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And now part two of the BBC World Theatre production of John Webster's tragedy. The Duchess of Malfi with Peggy Ashcroft and Paul Scofield. Going. I am. No good friend. My most beloved do you. Oh you have been a stranger along the court can you along with the Villa Ferdinand I did Sarah. And how fares your noble Duchess. Right Fortunately Well since you last saw her she had had two children more a son and daughter. Methinks twas yesterday let me but we cannot behold your face which to my mind I is somewhat guilty that Verily I should dream it were within this half hour. You have not been a lot of friends not in prison not a suit at the court nor big but a vision of some great man's place nor troubled with an old wife which does make your time so insensibly hasten. They said tell me has not this news arrived yet to
the ear of the lord cardinal. I fear it has. Lord Ferdinand that's newly come to court not bear himself right dangerously pray why he is so quiet that he seems to sleep the tempest out his door mice do in winter. Those houses that are haunted most still move to where the devil be up. What say the common people. A common rabble do directors say she is a strumpet and your graver hands which would be politic. What censure the only way to observe I go to infinite purchase the lefthand way and also pose the Duchess wait a minute if she could before say the great princes there they grudge that officers should have such a large anon confined it means to get wealth under them will not complain lest thereby they should make them odious unto the people for other obligation of love or marriage between her and me they never dream of me to what I am wearing or Ferdinand comes I am to bespeak a husband for you know me. Pray who is the great plant Malak testing upon him.
Can't he domestic up sugar candy you may not quite through him when I choose a husband I will not if you are you shall do well and. Where Iam turning out now I know I am to have private conference with you about a scandalous reported spread touching mine on. Let me be have a depth to it. When a past Quiroz paper bullets caught Calamy a pistol in the air which princes palaces are seldom heard of yet say that it were true. I pour it in your bosom. My fixed love would strongly excuse extenuate may deny faults where they are patterned in yo girl be safe in your own innocency Milo and Tony know Diogo I be alone. North kills trades on a hot burning culture of Arkansas now was a lot. So how tribes are intelligence sounds certain.
His remarks have had three bastards but by whom we may go redo the star son hold opinion we may read all things there as we can find spectacles to read them. I do suspect there have been some sources are used on the Duchess of sorcery to our purpose to make a dude on some desert less fellow she seems to acknowledge and your faith give way to think there's power and potions and charms to make us love whether we will or now most certainly. These are mere galleries horrid things invented by some cheating mountebanks to abuse us. You think that her thought charms can force the will. Some trials have been made in this foolish practice but the ingredients were lenity of poisons such as are forced to make the patient mad and straight the witch swears by equivocation they are in love by witch craft lies in her rank blood. This night I will force confession from you told me you have got within these two days a false key into her bed chamber as I would wish. What do you intend to do. Can you guess. No do not ask then he that can compass me and my
drifts may say I put a girdle bout the world and sounded all her quick sand. I do not think so. But do you think then pray that you are your own Chronicle too much and grossly or flatter yourself give it a hand. I thank Ray I never gave pension to flatterers till I entertain B. Well. The cost of that in the glass. You get no knowledge in here tonight. I know I must persuade one. Let it go. I hope in time to grow into a custom The nobleman should come with cap and need to purchase a night's lodging of that wife. I must lie here. You are a lot of misrule. You need my rule is only in the night to pot use would you put me. We sleep together. Yes. What pleasure can two lovers find in my lawn.
