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     National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention General
    Business Session Part 2 and Industrial Session Part 1
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Projects in force at the start of the fiscal year. With all these projects and grants then a b is now handling a total annual budget of over a half million dollars. What's the general dues or con for only 15 percent and the addition of divisional fees another 35 percent. And in many other areas legal engineering publications professional development. It's been a year of improved effectiveness and expanded effort. We trust that you are proud of this record. Accomplish through your efforts and those who work on your behalf. It is one directed by a staff of high confidence and dedication. Staff which has enjoyed wide support from our boards committees and the general membership. And I believe we can now look to the future from a new level of achievement and we can do so with a new sense of pride of accomplishment and of confidence as we face the future.
As we face that future. We will want to consolidate our gains and strong and effective structure. Which will prove itself with manifest services. And. Which can deal effectively with major problems and major opportunities. Two big problems which confront us in the year ahead. Are copyright. And community antenna television. The proposed revision of the copyright law. Has broad implications for the welfare and development of educational broadcasting. Although the present law is outmoded and a new one is badly needed. The revision should retain some of the present exemptions in favor of education and the furtherance of the public interest. Your association working in conjunction with the educational community. Will undertake all appropriate means to secure a recognition of educational Broadcasting's needs and the copyright revision. The phenomenal spread of
community antenna television systems will command our close attention and study. Whereas Educational Television has so far enjoyed a most happy and cooperative relationship with such cable systems. There are signs that suggest the development of instances of serious conflict in the future. Though we welcome all new and effective technological developments in the service of education. The CATV systems surely were not meant to cripple existing broadcast stations. Our poor habit the activation of new ones. Consequently we will want to study this matter thoroughly in cooperation with all interested parties and appropriate governmental representatives. A major opportunity for educational broadcasting in the year ahead in my judgment. Lies in participation of educational broadcasting. In the vast programme of social action. Now is the time for us to
realize the potential of radio and television as instruments of national purpose. Now is the time to fulfill what is expected of us to help serve the broad educational and social needs of our day. Joining in on the attack on poverty and helping to bridge the gap of ignorance illiteracy and vocational ineptitude which divides our country. Properly integrated into state and federal assistance programs radio and television can be used to instruct illiterate adults to teach vocational skills to retain manpower displaced bottom nation. And used as basic instruments. Radio and Television can extend opportunities for public agencies to provide a more productive life for our senior citizens. To return people on public assistance roles to economic self-sufficiency. To help rehabilitate the physically and mentally handicapped. And accelerate the development of the disadvantaged preschool child. Through its special aptitude
for building special audiences. Educational broadcasting and close alliance with these public agencies as an unparalleled opportunity to assist in meeting a wide range of educational health and social needs. This opportunity this challenge. Is for us. To place these instruments and our expertise and their use. At the disposal of all public agencies who have an educational training or information responsibility. Is to see these instruments not as an added device to supplement the resources of those who normally obtain cultural enrichment and educational opportunity. But also as basic tools. To serve those groups in our society who are in danger of permanent rejection. A concerted effort in my judgment. Should be made to see to it that the experience that we have gained in the educational uses of radio and television is now applied generally
to all areas of total community service. In assisting all efforts. To provide a greater measure of soft respect and human dignity. I believe sincerely. That an AB with its membership established in a more effective organizational pattern. Is now launched upon a new era. Of maximizing your efforts through united action. That will not only make our association more meaningful in the lives of us all. But will project an ABM to a position of strength and leadership. Which will ensure maximum use of the instruments we control. In meeting human needs and public necessity. Thank you. Underline your applause Mr. Harley's of course. I think I
might just merely state this that the next item a business official business with respect to the Constitution represents nearly a year long drafting job with attorneys and staff. A preliminary review at the new board of directors meeting in Columbus and then. A continuous work day yesterday with the same group. Never. Have I been more pleased with the board of trustees. Never have I seen a directorial group emerge so rapidly into a common team. This meeting as you know is the first of two business meetings which traditionally identifies the issues upon which you will vote. Subsequently in this case 3:30 Wednesday. Our primary business is the constitutional matter. And it is through this I now ask Harold Hill our vice president to address himself.
