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The following program is produced as a public service feature by the radio division of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Honor Day. With cooperation from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and the Illinois division of narcotic control. WE PRESENT. The news. H is for joy. With. With. Last week gauges for joy let you hear how one man was introduced to narcotics. His was not the type of history that most of us have. However the line between addiction to drugs and the good life as it is generally thought of is very slight. The man you heard and we'll hear again today is an intelligent person. His high school and college grades were well above average from what he told us. His
home life was not happy but at one point he turned from the good life. And as he said acquired the desire to be with the denizens instead of the citizens he told us of his meeting with marijuana opium and cocaine. The lack of time kept us from presenting his story in full. But today we continue by itself a drug has no moral connotation one way or another. It's merely a chemical. Morphine is a medically used and approved drug that in the right hands can ease the pain and suffering of many human beings in the wrong hands. It becomes an and slaving tool capable of altering the lives of any who dare to touch it. Morphine is physically addicting. Now let's return to the story of one addict. He's just met a new friend. This so-called friend has taught him to use a needle and shoot the drug directly into his veins. He's learned to be a mainlining. This friend
is addicted to morphine and short of money to support his own habit he finds it necessary to guide others toward addiction so that he might become their supplier. The addict we spoke to told it this way. I'm sitting up that gas and myself and he comes back with and he went and got some morphine. Now here's where this thing apart he bit me as that tree. He's scheming and he's going to hurt me on this stuff so that way I won't know where to get it. I have to come to him and I will be keeping up it have it because that was heaven. Let me then. So he felt he said Jancsi you only had their own family yet you know what you mean any of them and that he said you had this be changed. Yeah if it were a leg I mean baby that's it you know as if they're doing anything. Yeah he takes a grain care and he takes the razor braid me precisely cuts it in half and then he cuts that have any style for me I want to hear. He drops it
in this bone a drab sad drop of water on it and do the cook away. You think you know dad I said no man I whipped out mildly Hitler would this be. Yeah go get people to you know is the coolest station I'm really old fellow you know I really am Baghdad and all of that peace with the world you know we did that all day. So like every day I love here you know this this you know when I when I don't do you know hooks you real quick. Everywhere you go like the ticking of a clock. Sure it feels good you want to then you want more and more so that the pins and needles keep jabbing you so that you don't care what goes on around you. But then one day you wake up you wake up to many facts but one predominates about who dreams which later you know. I welcome that one want to like my back was all hurt and you know my joint so I'll make
it a word and I got a life threatening headache and I can't explain you know I feel like I got of Oh man I was out of sweating like crazy you know. So I knew you know that you were a guy you got to get home the first thing just in my mind I'm home. Hooked caught in a snare. But perhaps because he knows he's hooked he will do something about it. But what can he do. Well he could turn himself over to the federal authorities for medical and psychological care at either of two hospitals. The federal narcotics hospital at LAX you can Kentucky or at Fort Worth Texas if he looked he would find many who would try and help him kick his habit. That is what he could do. But what did he do so dang got know those here are in trouble you know. I think I know though that wasn't due to you no doubt. So I looked up at me I see I've got a couple of plans and I thought that will
come when a couple of suits you know bands that suit you know and yeah. So then at that time I had a groom Well this wife we wanted to have in the Senate and that was good for twenty bad there. So I'd take this why you know I think being an ass hole issues that I was just thinking I think once they bring their wives to slews all go I raised the bill so I give this guy menial rads a slow you know. And I casually broached the subject and then I said. You know she has to be you know again wow goes back there. Oh I would be dead now cause I was loose loose. Oh you know I seen the way. Just watch me. I think I said So you know
like I would call it Mary you know I said you know if Larry was here but I get your brother. Through that somehow that I so that good man you saw death as low as Way better. Really. Yes you know I said when I was good. Oh he said because the people with people you know. It's about 16. I said I want to know how much you you know say oh that's you know. So I bowed out about now seeing them
