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     National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Keynote (2nd
    half) and General Business Session (Part I)
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Dramatic Arts and he's having a delightful time as I had. Now the next slide contrasts Well this this shows Mr. Bates in nice costume when he's the engineer on the program. Notice that he is a male figure now in a much more attractive male figure than this figure that you frequently he on television and viewed by lots of children. And I'm never able to figure out exactly what kind of a male This man is. As I watch him and we go on to the next slide. But I know all that he's a male that eats lots of products including Wonder Bread and so on. And this is off the TV screen which is responsible for some of the fuzziness but I'd like to see if we can get these in fairly sharp for the next one comes. Let's oh I'm sorry. But maybe you can see it. These guys eat all kinds of cereal throughout the program and by the end of the program they've got the SEC just expressions on their faces. So I wait for the end of the programs to observe the digestive effect upon
these characters. And continuing in our time is just about up and I'm just about through. Now these programs that we have been viewing are pretty much fact oriented or subject matter are added or content oriented if you will. I think we could design programs for children not that these aren't fine and I think we should have them. But I think we can experiment with programs to stimulate creative thinking. Build around process psychological process factors of discrimination generalization abstraction problem solving learning strategies and Danny and his imagination and fantasy and so on and I'll show you just one or two or three or four slides of beasties as you can imagine I would that it sort of intrigues me. These are some of our pet ald that you heard about and we can reasonably ask the question here are these birds the
same or are they different on initial analysis. They look very much the same. Upon closer inspection you can see that they are slightly different and little kids get a great jaw out of looking after they agree that they're similar they get a great deal of enjoyment out of searching then for the differences. All the while these little birds very active even looking at the children at the same time that the children are looking at them. They have a wide repertoire of sounds as well which makes them additionally interesting. The next slide. And if you want to get really involved with Owl one you can get models of good taxidermists can help you and you can begin building synthetic birds of various kinds taking children right out to the forefront of scientific knowledge of determining whether children see things the same way that birds see things does an owl look the same to a child that an owl looks to another bird.
And so you make up these synthetic figures and they're on the beyond the goose's head is and like you've never seen in your life. What is one of the most incredible it's got a pheasant's body and it's got an ol head and when you set that up out in the wild what this does to the other birds I don't have time to tell you this morning. And the next. Next slide and then you get things like this. Do Ducks recognize pictures of themselves and you can take photographs you can today make sketches of ducks. And here you've got an old Peking duck over there on the ride and he goes to his picture and he communes with it or you've got a mallard on this side and you draw a sketch of him and he soon learns that mallards are just from Mallard's. And going on then here is another kind of process thing what happens when you
give a child or an animal if it's too difficult for him initially. And if you teach a little hamster how to work with a little device in order to get food and then you put ahead of this the necessity that he has to become a crappies artist in order to get over there. He would become so absorbed in becoming a crappies artist that he forgets what he's mission is. And this is the problem that many of us suffer from. And then if you want to get into all kinds of whimsey there are ways of doing things like this with little animals. It looks like they read music but I think we're entitled to tell children the truth as to what's really going on here. And then when we want to lie to them we should do it in animation. But don't lie to them as I think too many Disney films do in the narration the animals are truthful in what they're doing
and I don't think the narrator should in a sense mislead children with the anthropomorphic. Narration that frequently accompanies some of our commercial film. Then lastly. And I'm sorry this slide is so lousy but it's kind of interesting there's a lot of that white on white. What you see is a cockatoo over there on the right. And this cockatoo has learned how to perform on form boards and this form Bart is equivalent to the form board in the Stanford Benet intelligent path for children 2 years old. And this cockatoo can do that very well after just a little practice. You're excellent at solving form board then it's a sheer delight. Now this is process again in terms of form discrimination and teaching form discrimination and it's a sheer delight to bring in a two year old who's not too bright and see the cockapoo every time. Now in conclusion in conclusion
