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The following is a special presentation of W E Do you Tampa St. Petersburg Sarasota. It's hard to pronounce. Where I live we don't really know how to describe it so we'll show you. What's the most fun to have on a Saturday morning to go to an old fashioned farmer's market. And. Leave. Like late Fall River you pronounce his name he is the maestro and a man to live. In this moment. The. Production is exclusively brought through a generous grant from the Gulf Coast. Strong partnership. Journal. Among the greatest gifts a community can give itself are world
class concert. A fine Symphony Orchestra and a brilliant conductor. The Gulf Coast has all three. This uniquely purple Palace behind me the runways of the Florida west coast Symphony the orchestra and the conductor. When I get to meet. These hands harness the power of a great orchestra. And walk the composer's vision. Spell by. An audience. They are the hands of Maestro relief. Ya'll are. I think the chemistry. Is the most important factor in the success of a conductor and an orchestra. Chemistry with the musicians chemistry with the community I think is equally important to me.
For 10 years he has been creating that chemistry as. Artistic director of the Florida. West. Coast symphony in Sarasota. And orchestras like. Like riding a horse. And when you ride a horse it's a big animal a powerful animal has a mind of its own. If you want to jump over a fence. You can't force the horse to do it. You have to create an atmosphere where the horse wants to do it. And feels confident enjoy it and that's what a conductor does. Play them as as accent so it has more about like sparks in the fire feel. Even a decade in any profession is respectable rain but he knows that it is but a fraction of the time his predecessor Paul Wolf spent on this podium. Very very Mark I think during that time we've managed to capitalize. On all of the great work that Paul did during his long tenure over 30 years one thing they haven't lost from the days of Noah and that is that the joy. Of music making. That was a highlight of of his tenure.
Is it leaf life or life. You're right he is right. They say life here. We were discussing earlier they say they do say life and especially in Sweden and some Norwegians say life my grandparents always called me life and Leif or Lafe has had quite a life. He grew up in Flint Michigan a Midwestern kid exposed to classical music at an early age and through an unlikely source. When I was about four years old I got we started watching television and it was the Huntley-Brinkley Report signature music as I found out later it was the skirts of the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven. And I just loved it. And I would wait and listen and on Fridays they would run the whole credits and it would be four minutes almost of a Beethoven scare itself. And I just couldn't get the music out of my head. My mother liked David Brinkley but I loved they took.
Root in his love for the classics. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a master's degree in music and began his career as Professor of Music at Yale. I also got an education degree because my father was convinced I would never make it as a professional musician so I had to teach. His resume already as impressive assistant conductor of the San Francisco Symphony. Cover conductor for the New York Philharmonic. In 1988 selected by Maestro Leonard Bernstein to conduct the Chicago Symphony Yorker. As part of the American combat tours program. Came to Sarasota from Connecticut to Waterbury Symphony Orchestra where he still maintains Maestro stage. An orchestra and a conductor It's like a marriage. And. When you first come to an orchestra it's like a blind date.
And there's all the strange vibe that goes along with a blind date to psych out each other and figure out each other. My initial. Visit With the floor west coast symphony was an audition for this job and the blind date went pretty well and we liked each other very much. The. Melodic spouse. Always with us playing in his head driving him to perfection forcing him to hunt for makeshift but Tom. Yeah pencils often work. Straws from the hob nob. When I go and have a chili dog. Pretty much anything. Chopsticks. Very good. Anything can be about time. Lafe can play almost all orchestral instruments at least badly investors. But his profound understanding of music allows him to fluently speak the language of each instrument to each musician. There is a way of putting words together.
Which will immediately elicit a reaction from a violinist. But you could say the same thing to a horn player and they go quiet. So you learn the special jargon for every instrument so that you can be extremely efficient and communicate your ideas quickly and persuasively to all the members of the orchestra. I like the interface go up in smoke like a genie and just come away. But it should be very very boring. Well I know we'll do it again we'll see. I know it went up in smoke and many other ways that time. Many conductors will want to really impose a very strict style within rehearsals or within. The music making itself and. Lief has always treated us as. Colleagues and in a way turned the experience into a larger version of chamber music which is what I think we all strive for as musicians.
And two three a disarming quality that has earned him respect from artistic probably. Never. Too much. He very much how can I say more a pop. Then the boss you know and he knows how to treat people and bring out the best. Fan of the underdog programs often intersperse neglected work with the more popular class. You try and create programs that. Like a good meal. You know that has different tastes that play off one another well. Suddenly have a. Palate cleanser and then you have the main course. And you have something with a lot of sauce or something very rich like a rock a lot of symphony and you put them together in a pleasing way that. Will. Somehow add insight and energy. In each piece to the other. So the mid-western here. Speier by the news programs theme music
invites us to dine on his musical meals savor them and. Please. Come back for more. Saturday mornings are special around here. Maybe in other towns not big cities but then who cares about big cities. But around here Saturday mornings mean sweet juicy tomatoes and maybe really fresh corn and. Bread warm from the oven. Saturday mornings mean farmer's markets. Sunshine and the sweet smell of Sid Vicious. Jim Brown spent a lifetime taking in both. He's not only a seasoned citrus farmer he's also of a fighter.
