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The coaching conference 960 tonight the Canadian Institute on public affairs in collaboration with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation presents the opening session of its twenty ninth annual conference held in Geneva park on the shores of Lake Ontario. This year's subject the Latin Americas. Every night at this time for the next week we're going to hear speakers from various Latin American countries statesmen scholars businessmen to talk among themselves and with colleagues from the United States Great Britain and Canada about the problems facing their various countries and in particular how these problems can affect Canadians during the week we'll have first hand reports on the political upheavals which have occurred in the south and the enormous social and economic revolutions which are now in progress. Our main speaker tonight is one of the key figures in the present evolution of Latin America. It was a forget us president of Costa Rica from 1053 to 950 Sept. With him is Manuel our director of industrial relations industrious Kaiser Argentina. Here is the chairman of the
session to introduce them. Cannon Oxley presidents UNIVERSITY OF KINGS COLLEGE Howell facts. The end. It isn't just when I deem it a great privilege to have been invited to be chairman of the opening session of those twenty ninth coaching conference. I my role tonight will be a brief one partly on the instruction of those who are responsible for arranging the program and partly because I've left my glasses in Halifax and I can't read any notes that I may have written for the occasion. I believe it is a matter of great significance that this conference which housed in the course of the last 30 years reached out and gathered up so many.
Public is of vital importance to our country. Should this year have turned the spotlight on the Latin Americans. You know how sometimes one either has a rather unusual experience or perhaps suffers a rather unusual accident and when one is recovered one talks to one's friends about it only to find that all of them had exactly the same experience before and it hasn't really been so unusual. I'm feeling a little bit that way about Latin America. It's nearly three years now since I began to talk to the Board of Governors of my university about the advisability of creating a Latin American Institute to encourage closer understanding between our country and the republics of the southern half of this hemisphere. When I first started talking about it it seemed a new idea not only to myself but to most people with whom I discussed it. But now it seems that Latin America is on the lips of many Canadians. Those of us who have arrived here today will perhaps many of us have heard of a rather
striking illustration of this right here it could string where two of our delegates where only able to leave their home country of Cuba by virtue of one of them having been invited to speak here at this conference and the two of them will not be returning to Cuba until there is a change of regime. This seems to be rather dramatically to place Latin America right on our Canadian doorstep. We are indeed privileged down fortunate to have as the man to present the Latin American scene to us this evening. One who is the incarnation of so much which has been going on in Latin America for the last 10 years. DR JOSE forget is. I wonder who as we heard just now has been president of Costa Rica not once but twice. But one whose impact upon the Latin American countries has transcended the
boundaries of his own homeland of Costa Rica. I suppose there is no living man who has been more responsible for the liberal revolution which has been gradually moving across that in America than Dr. forget is. And it is with great joy and pride that I introduce him to you tonight to tell us in his opening meeting perhaps why it is important for all of us and for the world that Canada and Latin America should come to know more about one another. Doctor if you get to the. Thank you. And yet we have a dealing.
We have a common heritage to enjoy and a common responsibility for the principles of our way of life to survive. Never before were the Democratic and Christian principles so much in danger on earth so they are today. This is a common saying. Never before was it so necessary for all the nations or all the peoples who will live in these things and who want them to survive to get together for a long time we live in Americans. We the citizens of the twenty republics south of the United States have been wanting Canada to join the organization of American States have been wanting Canada to participate in the developing development of that great southern frontier.
I have been wanting Canada to resume part of the approach of the expanding markets that will grow in this vast area of the Western world. This has been in the past in the last two months. However in the last two weeks the last few days in the last few hours the necessity for the Western nations to get together has become more urgent. Some of us are not surprised. Some of us have been in this situation calm. The Vagos revolution of the Soviet Union and of continental China is designed to spread their desire to engulf the whole of the world has been evident their progress in our part of the world has been visible
in the siege for. Totalitarian communism have been planted by all the kinds of dictatorships throughout the world and certainly in our part of the world. We have lived through this tragedy. We live in Americans. You the peoples of the Anglo-Saxon races have been very fortunate. You have had a wonderful talent for managing your own affairs. You have organized inefficient western societies and when there has been smaller dangers I might say you have gotten together. Canadian soldiers have certainly been present in this century whenever it has been felt that the institutions of freedom where the danger we live in Americans have also been with the allies in the last two wars. We have been with you in the Korean War.
