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From deep inside your audio device of choice, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to begin this program on a serious note. This week a good friend of mine passed away and the reason I mention this in public because she was not a public figure. She was a smart, funny, wonderful, warm person, but she was not in the public eye. But she did one thing, and I'm grateful to her for many things over the years. Probably my second oldest friend in point of service, but she did one thing that resonates week after week, continues to. She named this program.
I had two previous names, neither of which stuck for one reason or another, and in the 1980s I was obsessed with the trend which was everywhere then to class up things by putting the French word for the in front of them. My favorite sequence was le tub, le hot tub, le hot tub club, and I made a practice of photographing these. Unfortunately, it was on film, I don't know where the negatives are, so you probably never see them. But anyway, she knew about this obsession, and so when the time came for me to rename the program, she, tartly and accurately, saw that the name of this program had to be Lesho. So a tip of the Lesho chapeau to Ruth Gribben. And now I mentioned on Twitter, this is going to be kind of a president, Trump heavy show.
We are slowly but surely amassing a dossier about Donald Trump, and among the segments of that dossier are the insects that he doesn't like. So this week at a White House meeting, we learned this. Whoops. How did a fly get into the White House? I don't like flies. I don't like flies. I don't like flies. Which now adds to what we learned pretty much two years ago, right now, when he revealed he didn't like mosquitoes. I don't like mosquitoes. I don't like mosquitoes. I don't like mosquitoes. I don't like those mosquitoes I never did.
Okay. Okay. Okay. They never did. I don't want mosquitoes around me. I don't want mosquitoes around me. I don't want mosquitos around me. I don't like mosquitoes. Oh. There was a mosquito, I don't like mosquitoes. I don't want mosquitoes around me. I don't like mosquitoes. We await information on his attitude towards crickets, and we are now learning also different ideas you might say about who hates America. I'll tell you who hates America. You want to know who hates America, ladies and gentlemen, the moon. It's the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, celebrations all over the place here on Earth, on TV.
And in real life, I've been watching the moon for days. Nothing up there, absolutely nothing. Uh, frankly, I'd keep an eye on that flag that Neil Armstrong planted, because as soon as they get fire up there, it's in danger. Hello, welcome to the show. I can't stand waiting all round the dance, uh-huh, don't want to talk, already know what I want. You got big plans, but you never take a chance, uh-huh, when we stop, wondering who you are. I showed you my, now show me yours, all you're down to get serious, your wildlife, your clothes to coast, make it last, and let's take it slow, I can't stand waiting
all round the dance, uh-huh, when we stop, look at the one you got, who say you want to change this world, I don't really believe in magic, but you can only change yourself. Don't sit around, complain about it. Oh, don't friends, think of the nicest things, uh-huh, don't understand that job. I showed you my, now show me yours, all you're down to get serious, your wildlife, your clothes to coast, make it last, and let's take it slow, I can't stand waiting all round the dance,
uh-huh, when we stop, look at the one you got, who say you want to change this world, I don't really believe in magic, but you can only change yourself. Don't sit around, complain about it. Now you're out on your own, don't know where you belong. Don't sit around, complain about it. Who say you want to change this world? Don't sit around, complain about it. Who say you want to change this world? Who say you want to change this world?
Don't sit around, complain about it. Now you're out on your own, don't know where you belong. Don't sit around, complain about it. Who say you want to change this world? Don't sit around, complain about it. From New Orleans, Louisiana, I'm Harry Scherer, welcome you. Yes, you, to this edition of the show. You probably remember last week there was talk in the media about leaks, pardon the expression, the mail on Sunday, which is not, well it's co-owned with the daily mail, but it's not quite as untrustworthy, had leaks from the UK ambassador to Washington. He since was convinced to resign his office by President of the United States,
saying that he was a fool and stupid or whatever, whatever the four adjectives he used that day were. Adjectives of the day, but another leak came out after Sir Kim Darachh resigned. This is about the time after the then British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, came to Washington to try to convince the United States to stay in the Iran nuclear deal, unsuccessfully of course, after he returned the ambassador, Sir Kim Darachh, wrote that President Trump appeared to be abandoning the nuclear deal for personality reasons. That's a quote, because the agreement had been negotiated and signed by his predecessor, Barack Obama. He said, he highlighted splits among US presidential advisers, and noted that the White House did not have a day-to-day strategy of what to do following withdrawal from the deal.
