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My name's Bob Wilson. And now here is this evening's German economic advisor to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce into Royal Marshall. A crow. Ladies and gentlemen our subject tonight as you've just heard is Eastern Europe and more particularly problems of East-West economic cooperation. Our lead off speaker is Doctor by Deemer Bell a bit and he was Flavia doc develop it is at the present time. Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. And it is in this capacity that he comes to us this evening to talk to us on the subject of East-West economic cooperation before taking on this his present position talked about a bit had a distinguished career in the service of his country. He had the posts of ambassador in Rome and in London and he has been the the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia and the assistant minister for foreign trade.
He has already made an interesting and valuable contribution to the discussions here at the. And we are very pleased to have him as our leading speaker on tonight. Subject becoming Tator following Dr. Bell a bit is Professor Raymone Iran of the Sorbonne. And I now have great pleasure in calling on Dr. Bell of it. The very brief time at my disposal tonight does unfortunately not allow even for the briefest of introductions leading as gradually towards the main issues of the theme chosen for this evening. But I feel obliged to make a few explanatory remarks from elsewhere. As an international civil servant I am deliberately trying to speak to
you without any political bias. My only concern will be to convey to you some facts about the growth of a dynamic economic system whose development we are able to watch for some time. I am particularly emphasizing the word economic because I have the honor to be associated with the Economic Commission for Europe and entirely economic bar of the United Nations organisation which was set up 15 years ago with the bookers of promoting and cultivating economic cooperation between the east and west of Europe. Let us now agree that what we call best Europe and Eastern Europe has to be understood
more as a economic and political rather than a geographical term. Both Greece and Turkey are countries situated in the south eastern corner of Europe and yet belong according to this concept to the west leaving the term Eastern Europe as a synonym for the socialist countries of Europe. The present publication of Eastern Europe including the Soviet Union a large part of which is in Asia exceeds three hundred and twenty million. This figure compares with roughly the same number of people living in Western Europe of whom about 175 million are in the country as members of European economic community. This approximate
balance in the distribution of the European population between east and west is followed by a similar share in the production of core industrial products. Electric Energy steel cement and cup and coffee. Eastern Europe has a market advantage in the production of the five principal cereal of two against one. And the constable superiority in the production of crude oil within Europe on the other hand. It's still in the production of machines and vehicles and has a substantially bigger ratio of five to one in foreign trade. To put it succinctly factually and dispassionately as possible.
Eastern Europe head in 1961 reached a level of industrial production which is on a packed capita basis little inferior to that of Western Europe. Well in the agricultural field. Eastern Europe has an even larger capita production. This leads to the conclusion that Eastern Europe already constitute a very important part of the world economy. In view of the very dynamic character of economic growth which has been exceeding the rate of growth in the veteran economy during the past decade its role is likely to become more important in the future. Our knowledge of the institutions their unique spin makers
established a plan in the east is certainly far from perfect and there are scores of questions. One of my one to our will which the presides and will be liking student of economics will often get a grip. The insufficiency of data or detail information for the research but for the needs of a politician or a practical economists they are valuable information short. Owing to the fundamental differences in the system of public accounting different coverage and methodology it is very difficult to compare the full position. The national income of centrally planned and market
economies. However there is difference between East and Western Europe in the average per capita national product cannot now be very large. According to the calculations of an eminent Soviet ologists the American professor of buxom. The per capita national income in the USSR amounted in nineteen hundred fifty nine in to about 40 percent of that in the United States of America. Since then many can figure is somewhat more than twice as big as the best than European average. It follows that there is on this score no gap between East and invest in Europe but a rather small and
rapidly dwindling this palate. The most important characteristic of a region is the dynamism of its economic development. That is the rate of economic growth. The formerly predominantly cultural and Western stand back toward regions of eastern Europe are being rapidly formed into fully industrialized countries. Even in the 50s which witness a rather unusual high position the rate of growth in West Europe. They get between the two halfs of the continent was being to use since Eastern Europe was expanding at an annual rate several percent higher.