I live with her often and I know she don't much disquiet you see you are much complained of of course you this prolix bedfellow. I shall like her the better for that. So shall I ask you a question. I pray the carrier Wherefore still when you lie with my lady do you rise so laboring men count the clock oftenest Guardiola are glad when their tasks and how to stop your mouth. That's but one Venus had two soft doves to draw her chariot. I must have it. Caddy. I'm PM me now madam. Women of the American way of life. Never mind the all fired up on a single live on Grace. We read how exactly of a peevish life became a fruitless bigotry setting standards of apparently empty read and accepted it was frozen into marble whereas those which mattered or proved Carmen to have friends
were by a gracious influence transcript into the olive pomegranate mobility it became flowers precious stones all evidence stop and this is very encouraging. Look I pray you tell me if that were proposed to me wisdom riches and beauty increase several young men would soon die till it is a hard question. This was part of this case but he was blinded and that was great because Bob was possible he could judge right having free of those goddesses if you will and that stark naked bodies. Mostly what I thought of it like the apprehension of the severest comes a little above. Now I look on both your faces so well for me it puts me in mind of a question I would ask. What did I do wonder why heart failure blues for the most part was favored waiting going to attend the man cannot endure a fellow who bathroom not answered. Did you ever in your life know an ill painter began to have his dwelling next door to the shop of an excellent picture make up of the disgrace of his face making undone do him.
I put it when we say many. Tangles. Yes. I said. I say. So. The color of my. Change. When I wear gray I shall have all the CT powder that I have with Alice belike. You have to love me. I entered you into my heart before you would take the call for the key. Will one day have my brothers take you netting. Thinks his presence benign court should make you keep your own bed by Tuesday. Love mixed with sweetness. I'll assure you you should get know what you're going to my brother's consent to be your gossips.
Have you noticed. Pertinent. It is welcome. Parno. Whether I am doomed to live or die I can do both like a prince die quickly. Virtual where our power hit what here is thing is a bit of a quick thing here I want to talk about a bear but a band name in north central think I do not speak knows how I would plant my stool in mine ears to hear your most perfect light of human reason that makes us so I'm happy to perceive what we can at least prevent pursue what I wish isn't glory in them. There's any shame no comfort but to be passed all bounds and sense of pace to hear me I am mad is happily not to your liking. But that alas your fears do come on time and not to keep the bird's wing that's already flown. Do you see my husband asked if I could change ties with the Palestinians will you see my love.
It's music to the screech owl. Pretty priests of our art but hast enjoyed my Psystar but I am sure that hears me. What I don't say let me not know that I can head up to work now discolored. Yet I'm not persuaded it would beget such a violent effect as would damn us both I would not for twenty million years I had to be there for you was all me. I may never have knowledge of I don't enjoy it I love still and the wretched life on that condition and for the vile if allowed to wish my letter I may grow old in the embracement I would have to build such a room for him as our uncle writes to holy Oh you will soon have it. Let not the sun shine on him trees dared let dogs and monkeys only come first with him and. Such dumb things don't nature denies use to sound his name do not keep up our Kito lest you learn it.
If thou do not him come out on our own time misstep or try to imply I might not I'm happy I have not got a bunch of these to create any new ones don't come till I am done and I was turned that messy She took the bones and floated to the birthmother her whole mind believes part of the I Heart What should I name for myself. Hollow words filled with an unquenchable wildfire to restrict my brain not my princely brother I would take to willful my refutation is saying just what reputation gives to small purpose its instruction comes not too late. Upon A Time reputation of love and death would travel all the world and it was concluded that they should part and take three several waves death told them they should find him in great battles or cities plagued with plagues.
Love gives them counsel to inquire for him monks unambitious shepherds where dollars were not talked of and sometimes monks acquired kindred that had nothing left by their dead parents. Stare quoth reputation. Do not forsake me for it is my nature if one side apart from any man I meet I am never alone again. So for you you have shook hands with reputation and married him invisible or so fair your While I will never see you. Why should only I of all the other printed the word became stopped like a holy relic. I had you read a little do you. So you have some better ideas that are what sets I guess. And I can hear that. You saw this apparition. Yes we are betrayed.
