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One of the most incredible things about it all these skill in bun mission when you have to take over a place security area of rebel forces. I had the unpleasant experience of seeing such an operation. If you spot afraid and be told really vividly with the office and size of what happened to comb out such the Hindoos and other target types and eliminated they're disposed of. And didn't you sit around Bunning shops and houses. What about civilian villages. If a bridge or a kind word or a road is damaged it is instant uprising it was one place where the for guns lead to second. And the big ship being poteen damaged in a fall in the next morning the Saudis I was driving by and I saw the villages on the right. One village was being said 5 to do it. One man and to cook the tree has been he had been killed and the others seem
to vanish because people run away knowing this thing is going to happen. What about the women and the children. You don't see anybody the Army doesn't kill or kill the women and children this much is certain them positive of that. How much resistance is there. There is now a growing group of the type resistance. You've had bombs in DECA and sniping in Chittagong in various other places you've spoken of policy whose policy and what exactly is it. The policy is that West should clean up its Pakistan to the extent that there will never more be this problem of secession that entails the wiping out of a whole set of people. The second is that in its place since the Bengalis cannot be trusted you colonize it. The area and you have a situation in which really a handful of people to fill this place I'm not attempting to rule
17 million people who like Sen.. Now is this deliberate policy by Hakani all by his commanders. I think personally that the president personally I kind of did not really want this situation to develop because he himself knew that as things were going on that it was an impossible task. But the army had been humiliated and there was a lot of pressure from the people there and generally the kind was sent there in the middle in the beginning of March is ideas seemed to dominate what is happening in the sense that this policy they have of cleaning out and caught in the hazing place. This I would think is mostly the president has gone along with this policy. It is some of the other generals who seem to have really pushed and demanded that they'd take it to a bug and required this type of action and there was nothing as military action of this kind that would really make a political settlement with the House talked about. It's
not your fault it's impossible. You can't on the one hand attempt this kind of military action obliterating of groups and the second the colonization and in that you can't have representative government to any type of political settlement with five million refugees now in India and the slaughter going on. What do you think the future in East Pakistan in the next few weeks. The future for us but it sounds exceedingly grim. You have the threat of famine. Second is the color and other diseases which could quote probably come in the Turd is that the break would be is almost complete in the sense that emotionally which is a very dangerous thing to do emotionally and the people do not. The people from the West a lot of people who are now in the east keep talking to the Dawes people and ah people which reaches a very bad thing which is almost the government's objective in all of this thing was to preserve the unity of Pakistan. This thing is completely
defeated the whole purpose. And Dave what the dissident element wanted to seem to be achieved by the Mead said. But still with his great U.S. Do you see any prospect off and the gentle land food medical aid and food being acceptable in Pakistan that good people are suffering there will always accept food and medical aid the point is will it get to there exactly will it. I don't know you and your family have left your country possibly forever. But how do you feel. I don't think it's forever at the point I would like to make is I have come out about this time because I had to tell this story because I sincerely believe it will strengthen the hands of a lot of people right thinking people in the country who could possibly change the course of events there. I am a Pakistani and there will always be that. Anthony mascara on us this weekend the Russian Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn has once again proved his independent mindedness to the Russian
authorities because in Paris the first volume of his epic novel of the First World War has been published with his with his authorization because it can't be published in Russia. But the interest in the book is not merely political Solzhenitsyn is one of the few writers now living who most critics think worthy of the adjective great. The readership for this latest novel will be immense. So Margaret Howard has been talking to Michael Scammell an expert on Soviet literature and Solzhenitsyn biographer with his help at extracts of the book. She presents this picture of August 1914. Well the main theme is the first battles of the First World War on the Prussian front just after Russia declared war on Germany. Soldier meets and deals in great detail with the military campaign there and also with the life of civilians behind the front. Only a few such defeats in the Russian spine would buckle in the thousand years of nationhood would perish. Two such defeats they had already been the Crimean War and the Japanese war and so the coming war could turn out to be either the beginning of a
great Russian Renascence or the end of any kind of Russia at all. The novel represents a great departure in two ways. First it deals with the period through which he himself didn't live. It's a pretty revolutionary subject. Secondly he has introduced a number of formal innovations part of the novel is written in the form of a film script. There are documents and there are historical digressions he has broken with tradition too in that in the epilogue he authorizes the publication of this book in the West. This book cannot be published in our country for censorship reasons in comprehensible to normal human minds and won't for no other reason because the word God would have to be printed with a small letter. This is an indignity which I will not tolerate. What he's reacting to of course is the unauthorized publication in the West of his earlier novels cancer ward in the first circle by the which were banned in the Soviet Union by doing this of course in the first instance he's trying to retain control of copyright so that he can control translations. Secondly it's significant that he's published it in Russian
