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I've seen displays and claims your candor for his daring lasers daring so soon in mimic seems to show what each remembers as a real world. Has forgot when gallant Andre dies unnamed by Fate took Sato self alive whom has forgot when or the UN time leaping contending armies ball to drop a tear Oh poet. It's a point of fact tonight yet claims in building every poets write embellished love and fiction with truth as best may suit which he avowed sees pleasure to impart and the passion. But to mend the heart thank you. 1798 America is thirteen United States. The front door is no further away than the Appalachian Mountains. Only pioneers go there for out beyond the mountains the coonskin cap the Indian fighter and the outpost are being born
out there. Civilization must be fought for with an ax and the plow culture is a fork and spoon a Bible and an unnecessary piece of red ribbon in the east another kind of pioneer is struggling. One of these is William Dunlap author painter theater manager and historian. Tonight at the new theater on Park Row in New York City a pioneer is quietly and with little profit. If you can hear his thinking you would hardly be able to tell his pioneering from his worrying as he watches the final performance of his play. A tragedy in five acts. The story of a spy by William Dunlap. Program two of America on stage. The character of a nature
as seen through its theater. America on stage is produced by the Wisconsin state broadcasting service under a grant from the educational television and radio Surtur in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters consulting for the series is Jonathan W. Kervyn professor of speech at the University of Wisconsin and a specialist in the American theater. Here to introduce the program Professor curving the heroes of a nation reflect the temper of its people. Consider George Washington. He stands as the clearest symbol of the early American republic soldier statesman farmer 18th century gentleman Washington won first place in the hearts of his countrymen and why. Because he represented their conception of the best in Carl Sandburg's words he was the iron man whose name goes over the world. After the revolution whenever Washington appeared in public ecstatic crowds gathered to admire him the adulation took other forms too besides public cheering orators and poets and musicians found their
seams in his character portrait painters found their subject in its features. It remained for William Dunlap to place Washington on the stage and his play Andray a sign of Dunlap's own reverence for his hero is that he calls him only the general. Three hundred eighteen three hundred nineteen three hundred twenty pioneers never have any money. Theatrical pioneers are no exception. They must beggin to borrow and scrape their moments of triumph they have little time to think about the history of their making. They're too busy counting the house. And so as the play Andre proceeds. William Dunlap has little time to glory in the sound of his own poetry. Instead he counts the nights were twenty eight three hundred twenty three hundred twenty nine tonight. Two hundred seventy one last night. Eight hundred the first night. Barely a week's expenses degrading really to be so concerned with financial
matters. William Dunlap theater manager believes in a National Theatre and no wonder deeply in debt his operation always on the brink of financial collapse. An unrealistic businessman a dreams of rescue from the necessity of catering to popular tastes and compromising with moral standards. But for William Dunlap playwright popular taste is most important and so he listens carefully to comments about his play. It all happened you know during the war. Less than 20 years ago Major Andre was a real person. Bland wasn't of course this author fellow Dunlap must've invented him but I remember the Andre incident very well. He was a sort of a spy. He landed here one night and met that traitor Benedict Arnold and then Arnold gave him some papers he shouldn't have. Well Arnold left the country BUT I'M GREAT got caught. Now you might think there wouldn't be much fuss about killing a spy in war time. But there was is Andre was a gentleman and a good person for an Englishman. And there was sympathy for him quite a
disturbance about it at the time I remember it well. Now of course the way they tell about it in the play isn't exactly the way it happened but you wouldn't expect a playwriting fellow to know anything about that. Who is this person bland. There was no one named bland connected with the Andrea affair and Dunlap must have invented him. But why if it was going to write a historical incident didn't he use historical personages. Why not Alexander Hamilton instead of this fictitious bland. And another thing I was rather young at the time and I don't remember all the details but I have seen General Washington and he isn't anything like this person on the stage. He's bigger for one thing and he never uses his hands as much as this actor. The difficulty is peculiar to the author who tries to represent recent actual events. Particulars are too fresh in the minds of the audience if they expect to see all of the details recorded and any deviation from what they remember to be fact appears to them to be a fault
in the Poet. They never consider the difference really between the poet and the historian. Shaking his head sadly William Dunlap goes in to check on the progress of the play and here the first meeting between gray and black is that Don Draper. Oh how changed. Fill us. Where is that generous man. Throughout my fame took up me for a young man named like a friend I have inquired for they wished much to see. Oh Andre I have but not from the south. I cannot speak. Is this the place all of us to find my friend before I act against my conscience for the soldiers
often the generous heat of blowing you. How fully I despised all bribery case all the treacherous tricks rather my blood sugar babies hostile shores and have a language of my country's going to encourage treason and thereby purchase gratitude in favor say it. But there has passed a day which now can be recalled. Unhappy man don't all die life pass your mark by benevolence every day outspread map which shows the way that was tried without one devious track or dog food line at all of Arabs they not if in one one hapless. Life led astray by happy d joy blotted from remembrance can the record of my former good.