How came he had a hard time this talk before backtrace are due and we're going to have to let my heart is already you know none of your pardon carry on that guy they gave him interns. I would this terrible thing would come again. But standing on my god I might relate my welcome to love. Look what we use this he left this with me and it seems did wish he would use it on yourself. His actions seem to intend so much in this half a handle to it as well as a point turn it towards him and so fasten the teenage years right. More earthquakes stand as a mine beneath my feet were ready to be blown up just because of the way visit me thinks I'm just action should where these mosques and curtains are not me. You must instantly part have I had passionate already come away. I don't marry the two Kalpoe brothers turn up in a whirlwind of talk horses riposte to room mate told me as he mounted into the saddle you are dumb
indeed. I am dead and yet it's what's the matter. And Jan you're the master of my house her that don't support sleep with me and the cons my job is to engage with me for money taken up of certain Neapolitan Jews and Gunter never lets the Bunsby pulpit strain with his comment he had upon my brother's bills at Naples are protested against calling up our officers. I shall have my take right here and tell you the place that you must apply to it and then how to have staff send off to you my treasure my joy has now accuse you of such a painted crime as test because my nana my man's own yes a noble lie cause it must shield an honest now coming to your pardon me. Madam Madam madam. But I'm your officer. Will your grace hear me. I have got rammed by you have you did me a million of loss.
I like to inherit the people's curses be all stewardship. You may have the chicken or the time to be sick to a lot of times you're quite this and that cured you without help of a doctor gentleman. I would have this man be an example to you all. So sure you have my pay but I pray let him who has done that. Alas you would not think of. And because I intend to be rid of him I mean not to publish. You read your post elsewhere. I am strongly armed to book my overthrow as commonly men bear with a heart yet I will not blame the cause I want but don't think the necessity of my malevolent star procures this not her humor or your constant on the rotten ground of service. You may say there's even like him that in a winter night takes a long slumber over a dying fire to love to part from Yet parts themselves prone. That's when he first sat down.
We do confiscate towards the satisfying of your cancer. All that you have I am all yours and tis very fit all mine should be so you have your pot. You see what it's called as an example for extortion what moisture is drawn out of the sea when foul weather comes pours down and runs into the sea again. So I would know what are your opinions of this Antonio. He could not abide to see a pig's head gaping I thought your Grace would find him had you I would you were to be his office all for your own sake. You would have had more money if he stopped his ears with black wool until those came to him for money he said he was sick of hearing some said he was an ham Aphrodite but he could not have by how scurvy proud he would look when the Treasury was full. We let him
go. Yes and the chippings of our buttery fly after a scout is gold chain and the like. Good. What do you think of these when they use our road that ends prosperity but to have waited on his fortune could have wished his death he stayed up riveted through their noses and followed up his mule like a bear in a ring would have prostituted their daughters to his last made their first born intelligent answers. Cold numb happy but such as were born under his blessed planet and wore his livery and life's drop off and never look to have the like again. He had left us sort of flattering roads behind him there must follow princes pay flat out as in our own money flattered as dissemble their vices and they dissemble or lie that injustice. Poor gentleman. He had amply filled his copy already was too honest. Pluto the God of riches when he
sent by Jupiter to any man he goes limping to signify that wealth that comes on God's name comes lonely. But when he sent all my devils out and he rides post and comes in by scuttles Let me show you what our most valuable jewel you have in a wanton humor thrown away to bless the man who shall find him he was an excellent courtier. The most faithful assume that thought it was beastly to know his own value too little as devil is to acknowledge it too much. Both his virtue and form deserved a far better fortune. His discourse rather delighted to judge itself and show itself of his breast was filled with all perfection and yet it seemed a private whispering room it made so little noise after that. He was basically distend How will you make us have a messenger Herald rather examine men's pedigrees than virtues. You also want to know an honest statesman to a prince is like a seed planted by a spring the spring the bays the trees root the
grateful tree rewarded with a shadow you have not done so. I would sooner swim to the moon there's onto politicians rotten bladders tied together with an intelligence as heart strings that depend on so changeable a prince's favor. Fairly well Antonio since the malice of the world with needs done with the it cannot be said yet that any It'll happen down to the considering that a fall was accompanied with a virtual You randomly. You say you this good band that you speak of. It's my house. Do not dream. Can this ambitious age have so much goodness in those to prefer a man merely for worth. Without these shadows of wealth and painted on as possible. I have had three children by Lady for you have made your
