campaign lacked focus and was hampered by internal strife there was a great deal of competition within the camp at all actually the wisest of power rules how we were and what we were we really were we're so before and even during the primaries slavery was considered the show in candidate commentators spoke of the governor's race and surgeries to lose mclean says that was the mindset of the slide reorganization as they started their general election campaign selling slightly to kansas voters he thought would be easy he was polished charismatic and above all had twelve years of congressional experience his opponent was the decidedly unassuming bill graves who had spent the last eight years in the low profile secretary of state's office but by early september the slavery campaigns own internal polling was showing that the very experienced country was trying to peddle to the electorate
was the kind of experience of voters were beginning to low today amid represented big government meddling in their lives a clean says older sentence lotteries main selling point had become a massive liability like a very basic idea that you have somehow true to the electorate that really fought the government even have inexplicable that that was something that the discount so in the scramble to find a new direction mclean says the campaign decided to take the focus of slaughter is experienced and pointed at graves as reg oh the only problem mclean says was the bill graves had no real regard to criticize or they could find to pay now the republican secretary of state was what was known as the torch talk controversy by running tv ads questioning graves's integrity for taking campaign contributions from the company which defrauded thousands of elderly americans out of their health insurance coverage this luxury camp hope to
boost their poll numbers graves political director david schlosser said the torch not ads have the opposite effect on the electorate i use the analogy of youth to quinn says what he really liked we really don't like the ones you don't like start saying terrible things about the one like what does that make you think about the person you like makes you like you wes mclean agrees that the torch mark strategy backfired he admits the torch mont was a desperate tactic from a campaign a desperate to win i have a sort of korean americans of course religious faith absolutely was very unfortunate of them of his desire to question whether the results will tell you they were raised every campus that is overwhelmingly republicans are registration to get into a likable you can be on the issues and seven you haven't with election day you will have any possibility of winning elections unless you can think again like the
trees riddled happened is one most likely give people reasons that with a job as mclean continue to analyze the intricate details of the slattery campaign now where it went wrong longtime democrat pat hurley who runs a political lobbying firm in topeka challenge the roundtable discussion group to step back from the minute details of the campaign and examine what the real message voters delivered to candidates like john slattery on november eighth i think the democratic party as a very very big problem if they sit around and have these kinds of discussions about how last individual races instead of stepping back and saying is the message out there for as a party to me there's a very very strong message to their for that party i believe and that is that they had better realize what the american electorate today is made out of and it's not the old narrow traditional base that kept getting democrats elected and if they don't get that
message and don't realize that they're acting ms mclean says slattery began to witness firsthand the emotion of the old democratic base of support on the campaign trail when he visited union workers at the boeing factory in wichita to the point where the three workers were given to plant before leaving the vast majority don't want to talk about the only thing was is that at the discussion of what you've done for me in terms of my job mobility without living there if democratic candidates learned a painful message this election so did the media despite unprecedented coverage of the election and both newspapers and on radio the panelists agreed that the electorate paid little attention when many of the more than thirty five gubernatorial debates were aired on broadcast media audience figures show fewer kansans ever tuned in it's at the press in reality the longtime journalists like the fantasy of the associated press were talking to a crowd is just totally to the sale as much as
eighteen the politicians in government and frankly i can only come to one conclusion to mad as television has created an audience out there that doesn't want more than you know fifteen very second way out that's so i love ferguson and others around the table saying now that the voters have spoken he hopes they'll be happy with the republican hierarchy they hired both in washington and in topeka house majority leader been snowbound and republican from a later says the difficulty now is delivering on what the voters asked for this weekend british they weren't subject to the same time think two years while nineteen eighty four was widely considered the year of the arab revolt snow body and others at the conference one that unless politicians and the media make a better connection with their constituents nineteen ninety six comedian voters throw in the towel at the state house is as mccain's reporting i'm really well
the catalog of what was the region's officials presented to kansas lawmakers at a special legislative hearing that even present lawmakers with a glossy brochure filled with photographs highlighting problem aliens say that gus pope you know who is chairman of the senate appropriations committee is in no doubt that problems exist but he says the issue is one of money and the kansas legislature does not have the two hundred and eighty eight billion dollars the universities about the landing we know the government reopen oceans question is what you mean sure that we should interview last week
KPR News Retention
Various KPR news
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News covering various KS political ads, governor election, and teaching unions.
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Anchor: Hiner, Vance
Anchor: Haines, Nick
Interviewee: McClean, Jim
Producing Organization: KPR
Publisher: KPR
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Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-268d748547b (Filename)
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APA: KPR News Retention; Various KPR news. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from