With the exception of questions for her. This is not a discussion period. That opportunity you will be presented. Or presented or promoted as you may choose. At the time of voting. When one deals long enough with attorneys he tends to get Friday and in more ways than one. Harold. Thank you for any voting members and I emphasize that. Who do not have with you a copy of the proposed bylaws which were sent out. If you will hold up your hand in a charming young lady in the red dress down here will be happy to give you another one. Are there any people who do good gravy. Will some want to help her. While she is passing out a few of these. I have two other announcements before we get to the constitution and bylaws. One is. Although we did get the late start this morning due to bus problems and weather. I would urge that you get back to your two o'clock sessions on time. And the
second gen sessions start on time this afternoon because Dr. James van is flying from California just for this meeting and has to leave immediately after his presentation which will be followed by brief remarks by Commissioner Barkley. So will appreciate your cooperation in getting these meetings started on time. Secondly May I remind you of the ticket deadlines all tickets for the divisional luncheons tomorrow. And the Texas round up party tomorrow night must be purchased at the registration desk by 5:00 o'clock this evening if you do not have one. The band for Wednesday night and the reception tickets for Wednesday night must be released must be purchased by Wednesday noon. Now to turn to the proposed constitution and bylaws. I believe Bill Harley's letter which accompanied this proposal explains to you the problems that were pointed out to us by legal counsel regarding our tax exempt status under our incorporation as a not for profit corporation in the state of Illinois.
So with that he suggested that we needed to change both the articles of in-car incorporation in the state of Illinois. And that we needed to make minor changes within the constitution and bylaws to bring us closer to the terms required by the Internal Revenue Service and by the state of Illinois. Now. As Chairman Hall has pointed out to you the board of directors has given a great deal of thought and consideration to this. There are a few changes which they are recommending of a minor nature and it is my purpose of this time to point these out. So you may add them to your copy. And they will along with the whole body of information be discussed in detail Wednesday afternoon. As Chairman Hall pointed out if you have questions for information we will be happy to answer them this morning. If you will turn please. 2 Section 2 0 4. Paragraph B sub paragraph one
at the top of page 6 if you have the printed version at the top of page 6. Where it describes. Who may belong to the instructional division. The board has approved this minor modification. I will read the whole thing to you all of the three or four words are all that have been changed. The instructional division which is restricted to members regularly producing instructional or cultural radio or television programs or operating open or closed circuit transmission facilities. For direct instructional purposes. Open or Closed Circuit transmission facilities for direct instructional purposes a minor change of wording to make this division a little more applicable to some people who have wanted to join it. The next change. Comes under Article 5 section 5 point o 1.
It's on page 8 of the printed version. To add to section five point one the following sentence. No one may serve as a director who is not an individual member of the end they be. No one may serve as a director who is not an individual member of the NH. Be on the next page section 5 0 5. It had been the desire of the membership as expressed at Milwaukee and somewhere it got dropped out in our drafting of the new bylaws. The directors having served full terms not be eligible to succeed themselves. Therefore the board has approved a rewording of Section 5 0 5 so that it will now read as follows. The directors shall hold office until their successors shall be duly elected and shall have qualified directors then you delete the next several words and go to director shall not be
eligible to succeed themselves after having served one full three or four year term as the case may be. But we shall be eligible for election there after. In other words no director having served a full term may succeed himself. But may be eligible for re-election they're after those with a sense of the membership in Milwaukee but got dropped out and are drafting some way so the board has corrected that by inserting it again. Change on page 11 section 6 0 2. In the second line of Section 6 0 to change the terminology and executive director to read a chief administrative officer. This gives some leeway to the division so they do not have to call this person an executive director. So when I read including a chief executive officer who shall be responsible the same change will be made every other place that the words executive director appear. For
example in seven point 09 the words will be changed to a chief administrative officer. Then there is an additional sentence to be added to this to be inserted in this section. The next to last sentence another words inserted prior to the last sentence of the paragraph will be the following. Each such board may establish such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary provided that members of the standing committees be individual members of the association. Each such board may establish such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary provided that members of the standing committees be individual members of the association. I'm sorry that's in section 6 point 0 2. Page 11 and preceded the last sentence now
in the printed paragraph. It comes after timing of its meetings and before the minutes of each such board inserted as a sentence. Would you like me to read that again. Each such a board may establish such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary. Provided that members of the standing committees be individual members of the association. Now these were the changes. As I have announced them here minor in nature which the board has approved after considerable deliberation and are given to you at this time for your consideration before the voting Wednesday. Now at this time if you have questions about informational aspects of the proposed constitution and bylaws we would be happy to answer them. As I can't recognise you in that Lauren Lauren St..