There she remains in the field of basic economic development. They're incompetently remarkable for the whole eastern area for the USSR as well as for the other countries. Electric energy production for instance which is the key and prerequisite for any industry ization has been troubled during the 10 years with the same period. The good has been increased to a level which is almost two and a half times higher and production of cement went up the hall for many other branches of the industry. So similar accomplishment. Leading to an image speakable and qualitative change in the structure of their economy. It might well be the market that not all the sectors of the economy
have experienced an equal absence. I regard cell production for example rose only very modestly responding to a much smaller share of capital investment which was a lot up to it. I don't know exact measurements are impossible. The general overall trend is visible and unmistakable. The high speed of economic growth in Eastern Europe is planned to be maintained and even accelerated in some speed in the foreseeable future. We must expect further rapid economic development in these countries. The long term to the economic development plans which are drawn up certainly ambitious. They may
require as plain as effort on the part of the population. But there is little doubt that on the broad economic front whatever it may be the partial setbacks and shortcomings of further rapid progress can be expected. I reached this conclusion because I believe that the Eastern countries now possess all the elements which are indispensable for economic expansion. They have ample natural resources. A big production of basic raw materials including energy and the fundamentals of heavy industry. It is precisely who basic heavy industry to which they have devoted their main attention since their Qdoba
revolution in one hundred seventeen. In the US as our end after World War Two in the other Eastern European countries not only forced the DG Griezmann but also in order to prepare as solid big it is for an economic take off. The second element which seems to me to be of particular importance is their massive effort and success in education. I have long been of the opinion which is now getting wide recognition that the skill of the bookers employed the knowledge of the technicians and engineers and the ingenuity of Sandis and the search workers added least as important for economic development as industrial
equipment and raw materials. The large and ever increasing number in Eastern Europe of highly educated and specialize the commissions who are annually leaving school lose their legal colleges and universities. Bears witness that the value of education is being fully recall now. Finally the determination of the respective government to lay down a policy leading to speed economic development has been expressed by the adoption of development plans which regardless of the strain and some failure to reach that target in some fields are on the whole being fulfilled. Has planned and now being prepared for an even longer period
of time ahead. And for example the 20 years plan adopted in the US is R.. Furthermore these plans are increasingly being integrated through the activity of the Council of mutual economic assistance a kind of Eastern counterpart of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. At the meeting of this organization held in Moscow less than two months ago the reading statesman of the countries members of the CM agreed that the coordination and integration of county planning have to be carried further leading to real higher degree of international division of labor
or as they call it of a socialist division of labor. They consider that such an evolution not only desirable but indispensable for rapid economic development. It is necessary to point out that this new approach differs substantially from the traditional book theory according to which each social is the aim at a self sufficient. And how more news national economy which meant development of all sectors of the economy including in particular a maximum degree of heavy metal logical and basic chemical. It seems to me that both the initial docked leave
as well as a subsequent departure from it are logical and explicable. If you remember that the USSR had to rely on its own forces and effort to vanquish its backwardness that it had so to speak to pull itself up by its own thing. We can appreciate that its political economic position require a doctrine of self sufficiency. But having led the necessary solid foundation for further economic development national safety and independence they now feel that we can take advantage of the changed political situation which made them part of a very powerful grouping of states with
a concerted economic policy. Hence the governments participating in this group are now able to profit from closer economic ties leading to at least a measure of a brigade of the idea of competitive cause advantage. It would be unreasonable to believe that such huge achievement were possible without great sacrifices and strain. This development has not been and will not be in the future. And Pallies and apocalypse with consequences and repercussions on living standards. The Magro of you would generalize from the accumulated experience of this country. The first
and most important to my man is that we have to try to view any social phenomenon it is then I make movement rather than to judge it on the basis of a big picture. That notion and not in law is expressed in the verb that electic which is usually and distantly misunderstood. Everything is continually changing is picked of whether we like it or not. One consequence of the growth of a modern industrial economy which we increasingly planned it is than Europe with its tendencies toward expansion. Is it the existing ability that the institutions are often over here
