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Consumer survival kit number 4 0 2 feet cars life insurance. The Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting. One. Hundred one public road. What did the Chicago Bears have in common with you. If you are a weekend athlete you take the same sort of pounding on your feet. The average new car is delivered with 10 to 20 major defects and our staff found a lot of them. A report on an industry that claims to deliver only what America wants. Finally life insurance one out of every 10 college seniors buys life insurance 30 percent of them will drop the policy within the first year. Why are so many students making such a bad buy. And
how can you avoid other costly mistakes in life insurance. This and more next on consumer survival kit with. You. Our staff has been checking out the action every day with a report on the research and findings. You will notice that I am not on my feet. The health movement has inspired some 135 million of us to kick up our heels and get involved in a weekender daily activity. But what's all this health costing our feet. We found out. This jogger is absorbing the shock of some 7000 foot slaps for half hour run. That amounts to fourteen hundred tons of jolt. And it can be brutal on the feet
while running as of knowledge as one of the best forms of exercise. More and more joggers and weekend athletes are feeling the stress this sport inflict. The director of Chicago's Poti Actrix Sports Medicine Center Dr. Lowell Scott while his interest in preventing such injury his research begins with the athlete in this case the Chicago Bears as pretty a trick Sports Medicine consultant for the Chicago Bears. We deal primarily with the prevention of injuries to the football players. Most injuries which occur about the ankle which the incidence is approximately 25 to 40 percent involve the arch area and the heel in the professional football player. Other individuals such as the weekend jogger tennis player and gymnasts also undergo tremendous amounts of forces to the foot which influence their ability to play the sport as well as their enjoyment of the sport. Football players develop injuries called turf toe which is caused primarily by artificial surfaces. Throughout all of these
injuries we attempt to prevent them primarily rather than treat them so that the athlete can enjoy their given sport. The center is part of the Illinois College of Medicine. There are new methods of research are presently being used to determine among other things what types are most susceptible to certain injuries. We sent our film segments producer Ricky Greene to speak with Dr. Weil. I understand you've made a film to help in your research. Yes we have. This film will I think depict very well for you the forces that goes through the foot the ankle and the knee joint during running. Let's take a look. By means of slow motion photography and computer analysis we are now able to determine how the running click functions different from the walking foot. We begin by looking at the waist level to see how level the hips are when the runner runs at a tilting of the hips can cause back problems hip problems and the like the knee
level is very important to see if there is any rotation of the knee which can cause many of the knee problems which we have previously discussed. Notice the high shock that the foot undertakes when the heel hits and the fore foot slaps down to the ground. This is what is primarily responsible for many of the overuse injuries that we see in the running athlete. Dr. Weil one of the results of these constant shocks to the feet. Well considering that 75 percent of the public at one time or another has put problems this constant impact loading as we call it in runners joggers and other athletes result in the various foot problems. Often this has been treated in the past by surgery. And we have found that surgery is not necessary in most of these instances and it can be treated in a most conservative matter. What we're doing today when we get a runner in we of course give him a complete biomechanical evaluation which evaluates his entire structure. And then we can examine his running
shoe take a good history as far as his running habits. How far he runs how fast he runs. This is all very significant in our treatment. The end result either. Is a recommendation for a change in his running shoe a small insert that may fit gnus running shoe a pad or perhaps it may have to go as far as a custom made in certain weight a foot problem start one may be congenital This is the most common structural abnormalities that one is inherited. The second factor is training errors. Running too long a distance for instance or too fast a pace for one's particular structure or his muscle capabilities. And the third factor would be external factors such as running shoes and running surfaces. I wear tennis shoes when I jog is that a bad idea. That's a very bad idea. As a rule tennis shoes such as the cutaway model that we have here do not allow for the heel height. Nor the shock absorption that is necessary when impacting the ground at perhaps 15000
