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Pacifica radio presents the South wants to help two speeches delivered at a banquet held in Jackson Mississippi three days after the funeral of NWA CPM leader Medgar Evers. The banquet was held to launch a Southern committee to help elect the next president of the United States. The principal speakers were governors Ross Barnett of Mississippi and George Wallace of Alabama. Governors Wallace and Barnett have both testified before the Senate Commerce Committee now holding hearings on a bill designed to end discrimination in places of public accommodation. In their testimony before that committee both governors testified that the integration movement was coming ist led and opposed to passage of the administration's civil rights bill. Now the South wants to help too. Here is the master of ceremonies of the June 17th banquet to introduce Governor Ross Barnett. Now ladies and gentlemen that it. Is that event. Or that.
Earlier that that. Was. Jam on. This thing we split Farm get slated endowment. Various they may I first extend all of you. The most. Call you greedy and a most cordial welcome great capital city off the great and sovereign state. My friend you and I and all Americans. Have a great heritage that we must protect. Our
forefathers gave us that government. The greatest form of government. That has ever been gated for the people's benefit. Our forefathers sacrifice and toil. In order that we might enjoy our liberty and freedom. I'm proud of. All our great southern states. And they fought this out in the establishment of the old guard of liberty. And constitutional government which have made our union of states. Period for all other nations of the world. And with a firm determination on our part. We must work. We must work hard. And we must work in concert. And if every
attempt. To cripple or destroy the government. Or any. Government that had ever been on a government on the face of the globe. Right thinking American. Disappointed. Would be statesman. Our political expediency. Would forfeit the birthright which was a blood sacrifice. Now many politicians. Who are people down the road if they thought it would be political gain. My friends we must. We must
our energy our power to perpetuate. Pressure of all. And this promise of. A more than any other time in this century. North and south east and west. Are rarely in defense of fundamental principles. And recent months I've had letters from people in every state of this nation. I return to constitutional government and their right. They do control and operate on and kind of have. The Americans are absolutely far leader here.
They somehow have their leader here. Believe. That the resumption of sovereignty is in our human rights. That was the right jurisdiction. Or look or problem a lot. Human rights limited. Well absolutely Parry. Our problems are not. Our problem. America. Have that every day from different sections of the United Farm that they aren't going to serve what is happening in our nation. From all sections of
America. Are telling me to reverse the trend. And if we do not reverse and get back to sanity in the catastrophe. Then would be some central government in Washington. People all throughout this great nation of ours are conscious of the federal government's usurpation of the cross to the right and they are absolutely begging for action many of you have been urging from us that they are going to do it.
This wonderful occasionally common way of thinking is the beginning. Albany way. Was successful in November. Nineteen hundred and sixty four. We must therefore they. Must owe me. Which is. Not the federal government the Constitution of the United.
Thank you self. All of us have a common interest in all the survival and the restoration of respect here. They are. All that hair 0 0. 0 0 0 people but all the politicians are human and reluctant to act. Long remain or complacent. Clarion call must be. All they do. But it is not too late. Your and I and others. Have been witnessing.
How many run organization. Thank God when it come to action. I have a parchment 300 father knock. Off world wide common alum. And a. Race against brother against brother. And.
This is what some have very encouraging. If we write. God all human right. Right to control and govern our home. World. And a little you don't know. That already lost more valuable freedom. Democracy is not.
Democracy. It is at the crossroads life time. And it is a war. Related and takes place not in Washington. It's a good thing. Don it's a crossroad that made America great. And when we win this fight and night being a hundred and sixty four. We can't say that we won it at the crossroads. So out tomorrow I think people are ready the politicians have been dragging their
feet in order to allow ladies and gentleman. Let me you when you get back home don't call on your congressman. Regardless of where you live your senators your governor and other officials and plead with them to join us for a united. Now. The time has come in as now when every citizen must know exactly where his government and every member of the Congress and Senate and it is high time for solo men and women to stand up and be counted. And how many all have public officials who are not with him. Have I didn't I don't want it is America.
If we're going to say this right here. Professional politicians from the real right have have to separate their realm I am from a more. Common armor related endowment. When you and I and all the red blooded American hero are dead of half the writers around America have have they time has come out of America. However now the front office and have we have with us tonight a man who is not our coward. We have when it will arrive it truly a great day a great day from a man who had the respect him a competent they have met right here.
