A nest of singing birds; 16; The Rape of the Lock
- Transcript
A nest of singing birds three centuries of English verse with a doctorate from just. The rape of the lock and the sound of perps. Cohen The Rape of the log is usually described as a mock heroic. He himself calls it a heroic comical poem it makes fun not of true heroism or of true hero per tree of epic but a very 18th century English society in which the tribute was treated sometimes as if it were important. What dya have fence from amorous causes brings what mighty contests rise from trivial things. I sing this verse to capital muse is do this even Belinda me vouchsafe to you slight is the subject but not so the praise is she inspired and he approved My Lais. So what strange motive Goddess could compel a well-bred Lord to
assault a gentle pale Osei part strange should cause yet unexplored. Could make a gentle bank of reject and all. In tasks so bowed candidly Menin Gate. And hidden soft bows and arrows such mighty Ray that was pope's mock heroic equivalent of the opening invocation of true epic Milton for instance begins Paradise Lost with these lines of man's first disobedience and the fruit of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste brought death into the world. And all our world with the loss of Eden to one great a man restores and regained the blissful seat sing heavenly muse. What dya have fence from amorous causes brings but mighty contests rise from trivial things I sing.
Pope as I have just said was not making fun of poems like Paradise Lost. He aimed at showing that a trivial incident which had just taken place in English society should not be allowed to become too important to the members of two families the firmest and the Peters. Robert Lord Peter had cut off a lock of Arabella thermals here pope's biographer Spence quotes the poet as follows. This dating of Miss Bell firm that was hit was taken too seriously and caused an estrangement between the two families though they had lived so long in great friendship before a common acquaintance and well-wisher to both desired me to write a poem to make a jest of it and laugh them together again. It was with this few that I wrote the rape of the lock. This common acquaintance was John Carroll to whom the invoked muses told this verse is due when the poem was given to the Peterson firm was in manuscript. It was in pope's words later well-received and had its
effect in the two families. They were not pleased with Pope However once he had published it in print. He therefore put a special dedication in a second edition writing to Carol as follows. I believe I have managed the dedication so nicely that it can neither hurt the lady nor the author. I read it very deeply and upon great deliberation the young lady approves of it and the best advice in the kingdom of the men of sense has been made use of in it. He even took the advice of Robert Wholey of Oxford who was then the Lord Treasurer. Indeed no lady need object to being referred to in these lines of the poem. Listening to the destruction of mankind. Now dish two locks which graceful hiding behind in equal curls and well conspired to deck with shining ringgits the smooth ivory neck.
La Vendee is a labyrinth. His slaves detailing and mighty hearts are heroes in slender chain with hairy springes with the birds betray slight lines of hair surprise the finny play fair tresses men's imperial race. And beauty draws us with a single head. Nevertheless in his dedication to the second edition pope assured Arabella as to the following Cantus all the passages of them are as fabulous as the vision of the beginning or the transformation at the end except the loss of your hair which I always name with reference the human persons are as fictitious as the airy ones and the character of Berlin as it is now managed resembles you in nothing but in beauty. The vision of the beginning refers to an incident in Canton one Belinda has a guardian self the equivalent of a guardian angel in most serious writing
who causes her to dream just before weakening that a sprite area on a glittering youth warns her of some dread event soon to happen. This event it transpires is of course the theft of one of Belinda's curves by an adventurous Baron listening to the destruction of mankind. Now dish two locks which graceful hiding behind in equal curls and well conspired to deck with shining ring lifts the smooth ivory neck. La Vendee ZA labyrinths his slaves dictating terms and mighty hot insolent a chain with hairy springes with the birds betray slight lines of hair surprise the funny play fair tresses men's imperial race. And beauty draws us with a single head. The adventurous bad and the bright locks at my dad he said all he