in which he's made it clear it's for the Russian reader. First of all and only for foreigners after that. The other point is that novels that have been published abroad have usually dealt with the Soviet Union and have been in one way or another considered anti Soviet. This can't possibly be considered anti-Saudi because as a historical novel dealing with a pretty revolutionary situation why then couldn't it be published in the USSR. Well again this is there's a rather complex answer because his books have been banned and because of the quarrel over his acceptance of the Nobel Prize it's unlikely that anything he writes now will be published on those grounds. Secondly he is giving a personal interpretation of this period of Russian history. And it is not an interpretation that coincides with the official Soviet version. So you know history has to control them. I'm afraid so certainly in the published works in the Soviet Union. What do you think will happen to sergeant hasn't he put himself in rather a dangerous position. Well I don't think so for the reason I suggested that this can't be considered anti-Soviet.
Therefore he has not broken any law. And as long as he hasn't broken the law he can only be criticized but nothing can actually happen to him. Why was he burning to write this book he's been planning it since 1936 Why is he so concerned with this particular theme. Well as he says in his own postscript his other novels about the camps and so on were dictated by his own experiences. But I think it shouldn't be forgotten that his main interest has always been Russian history and modern Russian history and his attempt to illuminated in the light of his own philosophy and his own beliefs. So where does he go from here. Presumably he says this is the first of a long series he's leading up to deal with the revolution and with the civil war. The most burning topics of course in modern Russian history. Is there any indication in the book on how he would develop his ideas when he gets to the period of the revolution. Well of course he doesn't get up to this period at this time. He does discuss why he thinks the period of the First World War so crucial for Russian history and how it decided in fact the 20th century for Russia. He makes it clear
that injustice and falshood come from the actions of the past and can't be attributed to any one man or set of men. And he says also in this final quote. But it will continue after we're all gone. In other words he takes I would say a slightly resigned pessimistic view of human history. It was not through our fault. Life first arose. It is not by us but it will be ended. You know me you produce those equations. Hundreds of millions of pounds are spent every year in Britain on cosmetics with the beauty preparations. Goes the beauty treatment. Another growth industry on its own. And one of which there's little voluntary or governmental control. But now this is really short and Lady Philips are talking of private member's legislation in Parliament to safeguard unsuspecting women from unscrupulous operators. Howard Rogers has been investigating the kind of thing they're worried about.
Beauty is big business booming business a multimillion pound industry with women and dare I say it men falling over themselves to improving what God gave them. But not always with the desired effect. When tall and uncomfortable night and don't want to eat I got up I looked and in the end I was horrified. It's my face or all inflamed and so in it's my lips nearly touching the nodes which are there in my face from the family. I would think it took about 10 days to go back to normal again. Maria's affliction was a result of electrolysis treatment at a West End so long and it was designed to remove unwanted hair and with a pill that so it's claimed is becoming an ever increasing worry. I asked Richard Roberts who specializes in this treatment whether Maria's experience was typical. It's very typical. Another person who has had treatment was somebody inexperienced or someone who has had a very short course of training five out of 10 women having treatment will probably have this experience. It's quite an alarming prospect that countless women can be suffering such indignity in the course of
beautification. I asked why they never complained or sued. I think that they would be very hesitant to do this. No woman would really like anybody to know that she's got a hairy Appa lip or heavy bows and she sees the problem as a lack of control of Saddam's and the personnel employed there in many areas though the silence have to be licensed. There's such a turnover of staff it's impossible for the local authorities to keep tabs on the people employed. Another problem is that there seem to be too many people taking crash courses in beauty therapy. So it is a manual skill which you know can only be likened possibly to even a watchmaker dating with the most delicate instruments. And this skill can not really be absorbed very quickly. Something that's got to be done gradually and to build up you know the correct technique and I think that's really impossible to do it in a short time. Beryl Franklin was one of the people who thought she could learn the skills of electrolysis in a short time. I did a short course which lasted about three months. Once a week
to our listeners and at the end of that course I wrote off to several people asking for a job and everyone said I was considered suitably qualified. Then I began to go a bit deeper into it and I realized that there was really a lot more involved both practically and through it and one person was kind enough to let me go and kill what I could do. And she told me straight away that I could I was absolutely no good and I really now shudder to think what I could have done if I had been let loose on the sort of school that Beryl Franklin winters seem to be springing up as frequently as the sounds they provide with staff. Mrs. Eve Taylor runs a cell phone in south London and is a leading campaigner to get the beauty industry to lay down some statutory standards for such schools. I go to example of here 210 hour course over six weeks. This is what you can learn to a diploma standard. Their diploma in anatomy and physiology.
