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NBER the national educational radio network presents special of the week. This special comes from a commercial radio station in the capital city's radio station in Detroit WJR. The documentary is produced and narrated by Oscar for Annette WJR news and is titled who will listen. Who will listen to a boy. A boy confined to juvenile correctional institution. A boy who at 14 was considered a danger to society. Who will listen to a psychologist who dares to say that the
theories of the celebrated Sigmund Freud have caused perhaps irreparable harm. The boy is real. The crime he committed. Very real. Well what first led up to it I started leaving home and then I started leaving school. And then I started going on my own. And then I found. Something that you know I think it was more of a pastime than joy. And. I started sniffing glue which I. Doubt very seriously that I ever do again. And I think if if I had staying away from. Leaving home and skipping school and I
don't think that I would be after it wasn't you know I look back on it it was a dumb stupid thing to do. Right now I've kind of slacked up before. I used to go to church every Sunday. It's what I do. Why do you think it's kind of. Well you know for the for the people listening. Got it. And. There were guys you know what I did I used to go to church all of them. Who will listen to a boy in trouble. Dr. Young listens to boys.
He came from the Orient and became a doctor of psychology at a Delphi University in New York. For 15 years he has listened to boys and girls and parents. He is coordinator for psychological research training and clinical services for the Oakland County Juvenile Court. Dr. Andrew T young. Is saddened by what he sees and hears. He says all institutions bear some responsibility for what is happening to our youth. And at least in part he blames his own profession. You know our. Time because of the increase efficiency of mass communication. Great way back to the way our present problem had shaped up. I think. It's no longer like Aristotle or Socrates. I pose
only to a few people and these few people who pray slowly to somebody else. Now one person get on a kind of microphone like what I'm doing. And put on the air. Or you can be viewed. And what happened is hundreds of thousand people cannot listen. And. We're also like many days in the past as we always respect the acts and now the experts are. So numerous Abie bodies expert and everyone being interviewed being heard and we all want to contribute something that is meaningful and the public grabs graps it without question many times and follow follow through. In this country.
Anything new we hang onto without thinking. Term all these new things and practicing it. Forget the old and started off with something really we have no job and we really take a great chance of doing this kind of thing for this country. Embrace the theory of Freud so enthusiastically and Pink Floyd. It was not very much respected as much respect in this country originally came from and I personally feel he has many contribution but he did a great deal harm to us. I don't think it was my dad's fault because. The
feelings I had then. Wasn't really the same. You know I should have been because I should have been closer to my dad. You know kind of forcing myself on you but I felt when he started getting a better job and something that he liked I kind of went off and let him you know go about it business and I don't think I really put myself strong enough to where I could have talked to him. But I just really didn't take the time. You know if he wasn't there I'd move off and you know talk to somebody else. So I really don't think my dad. Was you know a problem of. Getting in trouble you know because we were close. Before. I started getting in with the older group
and before he got his job. And then when I started getting into the older group which you know they thought they knew everything you know and I thought they knew everything. And my dad I don't really think he noticed it at the time until I did start getting in trouble. And this is when he started talking to to me was about the most accumulated body year or so and then we started talking you know because he knows the problems that I was getting and and then he started talking to me and I started realizing that he you know it wasn't you know the kind of guy that I thought he was you know he wasn't the kind of guy you know neglecting as. You know as his son. And he I don't think he noticed it but I think he was just a little bit more often his child than he was with us. And I think it was probably our far because we didn't you know telling this and.