In addition we have been we doing all our lives the struggles of our time. But with a difference. That's why we were participating in the world effort to preserve the Christian civilization. We were having troubles of our own just as we Latin Americans came too late in history to enjoy the fruits of the industrial revolution. And this is really why we are still not yet technological and developed just as we Latin Americans have been slow in firmly establishing Republicanism. The democratic system of government in our countries. You people have been ahead you the United States Western Europe if you other happy members of the British Commonwealth of
Nations you people have been ahead and you have not been having your own internal troubles I might say in this sense Latin America for a hundred and sixty years ever since our wars of independence from Spain from Portugal Latin America has been in an educational process. To adapt itself to this political philosophy and we have not been unsuccessful in the last 10 years which is a very recent time of the struggle. We have practically cleaned the hemisphere of whatever remnants of corruption and totalitarianism were left. We have not been unsuccessful. We are on the verge of total success in this what we call our internal struggle. And at this moment when we were ready to enjoy the fruits of democracy we come into a clash with another revolution with something that comes from outside the Western Hemisphere hemisphere from outside of Western
civilization and we are of course the first victims of Soviet imperialism in the western hemisphere. Now why is it important for Canadians to join. Why is it your danger now and no longer our danger exclusively. If you look at the map of the world you will be surprised. And what a small portion of the surface of the earth. Is today democratically government. What is more portion of mankind is consecrated to our ideals. You will be appalled at the vast land masses and population masses that are following the new call. And it will be soon evident to you that Latin America the southern part of our hemisphere right here on the new world where your people in our paper were stylish. Right here we have
the only large expansion of Earth inhabited very soon by 200 million people who want to be European in the sense of Occidental in the sense of Christian who inherits the same political and religious philosophy. A vast continent where even those primitive peoples were preserved at the time of the Conquest. The local indigenous Indians have lost all traces of their previous cultures of which we do not know very much and have adopted a list as an aspiration. The European concept of freedom that the United States and Canada long ago established among their people. The other part of the world Africa is all is nowadays struggling
for independence. India has very old engine problems of their own. We want to be friends with them but it is not so easy to understand the different types of mind. And there will be a longer process. Some parts of Asia here are just experimenting with democracy and actually have had to go back through the only feeling they have had over those years of democracy and going back to military dictatorships. You go to the world and you find that only Latin America has been fighting for freedom for the last 15 years and not only Latin America is large enough to decide they allow me to say that if Latin America stays where it belongs with the West if Latin America joins in this great effort to preserve a culture this culture will be large enough. We have enough of an extent on the surface of the earth and on the souls of mankind to
stay if very unfortunately. Latin America should join the Soviet Union and Continental China. The balance of forces would be definitely against the West. I'm sorry to say at this moment that we are large enough to decide the issue and I'm sorry to say that we can very hardly decide the issue ourselves. There's a great chance the not only Cuba that the 20 republics. We'll join. The Soviet Union. This is an awful thing to say or do to see how scared how worried I am travelling from one country to another in South America. Incidentally this is my ninth day of travel today almost without sleep. Traveling from one capital of South America to another and listening to what the young people are being told what they are saying to the erroneous conceptions
that are been infiltrated by an international organization which is very efficient. The International Communist Party to listen to how the deception because in the past the large democracies of the world did not show any solidarity in our struggle to establish the same type of government and the lives the deception because democracy has failed up to now to a large extent to provide a reasonable standard of living and the generalized facilities of culture and health for our peoples. The disappointment is an Israeli ground for the preparing and best of a new faith to cultivate. And this is being done. This is being done and I am surprised that people surprised just today I keep saying the fact that we have been a small island right here near the United States and Canada a vigorous attempt today to establish a society of a different type
a society molded on the pattern of the Soviet Union and China. The fact that we have it today may even be belated. This had to come. In one thousand forty eight this is very recent. My little country a small democracy a literate democracy in the middle of the Americas next to Panama Costa Rica had suffered the same attempt the Communist Party serious power in Costa Rica and we were fortunate enough to have a generation of people who knew what was at the stake. And after a century of peace with arms and we went to civil war and in a very small community of a million people lost 2000 lives in actual warfare and we won. And the first danger of communist domination of a Latin America Republic was averted four years later in one Amala. You may have heard the Communists very nearly seized power and they took a combination of forces to avoid a