Personal hygiene massage facial arms and hands manicure pedicure makeup proper application or use of high frequency ultraviolet infrared they presume treatment acne blemish skin treatments first aid exercise for health and beauty facial and body removal of the purple is here by cream and waxing eyebrow shaping eyelash and eyebrow dyeing. So all management and professional ethics in 200 hours one of Bond Street's best known beauty schools is run by Christine and Richard Shaw. They reckon the customer has little to worry about. They say standards laid down by the local licensing authorities and by local medical officers of Health are strict enough. It's not in the interests of the schools anyway they say to launch incompetent therapists onto a world hungry for self-improvement. Sure doesn't agree with the suggestion that one should be a minimum requirement for anyone working in a salon. So I asked him how valid he thought his forty guineas six week course was and 60
calls but that's obviously the very basic element they can buy. If somebody has in fact invested in the minimum training what they'll be able to do if they just go out all things being equal manager facials. This is it. But over in the reformist camp Mrs. Taylor begs to disagree. When you think facials a manicure and you know how to. How are they trying to recognize certain skin diseases you know. What do they know about the muscles and the changes of the skin. And when a person is good how old are young skin. What do they know about this in six weeks. Mrs Ted his message then seems to be Put not your trust in beauty schools would like to see as they say the profession to sort this out and get a minimum standard as a stick to year but others are going to go at me and say well you know two years six months. So the profession must sort this out. But with medical advice to back it up. Report by Howard Rogers the contentious question of selling arms to South Africa is in the air again after the sale of wasp helicopters earlier this year the South
African minister of defense and the commandant General of the armed forces have been in London in the last few days. But he possibly discussing the chance of buying frigates and a missile defense system. One member of the Labor party consistently in favor of selling some types of arms to South Africa ever since his term as foreign secretary is George Brown who is now industrial consul out of one of Britain's largest firms with South African interests. He's just back from a three week visit to the republic and I asked him this morning how much of a monolithic tyranny he'd found it much less than it expected to find I think one of the things we don't understand enough here is the degree to which people over there think of the whites of every was of course mostly But others to the colors of the Indians and so on the extent to which they are openly arguing debating quite vigorously attacking the present policies of the present administration in South Africa. So it's not monolithic. There it is in many respects a bit of a tyranny. There is no doubt but it is not monolithic and people
want to change it. How much is this change do to the feeling that the boom of the last 10 years is slackening off and being undermined by Ponting. No I think what is really done it is the realisation that they cannot develop the industrial economy that they are now seeking to do without great changes. How much black South Africans benefiting from the scaffolding of white labor beginning to benefit more now but one of the really unpleasant things I saw there is the absence of negotiating rights. The incredible gap between black Africans and a white man's pay for a similar job the gap is even widening this of course is a much the fault of the white trade unions as it is of anybody else it must be said. But the the need for more labor more workers in that what we would call perhaps semi skilled jobs rather than skilled jobs although to some extent still jobs. The
realisation that they've got to get that from among the Blackman is forcing on them recognition they've got to raise the Blackman's working conditions they've got to raise his pay. They've got to establish him in higher grade jobs we've been allowed to have. This is going to bring about I think a very much more demand for re-examination and I would hope condemnation of the overthrow of the whole concept of a puppet. What do you say about the international question that there should be some kind of international harus money to South Africa to keep the pressure up. I've been on U.N. bodies all by companies I've never been very convince myself that that was a sensible or good thing to do and I must say one of these came out of my trip was that I feel even more strongly you know that kind of you call heroism and it's counterproductive. It throws the progressives moderates the reformers whatever you like to say into the
same camp as the hardliners in South Africa. It adds to their sense of isolation. It reduces the kind of pressure and influence and so on that we can bring to bear on the other hand it must be said that the one thing that has worked of course has been the boycotts of cricket and rugby that really hurt the South ever hit the South African where it could its most. He's got a religious approach to these things and what we did about cricket and what has been done about rugby has in fact brought the beginning of a job change in their attitude there. It hasn't gone all that far yet. But of course each step begets the next step. So I mean I'm not saying there are areas where you can help by international boycotting all or pressures partly in fear of isolation South Africa is making advances to black African countries to the north and.