I should like to remind you that research tells us and so does ban Blum and his new book Who is the father of taxonomy of educational objectives. Then boom tell them that within the first six years of life the child acquired half of these adult level intelligence. In other words by the time the child goes to the first grade he already in terms of intellectual growth has passed. The halfway mark in achieving adult stature. Intellectually speaking or the amount of growth in the first six years equals all that will take place in the remainder of these lives. This means that the preschool area is extremely critical for learning and is an area which we largely have neglected and I contend is an area where television and radio can play an extremely influential part. We also
know that creative impulses through the research a Starkweather and out other strategies for approaching problems willingness to venture into new areas and so on can be stifled in the preschool years all that other talents that the individual has in the intellectual realm are not likely to be manifest so clearly when the child does enter school. There are now about four million children being born in the United States every year. In other words in these various age groups from 0 up to 6 we have a population of between 20 and 24 million. If we want to work with them with our mass media and we know from the work of Bert and so on that we can begin very early that if children can learn Greek Wyler in their cribs by merely having Greek read to them
we can do this just as well by radio and in more significant areas perhaps beginning as early as 12 months or 18 months. And I think where we can experiment a lot besides the delightful an imaginary program from Miami and Seattle from Memphis and so on. Whether empathy is a flaw in the content sequence and flow of ideas following our modes of thinking. We likewise going to experiment with the whole matter of building programs around process psychological processes or cognitive abilities mirroring in the program the structure of the intellect. And in closing then I should like to quote from Thomas Jefferson who said I am among those who think well of human character and I believe that it is perfectible to a degree which we cannot yet form any conception. Thank you.
Dr vacuum certainly give us a challenge to our own powers of creativity to use radio and television and inventive and innovative ways to foster creativity in others especially in children without of course out of the market. Narration All the while they use that word and I process that as a result of your talks or there's not going to be a tremendous upload of programming which will demonstrate that we have an A B are not stimulus nor caught in psychological boxes. In fact I expect that some of the membership is going to rush home and immediately begin reading Greek couplets to their children and Doctor back as a comedian you know water is supposed to do him as this warm
responsible perms. You have been most demyelinating. Ladies and I'm going to have a 10 minute recess means according to my watch you ought to be back you're about ten minutes to ten. Well the first business section 10:30 my watch at 10:30 quarter to 11. All right. Quarter to 11 of that watch specs. I need it again. The outside. Out in the exhibit area and the registration area plays were running behind schedule
and we want to start the business meeting right away. Will all of you please leave the exhibit area and the registration area and come into the main auditorium. We're running behind schedule and we want to start the business action right away. Well all of you please come into the main auditorium. Or running considerably behind schedule so I would reiterate the request of the member there's been a session. We just received word from the chairman of the board of regents who was due to be here on the earlier session that he was grounded and his airplane was grounded in Houston and he sends his regrets and hopes to join us later. I'm pleased to announce that we're honored to have Commissioner Barkley of the Federal Communications Commission with us and that he will be making a few remarks during the latter part of the second general
session this afternoon following Dr. Fins presentation. I believe Harold Hale has several votes for the good of the order. First I have two tickets one for the Western party Tuesday night and one for the band but tomorrow night Wednesday night which were lost and found near the coat rack area. And be happy to have you pick them up. The reception Wednesday evening before the band for the first time in several years does not have a sponsor. Therefore we are required to charge for the refreshments. And due to the kind of law that the state of Texas has we cannot charge you by the drink.