catastrophe. And today the communist have seized power in the field. I do not like to use any euphemism about this. They are running a small country and transforming it a terrible speed into another type of society. Now while we're all opposed to this we don't want to participate in the nervousness of the age. We don't want to exaggerate the dangers. We try to be objective in Cuba today. It is true that there is a great deal of reform that is needed and that these people are attempting that reform. The land tenure pattern is bad. The proportion of foreign ownership is out is entirely exaggerated. The lack of responsibility of the local oligarchy or ruling class is terrible. Reform is needed and these people are
trying to affect it or seem to be trying to affect it. But there you have right here two very very distinct characteristics of reform carried on under the inspiration of another culture. In the first place it has to be they say through a totalitarian method. We do not oppose reform. We oppose reform through a totalitarian method. We do not want to pay the price of tyranny for economic development not even for social justice. In the second place we fully disagree with the foreign policy. They say that the reform of Latin America has to be effected outside the Western world. In correlation with the Soviet Union and Continental China they say that because up to now the Western nations have not had the talent or the
foresight to get together and bring about a uniform develop of all their peoples that it is very likely that the protection of the Soviet Union they will come about soon. I think that's what we have seen the behind the Iron Curtain. I think that what little we know about Russian history and Chinese history leads us to believe that whatever they're doing now they never enjoyed our type of freedoms our concept of human dignity. They were never or at least not in a foreseeable future come around to adopt these nice this of the Spirit. There's refinements of the West and so I think that they want us to pay a prize which they cannot evaluate.
How can people who never enjoyed Christianity human freedom a political system based on the division of powers the supreme authority of the judiciary all these things that we hold to be sacred. How can they know whether it is a big or small prize for us to pay for the economic and social reforms that we do need and we do want. Here's the problem and here's the challenge. We better rally we better get together and present a common front. We were there stop sleeping before they were goes up in a bad morning of mankind. Do we want our type of civilization to survive. Or do we not. Of course I need not ask do we want to fight other people do we want to destroy what they're trying to do in Russia. Do we
want to be aggressive towards them or to conquer them or to get part of their territory or to tell them what to do. This I need not ask to a Canadian people. I know. How you feel about these things. It is alright with us whatever they do at home. The problem is that they want to tell us what to do in our own homes and that they get together and we do not. And it is according to the recent history of the Western nations it is true. That it has taken extreme crisis to get us together that we have not been sufficiently conscious of the dangers of this wonderful heritage that we. Having parroted from the Greeks from the heroes from the Christians from the Europeans and that we are trying to develop and the strange thing in the New World. And now the phenomenon has been repeated. The enemies are together we are separated. Here
we have between the United States and the North Pole a vast expanse of territory peopled by a wonderful nation that is a showcase of democracy peopled by Canadians who have shown the traditional British talent for handling their own affairs and for establishing peace and plenty and justice. And here we have this tremendous lack of connection which in the past was appalling enough and which at this moment is suicidal to the Western costs. This is why why I tell you we need you we need your government with a. Rest of the governments of the Western Hemisphere in the Organization of American States. We need your business man down with us. We need your teachers. We need your travelers we need your scholarships for our students. We have to get together and it has to be done soon. Now we know of your ties historical and
sentimental with Great Britain. We respect that. We envy you for having those ties. We wish we had them when all of your very intense commerce with the United States. We also have it. We all for it. We're not of course pretend that any in a Western nation should weaken its present links with other sister nations. Actually what we want is the Western Hemisphere the New World the error of all this magnificent spiritual tradition to get together and reinforce Western Europe and Great Britain. If you do not include Great Britain the term Western Europe we feel that Europe will disappear very easily unless there's a strong backing from the Americas. We feel
that there's a time. To get together to fight together for what. For a conception the different peoples have expressed in different ways for a way of life that the British have expressed in that little story that has been translated into all languages and it comes back to me in English. Ever notice how many translations and which I cannot probably use the adequate word. Remember the statement that the humblest of peasant can challenge within his heart all the power of the crown that into that peasant heart the wind may break through the openings of the wall that into that person's heart the rain may drop to the leaks of the rule.
