Child beyond; Everybody knows my name
- Transcript
The child beyond produced by Radio host the University of Texas under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters. The child is there beyond the hurt handicap beyond the defect and the difference beyond the problem and it's probing. There is a child me arm. How can we reach him. How can we set him free. Radio host the University of Texas brings you the child beyond a series of recorded programs devoted to the exceptional child in our society. His areas of difficulty. His problems the avenues of adjustment open to him. These broadcasts bring with them counsel from the authorities of national reputation in the field of medicine psychology therapy and special education. And from parents of
exceptional children they are directed to every member of any community and which an exceptional child strives to fulfill his destiny as a whole child. Perhaps you are wondering why our intended audience is so broad in scope. And here is our series commentator Dr. William Wolfe but the answer actually I don't have the answer for it. You yourselves will need to look around you at many people in all sorts of places. But for a starter Let's have a look at well what do you say we look at a summer camp for boys. And here we are. Where are we home Maine or Texas or Colorado. It doesn't make any difference. The thing is there's a place to swim or maybe a boat dock. There are trees and rocks and paths and sun and there's a mess for a lot of our recreation hall cabins or tennis tennis courts maybe courses perhaps and best of all there's that important commodity which all summer camps for boys
specialize more. Boy that was. Born as a boy of all manner and kinds of oils. Tall boys short boys big boys little boys pushed off you boys when we boys each an individual at all managing to look surprisingly alike except for this young man coming toward us. You know it isn't often you see a camper with the braces on. Riding a bicycle hire their fellow you go to this camp for him Mr anything I can do for you I don't think so thank you we're just poking around. Seems to be a mighty fine camp here. It's super but the best camp there is I'm like. Why are there any boys here and say that nearly three hundred. Twelve are just excuse me I didn't introduce myself. I'm Bill Wolff. No you serve on my tongue and I'm glad to know you might say that's a fine bicycle you've got there. Yes sir. My uncle gave it to me. Any more evidence you. Want
here. Fox then-CEO run yeah sure thing. My uncle's one semi camel was he gave me the bike so I could keep up with the other kids. Keep up with the other kids. Looks to me like they might have trouble keeping up with you my Sure he has a lot of data we're going to get. Yeah when the first letters again. Oh yes of course I don't need it for just getting around the camp but invite your Comes in handy for hikes and overnight cook outs and things like now but it does talk of things going like Team Brucie just game. That's our swimming counsellor Mr. Brooks. Everybody calls him Mike. How long is this campaign going on. How long will it be seen Yeah. We've been here. Monday Tuesday. We've been here for days. Well you've certainly got a lot of friends. You must have been here last year though. Oh noes around new year a lot of us are your new born. Well how is it you know so many people. Well sir. I guess you don't know them so much as they know me with these braces on and ride my bike. I guess she said I just sort of stand out.
You Cesar. That's one of the good things about being like I am. People will forget who you are. They notice you and they can't help it. Like your camp for instance you take a lot of these kids they don't know anybody much and well nobody much knows them for days and they haven't had time to get a coin in but me well everybody knows me. Who's that kid with the braces. The one that rides a bicycle and somebody else. That's Mike Mike Tolbert. So the next time this guy sees me he'll say Hi Mike you know who I am. See how it works. It's the same with all of you with everybody here everybody knows my name. Everybody knows my name. You know it's a good feeling when people know your name. You're makes a nice warm glow inside of a boy with not a bitterness because you can't walk without braces can't run can't play ball has to have a bicycle to keep up with the other kids on a hike.