Therefore we are selling tickets to the reception at the registration desk. The price of each $2 and if you're the kind of people I think you are you're going to get more of your money's worth. So you can buy a ticket to the Wednesday evening reception which preceded the banquet. Any time between now and Wednesday noon at the registration desk for $2 and that's the only way you can get into the reception. I would like to announce a change in the meeting place where the International Relations Committee tonight and the program. It is listed in the colonial room. However Ladybird uses the colonial room for a briefing room when she's in town and she is there for the International Relations Committee will meet in the Maximillian room at the Driscoll Hotel tonight. I would like to tell you that Karl Rove on our banquet speaker director of United States Information Agency will have a live press conference over KLR and the university's television station at 5:30
Wednesday so you can sit in your hotel room while you're getting ready for the reception and watch that press conference on channel 9. An interesting announcement I think. I think you will be pleased to know that General Electric is giving away three portable television sets of this convention one each day if you will go to the General Electric booth and register. You do not have to be there at the time of the drawing but each day they will draw and give away one portable TVs at General Electric. I would like to explain this roped off area to you Wednesday afternoon of the business section at which any matters upon which we have to vote such as the changes in the bylaws will take place only voting members which means official representatives of institutional members or individual members only voting members will be allowed this side of the roped off area because that's the only way we can tell who is supposed to vote and who isn't. Until that
time ignore the rope and come on down in front. You will notice in your program that there is a arrangement for recording facilities of any of you want to want to interview any of these speakers with whom you can make arrangements to take tapes home or what have you. If you want to record either Monday or Wednesday afternoon between 2 and 5 would you please make arrangements in the headquarters office which is in the green room stage right. There is a list you of all received eating places so that you don't have to go far to eat. There is a rathskeller downstairs or snack bars around there a few eating places and a couple of blocks so you don't have to go very far for lunch. There's a message center out front courtesy of Southwestern Bell Telephone if you happen to receive or send any messages. There is where you can do it. A cocktail party this evening is in the exhibit area right out here in the middle of the exhibits and is given courtesy of the exhibit tours. So if you want to go
back to the hotel before the cocktail party you can because there will be buses if you don't want to attend the cocktail party. If you desire to attend the cocktail party there will be buses there after to take you back to the hotel. There will be a bus Tuesday afternoon to take you from your hotel to KLR and if any of you are interested in going out and seeing their facilities if so I would suggest you check with Harvey Herbst or another KLR and members. Like your own. A small and gentle bit of information. The job calls for great places for change in the order of our affairs this morning as Mr MacArthur from Washington whether in the immediate circle here. I wonder if you'd come to the platform now and make your presentation.
What Jimmy Carter is manager of our educational television outlet in Washington DC. W e t hey. As you know all the side of our next convention convention will be in Washington and most McCarter will tell you why. How are you doing. Anybody who had the. Lucky happenstance to come into Austin from Dallas last night. Should be required to have much to do with this morning's meeting. We've been drinking coffee ever since we got here. It's been an education for me as a newcomer to Washington having been there just about a year now. To watch. Bill Harley Harold Hill
fellows Scotty Fletcher. And Jerry happy move in this very important atmosphere. As the arrangements for this meeting were being wrapped up last week in one office in the any office in Washington in an adjacent office. The. Bands in the blueprints for next years meeting were being laid out and are underway. I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised and even in view of the fine hospitality of Austin we in Washington will be ready for you next year. One of the biggest contributions I believe that we can make to next year's meeting. Will be. To prepare. Washington D.C.. As any
TV market. For you people. To this and I believe I can. Be of some. Contribution. The. We are in the throes right now. Of. Totally reorganizing. And expanding. The tv. Television facility in Washington D.C.. We expect this to be. Well on its way and somewhat complete. By the spring of this year. This involves a new look. In every aspect of this operation. From the administration. The board of directors. Our. Technical facility. Programming both instructional. As far as the school television services is concerned. And evening television service. And. Shortly after I leave here
will moderate a complete work. Week in service in Washington. I believe by this time next year. That. We will be ready for you in the nation's capital. Not just from a station standpoint but from. The. Tremendous activity that takes. Place at the NEA and the wonderful new impetus given this whole new movement by e ts. And Mr. Fletcher. We look forward to seeing you next year and I assure you that the nation's capital will be ready for from every standpoint. Thank you. While we were waiting for you people to command. Mr Harley and I were discussing with admiration the. Most stimulating talk the
doctor back gave and reviewing this hundred twenty twenty point scale. And I've often wondered the sources of Mr. Harley's demonstrated creativity. I would rather imagine that there must have been something like a wired for sound insight business. At an early age only this preceded the electronic sophistication that makes it possible to hook a computer to. Human physiology and brain and make it work right now. And then I got the explanation that he was tied down at a rather early age in Wisconsin and he had batteries of people reading things to him. But the most significant apparently was that period in his life when HP McCarty roped and tied him and brought a succession of people. Including attorneys and representatives the FCC to read to him verbatim and repeat and interpret the Communications Act of 1934. This explains a very great deal about. It's my pleasure to
