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The Institute on world affairs the Institute on world affairs held each year on the San Diego State campus brings together statesmen scholars military leaders and businessmen from all over the world. The purpose of this institute is the understanding of the problems and challenges that face man gained through knowledge and discussion. This year's theme runs toward a new world and here to introduce this session speaker is Professor Minos generalise director of the institute we go to another area and speculate if any higher yes to the future dealing with the subject of. The Brock subject of East West us on the global international scene. This is as you all know the persistent light that has Pammy heated international relations since the end of World
a lot. There is no foreign international activity that in some way or another does not reflect. The climate of the east west. Deal with the crisis in Vietnam mediately This is the backdrop against which the drama is playing. There's a crisis in the Middle East. The same thing crops up again. There are more direct confrontations to be sure here and there whether it's in all of them dangerous and dramatic but even longer of a continuing even though most of the character that we've been examining these last couple of days in dealing with foreign aid or development is not a developed so to speak a function of this main girding of the international world
and its power about it is I suggest to you one of the most difficult to understand and appreciate without broad generalization can be extremely misleading. But it unfortunately does offer the layman an almost simplified opportunity to explain everything. It is they are but how is it to be interpreted. This requires great sophistication and deep knowledge of world affairs historical as well as present knowledge current politics. This is why I am personally most gratified. We have a leading expert and I mean it in the full sense of the term to speak to us this morning on this subject. This man whom I've tried for several years to get to come to the institute and I'm really happy that on this occasion I have him with Dr. Joseph Cabell is dean of the Graduate School of International Studies and
director of the Social Science Foundation at the University of Denver. His background his been in the area of diplomacy during that most critical era of European and world diplomacy. He was a member of the Czech diplomatic service between 1934 and Nineteen forty eight. His latest polls to his last post have I mean that of the ambassador of Czechoslovakia to Yugoslavia in the walking as many others of using his nation. He was in London serving with the Czech government in exile. He was a close associate and a chef to be neg. Vanish vanish and Mozza wrecked two great leaders of his country. He said in 1946 as chairman of the economic committee at the Paris Peace Conference in 1948 he was chairman of the United Nations Commission for Kashmir.
He has written four books written innumerable articles and he has taken played an extremely important role in advising in the formulation of policy in this country as well as in the formulation of public opinion. We do have therefore with us a top party as well as a good friend. In the person of Dr. Joseph Bell to address you. Ladies and gentlemen yesterday evening Mr. Nagorski. Very imagine that the preceding day so sad that the personal pastoral Lepus
presenting to you he was giving you the desert and the desert which was the talk of the menu of the whole day and especially if you are stopping another face owning this spiraling out of Mr. Stanley pray that the only thing I can offer you is the first of the menu is just greasing the socks. But even if there is only one dressing and that's a Russian dress. Now wastes our children indicated to you. East West extremely complex and I'm sure that you will understand that the only thing I can do within the limited time afforded
to us is just to present us. Just to put some light before you. In order to prevent some further a think about three weeks ago we at the University of Denver there arranged a conference on the topic of race relations in America and I opened a conference with a quotation from Adlai Stevenson who I was told just a few days before his death. Privately he considered. To become the most important piece you in well the fairest in the decades to come. I was told
that without any as he said that he said this without any as he as he. And so I couldn't take too much time. I am and the professors lecture us took you with me scholars like to do and disagree with each other. He said that he considered that the race relations really are a minor problem. In American foreign policy and on the world scene the fact that it will be continuously Soviet American relations which will play the central leading around in the world and in the conduct of American foreign policy.
But at this moment I took an issue with him. And this is a great but later we reached the agreement we reached that really this was not the disagreement on the substance that this was a disagreement. I too consider the Soviet America and around in world developments that however we can expect and hope that in the coming year arse there will be no direct contact from place between the United States and the Soviet Union to the point. Of by way of a nuclear war.