Oh and people who know him they are of oh your you are THANK YOU HAVE ARRIVED. Have my have you know I am a felon on a lot of prejudice and bias against the South and you know what I tell you why I didn't do the country good to have a sound enough rather than have her have fun to have and Mr. Chairman a thing which again and fellow freedom loving Americans I want to say it's indeed a pleasure to be here in Jackson Mississippi tonight.
You know we stood with you in Mississippi and we appreciate the fact that you have stood with us and some of the things that I'm going to say tonight may be repetition. The god you heard them before. But it would be good in this day and time in which we live to continue to repeat the things that we know have been the truth. That God we find and today that there are hundreds of millions of Americans who are now beginning to realize. That that which we have been warring warning about is now upon us. That military dictatorship. So if you I said in my inaugural address before I get to that I want to tell Governor Barnett that I'm very grateful for his gracious introduction and. We end Alabama of course stood with him. In his time of trial and the people of Mississippi. And we shall continue to stand with him in this day and time in which he helps to
restore sanity to the American governmental thing. But I want. I said in my normal address on January the 14th of this year that the people of the south are going to determine who the next president of the United States was. And I want to tell you that since I try out in Alabama on the 11th of this month at the University of Alabama we have received over 100000 pieces a mail in telegram from above the Mason-Dixon line on the West Coast and I would say. 98 percent. I know in a new man who doesn't believe this is the case. I tell you tonight that we got the records and files open for you and you can go look at the mail that we have received and telegrams. We do stand tonight at a critical point in our history that the
situation of the grave evidence by the fact that the federal government has again invaded a sovereign state to impose their illegal wishes of a few self-seeking self righteous man who have played for theological theories in the stead of the cost to the United States of America. And I want to tell you as I said in my campaign for governor of Alabama I'm tired of being pushed around. Political plan Washington is hiding its own Russian power sweep under the guise of unfortunately going far fetch Court decisions which they refer to as the law of the land. Examine with me what really constitutes a law that I and Article 6 paragraph 2 of the cost to the United States Constitution and laws of the United States which shall be made out of the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land in the quote here now anywhere else in this great document do we find anything about the misguided unfounded decision of the Supreme Court being the supreme law of the land. And I want to point out that in the case that we filed
in the Supreme Court about the illegal use of troops in Alabama even before Tuscaloosa that the Justice Department filed a brief in which it said Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution it are irrelevant. Those who wish to impose these illegal rulings on us need an elementary course in government. The duty of Congress is to make the laws of the land the executive branch of the Stabat to carry out those laws. The Ponk function of the judicial branch is clearly set forth in the Constitution is that over of using laws to determine our Constitution ality permission was not granted for legislating by judicial decision. The founding fathers never intended for the judicial branch to legislate for the executive branch to adjudicate. Not with the legislative branch to execute. They set up the system of separation of powers to impose certain checks and balances. Supreme Court of the United States in a case where a person can set one time in court in the ordinary use of the language language it will hardly be contended that the decisions of courts constitute laws. They
are at most only evidence of what laws are. In the coal man problem in the history of our great nation said that that government governs best which governs least the inward input to the power which were delegated to the federal government by the framers of our Constitution were numerate unlimited. They were delegated indicate the subordination of the federal government to the sovereignty of the states and the people that Washington crowd take certain portions of the Constitution twist them to the interpretation and ignore the remaining parts of the document. They should be made aware once again of the contents of the Tenth Amendment which is death a sacred and meaningful as any other portion of that document and it says quote The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the States respectively or to the people in the quote Court decision state. That the limitation on federal power and the manner in which they may be used as stated in the Tenth Amendment are not subject to change by any court decisions. We are have are seeing these limitations blatantly
ignored not only by a court decision by the executive branch of the government market across a shaky bridge of interstate commerce and other similar under which it seeks to legislate and expand its illegal power due process of law is a meaningless phrase. Good old in Washington to assume that what they think is good for the nation will in fact be good for the nation and that where the NEA is good and their will must prevail. Federal troops and U.S. Marshals will use illegal force the admission of James Meredith the great University of Mississippi. Norma profitable always ignored legal proceedings or disregarded overwritten when a dangerous few determined to have their way. In Alabama the governor of that state sought relief through the courts from head in federal troops in violation of U.S. statutory law and the Constitution sent to our state the Warren court responded that the movement to prepare. And did not constitute a preparatory to what my friend invasion of a sovereign state the court we had no intention of testing their and their unconstitutional act. Last week the
