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In the name of your country Morocco and the name of this city so much the same is the only reason for this. Because our son was a cupful of the South and the most interesting city so Morocco came from its after option of this now. How Morocco then is just another version of America. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund presents. How do you say hello. A series of radio programs by Charles winter about children of the developing countries. How do you say hello today from the minaret and the meeting place. Which is your first name and which is your first my
friends and my second. Thank you very much. I am the father of my brother I have five sisters. When you have such a large family have you got a favorite brother or favorite sister. Yes I have a favorite brother the youngest the youngest. Yes very much. How old is your youngest brother. Seven years old. You may find it hard to believe but some of the girls and boys would not know where Morocco is. Some girls and boys would not know where Rock is where is Morocco of Africa West Africa
just 14 kilometers from you have a long coastline what bodies of water around your coastline. They are planted from. The. He and I are sitting in the warm Moroccan sun with a warm Moroccan breeze blowing beside what must be the most gigantic swimming pool in the history of the world. What is this place this place is this is a big swimming pool. Kings can swim can you and I swim we can but we can't see him now because I mean this vast expanse of water just sits here being beautiful and being beautiful and also to get some trees you know oh in
the park around the pool yes. Is it ever used for anything at all. Sometimes it tears for a sort of exposition a sort of a big Far Cry just in the middle sort of ways from the ghosts and a lot of the Done says the evidence says. And. And I think all the answers from you know themselves from you said from the coach I mean from the side of it. They build a bridge to a stage in the middle. Yeah that must be very beautiful Will that happen while I'm here I don't think I don't know exactly the date I don't but I think in the middle for me one more good reason for coming back to Morocco you know this huge pool is in the middle of a park. We're sitting right beside a very large house what is it. King's house you know he's a king home right now. No I did I did from central you know he's very good.
Have you ever been inside. No I haven't been. No you don't know what it's like. Should we go and try the door if we can. We are under the portico outside the palace here now before two huge screen doors and it's kind of nice to be out of that wind that was blowing past us up there two huge knocker handles matey. Do you want to knock. Somebody was there. Is this the king of the doorkeeper coloration. And through we go into a room it's totally white with a ceiling that is decorated with many different colors and patterns. This office ask you know typically if I may translate the pillars for huge pillars holding the ceiling
up with arches and walls that look to be about four or five feet thick quire the wall so thick there are so thick. For the purpose to make this part of this. When it's so hot outside the walls help insulate from the outside rather than it would be cool I noticed on the white walls that there are tapestries rugs all kind of hanging. Why are these here. Because as a sort of mirrors and nobody lives here but you and I at the mall and the doorkeeper. We're climbing a quite narrow staircase to the second floor of this X Palace now. The stairs themselves are tiled in green and we've come out on top too. A small ante room which leads to a room that matches the one downstairs only this time it hasn't pillars and archways. It's
one vast open room. And musty. Why would it be so musty The windows are open. Yes smells old saw the photos because I guess it is a trial century you said it certainly is. You said downstairs that the the decoration was typically Moroccan. Now what did you mean by that because were amid decorations up here again too because of some new creations. Made by a tipper who came from a Spanish oh not typically Moroccan but Spanish Moroccan his waiter said vanishing rock and there were people from Spain and came to Morocco where they where they Arris their arms they were Arabs. After the Arabs are going to Spain they were driven I would later back to Morocco. But looking around here there's not much space for large amounts of furniture would there had been a great deal of furniture in this palace when it was used. No because it is a set of I did took part as
does the for taking a T isn't that nice to have a little kind of skin and take on a tear here in front of them. And I leave the palace grounds we are confronted by two men dressed in the most brilliant great costumes I've ever seen and as you can hear they jangling bells at us. One of these men doing these gentlemen said at last they say a lot. When you give them money why couldn't I go to the drinking fountain in the park and get a drink there. You can find just here and I don't you mean they have a water monopoly concession for this policy today. Oh yes they have beside them huge leather bags that look as if they have a good but who isn't Pauline's one of those bags they carried a lot just in the legs they carry the water in those leather banks and you know they're looking at me as I will. They think we should be
thirsty are you thirsty. Yeah. I've heard of one way streets in my life but this is ridiculous we are going down the narrowest street. I've been on in my life in a car the sides almost touch the buildings each side of the roadway. What is this place this place is a street in one part of the MID in the mid Ina. Yes the Medina and the means and all town. Hold on this would be the oldest part of the city of Marietta the streets are thronging with people who squeezed to one side as we try to go through in his car. But there are also buildings with a B living quarters or shops or want their houses. We had our show up so it is nearly dinner. In fact a soup. I read that a souk is a department store where everything is made on the premises is this like a soup in Medina.