that this year the complexity of the tasks they face and introduce new more flexible and adaptable practices in planning and in management. There would a matter of planning and material a location which served quite well in a relatively simple and primitive economy operating at a moderately lows some years ago and no longer possible in the future and will be swept away by the tide of economic progress. We can also state that a consistent policy of high investment and production must inevitably bear fruits even if the subsea current kill analysis Madge show
that the choice of the investment project. They're not always the best possible and perhaps miscalculations are inevitable in any economic system. The aggregate result is positive and encouraging and the effort. Lastly it should be realize that a big country like the USA sat. Alone in the past. And now integrated in the whole of the Eastern European area. Mel and goads business are resources and animated at a term and build to the M.O. it's economy can push and strength to overcome by its own own initial to be good days. Put it turns one nation over backward and exhausted company
into a mother industrial power. I've been trying to give you the broad contours of the principal economic thing in Eastern Europe. These accounts being very big is necessarily oversimplified in certain respects. But I have taken good care to be visited on the most accurate factual information available to me. If this is the situation the question arises as to what kind of relationship if any the two groups of countries should have with each other. They're out of cause various possibilities. Amis Gooding Dirda Dave involving the settlement of the relations between East and West in terms of a military conflict
because under present circumstances this is to say at least an outmoded way of solving problems between states. Another possibility would be to have as little to do with each other as possible and to try to prove to the bird at large the superiority of that is picked IF systems outproduce seek each other. Will and submit would lead to economic illusion ism and a further deepening of political suspicion all around. There is finally their way of trying whenever possible. And as much as possible. But the two groups to co-operate in economic matters. I think that it is this approach which we should be over.
And this what reason. The first is that because of the near equality in the economic push of groups economic cooperation between the two opens up additional possibilities for the exchange of goods and services. But a transfer of advanced technology and for increasing aid to the less developed countries of this world. It should therefore benefit all concerned. But in addition should not sensible and their listing attempts be made to increase economic cooperation between the two groups of countries not only for reasons of economic expediency to which I referred just now but also because such cooperation should help to clear
away distrust and suspicion and could create an atmosphere more favorable for the thank thing of peace. It seems to me that the answer to the question as to whether or not a further expansion of economic cooperation between east and west is desirable is even more obvious if the same question is posed the other way around. Is this looting of Europe and indeed the verb into two or more separate economic blocs. Desirable. Surely any responsible politician out economist will answer this question in the negative. It is a truism to say that economic cooperation tends to reduce political tension
where the converse leads to a deterioration of the political situation. But a strictly economic case can also easily be made a considerable and increasing portion of world output is produced in Eastern Europe. And it is therefore difficult to think that to then make economic entities such as West and Eastern Europe could not mutually profit by establishing closer economic ties. That is a look at this question more specifically. The existing level of trade between the two parts of Europe is relatively modest but there has been growing desire in eastern and western Europe to think commercial links
between them. This manifested itself in the hundred fifty percent expansion of the volume of trade between eastern and western Europe during the last decade. Nevertheless the value of trade with Eastern Europe still accounts for not more than 4 percent of the total value of vestal trade turnover. Political difficulties as well as the problems created by the simple fact of great differences in the institutional forms and the busy conceptions of trade do not favor further rapid expansion of this trade. There is an uneasiness. It is then Europe about the discrimination in the trade policies of Western countries and the genuine fear that the
establishment of the Common Market will reverse their terms of trade and reduce trading opportunities in general on the list and sad to obstacles are more frequently cited. This possibility was the organisational form of weight of trade create trading monopolies offers for the introduction of discriminatory practices. If such practices are deemed desirable for political reasons and the fear of dumping of exports. As regards to the little point it seems devoid of any logic that the country that the countries of Eastern Europe would make it their policy to provide in any sizable amount of regular give to their trading partners in this war. That is the