It is true that. Only in the recent past only in the last few weeks we have witnessed. Their reading of the ships attacks in the Soviet press against the United States. That hardly a day would be Boston without the Soviet press. Bring out the most extreme up use a shield against the US in connection as an opera myth of the use of iron wall and also in connection with the Wharton and I believe this speculative of course must be my belief that we should not be mes away by
the attacks that the home. The Soviet Union is touristy over a period of a longer time. In some a kind of to be than be some kind of mutual accommodation with the United States. There is no question in my mind that in the past six years or so there is a change in mood in upmost sphere and even in the reality in the Soviet relations as may be the best way to demonstrate this is to put before you at the story Paris wept was the situation in these early lay shows starting style in the house today. In stunning stunning the subject American relay shows they're flown by the home of war to
the point that there was absolutely no chance to negotiate anything. The won't operate Bede within the frame of a of bipolarity of the Arab powers. And there was no possibility of a choice of trying to search for some avenues of understanding. Then in Stalin's time and to the theory of the war between the capital the still communist was still considered to be valid. And there was a many of the pressing danger of the Oric of the Soviet and Merrick powers. I just remind you of the Iranian situation in 1946 when we tried to press up on the Soviets to evacuate. Northern Iran.
Only yesterday and John again whom you will have yesterday who told me over a. Cup of coffee. That President Truman late or any sympathy seeing or reminiscing about the period that he had told him that the Iranian situation 1946 in his opinion was the most dangerous situation to the cause of peace. That it was not the United Nations or American diplomatic no which had made starting to change use mind that it was he spoke a similar letter to Stalin and the source never published to my knowledge this personal letter to stopping telling him if you do not go out of your we show meche you saw would jerk by soldier and we are going to move him around. Or take. The situation you were up in 1947 when a game president to Manisa
memoirists says that this was the most dangerous year to the cause of peace because of the developments in Western Europe. When the Soviets were waiting for the victor of the communist parties in Italy and France already to help them on the way to what's the story they did the repeated crises over Berlin in 1948 1949 in 1950 when Cho gave us an ultimatum to move out of believe they the danger of direct confrontation over Corel from 1953 in 1953. The danger of direct confrontation over the problem of Germany. And so while Europe was divided into two blocs they seemed each other are in a seemingly silent position.
Well it seems to me that the situation today east significantly different in terms that one can sense more flexibility in this relationship between the two powers that there is evil. To some extent a sort of mutuality off in Paris. Take the case of communist China where the Soviet Union and the United States are eminently interested in holding China in check. Nineteen sixty two or sixty three was it when we signed that test ban treaty with the Soviet Union. Another example only a few days ago I'm sure you read this in the papers. The Soviets suddenly change their opinion about how the negotiations on Iraq and suggested the resumption of negotiations and signing a treaty are probably for a show of atomic weapons.
Few months ago we reached was the Soviet agreement on exchange of consulates and exchange of scoreless cultural exchange. There is something in the utmost speed of what one might call that the two powers have reached a M.O. and I stress a minute Mobi coom. Of some kind of mutual trust. Even though I certainly overstate the case there are profound differences between the two powers. In many ways conflicts of national interest certainly in idle interests but there is something new being in the process of making all of these minimal modicum of trust. It is true that we had in the past two
major crises been in the relationship between these two countries. And yet the outcome of the crisis and the Soviet policy during these crises it seems to me only reinforces my position. What I have in mind is of cause the Cuban Crisis in 1962 and in your recent are up user alley. Crisis in both cases it seems to me the Soviets have come to realize the dangerous involved. They have come to me. US says small rally stick to a American policy and American power they have built come to accept the idea which they promulgated themselves the idea of peaceful coexistence. Now this I'm not a sissies. Couric And I look sure it is correct
because I want to kill in any scientific way it's a literal judgment. If it is correct then of course I mean ask ourselves what are the reasons for these change in the Soviet Ah-Q in their rallies stick assessment of the world situation in more particular learning how are you acting more responsibly than they did. To Will it's critical Easters again I think I can only stay before you'll be a pan. Presenting to you the principal reasons boldly changing the Soviet Union. I would give them three categories. I think that the change of the Soviet athlete has been caused by their own ideological vision this
by the changes which have taken place and take place in the EU. Drop Soviet block developments and then the general changed and the we'll see now in the I do what you could domain as you know the Chinese Communists have A-Q Moscow leaders of bird vision is of revising Mox and I think that these accusations absolutely justify except that in some respect the Chinese communists are a vision East too. But who is Charles and abrasion and go see. I've gone way since the times of lanes in Stalin's interpretation of Mach's and mocks his
song for instance they have completely changed. If you do what's the problem so war. They do or say anymore is plain and Stalin did that the war being the bloc's communists and copied the east east. On the contrary they say that it must and can be avoided. Underneath the plane. They do ot see any more as mocks Lenin and Stalin who say. That a Communist Party can come to power or only. As a result of it by you in Aruba Lucian and that such a revolution look only necessary in every use also desirable. They now maintain that communist victory can come about through parliament Tarion
