The American town: A self-portrait; Copper country: Part II, part 2
- Transcript
In line a clever way to hide on the men that died. We had a 10 hour shift. I'm going away good reporters from all of them got a new kind of image here and there were two men on a machine before but there were no kind of them as you know and only one man who died complaining about too hard and another thing a lot of thank you one man who would like you but what would have likely been done no way do you come back because the company would get more money a bad way but one man would do it like you through my new book. By you where you get what you get your $5 your money. For the. Miners and crime are good for you too. And I didn't hear him. We were allowed to live a month. I would want to go back there.
Oh it just to me it was just good. Enough. Do you know that was the word I suddenly can't tell you that. As a bank it was. Changing our goal in life you know I really just seem to be upset. And demand more to see nature and. To. Be deputies in the world as he needed his deputies and so God would be just one room and enjoy Christmas with a group of deputies. And. Although I see it it is the people who came into our community and it gave the wrong impression. I had to I had to United my thinking because they penetrated deeply dangerous world realities. At a community they didn't even sound
reasonable you know because the winning teams. Might. Read and write. And so. My impression is. That. When they were very good of course to get benefits we all have to admit that after this break the man ahead. Of time. I think he had Saturdays on. And they did make those a day didn't get that. They were exploiting it anyway as as nearly as I can with your Brigade they were expecting and there is his music routines we had been discussed. That day it just seemed a tiny bit and you could show it off and gain something by just coming in at the right time where it appears and they did it out at least that was the impression I used to feel. I can remember the year they were marched down our street carrying a big fly in they had money on in there
was just to think he was terrible. Hearing is great big flight and she looked at the whole economy beginning and he would lead the parade of strangers in. Really she created to see your worst impression if they saw Nelson he hit pretty easy. Christian heard about a fire that he had during a stray. Oh I. Forget that it was. I think he's learned a lot of time. Forget it and we were meant to give you the world. We started on duty. He came on he said Oh he said it was an accident and I could tell. By his expression that it must have been awful the way he said it. So then he explained it was his Christmas party given by the members to be given right I think for the strikers and the Organization for the strikers this big party going on in what we called in the A-10 all banks are building
Michigan employment has its office now. And it was up on the second floor and there are only two or three of the children there and just for some foolish reasons I'm all for you. And me to stampede for the door and they just. Want. You so that there was no fire you know. I think you eat just. Fine over the steamer's it's just me and I was there at the time it happened early meaning I don't recall exactly probably maybe seven o'clock when there's fire collars on call out and everybody panic. I haven't the up on a stand over Christmas trees or and women are going out Christmas stockings or kidnap me want to. And naturally when they got a panic they all start rushing. And I guess the first bunch of goodwill and an open lobby all the church door and then there's a stairway going on. Other doors open anywhere and a lot of.
Panic and dive in there and if I recall there was a sort of buy and or outdoor pretty wooden door and going in or maybe 4 if I then died in there I don't know why they died of shock or panic a lot. There seem to be a motive could maybe 12 13 years old with panic situation and that's where a lot of that killing a stairway and punch him out in the lobby or in the open in the hall and then some out in the open toilets and I don't recall exactly but it was summer and 80s I don't know exactly how they were killed. In fact I've got a lot of a lot of picture that on actual doctors. We had about two dozen postcard not taken of the. After the disaster a funeral at a church or not a summit area. So I got three actual proven all wrong. I don't know I never heard a few remarks then about how bitter it was and how hard it was before the strike. To me it's a toss up which is the best. The unions of
today. Are the paternal attitude of the mining companies because the scene H. Write you into the world and. You went to see a movie with. Well they didn't own the stores. But. All the entertainment the parks the band all. Were provided by the mining company and the pastors the cow pastures. You paid a dollar a month rent rent dollar a month for your power. I don't think it did anything for the water you got to call for about three or four dollars a time. It was a lavish living but. For somehow or another they built the towers they built the sewage systems they built the water systems they built all the buildings that are in the car because every day with their pay so they must save something of that
