The march of medicine; Greene Vardiman Black: The father of modern dentistry
- Transcript
Yeah we're doing a lot of. Reading the rest of that from me by morning all the links. What do you think you know maybe you can stay off. Better than you know with great when you're reciting a general result. Oh yeah you're right. Maybe that's a real president. We'll I have to restaurant that. It was me I hate. Oh wait a minute what's going to think I'm wary of dedicating a monument today. Yeah but a. Green vitamin black of course. I mean I'm I'm sorry I thought everyone knew at a gala where he everybody young gentleman that he did more for you than you'll ever know. He was a dentist. There for a better one of my
dancing here in Lincoln Park. It's the least we can do this now but not just an ordinary dentist. Now if you'll excuse me what would you say his name was ignoring the part of many blacks think it's a name worth remembering my good friends I am a very sick need to give the titles of Dr. X contributions to the Pfeiffer I-15 was the most distinguished member. The American hospital supply corporation presents as a public service. March of medicine. Some episodes in the history of hospitals and the people who work in them to protect your health and mine. Are story
GV black. The father of modern dentistry. This is your host Paul Barnes speaking to you from a dentist's office like the one you visit when you have your teeth checked. As I look around I see things with which I'm sure we're all familiar. X-ray machine to detect hidden cavities and infection. A superspeed water cooled powered rail that makes the treatment of a decaying tooth an easier and much less painful affair. And many other delicate precision instruments that help the dentist to protect our teeth. All modern and new and things the GV black could only dream of when he started practice in 1859. Right now I should like to introduce our guest Dr. Floyd B chastened professor of operator of Dentistry at Northwestern University dental school and member of the Atomic Energy Commission at Yucca Flats. While the atomic test series Dr. Jason the program you are listening to recreates in dramatic form some episodes in the career of Dr. Green vitamin black. One of the early and most distinguished members of the Northwestern
University dental school with which I myself am proud to be associated. Dr. Black is quite accurately remembered as the father of modern dentistry and a pioneer in preventive dentistry. His brilliantly conceived research has added greatly to our understanding of dental problems and dental health. Through his distinguished textbooks he made the best knowledge of the day available to students and to other practitioners through his deep devotion to teaching. He made sure that new generations of able and well-trained young men and women would follow him in his chosen career. The fact that dentistry today is an intricate part of the medical field the fact that careers and job opportunities in the field of dental health were never more numerous or more exciting. These things are due in large measure to the devoted effort of such men as Dr. GV black. I am proud to have this brief opportunity to pay him tribute. Truly an American man of science.
Thank you Dr. Chaisson with colleges and universities teaching the latest techniques with the newest equipment and with the high standards of professionalism now prevalent it may be difficult to picture the progress that dentistry has made in the last hundred years. And who would have thought. GV Black would have been responsible for so much of this progress as a farm boy in Winchester Illinois is to pet aversions where work and school. He was the black sheep of his family. A source of constant concern especially to his father's grave. Now where is he. I don't for green PA being why is it I can never find him when I need him. Where is he anyway. Lies out in the back. He was looking at some tree last time I saw a look at some tree. I swear that boy doesn't care about it as work to be done around it and what does it do. Wanders around the woods like like some squid. I could hear you all the way. Oh nothing's the matter I was just wondering if it be too much of a bother to Green if I put in the
work. No I mean I don't want to disturb him you know what he's off looking at some tree. Everybody here does their share except green. He's off in another way. I won't go to school he won't look he won't don't have to worry about group call. Yes ma'am go fetch your brother. Yes ma'am. Then why do you think it helps in that we have to pitch green every time there's something to be done around here who when we're not around when he has to support himself or the family he can live off of nuts and berries and his brothers can eat is not like that you don't understand oh you don't understand him of course I understand him. He's my son and I understand him very well though he's lazy a share Kiran. And let me tell you Mary I've made up my mind to straighten him out. What are you going to do when we're through carving that boy that's what. What are you going to do. He has to learn something for his future.
