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The National Association of educational broadcasters present law in the news with Professor Joseph R. Julan of the University of Michigan Law School. Our subject world peace through World law. Our informant the president of the American Bar Association John S. Satterfield the real question. Is it realistic to expect that world law is a match for the nuclear power of both east and west. In 1957 the American Bar Association and part of the committee on international law are planning with a Government Commerce edia as a chairman. Soon thereafter Charles S. Rand who at the time of this appointment was president of the association became chairman of that committee. I have recently been to San Jose Costa Rica where I met with lawyers from every nation in the Americas and talk you know why we had present lawyers from every nation in Asia with the exception of two and I guess Nigeria where there were present lawyers from 35 nations in Africa and then you know East discussing the subject of war or peace through lol.
This was a result of a number of conferences held throughout the United States in the planning stages when it was determined that there should be a meeting of lawyers from every nation in the world who would participate to consider what can be done in the field of law. The broadest objectives are being consulted and in the consensuses of these three regional conferences to be followed by a conference in Rome in Asia and a wider conference perhaps next year or next fall. We are very hopeful to set up a basis of international legal systems which will be of aid in international relation of individuals in commercial transactions and in the relation of nations to each other on a broad basis. In answer to your question I do not feel that it is a question of whether a war of peace through law is a match for nuclear power but rather why the peace through alone may be a stabilizing influence which will prevent the necessity of use of nuclear power
on an advice basis in other words through an understanding of law by individuals and nations and their relation to each other. Then the necessity of mist of nuclear power may be lessened as the years go by. Mr. Satterfield What part of any do the does the Soviet Union play in this movement and if the Soviet Union plays no real part. Isn't this like considering disarmament without including Red China. Well up to this point we have not had a present at the meetings any lawyers who might be called when they come in this group. All of the lawyers have just participated from every nation have been men who feel toward Lowell and liberty under the law. Very much as we do of course our own systems of government differ to some extent. We will have present at the European conference lawyers from several of the nations which are within the communists areas and which have
communist governments so that we as yet have not observed the extent to which they may participate if they can and do participate on a similar basis would be helpful. However basically the communist system is not one which is parallel to ours that general basic idea being that that which will fall would come to domination is that which should be done whether it be in the realm of law politics or commerce. Is it possible to have world peace through World War without Soviet participation. Well today I believe it would follow the reason that even the Soviet governments susceptible to world pressures and wanted opinion that out is within the commonness realm. Only one third of the people of the lie to fight the outside of the commies gotten so that if the two sides are solidified and receive help and
sympathetic consideration of those within the camp one day than cotton may crack that what we hope are subject world peace through world law are informing the president the American Bar Association John S. Satterfield Professor Joseph module of the University of Michigan Law School has presented a law in the news recorded by the University of Michigan Broadcasting Service. This is the end I ybe Radio Network. Your life and your family. The historic achievements in man
and the. American Medical Association in conjunction with medical and. Medical. The pastor had already been entered in the honor it created the science of bacteriology biting microbes with microbes cholera and let the battle against anthrax and catch. This mighty man to apply the same weapon against one of the most savage killers of men. Hydrophobia the unit was 1884 but the past few years pesters Laboratories had reacted with the howls of mad dogs it learned to cultivate the virus of brave bees by injecting it into the brains of laboratory
animals. Then from the dried out spinal tissues of such animals he was able to produce a vaccine which made dogs immune to rabbit infection starting with a very weak 14 day old vaccine and gradually increasing the strength for each of the 14 day on May 29. My dumb pastor wrote to the children. Your father. Rises that don't you know continues the life I began with these day 35 years ago. And on March 28 of the following year Pastore wrote to a friend. I have not yet dared to treat human beings after bites from rabid dogs. But the time is not far off and I am much inclined to begin by myself you know getting my set if we try to BS and then I sting the consequences but I am beginning to feel very sure of my results.
But Fate interrupted the plans for this noble sacrifice on July 6 a 9 year old boy named Joseph Meister was brought into pesters laboratory two days before he had been attacked by a furious dog thrown to the ground and bitten viciously in 14 places his local doctor said going to rise the wounds and then sent him to miss your pastor with a prayer of hope. That story was told with emotion at the sight of this little boy who suffered so much he could hardly walk de-risk the preventive treatment that had been so successful on dogs. He consulted the newly formed rabies commission the decision was made. The Meister boy would be given the anti rabies treatment. The first inoculation of the 14 day old by the vigil had begun. Each succeeding day be an occupational group and straight to the children. Your father has had another night.