steps per hour which is what the average jogger may run. Through running shoe that we have here. You can see the difference in the heel height which is much higher than the tennis shoe and the amount of sponge that is present in the shock absorption attitudes of the shoe. This will allow one to run a long distance under constant loading and not go through the shock that he must go through carrying three times body weight. Well do I need to buy Adidas or another expensive brand or is a cheaper running Sure just as good. Well one can get inexpensive running shoe prices of running shoes can range anywhere from 20 to $50 for a good running shoe. And when we talk in terms of cheap we like to keep the quality high of course and the price down. There are so many models today that are copies that really are not an adequate running shoe. Our so-called natural shoes like our shoes or Dr. Scholl's really any better for my feet. We don't think they're any better we're not sure whether they can hurt you more. But we are certain that they're not much better. What they have done is of course to get us to think more about
shoes and see how they can benefit us from the standpoint of not only walking but in the athletic shoes as well. And through this we have gone into much research and try to develop a better logic shoot with this type of research. We hope that we can come out with beneficial shoes and beneficial devices which can aid not only the professional athlete but the weekend lead in enjoying his given sport. So the point is just pull back of. It With the right equipment and enough persistence you can win almost any race. Unless of course the other guy resorts to some other advanced technology. Hello I'm Brenda Holmes. Ten years down the road this is what all America may be driving the electric car. This one's called the city car. Priced at $3500 and a variable at some three hundred dealerships throughout the country. But before you try it on for
size. A word of caution. At the moment the battery operated electric car still has quite a few short circuits at least according to some experts and they say it's uncomfortable noisy unsafe in traffic and with a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour and minute up 50 miles between return I do. It's not very practical. At about $9 per month however the electric car is cheap to operate and as gas gets more expensive and harder to get a battery operated electric car might become very attractive. As a second car for short commutes to work and around town shopping. The experts tell us the electric car definitely does have a future but they don't have all of the answers yet. So you won't be hearing much about the city car in this year's commercials. What you will be hearing about and seen on the showroom floor are front wheel drive and the diesel powered engine.
Phones will drive the car along rather than push on behind. It increases tracking ability and maximize. Comfort. In the smaller car by loonies. The traditional hump in the floor. Now with the front wheel drive the new small cars have just about as much space inside as big cars of the past. Economy minded foreigners have known this for some time. They've also known about the diesel its selling point. You have an economy and durable with Oldsmobile 98 diesel you will get about 30 mpg on the highway with a gas model. Only 23. These are fuel is cheaper than gas. About 5 cents per gallon. And the diesel engine requires less schedule maintenance and they also last longer than gasoline engines. About 300000 miles in some cases compared to the normal 100000 life expectancy. On the other hand the diesel cost from 130 to $1000 more than a comparable gas
burning model. And diesel fuel can be difficult to get in some areas. These rules have been in. Start noise vibration and well manufacturers say they fixed all that. Their solution sounds good but it's just one big roadblock still remains however. Cars sold in America and that's the mission. Engineers in Detroit say they don't have the technology to meet the anti-pollution standards and fuel economy standards as well as a result. It's been given another reprieve by Congress. This makes the fourth extension of the Clean Air Act of 1970. Now. Let's take a closer look at today's car and see what you got when you got it home. You're not going to believe this Monica. It looks like we're out of gas. Oh I yeah.
Don't get excited Monica to me that owner's manual there where you place. It. Then the calculator. And yet here we are. Monica please. EPA ratings says here I should be getting forty six on the highway and 34 in the city. I'm not getting that. I mean I get nothing. Monica had been heard so I vomit. I stuck with the turkey. You are not the only one. Well you can't always trust those fuel economy planes in fact detestable form indoors on a type of treadmill machine. And while the EPA ratings do accurately rank cars so that you can feel in comparison the mileage itself is not necessarily what you will get. The EPA has received so many complaints about this that starting with 79 models lab results will be curbed to give you a more useful guide. For now it's pretty much a guessing game. Can you factories do tell
you the EPA figures are merely estimates but they don't tell you the actual mileage will be 15 to 20 percent less than the highway estimate advertise. There are a few other minor details manufacturers on apt to mention defects for example. The test did show the average new cars deliver with 10 to 20 major defects on all staff alone. We found the broken door locks and cables loose hoses and missing bolts in both American and foreign cars. In one case the doors would not open from the inside and the passenger seat had not been bolted to the floor. Although many auto manufacturers tell us their cars are inspected meticulously before leaving the factory. One study found in many cases less than one tenth of one percent of the component parts of a car or even spot checked at the factory. As for that 60 to $100 dealer preparation you automatically pay for it may amount to nothing more than a car wash.