Now at the same time while you've been away the executive and Labor Party has appealed for moral and material aid to freedom movements opposed a half ago. What do you feel about that. Well I think regret very much that the national executive of the Labor Party took the action it did just as I regretted very much of the World Council of Churches did it. I think it's a mistake to raise funds and imply whether it's mental isn't meant. Imply that you don't care what purposes they are used for whether they use for terrorist activities for land mines and bombings and so on. That does no good it hurt everybody and upset everybody in South Africa. The progressives were on to me as well as the United Party as well as part of the effort. Khan's party about this. I hope that the dialogue as they like to call it between South Africa and the black neighbors to the north will be developed I hope something will come out of it I think this is the way to do it. And if the South Africans now realize that they can't face a growing isolationism that they do want friends among
their black neighbors must be one of the most helpful features that we should be seeking to encourage and not discourage. At this moment my such actions as the which the National Day of the body took. No George Brown. Well April 7th this year. So you know Harvey for more than a quarter of a century the Conservative member for the Michael Steele division reaped his reward. I moved as a life peer to the upper chamber leaving his church a constituency represented in parliament. Since then two months have passed and long to wait for a byelection. It looks now in the light of the government's present unpopularity the voting may be put off until the autumn. Naturally the people of Michael's field pleased I think quite definitely a constituency of this size should not be without representation and I think this election day the better in view of the controversy
fashion moment. The common market I think that we should have these things. And we have what is possible. I don't really think that there ought to be admitted to the House of Peers until there's somebody to take their place. There's been elections. Some go. Have your election. Prospective conservative candidate for the seat is the 33 year old Nicholas Winterton. Obviously as far as I'm concerned the longer that I can have to get to know the people of the medical field constituency and get to know all about the constituency the better. And it's vital that a candidate should be known so that when polling day comes along that people know what the candidate stands for and they can cast their vote properly. This is Diana Judo the Labor candidate who's contested battlefield before. I think it would be quite unthinkable if it should be delayed until September October
when there would have been of vacancy for more than six months I think to move that it would be tactically quite wrong for the Tories to think that by delaying election the election they could be buying time. I believe that in fact they will be buying it for their own popularity. Both Tory and Labor candidates are known to have reservations about common market entry should the election be held in July when the Common Market issue will be at its height in parliament. The results could be taken as an indication of public feeling on the matter. The Liberal candidate Michael Hammond who is also contesting the seat before has views on that. If it is going to be fought as a barometer of the Common Market then I think certainly it is a possibly a good thing to defer it until the autumn. From the point of view of the other issue was I think it is a bad thing because the whole purpose of the byelection is that Michael's field in fact has to elect a representative to parliament. It's a great pity in my mind a mass for that is not represented in parliament while these crucial issues are being debated.