low pay they are getting because the town today is operating on a water system that Ben father built and they're bellyaching about repairing it. The sewage system that grandfather built there is quack about that. So I don't know it's a toss up which was the best way of course when you read those books and find out where they work for. On a three month contract and after the company took out its money they wound up with 10 and 11 cents for three months. I don't see the company. To go out there to dynamite their candles their fuse. They paid so much for the air. If they're around. If their pay was. $55. The doctor really had to pay $1 for the doctor. The star Bill was 54 so that made the 50s. Page after page of these books will tell
you of. The story Bill was maybe thirty seven dollars and fifty cents and one dollar for the doctor in their final pay was thirty eight dollars and fifty cents. It looked fishy to me. It may be some guy with a big family got by. And maybe some of those with no family have to pay for those with a big family. But in any event living was rough. The Ku Klux Klan was well organized and Hancock and people are really what you might call with or the class of the best people are amongst those that join the Ku Klux Klan. It seemed to be especially infest the Rotarian group in Hancock for example to get an idea of the level we're talking about and a cross was burned on the Quincy. You know right over there
opposite the present the stadium won the county fair was held and the fall of my recollection was planted in 1927 I might be in error on that point. I intended to be against Catholics. However there were enough Jews in the Jewish merchants in the community so it might also have been intended that way. This essentially died out by the 1000 thirties the. Yeah on fortunate Association of the governor of Indiana with the Ku Klux Klan and a scandal turning up in his career. Help to kill off enthusiasm for the KKK only Michigan. I think it's essentially an outgrowth of the Citizens Alliance that had developed here during the copper country strike. Certainly in 1917 there was a return to that kind of intimidation by several issues of the day. Of the Citizens Alliance newspaper appearing at the 1070 that was intended to intimidate or
throw the fear of the United States into some of our foreign population. They ran that they might not be as loyal as others. The Klan stopped primarily because of the bad reputation run up as I said by the governor of Indiana. They said he got into a scandal while the plan represented themselves as backing peace purity and patriotism. And this was a little on fortunate one heard very little of the Klan after that time. And churches in this street in one of the reasons
so many people came from different countries in Europe and when they got over here they set up their own their own places of worship so that they could carry on in there in the way that they had in their own country. And in Kenya Mitt you would find I don't know how many different Roman Catholic churches there was the attack in church it was the French church an Austrian two Austrian churches the English church and a good many of them still continue. They had been very strong here if specially since. Among the pin's and the Germans. And there were a number of these churches which were established in the seven or eighteen 80s and 90s and are still of the original. Parish the oldest church in the community is the Methodist church of hope. You know the Methodist
pre-dated father Berrigan. Mr Tight SIL who was a missionary sent in by the Detroit mission came to Zeba and there he established a mission I believe five years before Father Berrigan was in and was on the shore of B. And they were quite quite friendly too. It was amazing how these missionaries work together and they decided that is an answer. Mr. Pipes I was on the east side of the bay that thought America would be on the west side and they wouldnt conflict with each other but they would still try to help the Indians who needed help and financially and spiritually in every other way. It was quite a quite a nice arrangement then and. Of course the St. Ignatius Church
was the next the next Perry Perry had a parish church in a school with a very beautiful church to a large church and then I believe our church was the next one in point of of yours and there is a Congregational Church in Hancock and Methodist Church in Hancock there are three I think three churches and a newly Lutheran Church. My work is historical research on the life and the work of Bishop Erica who was the first bishop of Upper Michigan. Bishop burger was born in. Yugoslavia on June 21 17 97 and he and his family was wealthy. And he studied in the University of Vienna and graduated
in law. And immediately after he graduated he began studies for the priesthood with the intention at that time of becoming a missionary to the unions in the United States. At the University of Vienna. The student Frederick Barito was a follower of St. Clement hope our same common hope but where was he a Redemptorist priest who was laboring in Vienna and although he was 68 years of age he himself still wanted to come to United States as a missionary. But in the end his followers and in talking to his followers who were who were students at the university and some of the professors instilled in him this desire to come to the United States and fulfill his wish to be in Indian missionary.