private nuptial bed the humble and fair seminary of peace. No question but many and on benefit scholars shall pray for you for this deed and rejoice that some prefer meant in the world can you get a rise from at it. The virgins of your land that have no doubt is your hope your example will raise them to rich husbands. So if you want soldiers to make a very tech some lawyers turn Christians and serve you for this act lost or neglected poets of our time in honor of this truth we have a man raised by that curios and you and your white hand shall thank you in that grave for it and make that more reverent than all the cabinets of living in Princes for Antonio. His fame shall likewise flow from many a pan. When Harold shall want code still saying to a man as I taste count that in this brand to speak so would I find concealment or the secret of my prince which I will wear on the inside of my heart. You shall take charge of all my coin and jewels and follow him for he retards himself to encompass so with that within a few days I mean to punish you let me think I would
wish your grace to feign a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loreto scarce seven leagues from fair and so you may depart your country with more honor and your flight will seem a princely progress retaining your usual train about to see your directions to lead me by the hand. In my opinion she will better progress to the bar of that Luka or go visit the spa in Germany for if you will believe me I do not like this justing with religion. This faded Pilgrim not the superstitious fool but that is the instant you put our departure. But I just thought it was that his mother that meant them for those to come. The wife of a politician is but the devil is quilty damn it. He fashions all the sins on him and the blows and he may work in a lady's chamber as you have a proof. What rests but I reveal all to my Lord of his base quality of intelligence. Why you have a great quality of a well-bred husband again or
commendation. Now for this act I'm certain to be raised a man that paid weeds to the life I praised. Yes from both in Rome what should be the business some falling out amongst the cardinals. What's that. I knew him in Padua a fantastical scholar like such a study to know how many knots was in Hercules club of what color were not troubled with the like we have studied himself blear I don't know the true symmetry of Caesar's nose by showing on. And this he did to gain the name of a speculative man and mock Prince Ferdinand that is said a man who lives inside to mock the violence of the last cardinal if made more bad faces with his oppression and never Michelangelo. He lifts up his nose the log in
and like a deadly cannon that lightens and it smokes and these are your true pangs of death. The things of life the struggle with great statesmen such of the foam and silence which is despite their charms make good to keep from the pit. Using force and beauty blended together show like leprosy The whiter the flower I make it a question whether it's whatever present I instantly solicit the state of our code to have them banned if you offer a lot of hope I shall be a choice out of money if you won't write to the Duke of Matthew my young nephew she had first husband came to him with his mother's honest I will. And toady. A slave that only smelled it come to life look like a gentleman but in the olden time. Go go presently. Draw me out two hundred fifty a horse and meet me.
Famished and co not. Yes you see what lichens in great mennes breath is all not training. Shrunk to this poor to make these poor men which have got little enough service vowed to take your fortune but you are wiser buntings now they are fledged dogone they have done wisely. This puts me in mound of debt. I had a very strange dream tonight. One last thought I was on my car in out of state and on a sudden all the dung rings with change to post my interpretation is here shortly before to
me the purpose is to signify your to a but the limit a field on the wild benefit of nature live happier than we. But they may choose them mates and cattle to the sweet pleasures to the spring. Why don't you first tell us how you are happy I tell you I have a letter for you from my brother. Yes from the outside on the go brother all love and safety just launch mischief which make it white. She seemed like the calm weather to see before the tempest forced hot speak fair to those they intend most mischief. Send Antonio to me. I want his head in a business politic equivocation. He does not want your console but your head that is he cannot sleep till you be dead. And here's another place for that to go with rarities market is a coming one. I stand in gage for your husband for several deaths of Naples let not that trouble him. I had rather have his heart
than his money and I believe so too. What do you believe that he so much distrusts my husband's love. He will by no means believe his heart is with him until he sees it. But the devil is not cunning enough to circumvent us in riddles. We reject that noble and free league of amity and love which I present to tell league is like that of some politic kings only to make themselves of strength and power to be our after ruin. Tell them so. And what from you will thus tell him I will not come. And what of this my brothers have dispersed bloodhounds abroad in which to live here are muzzled no troops that are hatched with no such politic skill is safe that hangs upon our enemies world. Not come out of this proclaimed job reading every small thing draws a base mind to figure out is the Adamant draws I fail when I was out yourself shortly.
