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Need the following program was originally released in 1956. These were the Valiant. From the four corners of the earth. The University of Michigan bring you tales of the greatest national heroes of all time. I am. Tales of the volume a transcribed series of historic adventures produced by the broadcasting service of the University of Michigan under a grant from the Educational Television Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters. Today the story of Saladin hero of the Arab world.
The Holy Land in the year eleven hundred eighty seven. In that year the Holy Land had begun to see with unrest for almost a hundred years the Frankish invaders would come with the Second Crusade have occupied the land which the Arabs consider their own. But now after countless provocations the Arabs are forming under the banner of a new selves from Egypt to Damascus. There has arisen a new symbol of hope of liberation and destruction to the friends that symbol is Saladin. By the month of July 11 87. Saladin has lured the crusader army of King into an elaborate trap. The place he has chosen is called the teen. And it is
there our story opens on a hot July night in the camp of the French Crusaders. Why Squire I know who she will be. Where did you come from. Vitamin a seris and I could have slit your throat by now already. Didn't you learn to keep alert on my guard. I've been watching out that way still a bit. Not toward our own camp and yes I know them. They won't risk their precious Mohammed to next around the camp of the Knights Templars. You know the way we handle Saracens Morenae how many actions if you've been in since you left France. Well. One. At Celtic. But I've learned how to handle those Arabs a little and perhaps I should take over this post while you hold battle conference with the king of Senor. You mean that I could go. I didn't mean shit all they had to sound presumptuous you can't help yourself. There is nothing so
presumptuous as a French equi Hey what's the matter of those horses. They're just priceless. They have been for the past all sort of life you want the truth of it. All but you were going to tell me how to handle error I don't know Miss sure I wouldn't potato weeping for the chance now go ahead. I must admit you're well there. I've studied the whole crusade. And certain principles are outstanding. For example. When we captured Antioch we killed all of the Saracens offenders again to Jerusalem the same thing. And there was no trouble after that. It's this furnace this record used against the godless Muslims that brings us victory and brings us plunder. You have shared the spoils of conquest we shouldn't Yes I have but right now I'd exchange it all to be back in France. They're out there you know. Crawling in the night. I can smell them. I fought the Saracens 20 years already and for the first time I'm beginning to be afraid not of Muslims feel a bit of one Muslim.
His name is solid. Years ago when I first came out here I joined the expedition of King Emeric. We subdued the Caliph of Egypt rock the dynasty of the phantom in the whole country the Nile is almost ours and then from off the deserts there appeared the army of solid and. Defeated a Saddam yet to throw us back at Alexandria. Finally when we withdrew from Egypt Saladin followed he sliced increased way into our domains and now we must even fight to keep him out of Jerusalem itself. A tremendous warrior Saladin tremendous. He's been running away from us for the past 10 days. I wonder if he is running away. You are a young lady. Never underestimate the Saladin. Or you may never live to grow old. Do you smell something similar to the Saracens or do you think makes a horse's nerve No no it isn't that it's like smoke. Lol You Know That would be quite.
Listen. We have a visitor out there in the dark an Arab I don't hear anything with your crossbow already. Here is a cocked and loaded yes machine but you can't see the light. Keep perfectly still. To do this right here. I think you hit him. No time to find out about him. Look that's what you smelled. Campfires. We hope you'll follow the Saracens of set fire to the grass. They're going to try to burn us up. What do we do. You get in the camp and sound the alarm and hurry hurry before the blaze comes closer. Your going to learn what it's like to fight Saladin. The Lord. When I left off I ask you to call me the minute your father the soldier in return. But he
hasn't come back yet to me. Oh I thought I saw him enter the tent here. Oh what do you know about this nonsense spoken around the camp sense. Nothing less. It is put in my ear that sounded in his name and I took that photo no take command of the left wing. I won't stand for it. Inside the tent. I want a straightforward answer here and now. What about that traitorous Chiquita her. Please do me out of inside me well we'll go inside but if what I hear is true inside or outside it's not going to alter matters. What possessed the soul Tom to entrust one third of the army to a traitorous talk about how he fought against us he's been in prison convicted of a Tookie again. Let me present with prints of her on I believe the word intrigue. I was convicted of intrigue. Then you heard what I said Prince Chickabiddy keep Southwind and sound but not secret. I make no secret of this.