This is the reason why I say that you know I don't think it was really my dad or you know I could you know I could more blame that on myself and I couldn't. We will give the OS some of our greatest expert in child care and child rearing every housewife buy this book from written by one of our most prominent and D in our country. These books are in paperback very easily available in drugstore anywhere and if you follow this doctor's concept in childbearing he changed drastically from. From permissiveness to control the problem is why what the right to make these drastic changes when he written a book
for permissiveness in child rearing advice all the parent of new parents who hold this book as CASA or. Comes out with a book constantly. Then later edition came out and she's viewing child rearing or controlling. Now what happened to all the parents who rear their children in raise their children in permissive attitude. Should is it right for these to make that mistake. Brains and so lately we have a very famous TV personality on the Today show. He's an educator and another entertainer in many respects. He's very humorous. He gave many many advice as to how to deal with children and so forth and he's book is a bestseller but little
did the public know he is a bachelor. He has no children. The public don't look into these kind of thing and I didn't mention the name specifically I feel they're well-known enough but the public no one talking about and it is simple for the doctor to give advice on how to cope with problem children. All he does is once a week one hour a week with a child but the parent has to live with him and thereby he gave theoretically but they stop practical. Like many psychologists or psychiatry is after they get out of school married to have their children undergone a drastic change in their view as to how to raise children when they raise their own. It's quite different from being caught in the book.
Well. I get into trouble with. Some. Well two people and you know rather not going to that point but. I would. Well right now I'm doing time for. For homicide. But. I didn't know what happened at that time. But now that I know what happened I am very ashamed of what happened. But. I think I've come a long ways. To know what happened and why it happened. So I'm trying to make a better citizen of myself. I feel that. I started doing 13 14.
I started when I did start listening to the younger group has to do adults you know such as my parents and teachers. I felt that. The family you know my parents they were if I call you know something you know as a teachers they would you know. They would tell us what is right and wrong and. I think I would you know start not really not listening to my parents. But I would listen to them. And they would tell me you know the same thing as teachers do. And I started feeling the same way towards my parents as I did. Teachers you know. Why you know why should I listen to them you know because if I do this I have fun you know when I get in trouble. So that's when I started as I said before that's when I started leaving home because you know I want to. Think for myself I want to go out and do things I want to do you know instead of what might be you know what my
parents wanted me to do. And that's when I started getting in trouble. Why. Women have more time on their own children mass education send children to school mother has great time. And. The female population in general become aggressive. Childbearing is not called by good common sense. Constantly with the children is that they are looking to other people. Kindergarten even nursery school organize them and other not take back responsibility. Children you have a problem go to a psychologist go to say hi to
everybody out. Raising the children which is the primary rental role of the mothers more so it's no longer true. And yet we x back adult product a child growing up to be a doll the product will be the same. A mature responsible family loving and showed a caring and children's kind of adult. But these children never really experience this kind of growing up. Mothers will spend more time than any of them either become restless thinking about extra family activities go to school become a career woman become competitor with their male partner.
This all these things create I think. The ability in the family. And also create many security in the children because of parents and their children are they mature they push two grown up children make their own breakfast the mother doesn't get up in and the children get a dry cereal imports and no eating get out of the house at all. Days and the children come back. No no parents around take care of themselves. One mother a working mother come home so tired and get a TV dinner and put in the the children. These personal touches are all. Family starred is no longer the kind of family and in the early 20th
century or even the late 19th century the kind of family like TV story the life with father kind of I mean we don't have it anymore. So what happened is in the big secure. Family. Not solid a unit anymore everybody calls each other's way. The family is a basic unit of society so Sidey has no rules to guide themselves to make family and individual as a cohesive factor in their society. So really very sadly to say we look around. It's almost like the whole society is disintegrating just falling apart. Quite sad to. See Things happen
this way. I felt that the kids around me it was all you know big shots and it was doing things that they shouldn't. And I getting in trouble for like the dances I want to was under supervision. But the things that. They brought up was the craziest part about it you know as you know get a guy you know a real big guy and. He's real well known in school and everybody knows him because he's you know a big and strong and everybody knows him. And I thought you know I had to prove myself that I was just as good as he is and promise that you know lead up to it like I was at a dance