Is it not my frame is not hung just not every record canceled. There are hot virtues image when it is once in grave can never know it gracious generous blind draws nigh we changed my life Side Story I should be free but I have another shirt not done so does not deserve it. Betrayed perhaps condemned without due circumstance made known. I thought it's not mean to tempt our offices betray our human soul just to destruction. Silence. Then it was from the duty his wish to serve the cause. Kind is my blind so to his generous heart still finds excuses for his erring frame attentive hearing judge me pleased with the honors daily showered upon me. I glow with martial heat. My name to raise above those who live to die and die to be forgotten. Thus I stood when avarice or ambition carnal tempted his country
fame and honor to betray linking his name to him from the eternal in confidence it was to me proposed to plan with him the means which should ensure the country's downfall. Nothing then I saw but confidential favor in the service of my country's glory and my mounting fame it was that I duty so to serve. Nay be cautious never to admit that beauty can beget this simulation. On ground unoccupied by either part neutralised team I landed and was met by my conference was with Arnold close the day began to dawn. I then was told that the night I must my safety seek in close concealment within your posts conveyed. I found myself involved in one thought dangerous. Night came I saw the vessel which had borne lead to the fatal spot. But she was gone. Retreat that way cut off. Again I sought concealment with the traitors of your army are not not granted passions and I doff my Martial garb and put on cursed disguise
and last in a peasant's farm I passed your posts was stopped and seized by some returning skull. Thou didst know more than was a soldier's duty to serve the part on which he drew his sword. Thou shalt not die put this straight when I fly. I surely shall hear it is in vain has been tried. Each friendly all has not yet been tried. The powerful voice of friendship in the high cause has not been heard and it is in vain. But home there is a service to me. Speak to think and as a soldier. Think how I must die. The manner of my death like the base roughing it of the midnight thief taken in the act of stealing from the poor to be turned off the fellow's murderous cart amid their spectacle to gaping clown nose. To run a short and course of glory and get on a ship to talk oh have no chain and of death I'll think not
stopping. Perhaps not again now surely not done let me die a soldier's death. Quite a friendly clouds of smoke shrouded from my last convulsive pangs and I'm content. Thou shalt not die. Try some of the laws of war if you like that I must be sacrificed to policy so cruel and unjust I would forswear my country into service on the high knee to the Briton and with PIO and sold in every instrument of death for devastation joined in the work of war. Countries which don't make me cause another traitor. No more of this and if I die believe me die country from my death incurs no brain restrained by order but ceaseless late entry that Andre may at least die is he a soldier I am no was a
hoe know him. Tonight is the third performance of Andre and it's going much better than the first. Too much of a difference seems to be in the acting of Mr. Cooper. Thomas Cooper is the young English actor playing bland in this production on opening night. He apparently was quite intoxicated and the center of a disturbance on stage. Yes he has a frightful thing tonight fortunately and had you done so opening night we might not have incurred the audience wrath why he didn't even know his lines fell over Mr. Hodgkinson who plays Andre. That was quite bad enough but then he proceeded to curse the prompter in a voice loud enough to be heard all over the house. All of this undoubtedly contributed to the hissing by the audience of the scene in which he tears from his helmet the emblem of his country and throws it to the ground. And really I don't think we can ever hope to advance the cause of freedom and decency through the medium of the
theatre if it continues to harbor men like Thomas school in this country cannot afford to condone such such moral degenerates has a bad reputation in many cities it's forbidden even here in New York the better people will not associate with members of our profession. How to Survive a reputation like that we must rise to twice. Conduct must be strictly local. William Dunlap playwright theater manager and play on the air speaks of survival in an unsympathetic wilderness on stage his play Andre plod through tragedies traditional five acts a distraught bland goes to the general to plead for Andre's life. Captain you are noted here with admirable praises depend upon that countenance from me which you have proved yourself so richly meriting
your country owes you. If I have done my duty as a soldier if I have braved all dangers for my country call to mind and cancel on what grabs my one request mind and humanity's less profuse of words and name your wish. You hold the fate of my most loved friends as gallant soldier as their face to full lest with each polished gift of social life and every virtue of humanity. Captain Andre lives. All men will bless the act and bless thee for it thinks by country would not curse the man who by a clemency ill timed ill judged encouraged treason that pride and courage which by denying us the rights of nations have caused those ills which has now portrayed our prisoners brave and generous peasantry as rebels have been treated not as men. It is my grave you're going to assert your rights is mine to teach the PO