So obviously you'll have to inspect the car yourself. Look for simple things like the fluid level in the battery a bit on all hoses secure clamps and cables. Look for scratches rubbles or flaking on the exterior look. If the body thing under the hood and in the trunk matches the exterior color if it doesn't there's a good chance that the car had been repainted to cover up damage in shipping. Check the brand name on tires since the owner sometimes switch them a mismatch is not uncommon. Drive a dash from window and door handles. Finally test the car over a rough road at less than 30 for our end of normal highway cruising speed. And the. Washer repair crew in order to close the sale. Chances are you will find flaws and you'll have to leave the car to have those problems corrected. The longer you wait on warranty repairs the harder they are to get. Unfortunately many cop problems won't become apparent until later. Roughly 3 million cars are
recalled each year compared to 10 million manufactured. That's 30 percent. Makes you wonder about that. Excellence in engineering. Well here's Larry with more. While researching this show we came across the following success story. J.B. Angelo writes I am pleased to say that my 1976 VW Rabbit has finally been fixed thanks to the help of the auto safety hotline my car was recalled and repair. It seems Mr. Angelo is having problems with excessive vibration noise due to an assembly defect so he voiced a complaint. Well Volkswagen didn't want to recall every 76 rabbit so they agreed to devise a kit that could be installed by local dealers on cars that qualified for the repair. Because of his perseverance 17 independent checks and seven months later Mr. Angelo got results you could call the Department of Transportation auto safety hotline to see if your car has been affected by a recall. The toll free number is 800. There were
2 4 9 3 9 3 and that one free phone call could save you some very costly repairs. It's also important to report car problems safety related or not. Through the hotline number because your complaints are the first step in bringing about a recall. Again the number is 800 for 2 4 9 3 9 3. The Department Transportation can't force automakers to issue a recall. In many cases even after the Department of Transportation discovers a potential safety hazard and orders a recall. Manufacturers can still dispute the findings and refuse to comply. Only after long legal battles is the recall finally initiated forward for example is now recalling some 15000 cars five and a half years after the Department of Transportation found them to be defective. Let us know if you've wrestled with a consumer problem and come out on top right. Our address is Survivor consumer survival kit Owings Mills Maryland 2 1 1 1 7. That survivor consumer survival kit always Mills Maryland 2 1 1 1
7. According to consumer interest groups who have followed the auto industry for the past 10 years safety has never been foremost in the minds of the carmakers. Not only have they been known to stall recalls while lives are endangered they also have a reputation for resisting safety innovations. Airbags for instance in 1970 GM said quote In the fall of 74 the air cushion will be made standard equipment in all 1975 GM passenger cars unquote. Chrysler said quote We hope to be in position to provide passive restraint systems in volume production by January 1st 1975 unquote. Ford said in 1970 quote airbags for the front right and center occupants can be installed in all 1975 model cars unquote. It never happened. Now the manufacturers are again making promises. GM intends to offer the automatic restraint system as an option on their 79 subcompacts and luxury models as well as
an air cushion option on their full sized by nine hundred eighty one. Ford has publicized similar plans but it will be 1984 before the public is guaranteed a passive restraint system as standard equipment on all cars. In that time 230000 people will die on the roads. It's estimated airbags could save a fifth of those lives. Nearly 45000 people some six billion dollars in hospital costs for those injured in crashes. The car manufacturers resisted the air bag as mandatory equipment. First they tried to disprove its reliability and effectiveness. Finally they fought it because of its added cost to consumers. They estimated it would add an extra $300 to the price of a new cost the same $300 that can buy sun roofs or vinyl tops airconditioning or other luxury options as it stands now. The price for air bags one hundred twelve dollars. According to the latest government estimate. Well the car is by no means perfect but it's all we have and nothing