and. My girlfriend was there you know and I had to prove myself to her you know that I was you know just being as he was. And they started playing a game that they call chicken and it's with cigarettes where you know you burn your arm you know long as we could stand it. I felt then you know that this could really prove yourself. And I tried a couple times and I still got the. Scars to prove it. But I'm not really proud of it now because you know I was just foolish because you know it's it's not really it's not really physically what people want it's you know mentally you know it doesn't count you know what's on the outside. It's either you know a person can act on the inside to other people. And I you know I found out this what I wasn't thinking of it at the time. I just are getting in very large groups of people where you know there was
real well known in school and there was you know like stars in the school and I started hanging around with him and I feel that I became one of those. And I didn't really enjoy it because. You know fellas it was you know real big at school. I found out that they got in. A large amount of trouble. And a couple of them one up at the training school. So I started working my way out slowly. You know like a day was. And I say they go about four places a week. You know I'd start working out and I'd go a couple of them but you know I'd say well I want to do this this night. And you know I'd stay away from. Him. The girl started noticing this and you know they felt that you know oh this guy you know he's and this is where I think you know they you this guy's trying to stay out of
trouble. And and the guy started thinking well you know this guy's a sissy you know you know he's not worse there. And you know this is this is where I had the problem. That's where I got myself in deep and I couldn't pull out as fast as I wanted to. And I got in too fast. And when I tried pulling myself out of the mess I got into people started noticing that. Some good and some bad. And one thing this is where the problem started because I couldn't get out quick enough. There should be a new set of ethics professional XP set up people it's it's good to express yourself but you have a responsibility when you
express yourself that you are not certain what you are saying. We should make it in such a way it will be easy should be put in such a way that this could be a basic idea for people to think about it and to tear it apart or build it up or whatever to come up with some kind of consensus of feelings like like in my field. I'm a psychologist. The way of childbearing the way I modify human behavior. As such it diversified. Sometimes they are opposing each other the approach. Now how can the public know which is right. You know even the experts themselves don't know. But it's always nice to have a person or two you know to kind of lean.
To if you want to ask him a question you'll know if you answer for you. And it's always nice to have that person you know. Around to talk to. You know if you get into trouble or you know you have a problem that you want to work on you know it's always nice to have the person there to talk to. Sometimes. Like the supervisors that work on the hall. If you have a problem where you. Feel like talking to somebody you work with the supervisors. The supervisors we have here are very good. They know how to work with the boys. The boys understand and they have a relationship between you know it's not just supervisor in one of the guys are here it's friend and friend. You know it's. Sure everybody knows that the. Supervisor has a key. You know he does. You know we do what he says. But you really don't look at it that
way in here. Because. Your supervisor has feelings too and sometimes he shows up in your you know and he just takes the place of. So your brother or you know sometimes it's almost the same place as your father. We lay the family never sit down together. Know each other. Well and family members become strangers. The chances for Trouble is there. When I ran away it was different than you know going up to my. Bike going over. My body. You know just to see what it's really like to be on your own for a while and the difference you know I just ran
and stayed away and you know I you know I was ducking and dodging everybody and trying to stay out of trouble. That's why I want up. It was on AC. It was about three o'clock. And it was just after school and we had just started sniffing glue and he asked me to do something I forgot what it was and I waited a while you know I don't see what he was asked me to do. But you know I have been well for hours. I think the brain you know you're driving down to really
know what they're buying when. You see look boy I don't know whether they are boys anymore. I was still a lot of girls that way. You can't have two kids why you couldn't. If you look at the back you don't know which way is which point if you were to my left the house and were in the backyard and it was. Then I went back in the house and nobody was upstairs so I went upstairs and he was sniffing glue. So I stood there for governments and I went back outside and in. That's never happened. What happened out there in the field. Two little girls were strangled to death.
No matter what we do what we say human rights as a whole is an orderly chemical balance. Everything is right. You just can't trust this highly organized organism into a chaotic environment and that's grow to become a different direction. The boy whose voice was heard on this program will remain unidentified for obvious
reasons. The psychologist is Dr. Andrew T. Young coordinator of research training and clinical services for the Oakland County Juvenile Court. The boy and the doctor were interviewed separately. The two have never met. This is Oscar Frenette WJR new. NPR's special of the week. Thanks Oscar for not WJR News in Detroit. Producer a narrator of who will listen. This is Annie on our the national educational radio network.
Special of the week
Issue 42-69
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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University of Maryland
Identifier: 69-SPWK-444 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Special of the week; Issue 42-69,” 1969-00-00, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 26, 2024,
MLA: “Special of the week; Issue 42-69.” 1969-00-00. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Special of the week; Issue 42-69. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from