both sick to see and I've got to get will prove how. And I was wondering you know if you should read the same way you know he should meet you good you know. So now you know all this and I know who are out there are issues you see Richoux she was say 70 loved and never all now no doubt about that. So now I gotta go now. You know it's by who's causing him 18 with me so I have to go to a stick like glue stick with me to them. I got when I had ground show back by this town that now say black everything. I don't know how much of this house to take so his PSA you know he said he said you better when
I don't feel good. Just him but how much is this Navy different. In the outer lane he will use this to tell you or rose like. He could about that much of that rope and put that in a Coke but I doubt the water I have put to have seen it and do it after a shooting. She was very good. Physically addicted to drugs unable to hold a job searching day after day for his powdered happiness he claims the sensation to be great or as
he says really a gas. We've traced the history of this addict from marijuana to opium to cocaine to morphine to heroin. It's taken him about five years to reach this point. Most addicts don't take that long. At one time heroin was so plentiful that it was not unusual to be introduced directly to the drug and become addicted within a matter of days. There are many variables that influence the quantity and purity of illegally purchased narcotics. We asked this addict how the drugs he uses today compared with those he used years ago. You know when I got sort of like a bat from everybody you know and I really got really hooked to it you know what I had to have it and I was fatter That's all I did all true they would look for connections you know and no matter where you have to go to was you could take one campus. I did this for almost a year for you
or I was three forty three. I think working out was and I would make three shots off three shots from our floor the one number five. Yeah absolutely. How much of the care cost you know who it was who I was. Yeah it's a lot more expensive and there's not much lot better stuff. Yeah it was it was I want these guys or so and I'll feel pure was as good as this what this stuff was about 42 percent of it to get the same boat. Now how much how much stuff would you have to shoot stuff that you get on. I'm so used to eating. You know you get the same association we get then I say you have to shoot it. While I have farms make up to about 200 caps on just about every fact that out of the I have a house which I give it you know because it's less than 1 percent and it was
human folly to let So you figure out even if it was one person who knows that they want to get people to say you know they should at least 42 have to give it quote of that war. I was talking to an old time prostitute she will lower yours and she's been using her kind of trademark thing 15 years and she said it used to buy a care for 50 cents and wonder what was in those cheaper caps and that was during the early portion of a depression that was around 30 31. That's when I was greatly impressed by the low life people. I was running around on the fringes. In fact I was running a little relief for them and they would get. A gap of eight but it wasn't aged a lot and I mean this was cool. Luzhkov leap out
of what you get and then put this on which were a reefer selling and well back in those days was when it was thing in fact the twenty Baptists think of it. Because what we used to barrel east of Baghdad 20 value what nobody could have between a bad day. No you weren't you couldn't make the grade in certain circles unless you went along with the crowd and then when you finally woke up to what was happening it was too late. You were hooked. Now what happened is day after day month after month year after year it telescoped into alternating nightmares of fantasy and physical pain. What happens. You Mr addict you search. You hunt and find your stuff. Your powdered how what you call ate for joy.
This recorded program was written by a diplomat and produced by Bill Oberg. This is Ted Seeley speaking. The preceding program was made available to the station by the National Association of educational broadcasters. This is the Radio Network.
H is for joy
An addict speaks, part 2
Producing Organization
Moody Bible Institute
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
In this program, the second of two parts, a longtime drug addict vividly describes his daily life on the street as a junkie.
Series Description
A documentary series about the nature of drug addiction, the current status of addiction, and various programs of prevention and treatment. Participants in the series include Dr. Rafael S. Gamso; Meyer Diskind of New York State Board of Parole; and Joseph Fiedoral, a Chicago policeman.
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Announcer: Sealy, Ted
Producing Organization: Moody Bible Institute
Writer: Vanetta, Ed
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 61-1-6 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:35
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “H is for joy; An addict speaks, part 2,” 1961-01-04, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “H is for joy; An addict speaks, part 2.” 1961-01-04. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: H is for joy; An addict speaks, part 2. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from