No sort of plan for reaching out to partners and allies, whether in Europe or the region. The outcome, he wrote, illustrated the paradox of this White House who got exceptional access, speaking to the Foreign Secretary, seeing everyone short of the President, but on the substance, the administration has set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism, seemingly for ideological and personality reasons, it was Obama's deal. Yeah. Yeah, he's out now. And good riddance, I say. And now... Let me tell you about the beast. Yeah! Just days after a different federal agency suspended its study of the Honeybee populations, the Environmental Protection Agency, yes, protection is in its name, green-lit, green-lighted, green-lit. It said you could go ahead with the wider use of a pesticide,
that environmental activists, Warren, could further decimate the population of pollinators. Major Conservation Group says it'll take the agency to court. The EPA said it's permitting the broader use of the pesticide, solve flux of floor, solve flux of floor. I'll say it one more time, solve flux of floor. It's a move that follows a request by the manufacturer of the chemical. Dow! How now, Dow? EPA is providing long-term certainty for U.S. growers to use an important tool to protect crops and avoid particularly significant economic losses. Said the Assistant Administrator for the EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. Not mentioning the economic losses from the loss of pollinators. The Agriculture Department was the other cabinet department decided to suspend its study of bee populations, which beekeepers used to keep track of the decline of their colonies. The reason limited fiscal resources?
We just don't have the money to study the bees. Oh, Dow Chemical, according to, gave President Trump a million dollars for his inauguration. The company's no longer called Dow, by the way. It's called Cortiva Aggressions. Cortiva. Doesn't that make you feel all safe and warm? Said it was pleased with the EPA's decision, said Cortiva. Growers should have access to tools that could be used safely. It's just a tool. It's not killing anything. Researchers have observed the sudden and quick disappearance of honey bee colonies in the U.S. and other parts of the world. Blame for the bee's losses have been assigned to intensive farming practices, mono-culture planning of a single crop in the same land year after year. Excessive use of agricultural chemicals and higher temperatures due to climate change. Bees are under great threat. Most combined effects.
Says the Food and Agriculture Organizations Director General. In a video for World Bee Day, you missed it. It was in May. The absence of bees and other pollinators would wipe out coffee, apples, almonds, never-eat-em, tomatoes, and cocoa. That's fighting words there, mister. To name just a few of the crops that rely on pollination, according to the FAO's Director General. Beekeepers in the U.S. lost about 40% of their colonies between April 2018 and April 2019. That's according to the bee-informed partnership, get it? A program partly run by the University of Maryland and Auburn University. Why it's Maryland versus Auburn in an intersectional tussle and they're never playing football. Just looking at the overall picture, it's disconcerting. We're still seeing elevated losses after over a decade of survey in quite intense work to try to understand and reduce colony loss. That's a quote from an entomologist at Auburn.
We don't seem to be making particularly great progress to reduce overall losses. And a study published in the journal Nature found bees' ability to reproduce is reduced by exposure to self-fuck-sa-floor. What do you need them to reproduce for? We just have more bees. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm always charmed, I should say, by my friends. Well, I'm always charmed by my friends, but the particular subgroup, my friends who, when we're out to dinner or something on a meal, will when the waiter, the server comes by, waiter or waitress, and says, oh, I'm fine with tap water. And I sit there thinking of all the things I could say if I wanted to spoil the meal. But I'm going to say one of them now because you're not eating, and neither am I.