wished. I'm sure the prize aspire that. Resulted when he meditates that way by FOS to ravish by role would betray fucking success I love as toilet and if you asked if Rowland of course attained is a mood. Unfortunately. But India is too happy with her looks and her words and a note from a man whom she loves to remember the simplest warning area will therefore organize as a force of self since if it's to God he does not know exactly what the danger is. However this day black omens threat the brightest fish that Ed deserve to watch for Spirit's care some dire disaster or by force or state. But what or where the fates have wrecked in night weather the nymph should break Diana's law or some frail China Jai receive a flow or stain
on a wall when you brocade forget her prayers will miss a masquerade or lose her how to Nicholas and a boon or whether heaven has doomed the chalk most full shock of course is when that dog. Then you spirits to your child repair the fluttering fan because if it is care the drops to the brain until we consign and moment to let the watch be thine do thou Crispus attend her favorite plant. Ariel himself should be the God of shock everyone assigns a special task to a chosen band to 50 chosen sylphs Of special note. We trust the important judge the petticoat. So Belinda goes blithely forth to meet her fate at the court of Queen Anne. Great. And as per quarter and Hampton Court close by those me for ever crowned with flowers. Where Thames with pride surveys his rising towers there
stands a structure of majestic frame which from the neighboring Hampton takes its name. Here Britain statesman oft the fold for do. Our foreign Titans and of us. He had our great aunt whom three realms obey just sometimes counsel take and sometimes take. Here are the heroes and the nymphs result to taste a pile of the pleasures of a court. In various talk. The instructive hours they pass. Who gains the ball or paid the visit. Last one speaks the glory of the British Queen. And one describes a charming Indian screen. The third interprets motions looks and eyes but every word a reputation dies. Snuff or the fan supply each pause of chat. With singing laughing Oh grilling
and all that. Those are the opening lines of Cannes two three. Belinda takes part in a game of cards called on ber which is described by Pope as if it were heroic battle although she wins beating the Baron her triumph will soon turn to grief. Oh thoughtless mortals ever blind to fate too soon dejected and to simulate sudden these honors should be snatched away and cursed for ever this victorious day. The company stops playing to take tea and coffee. The Baron under the influence of coffee thinks of new stratagems unwittingly another lady Clarissa provides him with a two edged weapon a pair of scissors. Ariel is unable to warn Belinda who is oblivious of everything except her thoughts of the young man she is in love with. But Linda rages and sulks with grief. Her guardian Ariel withdraws another sprite Ambriel goes to the cave of spleen who gives him a bag full of
female reactions to such an outrage. He returns to find Belinda in the arms of another lady sunk in despair sunk in thought less tryst than him. He found her eyes dejected and her hair on bound for their heads the sweating bag he rent and all the fury is issued at the event. Belinda burns with more than mortal honor. And fierce the Lesters fans the rising fire wretched maid she spread her hands and cried while Hampton's echoes wretched mayde replied. Was it for this you took such constant care the BOD can comb an essence to prepare for this your locks in paper Dorrance bound for this with torturing irons wreathed around for this with feel it strange your tender head and bravely bore the double loads of lead. Gods. Shall the
ravisher display your hair while the fops envy and the ladies stare on a full beard at whose own rival shrine. E's pleasure a virtue all our sex resign me thinks already your tears survey. Already hear the horrid things they say already see you are degraded toast and all your honor in a whisper lost. How shall I then your hopeless fame defend tool then be in for me to see me offer and and show how this prize the inestimable prize exposed through crystal to the gazing eyes and heightened by the diamond circling rays on that rapacious hand for ever blaze. Sooner I shout grass in Hyde Park Circus grow and wits take lodgings in the sound of bow.
Soon let me see. Do chaos fall men monkeys or lap dogs parrots perish. I'm beyond now breaks the violin when sorrows flow in her element. Belinda mentions the game of cards and Boheme a kind of tea. Then see the nymph in beauty as grief appears. Her eyes half languishing half drowned in two years on her bosom her drooping head which with a sigh she raised and thus she said. For ever cursed be this detested day which snatched my best my favorite curl away happy 10 times happy had I been if Hampton Court these eyes had never seen. Yet Im not ah the first mistaken made by love of courts to numerous ills betrayed.