Right. So since they are directors of the bee per se a man whose term expired as a director of the television board could not bend succeed himself as a radio director No. Are there other questions of information as you know we all discussed this at great length Wednesday afternoon. We've got plenty of time for debate if there needs to be any. But this is to try to provide any information that you feel you have not already received. Are there any other questions at this time. And we will. Any member of the staff or board will be more than happy to answer your questions during the course of the next two days and the divisions will very likely discuss this some of their meetings tomorrow.
If the No other questions I turn the meeting back to Chairman Hall. Thank you Harold. This will then conclude the business formalities for this morning rather than having a recess in the interests of time and catching up which will proceed immediately to the next session which is planned by the end E.B. industry Relations Committee and will be chaired by W.S. Brown Jr. who was a product marketing supervisor for AT&T Bell. Or I think about that early picture and the lack of this group ever having had great read at age 18 months. I suspect by comparison we might be men of the wives. I know this. We do respond a little bit like Ted Scott who was raised in the box we growl when new
ideas come around and I invariably like he dead when we stick our neck got we get a terrible shock. I hope we keep on a stick in our neck of the aisle. And anyway welcome to the industry relations session of in a baby looks to me like our program is going to be cut short of some noise bigger don't show up here we're supposed to have seven. But as they come up let me answer a question for you that came up surprisingly among the industry members themselves. Several of them with whom I talked in preparing our program asked Just what do we do. President Harley has given you quite a detail information here about some of the things that are done by the N A B. And we have attempted as an industry Relations members here to define the role that we can and hopefully do play and we look upon an
AB as offering an opportunity for and destry to share its accumulated experience in the educational and broadcasting fields with today's educators. Every successful industrial organization faces a challenge in seeking more efficient training methods to keep abreast of the dynamic age in which we live. While this in no way qualifies as expert in education it does give us a taste of the problem and a minute experience in the field and many cases we turn to the colleges and universities for help with our educational problems and quite successfully so. Also interest rate produces the hardware needed to pick up France bit and deliver an educational program to the student audience. This hardware comes in many forms microwave systems go actual cables amplifiers recorders tapes and cameras to name a few constant research is
resulting in more sophisticated equipment and supplies for the broadcasting industry. Just last night one of the major producers of electronic equipment told me that they were looking forward in the years to come to a big market in education no television materials that they commercial market has been virtually developed and their only need is replacement and updated. What you offer to us a tremendous new market. And it follows that we've got to keep a close alliance with you educators to insure that your needs desires and hopes are given full consideration in the new product lines being offered from year to year. While industry each year enjoys a stage on which to display it swears at these conventions the educators are given a place to air their views and to state their desires needs and hopes and we hope you do. We the industry associates then might
say that our credo is to attempt to anticipate your needs and hopes to establish the necessary research to develop whatever is required to furnish these to you economically and expeditiously. With ideals like that we will move on into the business at hand which challenges as Solomon and involve slicing one hour and through seven equal portions each segment alive. Last year in Milwaukee we squeezed five of our members into a one hour period and finished on time. This year we need to use squeeze 7 into the 60 minute period. Lying a little over a minute for each eight minutes for each participant. The only way we can do that we've got a little lever here and if a man goes over eight minutes and drops him down below under the stage. So if anybody disappears you can this your assume that his time has run out but we're heading right now into the lunch hour as you probably know and we will move rapidly
along trying to fit DS and I don't see Stan Stan if you shown up stand a lap and are you there. You stand here while I move another move another one in his place and the next I lets move. Bob are you ready Bob Van Dillen. OK all right we'll drop on down and put it. Don Anderson are you here. Let's have Don. Don is the director of information for the National Community Television Association. And his subject is CA TV and the TV and community service Don. Thank you Bill. First of all may say it is my pleasure personally and as a representative of the National Community
Television Association to be here today in the community and to the television industry or a CATV as it is called has long had an interest in educational television. We don't have reliable information as to the first CATV system receiving any TV signal. Norris which was the first CATV to provide televised instruction to its local schools. However we do know that for a number of years some CATV systems have been receiving the signals of educational television stations and making them available to the schools and the subscribers they serve. We also know that this is a growing service in communities remote from established TV stations. For example a little over a year ago in CTA Zee TV Policy Council conducted a survey to determine the extent of CATV involvement in educational television at that time it was reported that 72 CATV systems in 17 states were then receiving the