Now there's recognition and those high mikes. There's prestige in being the boy whose name every other boy knows. And he was being built a boy's picture of himself as a person is taking shape. And in that recognition software steam can germinate in that attention. Self acceptance can flourish like clover in the sun for such satisfactions can fortify youngster buttressing his faith and confidence in himself as an important person a person worth knowing and recognized as such by the people around him. You take a lot of these kids they don't know anybody well nobody much knows them but me everybody knows me everybody knows money as compensation their compensation for something else that everybody knows all over and you can't get around about those braces and crutches. So when he rides a bicycle I don't know polio I think somebody said it was polio or whatever it was it sure messed up his legs and that's a fact. It sure messed up his legs. That is a fact a fact which cannot be
hidden overlooked already. But Mike's lucky he didn't mess up Mike. Thanks to the people around him who are willing to forget his legs in the pleasure of knowing it it lad who's good to know. You know actually it's a two way swap favorable to both sides. For what they give miking attention and recognition and the value they put upon him as a son or friend or a new boy in camp they get back in the reflection of a sound and sure personality one that adds a lot to their own satisfactions in that swap are the ingredients of Mike's social adjustment. Sometimes though the exchange is not such a happy one and the attention directed to defect the recognition accorded difference are repaid in a baser currency so you are the new maid. I guess we have more new maids and anybody they don't like to wait on me. But they have to. I can't do anything for myself. I guess my mother told you I'm blogging.
That's not fair I just posted that. Here's what we'd like. He was supposed to go. One of the things I can't buy and you know I don't care I don't care how flunked the course. I'm not going to stand up there and make a speech with everybody staring at me feeling sorry for me. If that teacher had any consideration for anybody she wouldn't even ask me to. No you can't be on our side my mother doesn't want me playing with you. She says How does she know why you're like that. And she's not taking any chances. For good or for ill. James goes on because it is true of our exceptional children as it is true of all children. No child lives his life in isolation. For each of our youngsters exceptional or otherwise. There are doors leading to the world outside himself. How will those doors give access to him. Well they swing freely and easily back and forth. Our creek on rusty hinges.
Our bank shut and locked in his face. How these doors of communication and what does a patient serve the child depends on many things on the nature and extent of his disability upon the child's feelings about himself. His feelings about other people the feelings of other people about him. There is a constant interplay among these feelings a constant interaction of attitudes and influences. As we have attempted to show in preceding programs the child's picture of himself is first formed in his own home by those closest to him. The members of his own family his idea of himself of what he is as a person is further shaped by those whom he meets outside his home by their attitudes toward him their feelings about him their treatment of him. But these attitudes of others their feelings their treatment are themselves influenced by the very self portrait which they are helping to mold how the child feels about himself. Stems largely from
how others feel about him how others feel about him. Depends in large part upon how he feels about himself. In this interdependence are the factors which shape the destiny. The ingredients which determine how well or how poorly he will fit into the world around him into his own family group his neighborhood his school and the community of which he is an integral part. How do we know the picture of himself which a child has four small children seldom say out loud those things which they feel most deeply. Well a child grows in years in insight in self understanding and then sometimes he can paint it in words. This picture of himself and what happens to him or how I really feel. Feel about starring in social situations is hard to describe. When I start daughter it's as
if my staring has a hold of me instead of my having a hold of it. I can sense the other people wanting to help me and I can feel them getting impatient and this just makes me stutter all the worse. If if people would only look as in the. Instead of turning their heads away for fear of staring at us I think this would be a better world it would be for the stars anyway. Yes sometimes a child grown older will paint his self portrait for us in words his own words knowing that he painted. But more often he will reveal his self picture in his actions never knowing that the brush strokes are his own never dreaming