Oh had I rather an admired remained in some lonely aisle or distant. No than land where the gilt chariot never marks the way where none learn all member none dare taste Bo hey they kept my charms concealed from mood too. Like roses that India has its bloom and what moved my mind with youthful Lords to roam. Oh Oh had I stayed and said my prayers at home. It was this. The woman seemed to tell. Why you see from my trembling hand the patch box fell and tottering China shook without a wind Naipaul sat mute and shock was most unkind Soofi to warn me of the threats of fate in mystic visions now believed
too late. See the poor remnants of these lighted hairs. My hand shall rend what even that I wrap line spares the two sable stalk to break one's new beauties to this knowing the sister Locke now sits sunk couth alone and in its fellow's fate or sees its own uncurled it hangs the fatal shears demands and tempts once more that I sack religious hands. Oh hats thou. Crow. Been content to see these hares less insight or any hairs but now comes the fifth and last gander when Belinda finishes the pity an audience melt in tears. But fate and Joe had stopped the Baron's ears. Pope now remembers the behavior of in years the hero of vigils epic who left Carthage to found
room despite the reproaches of Dido and her sister Anna in vain for Leicester's with reproach sales for who can move in Fehrbellin avails not half so fixed a trojan could remain while Anna banged and Dido raged in vain. Then grave Clarissa gracefully waved her fan. Silence ensued and thus the name began. So why are beauties praised and honored most. The wise man's passion and the vain man's toast. Why decked with all that land and sea afford private angels called and angel like adored. Why round up coaches crowd the white blood those wide boughs the side box from its inmost rows. How vain are all these glories all our pains unless good sense preserve what beauty gaze that men may save when we the front box grace the home of the first in virtue as in
face. Oh if the dance all night and dress all day charm the small pox or chased our old age away who would not scorn what Housewives cares produce or who would learn one earthly thing of use to passion a ogle might become a Saint. Nor could it your be such a saint to paint but sense alas frail beauty must come uncurled since locks will turn to grey since painted or not painted all. And she who scolds a man must die a maid. What then remains but well our power to use and keep good humor still. What ever we lose. And trust me dear good humor can prevail when the flights and screams and scolding fail beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll charm strike the sight
but merit wins this. So spoke with him but no problems ensued. Belinda frowned cholesterols called her prude for less stress of course is one of the names of one of the original Amazons. Two to arms the fierce Virago cries and swift as lightning to the come but flies all sight in parties and begin the attack. Fans clap circs Russell and tough whalebones crack heroes and heroines shouts confusedly rise and bass and treble voices strike the skies. No common weapons in their hands are found like gods they fight nor dread a mortal wound. Then in the midst of the battle Belinda attacks the Baron with snuff sudden with starting to dry off blows on the high dome re-act goes to his nose. Now me that I hate him seems to be Linda cried and drew a deadly Bodkin from her side.
The same his ancient personage to deck her great great grand sire wore about his neck in three sealed rings which after melted down formed a vast buckle for his widow's gown. Her infant grand Dame's whistle next it grew. The bell she jingled in the whistle blew. Then in a bodkin graced her mother's hairs which long she wore. And now Belinda way is most not my fault he cried insulting for thou by some other shall be laid as low. No think to die deject my lofty mind all that I dread is leaving you behind rather than so that means they will survive and burn in cubits flames but burn alive. Restore those who are. She cries and all around restored the lock the vaulted roof spree bound not so fellow in so loud a strain Ruadh for the handkerchief that caused his pain.
But see how oft ambitious aims are crossed and Chiefs can tend to all the prizes last the luck obtained with guilt and kept with pain in every place is sought but sought in vain. With such a prize no mortal must be blessed so heaven decrees with heaven who can contest but in the fight the colonel has been lost. No human being knows where it has gone. But trust the muse. She saw it upward rise. The mark by none but quick poetic eyes in the Heavens it was turned into a stern. A sudden start shot through liquid air and drew behind radiant trail of here and now Belinda to cease brightening to mu and I ravaged here which adds new glory to the shining sphere. Belinda shall live forever in this poem on her here. This lock the
Muse shall consecrate to fame and that's the stuff was inscribed bill in his name. Let's have some of those passages over again. The opening what offense from amorous causes brings what mighty contests rise from trivial things. I sing this verse to capital muse you this is even Belinda vouchsafe to you. Slight is the subject but not so the praise. If she inspired and he approved My Lais. So what strange motive Goddess could compel a well-bred Lord to assault a gentle oh say pot stranger cause yet unexplored. Could make a gentle ballad. Reject it all. In tasks so bowed candidly Menin Gate.