signals of twenty three educational television stations. These signals were made available by CATV to 231 grade schools and 11 institutions of higher learning. Last fall the EDV Policy Council again undertook an assessment of CATV participation in educational television. Here's what I found out 94 CATV systems in 32 states are now receiving the signals of 33 educational television stations and making them available to schools in 170 separate communities. Now even so this is a relatively small number of the total number of CATV systems operating in the United States. But today there are approximately fourteen hundred CATV systems in 48 states serving more than fifteen hundred individual communities. But the main thing is that the communities being served by CATV are those generally quite remote from e TV
stations. They are for the most part the communities where in TV reception is most troublesome or nonexistent. The growing national awareness by ourselves by other educators and local and state governments of the role of the CATV and educational television can be readily seen by the increased attention paid to cable service during the past year alone and I'd like to mention just a sampling of these developments to indicate to you the national recognition CATV service provided to the communities for example in Pennsylvania last December the Pennsylvania CATV Association made up of cable operators in that state sponsored a symposium on educational television with the assistance and cooperation of the two Pennsylvania educational television stations the state's Department of Public Instruction Pennsylvania State University and other leaders in the TV. This tremendously successful imposed address by national authorities and some of you I noticed here was brought about by the interest of CATV operators in the state
and educational television and a concern for its proper development as expressed by the president of the Pennsylvania CATV Association and opening remarks at the symposium at the symposium excuse me the associations are an opportunity to be of service in arranging for leaders in the field to share their views and experience with interested educators and public officials up in Vermont. The manager of Green Mountain television corporation in Burlington was invited as one of 20 key individuals in that state interested in e TV to attend a special meeting with the governor lieutenant governor a state education leaders to discuss the proposed TV network in Vermont in which CATV is expected to play a role. And as you know the state of Amman has applied to the US Department of Health Education and Welfare for $300000 in matching funds toward participation and construction of his project to the TV network. And I also have seen recently that applications for four UHF channels have been made to the FCC. Further down the Atlantic seaboard the Alabama Educational Television Commission issued a special
publication commemorating its 10th year of activity. One of the major highlights listed in a chronology of milestones in the commission's history refers to the first reception of Alabama by the Muscle Shoals TV cable corporation. There was also added to this historical note the fact that since that time seven other Alabama CATV systems have begun reception of broadcast Alabama TV signals here in Texas. The TV station has twice cited CA TV's in the state in its monthly printed program schedule and the West Texas microwave company formed by the joint efforts of four cable operators and the Regent of the University of Texas further extended its reception of k e r in Dallas to West Texas cable communities in Montana West and microwave company cooperated in the first DTV offering of a college credit course in that state by distributing the original signal from Montana State College to CA TV systems and television stations in the cities where the Course was given. Lauren St.. Manager
of KC ts at the University of Washington reported on this growing CATV involvement in the TV. In an article in the March April issue of the journal in which he gave mention to the survey I've already discussed I'd like to add here that copies of this journal article together with the survey went to more than 40 state TV commissions every one of the TV stations then on the air heads of all major organizations in CTA also has printed and distributed its guidelines concerning the responsibilities of the community antenna television industry in education. It also continues to be an item of interest and it requests have been received not only from cable operators but also schools libraries and other groups with an interest in education. During the year in CTA has received many requests for information and CATV industry services from persons associated with such agencies as the U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare the Midwest program on television instruction the Detroit Public Schools and many other public school systems.
And finally in the May June issue of the journal European article which cites the advantages to a community contemplating EDV if it already has an existing CATV system. Now as to the future I believe CATV will play an increasingly prominent role in television education and the National Community Television Association will continue its interest in and service to educational television through cooperation with individual CATV systems in communities desirous of obtaining broadcast TV signals via cable and through cooperation with nationally TV groups particularly the National Association of educational broadcasters. In this regard may I say that has been my pleasure to discuss recently with Mr Harley Mr Fletcher and Mr calm back to matters of mutual concern to anybody and the CATV industry both Any hope to continue and expands its contacts through committees of both groups. Now Mr Harley only a few moments ago in his annual report said that he
foresaw a major problems in two areas in the coming year for anybody. One was copyright laws and the other was CATV. Now I honestly hope that my industry does not become an any problem for the CATV industry is eager to cooperate in the development and expansion of educational television. As expressed in policy statement regarding the CATV role in education National Community Television Association recognizes its responsibility and the responsibilities of individual CATV systems to augment the extension improvement of audiovisual learning through all means at its command. In a recognition of this public responsibility it is in CTA policy that a continuing effort be made by the association at national regional and local levels to work with educators and educational groups who are constructively active in this medium of learning. We hope that we can make contributions not problems for Educational Television. Thank you.