result of exchanging more valuable commodities for goods of less value. A procedure which they could oppose to adopt for any length of time. Furthermore this small volume of trade makes any thought of attempting to these without the vest an economy where such means rather ridiculous. In addition to the existing obstacles to create some new habits and kind of trade have been formed which give preference to trade within each of the existing groups the percentage of Internet Eastern-European put it in comparison with their overall potently is particularly high. In my further inquiries as a direct result of the
integration of long term plans under the auspices of the Council for mutual economic assistance. The last trade agreement between the USSR and Eastern Germany is for example the largest ballads of the agreement in the vote. But this period existing up to there is obviously scope for actively promoting trade and other relations between countries with different systems. There is also no doubt that mutual advantage can be derived from enhancing overall economic cooperation via the exchange of experience in statistics investment policies or problems connected with the raising of productivity art and propitious subjects and
mutual information on the application of new techniques in steel production power supply or housing. These are not incidentally but a few examples of the kind of work performed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. The commission which recently celebrated its 15th anniversary was principally set up to help the development of into European Economic Cooperation. It has a special Road to play in promoting this collaboration. The results of this book are certainly not spectacular but they are never has and courage in many branches of the economy and habit of looking to Geneva for the discussion of many problems has developed which
confirms the down to earth and business like conversation among experts from Vallely is economic countries east and west are considered beneficial and indeed helpful to all concerned. I don't want to sound too optimistic when discussing these accomplishments and put in Chad but I would like to emphasize they did that a bit of post leading this school which to my mind not only makes sense economically but also is a precondition of political coexistence and of a lasting peace. Thank you Dr. Bell a bit Professor our own has already made it and I'm standing
contribution to many aspects of the discussions at this conference. And I now call on him to comment on the remarks that we've just heard from Dr. Bennett. Thank you Mr. Chairman. I've listened with great attention and interest to this piece of Dr. Avila bit and I hope to find good occasions to disagree violently. I could not random because the speech of Dr. Avila bit was on the whole of an extremely objective character in the first bout. It gave us a short description of the achievement of Eastern European economy and in the second part of the speech he made the plea in favor of economy between the two part of euro. And certainly I do not intend to be in principle against cooperation between eastern and western Europe. And what is related to the first part is rather difficult to discuss
because there were figures of. Cause when you give figures you make a choice and doctor availability is it too good an economist to ignore that some of the figures could have been the result would have been slightly different. But fundamentally I agree that the two part of your lot if you put on one side or the other side West when you're about to lose Greece in Turkey and probably some other countries outside of the Common Market. These two entities are more or less of the same order of magnitude. If we take what direction per capita if we would compare the standard of living in Western Europe on one side in Eastern Europe and the other side the result would be probably quite different. I may perhaps put the question to Dr. Avila beat himself in the course of the discussion because it would not be to go beyond the limits of economics and it
would not enter into the dangerous field of politics to speculate about the standard of a new way of living on both sides of Europe. Certainly I may discuss the idee that to produce a part of Europe would indeed self mean the victory of one side of you because after all we are producing all to live and we do not leave in order to produce an output using would not in itself be the definition of the best economic system but this dispersed remarks about the first part of the speech being made. I agree with the fact that there has been in terms of production great achievement in Eastern Europe. I agree that these achievements will go on of course I don't know if the rate of growth of the Eastern economy will be maintain increased
or decreased Nizar probably dollars the doctor village know it for sure because if everything is changing according to dialectics even the rate of goes of the economy may change. But still I believe that on the whole the rate of course of the economy will mean maintained for a number of years to come. Just as I believe that the goals of Western economy will also go on. And now let's come to the second part to the more important part of this speech namely the relation between the two parts of Europe and the advantages for Bourse of economy cooperation or treat. First I would like to make one or two one mark about the very good reason given by Dr Avila beat to exclude the hypothesis of dumping tons of yet Russia.