National Guard Alabama what federal law in violation of the statutory law in the Constitution United States section thirty five hundred the United States Code states that Army National Guard may be called into federal service whenever I want the United States or any of the Commonwealth or possessions it invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation who had a rebellion a rebellion against the authority of the government of the United States. All the president is on a bill with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States. This statute for that quote. Our proposition will be issued to the governors of the state in the quote There was no invasion or danger of invasion by foreign powers and federal troops rolled onto the peaceful serene campus of the University of Alabama last Tuesday that was no rebellion no danger rebellion against the authority of the government of the United States. U.S. marshals were never present in force. The National Guard was Federal had illegally without notification of the governor of the sovereign state of Alabama when for the will of the federal government
all those who were thinking by legal means they gain a hearing on the constitutional rights of the state and the people that were being ignored and violated. I point out to you that Title 18 Section 13 of the US Code says. Quote who have a except in cases. And under the circumstances express authorized by the Constitution Congress lawful a lawful use in a part of the Army or Air Force at a party Kamaka to otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined not more than ten thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than two years a boat this is a criminal statute of the United States. I leave it to your judge but it whether a criminal offense was committed on the campus of the University of Alabama today through the use of federal military troops. My friend when the Constitution the written law out of the United States are ignored and violated in their right to subjugate subjugate legal constitutional process. You may be sure that to spark a military dictatorship smaller than the grass of the prairie a Pritam waiting to be whipped into an unquenchable hole or
caught by the wind a political ambition. The Congress of the United States had by its action the president the use of land on able forces to aid in the execution of judicial process. It prohibits the president or anyone else from using military in any manner to execute the law unless specifically authorized to do so by the constitution or an act of Congress. These command of the legislative branch of our government have been ignored and violated to further political ambitions. All they hear here of the Anwar to any legal invasion of the sovereign state of Alabama came a speech which made reference to quote. A rising tide of discontent that threatens the public safety end of quote. If we hear a promise to you troops against those who unlawfully endanger public safety we did not aid we Anyone deplore the wholesale breaking of written laws by money grabbing professional agitators. We did not have violence in opposition to the law is condoned but sent and when the government of a sovereign state makes a peaceful stand on a constitutional principle we hear talk of equal
opportunity for all. What we hear no praise for courageous law enforcement officers who suffered physical violence at the hands of lawless or out of the act. Public officials which have the effect of inciting to riot constitute a threat to the lab and property of everyone in the United States. These irresponsible actions must send Law and Order must prevail. Second interest groups must not be allowed to make to make mockery of the peace and tranquility guaranteed all Americans. Marco a military dictatorship is being stepped up on a proposed in our legislation to further remove their property rights which have already been eaten away by the euro you know of course of action in the area federal housing and my recent court decision having demonstrated their disregard for the rights
of the state and the people they are now recommending that free men be denied individual property right to satisfy the demand of those who resort to mob violence in the streets of our state is throughout the nation to further encroach upon and own individual property right is only the beginning. It is a further attack on the great American hurted yearning by the sweat of the brow and accumulating good and property. If we are going to be told exactly how we can use out of good in our property. One of the last stronghold of our freedom is in danger of coming to an end and the proposed legislation is only the beginning. For it has been demonstrated that when the central government begins to roll downhill it soon begin. It soon becomes a gigantic snowball rolling over everything in a fire. The invasion a property right that is being suggested could be but a prelude to land reform legislation upon under which people will be called upon to redistribute their real estate which they have labored so hard to accumulate. It is a long step down the
road toward socialism. There are all of them they all said quote The majority of the plain people work day in and day out make fewer mistakes in governing themselves than any small body of man will make in trying to govern them in the quote. The actions of those in control of the federal government today preserve the wisdom of the state. The dangers clear and present it is not limited to Mississippi. It is not limited to Alabama. It is not limited to the south it is a national. Americans everywhere are awakening to the fact that their freedoms are being sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. Americans see in the rights of the many give away to the privileges of the few. They recognize the fact that the central government no longer there from the consent of the governed. Americans are when it comes to seeking to engage in free enterprise may be subjected to attack harassment if they dare go against the will of the powers that be
they are becoming aware that promotions must be made not on the basis of merit but to satisfy our unusual and unreasonable demands. They are learning the special rules must be adopted in the hiring of workers on construction. In this nation founded upon a belief in Almighty God we have seen the federal government encroach upon the right of freedom in worship. We may no longer invoke his blessing in the classrooms of our public school. It is not difficult to envision federal troops stationed in our grade school classrooms less young to offer up a prayer in violation of the court order. And then. I. Had to be prepared in my office working. With my office for the decision of the court has now been rendered. That you cannot read the Bible anymore in a public school. But I want to make this announcement