methods they have changed their repeat on the question of the relationship of the Communist movement with so-called governments in the only time such a relationship in any way. Was it the constructive way was unthinkable for letting your base demonic be pro-communist to separate themselves against any. From any workshop movement now in many pockets of the underdeveloped world but particularly the communists are ordered to co-operate with the bourgeois pockets. They have changed a position on the question of what was called cyclical economic crises in the world. This used to be one of the basic tenets of Marx is that every capitalist country in every really has grown
through periods of cyclical economic crises which will bring the victory of the Communist movement closer and closer. Well based on their observations 1945 onwards. All of the outside communist they have is this theoretical principle of the inevitability of cyclical economic crises in the blue shop and then of course they themselves in the Soviet Union have adopted a number of economic reforms which are known Marxist underpinning Marxist which in fact bringing elements of capitalist economy into their own production. But most importantly it seems to me that the chief Mori was the Soviets where comparable to
rebind in some respects the theory of Marxism and Leninism is the experiences they have had over a period of 50 years or so now since they came to power in the October Revolution of nineteen seven and that is the experience of pups serving. That Communism as an I do M.G. over a period of 50 years has still lost its power of a directive in its. That this ideology which according to Mach's was supposed to save the world we stop all stop posting to you or all of the. Really in fact even the Soviet or the communist countries has gone bankrupt as an idol of G-d it has failed. You sure the US of the people who
daily are the commies and secondly watching the rest of the way this ideology has so lost its revolutionary spirit it's a rock to the rest of the world. It is enough to remind ourselves of the early 90s when the media world where the National where in heck at the communist movement in the world when particularly the euro was. Carrying the flag of revolution. The working masses of Europe will revolutionise and been given one people was enough polling to give an order to the Communist Party of Germany
or France or Britain or Italy or anywhere else and they would follow his instructions. When for instance just to give you one example 1 through 20 there was a Soviet Polish war. And the British. Where trying to supply the Polish army with their weapons. Moscow believe in order to break the book look learn the ships with destiny for Poland and there was a strike similar strike in Germany over a drilled well Deists a revolutionary spirit has grown up locally that the communist parties of Western Europe are really stuck in spite of the fact that the communist drone and people who
vote for the party suitable extent the French always like to pretend to be Arabica and in fact are very conservative. The poppy has source grid. It's greed over the French clubs in Italy in spite of the fact that the poppy is probably the best organized in Western Euro up the poppy stock in 1890 that lost its revolutionary spirit. All the predictions that an industrialized society such as Western Europe. Will create the basis the basis for their revolutionary upheaval. All this has proved to be wrong. West Europe US economically flourishing. The economic growth in
Western Europe is higher than in the Soviet Union. There have been no major economic crises and therefore no opportunity for communists. If people. Are patient. The Communist Party in Western Germany is non-existent. The Communist Party of Great Britain has not succeeded to elect even one to represent the House of Commons. Here are the communist ideology as against the facts of reality. And one can you with this is more subtle than that. A similar trend. In the area of the developing nation. They're in every 19 20 years. Well
communist parties in various countries created in India. I'm going to stop in China and elsewhere following the loons pick whom they separate themselves from other political movements. It would have been think a book in the early 1920s for any Communist Party to resist drop the flag hammer and sickle and Aris instead of the flag of nationalism for nationalism is something in contradiction to international communism and yet today you would see that. Communist leaders in the developing nations they do look at today. I'm behind international communism and Marxist ideology. They tried to agitate.
Holding the Hondo for lack of a loan to nationalize its economists up versus give it the under the guise of nationalists and this itself it seems to me proves that the communist ideology has lost its power of a truck dignus because the communist movements in these developing nations. Cannot openly come up with the idea of IgE dating war and with communism because they know that it will not be a truck to the local populace.
Toward a new world
East-West relations, part one
Producing Organization
San Diego State University
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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This program presents the first part of a lecture by Dr. Josef Korbel, University of Denver.
Series Description
Lectures recorded at San Diego State College's 25th Annual Institute on World Affairs. The Institute brings together world leaders to discuss issues in politics, culture, science, and more.
Global Affairs
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Producing Organization: San Diego State University
Speaker: Korbel, Josef
Speaker: Generales, Minos D.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-9-11 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:57
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Chicago: “Toward a new world; East-West relations, part one,” 1968-02-09, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Toward a new world; East-West relations, part one.” 1968-02-09. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Toward a new world; East-West relations, part one. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from