Yeah almost. I suspect it's an ambush. Oh my all of my love I do can jar you to take our eldest out and fly towards men and let us not venture all this poor remainder in one unlucky bottom your consul safely the best of my life. Well since we must part. Heaven has a hand in but no otherwise than as some curious artist takes in sound of a clock or watch when it is out of frame to bring in better order. I know not which is best to see you dead apart by how much happier that has not understanding to know that I'm miserable. But all our wit and reading brings us to a truer sense of self in the term the church so I do hope we shall not part that
be of comfort. Make patience and noble fortitude in think not how unkindly we are used. Man like to Cassie it is best being honest I could get pretty used to stuff a little and yet though have a hand is in. I have seen my little boy scourges top and compared myself to know what made me yeah go right but haven't skirts to do and we. Haven't fashioned us of nothing and we strive to bring ourselves to him nothing. And Vice we fall. If I don't have a CV more. Be a good mother to your little ones and save them from the tiger. They look upon you.
Small but that speech came from a dying father a kiss is coming to the net I have seen unholy and cannot give it to a dead man the scum of our heart is turned into a heavy hand. With which I see. You well. My lung room is old with you. Madam what's to become of men that oh they are welcome. When fortunes we are charged with. Prince is the way to make that move. Swift I would have my Really. I am your adventure and I'm not you are. You must see all of them no matter what. Cavanaugh the other contra feet happens is that terrible. I would have you tell me where is that note Wescott frights the silly and all that which not only of them to the Nats. You've lost too much.
I too have rights to charge can and should I never fly in pieces. COME TO HOT prison without them to a palace I have heard the cat owns but serves to convey all of the dismal lake but brings Naam back again. Your brothers mean to safety and pity you pitch it with such a pity men preserve a life pheasants and quails when they are not fat enough to be eaten. These are children yes. No but high intensity as they were born to cast curses should be their first lang five madam forget his base low for a man I'd beat that contra Pete Pace into the eye of one of no way that he was born me. Man is most happy when zone actions be arguments and examples of his virtue. BEGALA pretty who is great as can you tell. Sad tales befit my way. I'll tell you one a salmon she swam on to the sea met with a
dog fish who encounters her with this rough language. Why are dogs so bowed to mix thyself with all our high state of floods being no imminent court but one that the calmest and fresh time of the year does live in shallow Rivers ranks thyself with Syllis notes and ships and get a star POS by a large dog ship without reference. Oh quoth the salmon system be at peace. Thank Jupiter we both look past the nets R-value never can be truely no tellin the fishes Bosket we be shown the market then my price may be the high or even when I'm just took a coke I'm fine. So to great man the model may be a stretch. Men often are valued highly when down most rich. But come with Are you pleased I am armed against misery. Ben too always sways of the oppressed as we'll.
There's no deep valley but near as high as you. I doubt I was just a duchess so nobody would describe her she's sad as one long used to it. She seems rather to welcome the end of misery than show me to a behavior so noble as gives a majesty to adversity. You may discern the shape of loveliness
more perfect in her tears than in her smile and she will muse for hours together and her silence me thinks expresses more than if she spake. How melancholy seems to be fortified by a strange disdain or so and this restraint like English masters that grew fierce with tieing makes her to passionately apprehend these pleasures she is kept from because. I no longer study in the book of another's heart. She comes in form what I told you. All come from your grace. I will have none. Crazy. Why does the rat poison pills in go and sugar. You thought I would a brother of the Lord for I don't know him he's come to visit you and sends you word because once you rationally made a solemn vow never to see you more he comes of the night and prays you clear neither torch nor taper shine in your chains but he will kiss your hand and reconcile himself but for his vows he dares not see you at his pleasure.