introduce our president with the president's report. Mr. HOLLY. Thanks. Any review of the activities of an organization devoted to educational broadcasting must necessarily involve a review of what's happening in education. Or educational communication at any given time must reflect the needs of the problems and the techniques of education of the day. Both education and educational broadcasting. Are in the process of evolutionary development responding to an ever increasingly complex society. This report will suggest the changing nature of education and focus the efforts of educational broadcasting to be responsive to these new demands. The rate of change in American education today is greater than at any other time in history. And will continue having a smaller reading rate during the predictable future. The knowledge explosion
is creating vast new quantities of information to be communicated and understood. The population explosion is increasing the numbers of those to be educated. And better educated. The mobility of populations demands equivalent standards of educational opportunity across the country. Those beyond school years require more adult education and professional in service instruction at the increasing number of senior citizens need special attention. Advances in science and technology demand more highly trained a specialized manpower more vocational education more retraining opportunities. There is an increasing need for intelligent understanding by all Americans. Of world affairs. And there is a national concern for excellence and quality in education at all levels. These are some of the forces at work to alter the pattern of education. Now an era of change in education has brought with it greater pressures
and problems requiring greater flexibility and adaptability for those organizations that serve education. And so it is with the end of. The changing circumstances within educational broadcasting compelled changes in the Association which represents it. Briefly recounted. These pressures include. Vast numbers and new categories of personnel emerging in the field are flooding in from other areas. Who need to acquire skills and understandings about educational broadcasting and who have the opportunity to participate in our councils. And increase in the numbers and kinds of distribution systems upsetting traditional balances within the field and adding new categories of transmission management deserving recognition. There are new patterns of educational administration and organization to effectively apply the benefits which technology affords. Increased use of the media for in-school
use placing greater emphasis upon instructional applications of radio and TV necessitate fuller integration of the media within the established educational system. Increasing pressure for frequencies requires greater vigilance in protecting education stake in the electronic spectrum. This in turn demanding better and more sophisticated representation in Washington. Financing the association in the face of rising costs and the need for expanded services to growing numbers and categories of membership. These are some of the changed and the changing circumstances to which an AB has sought to adapt. Through a major organizational overhaul. As you know it divides the membership into four semi autonomous divisions. Three institutionally oriented divisions to serve the needs of colleges universities and schools in relation to the management of television and radio stations and as instructional users of radio and television.
And one division to serve individuals who have chosen careers in educational broadcasting and need a professional home with which they can identify to foster their own growth and development. There are separate boards for each division. Together with a single director for the institutional affiliate members. All of them composing a composite board of directors for the association. This provides for equitable representation of all segments of the membership and gives each an appropriate voice in the overall Association affairs. Now just a year ago. You voted in this new organizational setup. How is it doing. I can report to you that it's doing just fine. I won't pretend that it hasn't had some fits and starts and some coughs and wheezes. Its bumps along the runway for a good ways before lumbering into the air. But it has gotten off the ground and so far at least.
None of the wings of fallen off. In fact. I think we're going to make it. Problems involving the relationships of the parts to the whole and to each other. Are understandable in any new structure. However we're gradually working up procedures identifying areas of responsibility and evolving neutrally satisfactory working relationships. And I'd like to take a few moments. In attempt to set forth on the basis of our experience to date the general plan of operation of this new organizational structure. To begin with I want to outline the basic services which the end E.B. the National Association offers to the membership. These are the areas of anybody's primary responsibility as distinguished from the more specialized activity activities of the various divisions. Inevitably there will be some overlapping and some duplication but these are the areas
of association wide broad national and cross media concern. These services of course support and reinforce the interest of the divisions which by design engage in intensive efforts to advance specific aspects of the general association wide activity. In part. These Association activities stem from the fact that any B is the legal entity. Which can make official representation and official commitments. And in part these activities represent relationships which need to be carried out at an association to association level. What are some of these areas of association attention. Publication is a broad program of printed materials to serve the entire membership. The Journal the newsletter the Washington Report the president's report. And a variety of reports on conferences and seminars
memoranda new developments research reports and brochures about the NEA B. Then there's the whole area of the general liaison with government and professional organizations. And government relations. This means appropriate attention to legislative or regulatory developments including acceptance of invitation to confer with federal officials to testify or to file comments. It means cooperation with the staff of federal agencies upon request. The Navy represents educational broadcasting in a number of joint educational and Evers through membership in the educational media cons. The Joint Council on educational broadcasting and the American Council on Education. By advancing educational broadcasting via cooperative action. In such ways is co-sponsoring of seminars and publications with a JCB with da VI and so on. And in joining in development of common positions.