what they truly would be. Now. That this memo is going OK I'm going to return to hash. Out. The narrow narrow narrow. Can you guys just watch. Are you CAN YOU would you know you're doing playing marbles going to look like that out what it looks like. I've said I never saw such a dumb get. Stabbed that you Mr. Smeaton no greeny you miss your family. That's what's dumb about it you guys don't even know how to shoot. Them. Look at how a butterfingers here makes that green you would have seen me but you'd better never then know. Anybody that can't shoot any better than that. I wouldn't let him in my game. Well this isn't your game. Your turnouts make it my game. Move over you guys make room for oh Paul Hamm What made you get out. Sam Stearns I am sure ma'am it's my turn. Oh I was going to show you jokers some are bored students. That moment you can move over but honestly here you're seven Come on now something you've
got to do is get rid of these no good marks. My Greenaway Yes you're messing up I am Sam. Yeah I can't hear a word not a word I just turned you off. I mean like he said. I just turned you off you ain't getting through to me. Now if you're through yet you know if you knew back in what's it you got there or here and. What to do your long nose and I just wondered. I never saw one before to you without it. Fair enough to know I'm going to punch you in the nose if you ask any more questions. Now I just got a hearing aid for the fan who cares what your uncle's got who wants to stand around talking about your goofy Oh luckily Anyway I want to shoot marbles now coming to you guys and keep your hands in your pockets. Oh Paul's going to show you some marbles that are really marbles none of that old damn store junk your son. Yes exceptional children like all other children show us their self pictures through their own actions. Some like Paul in the bold bright colors of over aggression and some in the mousie monotones of self-effacement and withdrawal. Some like
not actual. Cool. Marshal all you hold dear in here mother in my room. What happened to you darling. I thought you were going to Betty's house have to school. I didn't feel like it. I had a headache. So many headaches lately dear. We're going to have to ask Dr. Greg Rhea. Well I couldn't imagine I stopped by on my way home to ask friend for a recipe and Betty said you hadn't showed up and they were wondering you really ought to call Betty Marsh I will mother shouldn't you call her now in a minute I want to finish this page. You shouldn't be reading with a headache Marcia Very likely that's what the trouble is you read so much. Why don't you put the book away dear and I'll get you an ass I don't need it mother. My head's better now. Well then don't you think I could run you over to bit is the girls were all there and they were having such fun they're all probably gone home I'm sure they haven't dear they don't we just settled on the decorations when I was leaving. They still had to plan their a freshman's and do something about the music. Anyway I am not going to the
party. Not going to the party of course you're going to the party dear your one of the hostesses. You were chosen by the Klan as a class. Oh mother the teacher did that Miss Jensen. She's always the negative. That's not very nice. Well it's true. Miss Jensen likes you dear she's interested in you. She's sorry for. Don't be silly Masha. And as for the class choosing you dear they did. She could make them choose you if they didn't want to know could she. I guess not all right then so let's not have any more silly talk about not going to the party. The side there is your lovely pink dress. I declare it's one of the prettiest dresses mother. I'm not going to the party Marsha. Don't be difficult. You go so few places dear and here is this lovely party and you've got a beautiful new dress and a date what will you tell Billy. Tell him he doesn't have to type me just because his aunt bribed him with her car Marshall.
Whoa can you be so silly. And we know why you ask me mother. Please add rather not go into it. I just don't know what. Just my. Why are you wearing the Dan Barry come in dear. Hello Mrs. Travis Martian What on earth happened to you. I had a headache. Well you missed the whole thing. We could have given you an aspirin or something and we need to do. My goodness. None of us know a thing about decorations. We've just planned something poopy and you're so good at things like that. I sure wish you'd been there that day. Marsha says she's not going to the party. Oh she's kidding. Sure you're going to the party. Why don't you Marcia Marcia. No I don't think I am. Well what on earth I mean. Well I don't get it. You got a new dress just specially for the party and a day I'll explain to Billy explain a lot. What are you telling. Just that I don't care to go. I don't have to say why I'll just say I don't care to go but gosh you'll have to tell
