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fb they sell seventy six as a very good question and a lot of things but that was born in st simons island georgia very a beautiful out of the coast of georgia below savannah and jacksonville florida really unique place because it's a small island surrounded by war of course and pretty teaches law approved fees tobruk remember grandmother for about it is the issue
that i moved me look so my allergies are spent the moment as a lawyer and since helen george watson said son we are used to roll tires you know shoot marbles plan choose swim around the pond run races on this is pretty typical except that love of the things that we did were indigenous to the island now has to do an autocrat in orthodox and games that didn't take a lot of equipment and things like that i'm pretty much
organized will on citizens out or move to a massive buildings are innocent man that's when i really started realizing how much i liked the athletics by joan collins was global with very instrumental meyer invalid because of that intro michael pillow who took images to meander less than a plain white police the boy's club baseball in la basketball and sort of employees because at the time a while and the school i went to school masses the valley school and as for the roof was in the valley which is like the toughest part of nasa and your word as dickie and as commander jim crow tennis ball that the heads or younger they're certified five hour so we would do that and unbeatable atkinson malone but at that time athletics took over an hour cecil no
cruz there's a muslim and then he took all our kids and want their sports there is also were the studio saw to develop because moses was probably one of the best law schools in the country the couple was one of the highest income earners in the country and then there were the good coaches good teacher quality people and that's where i met david watch it was his profile as madame that character was and a talented student i first got there he hadn't given it a terse and found that iq and encouraged me to go to classes lot took a great interest in me the rules football players basketball player and put a must juggle my life evokes images that form
factor one eastern oh i just enough money for cyrano work to buy you know i was the mother to ten she would rather take care of me so he deserted going through on with me went unfulfilled straight to shop for cancer or an old stand on the corner with monaco to move away and no incentive for this no incentive anything and goodness so you know it wasn't my standard of the good <unk> because i always knew the person was he well attorney a mass of color can avoid his mother mental tough world that large day the lacrosse player and help a lot of kids reading searches point across the surface so it engineered a method for me to get the service but those searches in office was well for ford's was it was announced a lid
on iowa state became one of the city's elite owen as a group in a community without my knowing it raise some money and the generous scholarship and so the search is because of him later on to found that that that no scott it was on trial and found mr soghoian they get discouraged that is very very serious secure in their college sports and first about how the war you'll have the because my feelings among those wars we can but tv edited it really had to do with the merger the black man and to college or because of the term
black man could look as non trophy all they want too many guys on the team and the soul of our country and no black players on whitey bulger alabama mississippi border searches of the biggest problem our biggest centers was the fact that they have a quote by performing it was black and he left one to canada and they didn't see me too well because of that i was on the way down the team at the time and so i went through four years in trying to bring about a change there's one album except me and second and have them recruit black lives so well and third of course you know a couple years of the left for davis who observed is one that was the first black when as drover the tv really didn't play much of a pond i know in my senior year ah we did plant cotton bowl in texas and on that tv exposure and that that made me
become probably a headdress your speakers that game was taylor's alt country apart they are mum about tv i remember more about trying to break down barriers and be accepted cruz lacrosse was a very low amount because a coach or cynicism verify man this is a football coach searches is only coach on a full vote in the june except me right away right away in his pajamas get in and he was just a wonderful man and he was a hit the lacrosse coach but playing across so well for that item and has a burgeoning as coo of their correspondence tran who is an advocate of the cross and so i was very familiar with the skills and pretty good because i didnt have the background development across in certain areas of the crowds around baltimore now and place like that
so i have the skills and i decided that it would be the foreign support from no pressure good coach of the players would have a great team messy and one man twenty straight games on his watch all star games via north won the all star game and we and as ceo of it doesn't want it would play because of a coach and was such a little situation so much respect and to woo would go to certain games and where will cause state attorney thousand things like that and became an all american district of arkansas don't quite remember it doesn't mean that much and i ended up in the all star game in baltimore where are they felt they were killed because we are used to anyone that and so at like ended a wonderful group because that was my one one sport no question
well it would've been a temptation because most people realize that our sportsmen and sports in our first among black activists minorities and i was always had that thought i had always thought of why am i consider a first class athlete and that suggests it isn't so because of the nature of the cross and the approach to have other coaches in the fund that we haven't probably would've considered very carefully because you know as a group of football where it was innocent of my favorite sport we're in the studio well a lot of things that the first they are the