Yuck. These words must you realize there was a confidence intended only between friends. I've known talkie a d most of enough aloft. I would make my own apologies when and if I feel an apology is necessary. He was once imprisoned for disloyalty against assault but to me it was yourself. I make no issue of this. The emir is of course correct. Then you won't. I have trouble enough defending my honor from unwarranted attacks. I don't concern myself with matters of fact he accuses himself and possibly lacks the courage to do otherwise. It's resounds good fortune that you used the word possibly all one of us would not walk from this tent alive. I suggest we talk of other things. I would protest himself that is your privilege. I love the Sultan will return tonight shortly I think before battle he's always restless until he sees the enemy in the terrain at first hand.
Yes what a curious practice what you command others to do scouting and reconnaissance for them. Then you don't know my father very well. When I first heard of he was a Kurd from Armenia next he was an Egyptian. What is he now a Muslim. I'm not so sure. Speaks riddles he thinks it makes him sound like a scholar you know what I mean him. For too long the Kurdish a Kurd Sudanese Sudanese different than a Turk from Baghdad different from Damascus. It has always been in the eyes of my father my father is first of all a Muslim. I wonder if you would tell me something else about your father. I hear he is so obsessed with a desire for revenge over the fact. That it tempers his judgement. He was there. Can tell you about. I thought survive.
I found what was left of the car I had taken his plunder. The usual Christian had guaranteed safe passage to these pilgrims going to Mecca but the Knights Templars chop them to pieces. That he would destroy the temple of the city of Jerusalem and he seriously wants to fight them here with the sea at our backs. Might this be the same time I left that day and have been waiting impatiently ever since. I wish that I was to exchange positions with a Christian. There's nothing wrong with opposition if the battle goes against us we have to see it back. We could not retreat. We would be destroyed. I do not intend to retreat salad and malarkey. I like talking to.
Me I think. Not as bad as it looks. What happened. One of those like a cat put a bolt from a crossbow through my arm. Help me tie it up in a washer. Her you shiftless beggar. So. What keeps you here at this hour. I had thought to discuss troop dispositions about the email has a more exciting topic to mention. I came to offer advice about what he wishes to warn you about. You didn't before. I will not have bickering between my officers here. Or what you are going to do to my arm. So I object to your
giving a command of left wing to attack. Barry is one of the best fighting men of this country. We fought against the Turks throughout all history. I say place our national borders Jordan took on the wing of one of our own Kurdish leaders one you know is loyal. Talking to Dean as a military commander you are unparalleled. This is a holy war. Jihad is greater than any single battle you have ever fought and you risk failure. Once I placed Dean in prison because that he does a PhD. Now I place him in command of the wing because that he'd do a disservice. This will make it feel better. Feels good what is it. When we got from a doctor back and. It stimulates healing when there were annoyed meant to rub on our heads and stimulate thinking in mere forget you were a Kurd and I am a code and we thought an I-beam is a Turk. Remember we are Muslims. Finished with that bandage.
Yes. Now both of you come outside of the tent with me. Come. Around the campfire over there are the Egyptians and the house there the city. Iraq backed up us the Mahdi Dean and the Turks. What holds us together only the fact that we are all Muslims. That and the spirit of your leadership. If I have united these people I have not done so by paper of TISM to my clansman or by nagging suspicion of my former enemy. So the overall command of the combat branches of the army should be much why should I Slike those who put faith in me who willingly submit to my command. It is through my faith in Islam that these fires burn around this one camp while over there beyond the valley of had seen fires that burned for the doom of the Crusader. Is that where you are tonight. We set fire to the grass. I intend to make the Crusaders spend a restless
night. And to morrow we shall destroy it. I have stated my feelings on you that I should obey your orders of course. Then get some rest. You know the plan of battle. I want you and your troops in position before sunrise. We shall be there. Good night good night. Yes I want to tell you what we expect of the left wing tomorrow. You must expect miracles. Why do you think that. Because if the Knights Templars charge the center of our line they will drive us into the sea. Good good. You want them to attack your army. I pray they will find the temptation irresistible. You confound me Saladin. Come here and the light from the tent. Let me drop in the second. Here's the sea. Here's the center of our army. Over here are the crusaders. And here are the horns of twin mountain separated by a plane. To attack my center the pious butchers must pass up this valley that simply concentrates their
force against you but my right and left flanks are moved forward to a position behind these tomorrow. I want you here on the left and on the right will be the Amir talk. The center will engage the Crusaders and slowly fall back at the proper moment. The center will hold for both flanks will snap shut and we will grind them to death. You're not convinced. No why not. Because the battle hinges on the ability of the Center to hold back the entire Christian army until the Wings get an actual troop that powerful Omid knights will be concentrated against the center. They were overwhelmed by Allah. They will not because I will personally be in command of the center and I will stop them. Down here look at this part of the flight I saw them t'other place just stuck
rigorously. I told them the name of to literally moon walk. This. Dream down the hill. My client the right wing 200 right under is your copy of the gift but his conduct last night worried me old worries or ended their mayor is wreaking havoc on the enemy reserves. Then we must make the final smites here with the center take chemicals out there they call the. Arsenal of the. Father. You're not going into the fight to Muslims fight their best with me as I had to wait. I heard what you said last night for you mother. I say many things to him I didn't said if I were to die. These soldiers of the slam would never like to gather again. You can't take tracks in battle they would never quite if I refused to share their risks either. Don't worry my son I will not die today I still have to take drugs or Come come out you know nowt. Thanks.