But that too that home the one thing that cannot go is the king. This is what we ask you to get to have there with all of us who share the same ideals. To stand firm and to fight for them. Thank you. Thank you Dr. forget areas. Ladies and gentlemen I think you will agree. Dr. forget is has dumped straight into our lap as Canadians. I wonder how many of us have previously realized exactly how
important it is that we at this juncture should partner our neighbors to the south in this struggle to establish the democracy which has so recently been making strides in this area. May I just throw in one more thing before calling on restored on yours to comment on Dr. progres speech. There is one other reason why it was so fortunate for us that we could secure the services of Dr. ghettos for this speech and that is that he has worked systematically amongst other things. For calendars entry into the family of American nations. And he mentioned in the car as we drove up together from the afternoon that he is frequently teased at American conferences by some of his colleagues who say to him Why are you so keen to marry so unwilling a bride. If the lady is not ready why not leave her alone. Now seeking for a commentator on talk to forget his
remarks we have turned to two one who comes from the southern half of the Latin American area Vista Manuela Adone is whose home in Cordoba Argentina is just about as far to the south. Of Dr. forget his home in Costa Rica as we are to the north. We hope that in a trice we might perhaps get a different viewpoint on the theme which Dr Gallo's has laid before us. Mr Odone years after studying law in going as artist entered business then for three or four years worked as a freelance journalist before joining industry on Sky's Argentina. Which is the largest employer largest private employer of industrial labor in Argentina. He is now a director of industrial
relations with that firm. Restored our news. Well I don't think there is any citizen from any Latin American country that will but agree with Dr. foetuses statement as to what is the biggest danger that we are and here I say we I as and I joined I and the citizens of the other Latin American countries face right now. It is evident that the Communists mainly saw Russia in my sol the bottom of the hemisphere and in the case of Cuba joined joining forces with the Chinese is trying harder than ever to gain control in these
countries. Now that is this fight has been going on for quite some time as was pointed out. And there have been other less dramatic happenings in other different countries of South America. Now why does this happen. This is really in my opinion the resulting effect of a situation that exists with varying degrees in all of Latin American countries. I'm making the point specifically not referring to letting America as a group because I don't feel that there is a Gandhian and identity between the different countries. If you would stop on AAJ and dive in the street and ask him whether he's a Latin American he would really look perplexed and wouldn't really understand the question. If you insisted he would probably go back to the origins of his family might tell you yes I
magine time but I am of Italian extraction or I am of Spanish extraction extraction. But I can assure you that at least as far as my country goes there is a real feeling of continental unity. Now if we accept. Just on a theoretical basis I think nobody can deny that we must try to get a closer contact between the different countries of this continent from one tip of South America up to Canada. What what would the first object of this new or in many cases just increased interchange be. When I say interchange I naturally don't mean only the commercial or trade sense but I think that if we wanted to. Sum up what the main objective of such a closer relationship between the countries should be I would define it as just
trying to raise the standards of living of the citizens of the participating countries. The reason I say this is because. If this Russian and Communist activity in South South and Central America has chances of succeeding and that is precisely what is worrying every one of us. The main reason that those chances of succeeding are good is that they are that they are preaching in a territory that. Is populated by citizens that have low standards of living that are dissatisfied with their present status and the modern media of communication mainly radio and magazines. They are perfectly aware of the advantages and the possibilities they might have in other countries so that
in completing it is a statement I would say that if we want to fight communism effectively in all of South America the first thing we have to do is try to raise the standard of living of those people that populate those countries. And if we raise that standard of living I think that we will realize that there is no better correction for communism than the development of the different countries. Now on the other point that comes up is how do you do this in the past. There's been numerous treaties and numerous agreements between countries in Latin America as a matter of fact. I think that we have more treaties signed between gantries and all the rest of the world together. But it has always or at least generally been tried on a government to government
basis. In any one of the specific instances I would say that the results have been good as far as the participating governments one has got from the other one what he expected but what have the people from the different countries received in exchange of their request or one for the other. I don't think anything has reached the people at the level at the level where I feel it's important that this sense of common interest is felt. I think that this is possibly difficult to define but I'm going to going to see if I can define it through an example. Let's see if for example you were walking down a street and you ran into somebody that has been in school with you and that you haven't seen since your life has been more or less normal you have a job and the whole this long that you suddenly find in the street doesn't have a job and it's evident that he has hit the
skids. Meanwhile Well what do you do you probably invite him to have a cup of coffee and listen to his tale of if you wanted to help him out what would you do. Would you give him some money and tell him that you're giving it to him so that he can go and eat. Or would you try to give him the same money but under the pretense that it's a loan and that you fully expect him to pay it back. I think that this is what basically has happened so far in that in America if there is a desire to help and it is that there is a desire to make this help as effective as possible. One of the things that should be considered is how to change the ways we have been using so far and make this help in such a way to obtain all the benefits that should derive from it. I think that's about what I would come and do. Thank you very much.