Fighting against the odds keep his small family farm right. It's very important in May to keep the family business going. I'm the third generation in the business I hope at least one or all of my sons will continue in it as the fourth generation. Kim and his family cultivate 25 acres of citrus grove in their round Sarasota County mostly by themselves. It's a living that begins before dawn and often draws on long after the sun is down. We will go through several hundred bushels of wheat and it's learning to preserve the land. The hard work involved in it and its rewards. After the picking the work is just beginning. There is no washing. And the packet. Of daily dance that is both necessity.
And tradition it's about family. It helps us to be together even more working but that's teaching them a good ethic as well and so it's important to help keep Brown's growth vital. The family has cultivated another tradition selling the fruits of their labors at Sarasota is downtown farmer's market today they'll spend at least 16 hours preparing the citrus that we take on Friday night is on the streets Saturday morning. Saturday morning just before 7:00 a.m. The Browns have been here since 4:00 unloading their goods preparing to meet their public. More and. More. They sell fresh produce to some from the state market but plenty also from neighboring farmers gardens. The regulars are already lining up. We can almost set our clock to certain customers. You just know when you know when they look forward to see you I think that they are going to read you. Some regulars like retired schoolteacher Janet Bradley who comes precisely at
7:15 every Saturday. I know things are fresh and I can pick out just the size I want and the number I want. Sometimes I change my menu when I get here because something is look so good at. The farmer's market has drawn thousands of people to Sarasota is downtown each weekend for nearly 28 years you know. All right Tony Suzette you know we have a downtown partnership. It's just a Saturday happening. The locals come up because it's the thing to do. Everybody meets at the farmers market. I think in some cases this reminds people of where they came from. Makes your heart feel good. Drawn into the fresh air for. Everything under the sun. These are ones I just never again having done you know like you might think a small family farmer could get lost in all of this.
But people are coming for something else something they find with the Browns and the others here a sense of community at the farmers markets a lot of people will speak to each other that if you were walking through the mall you wouldn't tell about a grandkid and bring pictures on thongs and want to know about our family. It's the personal touch people want that. You'll find that heightened feeling of community in a short drive south as well. Little sister to the Sarasota market in downtown Venice. OK. Hey Nancy trash it started it with just two vendors. Now the Venice farmer's market is a local institution. It's a small town feel. They know exactly what they want it's already set up for them whether it's they want pumpkin bread or they want it a pound of shrimp a or we have one gentleman every week comes back for sour pickles. I think it's just you know taking time taking time with each other and I think that's what the farmer's market
does. You get more juice out of these and you will eat as long as there are farmers you whole life from the earth. Artists with something to share. Neighbors shaking the can act. This is pumpkins. Right here this is. The farmer's market with its energy and the style June. In all of its homespun simplicity. It's the best we have to offer one another. Perhaps less a reflection of real life. Than it is life as we would like it. Like everywhere I guess towns along the Gulf Coast are changing culturally ethnically. More and more radio stations pop up in Spanish. Mainline churches initiate services in Spanish. This example.
From Sarasota more than 25000 Latinos now inside at the first Hispanic festival held downtown people of all walks of life came to celebrate their character. Looking at what I found that I saw at the time and it is this newspaper reporter who helped connect the Hispanic community with the rest of Sarasota County. I go with my camera with with my recall to take up for the people the people told me Son His story his story. I receive all the information from the newspaper on the Sunday Magazine. Sales are lower right for loggia Del goal for a monthly Spanish magazine in Sarasota. He also writes for The Weekly newspaper.
She have to de-ice me I'm with you or Egypt or Christopher but the two publications are the brainchild of Luis Barone who visited the United States from his native Colombia in 1999. As soon as we arrived we saw the difference between my country. And this country this wonderful country especially for my kids. So we decided to change my life. And Star a new life here in this country. With a background in media it didn't take long for Luis to launch his new career in this land of opportunity. We decided to start magazine. And we launched the first our magazine July. His goal was simple. I said one day someone has to write a manual. How to immigrate to the United States and know exactly what happened in this country. If the kid the people in our community to be part of the American community. Wanted. His first customer was he reached Diego owner of Laba he job market.
I said Well. We're here. To be your my was he. He showed me the. Samples for them I was seeing if they were OK. I want to sign good for you and this little market also became one of the first distribution points for luggage magazine. He brings. 200 300 for three days if it's going to bring more of two or three times because the beating heart the magic of free enterprise seems to be alive and well in the Hispanic community in Sarasota. The first issue of Hello magazine. To 2500 copies. With a magazine right now we have 50000 a combined zoo creation of 50000 copies. And our newspaper is 25000 every week. The magazine and newspapers are put together with a very small staff of seven or eight years Luis meets regularly with the staff to keep the publication on target to reach their audience and follow their mission. We are part of this country and we need to be made to people. Part of the country information.