Take hence the light. I go now. It's come. Where are you. Yeah this darkness suits you well. I would ask you pardon. You have it but I have come to the Honorable stroke where I may kill to pardon where your Cubs called on your children. But our National more distinguished bastards from true legitimate as your compassionate nature makes them all equal. Do you visit me for this you violate a sacrament of the church trying to make you whole in hell. It had been well could you have lived does always find deede you were too much of the light. But no more. I come to see all my peace with you and to which you have vowed much love. What a brain upon you gave. I will leave this ring with you for love
token and the hand assures the ring and do not doubt but you shall have the heart to when you need a friend send it to him that owned it. You shall see whether he got a deal. I have fiction like Keith Gray do and better the print of it in your heart you love it because I fear you are not well up to your trap. To get it. Right. Lucky old. Heroes of the past. Which was tell. You don't resent till this sad spectacle. But no you know directly they are a. Little too much.
Maybe why I never cease to greet you all that which cannot be right now but it is not between HAVE NO NO ONE WISH I stapled to this. He wastes my picture passion not a backstop embedded in from. The next of the property for the talk. Would you like to. Watch that. They would bind me to that lifeless trunk and let me freeze to death. That's the greatest talk just. You know hell. Muslims. Cannot. Cope with again and revive the rat in the midst of despair. Remember you are a Christian church enjoins pasta House talking myself together the things being that the West begin to man when he felt his sting into I and made them play with your own comfort.
I don't get. To have all these bones new kept in she didn't have to be executed again. This may actually be of comfort I will save all of my deed I have not left up to 10 so small in the business. No by my life I pity molto fool then to waste I pity on the things that Richard just cannot get to get through you know. How. Did I get to be below these bipeds problem I meant what are you one that wishes your long life I want to know where to hang but I want to run. Down and given me what I should shortly grow one of them didn't come out of the pits here. Have you. Heard of by. Calling. Her. Prayer for. Those three smiling you know you are Russian spoke. You. Were. Doing.
Was share. This was fine Steve O but you must remember Mike has helped a great way to go pay heed but make lanes through launches to families to love my lady let them know I taught in the snow will be remembered for the ill they have done that all of them are. Proud not mortify churchmen kept on charitable learning how not to. Think clearly. Oh just don't. Let me float. Yes I know. You can see when it can be used as I would wish. She's played out these presentations are but framed in wax by the curious masters of that quality of incentive and she takes them for true substantial bodies. Why do you do to bring
her to display. I am here and go no further in your crew out here. Send her a penitential garment to put on next her delicate skin and furnish I would be pretty damn body you know her as well as that my blood ran pure and was more work than that which is our wants comfort color so I will somehow masques of common cut exams have her meat served up by boards and rough aeons and cos you need to be mad. I am resolved to remove for the common hospital all the mad folk and place them they are lodging there let them practise together seeing them dance an act that gambles to the fall of the moon. If she can sleep the better for it. While there is almost a must I see her again yes never your masks never out in mine own shape. Bets forfeited by my intelligence and this last cruel lie.