Thanks. Thanks. It can be. It cannot be merciful God in heaven it cannot be. There are wailing. Tell me how it feels king of the crusaders to lose an anti-Romney some day and talk with you and some day you will know how it feels. I swear you will know how and I hope it gives me strength to bear it like a man not a sniffling in flight was I not cute. Why did you bring me to this tent to meet the greatest man in the slam. He's coming now and when I said the Sudanese the word
they flew down the mountain like Falcon. They were magnificent. Peace be on you and on you where you fought splendidly today as well as a Kurdish from your talking in this is high praise indeed the prince deserves praise he fought well. And here is our prize of combat the king of the Crusader. Stand up for him. So you are the infidel. I am king of Jerusalem formerly of Jerusalem. As long as I live I remain the king of the Muslims are going to take that city. Well look there's a God in heaven you will not hold the city cannot will not fall to the forces of evil. I shall be inside Jerusalem before you could grow another bed. Then you are the antichrist himself. I suspected you today everyone of my knight Templar's slaughtered on the field even when they surrendered.
What kind of god do you men would give such orders Sholay may well not know he was in distress. Put back your blood today for the first time he has learned the despair and anguish we Arabs have known for a hundred years. How do you know your heart with compassion for this unhappy man. Compassion for these dogs. Let me caution you. Never speak of slaughter to the emir he found the caravan at Carra And do you know what your pious knights did there. My knights were the nobles of Europe. I know not their reputation in the West but we Arabs have seen them as they are in the east and we have seen them attack women and children plunder the goods of merchants for their own gain. We have seen them burn the mosques and torture our men for knowledge of gold and precious jewels. If these be the actions of a Christian knight he had best forget Christ and come into the arms of Mohammed and
inshallah. By contrast we killed your knights on the field of battle. If you had won today would we have been treated differently. No I'm afraid not. And therefore I too must die a painful confession. And I admire you and my other friends you dog I say kill him now remember Otaki the prophet showed us the path of generosity. I feel no compassion for crusaders. We curse them and their issue for a thousand times ten thousand years to forgive one's bitterest enemy to conquer the dissolving fury against him. That is truly the compassion of Saladin. I've seen too much of this today ever to feel it myself. You're not going to die not this moment but as soon as you learn what you want to know about the defenses of Jerusalem. My head would be on a pole outside his tent as a matter of fact I am letting you go
free. I'll give you no info. What setting you free. I don't believe it. Whenever you wish. You can leave my tent and keep going right out of this camp. No one will harm what Sarus and trick is this. No trick. Kings do not kill kings. Saladin over there. New York is a bowl of fruit. Would you offer me that in front of these witnesses with my own hand. I must warn you I'm acquainted with your Arabic custom. Say what you will. If a host offers food he is honor bound to see that no harm comes to his guest. My word on the matter by me just a straw. I prefer to take the food. And so I'm going to leave York. Go than King DND in peace. But keep away from Jerusalem for that city will
be mine. Why is US to let him go. That man is your worst enemy Saladin and now he's free. Prince cook better. They can't prevent us from capturing Jerusalem not now. One man means nothing. The flour and strength of the crusader army lies crushed in the sands of the team. You think all we have to do is appear out of Jerusalem and their side and know they'll fight for a while. But they can't win. How long would it take us. The city is under the command of combat Yeah. Within 10 days after our heavy man began hurling stones and fire into Jerusalem this cone bell again will be pleading to surrender. Ten days gentlemen I will wait to read. The book. So by now it must be amply clear to you Saladin that you will never take the
holy city by storm. Then why did you seek audience under a flag of truce combat. Yet you know nothing to show you the hopelessness of your task and to prevent the unnecessary effusion of blood. I have been here less than two weeks. I am prepared to continue the siege for twenty weeks. I have sworn to take Jerusalem by the sword which you cannot do which I shall do not in 20 weeks but within five days. Sappers are ready to blow down the walls at my command among them else compound your city to ruin. They are only quiet now because I thought you would come out to surrender surrender and let you wreak havoc on the people. Let your sadness and take brutal revenge on thousands of Christians that is a prospect you will have to face. We will die fighting. I will do this much better. I will offer protection to the women and children the Knights the warriors they must take their chances. Jerusalem will never surrender. I thought I could make you see the futility of your venture perhaps arrange a truce but surrender. You cannot conceal