And hidden soft bows and arrows such mighty re Now the cones which tempt the baron this nymph to the destruction of mankind. Nitish two locks which Grace will hang behind in equal and will conspired to deck with shining ringgits the smooth ivory neck. La Vendee ZA labyrinths his slaves detaining and mighty hearts are heroes in slender chain with hairy springes with the birds betrayed slight lines of hair surprise the finny play fair tresses men's imperial race. And beauty draws us with a single head. The adventurous bad and the bright locks admired. He saw he wished M to the prize aspired result when he meditates that
way by force. To ravish by for would be tray for Queen successor lovers toilet and if you asked the fraud or force attained his and the field of honor close by those Meads for ever crowned with flowers where terms with pride surveys his rising towers there stands a structure of majestic frame which from the neighboring continent takes its name. Here Britain's statesman oft the fold for doom. Our foreign tyrants. And of us. We had our great whom three realms of dust sometimes consultation and sometimes here were the heroes and the nymphs resort to Castell piled the pleasures of a court
Belinda's fury ballooned a Burns with more than mortal eyes and fierce the Lesters spans the rising fire. Wretched maid she spread her hands and cried while Hampton's echoes wretched mayde replied. Was it for this you took such constant care the bodkin Coman essence to prepare for this your locks in paper Dorrance bound for this with torturing irons wreathed around for this with billets drained your tender head and bravely bore the double loads of lead. Belinda is in despair. For ever cursed be this detested day which snatched my best my favorite curl away happy 10 times happy had I been if Hampton Court these eyes had never
seen. Yet Im not God the first mistaken made by love of quotes to numerous ills betrayed. Oh had I rather an admired remained in some lonely aisle or distant. No than land where the gilt chariot never marks the way where none learn all member none dare taste Bo hey they kept my charms concealed from mortal. Like roses that intice its bloom and what moved my mind with youthful Lords to roam Oh Oh had I stayed and said my prayers at home. It was this the morning seem to tell Rice from my trembling hand the patch box fell and tottering China shook without a wind Naipaul sat mute and shock was
most unkind Soofi to warn me of the threats of fate in mystic visions now believed too late. See the poor remnants of these lighted hairs. My hand shall rend what even that I wrap line spares piece into sable ring with stalk to break one's new beauties to this knowing. This sister Locke now sits son couth alone and its fellows fate or see her. If the news demands and temps once more by sac religious hands. O had Crowe been content to see her as less insight or Annie His book is inspired by the Lesters Belinda fights back
restore the locks she cries and all around restore the lock the road roof spirit bound not the fellow in so loud a strain rumored for the handkerchief that caused his pain. But see how oft ambitious aims are crossed and Chiefs contend to all the prizes lost the lock obtained with guilt and kept with pain in every place is sought but sought in vain. With such a prize no more must be blessed. So heaven decrees with heaven who can contest. You have been listening to a programme on Pope's the rape of the lock. The readers were and Duncan rose and shouted This is Bertrand Joseph inviting you to be with us again next week. This programme was produced by a radio broadcast services of the University of Washington non-drug
grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This is the national educational radio network.
- Series
- A nest of singing birds
- Episode Number
- 16
- Episode
- The Rape of the Lock
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-zs2kbx73
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-zs2kbx73).
- Description
- Description
- No description available
- Date
- 1970-00-00
- Topics
- Literature
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:28:32
- Credits
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 70-3-16 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “A nest of singing birds; 16; The Rape of the Lock,” 1970-00-00, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 4, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-500-zs2kbx73.
- MLA: “A nest of singing birds; 16; The Rape of the Lock.” 1970-00-00. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 4, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-500-zs2kbx73>.
- APA: A nest of singing birds; 16; The Rape of the Lock. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-500-zs2kbx73