is going to change the simple fact that for most of us the car is a necessity. The reason I am here and not home fixing dinner for my husband who should be gone by now is to tell him I'm here not where I want to be at the car and not when it did was a brand new car it seemed just fine except for paying hearing a ping there at the dealer and brought it to work itself out which it did. Doesn't ping anymore it died on the road so I walked. Good thing I was wearing my exercise and it's great for the feet only I got these blisters from my exercise and those which by the way kill me which is just what my husband is going to because he's very nice man who gave me a ride invented for my blister. Also sold me life insurance. Well he said I'm under insured and who can afford that in this day and age when everything is more expensive. Ah including the phone you got a nickel. Don't have a nickel but we do have a Band-Aid for your consumer problems and that's our CSK publication. This week's kit is on cars so if your car just bit the dust this may help. Our kit includes advice on how to buy a used car. An article on auto
financing and a checklist for comparing car financing costs. We also have some facts and figures on foreign guys. What makes them fun to drive and why service and parts aren't as hard to get as most people think. The author of this article visited seven different dealers and got seven different trade in estimates for the same car. The offers varied as much as $500. He passes on what he learned about preparing a car for trade in and driving a hard bargain with the dealer which cause cost the most to repair. We have the first service cost data ever made available to the public. We tell you where to get help if you're having problems with your dealer how to prevent auto theft. And we've also included the membership prices and benefits from some of the nation's largest auto clubs. Will you look at send $1 to cover the cost of reproduction postage and handling the cars box 1078 always mellows Marilyn 2 1 1 1 7. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. Maryland residents please add 5 percent sales tax. We also have three excellent publications available on our home repair. One covers bodywork one on self-diagnosis and one on choosing a
mechanic for these publications. Send $1 per kit to consumer survival kit box 1078. Always Mills Maryland 2 1 1 1 7 will have kits on feet and insurance as the season progresses. And now here is George Allen. I have a product here and I can make it sound like a great investment just by telling you what I want you to know. That's what the salesman a doing its campus life insurance. One out of every 10 college students buys and half of them buy from a company called Fidelity Union. Steve Campbell and Dottie Henry work at the youth service bureau in Westminster Maryland. In college each bought the college master policy offered by Fidelity Union. Both now believe they made a mistake. In my senior year of college I was approached by a rather young salesman from. The life insurance company. He presented a college minister. Insurance Program to me.
I didn't feel any more pressure than I would feel with any other type of sales. When I bought the policy I bought the first year was a deferred payment. I signed a note that in five years I would pay the first year's premium which was one hundred seventy dollars plus 8 percent interest. You put down a deposit I put down about $14 deposit and they agreed to pay your first premium and this would now become due until five years later. Well I cancelled before my five years had expired and I ended up owing them with a 7 percent interest on this loan on this deferred payment one hundred eighty dollars which is larger than my premium would have been with them. The problem I'm having right now is that when I drop the policy that note will become due. I believe my biggest shortcoming in buying this this policy was my ignorance of what life insurance can do for you.