garbage in certain this will have certain things everywhere and out with the women to do with you know surveil size speed quickness and abstract that's a rare combination and i had those things as not writing fan this is an observation other to vote given then after that becomes how you play those tools that because those tools so i felt that i was myself performance like a plumber tools problem i think the main thing is so ok are the most important units or the attitude a positive attitude because with the right attitude you can blame any is at a certain level are you can play with a broken so broken fingers and that allows you to settle
overhaul for the people fall so this is very important this is because what most would know that work for that i work for pepsico for nine years i worked in every aspect of their company no marketing special markers mr abdullah there were jazz is no trucks and that worries them all season and took a vacation and then i was for the first player to be the headless contribution by an attorney which was my attorney more than a cushion in consulting contract with the browns and also have the settlers were deferred payments sly about five years of
income coming after i retired it will finally getting else but then i had a theater to conjure it will come up you know for jon and just finishing up the beer doesn't flow didn't a girl rose wouldn't be getting the bumps and bruises in a more and have the opportunity playing opposite to start large items that matter world solo this is an homage personal decision today the attitude of it all
on a thin end united care about the money and so it's awarded played again or reduced levels of excellence in china because i cook for myself an hour is a monster and of course so a lot of clarity in which i didn't want to be every practice i think it was probably never practiced and that was my pryor gene was just for me that the coaches players this summer do for muscle and conductors that said there are two you were with him offers then
follow with me with is is that they don't feel that word for sequel and paul perry because i think he had worked with the foreigner wanted and you know has all religions as fast as anyone there was news that that's enough for me and so i was a politician as well as a couple of his own and as a black players so that we would be treated fairly and equal to anyone else and of course that always cause a problem because at that time to talk about the late fifties early sixties so air defenses mainly based upon equality not about to play of course i had my own ideas about how to develop talent because i think old loner north they've been taught what you learned that you never go further if you mix over time because of the fines always try to fight with them so i was a race inequality and then
extend that tension over the differences oh carol aird to mcpherson stone foresees a football man first and as i said football was no my first occupation of mud for assad regime didn't go on minorities amount of position cause for backers sixty four and had those thoughts were for the global economic union is based upon the utilization of capital and expertise which way over standards at the time black civil rights a new normal common oregon shooting was reminiscent in this country because the lows that doesn't work so a lot of changes are up quite a bit but
that changes natural changes a certain maturity are more knowledge allah physicality all and you know now it's an understanding this system better and knowing how to bring about change in a better way for example i'll always struggling with marc hauser why people because the manner as minimal i was a white man yet i used to always feel that the white race as a whole was perpetuating racism on blacks and so when you talk about one man is if you talk about all right isn't i would always says if you include his great man so are divided into two parts i said that there was a post war on the politics but on national tv knows nearly forty million people watching i'd talk about politics either talk about what the white man was doing to blackness but i have been said that on a personal level i could express the fact that any man would be judged
by what i saw in him as an individual and there was a rabbit that to politics point them a lot of things easier this is true in a mine and a whole generation was one because it was a planned baseball a fierce competitor or intelligent individual a man who i asked and oppressions that i probably could've stolen i mean this man had to perform a worse condition than the world and did i think probably was so the reason they get the ad did are onno enjoy the measure was is the opposite a look at him as a smooth
actually very graceful joseph stalin liked that moment both politics and unlike that oh wow obama after those two was very different light in a lot of sports heroes if i look out there today was very difficult for her because most desolate is the money and i love carlos when i first saw him operating i knew that he knew in the tournament champion i loved everything about them and analytics came up i get so disappointed because he became like mark snow's remarks came from the olympics last night i have no ability to recall so put in the ridge out it was gotten the portions of the commercialism took over and i just brought that up because i would be a good example of how i think what that will
do with all those years or so it was a great statement workers there are lots of them cornell and it has tremendous affects upon the populace a lot so one idea where the game's only game on the other hand you must realize that that can be used to us to perpetuate hoaxes and for example if you teach kids black kids in the ghetto that just go to school another ball a means one percent of them might make pro bowl ok so it can be used for devious things so it gets to the center maybe you know npr news politics politicians you so i guess it is again which will be very careful approach it because in effect the level of people