Thank you Don is we are about to proceed to questions from the audience. Doctor if you get is is anxious to add one remark or two perhaps in reply to something that bestowed on his has said and I would like to give him the privilege of talking before turning it over to the audience. Perhaps those who have questions would be getting them ready now because as soon as Dr. ghettoes has made his reply I would like to call for the first question. Don't forget it. Yes I fully agree with most of what they say. You know Dana I want to make it clear. Opposed to open grants or gifts from the more privileged countries of the West. We have been working hard on development plans on finding ways and means of our natural
development which will be to the benefit of everybody concerned including the indoctrinations. In your session of this conference you would have opportunity to listen to one of our most most eminent economist Dr. worky from Mexico who are here. President Hu will present to your book a study on Latin American development that comes from the most technical sources and from a man who in participation with the economic commission of the United Nations for the relevant of Latin America and in his own capacity as a student of this Sciences has contributed a great deal to our common effort to find the means of development and progress without grants. The same idea will be clarified when you have an opportunity to listen to Mr. Keating.
I take it however you are not ruling out questions on the economic level. Now ladies and gentlemen we're just to bring the microphone up to the third row here views live with Michael. Dr. Porter It's Mr. figuris. I remember very well that you were a great help for the Cuban people in the struggle against that he paid for sheeple but you help us tremendously. Do you have any inkling at the time the Castro at any time gave you give you any inkling that he was going to follow as he has done on. The communist line or was he trying to behave like a leader of democracy and so on. Thank you. Well I appreciate your thanks I think about my duty. I give a year of my life to the Cuban revolution here.
If I had suspect that there was any possibility of communist control of the revolution having had the experiences of Costa Rica and one Amala I would never have helped. And you know I helped the different groups that were fighting the dictatorship. I was closer to other groups than I was to the Fidel group as you well know. And I would probably have preferred the others to win but I could not deny help the modest help that I could give to anybody who was fighting the dictatorship there. I was glad to give it to his group but in answer to a question I must say that there was nothing in there saying in the S. of their leaders that made me suspect that they wanted anything but representative democracy which is the thing at which they are now kicking and skilled people using the word because that's what they don't know. Very briefly views.
Then I should conclude not to forget that Fidel Castro deceive you as he has deceived everybody in Cuba. And then I wanted to ask you something else. You were there in Havana. I was sort of a member. April last year a few weeks before the victory at the time in a few weeks after the victory yes yes April last year after the downfall of the Teesta and Fidel Castro had been in power for about three months. Yes about three months other time. And you were able to realize other time that type of fellow he was and the type of the datasheet he was going to impose upon us because you had a clash with him at the time he was going to be most interesting or disassemble a lot of figuris in his own words to tell us how he saw the look of your life. What we had in Cuba in April last year just three months
after the downfall of Eddie Tate all we have been fighting against. And at a time when people live in people in the United States I'm the only reason people in Cuba and in many other countries as well. They don't realize what we having heritage from back east are we having heritage cattle. Yes thank you. I went to visit Cuba after a victory not too soon afterward because I realized they were too busy and they might treat me as a re IP and I didn't want to impose. But there as soon as I thought it was reasonable I went and I had a very sad surprise. The parade that I witnessed for 13 hours incidentally was a terrible combination of fascism and communism and all the evils that our century has
seen. However. In the speeches that were delivered up to the time when I had to talk there was a still not thing clearly indicating the way things were going so I stood up to the microphone and spoke to the Cuban people whom I love and where I am rather well-known I must say and told them about their revolution about our revolution in Costa Rica love the revolution of the Americas and I remember that I urged do things that I have been trying to impress in university groups all throughout in America. I told them Now you have conquered power. This is a new generation of Cubans full of ideas. You have honest accusations against your own ruling class. I do not deny that I reaffirm it. However let me
ask you to give those Cubans who have been wrong and opportunity after all these are the people who have had the challenges of education to their families and their administrative talent is needed to build a new Cuba. You cannot accuse them of having done something that was according to their credit only as you give them the opportunity to join as a new movement Democratic socially inspired and those who are young and open their eyes open your arms to them. This was one recommendation on the internal field and I am I have had this in these circumstances many times in lasting years. Then on the international field I told him I know the grievances against the United States and you are right. They have been a series of terrible mistakes. And only recently the US government was with some reason accused of helping your own
dictatorship. Not only the other dictatorial dictatorships in Latin America. I know damn many things that are wrong here in the economic relation with the United States and all these things have to be rectified. I told the Cubans and you know that I have been very blunt in presenting these issues to Americans themselves in private and in public. But please remember that the United States and Latin America and Europe and Canada in this moment Amy had one family they had to present one united front against a common enemy which at this moment is the Soviet Union. The fact that we join the democracies of the West and particularly the United States to fight against this common enemy does not mean that we are going to abandon the family quarrels. Let us quarrel with the Americans as a family affair. I know they're willing to listen. I know there's a favor evolution going on