On the child and can be no drawing back now could no longer work at night. Feverish visions came to him of the child suffocating in the mad struggles of hypo best but his capacity for human. Was stronger even than his scientific zeal. The treatment lasted 10 days. The boy was inoculated 12 times on the evening of his final inoculation. After claiming a kiss from DID HIS your best do as he called him. He went to bed and slept peacefully. He had been delivered from the dread horror of rabies and from that night on to this day humanity has been delivered from the ancient heart of the success of the best or anti rabies treatment it begun on time is almost certain. Dog bites or the bite of any small warm blooded animal including the cat. The Fox the skunk and the bat. Should be reported immediately to local authorities so that it can be
determined if the animal is rented. If the possibility exists your position will start to pester. There are still some deaths in this country that result from rape because of the contribution of. Humanity's magnificent benefactor. These are preventable and unnecessary. Medical Miles has been brought to you by the American Medical Association that equated to promoting the science and art of medicine for the enlightenment of all about life. And thank God. This is the end i.e. Radio Network. The National Association of educational broadcasters presents Business Review with Ross
Wilhelm instructor in marketing at the University of Michigan School of Business Administration and one thousand sixty one the American farmers planted fewer acres than at any time since one thousand twelve. And yet total farm production reached record levels while farm prices remain the same 961 added another year to the prior 20 odd years in which the federal government failed to solve the American farm problem. Again one thousand sixty one American consumers were forced to pay both high food prices and high taxes because of this failure. Again in one thousand sixty one the disgraceful and ever mounting piles of surplus agricultural commodities were increased. And yet the farmers are still not happy and want more. In any other activity if we have an organization that claimed to be composed of experts and yet had a consistent record of failure after failure we would have recognized long before two decades had passed that this was not the way to solve the problem. We would have fired them
long ago and look for another solution. But not with the federal government and agriculture. The taxpayer never learns the Congress never takes the clear and obvious action it should and the Agriculture Department never suggest that it should be put out of business. The so-called new program each year does nothing more than make bigger promises to spend more money and give the planners more dictatorial control over the American farmer. The equally miserable failures of the agricultural planners in the Soviet Union and Red and in Red China where they have absolute control are ignored. The entire broken record approach is more money more power bigger promises and eventually bigger failures. How long will it take the American people to realize that the first step in solving the foreign problem is to get the federal government out of agriculture. The federal government's perception of the nature of the farm problem is so deeply ingrained that it keeps on repeating the same solution that has failed year after year. We the American people have bent over backwards for American agriculture. The American
people have spent billions upon billions of dollars to help the American agricultural industry get on its feet. Through good times and bad we have poured our treasure to strengthen the American agriculture and we have failed. It's about time that we faced up to the cold hard realities of our 20 years of experience. It's about time that we faced up to the fact that if we in the United States do not have an agricultural industry that can stand on its own feet economically without any outside help then we should not have an agricultural industry. We should let the other countries of the world who are economically more efficient in agriculture than we are grow our food force and we pay them in manufactured goods. If American farmers cannot live on the farm as they would like then let them leave the farm and get jobs in industry. 1062 promises to be a boom year with output and employment increasing. Now is the time to move the farmers out of farming into industry. The basic agricultural program for 1062 should be to get the federal government out of agriculture.
The basic program should be to cut the amount of money going into agriculture and to keep on cutting it each year from now on out. There's no easy way to make the American farmer stand on his own feet. The only way to do it is to give them more freedom and to cut down on the amount of government money to which he has become addicted. To be sure there will be some who have a very hard time but let's worry about them when the time comes. Simply because some farmers will have a hard time adjusting does not mean that all farmers will have a hard time. We all seem to forget that the federal government's farm program started as a charity move to help the poor farmers of the 1930s. Well a vast proportion of the farmers we tried to help in the 1930s have since retired and as their sons and grandchildren were helping No. It's about time that JR grew up and either shows that he knows what he's doing or else because into something else. It's about time that the American people that the American farmers show their real power and strength.