Trace amounts of acetaminophen, pseudo-affedron, and diphenhydramene have been found in Cayuga Lake, which I think upon which borders, among others, the city of Ithaca. This is according to the Ithaca journal. That's how I drew that conclusion. The amounts are tiny. It says the Ithaca area waste water treatment facility laboratory director, but some of them are in the same concentration as our hormones. That is a problem, he says. There's a multi-year collaborative study by the Ithaca treatment facility, Ithaca College. Ithaca is Catholic, and Cornell. The facility treats waste water from the city of Ithaca's approximately 80 miles of sanitary sewer mains and storm drains. I'll see now, I'm getting envious because I'm sitting in New Orleans and I read Ithaca's got storm drains. They've been emerging, studying emerging pollutants in Cayuga Lake, and presented some of their findings from the study,
even after the incoming or influent water, or micro-influent if they're on the internet, water is treated to the facility, small amounts of these chemicals remain in the outgoing or effluent that's released into Cayuga Lake, and trace amounts of many commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, antidepressants, and opiates, in addition to the previous previously mentioned ones, there's nicotine, and you're back on it, and metformin, which treats diabetes. Some of these chemicals can act as endocrine disruptors to humans, even in very small amounts. That is one of our potential concerns in the director of the laboratory in Ithaca. There's those small amounts. Could do so much. I'll have the sparkling, please. Sand, ladies and gentlemen, I think I mentioned to you in a previous edition of this program,
we're worried about water, we're not yet paying attention to the next little thing that's going to happen, which is a shortage of sand. Sand and gravel make up the most extracted group of materials, even exceeding fossil fuels according to nature, not the mother, the magazine. Urbanization and global population growth, yay, are fueling an explosion in demand, especially in China, India, and Africa, where the population is exploding. Roughly 32 to 50 billion tons of sand, that's kind of a range there in nature, are used globally each year for making concrete, glass, and electronics. This exceeds the pace of natural renewal. They're still making sand. I mean, nature, so the by mid-century demand might outstrip supply. A lack of knowledge and oversight is allowing this unsustainable exploitation according to nature. Desert sand grains, in case you're thinking of desert sand grains, are too smooth to be useful.
Well, the people in the desert, if the sand was useful, they'd have figured that out a while ago. Most of the angular sand that's suitable for industry comes from rivers. That extraction of sand gravel is far-reaching impacts on ecology, infrastructure, and the livelihoods of the three billion people who live along rivers. Sand mining on the Pearl River in China has lowered water tables, made it harder to extract drinking water. I'll have the sparkling please. And hastened riverbed scour, which damages bridges and embankments. And most of the trade in sand is undocumented. What's that in that truck? Old just marijuana. For example, between 2006 and 2016, less than 4% of the 80 million tons of sediment that Singapore imported from Cambodia was confirmed as exported by the latter. Illegal sand mining is rife in 70 countries, hundreds of people have reportedly have been killed in battles over sand.
In the past decade, countries where that's happened include India and Kenya, among those affected local citizens, police officers, and government officials. Current estimates of global sand mining are unreliable and undoubtedly too low. Most research on river sediment is focused on how dams block flows. Little academic attention has been given to commercial extraction. Few long-term basin-wide programs monitoring sediment or sediment. It's technically hard to quantify how sand moves. We know so much, and yet, and is deposited along rivers. In addition, many large rivers are remote, and politically and industrially sensitive issues of data access and transparency and per reporting. In many countries, we're going to come to a term you heard the last time I mentioned this. Sand mining is unregulated and might involve local, here comes that term, sand mafia's.
Hollywood, get busy, sand mafia's are at work. In the developing world where demand is greatest, it's mainly a small informal industry difficult to monitor and control. Sand, another thing to worry about, add that to your list of things to worry about ladies and gentlemen. Sand, where's all the sand or the future going to come from? I'm going to spend a few sleepless minutes thinking about that and now. A house is a very, very, very smart house. Well, a smart home company called Zipato put the same private security key into everyone of its smart home hubs that it sold to gullible. Suckers like, nobody listens to this program.
That left its system open to hacking according to researchers at Black Marble. They demonstrated that flaw combined with two related vulnerabilities. So they could access the hub and devices connected to it. They can open your front door with a laptop. Smart home hubs, according to the register, English tech journal. They're a relatively popular way to manage a range of otherwise incompatible smart home products. There's a good idea right there. Giving people a simple, single way of controlling everything. Doesn't that make you feel powerful? See, that's because you got used to writing an SUV in the command position and now you need another source of power in your life. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about me. Come on. The same approach could be a security nightmare if the hub isn't secure. According to Forbes, a team of self-styled, hacktivist security researchers. The impressive track record of exposing breaches has disclosed one of the biggest to date. A user database belonging to a Chinese company.
There's a Chinese company again called Orvibo, which manages, runs an Internet of Things management platform. It's been exposed to the Internet without any password, without any password, not just the default password, without any password to protect it. The database includes more that has been breached, includes more than two billion logs containing everything from user passwords to account reset codes and even a smart camera recorded conversation. But you know it's so convenient. That's what I like. News of Dominion. Coral reefs are dying as you know. The Louie key reef. Louie, Lou, L-O-O-E. No idea. South of the Florida Keys. I know that. It's one such reef that has faced a massive die-off in jane-dring a critical oceanic ecosystem supporting a complex web of creatures. The reef was comprised of 33% living coral 30 years ago by 2008.