GREENE But make out he's not dumb. Yes. Gone to school much but he's smarter than most children with three times the education. Look how close the bar. Mary you said yourself he could be a good looker. I have something better planned. What are you going to do that I'm send them to his brother Tom and have him learn medicine there to straighten him out and teach him something. He said so that means he'll have to move away. As for his own good. It's not like Tom was a stranger you know. No I guess not. And I think Greene would like that. What was his interest in nature. Yes. Yes that's a good idea. That was 1853 and green was only 17 years old. Well the next
four years he read medicine with his brother Tom and proved himself an eager and willing student. Then an 1856 Green decided to switch to the study of dentistry. The mechanical aspects of the profession fascinated him but they were also practical considerations. Greene was considering marriage and at the time dentistry promised a good living. So he moved to Mount Sterling Illinois and began study with Dr. J.C. Spears. It wasn't too much later that he decided to go out on his own. Dr. Spears I am I'm planning to set up my own practice. Well I'm not surprised you're anxious to get married and support a family. I'm glad that you stayed with me these many months. There was a lot to learn and I hope I didn't get in your way to get in my way. No of course not. You did yourself well. Oh but there is one thing my book on dentistry. A couple of pages are worn pretty thin but just how many times did you read it three three times. And you
think I've studied enough. Boy you've learned all there is to learn about dentistry. There's no one could learn more. You've seen everything I do when you've done it yourself. No with ambition and talent like yours you do the profession justice. Thank you sir. Now where and when will you begin your practice next month in Winchester. My hometown. That's their good fortune. No as long as you've got a month to go. I'm not letting you slip away so easily. We've got work to do. Hi this is Tab Hunter and I'm glad to take this opportunity to say a word to you about careers in dentistry. You know I'm not exactly an elderly fellow and yet I'm sometimes amazed to think how dentistry has changed my own life time. When I was a kid there were really just two careers in dentistry one was being a dentist and filling teeth and putting on braces and telling people to brush regularly. And the other was being a dentist nurse. Well believe me that's all changed
now. Among the fields the dentist specialize in our oral path ology oral surgery orthodontics and half a dozen others. And for those without that DD has to agree. There are such fascinating and important jobs as that of the dental laboratory technician the dental assistant the dental hygienist. If you're interested keep listening and I'll tell you more about these fields later in the program. This is Paul Barnes again and we are back in the dentist's office. Just a moment ago I struck up a conversation with a young man waiting to see the dentist. I asked him if he were just here for a check up but he said no no no I'm having a permanent filling put in the tooth that was abscessed. And then I'm being fitted for Alfonse tooth were wanted to come out there sounds like quite a job considering the pain these teeth caused me it
wasn't too bad. But actually I didn't realize how bad the teeth had become when the X-rays were taken the doctor found that one tooth was too far gone to save the other tooth was affected by this one and was just starting to abscess. It took some pretty delicate work to save it you know removing the poison cleaning it out. You say you have a temporary feeling now. Yes. And the doctor has been applying medication so they'll be no chance of infection when the permanent filling is and then I had the false tooth put in. If I don't the teeth on either side will become well to begin to loosen and collapse into the space where the tooth is missing. And this could cause more problems. You seem to know a lot about it. My dentist believes in explaining what he's doing. Was it a painful job. No not really. He use novacaine and besides he has the lightest touch of anyone I know. No problems no problems at all. And if I take care of my teeth I shouldn't have any in the future either. No problems. Would this have been the case when Black was starting practice.
I doubt it. Well of course there had been many contributions to the dental art but nothing to compare with what we are used to. Formal education of dentists was lacking as we've heard Black's education was self administered and this was true of all dentists of the time. If the young man I talked to had trouble with his teeth back in 1859 he would more likely than not have lost both teeth and he would have had considerable trouble for years to come. Instead of a false tooth that would match his other teeth he would have had a tooth card from bone ivory or wood. It was to the improvement of existing techniques that Black turned after resuming his practice at the end of the Civil War. A visitor in those days to his office in Jacksonville Illinois would be filled with all at the equipment Black used and the investigations he carried on. Of course he would be filled with all at the thought of meeting the great man where his reputation had grown and he was highly respected. Yes sir. I would like to see Dr. Black please. Is it an
agency. Oh no no nothing like that. I'm a dentist and I was just wondering if I could talk with. Well if he's busy in County and he's with the patient but he'll be glad to see. Oh thank you thank you. We're here. Just make yourself comfortable. Thank you doctor. There's a young man to see you again. Fine I was just finishing with a patient. I know your teeth are fine no. They're all very by the way just take care now sir. I'm going to be black. Oh I'm John Gilmer. Oh I've heard of you. I'm glad you came to see me. I've been wanting to meet you. Oh and I use. I seen so much of your work and heard so much about you that well I just had to see what you were doing with my own eyes. We won't keep you waiting any longer. Let's go upstairs to my laboratory. It's it's truly amazing did you design all I'm never happy unless I'm
working on some instrument or experiment here a look at this. Oh. Well what is it. It looks like the insides of a clock as the inside of a clock. But you see this clock work is causing this fluid and acid to flow slowly over the teeth you see suspended in this jar. Now the idea is to determine if this is the way erosion occurs in the mouth. Well have you had any results yet. Well. Some but it's still too soon to tell. Well the theory is that well this is the way it does occur. Yes and from past experiments I produced something similar to erosion. See for yourself here. Yeah. Yes I see. But I'm not convinced this is the way erosion occurs. I theory is only useful when we begin to look for the plaques. And I'm afraid the facts in this case do not substantiate the theory. I'll find the answer though.