And that's Father very good. Thought of becoming a missionary to United States a while Father Barrett was at Madeline Island the Indians of lines asked him to come to them as their missionary and after paying them a visit. Father verga decided to go there permanently. And it's interesting that when he went there all the Indians were drunk because the traitors had played the Indians with liquor and so on and. But he waited till the they sobered up and of course they were very apologetic. And Father Berrigan began his monumental labors among the Indians of Lance and that mission received worldwide attention because of what Father verga had done not only to Christianize the Indians but in terms of civilization and
agriculture and so on. And it was there that he wrote his famous chip of grammar and chipboard dictionary while he was in lines at lunch he began paying missionary visits to the copper country because by that time the copper mines were beginning to work and there were many settlers moving there. And especially coming from a predominantly Catholic countries in Europe so they needed the services of a Catholic priest. So in the beginning he went there once or twice a year and then as the population grew he went there more frequently and the only church that is still standing and that was built during father Vergas time is the Church of Eagle harbor and is is today a very interesting place to see because it has many of the articles that father Berger used inside of the church used as he built
it and so on. Bishop Paragould died in eighteen sixty eight hafter. Years of hard work and travel and in this difficult country in the Upper Peninsula and already at that time they spoke about beginning work which would lead to canonization. But because the diocese was young and its needs were very great in a rapidly increasing population it just didn't get around to it. But frequently they referred to two Bishop Eric as a saintly Bishop variegata around 1930 work began seriously towards his canonization. Depression was really hard to get. But we had so many cattle.
Instead of giving the cow away for 60 hours my mother had it so hard. And she bottled all that shit but roast beef and bottles. Steaks and bottles. Goulash and bottles popping caution bottles. She cooked the bones. And made soup stock and boiled vegetables in there and put it in bottles. Nothing went to waste when we slaughtered. We raised pigs. And we slaughtered them. She made a ham security hams. And. May God sausage Polish sausage Austrian sausage Italian sausage. There are different varieties of head cheese. And should we had smoked spare ribs we had a lovely purple
lines and nothing not a thing went to waste matter thing we would eat wonderful we had homemade cheese cottage cheese. My mother made it through a lot of cottage cheese and polished Shinkai. That's cottage cheese and cream rolled up in pancakes and covered up with. Sour cream and sugar. And cinnamon and baked in oven. Well of course pasty isn't saffron either hire the real trademark of the Cousin Jack and of almost everybody in the copper country because now they say that the finest passes in the world are made by the Finns now so it just goes to show how these things are picked up. But perhaps you'd be interested in in the seedy bands they used to make they are made with the caraway seed. That was a strictly English
dish of course. Follow it. Which was which was a treat we didn't have turkeys as we do now days we had a turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Or maybe both watermelon on the Fourth of July. These things just didn't come in of course the way they do now because transportation and you're also refrigeration it made a whole lot of difference in the winter you're your vegetables were vegetables the root vegetables could be kept and saying and or in a root house and oranges you had for Christmas. Apples I remember we my father used to buy barrels of apples so we had a good many apples all year. All winter but the citrus fruits were. Pretty scarce and we never had astounded that we didn't have our Big 12 core part of the still with apricots.