that though arrayed in simplicity yet are men and rank among the foremost of scouts the very refuse of the English arms unquestioned of our countrymen is consigned to death when captured marking their agonies curse them yet let not censure fall on Andre. Oh they're all English men as brave as good as ever land on Earth might call its own and gallant Andre is among the base no more my good young friend it is in vain the men intrusted with my country's rights have weighed attentive. Every circumstance and individuals virtue is by them as highly prized as it can be by be i know the virtues of this man and love them. But the destiny of millions millions yet unborn depends upon the rigor of this moment. The haughty Briton laughs to scorn our armies and our counsels. Mercy humanity calls loudly that we make our no
despise power be filled vindictive millions demand the death of this young man my injured country he has forfeit life must yield to shield my lacerated breast from torture. I met it. I'm not over looked. Promotion to attend. Pardon me. I never shall deserve it. The country that forgets to reverence virtue I serve not scorn. I have a soldier but it is in union with the Freeman's judgment and when I act prompt votes from my film I tell the badge of my country my soul that I keep a headstrong past without a witness.
Life. But for the motive be the deed forgotten. I am certainly no hissing tonight when bland threw down the khaki emblem of an American soldier. It was well played and the audience applauded bland and really no sign of disapproval. Tonight I could hear you know we were speaking earlier of the difficulties in representing recent actual events yes. Just now coming out of the house I ran into Mr. MR. Yes yes Mr Brownlee performance last night came back tonight to see if you're going to make the same mistake. You see Mr Brown actually witnessed the execution of it. We explain the criticism.
The thing I noticed last night was that in the play Andrea knew they were going to hang them instead of shooting them like Yast actually didn't know that until he saw the gallows. But quite a scare into him again before he saw the gallows he was thinking he was going to be shot like a soldier or and he was walking along with them two soldiers and he was talking in joking just like he does in the play. Only then he sees them gallows and then he knows he's going to get shot like a soldier. But honk like a common criminal. But he didn't know that before. Like it says in the price. Yes. Thank thank you Mr. Brumley. Did you see what I mean. Yes indeed I do. Fifty years from now or a century execution of Andre might be accepted as a genetic material you know today though from a distance of only eighteen years. The incident seems to loom over us like the gallows must have loomed over Andre feelings are so strong memories so definite There is no escape. Everyone is likely to have a specific dissatisfaction
so many have seen General Washington and he does not walk like that or use his hands like that you see. If you include Washington in Andre's then why not Benedict Arnold. Or why have Captain Bland a person who never existed in the play. Side by side with actual historical personages. Did you see what I mean. Too many people have lived a part of the history. The play is trying to depict and their memory of the event is a stronger experience than the play experience on stage the final scenes of the play unfold Andre Reed says doom in the eyes of bland silent I know my time now for death puts the felon's fate fulfilled damnation my blood boiling. It matters not no more it's not just love and I have a sword and I feel such an act would just involve think not of it.
Will not my aide take the sword. Many will say that colonies did urge me in my mind's weakness I did wish to shun that mode of death which era represented infamous. Now let me rise superior and with the fortitude to prove to start from mere appearances. Show your country that tree in me destroys a man who might have lived to virtual. I will not think more of it. I was again the sport of earning passion. They come Drayton the pup. Oh. Major Andre I am ready. Good bye blind and it may in me be merely prejudice. The effect of young opinion deep engraved upon the tender mind of a care parental. But I must think your country has missed still Court interests. Believe
me. But for this I should not willingly have drawn as hard against her. Oh. Forward march. I dare not go. Why oh why oh why can't stand up with him before naming what star by the looks and gestures wild or throw that manly calmness which so well becomes die friend. What means that cannon sound signal of death appointed a friend is now no more. Well. Farewell brave spirit only let my countryman henceforward when the cruelties of war arise in their remembrance whenever the speech would pour forth pouring from their foes dispraise
think on this act occurs and not complain to incite. Such are the dictates of the heart head only of the children of color taught by every teacher of mankind every circumstance of calculative wounded pride which prompted me to be taught to live and me in times to come. No foreign force no European influenced attempt to mis state or all of the tongue of eloquence still abhor them doubly deep detest the act of remembering. That the one who acquiesced or did the deed. Hard to ask from off the.