One man who himself experience the law's delays because he waited six months before a writ was issued for the open by election of 1962 is the former Liberal Chief Whip Eric luck during his time in Parliament. He certainly didn't let the grass grow under his feet when byelection roots looked like being delayed and most important in such matters. He knows the bible of parliamentary procedure. I ask in my inside out and back to front. So when he came to the world as we came studio Margaret Hart asked him how you set about getting a writ for a byelection issued. By custom the chief whip of the party which held the seat moved to have the writ issued on that motion which is placed before the House of Commons is not opposed in the speaker then proceeds to with the normal machinery. There is another way of doing it. In the case where. The vacancy exists during a recent parliamentary recess for any two members to write to the speaker and ask him to issue the writ and then he has automatically to do this he has no option. And the whips of the parties don't necessarily come into it at all in that case.
Is there no way of bringing pressure on. Oh yes I think there is I think that it would be quite possible for MP to put questions to the prime minister asking him when the Conservative Party is going to start this by election going he would have to answer that in the house and some supplementary questions could then be put which would obviously be widely reported which could cause grave embarrassment. Well Michael Field seat has been vacant since April. What happens to the constituents how are they represented. They can be represented indirectly by an approach to another member of parliament it could be a member for a neighboring constituency or it could be perhaps even the leader of the party which held the seat and whose duty it is ultimately to decide on when that by election is held. Of course Michael Steele hasn't been vacant all that amount of time but it doesn't seem likely that the writ will be issued in the near future. Could it be that the conservative party that want the embarrassment of a defeat over the Common Market issue.
I think that it's very probable that one of the factors in their minds is that they have an ounce of common market candidate in position here and it would clearly be a great embarrassment if he was to be making speeches that were widely reported at the time the negotiations are proceeding. You might think also that having this view he would tend to invite as his supporting speakers people who share his opposition to the common market so it wouldn't be just his speeches being reported might be so Derrick Walker Smith on a number of other people who you know leading the column and a common market campaign and a continual stream of these pronouncements coming out of medical field. When Paul Mr. Repton is in Brussels trying to do his best to convince them that the people are genuine in their intention to come into the Common Market and you could say that it would be in the Tory's interests to tolerate the embarrassment of all these speeches flooding out of the constituency on the grounds that they might hold it because simply because of his views though they're not the official party views. How important is this seat to the Tory party they've lost Bromsgrove if they lose this they will be down to 26 or 26 of course is still quite a reasonable majority.
But if Brahms grove and battlefield are then followed by other byelection and gradually the majority is whittled away. You have to contemplate a very difficult situation for the Tories when they bring in the thousand claws bill as it's being called to implement a common market which will probably be taken on the floor of the house. Thousands of votes on it. And if they have not got a workable majority by that time if they've lost more seats apart from Broncos and battlefield I think that it would be impossible to get the bill through. He said Do you think that the government shouldn't temporise in this way I think. That should be a limit on the period which elapses between a vacancy occurring and the issue of a writ and this point crops up time and time again I mean if you take my own byelection in 1962 the people of organs and Moran represented for six months. Now if the Tories do that kind of thing in macros feel then as the months pass and the electors get more and more upset by the thought they haven't got an MP looking after their interests particularly at this crucial time when the Common Market is being debated and perhaps we'll have
any particular view on that subject that they would like to be heard then I think they will get very upset and this will work to the disadvantage of the Tories when polling day arrives. Mr Eric luck I should be back tomorrow with the world at 1 pm now time for the headlines. The chairman of upper Clyde shipbuilders on the trade minister have met in private and Mr Davis his constituency office in Cheshire. Mr Davies is understood to have promised to discuss the group's financial crises with his colleagues. He'll be reporting to us to Heath a Checker's later today that ever mercy was closed to shipping for a time after hundreds of tonnes of dangerous naff like gas leak from a petrol depo. Police sealed off a two mile square area of the Liverpool suburbs one of the seven surviving babies born of an Australian woman is said to be in a critical condition. Two others are having trouble with their breathing cricket. Hutton Pryce and Gifford are included in the England team to meet Pakistan in the Test match at Lord's and that's the world this weekend. Nicholas when he introduced the program the entertainers were going to laugh and ransom the producer
Charles Carson.
World this weekend
Reel 2
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University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Chicago: “World this weekend; Reel 2,” 1971-06-16, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 27, 2024,
MLA: “World this weekend; Reel 2.” 1971-06-16. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 27, 2024. <>.
APA: World this weekend; Reel 2. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from