Such as the Idaho Committee on copyright revision. And in conferring with staff people of many other organizations headquartered in Washington. Matters of common concern. Research and Development is another major area. And includes the creation of supervision of projects of a nature and scope of overall Association concern. And the general coordination of divisional proposals or approaches to agencies and foundations in order to avoid conflict and duplications. The association is building a central library to which referrals can be made for anyone seeking information about any aspect of educational broadcasting. To collecting research data and educational broadcasting and providing a library facility for storage and retrieval of materials. The N A B provides general technical advice. To the educational community and to the electronics industry in relation to technological requirements of education.
It gives general advice to educational institutions regarding the selection of appropriate technical systems and equipment. And represents the general membership and technical relationships with government regulatory agencies and with the electronics industry. It employs. General legal counsel. Concerned with representing educational broadcasting before the FCC and congressional committees. In protecting education stake in the electromagnetic spectrum and defending educational assignments. Also in the solution of copyright and other rights problems and participating in national and international conferences involving legal matters affecting educational broadcasting. The association regularly conducts a variety of meetings for the benefit of the membership. The national convention for the total membership. Regional conference is for all members within particular geographic areas and special conferences having broad national
implications. In the area of international activities. It promotes the use of new media and technical assistance to new nations. The exchange of personnel with other countries and participation in international conferences. Through such activities as surveys involving the use of radio and TV for emerging countries in the recommendation and recruitment of qualified personnel for foreign assignment in a range ing for observational visits by foreign broadcasters. In representing the United States. At meetings of international organizations concerned with broadcasting. And promoting the greater flow of educational broadcasting materials between countries. And in stimulating the increase in opportunities for your people in foreign studies and observational visits abroad. It gives general assistance to institutions seeking advice on the choice of electronic communications systems appropriate to their needs. We're planning to activate stations. And repurchase requests for specific information or assistance to the appropriate
and a B division. It mounts a general effort to promote the public interest. In the understanding of educational radio and television. It works with educational organizations civic groups and professional associations and providing information about educational broadcasting. It provides data and material for magazines newspapers and press services. And coordinates the publicity of the divisions. So as to develop a consistent public posture for educational uses of radio and television. And then there are a variety of General Services. Which reinforce. Or back up. The work of the divisions providing them with advantages and privileges of efficiencies and economies which derive from being a part of the general association activity of headquarters. Such things as the exemption from income taxes and excise taxes. And providing the nonprofit tax exempt status for the reception of gifts and grants.