him something some reason you won't need a reason. You'll be so relieved to see Betty she's just in a mood. He will not. And everybody else. What do you tell them. It's not any of their business. It certainly is some of their business. When they picked you for a hostess and they gave you a responsibility I just felt sorry for me felt sorry for you my foot. Listen Marcia. You know what you're being watched You're being a slob just up. Playing three dimensional slob nobody feels sorry for you. You just bring that one up. Look you're smarter than any other 5 of us combined. You've got more talent in your little finger than we've got in our whole put together. You've got a wonderful personality when you use it and don't go mooning around with your nose in a book and a chip on your Slugger Barry I don't want to talk about you're going to talk about it. You probably won't ever speak to me again but it's time somebody talk some sense into you. You've got a lot to offer Marsha but you're not offering it. You keep running away from everybody holding back and hiding I don't
either. But I'm not a find you don't act like one. Don't back off from people. Don't push them away if they want to be friends be friends. Don't always be looking for some reason like feeling sorry for you or something. People don't feel sorry for you unless you feel sorry for yourself. You see the hole you see dear that's what I've been trying to tell you. They don't feel sorry for you. That's right silly. They don't but they're going to if you keep on with this hermit routine. This I'm not going to the party kick and this I stay home with the headache stuff they're going to feel sorry for you not because you're crippled but because you've got a hole in your head and you have nobody to thank but yourself. Where are. You going to be going. These then are the ingredients of social adjustment for Exceptional Children. As for
all children the child's feelings about himself his feelings about other people the feelings of other people about him and the interaction of each upon the other. That is why these programs are intended for you all because each of you in some capacity makes a contribution constructive or otherwise to some exceptional child social adjustment. All of us whether we like it or not are so involved if only as members of a community in which exceptional children strive to live their own best lives to interpret for us these roles we play in and how they can be made more meaningful. We have Dr William C. Adamson director of the Austin community garden center and joy Green has several polls of individual himself and a graduate student at the University of Texas. First I'd like to welcome both of you as consultants to this particular part of the series. And I'd like to start out first Dr. Adamson by asking you for for your feelings as to the validity of the
scenes you have just heard dramatize here. Dr. Wolf I'd like to begin by saying that I felt you created a very real to life situation that Mike Paul and Marsha all brought to life the problems with which your handicapped children and their parents are struggling. Thank you very much Dr. Adams. Joy you've been living with this problem of cerebral palsy for a long time now what. What is your general reaction to this thing you've just heard. Well I would readily agree with Dr. Adamson in that this is very true to live the one voyage to dial all of way through from the standpoint of the exceptional individual. But the fact that he exerts no individual was continuously concerned with what other people thought about him. Well Dr. Adams you're a psychiatry first and I know that you are
confronted with these problems every day. I'd like to get started here in this interview and try to get at some of the things that we can actually do when we meet these problems. How would you go about in general that Years. Toward helping one of these children I think that your script brought out very well. Back to all of that there are two aspects of helping the exceptional child. The first aspect is a healthy parental acceptance of this child's problem. And this is basic Actually the family represents the workshop out of which feelings and acceptance of deference as well as failings of capacities are worked through and after the parents have helped the youngster get started. Then the second important step is the social group and the community acceptance of this particular child as an individual or as a very important I think. There was a scene toward that in the in the script when I you say that the family would constitute a workshop. Do you think they can do it by themselves though don't you feel it there. They
must be guided. Why would why would they go for help. While this frequently depends on what community resources are available. But I feel that are special education teachers in the public schools are more and more being trained equipped to deal with meeting the problems of these kiddos. Frequently the parents can turn to the family physician who may be well versed or may not it's awfully important to choose very carefully the person trained to work with this type of child. Dr. Wolfe we might put an aside here and say that the degree to which parents can accept a child's problem is frequently related to how clear the parents are on the nature of the child's problem. We there move in the direction of bending over backwards to keep from alarming the parents to try to soft pedal it or else maybe we move in the other direction of just taking up the ball and running with him in how it sensitively put out is a basic step in the beginning teamwork.