to you tonight that we in Alabama in both black and negroes are going to continue to read the Bible regarding what anybody said about Iraq. I may come around to the time when they only arrest you for reading the Bible I wouldn't put it past some of the things that happen in this country in the last year. Yes in the last decade Americans are seeing more and more restrictions regulations placed on the farmer and I know that the bureaucracy in the United States Department of Agriculture outnumber the farmers and we know who is paying the bureaucratic sours. It is the working people of America. We hear promises of attack yet we see spending and Americans are beginning to tire of the false promise that the government can spend us into prosperity. The Gores are going all the way and will continue to pour money into foreign nations many of which are more economically sound than we are but we see our tax dollars wasted on leverage to foreign countries and we see
government officials while thinning our hard earned tax dollars on their junkets abroad while we have poor people here at home without enough to eat away. And I read the other day in the paper where the minister of Uganda said he didn't like what was going on in Birmingham and when he said it he was leaning on his beer. And that coming from the prime minister of a country that hadn't even signed the United Nations declaration against slavery. All people everywhere and I want to say this all people everywhere both white and Negro. And I said this in my normal address and I wound up going to dress in Alabama by saying I hope that God will bless and pray that God will bless all the people of this sovereign state a nation both white and black. Of course that was a report in the national press and it was a report in the national press that I felt like you in Mississippi.
We want to work to bring more in this in more jobs for the people of both races. And we want the unfortunate the mentally ill and the infirm of both races look better as we're supposed to look after by the state. That we wanted to see good things happen and more education opportunities and privilege for all of our people in black and white. But of course that doesn't get reported in the national press. All people everywhere both white in college have a vested interest in the fight to maintain cost student government and to end the abuses fostered by the politicians today to sacrifice the safety and well-being of the American people to further their own selfish ambition. People of all faiths and from all walks of life are fearful of the graph of power by the hands of the tower. I received expressions of shock and bewilderment at the reason extralegal encroachment of the might of the central government on the right of the sovereign state of Alabama from 46 of the 50 states in the difficult. The Federal then I want to say in a development that it didn't happen. The federal authorities in Washington the White House are now trying to shift the responsibility for their
actions. I don't know what you read the telegram sent to me. It was in the paper today but the foreign the text of a telegram which I have just spent this afternoon the Honorable John F. Kennedy President United States White House Washington D.C. I can and will guarantee that there will be no sustained violence in the state of Alabama. What I want emitted resources physical and financial. Alabama cannot insure absolutely the personal safety of individual students. Surely you realize that a continuous caught of attention in Alabama is the president of the three Negro students on the campus of the university. And I think I get it you immediately secured I withdraw your public statement that unless a demand of Negro agitators are met negroes were turned to the street. It's an open invitation at the bottom and it's working an already dangerous situation throughout the nation. The state of Alabama has preserve law and order on the campuses of the University of Alabama under extreme provocation and you know in my telegram of June 12th I had by a few of the schedule of the withdrawal of my special law enforcement office from the university
you have created a situation existed in Tuscaloosa Alabama. You must assume the responsibility. You cannot usurp the power preserve the state of Alabama and then place a burden thereby created on my shoulders. You called the National Guardsmen into federal service what happened thought in me what I had even complying with the status of the United States therefore they the federalization of the guard is a matter that you will have to determine yourself. I will not be intimidated by your calculated attempt to pass me the responsibility of all that you have to do. Have. We more forward in the future as a federal power. We fear we will happen to
call about announcing our vote to those who year after year played them fair to the proposition they were promised and do anything in order to be elected. Let the free thinking working people of America make their wishes known. This is not an attempt to split the Democratic Party. It is not the Democratic Party and make it once again the party of the majority the people in this country. Who were wrongly years a man have been close to the core of the majority. We want our voices heard. Why should we bind our sails to play and to support those who fight us. I will not support those who illegally invade a sovereign state with military my. Why should we support those who work against us. I worked hard to get and I call it Wallace industrial act to the legislature of the state similar that you'll be playing here in Mississippi and of in fact millions of dollars will go out of what the
new industries come to Alabama. Hundred and thirty million dollars but the new industries come to Alabama since January of this year. Under the yard of all white in color have been created as a result of this. We have worked diligently to provide more jobs and a better income for people of both races those who powerfully talk about job opportunities have not always acted as if they were interested in the creation of new jobs. People in the man who introduced legislation in Congress of the United States to remove the tax exempt status unfold on the provision that want to be in this state and thereby break its effectiveness in providing for the people of both races in the south. Well none other than John F. Kennedy the president of United States. In spite of opposition we in the south enjoying great industrial growth rate of interest and no out of S. as an area where incurred and where people there have been they are right.