He has given fake capitalist arguments against dumping because the Fed at a lower price is to lose something. Yeah and as you well know the capitalist dogs don't like to lose. But still some are making daunting. Not specially for political reasons but for economic reasons. I think example if they had the possibility to sell they part of their production inside their own national entity at very high prices they may find interest in selling the rest of their production and lower price inside the national entity in the case of Soviet Russia. It is quite conceivable that in certain cases when they have a surplus of some products they may be inclined to sell it at lower price outside especially if you to me. To some extent. Disrupt the trade inside the western world. I would not say it is a
fundamental question. I get it with him not on the whole I don't believe that the version we make so many gifts is a Western well but I believe according to my own conception of what Marxist means for the East yob that we will be quietly be ready to lose some money. If they cool could undersell some of the bin pod producers and if they could achieve some political result by some states don't thing and certainly would agree with me that if the Russian government would like to do it it would be in a much better position to do it than any capitalist corporation because the prices of products in Russia are establishing the very plans with me and as many of the prices are in the Western sense artificially. It's even difficult to know what would be the right price for the Russian to sell their
product in the West. But that is a secondary question and I would like now to go to the key problem. Many people here have expressed the idea in me giving about the possibility that the common market may disrupt the relations between eastern and western Europe in May reduce the trade between the two parts of the old continent. That may be true but let us look at what did happen since the end of the war and on this point I have just to quote Dr Villepin as you well know in the first piece of the building of socialist me up there was the reorientation of the trade of all the Eastern countries as example because of age or did at that time have trade to the extent of between 70 and 80 percent with the West in the wet.
If you us after the establishment of the socialist regime the trade of Chico's of AQR was of a given trade but there was the Eastern world in the proportion. Of 70 to 80 percent of street and the possible economy dislocation have been determined in the first period after the war by the decision of Eastern European countries to build their own system into integrate external trade inside Eastern Europe. That was the first the second freeze was on the point of view of Western Europe. Much worse it was the Stalinist freeze between 1948 and 1953 awful. During that time the trade between Eastern Europe and Western Europe was reduced more or less by half and it is only after 53 that they want the new.
If the establishment of a certain amount of trade between eastern and western Europe more or less in forty eight and much more than in fifty one or two. So I was not so terribly impressed by the figure given by Dr Avila bit of 100 and 50 percent increase in the last 10 years because he has taken probably as origin of the injuries the very low level of 52 is a very good economist and not a bad bill it isn't at the same time. So I haven't taken an over Jean. Obvious question Ted's the very low level of 51 in 52 at the time of the extreme Stalinist form of government of your question. We have a proportion of trade of Eastern European countries with the West was below 20 percent and sometimes even below 15 or 10 percent at that time.
The part of Western Europe in the trade of Eastern Europe had been reduced so merge that a 150 percent increase is more or less coming back to the level of probability to morrow. He knows with figures much more than I do but I have a big idea of the order of magnitude. So if we. If you could give us the Besant pleasure of inquiries that is in forty seven or forty eight it would be relatively interesting but in any case my point. Even the eastern gallantries we're quite ready. To could use their trade with the West when they thought it was in their advantage which means that if we are doing this thing the same thing with Western Europe we're only taking as an example the example given to us by them. It's not due to enter into Pulliam mix but I would just say that the reorientation of trade according to
political intentions has been a fact of life in Europe since a good war. And that the socialist countries did take the initiative in this instance it's not. And again trade between the two parts of Europe. But now I would like to say a few words about the political implications of trade between eastern and western Europe. I am in favor of peaceful coexistence exactly as much as Dr. Villepin. I'm working for peace just as the doing. But I don't really match the amount of trade between Eastern and Western Europe has a great impact on the chances of peace or war. So I certainly if we can increase economy cooperation between the two about of Europe. It would be better.