We'll. Hi this is Tab Hunter. You know there's something basically satisfying in doing a skilled craftsman like work and making something useful with your hands. I don't know of many things you can make with your hands or contribute more to human health and comfort than dental appliances artificial teeth crowns bridges and so on and that's what the dental laboratory technician does under the supervision of the dentist. If you qualify for this job. You may become a highly skilled workman like using electrical tools high heat furnaces and other kinds of advanced equipment. What does the job call for in the way of personal qualifications principally an intelligent young person who likes to do skilled work with his hands. Outside of that a High School Diploma Plus on the job training or a course in one of the several schools accredited by the American Dental Association. Think about it this might be the career for you. Paul Barnes again and I've just been scanning through some of the written works of Dr. Black.
They are of course his greatest contribution to dentistry. Today we take these for granted. But in Black's time well they often were the center of heated controversy. But this didn't bother black. Oh no. He would work on something until he had taken it as far as he could go and then he would turn to another area and then those who contradicted him always respected him. Many of his findings were unknowingly precise and beneficial as were his numerous inventions. Dr. Gilmer in later years a well-known dentist in his own right would say of blacks work on the anchorage of fillings. Many skillful operators were unable to account for the failure of their fillings at certain parts of the margins. These papers of Professor Black cleared up the subject and we all wonder know why we did not realize before that if anonyma rods were cut off in such a way as to leave them on supported they must be loosened or dislodged by the force used in packing filling material against them or later by the impacts of mastication leaving a lodging place for
acid forming fungi. These papers and those following taught far safer methods than had ever before obtained. It's doubtful if there ever been formulated for Operative dentistry methods or ideas which will equal these for the saving of teeth. And in 1890 when his book descriptive anatomy of the human teeth was published critics said this like all of his other work has been done so well that no one can possibly give a better book on the subject. And it must continue to stand at the head. Very prophetic for a 1962 seventy two years after publication. Critics were still claiming this book one of the best of its kind. Saying his descriptions of the teeth have never been surpassed and his measurements are still used in modern works. Black's value to dentistry also lies in the fact that he was an excellent teacher having never received a formal education except for a few months of grade school. He was firmly
convinced that to learn one had to study and to teach. He said Alan do you see as tickly to learn the basic sciences especially chemistry and physics which led to his first important research work on the use of gold foil as a filling material. He avidly studied histology the second earth worms and insects and everything he could get hold of until he became proficient and with equal enthusiasm. He set out to teach others what he had learned so great was this desire to teach that He made frequent visits to the Missouri dental college to lecture in pathology histology and operated dentistry. Are my bags packed. Yes dear they're all packed. How long will you be gone this time. Just a few days. Don't worry don't worry is what you always see but you know I do. Riding horseback all that way I know it's only twenty five miles by horse and then the boat takes me to St. Louis. It's a pleasant trip. Do you have to go you know I do.
The professional man has no right to be other than a continuous student. I try to impress that on my students and I learn from coming into contact with my students. I better acquaint myself with the material. I would be cheating not only myself but others if I didn't teach. And now I must leave. I promise you'll be careful. I promise. Good bye dear. And I say good bye to the boys for me. Through his efforts and teaching much recognition came to black. In addition to awards and fellowships he was elected president of several dental associations such as the Illinois State Board of Dental Examiners and the national dental association. Now the American Dental Association and he was honored with five honorary degrees ranging from law to dentistry to medicine in 1997 he became dean and professor of operator of dentistry dental pathology and bacteriology at the Northwestern University dental school in Chicago. It was here that the influence and
effect of his teaching was best seen for on October 18th 1899. The school banned football gentlemen gentlemen these men are here to learn dentistry not to chase after a football experience in the past to show less than football. It appears seriously with their studies. You know you're right. Then it is agreed. I'm not one of those who want transfer out because of this. Well you know all those students can we afford it. Football has no place in a professional school. The students here should have reached a stage in life beyond that period. Let those who wish to practice football repaired to some other school play football is pernicious to the best interests of education. They outlawed football. They've been threatening a couple of the fellows say they'll transfer it what about you transfer out. I just transferred in. No not me. Why should I leave here when the best teacher in the country is here
transferred. I should say not. You know I sat through classes for a whole year and all my professors talked about was GV black. He did this and he did that. Everything they taught us was a quota of blacks. Doesn't that make more sense to get the information first hand rather than second hand. I'm not going to play football when I leave here. Are you OK. No I guess not. This is Tab Hunter again and I hope I can persuade you to think seriously about a career in dental health. For example if you're a girl and want a career which will work for you both before and after marriage Have you ever thought about becoming a dental hygienist. What does a dental hygienist do. Well she's the only one of the densest auxillary who is allowed to work directly on patients. She cleans and polish his teeth. She takes X-rays. She gives the patient necessary advice on how to care for his teeth.