No that's not like a soca soup is a different thing is a different place from where people can find out what they need. The soup would be like the marketplace in the medina would be a place where people live as well as where they live. But there are also later markets in the median. That sound you just heard was the voice of a man calling from the top of a tall tower here in the middle of Marrakech. First of all what is this
tower we're standing near. He is the most beautiful in its kind the most perfect tower in cash and I think in Morocco. What is the purpose of the tower. There is a minority a minaret a sort of a hive where a man can carve out of the faith and the religion is one of their origin is Islam. All right he was calling to all the followers of Islam from the top of the minaret. Why does he do this. What are they supposed to do when they hear him. They come to the mosque. And. When this happened once a day or more often. Five times in a day. What do you mean that every follower of Islam should come here to the mosque next to the minaret and pray. No I don't mean that because we can't pray in our house. Important to pray. But it doesn't matter where it doesn't matter where in the mosque or at her home or
somewhere you know the man who called from the top of the minaret Has he a name. He is and was and is in us. What did he say. He said People come to pray. It's time to pray. And the language of Arabic. Can you tell me just what Islam is. Islam is a religion followed by whom. For the Arabs. Christianity has Jesus Christ who is comparable to Jesus Christ in your religion. Mohammad Muhammad is the messenger. You know the messenger the messenger of God. Of. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah right. Christianity also has its Ten Commandments have you any rules in Islam that you must follow. Yes where we had to follow five commandments. What are they. First there is no God. Mohammad is the prophet. Is that a prayer that you would say yes this is the beginning of
the prior. And what's the next commandment but the next we must pray five times a day. The third commandment is to give the poor. All right. The fourth commandment is to keep Ramadan to keep what Ramadan what is Ramadan Ramadan we must fast must fast a month. What time of year would Ramadan take place when you fast for a month. It is design a calendar you know. Also it changes from year to changes. When do you fast during the day. From when the sun come up. Sat Sun alright sun rises and so you may eat after sunset then yes you are the night. Ah you starve all day and eat all night. Right now we've had the first four commandments there's another one. The fifth commandment is to go to pair and urged to make a.
Pilgrimage to Mecca for my. Another to prove our faithful. But why Mecca Why not some other place is the privileged place. If a person has gone to Mecca if you went to Mecca for example when you were older Is there any way one would know this. We know that by a little now we go to the person who was in Micah hads. We had. For example when a person called Mohammed we say had Mohammed. Would I say would I say to you yes. Do you plan to go to Mecca someday. Yes I have that. I hope so too. Is there anything else that is permitted once you have been to Mecca. Yes some people must wear turban around their head. Their special turban yellow turban some of the Christians are already creations. So if I come back to Marrakesh and 40 years and I see you walking down the street with a yellow turban.
If I could make a personal comment it sounds to me as though you have an English accent. Because of my I can speak you know and some English. Than you in fact are Berber. Yes you mention and the fact that you speak Berber full English accent. For example. Hello hello.
Because I'm. Doing. It Again. Yes yes I did have an English accent and a second example. Many many. That's where you're going. I don't think. So you were the first people in this country your great great great great grandparents. Whenever we speak of that.
It's about snakes. What are these men doing with the snakes tried to get from people around them. What are those snakes that they have on the ground there what kind of explain your snake skin. The. Plaintiff says you can keep them covered for me to have as big as me you know what does make a Moroccans make their mark and thank
you not only in snake charmers they're Moroccans. Taken literally I think it's strange. One of the ground is on a carpet and as the man Circles Around Us Weekly's to follow him with its great black head in the air of a man of catching on the ground again. You can probably hear him getting a stick on the ground pushing a snake on the drum to one side and the other one on the car but is being moved around just as though he were a piece of something he doesn't like it very much is he not in danger of doing that.
No it is I think they take off their you know all the poison is taken out of this makeshift Thank you all the same I don't think I'll get too close to find out. Would you feel like going over and picking one of those snakes. I don't. Know. Scientists who are you know asking for money and so asking for money most asking for money I've ever heard. It may be that you can hear in the background of voice about the general noise a snake charmers and other
people around. We have stopped beside a very large group of people who are sitting on the ground in the square and in front of them a man is sitting and he's telling a story. It's a customary to find storytellers here. Yes. You know you could do this instead of going to the movies or watching television or listening to the radio then you come to the square and hear a story. Yes you can. What sort of stories would he tell these people about Moroccan fairytales. Where would he have learned his stories. And.
People like you and me. How long would the story last as a rule. You know a week a week and you know some sort of you know any of these stories yourself. I know when I was when I was about to come to
you with your secret. Here in Germany we have seen many many things this afternoon acrobats train animals herd singers and watch dancers. I wonder is there a meaning to the name of this place. Yes. Had I meaning to say Kings make executions you know that to punish the person voted against. So in olden times this was a place of execution and place of execution. But what does now mean meeting place of the dead.
These appear this is a place of life when women can earn some money and a place of conservations where you can give help to beggars and people. Well it certainly is a place of life as you say Never have I seen so much activity of so many things to look at meeting place of the dead it may have been that meeting place of the living. A good many girls on the streets of America wearing along. What is it called. That's not all girls wear them why do some wear them and some not.
All right now you have your sisters Well they don't because my father said that. We want to avoid. That when my father and my dress is. Done to her.
So things really were various At one time the Gelada was warned to avoid having people stare at girls. And now if girls wear them people look because there's a rarely seen. So your sisters were modern clothing on this area. If you had a girlfriend would you like to see her. This has been the minute the minarets and the meeting place a program in a radio series by Charles winter entitled How do you say hello. Produced on location by Bill Shaw for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and UNICEF the United Nations Children's Fund. We'd like to thank the government of Morocco for their hospitality and assistance. And. This
program was distributed by the national educational radio network.
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How Do You Say Hello?
Episode Number
Producing Organization
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
How Do You Say Hello? is a series of radio programs hosted by Charles Winter and produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in cooperation with UNICEF. In each episode, Winter visits a different country in the developing world and talks with a young person about their local traditions, culture, history, language, and community. Throughout their conversation, they visit various local points of interest and describe these events and environments. Winter also interviews adults and other members of the community.
Global Affairs
Local Communities
Media type
Host: Winter, Charles
Producing Organization: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 69-25-4 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:26:46
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Chicago: “How Do You Say Hello?; 4,” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 3, 2025,
MLA: “How Do You Say Hello?; 4.” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 3, 2025. <>.
APA: How Do You Say Hello?; 4. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from