And at a later date I was approached by another insurance man from a church affiliated. Company. And he was basically Faberge guessed it that I would buy this insurance policy that offered me very little for the money I was putting into it. I went to term insurance and I was able to get five times as much life insurance for the same cost that I was paying for the college master. Whole life as I look back on buying this life insurance policy was I had the attitude of chalking it up to experience. I would just hope that other people don't you know fall in the same thing that I did by buying a life insurance policy that they don't need or or buying one that is not the best available. Statistics from Fidelity UNION show three out of 10 of those who buy the policy will never pay the second your premium. They drop the coverage at the end of the first year. Their deferred premium then immediately comes due. Secondly the savings aspect of the plan is one
of the main selling points build up cash value while insuring against it. But there's no cash about you till the end of the third year and by then half of the students will already have cancelled their policies. Those that do continue to carry the insurance for say eight years actually lose about 3 percent on their investment each year. We called the Maryland branch of fidelity Union to verify the cost of their $10000 college master whole life policy. The response was No comment. So one of our writers are a recent college graduate met with an agent to hear the entire sales presentation. To illustrate the low cost of their college mountain line the agent referred to best review which is an insurance trade publication which runs cost comparisons. Of the several hundred companies listed for Bella the union was indeed right up there. One of the least expensive. This particular comparison however was based on a different policy offered by Fidelity unit not the product that they were selling. Professor Joseph belt an insurance specialist at
Indiana University agreed to run an independent cost comparison for us. Fidelity union however has refused to give us the information needed to complete an analysis of the full college master line. What it really comes down to is this. If you have no dependents life insurance is probably unnecessary. Now you may think you'll need to eventually so want to buy while you're still young and the premium is cheap. It is true that with whole life insurance which is what it's commonly sold. The annual premium is initially low and does remain level but by starting early. You're also increasing the total number of payments. If you're responsible for the financial security of others and do in fact need protection against premature death chances are a ten thousand dollar policy is too small. You need more. Of course it depends on your financial situation how much you can afford but bear this in mind. Small policies usually cost at least 20 percent more per thousand dollars of coverage than two larger policies. In addition home life insurance what you get in a typical campus policy may be the wrong
type for you. Also known as straight life ordinary life cash value and permanent insurance. Whole life is more profitable for the agent so he's not likely to mention the alternative term insurance. It buys you only debt protection with whole life. You not only have debt protection but supposedly also build up cash reserves. They say it's like having an automatic savings account tied in with your insurance. But as we've seen the returns are minimal. And look at the difference in premiums. Ten thousand dollars worth of whole life insurance runs about one hundred eighty dollars the first year compared to $35 for the same amount of protection with Term life insurance. As for those extra benefit writers they may be unnecessary. For example accidental death benefits sometimes called a TO BE PAID two to three times the face value of your policy. If you die in an accident for your gambling against the odds and it may pay off but for the cost of that writer you could buy some additional guaranteed protection with Term life insurance for
most people 80 B which is also known as double and triple indemnity just isn't worth the added expense. On the other hand guaranteed insurability is a useful safeguard if you think you'll need more insurance regardless of your health or occupation you're automatically eligible. No questions asked and waiver of premium will relieve you of all payment obligations. Should you become disabled. That's also good to have. Regardless of the price if you're buying something you don't need. You're paying too much money. Expensive campus home life insurance misses on both counts. According to many of our sources the last thing most college students need is life insurance. We'll know that other policies offered to the general public can be much better deals. But shop around. Base your decision on careful comparisons and make sure you get all the facts Larry. Next time we'll look at America's growing appetite for meat. The ingredients in Excedrin and Bufferin
and timesharing. The latest in a low cost vacations for reify King George Allen Brenda Holmes and the entire CSK staff. This is Larry Lemon. We'll see you next week. Oh and. It is produced by the Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting which is solely responsible for its content. Funding for
consumers devival. It has been provided by this station and by other public television stations. Lor.
Consumer Survival Kit
Episode Number
Feet/Cars/Life Insurance
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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#402, Feet/Cars/Life Insurance, Master - Captioned
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Consumer Survival Kit is an educational show providing viewers with information about consumer affairs issues.
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Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
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Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 27518.0 (MPT)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “Consumer Survival Kit; 402; Feet/Cars/Life Insurance,” 1981-06-17, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 10, 2025,
MLA: “Consumer Survival Kit; 402; Feet/Cars/Life Insurance.” 1981-06-17. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 10, 2025. <>.
APA: Consumer Survival Kit; 402; Feet/Cars/Life Insurance. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from