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Your P.C. university program today and in the broadcast that follow is based upon the story of education published in books in June 1962 co-author with your narrator was Dr. Eugene Moleski an assistant superintendent in charge of teacher recruitment for the New York City Board of Education. By presenting these excerpts from my book The Story of education we are hoping that you are listening audience maybe better able to understand the whys and the wherefores of our own American schools. Our topic today nationalistic education. A striking thing about the development of the Renaissance was the rapid growth of centralized political authority in France and England while the other Western European countries were still decentralized by feudalism. These two were getting a head start in the race for nationalism. There's a general trend to put more political power in the hands of kings was accelerated during the Reformation when the medieval conception of the universe of Cristen with the pope as head was receiving
its most crippling blows. Gun powder first introduced in the 15th century had made it possible for kings to raise mercenary armies of common men who then proceed to destroy feudalism by lowering the price deed to the nobility whose military effectiveness had been based upon protective armor and horsemanship Kings also had discovered a source of ready money in taking over property and funds of the Roman Catholic Church which had become enormously wealthy in many European countries. Nationalism accentuated national differences by its constant wars growing use of vernacular languages and desire for economic gain a system protected by a national state. Their rapidly developed a feeling that each nationality was different from and better than all other nationalities. One crop harvested from the seeds of nationalism has been the constant wars continuing to the present time and becoming ever more destructive of
life and property. Nationalism emerged as a powerful factor in education when state controlled and supported school systems were in process of being established in the 19th century. However this educational aspect it had its roots in ancient times with military authority dominated both Persian and Sparta where the supreme virtue was national patriotism among the Jews nationalism and patriotism were one and the same thing here for the sake of Claris a distinction should be made. Patriotism has probably existed from time immemorial. It is a much older tuns that the nationalism. Already only referring to ties of blood through common ancestors. The meaning of patriotism has been narrowed down to our love for the land where one was born. Nationalism as a term has come into prominence since the Renaissance. Particularly since the French Revolution. In addition the ties that place nationalism include sex
various other ties as culture history language race traditions. The nationalistic spirit was generally felt in the upper classes before it spread so dramatically to the masses late in the eighteenth century. The great English public school is like Eton and Harrow a misnomer because they have always been private and exclusive. For centuries had instilled in the sons of gentleman a pride of country and a sense of national destiny the spite. A curriculum laden down with Latin and Greek. The traditional class rules supplied what the curriculum lacked. In 1789 the French Revolution Chalons the upper class control of the world and the posing and beheading of King frighten the other European monarchs into sending a correlation of national armies against the revolutionaries to prevent the spreading of their disturbing and orthodox ideas about the rights of man. But the French masses liked the sound and feel of human rights so they raise the People's
Army showed ingenuity in originating two new emotions strain devices and a national flag and the anthem and proceeded to repat of the invaders. The flag salute and saying of The Star-Spangled Banner had been a carry over from this into American public schools of today. Early in the French Revolution the Catholic schools had been suppressed and their property confiscated. That left many communities without educational facilities. However despite the chaos invariably inherent in a revolutionary situation birth education reformers and political leaders were busy formulating plans for a national mythic system of schools. These all aimed at a cent was a sign of learning under public control for the dual purpose of maintaining the revolutionary government in power and I'm improving the state. Needless to say what was proposed would change radically the traditional philosophy administration curriculum and methods from those other former schools
French revolutionary leaders shrewdly recognized in education and effective propaganda medium for attacking the people more securely to the ideologies of their newly ones that make liberties. These It was realized had to be incorporated into the new curriculum. If a nationalistic spirit were to be maintained to encourage free expression after medical opinion within a republican form of government there definitely was needed a common language that could be understood in our parts of the country. The US language was considered the most important of subjects. The first thing the value of propaganda that is so common today. Those friends revolutionaries advocated the required teaching of Republican ethics. That's making it for our instead of three hours of. Literature in history also gained a new position the promising plans for a curriculum it being South that the best expression of national
solidarity is to be found in the legends and folkways of the common people. So it wasn't France that this conception of education for National and there arose originally as a defense action on the part of a threatened people. Act of patriotism had spread among the masses the need was recognised by an education organization to keep that impulse alive and growing. The revolutionary convention took steps to plan the establishment of a national system and schools were wrong that would serve to inform citizens of their rights and privileges under a new social order. It was clearly seeing that in the education of children public school for a possibly effective instrument to guarantee stability and permanence of a government that idea was a distinct contribution to the world of the French Revolution. The Franks did not get beyond the theorizing stage of a national system of education before conservative elements regaining control.