It affords economies resulting from the Cooperative use of office space personnel and office equipment and the provision of reception and switchboard services in the US of an AB bookkeeping and other physical services. Well I think that's sufficient to give you an outline of the general. Sorts of services of the association. For the benefit of the entire an AB membership. Now let's turn to the divisions. Not in any notion by any means of indicating their total spectrum of services. But only in respect to their activities as they enter relate with the association activities. And as you know they will have an opportunity to indicate in much greater detail the kinds of services they are providing during division days but in a sense this is the vision day for the association. In many instances. The activities of the divisions are a focused
effort in a specific aspect of the general association concerned. In publications. The divisions contribute to the general publications by suggesting ideas for articles they prepare or stories they refer material for possible inclusion and help gather data. They turn out their own special newsletters and will do so increasingly. And these of course are more timely more directly aimed at particular interests. In the division area. They also publish a variety of memoranda reports and manuals relating to divisional activities and interests. In cooperation with the president's office the divisions make appropriate contacts with government staff. With FCC personnel and congressional committee staff. Concerning matters of direct concern to those divisions. This might involve. Such activities as providing a federal official with needed data about educational radio station developments. To working with a congressional staff man on the drafting of
legislation affecting educational television. In some cases the divisions may be doing the important and necessary legwork that goes into the development of a paper or testimony or FCC comment which the NASB may present. And often the individual efforts of several divisions are fitted together to compile a complete presentation. In the area of Information Service. The divisions collect research data statistics and information. Which contribute toward general digests and catalogues and summaries about their area of educational broadcasting. They contribute part of the materials and reports and documents to the library. And provide special releases of information and data of interest to their members. Of course also had a request for information and referrals relating directly to divisional areas of interest. In the area of research and development. The development and preparation of research proposals or projects. Is carried out by the divisions under any
Aegis. And then are submitted to funding agencies or foundations. And once the grants are made in many cases. The divisions themselves supervise these projects related to their particular areas of interest. Example the series of. Books at the radio division is doing and the long range conference on the financing of the TV which is under the management of the television division. Though we have legal services provided of a general nature by the association. The divisions may employ their own consul or consultants in order to avail themselves of more specific legal or engineering help appropriate to the needs of their membership. They also help of course in the whole area of station activation by providing specific help. To institutions and communities seeking to activate stations or closed circuit systems. And divisions also.
Administer and manage certain operational enterprises. For example the taped radio network is operated by the radio division and the television program exchange which is now being established will be operated by the educational television stations division and so on. These are course there are of course many other areas of activity interrelated to the association but perhaps this covers most of them. In general as you say it's a relationship in which the association acting as the umbrella structure concerns itself with broad activity is of concern to the entire membership. Leaving specialized divisions to exercise specialized competence in specialized areas. Specific procedures are evolving with a working experience many problems and questions and even conflicts will inevitably arise oversights or problems that could not be foreseen in writing the Byelaws need to be accommodated in revision and changes and there will be other adjustments to be worked out.
But with all these bugs and all these growing pains I'm confident we're well launched on a new era of greater effectiveness and significance now. During this first year under the new plan what has been accomplished. The first step. Was to nominate and then vote into office. A complete set of new directors for each divisional board so that the constituted authority could be established to carry forward the work of the divisions. Two of the boards held organizational sessions shortly thereafter. That is after the Milwaukee convention but the full in a b board could not meet. For its initial get together. Until May by this time. Two of the divisional boards television and radio had approved division budgets established assessment plans and hired executive officers in the systems and clerical staffs. Last week the individual member division appointed an executive director and it is expected that the remaining
division in the constructional division will shortly be announcing staff appointments. At this point I assure you things are humming at headquarters and there not be. There are hardworking people who counting divisional staps. Project personnel and part time help. Bring the total working force in Washington headquarters to 24. There are nine other hard working and AB people in our urban office and as I see these people bustling in and out of some 18 offices in our Washington headquarters. I can't help but be reminded of the time. Just four years ago. When any bee first came to Washington and I had my secretary occupied one lonely office in that same building. Now there is an exhilarating air about the place that comes from the esprit de corps are capable and creative people joining in a worthwhile undertaking. What has this team accomplished in this past year.
Each division of course will report at much greater length during their special sessions tomorrow. But let me just give you a brief outline of some arrayed achievements and continuing activities. A major area of activity of course is governmental relations. That is the variety of almost daily contacts with congressional committees regulatory agencies and other branches of the government in the furtherance of educational Broadcasting's interests. This ranges through discussions with the administrators of the TV facilities act. To helping member stations who are experiencing special problems and processing grant applications. It involves such things as conferences with staff members of the United States office. Of education project proposals for Media Research discussion with administrators in health education and welfare area re Development Office economic opportunity and poverty programs and ways to apply radio and television to the problems of health illiteracy and rehabilitation.