But I would bet many believe that to increase the intellectual communication between the two parts of Europe even better than just trade relations because after all we have a great tradition in experience of trade relation in Europe and we know that the trade relations between France and Germany were excellent even at the time with fans in Germany. We are mortal enemies so I with you me too. To him that even if we accept his point that the increase of trade between two parts of Europe is in the common interest of even in Western Europe. It's not the key factor to be even a marginal factor. The key to peace is on the field either on the political feet Eason's a military field even more on the
ideological feet. Now I would be for finishing. I would still say a few words about the impact on the Common Market on the trade between eastern and western Europe. Of course I don't know by art the figures the exact figures of all the projects which are object of trade between Eastern and Western Europe but I don't believe that for us to go on. The closer integration of Western Europe. We'll have a very great impact on the amount of trade between the two parts of Europe. Easy usually that Eastern Europe has great agricultural surpluses which are sold to the west and for which the West could find a substitute so who's a common market. They are of course a cultural product which are sold to the west but they are not a very
important part of the trade. Polish coal is certainly more important but for the time being there is a place of gold in Western Europe even with larger common market. So on the whole I don't believe that the next phrase of the common market will probably change fundamentally the pattern of trade between the two parts of Europe I hooped that the impact will not be to reduce too much to treat. But even if they would be. In amount of adduction of trade between the two parts of Europe because of the Common Market I would say he dos not mean that the common market is by this very fact. Increasing the tension in Europe or the makings of cold war works. The Cold War has been created. Any deal maintain by the opposition to type of society it buys you two
types of ideology. As long as you're happy divided by two types of ideologies two types of system there will be peaceful coexistence. There will not be peace in the traditional sense of the word. As long as Germany and billing are divided we may enjoy peaceful coexistence. We will not enjoy the peace we hope for. My conclusion. It has been said that we are afraid to take a serious question. We are taking the serious question and I am quite ready to see that the main fact of your of today is still the Cold War and the divisions between the two parts of Europe. The Common Market in my view will not increase the tension between the two parts of Europe neither will it reduce the tension. What must we hope for.
If my neighbor. We must hold the dialectic in the way he had define it namely everything is changing. Even the socialist regimes even the capitalist regimes meet change in the name a song they discover that the nice normal was but it's not the case today. Thank you. Thank you thank you Professor are all in the light of this vigorous commentary I think perhaps our development might be given just a moment to comment on the commentary before we go to questions from the floor. Thank you Mr. Chairman. It is indeed for me particular pleasure and satisfaction that my distinguished friend which you have on hand. I would say in general in general
lines agreed. What I tried to communicate to you and in turn tell him no that I would agree in general is very few exceptions. But he was kind to tell us. And most of his remarks. But there are a few questions which may be in need. Some small small clarification and that is the reason why to allow me for a minute. The flaw in the standard of living. The question of age was first raised by a professor our own. I really think the standard of living of cause is quite different. And if we compare it between is and Western Europe a lot. Such a comparison is not that easy because we know very well they have agreed to
put Turkey voices into Western Europe and two of us have archaea into Eastern Europe. A comparison between these two would naturally distort the whole picture. But you know what I mean. But if he did these two groups in general there's no doubt about of saying that the standard of living in Eastern Europe this is considerably below the general standard of living in Western Europe. The reason being that Eastern Europe because of its network. Because because of its distractions during the move or has had to emphasize particularly on the production of of equipment of heavy engineering and head to neglect to a certain extent a quick
increase in the in the consumer goods which are of course the basic element for a living. That is to go and I expect and not only expect but I have also a possibility of of. Watching and then seeing the trends in Eastern European countries that in the last two years no emphasis much more emphasis is put on the production of consumer goods which must inevitably ultimately lead to an increase of the standard of living with it. The second point which I wanted to make is the question of numbers. I agree with what he had to say and done but I just want to demand that what I
was saying was that I do not see that Eastern Europe is going to pose you know a general policy of them which means trying to dump on the whole front on the large scale because that they cannot. But of course I understand I'm not the only common investor relations would also among Western Yes but if you see in. Case of underselling when the street is a sailing party he has greater possibilities and just one Cup of Nations. And if by examples a Soviet government is underselling on by millions it may mean something for the US which is nothing for there because they have a production now between 100 and 200 millions of tons every year. So if they undersell been millions slightly at a higher price to Eastern Europe what they are doing for the time being may be a good bargain for I
think before we turn this into a gap discussion on the technicalities of dumping it we might turn now to see if there are some questions from the floor. A very you and Mark have one more in a question of play which was mentioned about office. I would back to speak once again that I did not. Maybe I have created an impression but without wishing to do so. That and increased exchange of goods and increased volume of trade M.E. an improved relationship. What I had in math was what I said in Helsinki overall economic corporation over the value of B which is not on the plane is only a small animal and that was what I
had manned and that I am still feeling that it is a useful thing because it contains also intellectual interchange which is in my opinion also important as Professor on this song. Thank you part of a lot of the floor. The gentleman on the left. Mr. Chairman during the course of this excellent cause I've been weighing up and saying to myself. Which of these gentleman who get up onto the stage. Should I not cross swords with. And I made up my mind. But unfortunately tonight I see that Mr. heir own agrees with Mr Vella bit.