That declined to 6%. Climate change is one reason why. Rising temperatures, the water is stressing the corals. You know all this. Researchers from Florida Atlantic University, though, are casting doubt on climate change at the principal factor in coral bleaching. Through careful analysis of records dating back decades, they identified a new and more forcible malefactor, nitrogen. Study published this week in marine biology. Makes the case that coral bleaching occurred before the waters began to warm, likely caused by increased nitrogen loading from diverse sources, including fertilizer, hello Midwest, and treated sewage. Again, again with the envy. Sitting in New Orleans and seeing that other people treat their sewage. Our results provide compelling evidence that nitrogen loading from the Florida Keys in greater everglades ecosystem caused by humans, rather than warming temperatures as the primary driver of coral reef degradation at Louie Key Sanctuary.
During our long term study, said the senior author of the study. You see coral reefs, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure you know this need a steady balance between nitrogen and phosphorus to thrive and propagate. But the rapid increase in nitrogen in the Keys due to agricultural and residential runoff via the everglades has created an imbalance starving the coral reefs of a nutrient vital to its existence. It's by which they mean reefs. Thank you, Courtaus News, for having your nouns agree with your verbs. Can't the nouns agree with the verbs? Scientists have arrived at their conclusions by analyzing data collected between 1984 and 2014, collecting seawater specimens during wet and dry seasons in the Keys. So it's not climate change, but it's still human influence. It is, ladies and gentlemen, no matter what. It is dominion.
Now another item of interest. We hear all the time, or we have heard all the time, that you can't clean the air in the water any more than we have. Or there'll be damage to the economy. It's been said for years, while we were cleaning the air in the water and what happened, a new report from the EPA, the very same one, shows US air quality is improved alongside the expansion of the population and economy since the passage of the Clean Air Act. The agency does concede there's room for improvement. Well, at least they concede something. And now, ladies and gentlemen, as we near the bottom of the hour, just some news from the Let Us Try People, the United States Army Corps engineers. Well, I'll save my opinion for after you hear these. The federal judge has ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to turn over more documents that for Native American tribes say could bolster their lawsuit seeking to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.
North Dakota. The judge directed the agency to give up the documents according to the Bismarck Tribune. Boy, Bismarck still has a Tribune. Congratulations. The tribes accused the Corps earlier this year of withholding dozens of documents they could show how the pipeline may threaten a reservoir on the Mississippi River, which serves as their water source. I'm just saying they get their water from the thing that they turned over some documents that request for more were vague or too broad. The tribes accused the Corps of producing a fragmented and incomplete record to justify its approval of the pipeline to unclear how useful the documents will be. The tribes will submit their final arguments mid August. And the Corps of Engineers has been taking water from Florida's polluted Lake Okeechobee and releasing it into other bodies of water in the state of Florida. The Army Corps representative testified to the House that the water diverted into St. Lucie estuary and Indian River Lagoon and through the Calusahatchi River.
Thank you contained cyanobacteria and harmful algae blooms. The Corps released a statement highlighting steps. They're taking up to clean up the mess they created. Starting Wednesday of this past week, the Corps was going to increase flows from Lake Okeechobee to help with scientific research on algae blooms. Now that the Army Corps acknowledges that the water they're discharging is toxic, they cannot continue to willfully and knowingly poison our community. That is the area there is Orlando. You know, call me wacky, ladies and gentlemen, but given the life and death matters that they deal with, I would say an agency whose motto is let us try might be wisely replaced by an agency whose motto is let us get it right the first time. It don't matter what your papa gonna say.
It don't matter about the games you play. It don't matter what the preacher gonna pray. Cause when you wake up in the morning and the throbbing all the way. It don't matter if you're here to stay. What the people think about you're never gonna stay the same. If I had been you could run away. But when you wake up in the morning, could it throw it all away. And it feels like. And the morning gonna feel like. So everybody kept your hands and it feels like. It don't matter if you're gonna stay.