We must continue our growth and expansion so that our region will maintain a population level comparable to other sections thereby maintaining our proportion representation to Congress. We must continue to lead to fight individual freedom and liberty and I get ready to conclude I say we cause not only the Sultana but on every man and woman in the United States to join in this fight to save our republican form of government. We will lead the way for it is our heritage. A Southerner Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. No George Washington was the father of our country. So no James Madison authored our Constitution. Own up Patrick Henry said who give me liberty or give me to give me their letter tonight reaffirm our faith in the wisdom of these great leaders who who played a great part in bringing this nation into being that they have not to let their work be crushed in the bias of central power. Let us join together on the banner of local government and individual freedom and liberty and make our voices heard that the cash we have but one life to lead.
And you and I here in the south can join those that we sprang from made this nation and who are the architects of the Constitution of the United States and I believe it out into the sea at a cost to the nation and we are in the majority. We have the power of God given constitutional rights which have been eroded away and we can crush free from the tentacles of the octopus of central casting our vote against those who seek to a comic accomplish our pseudo legal enslavement. I challenge all freedom loving Americans in the north south east and west to help defend the right of local government property rights and individual rights. It is our responsibility not only to ourselves to our children and to that children ensure that children children as one has said government makes a good start but it makes a poor mouth my friend and I have campaigned for governor in 100 and 62 our slogan was there stand up for Alabama.
But I believe that day that millions of people will join with you and I would say stand up for America. Thank you very much. Tom Anderson is president and editor in chief majority holder and publisher of farm and ranch magazine. He also owns five other agricultural journals with combined circulation of over one million 300000 and has a syndicated column and scores of newspapers. Tom Anderson followed governors Barnett and Wallace and concluded the banquet.
The South wants to help, too (Part 1 of 2)
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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This is the first part of a set of speeches delivered at a banquet held in Jackson, Mississippi on June 17, three days after the funeral of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People leader Medgar Evars. The banquet was held to launch the Southern Committee to Elect the Next President of the United States. The principal speakers were Governors Ross Barnett of Mississippi and George Wallace of Alabama. Governors Wallace and Barnett had both testified before the Senate Commerce Committee which held hearings on a bill designed to end discrimination in places of public accommodation. In their testimony before that committee, both governors testified that the integration movement was Communist-led and opposed passage of the administration?s civil rights bill. After both governors speak, the narrator introduces the next speaker, Tom Anderson, though he appears on the next tape. Anderson is a syndicated columnist and president, editor in chief, majority holder, and publisher of Farm and Ranch Magazin
Broadcast Date
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Event Coverage
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898-1987; Anderson, Tom, 1910-; Civil rights--United States--History; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919-1998
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 2105_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB0397A_The_South_wants_to_help_too_part_1 (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:40:05
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Chicago: “The South wants to help, too (Part 1 of 2),” 1963-07-29, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 18, 2024,
MLA: “The South wants to help, too (Part 1 of 2).” 1963-07-29. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 18, 2024. <>.
APA: The South wants to help, too (Part 1 of 2). Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from