but her for heaven's sake let us not reinforce the common enemy because then instead of going forward we shall be going backward. Now it is a common saying that at this historic meeting in which all of Cuba was listening and with and watching the television it is a common saying that it was only a labor leader. Who grabbed the microphone from me and made me grab it back. That was all the ANC and this is not cruel it was a euphemism. I told Cubans after that over the television you have been courteous to your main leader. It was here Fidel who gave his full backing to the retard who hated days and his speech was a whole demonstration the hear read with him and not with me. I am used to this. I respect his thinking this is the this is a democratic controversy. I will here is wrong but maybe I am but
please realize that he was not sort of a loner but Fidel Castro who was enraged was angry furious because I urged the Cubans to give a chance to the people of the upper classes who want to join and to stay within the war with the within the West and against the common enemy. Whatever the grievances within the Western family. Now I must say that the Cuban people are by and large although they were still enthused with the success of the revolution. Accept my point of view when the meeting finished. I was as big an ovation as Fidel did then for tonight. I kept receiving telegrams and calls from perfect strangers saying we're very happy that you said the things that we Cubans are not there yet. I had a great response. I think the middle class of Cuba very soon grasped the situation. Now probably my words
are not to be prophetic. The Cuban Revolution did not give a chance to any Cuban who does not want to allow to do or not does not want to follow the fanatic line and the Cuban revolution does not want to stay within the Western family of nations. And this is a sad event for those of us who fought with the Cubans for freedom in the Americas. Thank you. Thank you. Yes Mr. Chairman the gentleman from Costa Rica made several references during the course of his address to religious minded peoples and leaders in view of that I am wondering whether he can tell us that is to see. Is he in a position to state what position if any does the church occupy in this trouble for economic social and political changes in Latin America. That's one. And another one with your
permission I take it to from his remarks that he does not approve of the type of government such as we have had under the law and but that being saw as a liberal minded person and a Christian minded person what step did such men liberally minded as well as Christian minded people take including ex-presidents too. Warning or alert the north american people of that type of dictatorship. Yes I suppose you refer to the Catholic Church which is predominant in Latin America. As we were commenting to there with a canon here you will hear conflicting statements throughout Latin America on this matter of the behavior of the Catholic Church. Looking at the church from the point of view of a freedom fighter if you allow.
I am very glad to state that in the struggles of the last decade by and large the Catholic Church has taken the stand for the peoples and against dictatorships and in three of four countries. Up to now has been an important factor in the overthrow of tyranny. At this moment in the Dominican Republic when you mention the church is also taking a stand against a 30 year old dictatorship. As to your second question. What have we done to tell the U.S. people if I understood well about what was going on in Latin America. So I think that we've done as much as is humanly possible not only in terms of personal effort in traveling in talking in code in writing you know not only that we have gone through the pain
of being called troublemakers by important people in the United States. We have been looked upon as agitators when we have been fighting for honest and them accredit government. I will tell you that our efforts small or large but just the full measure of what WE COULD DO have been little by comparison to our sufferings. Thank you. There's another cross back. I would like to ask presidents again as whether he cares to say what are you concerning tomorrow doctoring which Prime Minister Crowe Schaaf said not long ago that's that. And with your permission Mr. Chairman I would like to ask also Dr. out of knowing you're still comes from Argentina whether you would like to tell us what chances have the better at least I thought of getting back into power
in that country with Dr. gators like to answer first. Thank you once again. Thank you Mr. Chairman. The gentleman who asked the question is a very well-known and beloved Labor leader of the United States and of the Americas. And it is gives me the opportunity. Good to tell a Canadian audience which I had what I have told American audiences many times you know we only wish. The different branches of government and the business in the United States had been as unlighted as the international labor movement has been in the fight for democracy and we would not be where we are. We extremely thankful to the American and Canadian labor movement because this is one of them probably of the few activities in which Canadians and Americans are working together. Aside from business
of course himself Mr. Ramadi has been a great help to us too many years. He's a man of Italian origin and who has lived in Argentina for many years as speak of our language very well. Now spill the mongrel doctrine. Oh we go into a field of international law. Which of course is technical and I must start by admitting to my regret that I am not a lawyer. From the point of view of political parties we feel that the mongrel doctrine which says that roughly that America the Americas are full of Americans and that the European powers to stay off was probably a good conception at its time and did help in the time of European colonialism prevent undue interference of European powers. Unfortunately it was used to less desirable purposes.