your indecision from me with bombast combat. Your choice is simple. Surrender now or five days from now which will it be the crusader army was destroyed it had team. You have no chance of reinforcements. Your situation is hopeless. All right. Return to your precious city and I will burn it down over your head. Prince could bury. Yes your Excellency advised the officers at the Mundials to resume firing. Have a guard escort called Bally EM back to the gates of Jerusalem. It shall be done. Soltani Now wait. I have no more to say bell yet. May God forgive me but I do. You said you will spare the women and children. Yes. Then give me an hour back in the city to make the needed arrangements and Jerusalem is yours. Granted the Amir talk here Dean will accompany you. Open the gates of the city in one hour. Now go. Like the prophet you
done it. Jerusalem is our control your exuberance Our Love Go tell all field commanders that I want them here I mediately her most clever man. Did you have forced them to surrender. Not Hi Prince Harry. Islam let this forever be a reminder of what can be done when our ass cars our soldiers of Islam forget they are Turks or Egyptians or Kurds. We can surprise ourselves and surprise the Christians as well. I think the Christian dog really believes you wish more I will take 40 and fiddleheads by Sunday. No I was serious. What has surprised them again. They expect a massacre and we are the ones to oblige but instead we will let them go for a small ransom. You don't have to keep your word to an infidel to infidel a Muslim my word is my bond. There will be no Christian massacre. I would feel better if we wiped them all out. If only as a
warning to any who might want to follow from Europe it would not stop them. Betty the city is their Mecca. They will keep coming. But the Muslim who applies the principles of generosity will certainly unify Islam. And the man who commands Islam can afford generosity point to. The. It was. The city of Jerusalem fell to the Muslim Army under Saladin on October 2nd 11 87 A.D. The Sultan showed remarkable leniency toward the Christian inhabitants. However Saladin's twin victories that had beene and Jerusalem had inflamed the Christian world in Europe. The Third Crusade began to form under the banners of Richard the Lionhearted awaiting them in the east. Was the heroic Saladin and for the first time in history all East Land was united
in a common cause. We wish to acknowledge the help of Professor George hotdog of the University of Syria in Damascus in the preparation of this program. Now here is Ahmad Mohammad Bashir DELACY also of Damascus a student at the University of Michigan speaking on behalf of professor had gone through all that aboard Saladin or salade Dina as we called him the Sutanto the 12th century is famous both as a statesman and as a warrior. Probably the greatest warrior we have ever known. At that time when a great part of Syria Palestine was in the hands of the
Crusaders he succeeded as you have heard in conquering them that hit clean and in taken Jerusalem at that its your one week among the other cities and strongholds who which fell to the combined army of the Arab state whet their bridges Belford castle that that yeah so your castle suffered and kak. In addition to his although he always achievement Saladino remains today the romantic symbol of chivalry in the Alembic war. The bigger. The University of Michigan has presented tales of the value of another the transcriber series about great national heroes throughout the world. Saladin the hero of the Arab world was written by Julian James and produced by the University of Michigan under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center featured on
the program where Paul hurling or Fred hind Lee Steven Nelson Bob Rinehart John Sargent Don John our nails Stevens and and on street editorial supervision by William Bender Jr.. Tales of the Valiant is directed by Edward starship for the broadcasting service of the University of Michigan. Feels like it is speaking of this program is distributed by the National Association of educational broadcasting. The guy. Didn't. Originally released in 1956 the program you have just heard is from the program library of National Public Radio.
Tales of the valiant
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
Saladin, hero of Islam and the Arab states, throws the Frankish invaders from the Holy Land.
Series Description
Dramatic stories of great national heroes outside the English-speaking world.
Broadcast Date
Crusades--13th-15th centuries--History.
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Actor: Herlinger, Paul
Actor: Street, Don
Actor: Nelson, Stephen
Actor: Reinhart, Bob
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: James, Julian
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 56-13-8 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:03
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Tales of the valiant; Saladin,” 1956-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 4, 2025,
MLA: “Tales of the valiant; Saladin.” 1956-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 4, 2025. <>.
APA: Tales of the valiant; Saladin. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from