the period it's nice well i said that i work with political come together co main bout which are on it are robert baer and who's now that they promoted his first thought and walmarts michael malice sixteen and at the time ali decided to that has mostly you know he could not go on the service was triggered this one is religious beliefs mr
tome cell from harvard to explore the situation of ali and see how he felt about going into service because if you or your service they would no it's not criticizing that i thought would be good to explore because if all he was convinced that you're going to serve as i thought it should intervene and the land keep making a living as they were chanting and if he didn't want to answer as a focus a point that positions are call about twenty some athletes kareem was one of them by the maturity davis and we all met them are simply which was a black man in and also fundamental what are going and he made it very clear that he was not going to service but they had a meeting on anyway and we got in the office and try to convince london has become wilson's and wrote on the different roles and cons of not on the service and fila with a seller what we do is come out and as a block as a unit would support his stand strictly on his religious
beliefs so it came out that were presented a united front to the press saying they were told we with him because as a move some he felt that he should not for lessons religion or service in this whole period over the years is there a particular moment that you report there especially during the war oh yes and i learned to a ball or a lot of ballplayers are things jacob javits armijo upper climate marshall county mississippi was a port cameron united states that the term is not very far from where i am mojo working would kill off we do so that this was the poorest county in
earnest as soon as the brits who have money in gaza which do something about it so mobilization album as a unit called food first who do with economics and all that that would assert that point people couldn't really do with economics they weren't eating so we developed a program called ford first once again arlen as about thirty about top athletes are of course one of them and that their own expense we went to a marshall county mississippi to meet with black leaders there and to formalize a situation where we would bring in foodstuffs and clothing and money is in china and ties industry to relocate there and maggie hathaway who's the original founder of our voters back then he was only female i want with this at a time the supreme commander ross were breaking up and they had a song called someday will be together another theme song and we want to learn more and
moto to get inspiration from the fact that king a dad then and we were on a bus on a mississippi were followed by troopers were harassed on they hated it because we're a point of the fact that people were starving in that arena am leon online an hour's notice with all the people from the country to come to our meeting and they were so happy that people were interested in them and we did and we left then went across the country and raise money and food stuffs an asset that they are and what do his of colorado and raise monies and stuff like that and then behind the scenes we call them as political situation with a collective black sheriff there because there are more black people white people and just writing him out on that bus and hang that tune and then those players and they would my health gurus lot of thrill in honor of this government for one because we get about mr sadjadpour well as a verb very special character
more special and the uses of the word because we have all the uses of the word is now are too loose all we're superstars to lose one championship and this pressure is this person for me all of those who championed because he'd come by in many fans and champions come by many things i think there's a humility and champions america's arrogance and champions all over the toughness and i think that is something that is very true and second because you can go to over two can explain as a champion and other people can identify with that one of the champion ken and it is our harvard grads who were tried to say that he can understand because it as a kid but education is not doing so well it is a special carrier or not to be we're too
often visit and
Black Champions
Raw Footage
Interview with Jim Brown
Producing Organization
Miles Educational Film Productions, Inc.
Contributing Organization
Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
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Program Description
Documentary honoring African American athletes and their accomplishments throughout the 20th century.
Raw Footage Description
Interview with Jim Brown conducted for Black Champions. Discussion centers on playing football at both the college and professional levels, as well as his activism for civil rights.
Created Date
Asset type
Raw Footage
Discrimination in sports; African American athletes; Sports--United States
Media type
Moving Image
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Camera Operator: Galindez, Vinnie
Interviewee: Brown, Jim, 1936-
Interviewer: Riley, Clayton, 1935-2011
Producing Organization: Miles Educational Film Productions, Inc.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Film & Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b09929d4ef6 (Filename)
Format: 16mm film
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Black Champions; Interview with Jim Brown,” 1985-01-19, Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “Black Champions; Interview with Jim Brown.” 1985-01-19. Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: Black Champions; Interview with Jim Brown. Boston, MA: Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from