Thank you Don Anderson. And now we hear about the role of twenty five hundred mega cycle TV and today's education Stana Lapin who's been well this before is here again. He's with the education he's director of the Adler educational systems division and lower shelves Dan. Thank you Bill. Their only problem is the know how to throw in the good. Thank you already over the last year. Good.
There has been an increasing interest in the newly authorized twenty five hundred mega cycle instructional television system. The FCC as many of you are aware authorize this service. Not too long ago and things are moving in terms of interest on the part of the educator in an increasing fashion. Since the system can provide the educator with a multi channel capability wide coverage local control and economy. Then the educator has been and is becoming more and more interested as of this date. Several systems have been or are in the process of being installed. These are the first installations in the public in parochial schools
but there is also considerable interest in the system from other school systems as well as from military installations hospital groups colleges and industrial groups. Just briefly to review how the system works. The system at the public high school system starts with a typical small educational television studio having all the facilities for signal origination. Their control room allows them to control the studio as well as to remotely control the transmitter which is located in a different portion of the building. The transmitter itself receives the control room signals both audio and video converts to twenty five hundred mega cycles. Puts them on the air at a level around 10 watts
and feeds the signals up to the transmitting antenna. In this particular school the transmitting antenna is designed to particularly serve the geographic arrangement of the schools which are laid out over two paths. Sixty degrees angular with the various receiving antennas at the schools were selected based on the distance of the receiving school from the transmitter. And this shows one which incidentally has in its background the Belmont racetrack. The signal in each school is then converted down to VHF channels and appears on normal television sets serving classrooms. The system as a whole has
been proven in the schools that have used it to be a definite assist in their educational program. For those that are interested in investigating these type of systems further there are many important considerations in the design of the system. The selection of the proper equipment to do the specific job. Going all the way from studio to transmitter to the proper type of transmitting antenna then to the proper types of the several receiving antennas. Which. Except the twenty five hundred mega cycle system than the converters which convert them and the enter into Will system to distribute these signals to television sets throughout the school.
Im actually planning a system. Its necessary to examine the goals in needs of the school system. Following. And the valuation and the listing of what really is desired and required a considerable amount of system engineering must be done to ensure the proper operation of the system once it is installed. The FCC has a particular form a special form for this service and their requirements must be met in terms of filling out and preparing all the proper application information. Following FCC grant of construction permits of course the equipment must be installed. The complete overall system is the thing that is most important to the school system and the integration of all the
elements all the way from the studio and the cameras through to the television sets must be done. In addition to the small school district application there are many other applications possible for the twenty five hundred mega cycle system in a larger school system. In a larger city or county or a parochial school system. It is possible to have repeating transmitters which can cover additional areas beyond that covered by the originating transmitter. In addition to school districts. College campuses can use this type of system for on campus distribution as well as tying different campuses together. Particularly where cooperative arrangements are desired between a number of different
colleges or a number of campuses of the same college located in the same general area. The military. Is has shown interest in this type of system for providing educational television or coverage to various classroom facilities around a military base. And many military installations feel that this type of arrangement would have particular value for them. In addition industry who use television for both educational and operational uses. I have shown interest in this type of system authorized under a different section of the FCC rules. But in the same general frequency area for interconnecting a number of plants.
Hospitals are also interested in the system for interconnecting a number of hospitals for nurses training doctors training staff training allowing many people to view operations and other things going on within the hospital which lend themselves to television. The overall system therefore has developed a considerable amount of interest and can be useful. We believe and that belief has been shared and proven by the interest and use of very many other groups. Thank you. Thank you Stan. Now we're going to hear about communication systems for education training
and university research and brain you this is Mike Bayliss who has a title and much longer than Mr. Kaplan as its national coordinator of communications services for education for AT&T. Mike thank you so much. May I have the price for a slide please. From the car shop projector. Within the last several years the Bell System has been working very closely with educator as I tapped in to assist and a solution of communication problems. We are humbling learning the problems we are having negotiating continuous solutions for the increasingly demanding multimedia complex systems often for education training and university research. The best system education industry specialist of today and tomorrow is becoming more and more cognizant of your requirements. These men communication consultants are
continuously training themselves through our many programs in telecommunications to assist you in meeting your goals. The arsenal of communication tools and methods developed over the years he's at your disposal backed up by the Bell System all the way from the Bell Labs to Western Electric. With your indulgence here are some specific services I'd like to mention at this time. I'm sure you are aware that we provide multichannel across the facilities that are used by educators and others from cause to cause and effect and have the next slide please. Three of our latest systems are typical examples and you feature Alec Ross sekret system now links 200 schools and colleges and Delaware. Our new network in Nebraska we're going to interconnect for broadcast statewide. And we now are linking the State University of Iowa hospital with hospitals in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids and then next year live medical operations and lecture lab experiments and medical
conferences will all be carried over this new network. For those of you who may not be familiar with the Bell System facilities will show a short film at the bell exhibit. But first let's talk about something else here very briefly and then avoid an area of voice and if I can have the next slide please. It's about telling the concept that terms a long distance telephone network and two volleyball teaching tool. Next slide please would tell an actor a speaker my lecture or answer questions from any telephone from his home office or any location and your group hears them over loudspeakers connected to regular telephone lines or visual aids. Maybe in conjunction with these lectures next light these audiences in different locations may share a well known speaker simultaneously and maybe across the country or even another part of the world. Just as long as a telephone is handy. And we have an X light.