And I passionate people to America and that attachment to America is growing by leaps and bounds in the year 2000 up to the year 2006 who growth 78 percent. Loggia magazine has been named the best Spanish publication in the United States for four years in a row. But the most important award we have receiving every day is the lawyer and the luck of. The Hispanic people enjoys the rich traditions of their own countries as well as news from their homeland. They turn to the wishbones publications to help them. Transition to their new life here. Thank you very much for the American people think you very much for the receiver. Thank you very much. For winning the support Tony. So this panic people. Hispanic people who are changing. Making more diverse and
enriching American culture. In addition to the growing Hispanic influences around here. There is a much smaller but very interesting Brazilian phenomenon. Pardon my Portuguese as I introduce you to capoeira. On the beach at Siesta Key there are some types of play that you. Expect to see. And. There are surprises really surprising because this kind of play is more commonly found south of the equator. This rhythmic human circle is known as the game of wherever. You get to witness the gravity defying
moves one might wonder is it a game a dance a martial art. Yes plates can all combine together. We know it's a fight and thinking it is a game it is a game. The ideal couple had it. It's dead. You were always trying not to get ahead. Roni Costa is a master and teacher of this Afro-Brazilian martial art. There's nothing quite like a pool we have. Ever. Known because. Because the point I like is you only martial arts that it effectively uses music. When there's no music there is no cup we hadn't. Really learned proper while growing up in Shanghai Paulo Brazil. People break up way over there in Brazil like they brush their teeth you know. So
it's it's a normal thing like you go to school you go to work you come back and you break up with your money. His wife Sherry a former Tampa native started practicing in her early 20s. The couple met while living in California new to the states. Ronnie was looking for a cop were a group and he found it at the same place Sherry was taking lessons. I just saw her picture I thought she was so pretty and everything like three months were over in Marietta. Yes yes it was 13 years ago we had in Atlanta Miles and. In 1996 the toughest sheriff Soledad over the cup were road full to all move. The. Cattle. Today they have more than 150 students of all ages. When we came here. People you would say were you doing all we knew couple uniting people with an old couple what you know they may had a ranch and no idea what it meant why it
was. Not you know pretty much like a lower to town people know exactly what we're talking among. Eight year old talent Pinckney started when he was five. They pick it up so much quicker and so much easier than adults just because they're not afraid. You know whereas adults are more self-conscious. The history of cup world is colored holos the performance. It was created by African slaves brought to Brazil in the 15:00. The state from the farms in their way into the forests. Inside in the forest they they start thinking Oh how can I defend myself. When eventually they were recaptured and they were brought to the farms again. They tried to disguise. The martial arts into a dance. And dance and when they incorporated
all the music you know the. You know you are in an instrument called the betting command of the circus and sets the camp for players for me which is more tricky. We're circular wheel of a home and inside. Engage and play the game is going to be quick. It's going to be quick because it's exhausting. If you can get into the harness with just the circle and you play for you know 30 seconds you're tired you're really tired. So. Here. Is a celebration of Brazilian history culture and music and it's a welcome ingredient to add to our wonderful melting pot of play here on the Gulf. Now you may not often find Cup where dancers on the beach on the Gulf Coast. But
as we close this month we move Gulf Coast Journal thank you. I'm hoping you'll be with us next time. Let's take a look at some fine trusted friends you're almost certain to see. Sometimes in their final reading. OK.
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Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins
Episode Number
Meistro Leif Bjaland, Sarasota Farmers Market, Hispanic Festival, Capoeira
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
WEDU (Tampa, Florida)
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Episode Description
The first segment profiles Leif Bjaland, a conductor who has served as artistic director of the Florida West Coast Symphony for ten years. The second segment is about the weekly farmers market held every Saturday in downtown Sarasota, Florida. The third segment is about the first Hispanic Festival in Sarasota. The fourth segment is about capoeira classes on the beach at Siesta Key, Florida; capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that incorporates elements of dance, acrobatics, and music.
Series Description
"Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins is an Emmy award-winning monthly magazine, which highlights the communities of Florida's west central coast. "
Broadcast Date
Local Communities
Copyright 2007 WEDU-TV
Media type
Moving Image
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Executive Producer: Conely, Jack
Host: Perkins, Jack
Interviewee: Bjaland, Leif
Producer: Noble, Jen
Producing Organization: WEDU
AAPB Contributor Holdings
WEDU Florida Public Media
Identifier: GCJ000402 (unknown)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:26:45
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins; 402s; Meistro Leif Bjaland, Sarasota Farmers Market, Hispanic Festival, Capoeira,” 2007-02-22, WEDU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 26, 2024,
MLA: “Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins; 402s; Meistro Leif Bjaland, Sarasota Farmers Market, Hispanic Festival, Capoeira.” 2007-02-22. WEDU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins; 402s; Meistro Leif Bjaland, Sarasota Farmers Market, Hispanic Festival, Capoeira. Boston, MA: WEDU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from