Ross Wilhelm instructor in marketing at the University of Michigan School of Business Administration has been heard on Business Review recorded by the University of Michigan Broadcasting Service. This is the NAACP Radio Network. Robert or I'm on books in the news. A quick look at newly published material and books of current interest. Your host Robert or our circulation librarian for the University of Illinois. It's always a pleasure to welcome another book by Gerald Darrelle. But Mr. Duran almost got tired of hearing himself identified as the brother of the poet novelist and travel writer Laurence Darrelle.
But that's the penalty of having a famous brother were jailed or only caught my fancy and his recent zoo in my luggage in which he reintroduced such a prig character the fun of by foot and hilarious hard drinking and hard dancing tribal chief in the Cameroons. It was in that book he notes that he started collecting live animals for himself rather than for others to set up a zoo on the Isle of Jersey in the Channel Islands when he becomes so enamored of what that one was supposed he would have settled for other collectors getting animals for him but collecting is too much with him to do that. And so turning in the opposite direction from Africa he set out for Argentina. The result is the whispering land published by Viking. I can't recall of any recent book which deals exclusively with the Argentine animal life except of course those books which have attempted to follow up Darwin's voyage of the Beagle 100 years later. Well Mr Darrelle is much taken with Darwin but he has no interest in following the footsteps of the master. When he does do himself the task of finding a goodly assortment of animals and transporting them to his zoo and the same time he tells us a great deal about those animals.
Argentina are people and the problems of animal collecting and handling all of this sounds very didactic about my not any Darrelle reader knows that he's able to encase all of this in the prose that is much. I did like to read as his brother's nonfiction. Unfortunately the whispering land did not produce a fun foot for Mr. Director. Nor could he dredge up another character of such intense enthusiasm. Well let it be said here that direct characters are always enthusiastic so much so that one can only conclude if these friends are extension of Mr. Durans own unlimited enthusiasm. There's a new set of arches that they paint themselves no matter what the character of the sitter. Well this is one author who writes always at least one facet of himself. Enthusiasm is so much a part of his books that it quite naturally extends even to the animals and the animals in this book are even more important than the African books. And he must make up for the lack of the fallen and the wonderful Cameroon pigeon English. The fascinating sea elephants for CEOs the penguins all of which you observed and photographed at great length run like the author to elegant eccentricities
which is to say that perhaps Mr. Darrelle was given to an morphism. It's not so great a sin as it might seem in the hands of a fine naturalist however. Well my favorite of the current crop of animals is an unnamed agouti which is a modest rodent which looks he says like a cross between one of the smaller former owners of the horse and a rabbit. Each agouti has a large fine neat rounded ears and a mass of black whiskers which are in a constant state of agitation about everything. Combine this with his constantly neurotic state beat into the air at the slightest sound followed by a period of acute AQ and you wonder how the species survives at all. Well this particular one was of course no exception and he says after capturing her I lifted off the sacking in front of her cage and she shot straight up into the air and landed with the Christ in your straw bed quivering in every limb with the expression of an elderly virgin who after years of looking under the bed has at last found a man and there was the Ralph Dobson read the line drawings for this book is done a splendid one of the agouti in mid-air as if
she had been shot from a gun. The Times in illustrations are much fun but I would also have settled for some photographs and altogether the whispering land is excellent reading. I didn't find it so engrossing as some of the earlier books which I would recommend reading certainly but even my old Guerrero is better than most people's top Great stuff. The whispering land by Gerald derecho books in the news is written and presented by Robert and sponsored by the Illinois State Library. This is the University of Illinois radio service. The preceding program was made available to the station by the National Association of educational broadcasters. This is the NOAA B Radio Network.
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Audition reel
Law in the news; medical milestones; business review; and books in the news.
Producing Organization
National Association of Educational Broadcasters
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-1j97b706).
Episode Description
This audition reel includes brief clips from four programs: Law in the News; Medical Milestones; Business Review; Books in the News.
Series Description
Audition reels that were distributed to promote new radio programs on the National Association of Educational Broadcasters network.
Media type
Producing Organization: National Association of Educational Broadcasters
Speaker: Wilhelm, Ross, 1920-1983
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 4943 (University of Maryland)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Audition reel; Law in the news; medical milestones; business review; and books in the news.,” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 4, 2025,
MLA: “Audition reel; Law in the news; medical milestones; business review; and books in the news..” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 4, 2025. <>.
APA: Audition reel; Law in the news; medical milestones; business review; and books in the news.. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from