Mr Vella Betty agrees that Mr. Erakat and it looks as if I will have to cross swords with the gentleman I had no intention of crossings old with. Mr Mr Aaron you said that in order to help the east and the West get closer together the increase of trade was not the key factor. Mr Ron it is. How do you know it. I'm convinced the key merely makes it possible for the door to be opened. The incentive to push the door open to go into the room to meet on the political bases to meet and try and find out whether you can possibly reduce
military matters military expenditure to meet and possibly see what your Whether your ideology Cup must be meet with the other ideology can only be achieved when you meet and talk with others and it is through trade that this is done now my point that like to bring out is this Is it possible for east and west to have one project on the subject of Eastern Europe. Tonight it could be cheering for Dr Vladimir a velvet commentary by Professor Graham on on not development as executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. Professor at all who has come and you've heard on many occasions during this week's European discussion is Director of Studies at local critique the Zodiac used in Paris. Marshal Crow the chairman is economic adviser to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Toronto. This conference is good at which one more day remains is an annual event presented by the Canadian Institute on public affairs
and the CBC. If you're near Ontario's Muskoka area and would like to be present to morrow evening you may purchase a ticket at the door of Copeland hall to morrow's wind up session we'll consider Europe in the modern world under the chairmanship of James Ayres associate professor of political science at the University of Toronto. Together as speakers for the meeting will be William Clark of the Overseas Development Institute in London and Professor Graeme all at all. If you've been following the deliberations of good Jane and would like to have a detailed account of proceedings in print at the University of Toronto press will publish a book this fall based on the conference you may obtain a copy by writing to the publishers. The price is $2. Our broadcast technician is John Skelton. Bob Wilson speaking this is CBC Radio the Trans-Canada network A.
Ooh. Ooh.
Ah eat. Yeah.
Yeah. The boot. With.
Thank. You.
And. Didn't
think. I am. With the Caprice show for 10 instruments by Jackie there we end another week the broadcast by the CBC Vancouver Chamber Orchestra under the direction of John Davidson tonight soloist was the Vancouver metal Soprano. We know now Dennis. Next week you will hear works by the English composers Robin or Peter Wishart Malcolm Arnold and John Addison. This program was produced in Vancouver by Robert Turner with technical operation by Les Hanson. This is Bob Kerr speaking. You.
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Couchiching conference
Episode Number
Producing Organization
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Canadian Institute on Public Affairs
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
The 31st edition of an annual meeting held in Geneva Park, Ontario. Political matters are discussed, with an emphasis on how they relate to Canada. This edition focuses on "The New Europe."
Global Affairs
Public Affairs
Media type
Host: Wilson, Bob
Producing Organization: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Producing Organization: Canadian Institute on Public Affairs
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 62-ex3-6 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Couchiching conference; 6,” 1962-08-02, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 5, 2025,
MLA: “Couchiching conference; 6.” 1962-08-02. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 5, 2025. <>.
APA: Couchiching conference; 6. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from