Cause the more we'll know, it's gonna be okay. Never even better you could sleep on it. Cause when you wake up in the evening, it's gonna throw it all away. It feels like. Nobody in the night, I'm sick of nothing. Everybody clap your hands if you feel. Jay, play. Play it, boy. Play it, boy. And it feels like.
And the morning gonna feel like. And the morning gonna feel like. It don't matter if you're here to stay. Cause the more we'll know, it's gonna be okay. But when you wake up in the evening, it's gonna be okay. And the morning gonna feel like.
And the morning gonna feel like. And the morning gonna feel like. And the morning gonna feel like. And the morning gonna feel like. And the morning gonna feel like. And the morning gonna feel like. From New Orleans, this is the show. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you're as aware as anyone that the news in the United States has been dominated, dominated this week.
By the results, the reactions, the follow-ups to a set of tweets that President Trump issued a week ago, regarding the four Congresswomen of color, as we now say, in the Democratic Party. Congresswomen who have styled themselves as the squad are all on the progressive end of the progressive wing of the progressive party. And the uproar began because not because the president disagreed with their policy proposals. But because he told them to go back where they came from, basically. It kind of oblivious to the fact that three of them were born in this country. So they'd be going back right here. But the use of that phrase, as I say, ignited an uproar, it kind of started to die down and then midweek.
The president of the cell, the rally, and the crowd started yelling when he mentioned one of the Congresswomen. He sent her back, sent her back, and that just tore the roof off the sucker, and then the Trump kind of echoed a behavioral strategy that he often uses, which is that he pretended to say, no, no, no, no, I disagreed with that, which he did at a Thursday press briefing. In fact, when the crowd did utter the phrase or yell the phrase, he just stood there and soaked it in for about 13 seconds. The discussion continued on Friday. He reignited it with more. And again, today when he said, I don't think these women are capable of loving America. Now there's been reporting, I think at the Washington Post during the week, that some Republican politicians who don't really want to go out publicly and upgrade the president.
I didn't say upgrade. Somebody flushed up, braid the president, have been going to Mike Pence, the vice president to say, can you, can you tell him that this was not a good thing to do? And Mitch McConnell, the Senate leader, is reported to have made private remonstrations to the president on the same topic, on the same tip. And also reportedly, I think from the Washington Post, Melania and Ivanka Trump registered their displeasure, not with criticizing the Congresswoman. They think that's good. They all think that's good. But with the particular way the president has done it, it sounds like this. This week, for the first time, science that the team may not always stick together about everything.
And for the businessman turned chief executive, that may mean some tough talk for those competing for the biggest prize of all. His continued lack of disdain. So. Mitch, yes, I swear, that ball ended up in Tennessee, darn this thing. Mitch, you has to come see me. Think as he was using his pus. So there was something you wanted to tell me or ask me, or maybe even show me? In a manner of speaking, yes, sir. Okay, why don't you try speaking in that manner? I don't have all day. I got TV to watch. All right, sir. Some of my members, and I'm speaking on their behalf, this isn't about my personal feelings. Good. I don't have those. But some of the more capital C conservative members of the caucus. Capital C caucus?
No, sir. They're showing some very early seedlings of concern about the chant. The send to back thing? I gotta say. I kinda gotta kick out of it. Stephen Miller said he was gonna go work that crowd. And if me, if he didn't work, I'm good. I'm up there, and this starts up. That's the prematurely balled fella. Steve, my immigration guy. Long story. One too many Latino jocks in his high school. That's the story. I made it shorter. I appreciate it. But, yes, that chant. And I say, some of my members are a little shy. Shall we say, inflamed about the danger to our standing with suburban women voters? Look, if my member was inflamed, I'd be concerned about my standing too. See, the TV people, they understand my humor. Okay, Mitch, here's the deal. I won suburban women last time. Right? Well, enough of them to.
Enough to send crooked Hillary to the loser bin I can tell you that. So then I go in anywhere. They love Trump. They stick with Trump, unlike Marla. But that's another thing. Certainly. Then they may stick with you or not. But will they stick with my members? That's what's got there. They're Irish, if you'll pardon the ethnic reverence. Mitch, don't go precy on me. Speaking of which, how's that lovely Asian wife of yours? Well, she's your transportation secretary. You probably- You ever notice how often we have cabinet meetings? Given my love. Now, here's your task for this week. Yes, sir. You go back. You tell your members that this is their effing problem. Since the conservatives, you know, you can clean it up a little for them. Can you do it? Well, I would just leave out the effing- Can you take back that message? Because this is just the start of the ride. Believe me, I got to get this thing nailed before Epstein starts singing, right? So- Mr. President, I will carry the message.