And then the next step of course is how the parents carry this professional information to the child. What do they say. What do they tell the child. How are they able to convey this feeling that you may have some limitations but you also have some real capacity. I'm glad you brought that point up because I happen to know that there is a program in the series devoted to that particular thing and and I believe the listeners will be. Most happy to wait for that particular program because it is discussed there in in great detail. Joy how do you feel he looking back upon your life how do you feel about what Dr. Adams and has as brought out here. Well I I don't think that you could emphasize too much to impart the responsibility of parents in helping the individual to have a feeling of security love and security is very important in every child's life. And
this would carry over even stronger to one who. Where like they would have a tendency to feel that he was different to feel that he was in any way. A little less able then the boy who plays more of wealth is the other playmates. The child gets this from the parent he can since this feeling of security the degree of acceptance that the bird has to Him and He knows all about him. There's one point I'd like to pick up here around this little girl Marsha. I was quite impressed with that whole scene because I felt that all along the parents had been pretty accepting of Marsh's situation and actually Marsha had moved this
far in relationship to Mother and Daddy as she could and that it took a group acceptance it actually took something from a kid of her own age at the point where more she was moving out from the raring of mother a talk this additional push from this little friend Betty who said that you've got a lot to offer but you back off with your hermit routine and I thought that this was awfully good because Mother couldn't reach this girl at a dating age. But it was Betty's acceptance and the group's acceptance that she had something to give that moved her along. Well how about back to Mike in the summer camp joy Have you read an experience like that where everybody knew your name so to speak. Oh yes. I'm quite well acquainted with that very situation. My own personal experiences and I know that everyone knows someone who has a tendency to stand out from the group and you have to.
This is quite often misleading and I didn't realize that until later on in life that even though you had the sense that people understood you told to speak are accepted you quite often had the opinion that was expressed by the fellow who spoke. No I was told his legs are messed up and someone said that he has polio. And that's about the extent the general public. No they are not concerned they know due to being quizzed about what she does make you feel good when evaluation gives you a sense of a sense of security here as it is not right. Dr. Adamson Could you just in a few words here make his summary now of the attitudes that you have as I can't resist concerning these problem.
Yes. First of all I think we've said that the family must show a healthy respect for the handicapped child's limitations as well as a respect for his capacities. Secondly the parents must show a real caring. They must show a direction they must show how these feelings can be expressed. And thirdly the parents must be ready to understand that the handicapped child is going to have some betterness is going to have feelings of selfishness is going to have feelings of difference and they must be worked through with the parents in the home. Very valuable advice Dr. Adams and certainly Thank you Joy. Mr. Joy Greene I thank you very much. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Everybody knows my name was brought to you by a radio House the University of Texas has the force of a special series of programs titled The child beyond. These recorded broadcasts are devoted to the exceptional children in our society. Their problems are the areas of difficulty and the avenues of
adjustment open to them. Counseling with us on this program with Dr. William C. Adamson and Mr. Joyce Green. Our series commentator is Dr. William G director of the Austin cerebral palsy center a member of the National Education Advisory Board United servile Policy Association and president of the Council on Teacher Education International Council for Exceptional Children. Everybody knows my name and was prepared for broadcast my jack the Summerfield from a script by the Dora twins with special music by Eleanor Paige alar Adkins was Project Coordinator your announcer Bill Cadmus. The child beyond was produced by Radio hosts of the University of Texas under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center. This program is distributed by the National Association of educational broadcasting. This is the end E.B. network.
- Series
- Child beyond
- Episode
- Everybody knows my name
- Producing Organization
- University of Texas
- KUT (Radio station : Austin, Tex.)
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-sx648v1m
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-sx648v1m).
- Description
- Episode Description
- The social adjustment of the exceptional child.
- Series Description
- Documentary-drama with discussions by child-care experts about exceptional children, both handicapped and gifted.
- Broadcast Date
- 1956-01-01
- Topics
- Parenting
- Subjects
- Exceptional children--United States.
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:29:28
- Credits
Composer: Page, Eleanor
Producer: Summerfield, Jack D.
Producing Organization: University of Texas
Producing Organization: KUT (Radio station : Austin, Tex.)
Speaker: Wolf, William G.
Speaker: Adamson, William C.
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 56-12-4 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:17
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Child beyond; Everybody knows my name,” 1956-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 12, 2025,
- MLA: “Child beyond; Everybody knows my name.” 1956-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 12, 2025. <>.
- APA: Child beyond; Everybody knows my name. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from