One Sunday next Sunday was BlackBerry hay read their third Sunday was golden soup and of course somebody was rice pudding distribution and nobody went on a Sunday not a big roles and then big part I've now heard and of course one other item of Cornish diet which you can omit is the Cornish scarlet cream in Devon sure as they refer to it as demonstrated cream but the Cornish cream is something which was well known in the days up here when everyone kept cows and the Jersey cow the rich cream content to its milk would provide a very nice treat we used to get our stock cream from central rugby or suckers or who live there from the day she was born with. Our summer kitchen when you go down to put in a pint jar and you bring it back. How is it to be about the consistency of cottage cheese really but smooth and
yellow or real creepy looking and sweet very sweet cream and we have a sort of a nutty skull the flavor which is which is driving scalloped cream and it would be delicious spread on bread with jelly or jam or syrup sometimes with the use of apple pie or what have you it had a variety of uses but very very tasty. Oh don't talk about us today shows you know we used to we we still can get in one place. One place but they say almost everyone with his head almost had it all anyway. And to these mining houses were owned by the mine by the mining companies and they were charged $25 a month or three dollars a month rent for these places. They were using the home. Do you know. What I do in those days have a cow. Most of them and then they take this. But think this they looked at Carol and put in a large bulls and served out what was cool the next day. They think they're
in the I mean Pangea and they put in the back of their old fashioned store for hours an hour slow to make started cream your cat your cream and the very very slow the heat you know. So wouldn't bubble up to a just so it just would come to the top. And that's what they're there and is there ever delicious you can buy at one place we know that's our budget down a quarter point. But that was they were they r and t. Don't forget the tea they drink they used to be the strongest TV I think on the. Dock and they drink it on their own. Why didn't he talk. And those days they didn't have the types of coffee pots we can agree on that. But they may still be ever so strong I think we know what we couldn't predict. But they think they are kept there in the store that all day long. And they were very nice people were very clean. They want their stores to be shiny bright
all the time you know and they were nice neat housekeepers. I made a shape that shaped like a pastie a platter on which a party could be served and shaped like a bannister leaving room for Pickle and the and the pasti and I put the Cornish dialect statement all the way around. And of course you know anyone who has CORNISH The Finnish people who like to have them around. I'm also make a smaller one a teardrop shape and that was I put the same verse on that and that was for the purpose of shaping the contents of the past because it is a rolled out. Shape of pastry and then the contents are dumped on it and then it is forwarded half over like a like a turnover and the
edges are all crimped around and it's caught on top like a high for the steam to get out. And I and I have made to two one to serve and one to save me and here is a passing I dearly love a pastie. Ah leaky one. Welcome mate and turn up and Katie and the craft be made with what. Shaped like our own crinkly hedges freshly baked these always gong to soon. Education has had a place of importance here for some time. Michigan Technological University at Houghton is now expanding rapidly and we have this woman Garnett's which is a private church related junior college and we have good public schools too. There is a high school at whole range but I got loans to make linen and hang out and there is the high school girl in it.
This system course does not enjoy the. Long history that it might have enjoyed in others systems but the history of the has had certainly in my opinion at least as been a glorious one. We feel that our. Instrumental music program and particularly our van this. Has been outstanding. Our full program both throughout the elementary school and the high
school. Is excellent. We're very happy we feel now that we have. A much closer to achieving a good balance. In terms of the total music gigs musical experience for youngsters. I think this entire area goal to get back to matters very briefly. I don't have any. Calumet. Churches. And I don't have the area. Hope Hancock. Painesville Darby. All communities. That this is serious you need to take intense pride in their school. People do want that school. For the day. The copper country portrayed the second of two programs on the
northernmost part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. All voices and sounds were recorded in the historic counties of Holton and key when ah which lie north of Wisconsin and reach far into Lake Superior. This program one of a series titled The American town a self-portrait was prepared and edited at the University of Michigan by Ralph Johnson a grant from the National Home Library Foundation has made possible the production of this program for national educational radio. Speaking this is the national education or radio network.
- Episode
- Copper country: Part II, part 2
- Producing Organization
- University of Michigan
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-2r3p0p11
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-2r3p0p11).
- Description
- Episode Description
- This program, the second of two parts, focuses on the Keweenaw Peninsula on Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Cultural life and ethnic groups are studied. Also includes the story of Father Baraga, a pioneer priest.
- Series Description
- Historical documentary series drawn from the recollections of senior citizens in a variety of American towns.
- Date
- 1967-02-14
- Topics
- Local Communities
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:30:21
- Credits
Host: Sears, Ralph
Producer: Johnson, Ralph
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-9-5 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:08
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The American town: A self-portrait; Copper country: Part II, part 2,” 1967-02-14, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 3, 2025,
- MLA: “The American town: A self-portrait; Copper country: Part II, part 2.” 1967-02-14. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 3, 2025. <>.
- APA: The American town: A self-portrait; Copper country: Part II, part 2. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from