I can't guarantee that I agree with it. Mitch, guarantees it for schmucks. It's always an education just to spend some time in the boardroom with him. For example, I didn't even know schmucks were for sale. Malania, Ivanka, this is kind of unusual. Well, John Kelly would never let us in. No, no, no. I mean seeing the two of you together. It's like if I wasn't married to you, and vice versa. We know you're basically thunders. How I got fucks on TV, I can always pause it. We were talking yesterday afternoon. Hey, that's a great first step, right? And we're both upset or disturbed. Or it's very least bothered by something. Something that you tweeted. Tweeted. The thing you're doing, the toy thing. I happen to do it after the toy thing, but okay, what?
Are you two the 4,013th people to come at me about? Go back to where you came from? Because Steven Miller, who's very hard to please. He's like the gene salad of advisors. He called us as soon as he saw it and couldn't stop raving about it until I hung up. Sir, speaking as a special advisor. Well, I should hope so. Your paid as a special advisor. This is not good for your brand. I mean, if there's anything I'm qualified to be a special advisor about, it's your brand, right? Sure. But Donald, if Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden, or even Beto O'Rourke came out publicly and told me to go back where I came from, how would you feel? I could tell you this. I would feel like I'd made a big mistake. Really? Yeah. I'd let all this time go by without coming up with a terrific nickname for Beto. I swear he isn't a poll. He doesn't even deserve a nickname. But if he said that about you, bang! Nicknamed first thing in the morning before the toy to even. Tom, we want you to do something we know is hard for you.
Apologise for that to twit. Interesting, because I've got a task for you too. That I know is hard for you. Go out in public and defend me to the hilt. Pass the hilt. Your family. Hilt doesn't matter, right? Dad. Are you speaking as a special advisor, sweetie? Because special advisors, I think, have heard this. People tell me this. They take on their tasks. Right, Melania? Speaking purely as a special advisor, stepmom. We'll be referring from Kritha's housing in public. You know, a lot of people tell me I have the power. I could send you back, but you wouldn't. Not as long as they have the fake news in Slobovia. Wherever the hell it is. So, deal. We won't criticize you in public. But by the way, sweetie, the gut doesn't lie. This happens to be terrific for my grand. New teams. New tasks. Same mission.
We're gonna make great news. Great again! Now, the world is his borders. The appresidentists. Learning while earning. At least earning. I'm in the wings when you push me on. But I never learn the words to the songs. And there I stand, they get the stare in at me. Life thing, get me. I'm by the locker, turning the dial. The hallway is empty and stretches for miles. But I'm on a boat, heading over the falls. You'll reach for my hand, but it just breaks off. I suddenly wake up while solely a dream. I'm back in the guilt cage that you made for me. But when you are working, I fast asleep. I put my headphones on.
I put my headphones on. I'm in the backyard, bearing the bones. Don't know what I did. I don't know, I won't know. I can't seem to hide the remains of my crime. I'm never done to fly. I suddenly wake up while solely a dream. I'm back in the guilt cage that you made for me. There may be someone to listen to me. I put my headphones on. I put my headphones on. I put my headphones on. I put my headphones on.