In our traditional role of ensuring that education is given its proper share of the radio spectrum. We have succeeded in having the NASB computer develop UHF Assignment table published by the Federal Communications Commission for industry wide comparison to the FCC is own proposed table. Following a computer study to examine the impact of six channel airborne developmental lambaste assignments. We testified against the regularization of such airborne television service as an efficient use of television frequencies. We have been working with the Federal Communications Commission to develop an FM assignment plan for the United States and Canada. We have made a study and published a report of technical standards required for microwave interconnections for education. Another project radio program scripts scripts for the teaching that English was completed during the year for the Voice of America and the US so we contract a series of utilisation film kids in the classroom use of instructional television is nearing completion. To grant in aid
programs are now underway providing funds to help member stations produce outstanding radio and television programmes. A major project in radio. Is the feasibility study of a nationwide educational communication systems for live radio broadcasting and other communications services. And international activities. The NEA be a contract in the Sudan for assisting in the expansion of the Sudanese radio system has been extended for two more years. In American Samoa where an AB has a major contract to install an instructional television system three transmitters are now in the air and a core of forty two and a B studio teachers TV supervisors directors and technical personnel are on the job in this international showcase for instructional television in the Pacific. Through the UN AB You have been represented at General Assemblies of the European Broadcasting Union and its special meetings such as those concerned with programme exchange or legal aspects of
international labor relations custom fees and copyright clearance. During the year the N.A. be at no expense the association had delegates at the International Conference on schools broadcasting at Tokyo and the UN conference on technical assistance to underdeveloped nations in Geneva. And your president was privileged to be part of a State Department negotiating team which established by national information centers to foster the exchange of educational television programs between Japan and America. Another area of accomplishment during this year. Was in the staging of several successful meetings. Start Of course the national convention in Milwaukee set a new mark for attendance with over 800 distance and forty eight booths in our industrial exhibits. Two self-supporting national conferences were held. A seminar on educational radio held in January in Chicago and a seminar instructional television held in Columbia Missouri in March.
During the year the Washington staff. Has been vigilant on your behalf. Regarding various areas of legislative activity. These include reporting to you on developing situations in the progress of appropriations for the E.T. the facilities Act and the extension of the National Defense Education Act in Title 7. As well as testifying at hearings advocating the temporary removal of excise taxes on all channel receivers. We represented your interests in a series of panels looking toward revision of the copyright law. And have participated vigorously in cooperative efforts by educational groups to develop a common position and approach to the problem of copyright revision. In other in her organizational matters. We have participated regular Area Meetings of the JCB. For which And maybe now serves as the secretary. In activities of the educational media cons. including the establishment of the pioneering 14 volume educational media index.
Joint Meetings of the Executive Committees of any B and D A vi. Have resulted in the adoption of a plan for joint membership arrangements for individual members of the two organizations and expiration of a plan to develop a common insert technical developments for the journals of the respective organizations. To sum up I believe. That the past year has been. Most successful and productive. And I document this assessment with this list of highlights. First a complete restructuring of the organization was authorised officers were chosen staff organize a whole mechanism set into operation with all its parts working within a year. Government relations efforts with members support. Were carried out over a wide cross with positive results. Never before has an ab work so closely with the FCC staff and been accorded so much attention by the Commissioners. Never before has any be attained such a level of recognition and respect in the educational community
in government circles and across the seas. In terms of projects and grants. Funded $82000 are added to the five hundred twenty seven thousand dollars of projects in force at the start of the fiscal year. But all these projects and grants then a b is now handling a total annual budget of over a million dollars. What's the general dues or con for only 15 percent and the addition of divisional fees another 35 percent. And in many other areas.
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National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Keynote (2nd half) and General Business Session (Part I)
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University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “ National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Keynote (2nd half) and General Business Session (Part I) ,” 1964-10-26, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 5, 2025,
MLA: “ National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Keynote (2nd half) and General Business Session (Part I) .” 1964-10-26. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 5, 2025. <>.
APA: National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention Keynote (2nd half) and General Business Session (Part I) . Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from