Also i'm not be frank and say that in the recent conference of Democratic parties in lim the rule. From where. From where I'm coming now I found a very severe spirit of criticism for the revival of the mandrel doctrine not been a specialist in this field those studies I had no real opinion of my own. But this is what I noticed. However the fact the Latin Americas in this time at least those that I am in contact with do not seem to be enthusiastic about the rebirth of the mandrel doctrine. I do feel strongly and this is the main point that we do not want so we interferes interference in the affairs of the American hemisphere. We have enough problems of our own. If you ask me to believe and not I don't know you thought a doctor as to the possibility of a felony is to return to
power in Argentina. Well I'd like to answer that question just by going back to the performances of the party in the last two elections. The law in Argentina requires for a party to be officially recognized and to be able to present its candidates for election that any party has a platform or prevents any any party that has a platform that attacks the constitutional system from presenting their candidates the only two parties that are barred from presenting their candidates they function as parties but they can or present candidates for election. The Communist Party on one side and any party on the other the Benita party has several different names according to the different states of Brabant in which it exists. Now they don't need to vote since voting is mandatory in Argentina and anybody that's a citizen must vote at voting time can only
be measured by the number of blank ballots that are cast. Anybody that cannot vote for the party they like in other words a bit I need us all the government communists would vote on a blank ballot. The number of blank ballots was two million two hundred thousand in the election of one thousand two hundred and fifty eight. And in a recent election where they were new and half of Congress in that this year it had dropped down to about a million 700000. That answers your question as to what possibility there is of a better me to return. Thank you isn't it. Who has a wish is to ask the next question. There is a question up here in the front. Please. A million seven hundred thousand out of how many votes. I don't know the number of votes that was nearly 10 million 9.9. They were how they are now.
These go you know don't you feel as if there are no questions I would like to say that this bet on Barkey of which you may have heard in the United States they certainly heard a great deal about it because their own attacked the United States. The name bear on party of their own movement is considered as the only reason to all the only dictatorship that has had a pretense of a philosophical approach a sort of fascism a negative approach if you wish but to which at least pretended to create a darkened called host to see a list of all the other dictatorships that we have been fighting are all personnel ruthless systems of the strongman. Now this is not mean that baronies is any better than the others or the man himself is not just one more Latin American Kurd but I just wanted to clarify that for your illustration. The communist and the Peronist as I'm more likely to get together than any other two groups because there's a
close link in procedure and ways of acting between classism and communism mantra. Point would that indicate the feeling is more of a danger all solved. Dictatorship in the other republics that I can give you my opinion is that it doesn't that it doesn't show any. It doesn't bring the possibility of survival any nearer it will help on doggedly giving the government and the people a lot of trouble. Single protest acts which are terrorist acts that happen on a scattered bases all over the country. I understand too that right now the ties between the US and. And here we leave the opening session of this year's conference on the Latin Americas.
Tonight's speakers were Jose forget us woman president of Costa Rica and Menlo Dunya director just real relations industrious Kaiser Argentina. Very wrong. A German was Ken hl president University of King's College Halifax to morrow evening Luis Alberto Sanchez of the University of San Marcos Lima Peru will talk about the texture of life in Latin America. The conference is produced jointly by the Canadian Institute on public affairs and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. A booklet containing the speeches may be obtained shortly at one dollar and fifty cents per copy by writing to University of Toronto press Toronto Ontario. The program was produced by Christina McDougal technical operation by John Skelton. This is Bob Wilson saying goodnight from the coaching conference. This is CBC Radio the Trans-Canada network.
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University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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University of Maryland
Identifier: 60-sp5-1 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Cc,” 1960-08-06, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 23, 2024,
MLA: “Cc.” 1960-08-06. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Cc. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from