Let the red clear headphones on. I put my headphones on. Let the red clear headphones on I put my headphones on. What do you wanna do? Don't you want to cross the street? ... ... ... ... ... ... I put my headphones on and arm your tongue. I put my headphones on. I'll put my head on top of it's gone, I'll put my head on top of it's gone, I'll put my head on top of it's gone, I'll put my head on top of it's gone, I'll put my head
on top of it's gone, I'll put my head on top, and now ladies and gentlemen news of the godly more than a dozen rabbis from the city of Elad near Tel Aviv issued an an edict this month, declaring all dogs bad. It's the verbiage of the Jerusalem post, and warning residents that keeping them will make them the residents a cursed. I don't remember curses when I was, the edict contains the signatures of all the Sephardic rabbis in Elad, it's a city of about 46,000 residents, where most of the population is extremely orthodox. The city's chief rabbi also signed the edict. We've heard and seen that lately
a serious phenomenon is spread in our city in which young boys and children rock around publicly with dogs. This is strictly forbidden as explained in the Talmud and by my monodies. Anyone raising a dog is a cursed and especially in our city where many women and children are afraid of dogs. States the edict, the rabbi of a neighboring town is quoted as writing, quote, I do not find any grounds for permitting any dog whatsoever in any manner. The edict says, a bad dog means any dog for it, barks on whomever it does not know and because of its bark it is a bad dog, even if it does not bite. People who keep unquote, people who keep dogs for medical need should appear before the local rabbinical court, so it may rule on their matter. The chief orthodox rabbi of another town ruled in 2002, the keeping guard dogs is allowed as well as guide dogs, guard dogs and guide dogs
and once kept, quote, to develop a person's emotions, unquote. A laud was established in 1998 more than half of its population is below 18. On the other hand, Tel Aviv in 2016 declared itself the friendliest world city for dogs, most dogs per capita of any city in the world. So let's you in him fight. And now, the apologies of the week. It's so sorry. Also in Israel and Israeli brewery has apologized after angering Indians by putting the face of Mahatma Gandhi, who championed alcohol prohibition on one of its beer bottles. He appeared along with photos of famous Israeli leaders on a beer produced by Malca beer, a boutique brewery in northern Israel, according to the India Today website. You know, that would scare away all the soccer fans,
wouldn't buy that beer. Couldn't get violent on today, the today program, whether anchor Al Roker issued in his apology for his coverage of tropical storm, Barry. He was talking about berries, which was a non-event, at least in Louisiana, pretty much. He was talking about berries estimated rainfall amounts and wind gusts. In comparison, he said Hurricane Michael, Michael was a category three or four storm, even almost reaching a five, and that caused all the damage. In fact, it was a five. Yes, Michael was cat five, and I misspoke during yesterday's broadcast during live TV. I covered it and came down to help bring aid to folks and first responders. So I apologize for the mistake. Sit down. Catholic priest who linked autism to homosexuality is canceled his upcoming Australian tour. Church authorities canceled his tours in Ireland and Canada also canceled his tours. Father Dominic Valinamal from India
was scheduled to appear at retreat in Melbourne. But the cancellation came after parents' groups ran a petition to stop him from coming to Australia. Following the controversy, Valinamal said he regretted what he said in his video. I came to know that some were wounded by the words in a video that was from a speech I gave years ago, and it was misinterpreted and misunderstood. I'm currently studying the issue and the video. I'm hurt that it pained them. I pray for them from the bottom of my heart, and I apologize, unquote. Consolidated Edison, the power company that serves New York apologized for a power failure that left a large part of Manhattan, steaming in the dark for five hours as utility executives and elected officials continued to seek an explanation for New York City's latest
electrical shutdown. Con Edison, president said, because the system was nowhere near its capacity, he was certain the root cause was not overwhelming demand. He said it could take weeks to fully understand why the failure cascaded from a substation on West 49th Street through neighborhood after neighborhood. I blame 49th Street. The British bookstore firm, W. H. Smith, has apologized after it was revealed to have stocked copies of the protocols of the elders of Zion in one of its branches in an old money airport. Told the Jewish Chronicle, the anti-Semitic forgery, which purports to describe a Jewish conspiracy for global domination had been moved from its shelves. Remember the public noticed copies of the book in Arabic on sale in Muscat, International Airport, Muscat, the capital of Oman? I believe it's capital. Unclear how it came to be stocked in the store. We apologize sincerely on behalf of our local operator
in Muscat, and the book is being removed immediately. W. H. Smith has strict guidelines on the book she'd sells, and it is against our policy to stock book switch and size hatred. Unquote, a Denver real estate team has apologized following the release of a video that was criticized as being tone deaf regarding gentrification and cultural appropriation. The video was published by Teen Denver Homes, showing a group of white people dancing and singing a parody of the opening theme with a fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's shown in 1990s outfits in several central Denver neighborhoods. You wouldn't know them if I tell them. I'll tell you what they were. While the original video was deleted, it's still circulating on social media. Some criticized the video for appropriating black culture by showing exclusively white people dancing and singing in a hip-hop video that is a parody of a show about a black family, which I believe was written by white people. I couldn't be sure. Our video was intended to be whimsical and fun incorporating an iconic childhood show. We truly met no harm to anyone. We sincerely apologize for those who were offended by it.