When you send me next the business shall be comfort it is likely that I pity is nothing of kin to the Antonio looks about me that I shall shortly there to feed a Fiat as great as Night Live and which never will slack did it have spent his fuel. Intemperate I dared use make physicians cruel. The. US was. The. We're going to let. Them. Know you. Would like to know when I get my coffee. OK I'll go to Sam because I have got to spread makes Adam the whites you want to. Send to the recent years where you know it's we go but. You. Know the first. Coach to. Bring. The digital. It was hideous nor his Was that just the man who called The Man
Who Made. This debacle merging. This dude I think was a. Prick just. Indeed I thank him. Nothing but noise and they can keep me in my right wits has reason and sometimes make me stop. Man is this a prison. Yes but you shall live to shake this off to fool the robin redbreast and the nightingale. Never live long. You cages dry your eyes. What think you of madam of nothing when I muse that I speak like a madman with your eyes open knows that I think we shall know one another in the other world. Yes out of course. Oh that it were possible we might but who some. Today's conference with the dead. From them I should learn some more time
showed I never shall know. Tell the America I am not mad you to my cause of stalking. They have know in my head seems made of molten brass claiming self. At times I'm not mad. I am acquainted with misery as the can get is plenty of his with his. All these tests are to make me stop a constant theme and custom makes it easy. Who do I look like now. Like to your picture in the gallery. A deal of life in the show but not in practice. Or rather like song Rev. monument whose ruin means that you can get to. Heaven. I'm going to tell you your brother did you do some sport. A great physician when the pope was sick of a deep melancholy presented him with several sorts of madmen which while
being full of change in sport forced him to knock off. And so the impulse broke the self-same joy that you condense on you let them come you stick out Internet let them loose when you came here but I am chained to India and all the alternate I am a man. To load a football beat feet cold was to raise one's country telos. load up We some was uploaded to load. Yes fun close to you. Whoa whoa whoa whoa oh mum
can't listen here. Klaas house tied with the dead to talk to anybody. If nothing was done that would be a dish that the big bosses that were close relatives may throw their caps at me. I have made a soap called Steve. It was my must appeal. He may have to question him. I will leave you. I am come to make the right tool. My two speaks does if I lay upon my death bed gasping for breath I stopped to see Yassin the more dangerously since my sickness is insensible. Oh no match. That's name me who I am I bought a box of worms
at best but a Salvatore of green. What's this place. A little added milk fantastical puff paste bodies a week of them those paper prisons boys used to keep flies in. More contemptible since ours is to preserve worms. Didst ever see a lock in a case such as this so in the body of his work is like a little turf of grass and I have no heads like her looking glass. Only gives us a miserable knowledge of a small compass of our prison and not hide I Duchess. Some great woman show off a riot begins to sit and I thought I'd clad in gray hairs twenty to another non-American milkmaids sleepers worse than ever a mouse should be forced to take up our lodging at a cat's ear. A little in from the breeds its teeth should lie with he would cry out as if I were the worst bedfellow. I am the Duchess of Malfi to you that
makes that I sleep so broken Gloria is like a far off shine bright. But look to me. I have neither heat nor light. Oh I don't play my trade is the flat of a dead not the living. I am a tomb because I'm not coming to make my to. Yes that may be a little Many of what's talked with on me could result of my first of what fashion ha me to we go fantastical and I don't think do we affect fashion in the grain most ambitiously Prince's images on the tombs do not lie as they were wont seeming to pray up to heaven but with their hands under their cheeks as if they died of the tooth ache. They are not without eyes fixed upon the stars. But as that Mayans were only bent upon the self-same way they seem to their faces now men know fully that for the effect of this tie does not preparation. This Talk to put a child.
Bring him her coffee and cogs and tobacco. As a present from your princely brother and may or derive Wellcome for it brings lost benefit lost sorrow.
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BBC world theater
Episode Number
The Duchess of Malfi (Reel 2)
Producing Organization
British Broadcasting Corporation
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
This series presents performances of great plays, both classic and modern.
Radio Theater
Performing Arts
Media type
Producing Organization: British Broadcasting Corporation
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 70-2-53 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:48:03
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Chicago: “BBC world theater; 53; The Duchess of Malfi (Reel 2),” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 24, 2024,
MLA: “BBC world theater; 53; The Duchess of Malfi (Reel 2).” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 24, 2024. <>.
APA: BBC world theater; 53; The Duchess of Malfi (Reel 2). Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from