If you wish members of your audience may talk directly with the speaker. Next night. And several speakers in different locations can participate in POW discussions for the benefit of your groups. Or educational institutions can exchange. Yes professors by telling her. Let's have the next lie please. And I wish and to close circuit TV and tell a lecture. Georgia Tech has added an exciting new dimension data phone service and instructor out to your courage. National Laboratory. Is able to transmit data from service over regular telephone lines to cross 200 miles away. Let's have the next slide please. What the instructor writes I don't Ridge is reproduce I mean it's on there. Next slide please. A television camera scans the message and delivers yet and are just required by Cross records and
to one or more conveniently located television screens in the classroom. Let's have this next slide please. As you can see from this diagram the system also includes a pell system tell lecture equipment that permits the student to hear the instructor and ask him questions. This is integrated. With the system of daytime voice transmitter over a telephone network and working together with cross I could tell a vision of future possibilities of similar systems almost without limit. If we can have the next slide in the very near future for example a student can dial the language back from his dormitory at any hour of the day or night to listen record his voice and hear it play back. All right now we are working with many universities to enable students to dial a number and retrieve information. And we have the next like. The student of the future. We'll be able to dial virtually anywhere for information. For example he would be able
to connect with a previously programmer programmed computer miles away interrogate this computer and use its capabilities in a solution of his problem. Can we have the next flight please. He may receive his answer or doubly depending on the nature of the information. Next slide. Printed out on a Tele typewriter. Next like. I said a video image may even be a TV. Slow scan it occasionally. Next slide please. Or a facsimile print. Next slide please. He will also be able to dial into all the information banks. Or libraries for example for the information. This DS will use automatic indexing and classifying machine translation electronic scanning microfilming high speed photography and printing and other special techniques. We don't say that any models will ever take the place of the vital personal contact between student
and teacher but many of you have told us they will help to make more effective use of faculty and facilities. Next slide please. How far are we looking ahead. Not very far away. Actually all of these techniques discussed here are presented here today are available today awaiting only the creative applications by educators and administrators. I have the next slide please. There are telephone people in your own area who are backed up by technical advisers engineers and a whole bell organisation. To help educators creativity and practically meet the occasional needs of today and tomorrow. People will be more than happy to answer your questions and cross off with you on your goals and objectives. Dealing with communication problems from A to Z for the purpose of education training or research depending whatever your objective may be. Thank you.
Thank you Mike. Now I have a very delightful little presentation comes to us from contract gets contracts useful approximates and it's given to us by Bob MLM sales manager for com right. Thank you Bill. When an educational broadcaster shoots his arrow in the air. He assumes several responsibilities. Not the least of which is becoming the expert in the size of the television receiver that should be placed in the classroom. And this opens the whole box called useful approx. But. I did some market survey work. When I first joined contract. To determine what kind of receiver or what kind of viewing device was needed in the classroom. And I talked to a number of you and toured the country. But the most delightful man that I talked to was a man named Joel Silverman who
worked for Gerald electronics Corp. in New York a very difficult market at best. Joe's. Approach was pretty straightforward.
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National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention General Business Session Part 2 and Industrial Session Part 1
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University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Chicago: “ National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention General Business Session Part 2 and Industrial Session Part 1 ,” 1964-10-26, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 5, 2025,
MLA: “ National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention General Business Session Part 2 and Industrial Session Part 1 .” 1964-10-26. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 5, 2025. <>.
APA: National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention General Business Session Part 2 and Industrial Session Part 1 . Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from