Never let memory of the offense. And Ray is dead. The play of printed ends with it William Dunlap painter playwright theater manager and historian. Lovely nor with great commendation but quietly by continuing to struggle for survival just as did the other pioneers on the other side of the Appalachians. Many lived and died and made no mark other than a fragment of wilderness cleared for cultivation such a pioneer was William Dunlap. To a. Here again is Professor Kirkman.
We may safely predict that historians will not look to William Dunlap's Andray to find a strictly accurate portrait of General Washington anymore and they will accept the Dunlap version of major and Ray's role in the Benedict Arnold conspiracy. This drama is history romanticized its facts are unreliable. It's blank verse speeches are pitched to a rhetorical and not at all to a realistic level. On the other hand the play does reflect a view of history Dunlap must have shared with many of his compatriots in 1798 with them he said Washington in that same hallowed light which Parson Weems is biography with its cherry tree story was to keep him for generations. As for the Andres story Dunlap's telling keeps to the popularly accepted accounts if not to the facts. Incidentally until James Flexner published his book The traitor in the spa in 1953 the true facts never have been fully revealed for like Washington Major Andre was destined to long remain a symbol a symbol of courtly heroism. And Mr. Flexner has rightly said he was a symbol being carried to death by soldiers
who wept for what they were destroying. Theater audiences of Dunlap's time preferred a glorified image of their struggle for independence a realistic Revolutionary War play would have been historic the stage and even Andrei Dunlap found lacked quite the strident patriotic appeal that his patrons demanded to play out a short life. So when 18:3 Dunlap brought out a revision under a new title the glory of Columbia this was more like it. It was an instant hit with the loudest burst of applause reserved for its final scene a Tablo. If stage directions read a transparency descends and an eagle is seen suspending a crown of law all over the head of the commander in chief. With this model in mortality to Washington the applause for this symbolism run riot spoke loudly and unmistakably for American sentiments program three of the series America on stage will introduce another American celebrity the fabulous folk hero
Davy Crocket in the guise of Colonel Nimrod wild fire of the recently discovered play the lion of the West by James Kirk Paulding. Program two of America on stage produced and recorded by the Wisconsin state broadcasting service under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center. The programs are distributed by the National Association of educational broadcasters a consultant for the series is Jonathan W. curve and professor of speech at the University of Wisconsin heard in the cast were cliff Roberts Karl Schmidt Ed Sprague Tom Grunewald Ray Stanley Tom to teen Ed Marcus and Gary Nathan said music composed and conducted by
Don vaguely script by clear profit row production by Karl Schmidt. The preceding program was made available to this day by the National Association of educational broadcasters. This is the end E.B. Radio Network.
America on stage
"Andre" by William Dunlap
Producing Organization
University of Wisconsin
WHA (Radio station : Madison, Wis.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program presents a radio play of Andre by William Dunlap (1796).
Series Description
Selected American plays written prior to 1900. Each is an expression of contemporary popular sentiments. Radio adaptations of theatre performances, using selected excerpts.
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Actor: Schmidt, Karl
Actor: Roberts, Cliff
Actor: Gruenwald, Tom
Actor: Stanley, Ray
Actor: Sprague, Ed
Host: Kerwin, Jonathan W.
Producing Organization: University of Wisconsin
Producing Organization: WHA (Radio station : Madison, Wis.)
Production Manager: Schmidt, Karl
Writer: Dunlap, William, 1766-1839
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 57-6-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:05
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “America on stage; "Andre" by William Dunlap,” 1963-09-19, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 26, 2024,
MLA: “America on stage; "Andre" by William Dunlap.” 1963-09-19. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 26, 2024. <>.
APA: America on stage; "Andre" by William Dunlap. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from