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This week we explored two of Europe's into a historical and musical interest. Here's a music composed by their contemporaries. With very few exceptions even on a worldwide basis it's not often a museum will devote its interest acquisition funds and display space to musical instruments. Generally speaking only the largest museums in the world's largest cities have sought to preserve this aspect of culture. Fortunately two very ancient Swedish organs have fallen into the hands of interested museums. So today's broadcast of ancient European organs was recorded in the museums in next year and mount higher in suite. The Fix You are in which we will hear first is the younger of the two.
Little is known of its history where it was originally erected and its subsequent wanderings before it reached the museum's doors. Fortunately however the builder was proud of his creation to sign and date it. The builder was Hans Heinrich common and the date of construction was 60 90. Historically this is the extent of our information about the vex your museum organ. It's relatively small in musical resources. It has only one manual no pedal and only eight stops. We have heard Kitty a bench that's getting a duplex creased am Kitty able to
bottom by Christiano air box. German organist and composer who became organist at the cathedral in August Borg in 16 to organist go tight on American to use his program on the organ in the next year museum with the cum Zona by Heinrich Schneider one German organist born in Hamburg in 15 96. Can Zona by the German organist Heinrich show tonight.
We conclude our audition of the Hans Heinrich common organ of 60 90 an instrument now preserved in the next year museum in Sweden with a performance by organist go tot on air of the chorale played Yode known docket on a got by the German organist and composer Georg Friedrich come to mind who was court organist and later a Kapellmeister at the court of Mr Bork. At the time common erected the organ we are now hearing non-dog it all I got. To go.
None docket on a got by cough mine.
The second museum organ to be heard on today's program of ancient European organs is housed in the Mao museum considerable research over a period of years has failed to reveal the name of the builder of this rather impressive instrument. Although the exact date of its construction is also on our own it's reported that unmistakable evidence points to the fact that it was built sometime during the 15 hundreds. If this dating is correct the instrument was indeed a most impressive one for its time. It has two manuals and petal and twenty two stops. That was Ken's own up by Hans Lael Hosler one of the outstanding figures
in the 16th and very early 17th century European musical world. We come now to the concluding composition on today's program of ancient European organs performed on the tube manual and pedal instrument of twenty two stops preserved in the museum in Malmo Sweden. Go tot on air a place of work by another famous German organist on composer Samuel shite Shi'ite born in 15 87 was among the very first composers to treat the working out of the corral for organ in an artistic manner thus laying the foundations for the monumental corral Pragya woods of Johann Sebastian Bach which were to follow a hundred years later. Here is an improvisation on the English song fortune. My folks were composed by Samuel shite. That was an improvisation on the English song fortune. My folk
composed by the famous 17th century German organist composer Samuel shite. I've been listening to another program from a series Ancient to European organs presenting instruments are active during the period from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 18th century. Featuring performances of ancient music by some outstanding European recyclers. Today's broadcast was recorded in a museum to the CIA and mamma's suite where two of the ancient organs of suite are preserved. Organist but I'm air performed by Hines. And Marie common one manual of instruments to record it in 69 and I left gated in the backseat of a museum. And on the manual and pedal instrument of 32
stocks constructed by an unknown builder sometime during the middle ages and now preserved in the MOMA is here. Today we have heard. Through a. Swedish or. Recorded by a Swedish broadcaster. Or a. European Broadcasting Union but Mabel must take. Like space. Program was prepared and written by her well versed. At. Making life a little listen again next week. Other programs are entering the European market. This is the national education or radio network.
Ancient European organs
Vaxjo and Malmo organs
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features recordings of the Vaxjo Museum organ and the Malmo Museum organ, both located in Sweden. Performances include works by Erbach; Scheidemann; Kaufmann; Hofheimer; Hassler; and Scheidt.
Series Description
Recordings of noted organs at various locations throughout Europe.
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Host: Fidell, S. A. (Sanford A.)
Performer: Arne_r, Gotthard, 1913-2002
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: Welliver, Harry B., 1910-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-7-3 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:03
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ancient European organs; Vaxjo and Malmo organs,” 1967-12-19, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 8, 2024,
MLA: “Ancient European organs; Vaxjo and Malmo organs.” 1967-12-19. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Ancient European organs; Vaxjo and Malmo organs. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from