How much training does a career in dental hygiene demand. Minimum of two years of professional work beyond high school. But let me tell you something right now about twelve hundred dental hygienist are graduated every year from approved schools. There are at least twice that number of jobs open dental hygiene is an important well-paid professional field which could use your abilities for more information on this or other exciting careers in the dental fields. Right health careers box 6:56 Evanston Illinois. This is Paul Barnes again a geologist a climatologist a naturalist a botanist a musician an artist a linguist a machinist a physician and a surgeon was GV black and above all a student busy and active throughout his life. Black died Aug. 30 1st
1915 at the age of 80. Realizing the scope of his influence which had grown worldwide the national dental association now the American Dental Association took up the question of a suitable memorial and a monument was planned and built for exhibits in Chicago's Lincoln Park. It was dedicated August 7th 1918 and stands today as a reminder of his accomplishments which set the standards for modern dentistry. In which we live. It was that this will be the measure of that. Excuse me if I was funny for a bold expansion and what do you think's going to hate us I asked me. Now that was a real break except that it gets or was chaos was. Like. Sitting down by NOAA and imagination. That's me with great
Winter who was reciting at generation some of. Our new cars. Oh yeah you're right. Maybe the president will say should I have to restaurant that excuse me I hate. Oh no wait a minute let's get angry or we're dedicating a monument today. Yeah but our. Green Vardaman black of course. I'm I'm sorry I thought everyone knew a TV when he everybody young gentleman did more for you and you'll never know. He was a dentist. Their claim that there was a bad dentist here in Lincoln Park. It's the least we can do this. Yes. But not just an ordinary dentist. Now if you'll excuse me what would you say his name was ignoring the part of many blacks think it's a name worth remembering that there were taped wishbone OK just because they can post a shot of it. Even at a light bulb. He wrote the contribution
which he made to show why field of science. Teaching Ritchie did a great job of US of A feeling of panic combo you know. I think that's what you're wearing. Yes I said I'd sure like to have a statue of you in the middle of the party happy time yeah yeah I can see it now let me take a closer look. Good ever. Funny Modena asked what he was actually have a heart but was. Like don't go back to enjoying this friendship. Oh oh oh. Much of medicine and. Some episodes in the history of hospitals and the people who
work in them to protect your health and mine. Much of medicine is brought to you as a public service by the American hospital supply corporation. Appearing on today's program where Paul Barnes Rita Ascot Bob Barron Jim handling and Bill Gretzky. This is Mark Maloney speaking. This is Martin Maloney again. The program you just listened to in a series called March of Madison in coming weeks we plan to tell the stories of Walter Reed who first learned how to prevent yellow fever. Dr. Banting who developed insulin and used it to control diabetes and several more not I didn't decide to take up these few seconds at the end of tonight's program just to give you a list of coming attractions. But rather to say something about the purpose of this
series. We're really addressing these programs to young people particularly to people of high school and college age who have not yet made a choice of career. We want to say that the medicine and health fields are full of opportunities for you. Some of these careers if you take an M.D. degree are going for specialized nursing or become interested in medical research. Some of these careers do call for long years of study and professional experience. Others require only a high school diploma plus some special training. All of them can present you with a challenge to do important work in the world. I'm a teacher myself and I know how difficult and frustrating it can be to think about a lifetime job. If you are looking for information on a great number of careers we would like to help you. I've been saying at the end of these programs that if you will sign your name and address on a postcard to health careers a post office box four to seven Evanston Illinois we can send you a good deal of
information on job opportunities in medical fields which I think will interest you. If you have specific questions to ask. Never mind the postcard. Write us a letter and ask them but send it to the health couriers post office box four to seven Evanston Illinois. I think you might be glad you did the authentication of research materials on the series is provided by research division of Encyclopedia Brittanica next week's program. Walter Reed and the prevention of yellow fever. I hope you'll be listening this program was distributed by national educational radio. This is the National Education already own network.
- Series
- The march of medicine
- Producing Organization
- WMAQ (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.)
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-3r0pwh6d
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-3r0pwh6d).
- Description
- Episode Description
- This program focuses on the story of dental pioneer Greene Vardiman Black. It also includes a public service announcement by actor Tab Hunter.
- Series Description
- Drama series highlighting important moments in medicine. Each program also includes a public service announcement related to medicine or hospitals.
- Date
- 1967-01-10
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:29:40
- Credits
Producing Organization: WMAQ (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.)
Speaker: Hunter, Tab, 1931-
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-4-6 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:28
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The march of medicine; Greene Vardiman Black: The father of modern dentistry,” 1967-01-10, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 5, 2025,
- MLA: “The march of medicine; Greene Vardiman Black: The father of modern dentistry.” 1967-01-10. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 5, 2025. <>.
- APA: The march of medicine; Greene Vardiman Black: The father of modern dentistry. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from