Said, more Zucker and Michelle Cherdulo and team Denver Homes. The lyrics include, this is a story all about how we turned the real estate market upside down. IE, gentrification. The Adeline Seabird, Cedar Rapids, the organizer of a climate change protested last weekend's gathering of presidential candidates is apologizing for incorporating a symbol evoking America's violent racial past, a hangman's noose into his demonstrations. Ed Fallon, former Democratic State Representative, apologized for, quote, elapsing judgment. Who knows what a noose means these days? Dailan Rutland-Vermaud, after posting contentious meme on his Facebook page, Alderman Paul Clifford. He should apology. Many of you have seen the controversial meme. I'm willing to apologize. I'm writing to apologize to anyone I may have offended to explain my thoughts.
The main features a black and white photograph of a woman and three children all with pale skin, dressed in dirty clothing, standing in a kitchen, quote, white privilege, the ability to suffer life's universal indignities without blaming another ethnic group, unquote, the caption. He said the reactions to his post have been an educational experience. I candidate for the Hines County Board of Supervisors in Mississippi as a Politicians Fair comment he made months ago. Malcolm Johnson is not against women being supervisors and not even against women being present in the United States. In February, he had said during a radio show that he had heard that Rukia Lumumba, the sister of the Jackson Mississippi mayor, was considering running for supervisor. What she needs to do to learn to be a woman, supervisor is a man's job, he said, back then, he's apologized for it. Oh, there's so many more, but that's all the time we have for the apologies of the week. A copyrighted feature of this broadcast. I mean, let me give you some idea, Bulgaria's finance minister
apologized after admitting hackers stole millions of taxpayers' financial data, an influencer with half a million subscribers, apologized for mocking an airline who's flighty depicted in a video, you know, like that. The CEO of Jewel apologized to parents of teens, somehow got addicted to vaping, and those are the best. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, having skimmed through the ones
that didn't quite make the cut, that will conclude this edition of the show. Programma turns next week at the same time on these radio stations. And at the time of your choice on your audio divisive choice, it's your choice. This would be the conclusion you could draw from that. And it would be just like having less choice if you'd agree to join with me then. But you already, thank you very much. Uh-huh. All one thing more, the president played host this week to a Yazidi woman, won the Nobel Peace Prize after ISIS attacked her people.
Is some of that? We cannot find a safe place to live. All this happened to me. They killed my mom. My six brothers, they left behind them. Where are they now? They killed them. It's called paying attention. The typical Ashok Shapo to the San Diego Pittsburgh Chicago in a wide desk. Thanks as always to Pam Hallstead and Thomas Wallshire at WWW and on New Orleans. For help with today's program, the email address for this thing. Play list of the music heard here on. And you're chance to get cars eye to tea. Cars eye talk t-shirts, all at And I'm on Twitter at the harryshare. The show comes to you from century of progress.
Productions and originates through the facilities of WWW and on New Orleans. Flagship station of the Changes Easy Radio Network. So long from New Orleans.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-047a6add495).
Segment Description
00:00 | Open/ A tribute to Ruth Gribin | 02:51 | 'I Don't Like Mosquitoes' by Harry Shearer | 03:58 | 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing | 04:35 | 'Complainer' by Cold War Kids | 08:18 | Leaked memo from ousted UK Ambassador Kim Darroch says Trump abandoned Iran deal to spite Obama | 10:21 | News of Bees | 14:27 | Pollutants in Ithaca's Cayuga Lake | 17:08 | Global sand shortage | 20:55 | Smart House | 23:09 | Dominion! | 25:45 | New EPA report shows US air quality has improved since the passage of the Clean Air Act of 1970 | 26:33 | Let Us Try | 29:08 | 'It Don't Matter' by Jacob Collier, feat. Jo Jo | 33:28 | Trump this week | 36:47 | The Appresidentice : Mitch, Melania, and Ivanka | 43:13 | 'I Put My Headphones On' by Jill Sobule | 46:29 | News of the Godly | 48:40 | The Apologies of the Week | 55:30 | 'As Long As I Live' by Oscar Peterson /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-bacbd21383e (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Le Show; 2019-07-21,” 2019-07-21, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 3, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2019-07-21.” 2019-07-21. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2019-07-21. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from