So it was pressure that first put one into operation. And again a national crisis brought about the action. The idea of state support and control of schools had been born in the Protestant Reformation. But except on a small voluntary scale it had not been translated into action while rulers in German states failed to recognize the pregnant possibilities of using education to develop patriotic loyal citizenship. They did feel a part of their duty as benevolent death bots to maintain schools for the teaching of literacy and religious faith. As early as 17 17 decrees have been issued in price here requiring compulsory attendance and prescribing how schools should be built. Teachers supported tuition paid and government aid secured. But the real foundation for a state system the public elementary schools was laid down by Frederick the Great. Born in 1712 were believe the child belongs to the state and not to the home. In 1763 he issued
regulations providing for compulsory education the children training and compensation the teachers maintenance of a full term subject matter and methods of instruction. That's the framework for the first comprehensive national educational system was laid in price here. Unfortunately Frederick successor was a reactionary who appointed pards of men rather than teachers to positions of education leadership. Little progress was made until a military disaster in 18 06. That defeat at the hands of Napoleon revealed the inadequacy uprightness I was an economic order. Its indifference to the common people and correctness of the government. With a nation prostrated a new king inaugurated a series of reforms that brought his government back to vigorous life. Influential in this movement was a philosopher John Gottlieb Fick day who saw an education the greatest of all national regenerating forces. In a series of 14 addresses that the German nation flicked the Annancy
aided a conception of nationalism as the dominant aim of education he held the school function is the be the building and preserving the national welfare. That's so powerfully stimulated now was put into force in the next quarter century a series of laws establishing a state system of schools headed by a National Department of Public Instruction with a great Vilhelm van Hoom boat as its first head. Especially interesting today at the educational policies a Soviet Russia and promoting communism. Nowhere in the world in so short a time has there been put into operation such a gigantic educational system for the promotion of the national and incidentally international ins. It required some time for the rest of the world to await the fact that education is being deliberately used to challenge all noncommunist to countries. Where ever it gains power the Soviet government and media only makes use of the schools for a
thorough indoctrination of its theories and government. The process is so rapid in fact it becomes self evident that the groundwork had been carefully laid long before the actual establishment the communistic control. The curriculum is Abra trannies set and teachers must be approved politically as well as academically. Not uncommon purges of educators. And these are so ruthless and thorough going that they defy American understanding where every religious and moral training have been retained in nationalistic education. They are considered as agencies in the promotion of patriotism on the principle that law abiding morality is an essential element of citizenship. Location education has been emphasized. If the country is to survive in its economic and military competition with other nations the rank and file of the people must be made vocation the Ephesians.
Likewise physical education is usually considered as important because of its values in preparing for vocational fitness and if necessary for warfare. Significant is the fact that following its World War after examinations of millions of young men had indicated this startling poor physical condition of Americans there have immediately developed in this country physical education movements to remedy the situation. Dictators who must be efficient to survive always have taken such matters under serious consideration before rather than after wars begin. Nationalism is the force that has stimulated the development of state controlled and supported school systems found today throughout most of the world. Practically all major governments have now come to accept the establishment and maintenance of tax supported schools as essential to public policy. Under dictatorships. Education is used to produce a beauty
and content and efficient subjects. Under democracies. Theoretically at least. Public schools a quip future citizens with the intelligence presume necessary for the perpetuation of free representative government. The nationalistic conception of Education has done little directly in the way of our originating and developing new methods of instruction. School legislation as a rule does not concern itself very much with matters of methodology. Nevertheless national and state education leaders have done much in the way of introducing and encouraging the use of the methods developed by those active in the psychological and scientifically educational movements. But State Departments of Education and the United States office of education through their bulletins and reports have familiarize the local schools with the best educational methods and had been instrumental in the exchange of instructional experiences. In the States by passing laws
requiring teachers to take certain professional courses before they can secure certificates are doing much to improve instruction in the classroom. As far as discipline is concerned national school authorities usually favor a condition a system order and medians they are seldom in sympathy with doctrines of freedom or self-government.
The story of education
Nationalistic education
Producing Organization
KOAC (Radio station : Corvallis, Or.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program presents an overview of nationalistic education.
Series Description
This series presents various excerpts from the book, "The Story of Education," which traces the evolution of education. The excerpts are read by the book's co-author, Dr. Carroll Atkinson.
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Narrator: Atkinson, Carroll, 1896-1988
Producing Organization: KOAC (Radio station : Corvallis, Or.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 64-38-15 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:13:38
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Chicago: “The story of education; Nationalistic education,” 1965-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 4, 2025,
MLA: “The story of education; Nationalistic education.” 1965-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 4, 2025. <>.
APA: The story of education; Nationalistic education. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from